A different perspective

Story by The Maid Foxy on SoFurry

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Well here we are, a new yiff story. Hope you guys like it. After this one i'm back to Last of the Lycans! I must warn you guys on this one, this does involve INCEST so if you are put off by that sort of thing then please don't leave any comments about it, just don't read it. It will make it easier on all of us. But if you're not then go ahead :3 Thanks.


Incest. A word that never crossed Kyle's mind once. To him it had been a derogatory term that people would use when they had nothing better to say, that you were an Incestual Bastard. He actually knew what it meant, but again, the thought never crossed his mind.

Kyle grew up in the right neighborhood, with the right parents, the right house, the right school, the right car. Anything that you could think of, it was what everybody was after. But ever since a young age his parents had taught the young German Shepherd mix the value of a dollar; making him earn everything he wanted. So he wasn't your average stuck up rich person. Kyle was nice, courteous, and a fun person to be around as people had told him. Always willing to help a friend in need wither it be financial or something else like homework. He had often been told that he was very mature for his age of 17 and could pass off for someone who's twenty. A fact he took a lot of pride in.

Kyle is respectable is the final line, or at least he thought he was. Everything had changed in one huge mistake, or was it?

A loud knock forced Kyle awake, along with the words. "Come on Kyle! It's already ten! Breakfast is on the table and it's getting cold." Slowly his eyelids spread apart and he used a paw to wipe the fuzziness away like a windshield wiper. He propped one paw behind his back and lifted himself up holding his head with the other. The party was a blast, at least the parts he could remember were. The German shepherd had never been to one before but he fit in like peas in a pod. But there were a couple things he did that he shouldn't have and they were evident. He fell back onto the pillow and wrapped the cushion around his head to ease the pain that pulsed through it. My first Hangover. Were the words that echoed through his head. How do people even handle this? He flipped back around and threw his covers off revealing his fully nude body. He never slept naked, something was defiantly up. One paw rubbed a temple as he slid to the side of the bed.

"What did I do?" He whispered even though there was no chance that mom could hear him at all. Kyle rested back on his arm once again but under it he felt a strange object. It felt like it should be wet but it wasn't, it felt like plastic but it was thin. His paw brought it to his face. "Oh My God." Between his two fingers was a used condom he dropped it and it landed with a quiet splat on the floor. Around it lay a shirt that wasn't his but he recognized it. His footpad kicked it over and his worst nightmares had been reveled. He knew the girl it belonged to lived right down the hall; his sister Melisa.

In a second of terror Kyle kicked the pink shirt across the room, it hit the wall and felt to the ground in a small lump. No no no no no no shit shit shit shit shit! What did I do? He paced through his room, still naked, trying to recall what happened. He remembered they both walked home from the party together but nothing really else come to mind. Around him lay more evidence of a rough night. Things from his dresser were strewn across the floor, his sheets were a mess. A smell of hormones, sweat, and lust lingered in the air still. On the other side of his bed, the one facing his window, there were even two more used condoms. He felt his heart sink into his stomach and then shoot back to his throat like the Saturn 5 rocket, only to come back down and do the same thing with each find.

"Kyle! Breakfast is on the table!" More knocks came from the door. "Are you ok? Sick?" His mom, the German Shepherd that gave him his own traits had a tone of worry. "Can I come in."

"Uhhhhh, no. I'm getting dressed mom. I'll be down in a sec." Kyle frantically searched through the piles of clothes on the ground to find something to slap on for the day. With really nothing more to do with the condoms he hid them under his mattress to find a chance where he could throw them away without anyone looking at him.

"I am so screwed."

With one paw on his head again he descended the stairs and sat at the table to find a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, juice, and toast. Melisa was already munching on her toast in her pajamas. Half of her eggs were gone showing that she had been down here for a bit already.

"How was the party hun?" Mom asked moving about in the kitchen. Kyle tossed a couple ideas around in his head but ended up on every teenagers answer. "Fine."

"No alcohol right?" She asked in the normal Mom tone that makes you feel guilty for everything.

"No! Not at all." He lied. "There was soda, lots of soda, but no alcohol." Kyle poked at his eggs and speared some with his fork taking nibbles of it. Most of the time he kept his eyes on the plate but once in a while he glanced up at his sister. Once their eyes met and he immediately moved his eyes back. Does she remember? What did we do? Questions flooded his mind and out of shear curiosity he glanced back up to find her still staring at him with a content smile. Yup, she remembered.

