Super Hero draft

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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This is strictly a draft, just looking for some feedback. There are errors both spelling and grammatical I'm sure, I'm currently just looking for some feedback and possibly suggestions. It is very long for a first draft.

Flying through the air, Crystal enjoyed the quiet night of the grand city, savoring the cool air as it blew over her muzzle. It was a quiet night, and it let her think about what her husband wanted her to consider. She enjoyed being a super hero, and she loved being an example of a pure and unspoiled heroine. Even her hero name reflected it, chosing Miss Purity. She was to be wed in a few days, to an amazing hero that was supposed to be as pure as she was and he went by the name of Captain Light. He was an amazing wolf, strongly built and she thought he was amazing. From what she had seen, his coat was a pale gray color, though was still curious how much of his coat matched the gray she had seen. Her own coat was a bit of an allusion to her name, her entire body was covered in fur as pristine as newly fallen snow. Unlike most of the other female heroes, she preferred to keep her headfur very short and trimmed close. Most of the reason she did this was due to the fact that her mask covered most of her head, leaving her eyes and muzzle exposed. When first involved in the super hero business, she had tried the long hair, but found it too out of place and difficult to handle each day getting her uniform on.

Her marriage weighed heavily on her mind, and was a source of distraction, and needed some time to clear her head. She didn't want to give up her life as a super hero, but that was something Captain Light wanted. There was a small part of her that found it difficult to refer to her fiancee as Captain Light, and by his name as Pierre Morales. She knew he was a very traditional man, and she respected his request, and told him she would consider it. They were going to be married in two days, but they wouldn't be taking their honey moon for a few more days after that, when they'd be able to consumate their love for each other. Giving a little giggle, she was kind of looking forward to it. This was going to be the first time that she wasn't going to be on heat suppressors. She had been greatful they had been developed, cause it was probably one of the few things that helped make sure that she didn't stray from her path of god. She had been a very religious girl growing up and when she gained her super powers, she rejoiced and felt that it was a gift for her devotion.

Slowly she drifted to one of the impressive towers and sat on the precipice glancing at the twinkling lights. Glancing around, she saw someone sitting near one of the other gargoyles that decorated this old brick and steel building. Cautiously she stood up and began moving towards the figure. A voice called out, "Now Miss Purity. Don't need to sneak up on an old Panda like myself do you?" Watching the figure turn around, it was the Protector. They were an older panda, but still one of the stronger members of the heroes that patrolled the city. Taking a moment, she tried to remember his powers, there was his invulnerability that was far stronger than her own, he could withstand tank shells hitting him at point blank range. That's not where his true power lay, it was the fact he was an amazingly skilled telekenesis user. "What brings you up here little snowflake?" As she blushed, his nickname for her. She smiled.

"Came here to think.. Captain Light wants me to give up being a super heroine after we've been wed." Watching as the panda nodded, the spoke for a short while, discussing the matter and asked for his opinion.

"Honestly? I don't think it's his place to ask you to stop what you're doing. Do you like it?" As I nodded, he smiled, "Do you regret choosing this life?" I shook my head no, giving a little smile in return. "I can understand his concern. Though, I'm fairly certain that you're a big girl snowflake and you can take care of yourself." I gave a little giggle at seeing the nub of his tail wiggling. I always enjoyed our conversations. "Though, it is something you two will need to discuss more at length.. maybe after your honeymoon?" I nodded.

"I know. Probably just needed to hear it from someone else" Shrugging slightly. "Well I should get back to my patrol. See if anyone needs help." The protector nodded, giving a wave he resumed his own patrols of the city. I stood in awe, watching as he made it so effortless gliding through the air. I had to focus somewhat on my flying otherwise I get tossed around in the air currents at this height.

Tapping her ear piece, she gave a call to the Society, seeing if there was any suspecious activity going on. She listened to the ear piece she wore, there was nothing going on at the moment, they asked if she wanted to come in. Responding softly, she held the button to let the society know her response. "No. Not quite yet.. I believe I'll enjoy the cold weather a bit.. and see if anything comes up on the police radio." As she propped her feet against the head of one of the gargoyles, tail wagging very slowly. Eyes closed, the wind a bit stronger this high up, the skyscraper easily tipped the scale at over nineteen hundred feet in the air, everything looked so different from this height, the cars looked like small toys, and with her abilities, she could even see the screens on people's phones if she focused enough. Her basic abilities were flight, enhanced strength and heightened senses. Sometimes she wished that her enhanced hearing, vision, and scent didn't have to be something she focused upon. Though from conversations she had with other members of the society, not being able to turn those abilities off were a burden at times. Crystal perked her ears, listening to the police band on her headset. There was some sort of break in near the docks, and that the police wouldn't be able to get there in time.

Pushing herself to a standing position, she took a few steps standing on the edge of the gargoyle. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and dove off the gargoyle allowing herself to freefall. Once she was about half way down she launched herself out away from the building, soaring off through the sky towards the ocean front where the jewelry store was. It was odd, seeing the docks dark like this, no lights on anywhere, even along the streets. That would explain why the police had stated they wouldn't be able to get there in time, there were electrically operated bridges allowing access to some areas and they were up during the night. With the power down, there was no way for them to get them lowered in any sort of reasonable time. Slowing her flight, she adjusted her mask over her muzzle drifting down to the building, her footpads settling down against the roof making almost no noise.

There was a skylight that she knelt in front of, glancing down through the glass. From what Crystal could see, there was two people that were moving around inside. From the movements of the tails, she guessed one was some sort of canine, and that the other was a large feline. The two criminals were using crowbars to break the glass and stuff the gems into bags strapped over their shoulders. Stepping to the side, she glanced around trying to see how they planned on escaping. Tethered to the docks, there were a pair of black jet skis bobbing in the water slightly. Shaking her head, it was a decent plan, sneak in at night, grab the jewels and slip out with a pair of black jet skis that would hide them from most views. Stepping off the side of the building, using her flight abilities to settle down on the ground, glancing at the broken door. Her paw pushed the door open, stepping in quietly watching the males grabbing gems, they seemed completely unaware of her presence.

Drawing in a deep breath, she gave a loud growl and Stepped into the light streaming in through the sunlight. "Halt! You're under arrest!" Her voice easily filled the small room. The two criminals glancing up rapidly, it seemed odd that the canid's eyes appeared to be glowing. Ignoring it, she figured it was probably just a trick of the light. Her costume wasn't very flashy, but it was easily identifiable. Crystal wore a black body suit, as it hugged her body, and there was a white cross on her. It started from her neck and went down to just above her groin, and the bar went along the swells of her breasts.

"Oh shit, It's Miss Purity!" as the feline exclaimed, "You didn't mention that we'd be dealing with someone of her scale." When they fumbled for their guns, She shook her head. Never understanding why criminals did that, even the ones who recognized her. It was common knowledge that she was near invulnerable and that unless they were packing the large calibre rifles with special rounds they were wasting their time. She launched herself forward, towards the larger of the two. The feline took a few shots at her, one of them plinking off the side of her head. It made her growl from the sensation, two punches impacting against the feline, one hitting the fun from his hand, the other solidly hitting his chest. The large feline's body smacking against the wall, his bag spilling across the floor. The diamonds glittered in the moonlight, so bright and shiny, and she could see the allure in stealing them. Turning her attention to the other, she made her way towards him slowly watching him fumbling with a gun trying to pull it out of the front pocket of the hood. She could clearly tell that his eyes were glowing through the mask, it was odd and something was nagging at her about it. Her hips swayed slowly not really paying attention to her motions, her fluffy tail wagging. It wasn't often that she got to make criminals nervous.

"Now now.. We both know whatever gun you're packing isn't going to be able to hurt me. So why not just give up quietly and I'll take you two to jail." Her voice deep and commanding. She was a bit confused when the wolf laughed shaking his head. He pulled the gun out, it caused Crystal to tilt her muzzle in a bit of confusion. It wasn't an actual gun, it looked like a cross between an airsoft gun and a dart gun. "That little thing is what you're planning to hurt me with?" Giving a laugh, shaking her head. The canine didn't respond, just aiming the gun at her. A light hissing sound, and felt a slight pricking sensation in her shoulder. She looked down, a silver vial was buried against her and some sort of fluid was draining into her. She grabbed the vial, crushing it with her paw as she snarled slightly. "What was in that.. and where did you get that gun?" She covered the distance immediately, grabbing him around his neck lifting him up. She sometimes forgot her strength, not being as strong as some of the others in the society, but could easily lift nearly a ton.

Several moments later, her paw released him and she stumbled back. The room was spinning slightly, she growled into her voice piece, "Need Assistance.. need... Need help!" As conciousness was fading, she lost her balance falling to the floor. Fighting to stay awake, she looked up as the canid stepped close, kneeling down as he pulled his mask off. That laugh was dark and evil, those eyes glowing brightly as fog slowly poured from his muzzle. Recognizing him just moments before she passed out, it was Dark Corruption.

Dark Corruption was one of the worst and most powerful of all the villians of the gallery of rogues for the society of unified heroes. There was very little known about him other than that he was very smart, and almost as powerful physically as Captain Light, and had an assortment of technical gadgets that rivalled anything they had. She recalled a few of the battles and the losses they had suffered at his hands. He had held the world ransom more than a handful of times, and it took the combined effort of a large group of hereos to stop him. The last few years though, he had been suspeciously quiet.

She awake for short moments before passing out again, she was able to infer that they were on a boat, somewhere in the ocean from the way the waves were tossing. There was a porthole at the edge of her vision and could tell that it was night time. Crystal knew she was restrained, but collapsed before she was able to figure out what it was. Lifting her head, stirring into awareness, glancing around she whimpered a little. Her head throbbed with pain, and the motion of moving to glance around, sent waves of nauseau through her stomach. She had problems recalling the last time that she felt any sort of pain like this. A voice made her ears perk up, glancing around as she slowly began to regain focus. It was then that Crystal realized that she was tethered in some odd apparatus. Her arms were out at her sides, level with her shoulders and legs restrained at an angle leaving her looking like the vitruvian man. On some level it made her feel quite scared, and uncomfortable but she knew that it couldn't be allowed to show.

"I'm sorry for the rough treatment Miss Purity. I wasn't honestly expecting you to be the hero that showed up to a simple breaking and entering." Dark Corruption stepped forward, his eyes dimly glowing red and any time that his muzzle was open, fog slowly rolled out. It wasn't quite what she expected, he was wearing a dress shirt and a pair of slacks and no shoes. Not the image of a super villian that terrified heroes. "At most I was expecting the Protector.. not someone from the core members of the Society." Nervously, she watched as he stepped closer to her, nostrils flaring as she could smell him. Glancing at his this close, she made mental note of his appearance so that when she was able to escape, she'd be able to give them a better description of him without his armor on. What she could tell, his fur was a very dark black, almost like an ink absorbing the light around him. Though, it was his eyes that held her attention, never seeing the eyes this close, or in the light. There sparkled like rubies, and with the pale light that emanated from them, she was fascinated and felt like she could stare into them all day. His words shook her out of her examination of him. "Of course, I've sent notice to the Society. Informed them that I have you.. Yadda yadda yadda" shrugging, "Granted. Your fiancee was rather.." As he stroked his chin. "Riled up and unhappy sounding."

Miss Purity watched that fog roll from his muzzle, not quite sure of his mental abilities so only thinking of herself by her heroine name. Also, she didn't want to say anything, if he was smart enough to build and maintain most of his inventions, there was a good chance he could coax her to reveal information. Admitting to herself though, he wasn't unattractive for a wolf, it was a shame that he was a villian. She found herself fascinated with him. Shaking her head, she blushed at her thoughts. Here she was, a betrothed woman, finding herself attracted to the man who kidnapped her. Growling out, "Well since we've established you've contacted the Society. Why don't you save us both some time and just release me?" She tried to sound confident, but it was hard when she didn't know where she was, and how strong this restraint system was that held her. "If you don't.. I'm quite sure that my fiancee will make you regret kidnapping me." Dark Corruption's paws lifted up, stroking both sides of her muzzle not letting her pull away. Gripping her mask, he pulled it back and exposed her to his view. Miss Purity whined and folded her ears back, looking away.

"Well I must admit. I'm rather suprised, you're a very beautiful woman. I'm jealous of Captain light." The words caught her completely off guard, she figured it must be some sort of trick as she glanced at the wolf. Miss Purity watched as the villian made his way to the desk near a large set of windows, showing off a beautiful view of the ocean and set the mask down on the marble top. He rested his large paws on the stone, and leaned back against the desk. "I figured with a name like Miss Purity, you must have been either fairly boring in appearance." That muzzle of his lifting into a grin, "Or damn ugly. Though I can't understand why you'd hide that pretty face, it's odd." She was torn, part of her just wanted to growl and bite him, and she felt a little flush being complimented like that. Her cheeks tinged pink with blush and she looked away, not wanting him to know how the words made her feel. Sometimes it sucked having white fur, made it difficult to hide the times when you blush, unlike most of the other coat colors. That was why she wore the costume, it hid her face from being identified, it helped to keep her clean hiding any scents, and stopped people from telling when she was mad or embarassed since they couldn't see her cheek fur. Lost in her thoughts, it took a moment to realize that he was speaking again. "So." As she caught the last bit of his words, "My name is Derrick, Derrick Holland. The name Dark Corruption? I didn't didn't pick it, that was given to me some twenty five or thirty years ago by some hero who relayed it to someone over a comm system you people use. It stuck sadly, and irritated me that I didn't kill him before that." Miss Purity was taken back, she couldn't fathom the concept of someone being this callous regard for life. He made some grand gestures, "I'm a wolf.. even tried to be a hero once." Those eyes glowing a bit brighter, the red becoming a bit darker. "I genetically modified myself.. aquiring some super powers.. and the glowing eyes and fog from the muzzle." She folded her ears back, not liking this side that was coming out. His voice was deep, and hauntingly threatening. "But no!" His fist slammed into the marble counter of the desk, cracking the thick stone easily. "They said my appearance wasn't what was considered heroic at the time.. the best I'd be allowed is to tinker and make them gadgets, they didn't want me running around in public." His paw reached out towards her muzzle, pointing. "I'm super strong.. and damn near invulnerable. I'd love to have a strength challenge.. might be able to give your fiancee a run for his money" Drawing that paw back quickly as I snapped at it, my teeth grinding in frustration from not being able to reach him.

"Fiesty. I like that, you're restrained and can't escape.. you have no idea where you are, and you're still willing to try and harm me." Walking around, he laughed slightly. She was still confused as to why he was being this forth coming with her, most of the super powered villians tried to keep everything they could a secret. "Alas, they said I couldn't be a hero.. glowing red eyes and fog pouring from the muzzle wasn't good. They said I'd scare children.. the elderly and the like." Shaking his head, "I don't get it, they say I'm scary.. though they let that psycho run and fly around in Gothic City, how do you guys tolerate that thing?" She looked at him, not saying anything, she wasn't a fan of the hero there either. All she remembered was that he was some sort of bat morph, and used very viscious and brutal ways to extract information from villians. She didn't think it was appropiate, but her views didn't have her being well liked since she was very religious. Miss Purity's preference was to talk the villians down, do everything she could before resorting to violence.

When he keep looking at her, she realized he was expecting an answer. Sighing quietly. "Fine. I'm not a fan of his.. but he has some very dangerous and insane villians in that city. I'm greatful that they seem to prefer staying there. If he requests assistance, we do go and help.. but I prefer to try and avoid him if I can." Clamping her muzzle shut, she realized he was trying to coax information or such from her. She was Miss Purity, she had to be stronger and more resolute than this. "I won't tell you anything else.. don't expect me to reveal any secrets. If you do, you're wasting your time." Watching his reaction, the light in those eyes surged red glowing brightly, making her whimper as she felt afraid.

She barely saw his paw move, it gripped her muzzle and forced her to look into his eyes. He wasn't kidding about the strength, he was gripping hard enough to make her whine in pain. "Oh please. Miss Purity.. I've been a super villian for nearly thirty years, I've had this world on the brink of destruction.. and you tell new heroes stories about me to make them scared. There has been more than once I've forced you bastards to team up and come down from your lofty towers and stop me." When he leaned it, his words caused her eyes to go wide. "I know lots of secrets.. Even yours, Crystal Knight.. from ohio." She tried to shake her head, wanting him to let go, only a few people knew her real name, and less knew where she was from. A good portion of the heroes in the society didn't even know that, and she had worked with them for years. "Your fiance.. Pierre Morales? What a wimpy name.. he should be the beta for the team, not it's alpha male leading the pack." Closing her eyes, absolutely terrified now of this man, wondering how much he really knew about the heroes. "You don't survive in this game for this long at my level without getting to know things.. and you have to be strong cause if you aren't? THe other villians will kill you outright. Hell.. did you even realize I own that jewelry store that I broke into?" Tilting her head when he released her muzzle, she was perplexed. "I needed to get a hero or such to stop me. Figuring that late at night, the protector someone of an equal level would be out.. I'd have a chance to test this." He made his way to the desk, opening a drawer, he pulled out that dart gun he had shot her with. She remembered the effects and a shiver shot down her spine. "To see if it would actually work. I had to see if it'd peirce your uniforms.. and skin. I'm fairly certain since it was able to do that with you.. it'll work on the stronger hereos." Pointing the gun at her, and before she had a chance to speak, Derrick pulled the trigger. Her senses heightened out of instinct, and she watched almost in slow motion as that dart flew across the room and thudded into her shoulder. The wolf's voice was the last thing she heard before darkness claimed her. "Bang. Nighty night gracie."