"Are you guy's alright?"

Kyle didn't keep the eye contact long, he went back to the nibbling of his eggs. "Yeah, just very tired." She seemed content with the answer and turned to Melisa. "Mel, don't you have that..um, one thing today?"

"The track meet?" She answered in question form. Her voice still held an almost scratchy sound left over from puberty. Nothing really major, it just made her sound cute to Kyle, who blushed under his fur for finding his sisters voice cute.

"Yeah, the track meet. What time do you have to be there? You know both your dad and I have to be at work by eleven."

Mel put down the crust to her toast and went back to eating her eggs. "I have to be there by eleven thirty, but you can drop me off early. It's alright."

"Oh it's not you I'm worried about." She added. "It's Kyle, I want him to go too. You know that either one of us wouldn't be able to pick you guys up from the stadium until five."

Kyle was just glad to be off of the topic of the party. "Don't worry, I'll just bring my DS or something."

The German shepherd mix, this time, got a long look at his sister. She was a year younger than him and had a luscious fur coat of mostly white fur. Her body was perfectly curved and when she stood up she showed it off. Kyle did feel a little aroused, but he hit himself once it got to the point of getting a little hard. She walked off stumbling almost every step.

"Mel, are you ok? You're walking a bit funnily. Are you going to be ok for running today?" Melisa turned and nervously smiled. She concocted a lie in her head as quick as she could.

"Y..Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm still just a little stiff. Slept hard, very hard."

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. I hate it when that happens."

Mel nodded and then ascended the stairs to take her shower. Kyle gulped down his juice and brought the dish to his mom in the kitchen. She looked as he walked. "You both are walking strangely. Did something happen that you aren't telling me?"

A sharp shiver shot up Kyle's spine. "No mom, the party was just a little wild. We both probably slept really hard." He turned and gritted his teeth nervously. "I know I slept like a rock."

"hmmm." She said placing the dish into the dishwasher. "Well, OK." Upstairs the water started running from the shower. " Well, we're going to be leaving soon go and knock on the door and tell your sister not to be too long. We have to be on the road in a half hour."

Kyle nodded to his mothers command and went back upstairs sighing a breath of relief. But the apprehension came back almost immediately; he still had no idea how he was going to approach Melisa after last night.

Kyle's paw rubbed his temples again and he raised the other to knock on the door. He paused for a second before giving a couple of taps.

"What is it?" Came from inside, over the water, in his sisters cute voice.

"Uhh..heh, it's me. I...I" He tripped over his words as he thought about what was just beyond the door. "Mom says to be quick. We have to be on the road in a half hour."

"Ok, I won't be long!"

Kyle turned back around and put his back to the door. How could she be so nonchalant about last night? It's like nothing happened. Another thought went through his head. What if it wasn't Mel I did it with? Maybe it was another girl. He hoped to God that that was the case. His paws pushed him off of the door and Kyle went back to his room and closed the door.

"What did I do?"

After a couple minutes the shower quieted and the door to the bathroom opened with a squeak. Kyle didn't really listen, he was too busy trying to come up with excuses for every possible outcome with very little success. But he did hear the light tapping at his door. He thought it was his mother.

"Uhh, Just a second Mom." He quickly moved to Melisa's shirt and threw it under the bed before the door opened a bit.

"It's not Mom Kyle." Mel's voice came to his ears and it didn't seem a lot better than mom. He couldn't do much but let her in. But all she had on was a towel from her shower.

"Oh! Mel...uhhhhh, heh, um... you're not wearing anything."

She moved into the room further and closed the door behind her. "Nice observation eagle eye. But it's not like you've seen like this before." She snickered. "In fact, I think I left my shirt in here." She began to glance around and Kyle looked at his sister, this time with a different perspective. She was cute, there was no denying that. Throughout her mostly white fur was pink dye she had gotten about a month ago. Her body, even with the towel, had perfect form. He was even drooling a little bit.

"Kyle! Do you have my shirt?" Her head cocked to one side.

Kyle jumped at her raised voice and reached under his bed to give her the pink shirt. "So Mel, did what I think happen. You know..Happen?"

She dropped her towel revealing her fully naked body and Kyle just about fainted, for a second he thought he felt a small nosebleed.

"You'd better believe it did. Do you not remember?" She fumbled with the shirt, turning it right again, before putting it back on. Kyle just shook his head and gawked at her perfect body. "You don't remember? Wow you must have drank a lot. We'll have to do it so you remember it next time."