Lifting her head again a while later, Crystal groaned as that throbbing was still there making her head hurt. The room was dark, and she could see stars outside the window against the far wall. The windows were open slightly, letting in a breeze and the smell of the salt water, there was also the sounds of waves crashing onto a shore below outside her field of view. She used the command word to try and operate her comm system, all she got was static. Dark Corruption must have had some sort of jamming system or disabled her communicator somehow. Glancing around, she made sure no one was in the room, ears listening for the smallest of sounds, satisfied there was none she gave a growl. Mustering every bit of strength that she had, she tried to pull on the restraints holding her. A moment later, she screamed in pain, massive amounts of electricity arching though her body, lighting up the room. Slumping down in defeat, she whimpered softly, wishing her fiancee were here. Crystal knew that he'd walk over, stroke her cheek and make her smile telling her it was going to be alright. Some reason, against her will, she was also picturing Derrick. Dark Corruption she corrected herself, not wanting to think of him on any sort of humane level. He was a villian, admitted to murdering people, and was still very dangerous. Though when she closed her eyes, she could picture him there, that inky black fur and his peircing red eyes that glowed and it made her feel guilty.

She was awoken the next morning, muzzle being lightly stroked and petted. "Come on little Heroine.. It's time to wake up. I Have breakfast here and you need to eat.." Groggily lifting her head, giving it a little shake trying to clear it. Those ruby red eyes the first thing she saw, staring deeply at her. She blushed brightly, perking her ears. "There we go. You're a good girl after all." Gesturing to the restraints, "I see that you tried to break the system and free yourself. Not the best of moves. I imagine that it hurt." She nodded slowly, turning her muzzle to glance where his hand was pointing. It was difficult to believe, but she hadn't noticed it last night. Where her arms and legs met the apparatus, her uniform looked like it was burned or melted away. Blinking, she turned back to look at Dark Corruption, muzzle open slightly.

"How? That's impossible. It was electricity that shocked me. That shouldn't have happened. The current needed to destroy the material I'm wearing would have killed me." She wasn't sure how he managed it, maybe he used some sort of acid and was just letting her come to assumptions. She had been knocked into lava once on Hawaii in this uniform and it survived. It was a holographic projection possibly, had to be, she didn't have any other sort of explanation that fit. She struggled a little, watching as Dark Corruption lowered his muzzle to her arm, and breathed over the exposed bit of her arm. She felt the fog, it wasn't like what came out of the machines nears all hallow's eve, it was heavier and felt similiar to ice. She gave a little whine, goosebumps forming on the skin under the fur.

"Oh Like I said.. I modified myself and boosted my intellect and learning ability. I'm one of the smartest anthros or living beings for that matter on this planet. The uniforms that you heroes use is quite impressive, but with the right modulation chage of electricity, anything can be broken down." Miss Purity sighed, going limp in the machine. Her nose perked up as she sniffed the air, smelling some food. Glancing around, Crystal could see a platter on the desk with a variety of items and it all smelled delicious. She had lost track of how many days she'd been here, and just knew she hadn't eaten in a while. "I'm not a heartless bastard, contary to public sentiment, I do feed those that I have trapped or imprisioned here. Depends on your view." Turning, he lifted the plate, letting her smell the food on the platter, it was absolutely delicious and against her better judgement she licked her muzzle. When her stomach growled, she shook her head watching him.

"First off, How do I know it's not poisoned? Laced with something that will coax me to talk? Reveal any secrets you don't have?" Growling out as she got bopped on the nose like some pup. That paw retreted in quite a hurry when she snapped at him.

"Now Now. I guess on some level I did deserve that." His shoulders shrugged as he kept smiling, "Stuff to make you talk? Please.. if I could get something that legitimatly worked and didn't turn people into rambling idiots, I'd have used it on you alreadly." He popped a strawberry into his muzzle, she could see that it was partially cored and there was cream in it. "It's fresh by the way. We grow a lot of the food that my servants, minions and myself eat. We are a self sustained eco system on this cloaked island." Her stomach growled when he lifted one of those strawberries close to her muzzle. She sniffed at it, and whimpered trying to grab it with her muzzle or tongue. Dark Corruption was being a right bastard, holding it close enough she could smell it, but far enough that she couldn't get it into her muzzle. Though his actions next completely caught her by surprise and off guard. He popped the strawberry into his muzzle and added some extra whipped cream in his muzzle. She looked at him, her muzzle parted slightly whining. She was taken aback, he leaned in and kissed her roughly. With her muzzle being open slightly, his tongue pressed the fruit and cream into her muzzle. Sighing at the delicate taste, she closed her eyes and for a moment allowed her tongue to wrestle with his before remembering where she was, and who this was trying to take liberties with her. Shaking her head, she growled and Miss Purity watched as he stepped back, a cocky grin on his muzzle. She wanted to slap him, she wanted to beat him up, she wanted him to kiss her again as she whined. She leveled daggers at him with her eyes, turning her head and spitting the strawberry out onto the floor. The sweet taste lingered on her tongue, and she felt a bit confused at the sensations racing up and down her spine, though she tried, she couldn't get her tail to stop it's slow wag behind her.

"You.. You BASTARD!" As she snarled at him, straining at her restraints trying to at Dark Corruption. Muzzle opened and escaped a howl of pain, the shocking electricity arching across her form once more, and she slumped down weakly. "H.. How could you?" As she was bristling with anger, and on the verge of crying at the same time. Miss Purity was almost tempted to see how much power the restraints had, wanting to try and lunge at him again, but not a fan of the pain it caused. Her muscles were twitching slightly from the after effects of that much electricity. She lifted her head, shaking her head and whimpered. "I'm hungry.. but please.. just allow someone else to feed me. I don't trust you.. or myself right now." She watched the wolf shrug, he didn't seem the least bit bothered by her outburst. "I'm engaged.. that.. that was improper." Gesturing to a rat standing near the door, he spoke.

"My dear. I'm a villian.. it's what we do." Looking at the slender rat, "Now please do be careful. I'd recommend using a fork to feed her. I don't want to hear about someone losing a finger.." I felt his eyes on me, "Or an entire paw to those teeth. I'm quite sure they can do a lot of damage." The rat said nothing, but nodded to the wolf, obviously knowing his place in the heirachy here. She had never felt so humilated, or betrayed like she did at that moment. Miss Purity, the chaste super heroine had actually kissed him back and enjoyed it! That wasn't proper, that wasn't what good girls did. She loved her husband and knew that she could never tell him of this moment of weakness, he would be devastated. She let the minion feed her in silence, and he was nervous. Her nose caught that clearly from his scent, nodding each time when she was ready for more. The food was very good, but she was not in the mood at this point to enjoy and savor it. Miss Purity knew she had to keep her strength up if she was planning to escape from here somehow. Once she was done eating, closing her muzzle, she nodded and allowed him to wipe her muzzle with a napkin. Once he was done, she spoke up asking the rat a single question.

"Why are you working for him? He's evil." As she whimpered a little, "He tried to take advantage of my situation like this." The rat stood up proudly and looked at her the best he could, he was a bit shorter than she was a throwback to their genetic ancestary. The rat's bald tail swaying behind him on the carpetted floor, his answer was quite suprising.

"Evil? Yes. Sometimes he can be, even cruel at times. I've worked for the master for a few years." Taking a deep breath the rat continued, "You heroes need to realize that at times you're just as bad as he is, sometimes even worse." She growled and went to protest, his lifted paw cutting her off. "Now let me finish. You get into fights with villians when they approach the city correct?" She nodded slowly, not sure she liked where this was going. "Do you ever try and get those villians out of the city? Usually not.. you're all too busy show boating." As that smirk on his muzzle made her uncomfortable. "When was the last time any of you heroes fought the master here, Dark Corruption, in an area that was remotely populated?" She thought about it, the rat's black eyes watched her. She never realized what it was like to look into a rat's eyes, she couldn't make out where the iris started and the pupil was. She realized he was right though, every battle against him had been at some abandoned area or far isolated from anything. "I lost my family and so did many of of the people here.." As she could see tears building up in the man's eyes. "You never think about what happens when a building gets knocked over.. or destroyed.. or when those weapons get fired randomly." His tail snapped making a slight cracking noise like a whip. "I know you all think you're doing good work. Most of the time it is, some of the villians out there are sadistic evil men that deserve to die. Though, maybe you should all take a step back.. think about it and try and picture it from our viewpoint." Turning and leaving Crystal a lot to consider, he picked up the platter and made his way to the door. He paused, bowing. "Good day Miss Purity." CLosing the door behind him. She sighed lightly, understanding his position, she had seen the aftermath of some battles, and could imagine the tragedies that were there. She realized something a few minutes after he left, that he called her by her super hero name, and not her real name. It must be another mind game that was being done to toy with her.

During the day a few minions had come in, quietly speaking to her, it was obvious that they weren't used to dealing with members of the society. For the most part, she ignored them allowing herself to look out over the ocean. It wasn't the greatest of views, but it did help calm her down so that she could think of a plan to try and escape. Crystal assumed it was probably early afternoon from the way the sun reflected off the water, but was a bit suprised when someone came in and turned the apparatus so that it faced the window. Glancing at the old leopard, he shrugged and explained that the master noticed her looking out the window and thought this might be a little easier on her neck. Nodding, "T.. thank you." The slight gesture of kindness causing her to smile a little. The minion gave a nod in return, smiling back at her, bowing and exiting the room silently. With her eyes closed, she let her ears perk up and listen to the waves crashing down below, it was fairly rhytmatic and soothing and the scents of the cool ocean air as it blew over her fur felt nice too. She gave a little whine, wishing she was on her honeymoon with her husband, relaxing on some secluded beach. Suddenly a rush of fear shot through her, her head lifting up, glancing around. It wasn't obvious to her yet, but she hadn't even thought about that problem cause she was so distracted with being kidnapped and held here. It wasn't quite clear how long she'd been captive here, but she knew within a day or so at the most that she'd be entering her fertile cycle. She was thankful that she had her uniform on, as that hid any sort of hint of that impending scent, and protected her as well. Whimpering a little, she slowly closed her eyes, wishing her husband Pierre was here, holding her and kissing her softly. Murring softly, she relaxed in the restraints, letting her thoughts wander to more pleasant things. She imagined Pierre crashing through the window, dressed in his uniform and drawing her close kissing her muzzle. Miss Purity's thoughts slowly faded to earlier, recaling the taste of the strawberry and the cream, the image of her husband fading, the gray fur growing dark as his eyes glowed. She moaned very softly into the air of the room, imagining herself kissing Dark Corruption, Derrick rather, his tongue lightly plying along her lips, wanting more of the attention from the super villian.

Giving a scream, she woke suddenly with a start and glanced around nervously. It was dark in the room and she could see the moon out over the water, the long reflection in the waves towards the horizon. The door slid open quietly, and in stepped the rat from earlier, he made his way over to her. Never had Crystal been so greatful for the lights to be dim, so that he couldn't see her cheeks flush with heat and embarassment. "Are you alright? We heard a scream outside the door. The master told us to check if there was a problem of any sort and the computers didn't register anything from the machine." Watching the rat carefully checking each of the restraints, nodding when he was satisfied that they were still intact. She shook her head, muttering something about it just being a nightmare and she was alright. She watched the rat leave, his tail almost silent as it dragged along the floor behind him, he spoke up before closing the door. "If you need anything.. anything at all. Just say something. The machine will pick up any words and relay them to us." Nodding, she heard the door click shut, and a lock engaging. Miss Purity knew that she had to escape somehow and that it was going to be the only thing she needed to worry about. Only problem she had was, there was point of reference for her to know where she was, and this dreadful machine seemed more than capable of holding her prisoner. Lowering her head, she could feel those nagging thoughts in the back of her head, trying to push any impure thoughts out and she knew it was partially cause of her impending heat cycle. They had been there before during other times with her cycle, but no other man had ever entered those thoughts until now. She sighed and wished her fiancee would get here to rescue her, she just wanted to be home, part of her wishing she had taken his offer up on giving up the super hero business. Allowing herself to go limp in the restraints, she fell into a deep sleep and was thankful that there were no dreams or fantasies to torment her when she awoke the next morning.

Glancing around when she woke, Miss Purity was confused. She was no longer in the office or whatever that room was they kept her in. This was some sort of lab, and she could see a variety of equipment everywhere. The floor appeared to be on flat sheet of tile or something close to that. At one spot, there were some anthros working, looking at things under a microscope and making notes onto a clipboard. Another station had some people working on what seemed to be material similiar to her costume, it was being trimmed and accents made onto it. Some machines she was able to recognize, like a massive tesla coil in one corner of the room it had to be at least fifteen or twenty feet tall. Unable to fathom what someone would need a device that size for, she glanced around a little more, sighing as she couldn't see behind her too well. A sound drew her attention back to the front of the machine she was in.

Derrick stood there, wearing a lab coat and what looked like some sort of uniform pants they wore at their base in the society. It was very tight and didn't leave anything to the imagination, she gave a visible shudder and demanded trying to sound confident. "Where Am I? What am I doing here?" Derrick said nothing, just watching her for the moment, the wolf's black tail swinging behind him. She repeated it again, growling now. "Well aren't you going to answer me?" He shook his head, making his way over towards her, a bit confused as if this was a lab, why wasn't he wearing any sort of protective footwear. Her eyes darted as he reached out for something on a table near her, it was some sort of collar. It was metal, that was easy to tell, and very thin except for a small bulge near the latch. Opposite the latch, there were a few blinking lights and she wondered what it was for. "That some sort of torture device? Something to make me wish I didn't work that night?" As he lifted that collar towards her, she tried her best to make it impossible for him to put it on her growling and moving. It was in vain though, the collar slipped on after a few moments and she felt a hiss against the back of her neck as it clicked shut and fit very snugly. It wasn't very thick or big, maybe half an inch tall and about as wide, but it was warm feeling. Derrick's paw pulled a remote from the breast pocket of his lab coat and pushed a button on it. She felt a slick prick to the back of her neck, making her yelp slightly. Pushing a second button, the restraints holding her up, popped open and she fell to the floor and the cold tile felt odd against her. Miss Purity looked around for a moment, none of the other workers seemed to concerned, she growled at Dark Corruption and leapt up to fly away. All that succeeded was her falling onto her face.

Whining, she rubbed her muzzle and looked at him completely dumbfounded for a moment. She didn't launch into the air, and it actually hurt falling onto the floor? Looking upwards, she growled deeply, "What Did You Do To Me?" As she emphasized each word, a paw stroking the metal collar along her neck. She knew it had hinged and had to peices but she couldn't locate the break in the material anywhere.

"Well I did say that I am one of the smartest beings on the planet. In the past few years I've been to figure out how to isolate your powers. That prick you felt on the neck, was a small needle setting up the inversion loop." Giving a wide grin, she felt the hackles on the back of her neck rise. "Took me maybe eight.. nine years at most to figure that out. I'd advise agaisnt trying to remove it, you'd end up getting a very nasty shock.. and without your super powers, I imagine it'd be very painful." He grinned wickedly, "It might be fun to hear those screams." That fog continued to roll from his partially open muzzle. He continued to speak. "If you approach any terminals they will shut down, any doors to restricted areas will lock you out."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Crystal whined slightly, looking at him. Slowly lifting herself to her feet, feeling a bit disoriented. It was an odd sensation, her equilibrium was off without her powers as she knew they were linked to her ability to fly.

"I've allowed you free reign of the grounds. There will be someone with you at all times regardless of your personal preferences." Folding her ears back, she whimpered a little. "You'll have privacy when you're in the bathroom. When you're in the showers, and when you are sleeping. I've assigned you guest quarters." She felt horribly weak, confused and alone. Padding over to the wall, slumping against the wall. Crystal watched Dark Corruption turned and made his way out of the lab. She started to cry softly, feeling the tears run down her cheek, head leaned against the smooth wall.