Kyle's heart stopped and he stood from his bed. "W...wait, next time?"

Melisa nodded. "Mmmhmm. See you confessed your love for me last night." He could see a little blush under her fur. "And well, I don't exactly not feel that way about you."

She pulled the towel and wrapped it around her waist hiding her lower parts again. "I'm not sure if it was just beer goggles or something but we sure had one hell of a night and you said before I left that we should do it again."

Kyle sat with wide eyes not saying anything. Mel moved back to the door and opened it, "well. Yeah...it happened."


Mel stopped before closing the door. "Hmm?"

Kyle stood up and pulled Mel back in his room. He pushed himself in for a big kiss. "It wasn't beer goggles."

Melisa smiled. "I thought it wasn't. Now I need to go get ready for track hun. We'll talk about this later."

The door closed quietly in front of him. "Holy Shit. I had sex with my sister, and I'm going to again."

The van slowed to a stop in front of the school and Melisa slid open the door. She got out and let Kyle come out after her. Their mom rolled down the window. "Again I'm sorry I won't be able to make this one honey, new product and all."

Melisa shrugged her shoulders. "Don't worry about it Mom, you've been to every other one. It's alright if you miss just one. Besides I have Kyle!"

Kyle felt a little touch to the base of his tail, the movement hidden from their mom. She gave Kyle the patented "mother" stare. "You'd better watch your sister when she runs instead of that DS."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Yes mom." She didn't take that to well, but the clock was ticking and she was already pushing it for work. "Love you guys, I'll pick you up around 5:15."

The van pulled away and both of the kids called out in unison. "Love you to Mom!"

Melisa breathed through her nose and turned to the field, Kyle followed her. "Well, I've got to go and get dressed. I'll see you after." She gave him a little peck on the cheek and skipped away, Kyle watching her ass as her tail complemented it. "prrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

"And now folks, for the 100 meter dash!"

The intercom buzzed right above Kyle's head. During the entire meet, he had his head stuck in the little screens of his DS, playing level after level. But when he heard the 100 meter dash he closed the lid and looked up. There she was, in her short-shorts and thin t-shirt. He slipped the gameboy into his pocket and rested his head in his paws watching his sister. She set at the start, along with the others and with the pop of the starters gun she raced down the track leaving the others in the dust. Wow, she sure recovered fast from last night. He thought.

As Melisa zoomed by the grandstand Kyle kept a close eye on her ass, perfectly round and shaped. Kyle's tongue fell out the side of his muzzle as he watched her. I don't care that she's my sister! He yelled in his head. She's too damn hot to pass by. Melisa hit the finish line with applause from the crowd, Kyle clapping the loudest, or he thought he was. As the rest of the runners came to the finish and the crowd each giving their appreciation the intercom sparked to life again.

"Amazing run by all athletes wouldn't you agree?" Kyle barked with affirmation. "Yes, on to the final event! The mile run!"

Kyle escaped from the grandstand as they cheered about the new participants. Kyle was after Melisa, logic told him that she would be in the locker room. He found the door and sat beside it waiting for her to come out.

What am I going to say? I know she already accepts my feelings but it's still awkward. His own brain tried to rationalize with the feelings, saying that it was just something he was going through. But the doors opened and out trotted Mel, her fur shining after a quick shower.

"H..Hey Mel!"

She quickly turned her head and cocked it to once side after seeing Kyle. "Did you miss it? The 100 meter dash?"

He quickly shook his head. "Oh, no! I wouldn't miss it for anything! I just came down here to congratulate you first, you know, before anyone else."

Her feet took a step back and her muzzle lowered showing off her eyes. "Congratulate in what sense?"

"Uhh...heh. Th..well....I...um....wel...me..and y..you. Oh, how do I say this?" Kyle knew what he wanted he just was too embarrassed to articulate it. But Melisa put her finger to his muzzle and grabbed his paw. "I know what you want. You want to congratulate me in a way only a male can."

Kyle gave a simple nod and almost immediately Mel pulled him into the Ladies locker room, barren of life.

"In here Mel? But aren't the mile runners going to come in?"

She chuckled. "You were so much more willing last night!"

"Oh, I'm still willing I just..." She cut him off again.

"I know what you meant. We can just go behind these lockers, nobody has these." She dragged him to the very back of the room and around a corner. There was a little almost cubby hole that was completely surrounded by lockers except for the opening to the rest of the room.