"Miss? Miss Purity?" Glancing up, a young looking tiger regarding her. His ears were folded back, "If you like.. I can show you where the showers are. The master told us you may wish to get cleaned up after being restrained for a few days.." His ears perking up when she responded, taking a step back. That orange and black tail swayed behind him like the pendulum on a grandfather clock.

Snapping at the tiger, the tears matting her cheekfur. "Aren't you going to call me by my name? That bastard does!" Throwing a paw up, pointing at the doorway that Dark Corruption left through. The tiger paused, giving a soft sigh before extending a paw, helping her stand up. He spoke softly a moment later, his demeanor calm despite her emotional outburst.

"Miss. The master doesn't share those secrets with any of us." Nodding, "There was a person who was here that attempted to steal that information. I won't go into details, but there wasn't much left for the birds to pick at. The master is very powerful, and has an ability to make those that cross him regret it with their last breaths" Escorting her through the halls, she tried to keep track of where she was, it was difficult, the walls had no markings. She didn't know how the people here made their way through. "The master respects privacy of everyone here, so we respect everyone's privacy including those of the heroes despite our feelings and reservations." The tiger stopped in front of a doorway, opening it. "Here we are. This is your room. If you need anything, I will outside this door." Crystal glanced inside and her muzzle dropped, turning to the tiger. "Yes miss. These are your quarters. The master was quite adamant that you be given these. There is an article of clothing that the master left for you. I don't know what it is, but he said it should fit." Nodding, she slipped into the room and closed the door.

Leaning back against the door, she gave a soft whimper trying to calm herself. Crystal figured the best way to do that was to look around. The room was impressive, even by most people's standards. It was a large room, quite expansive filled with a variety of items. She wandered around, glancing at the pictures, some of them she recognized from her studies in college. She specialized in art history and had heard rumors of someone buying these paintings. Though the bed filled most of the room and her attentions, it was beautiful. It was a large sleigh bed, a dark finish on the wood. It felt almost like silk under her fingers, it was polished to a mirror like sheen. The coverings on the bed were the opposite, they were a soft pink color giving a lovely contrast to the bed.

There was a box on the bed, she paused regarding it. She lifted the lid off the box and looked inside. Taken back, she went to the doorway and opened it, the tiger was there. "He expects me to wear that? I don't know if I could manage that." As she blushed, biting her lip, her tail tucked down against her body.

"Well miss. I just relayed what the master told me.. I don't know what's in the box, so I couldn't apply a comment or preference." As she nodded slightly, watching him shrug. "I'm sorry Miss Purity." Sighing, she closed the door thanking him.

Returning to the bed, she lifted the article out of clothing from the box. Gazing at the material she whispered softly, "It's amazing.. It's the same composite material we use for our costumes at the base. How did he craft this?" It felt a little softer than the uniform she wore, but was pretty confident that it was resistant to the same things as the one she had. Lifting it up fully, she got a chance to examine it a bit closer. It was very similar to the costume she wore now, but it was a bit more rique. This costume was different in a few ways. Instead of the white cross that covered her was removed, a red band of trim helping to accent the opening. Shaking her head, she whimpered. "I.. I couldn't possibly wear this. I.. It's immoral." Setting it back down into the box, she made her way over to the window.

Outside the window, taking in the view that was there for her. Swaying in the gentle breeze was a field of wheat, looking close in appearance to the ocean that was further past it. It was peaceful and just made her want to forget where she was and that she was a captive. Idly, her fingers stroked the collar around her neck, feeling the cool metal. It was odd, the outside part of the metal felt cool, but the part that was in contact with her neck was warm and she could see those lights flicker in the window. "I hate this.. I hate being disconnected from my powers.. I want them back and to be free of this place." Moving back to the bed, she slumped onto it, feeling the soft material against her back.

There was a television on the wall and a remote, she picked it up and flicked the tv on. Slowly flipping through the channels, stopping herslef and blinked at the headlines. It was about her, and how she had been missing for almost a week and a half now, and there were no leads to her whereabouts. That would explain the distractions and her inability to focus properly. Hugging herself tightly, she rocked slightly on the bed, becoming worried now with what was happening, and the fact that she was fully in heat now. Giving a few moments to compose herself, she slowly made her way into the shower and allowed the hot water soak her body. Lathering her fur, her nostrils flared and she could smell her scent in the steaming room, the window open. Once she had finished her shower, she wrapped the large towels around her, letting the draw the water from her fur before stepping into the drying bars. She felt a little more relaxed, lying back on the bed. Glancing occasionally at the outfit, torn between wearing it or using her tattered one.

Lying there on the bed, she slowly stood up and made her way over to glance into the full length mirror that was against the door leading out of the room. Her paws smoothed down over her fur, she was in good shape and her fur was pristine once more. Sighing and against her better judgement, she made her way back to the bed, picking up the modified uniform and slipping into it.

It was very snug and only helped to emphasize the bit of curves that she did possess. It made her feel very sexy and beautiful. Crystal gazed at it, amazed at how it made her look with the rich whiteness of her fur outlined by that red stripe of trim. A little growl escaped her muzzle, fingers going down her belly fur a bit and stopping where the material covered herself. The rest of the costume was a rich black color, the sleeves ending just above her elbows, and the lower half stopping at her knees. Feeling a little awkward, she gently tugged at the material until it fit a bit more comfortably. Shaking her head to clear it, she knew the next few hours were going to be difficult, but better make the most of it she told herself. Opening the door, she looked at the tiger. "I'm ready.." Noticing the blush in his ears, she felt a bit embarassed, most never looked at her like that.

She dined with Derrick for a while and they spoke into the night, trying to see what information she could coax from him. Seemingly, he was taking advantage of the society's situation, giving them false leads to her location. More and more of the new villians that made his legitimate operations difficult were somehow being linked to my disappearance. I wasn't comfortable with him doing that, and just asked why he didn't take them down directly. He said it was a game, and that it was quite a bit of fun. Moving to the window, I glanced out over the ocean and asked. "So.. since I can't escape.. and I can't get ahold of anyone. Want to tell me where we are?" I felt him come up behind me, his paws resting on my shoulders and listened.

"If you recall.. during the time when we engaged in what was to be known as World War II they did testing on many things." Nodding, trying to figure where we could be. "The proud country America was testing a prototype weapon of massive destructive force. They deemed it an atomic weapon. It was tested in the oceans, near a shallow area.." As she shivered, that cool fog was cascading down over her neck as he spoke. She didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to go where she thought he was referring to. "Now.. those areas of oceans were labelled as off limits.. though it was for nothing. The water here isn't toxic.. isn't radioactive like they thought it would remain." Laughing, "Hell. I developed a system that allowed me to filter the dirt less than a mile below us, siphon off the radioactivity and use it to power other things like generators and batteries. That technology has brought me a great deal of income." Recalling something about a filter system that did that, being used in Japan to help with their problems that had occurred recently. "This is not an island that you're on.. it's more of a floating facility. There are several levels above ground and a few underneath. It's one of a few that I have floating in the oceans, leaving me time to isolate myself and work on new technologies."

I was only half listening to his words, his muzzle was close to my ear as those large paws of his massaged my shoulders. Closing my eyes I slowly leaned back against him and just breathed slowly and deeply. I knew it was wrong, but he smelled so wonderful, strong and virile. Crystal was lost in her thoughts, she hadn't notice he had stopped talking. He leaned in and softly kissed the side of her neck, giving a soft sigh and leaned her head to the side. The cool fog rolled down her neck and over her thicker chest fur, making goosebumps rise and a shudder ran down her spine. "You're a very beautiful wolf Crystal.. you know that right?" As she nodded, ears listening to him. "So pure.. untouched.." letting her body melt back against his own. It was horribly wrong she told herself, but he was confident, knew what he wanted. Seemed like the perfect alpha male and the others here knew their place, leading the pack. His growl filled her ears, and she responded in kind finding her thoughts growing distant and hazy. "Join me Crystal.. leave that life behind and you'll be showered with wealth.. fortune.. power.." those teeth brushed against the back of her neck. His offer sounded tempting, she wondered what it'd be like to take what she wanted, do what she wished with no one to stop her. The two wolves rocked slowly against each other, the lights dimmed down till they were almost off. "It's very easy Crystal.." His voice deep and coaxing, "you could feel life and death in your grasp.. to control it.. to bite the neck of someone who challenges you.. feel their life force fading as their blood washes down your body." Giving a whimper, her voice soft as she responded.

"But I'm a heroine.. I'm a good person.. god loves me and I love him." Shaking her head, trying to clear it. Derrick's large form pressed against her, and his muzzle pressed against her tender scruff made it very difficult. The part that scared her was that his words sounded so tempting. The wolf known as Miss Purity had a secret she never told anyone, not even her fiancee or other core members of the society. Almost two years earlier, the core group of members attacked a space station being run by an evil Leopard. He went by the name of Dr. Hatred, he had the ability to coax out that part of the brain that was fueled by instinct and hate. While the other members were fighting his group of elite soliders and robots, she had chased him towards one of the escape pods. During their scuffle, he thought it would be easy to use his powers on her and point her back towards her teammates. Shuddering she remembered what happened, unable to purge the images from her mind no matter how hard she tried. It was hard to deal with, and it was her first time that she doubted her faith in god. Miss Purity didn't react in time, and felt those waves of his energy cascade over her, and felt the anger well up. She was angry at this man for hurting her friends, angry at herself that she wasn't able to beat him by herself and he was going to best her. She stood there, allowing his power to flood her mind, her vision getting red with rage and anger. Ignoring his commands, she turned to him and lunged, sinking her teeth into his throat and felt him gurgle in suprise. What she didn't expect to feel was a sense of power and elation as she clamped her jaw down on him again, this time on the shoulder. He couldn't scream, but she could see the pain and terror in his eyes and it only fueled the anger and hatred. Throwing him down the hallway back towards where he escaped, she advanged towards him wanting to finish the job and kill him. Giving a deep primal howl, she raced down the hallway towards him, only to be stopped by a blinding light, and then darkness. Turns out, her teammates had finished off the robots and defeated Dr. Hatred's henchmen and went looking for her when they noticed she was gone. They were able to save Dr. Hatred, and remove the effect of his powers on her leaving her ashamed at what she had done. Crystal was sure if they hadn't gotten there in time, she would have killed him and not have felt pity for him. She prayed for months afterwards, trying to beg for forgiveness, and spoke with the medical personnel. They all told her it wasn't her fault, and that it was just his powers that affected her thinking at the time. Several times after that, during a few fights she felt that urge to give into the need to hunt down her prey, those weaker villians who challenged her pack. Praying didn't seem to help, and she took a sabatical training new heroes to try and clear her head. It took some time, but during fights now, she didn't feel that urge to assert herself that way, to dominate those who challenged them.

Pushing away from derrick, she looked at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I.. I can't be here. I'm sorry.." As she ran past him, accidently knocking over a small table near where they were seated. The door opened as she got to it, and she stumbled into the bright hallway, blinking her eyes. The tiger glanced at her, she growled "My room.. where is it? SHow me to it now." The tiger didn't challenge her, or even attempt to look into the room where his master was, he silently guided her down to the entry door. His ears were folded back, and that normally active tail was curled around a leg. Flopping down on the bed, she hugged a pillow to her face and sobbed into it, crying herself to sleep. Crystal's dreams didn't help matters, well to say they were dreams were wrong. All but the most evil people would consider them terrifying nightmares. She was back on the space station and there was Dr. Hatred, this time he didn't get a chance to use his powers. Miss Purity slammed into him, knocking him back and took a savage pleasure in it, he pleaded for his life, but she ignored it. Seeing the terror in his eyes as she clamped her muzzle around his neck, choking the life out of him as he weakly beat at her with his paws. In the dream, she let his dead body slump to the floor, standing and howling. Turning she saw a bed, and her fiancee, Captain light was lying there waiting for her. She gently slipped into the bed, resting her head against his chest. She stroked fingers through his gray chest fur and whispered. "It's done.. that horrible man will never bother us again." A growl caused her to look up, those glowing eyes flashed blood red, the fur no longer gray but a deep black in color. It wasn't her husband anymore, it was Dark Corruption, his helmet sitting on the bed next to them, he told her she was a good girl and kissed her. She let herself kiss him, pressing close. Crystal moaned softly in her sleep, tossing and turning on the bed, the sheets kicked off onto the floor. A flash of lightning that lit up the room, and the crashing sound of thunder the rocked the whole room startled her awake. She got up and went to the bathroom washing her muzzle and face, tears having matted the fur in her sleep.

Giving a little sigh, she sat down on the bed, groggily looking around. Crystal couldn't help but shiver at the content of her nightmare, holding the pillow to her chest tightly. Sometime during the night, she had slipped out of the uniform, leaving her nude except for the damnable collar around her neck. Holding onto the pillow still, she made her way to the window, looking out over the ocean. The clouds were different than what she was used to, the main cities rarely ever got thunderstorms due to the weather systems that had been installed decades ago, though outlying cities still did. She stared at the clouds, they were massive and dark, barely able to make out much in details unless there was bolts of lightning filling the horizon. It was beautiful and primal, it helped soothe her anxiety from the dream. Thinking back to the room and how it felt allowing Derrick to touch and kiss her like that made Crystal squirm. This was her first time ever going through a heat cycle without the suppressing medicine. She whimpered a little, she was supposed to be on her honeymoon with Pierre, and she was off her medication for her heat cause they wanted to try for children. Crystal hadn't felt this way about anyone before, and never considered allowing another male to touch her like derrick had the night before. There was something about him, that raw essence he presented. He was confident, powerful and he didn't have to display it for all to see but it was there. It was so different than when Pierre wasn't in his uniform, when he was Captain Light, he was strong and confident. When he was out of the costume, it was a different manner all together. He acted meek, distracted and such, she knew that it wasn't him but it didn't help as that was the only time they had privacy or even been intimate. Crystal was proud of having gone this long with being chaste, between her heat, and Derrick's attention to her, it was going to be very difficult to remain that way. There was a small part of her that was growing, that wanted to submit to Derrick and allow him to have her fully, but she couldn't heed that voice. It was the urges of her heat talking, trying to assure herself. Slowly lying back onto the bed, she hugged the pillow and covered herself with the blanket. It took a little while, but she was able to get back to sleep, the storm not drawing her from the dreams of derrick showing how powerful and dominant he was.

Exiting the room the next morning, a tall wolf greeted her bowing. "Morning Miss Purity. The master wishes to see you for breakfast." Nodding slightly, she sighed a little following him through the empty corridors, nothing was labelled, she couldn't fathom how anyone made sense of it all. She was led to a hallway that was set off by itself, being slightly different than the other areas she had seen. There were windows on either side, giving a glance of the ocean below. Slowly she made her way down the hallway, unconciously her hips swaying behind her, ears perking at the sound of the almost silent growl from the wolf at the end of the hallway. She gave a little shiver and approached the door a little quicker, it slid open just as she reached it.

Inside the room was different than what she could have ever expected. Windows lined most of the walls, letting in an amazing amount of natural light and the ceiling was an intricate web of windows. She could see the dark thunderclouds overhead, the rain splashing overhead. Derrick was seated at a round table, situated in the center of the room, it was the same color as the wood her sleigh bed in her room was made from. He gave a wave of his paw, "Please sit, enjoy breakfast with me.. I love dining in this room during the storms, best view anywhere." There was a variety of items on platters on the table for breakfast, typical items she recognized and some that she had never seen before. Quietly, Crystal settled herself down at the table across from the other wolf watching him.

"I don't appreciate being your prisoner." As they ate, he nodded slowly. They ate for a bit, he sighed and asked if there was something he could do. "Yes. Why won't you let me go? It's quite clear that your stupid inventions are working." Watching him, growling a little in frustration. She ate slowly, trying to keep her irritation in check. He set his fork down and glanced at her.

"Well I would. Like I mentioned earlier.. I've been using you as bait." Noticing her glance, "Well I did say I've been trying to get a bit of my competiton out of the way and your little society of heroes has been more than eager to chase the geese I've laid out for them." Grinning widely, "Though, Captain light has been acting a bit out of character.. seems he doesn't enjoy his things taken from him. He's alreadly been fairly rough and vindictive with those that don't have the appropiate answers." Sliding a newspaper over to her, open to an article of villians that had been captured with rumors to be involved with her kidnapping. She whined a little, folding her ears back when she read further on the article, how her fiancee had beaten two criminals to the point of needing medical attention, one being listed in critical condition. She looked back up at him.

"It's been rather amazing, a push here.. a nudge there and see what you can bring out in your fellow heroes." Watching as he stood up, the wolf wearing a pair of baggy shorts and nothing else. She shivered watching those muscles flex. He stopped when he was behind her, those paws rubbing her shoulders. His breath felt cool against her ears as she listened to his whispers. "I didn't think he had it in him.. being that rough and aggressive.. he must really want you back crystal." The touches and his breath made her mind wander.