"This is for swimmers, they have to dress down all the way so they get this special changing area. It's cut off from the rest of the locker room, you wouldn't see us unless you went around those corners I took you by. Completely sealed off."

Kyle blushed, he was actually following through with this. "O..K."

Melisa threaded her thumbs through the elastic waist line of her short shorts and pulled them down to the ground revealing some bland panties. She licked her chops and lifted her shirt off leaving her only in the panties and a sports bra.

Even at this limited sight Kyle felt a little stiffness already come on to him. He purred a little and Melisa sat on a little bench in the middle.

"You're turn."

A shiver shot up his spine at her seductive voice and he started to fumble with his belt buckle. His pants fell to the ground and he stepped out of them following in Melisa's steps and taking off his shirt.

He saw her eyes gravitate to the bulge in his underwear. "Someone is already a little frisky."

Kyle shuddered nervously. "Yeah, watching you run can have that effect."

Mel lifted one leg over the bench and sat on it like she was riding a horse. "I do, do I?" One of her paws lifted a side of her panties. "Want a better view?"

Kyle was ready to pounce on her but he withheld himself and watched her slowly pull down her last bit of clothing other then the sports bra. His heart started beating faster, he wanted to pant, his tail behind him started to twitch, all at the sight of his sister! He drew closer, vague memoires of the previous night flashed through his head. He just barely remembered her sucking him off, himself eating her out, and fucking her in the doggy style, missionary style, and the cowgirl pose. "Woah."

Mel laughed out loud. "Is that all you can say? Cat got your tongue? You've seen me before." She leaned forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him to her. "Or are you finally remembering last night?"

Kyle lurched forward, stopping before almost falling right onto Melisa. "What about your...you know." He pointed to the final piece of clothing.

"You can say it silly, I won't be embarrassed. We're about to fuck, do you think I care about different clothing names?"

Kyle still didn't want to say it. Growing up the way he did saying things like that felt wrong to him. This entire day felt wrong to him. Yet, he wanted Mel, so much that he put his feelings aside.

"Bra. What about your bra?"

"Good boy!" She said with a smile. Her paws fished behind her, unlatching the little clips letting the garment fall onto the bench and then on to the ground. "Is this better for you?"

Kyle didn't say anything, he just stared; slowly moving his paw to reach out and touch her.

Suddenly, she grabbed his wrist and pulled his paw toward her boob, cupping it.

"You don't have to be so hesitant honey."

A wave of both relief and excitement shot up and down his body. His eye line followed from the base of his arm to the paw wrapped around her breast.

"You know, you have one more piece of clothing too."

"Oh! Yeah." Kyle quickly dropped the last bit of underwear he had, showing his full cock erect and ready for the mate. "sorry."

"Shhhhhhh! You don't have to be sorry." Mel leaned back so her back was on the bench showing her pussy off to Kyle. "You just have to be physical."

Another shiver tore up his spine as he brought his cock close to her. Within a couple seconds we're going to be doing it. Kyle still tried to rationalize himself and keep himself calm. But he couldn't win and the primordial urge to mate over took him. He dived in and thrust forward, pushing his cock deep inside his sister, who took in a deep breath from the unexpected move.

Kyle paused for a long while, just to try and get a hold on what he was doing. His eyes looked down, there he was, inside is sister. His eyes followed back up her body and ended with looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Anything coming back to you yet?" She asked with a sinister smile.

"No." Kyle admitted. He was too busy focusing on the warmth that Mel offered. Sure he had pawed himself off plenty of times but this was different. She was perfect. Kyle finally started humping, but very slowly, so he could get all the pleasure he could out of it.

Mel let out small coo's, she knew that if she was too loud people would hear them through the thin locker room walls. Kyle kept his thrusts to a minimum because he also knew that the walls were thin and truth be told he was terrified of not only people hearing him, but also of Mel. He was scared of what he was doing. Sex with your sister! Words drifted around in his head like BAD, GROSS, NASTY, WRONG and about three synonyms for each. Yet, every time his eyes centered on Mel the thoughts faded and he just tried to have a good time.

Kyle bent over and put his paws on each side of Melisa to hold himself up so he could get more leverage.

"Ohh....ooooooo." Mel's eyes closed as she focused on Kyle thrusting himself into her. "You're so much better now that you are sober...."

Legs lifted and wrapped around Kyle and her paws held the underside of the bench in a futile effort to stable herself. She could slowly feel Kyle grow faster and faster with each thrust. As well as a knot start to form, it got bigger with each hump.