"B.. But.." As she whimpered slightly, "he's not that way.. he's just concerned.. and worried for my safety" feeling the wolf's breath against her neck, paws rubbing her shoulders slowly and firmly. Her words faded as Derrick's muzzle pressed against her neck. Shivering slightly, crystal sighed, his muzzle felt so wonderful those teeth gently brushing against her skin under the fur. Her paws gripped the arms of the chair, ears perked high as she listened to his growls. Her own breathing got a bit deeper, taking in his scent as she let an almost silent moan escape her lips. His paws had slid down and were now tracing along the opening of her uniform, making her shiver in the chair.

"Mmm so beautiful and pure.. he must value you like a gem of untold value.." Slowly allowing him to coax her out of the chair, leaning back back against the black wolf. It was so difficult to focus, Squirming under the attention sighing softly. "That's it Purity.. relax.. let me caress you.." Resting against him, making no move to stop him, she folded her ears back submissively. His muzzle brushed against her neck slowly, giving it light nips, eliciting moans from her muzzle. This was wrong, she told herself, I'm engaged and he's one of our worst villians. Though, she couldn't pull herself away from him, nor was she sure that she wanted to. She loved her fiancee more than anything, but this man touching her now was so different than him, seeming to be something far more desirable. Waves of guilt washed over her, but she ignored it, those paws gently cupping her supple chest through the modified uniform he had given her. His voice was deep as he growled, "That's it Crystal.. give yourself to me." His tongue flicking in her ear, making her whine, "I know you're in heat.. I can smell it. The material of your uniform can only hide so much." Her eyes opening wide, she shuddered.

"T.. this is wrong" Moaning softly, his paws roaming over her body, those large paws of his cupping her breasts fully hefting them slightly. Several minutes passed, she allowed derrick's paws to continue to fondle and caress her. Crystal lifted her tail, pressing her rump back against him, she shuddered feeling that firm bulge against her body. It felt larger and thicker than her fiancee, and she whined a little. "b.. big.." Suddenly the sky was made bright with lighting, the facility rumbling from the thunder.

"Crystal.." his voice was deep and commanding, part of her wished that Pierre acted this way when he was out of that costume. "Do you want me to take you.. to sire my pups inside your belly.." As his paw was inside her uniform, giving her belly a squeeze. She shuddered and almost answered yes to him, though the words of pups sent a chill down her spine, pulling away from him making her realize the intensity of the situation she was slowly putting herself in.

"I.. I have to go.. this isn't right.. I'm engaged.." As she whimpered, leaving derrick there in the room, glancing at him for a moment. She stopped near the doorway, almost wanting to return to his touch. That lewd bulge in his shorts, burning it's shape into her mind for the rest of her days. She fixed her uniform, and beat on the door until it slid open. Tears were starting to fall from her eyes. The wolf stopped her at the end of the hallway, asking what was wrong. "Outside.." The wolf glanced at her, a bit of concern in his eyes.

"Miss Purity.. It's not safe to go outside right now. There is a large storm and you don't have your powers." Growling deeply, I looked at him my teeth bared. The wolf took a few steps back and nodded slowly. "Yes Miss. I'm sorry. Didn't mean to question you." As he showed me to the door, stepping aside he spoke once more, I barely registered his words. "I will inform the master. It's my job and I don't believe he wishes for you to get hurt.." I just nodded dumbly, running outside into the storm feeling the rain wash over my body. I tried to rip the costume from my body, but without my powers the best I could do was get it off me and I slumped down on the beach, sobbing. The rain was cold and whipped around and stung as it hit my body, I was past caring about that. I don't remember how long I was out there in the rain, my fur getting completely soaked. All I wanted was this to be over, my powers back, my heat to be over, and to be with my fiancee so that I could get married. The storm was fading into the distance, and I was shivering from the chill after the storm as the wind was still fairly strong. I knew that I should go back inside, but I didn't want to. Guilt racked me, I couldn't believe how weak I was when I was around Derrick. He was an evil bastard, and didn't seem offput by the fact that he was putting my friends through mental anguish, or tormenting my fiancee, Pierre. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push out those glowing red eyes, that rich black fur it made her feel so odd.

Pierre was an amazing man, the dominant male on the team being the leader. He was confident, strong and seemed to always have a plan and collected. His strength never seemed to falter and that's part of the reason she loved him. Never a crisis that was too big, or a villian too evil they couldn't find a way to stop. For all his bravado inside the costume, it was like the other side of a coin when he stepped out of it. For ever bit of confidence he showed as captain light, when he became Pierre Morales, all that seemed to fade. He was caring and gentle, but very sedate and almost drawn into himself at times. I couldn't imagine how long it took him to gather up the courage or confidence to ask my paw for marriage with his costume on. He never took the lead when we spent time together out of costume, he always let me make the decisions where to go, what to eat, or even what movies we saw. There were times, I just wished he'd snap at me, or just take charge. Sighing, for some reason, he didn't seem to be able to act that way without being Captain Light. There were a few times we went out in costume, and it was far more enjoyable times as he was active, bright and took the lead, showing me things he enjoyed. Just like the few rare times that we had been sinful with each other. I had to take the lead, and guide him when we were intimate unless he was in that costume. It was frustrating sometimes, I didn't understand how he could change from being so dominant in the uniform to being so submissive outside it. None of the other heroes or heroines acted that way from the ones I spoke with. Shivering slightly, I wrapped the wet uniform around myself, rubbing my paws along my arms, trying to warm myself slightly.

Closing my eyes, I slowly stood, giving my fur a slight shake, getting some of the wetness out of my fur. I was partially sure I had figured out what was causing my attraction to Derrick, or Dark Corruption was in my fantasies. I knew a small part of it was my heat cycle, and that he was a wolf like myself. There was the main fact of what did it, he was so confident and assured of himself. Unlike most of the wolves I had met in the cities, or other countries he didn't hide his aggression like it was something to be ashamed of, it fascinated me. I don't know how far I would have gone, part of me had wanted to just submit and allow him to claim my belly for his pups, if he hadn't spoken I wouldn't be outside here cold and shivering now. I carefully slipped into the cold uniform, figuring it'd be best if I was dressed before heading back to the facility. Taking a few minutes, I watched the sun begin to break through the clouds, the light shining warmly on my muzzle, drawing in deep breathes of the ocean air clearing my head. I spun, growling slightly when I heard a voice behind me.

"I figured you'd still be out here.." Glancing at Derrick, there was something about that grin on his muzzle that made me growl. Catching the blanket he tossed, Crystal wrapped herself up in it, watching him. "Now. I have an choice for you to make.. you can contact your friends. Let them know you're safe and that I haven't harmed you." Lifting a paw, stopping her from speaking, "But. You will remain my prisoner for a bit longer. I will keep up my end of no harm will come to you as long as you don't try and give them a hint as where this place is.. or how to find it." Those eyes went from their pale red glow, to an intense flaring brightness like a fire, "Or I will make you regret it.. and what I do will let you know who's in control here and what power I truly wield over this place and my prisoners when I take them. Do I make myself clear?" He stepped forward, I shivered and took a few steps looking away not wanting to get trapped in those eyes of his. I weighed my options and knowing I didn't have much choice nodded slowly. I didn't wish to find out what would happen if I tried to warn my friends or my fiancee. I recalled what the one person had told me when I spoke with them.

A few hours later I was back in my normal costume, both Derrick and myself figured that would be best. The other garment in my room, I don't know why but I missed it and the way it made me feel. It wasn't a comforting thought, it was still a prison here, a very fancy one, but still a prison none the less. Comforting myself, I knew the society would track the transmission, and be on their way to rescue me and this would all fade as a bad memory. When Dark Corruption entered the room, I folded my ears and took a step back. It was one thing to see him from a distance, or in videos. Seeing him in person in his costume, up close, it was a scary and intimidating sight. He wore some sort of blood red costume, I was fairly certain it was made from the same material that mine was. Covering his chest, his forearms was something that looked like an ancient gladiator's armor, intricate details cared into the dark gray material. His helmet appeared to be made from a very similar material, covering his entire head but leaving that muzzle exposed, his eyes glowed from a pair of eyelets in the metal, making them seem to glow brighter than they normally did. His muzzle parted slightly, grinning widely, that cold fog rolling from his muzzle, I found myself tucking my tail down between my legs and giving a little whimper.