"K...K...kyle! I...I...I."

When he heard her start to speak his heart rose. "Yeah?" He replied between thrusts.

"I...I don't want you to cum in me. T...t...eugh!" Her eyes quenched shut and she let out a deep breath along with a satisfying squeal. Kyle stopped not knowing what it was. "Are you ok?"

Mel laughed and touched his nose. "you're so funny. Of course I'm all right, I just came for the first time."

Kyle didn't get it, he thought that everybody came once but he wasn't going to question it. He hadn't yet.

"But anyway like I was saying. I don't want you to cum in me, it's too risky. But you're welcome to cum all over me!" She closed her eyes and cocked her head to one side giving a cute smile.

Kyle was a bit disappointed, but he understood her worries. After all they didn't have a condom with them.


Kyle was going to make up for it though. Unlike before where he was very reserved he pushed as hard and as fast as he could into Melisa causing her to squeal. He pulled out and pushed again settling into a harsh rhythm.

Neither of them cared anymore about people hearing them and Kyle's tail wagged as he pounded Mel. With each thrust she screamed a little louder and her claws dug into the wood under the seat.

"Oh! K...KYLE! G..GOO!"

She was like a cheerleader cheering on her favorite team. He grunted and moved even faster. Inside, he felt the feeling. He was getting very close, the tension was building up! He had to release!

With one final, and hardest, push Kyle pulled out and sprayed all of his white seed onto his sisters white fur. Thick strands lobed over her and landed as far as her nose with a trail; following down her neck and to her breasts. Kyle pawed himself a bit to make sure that every bit of cum was on his sister.

Nothing was said. Only deep breaths through their noses were heard through the empty room. Finally Kyle coughed to clear his throat.

"Uh...heh. Um...yeah."

Mel looked at him with seductive eyes. Her long tongue licked the cum off of her muzzle. "Get over here sexy!" She lunged at him and wrapped her cum covered body around him. She slid her muzzle into his and gave him a long, wet kiss.

"That was the best congratulations ever! I hope there's a part two tonight!"

Suddenly, both of them heard the door swing open and voiced carried over the lockers about different runners and teams along with high-fives, and hugs.

The two lovers looked at each other, petrified.

"Just stay quiet." Melisa whispered. "They won't come around the corner. No need to." Kyle kept his arms wrapped tightly around Melisa. Both of their eyes kept darting around to the closest noise still worried that somebody was going to pop around the corner.

"Hey! Have you guy's seen Melisa? I wanted to congratulate her on her win." One of them said. Kyle could feel the shiver that shot down her spine and the both of them sunk a little lower as if it would help.

"Oh Melisa! She was getting a ride home with her parents, I don't know when, she might have left already."

Mel let out a huge sigh as another voice carried over from the lockers. "Alright ladies cut the chatter busses are leaving for the school soon so hurry up and get changed!"

Mel leaned in and whispered to Kyle. "That's our coach, they should be almost done." Kyle didn't say anything. He just nodded and held Mel close regardless of the cum that was now drying between the two of them.

"Hey did you see Melisa's brother?"

"No I didn't, why is he cute?"

"Ohh, yeah. He's a full German shepherd and oh he has such a......"

The voices died down and Kyle blushed under his fur. "He's all mine!" Mel said confident that everybody was out of the room. Kyle leaned in for one final kiss and finally backed away from her. He looked down and starting at his belly button he could see a distinct line of cum stretching to his neck. Melisa had the same but it was ten times harder to see due to her already white fur.

"Sorry." She joked. "It'll wash out. I hope, for both yours and my sake." Kyle didn't find it funny at all. He just picked up her clothes and helped her get dressed. She did the same for him.

The two walked out from behind the lockers, checking their corners, before showing themselves. The two made a dash to the door even though the coast was clear and slipped out. Both of them still walked like they had a steel rod stuck down their backs before making it outside to the drop off and pick up area.

"Well Mel..." Kyle whispered. "I...I don't think I'm going to forget that."

She put both her paws on his shoulder and whispered back. Almost looking like a small child who wanted something. "You'd better not."

"Yeah." He slid up his sleeve and checked his watch. "You know, it's only 4:45, what time did mom say she was picking us up?"

A lustful smile formed on Mel's face. "5:15"

"Well, we still have a half hour. That's plenty of time."

Mel grabbed his paw and made her way back to the school. "I know a different place this time."