"See.. I don't get dressed like this very often anymore. It does serve it's purpose though.." He moved close to me, tapping something on one of his forearms. I watched the wall display light up, showing off the main chamber of the society's main base. I gasped softly, there were almost a dozen heroes gathered. I saw my fiancee Pierre, Dressed in his costume as Captain Light. I recognized a few of the other heroes, there was the protector, lightning liger and flame leo, and some others I didn't recognize as well. "I've had access to several video feeds inside your base for a while now.. most of your meetings are boring you know that?" He gestured to the screen, "Show time Crystal, or should I say Miss Purity to be polite. Don't need anyone thinking badly of you.." As I didn't put it together at the time, but it wouldn't have been good if he addressed me by my real name in front of the others.

The screen flickered to life on their end, I saw the shocked look on their faces as it caught them off gaurd. It took them several moments to figure out what had happened. Captain light snarled when he saw me, Dark Corruption standing beside me, a paw resting on my hip, that gun in his other paw. There was a small display in the corner, showing off the view from our side, and it was clear that his paw was on my hip. I saw my fiancee's eyes glance at that as he stood up, his voice coming over the speakers clearly. "Damn you. Let her go or you'll regret it you bastard!" I could see that he was tired, probably exhausted and his eyes weren't as bright as they normally were. Figured he had spent almost of his time awake trying to find me. I whimpered slightly when that paw left my hip and grabbed the short bit of hair I did have through my mask. That simple motion silenced everyone instantly, it was like he flicked a switch.

"Now Now Captain Light, if you don't calm down, I'll be forced to hurt your little flower here. I've been a good host, I haven't hurt Miss Purity. She's been a wonderful hostage. The only things that have happened was a few shocks to her body when she tried to escape, it tore her costume as you can see. Other than that she is safe and well cared for. She will remain that way for the moment.. if you listen." His fingers slowly released my mask, and began to stroke the nape of my neck, making me shivers and give a little whimper. I could see my fiancee's muzzle pull back in a silent snarl, I was fairly sure he thought he was hurting me some more. "Be a lovely lady Miss Purity, show them your new jewelry I've given you." As my paws lifted my mask a bit, exposing the front of my neck, showing off that collar with it's lights. "Now, I've been able to isolate her powers so that she can't use them.. otherwise I'm sure she'd have damaged my facility and escaped by now, and I can't have that." I watched my fiancee growl, his fist slamming into the desk leaving an indent from the force. "Captain light, don't worry, she'll be safe and unharmed. I'll release her back to your care in a week's time, I want to make sure there are no side effects of the collar. And if you all behave.. I won't hurt her. Much" I whimpered, folding my ears back. The camera slowly panned up as he moved behind me, grinning widely. He gestured, "Go ahead Miss Purity. You may speak to your friends."

Sighing softly, I spoke trying to sound confident. "I'm Safe. He hasn't hurt me." I showed off the tattered bit of the sleeve on my uniform, "There was some electrical shocks that broke up my costume a bit, but other than I'm fine. I've been taken care of and fed. He's not lying.." giving a little whimper, seeing my fiancee's gaze on me, I wished he was here holding me in those strong arms. I continued when Dark Corruption's paw squeezed my shoulder lightly, "The collar suppresses my power I don't know how it works. I'm Helpless right now, but I do have freedom of movement in the facility." As I whimpered, I was sure they thought it was because I missed them, but that wasn't the real cause. The bastard of a wolf was slowly rolling his hips, grinding the bulge in his pants against my rump. "H.. he's given me his word. He said he will release me, and the food is alright. I haven't been drugged from what I can tell." I spoke the truth, but was taking my time, hoping it was giving them a chance to track the signal. I could see lightning Liger tapping something on his console. It was difficult to focus, those hips were grinding firmly against me, his paws were on my hips. He growled silently. I hated the fact they couldn't see what he was doing, the camera only showing both of us from the chest up. "I miss you Captain Light.. and when I get back we will have our wedding.." I hated Derrick right now, my nostrils flared and all I could smell was his arousal and that thick scent of dominance. I couldn't help myself, a gave a little whimper and lifted my tail out of the way, hearing a very deep growl in my ear, making me fold them back. "I Love you.. and I miss the rest of you. I.. I can't wait to see you soon." As the screen went dark, I moaned out, Dark Corruption's muzzle biting down on the nape of my neck.

"If you loved him so much.. why are you lifting your tail for me?" as his paws rubbing my hips, I moaned and whimpered, unable to say anything. "I bet you wish he was here.. taking you and showing me that you don't belong here with me or that you love my affections as much as you love his." Those hips slowly rocking still, grinding his bulge against my rump cheeks. "Like I said.. I've had video feeds inside your base for a while now. I know what he's like without that costume.. nothing like he was there on the display is he?" I shook my head lightly, "You're a good girl Crystal.." Licking my ears gently, his paws slid up my sides and I moved my arms out of the way, allowing him to cup my breasts through my costume. "This is what's going to happen.." Growling deeply in my ears, I whined fearing the worst. "I bet you're a virgin aren't you?" His paws teasing my breasts through the material, coaxing a moan from my muzzle.

"Y.. yes I.. I'm saving myself.. N.. No one has been there." As I whimpered, he continued to tease me, and I don't know why I kept whimpering "N.. not even a toy has been between my legs.. A.. and Pierre has only touched me once through my clothes.." I felt him step back, and I whined lightly, I couldn't help myself I turned and looked at him. He was stripping out of his armor, grumbling how it was in the way. Stepping forward, I rested a paw on that breastplate, whispering "K.. keep it on Dark Corruption." He looked at me, those eyes glowing, nodding we leaned in and kissed each other. I knew what I was doing, and I didn't feel any regrets or guilt about it this time. Once this was over, I'd be back with Pierre, and we'd be married and I could just be a part time hero, maybe helping train others instead of fighting villians. Our muzzled parted and before I could do anything, his tongue was in my muzzle wrestling with mine. Gently, I coaxed a moan from him, brushing my leg against his groin feeling that firm bulge there, his paws gripping my rump and squeezing. I didn't know that intimacy could be like this, my body craved his touch, his attention. I felt that fog filling my muzzle as we kissed, I don't know why, but I breathed it in and felt that coolness drift through my body. Breaking the kiss, he growled deeply staring into my eyes.

"I'm going to bend you over that desk.. and grind against you until we've both made a mess in our uniforms." Licking my muzzle softly, "And I will make you howl for me Miss Purity.. I will leave you a virgin for Pierre.. only if you want to be." I paused a moment, then slowly nodded. He gave a slight growl, I knew he wanted it, and part of me wanted it too. I'd spoken to the girls in the society, they told me what it was like to have sex, especially when you have a large male to fill you. I never understood that urge until that moment, letting him lead me to the table. Slowly, I leaned over it and spread my legs lifting my tail glancing back at him. His weight settled onto my back, his muzzle gripping my scruff as he whispered. "Or would you rather allow me to grind my shaft against your lips and stain them with my scent.." His suggestion was so sinful and ignoring that voice that told me to stop. I reached back, hooking my fingers into my uniform and drew it downwards, ears perking up. "That's a good girl crystal.." As I sighed, letting him push my chest firmly against the table, he fumbled for a moment behind me and then we were both exposed between our legs. Hissing out when his sheath brushed slowly along my damp folds, it sent tingles like electricity down my spine, and made me moan out. I couldn't believe I was doing this, and lowered my head baring my neck to him. I cried out softly when he bit my neck, like he owned me. "Yes little wolf.. you want me don't you.. Bet it'd be so easy to give into your heat.." As he grunted, paws holding my hips now. We rocked slowly, I couldn't help but moan yes at his words. Pierre and me tried something like this once, but it was different. I wasn't this turned on, or aroused by the sensation even though we did it through clothes. I could feel him starting to unsheath, that flesh feeling large and threatening. Part of me knew it was my head and the natural urges to bred, but it was mostly his dominance, his confidence and forceful nature that made it so wonderful feeling.

Shuddering, suddenly he was gone, leaving me bent over the table, my tail lifted and my uniform down around my thighs. I whined out and looked back, he was stripping himself out of his costume and smirked asking if I'd help. "A.. alright.." As I slowly stood up, fixing my uniform. He had a slightly suprised look on his face as I stepped forward and started to undo the buttons on his shirt. We licked at each other's muzzle softly as I slipped his shirt off his body, feeling those firm muscles under the fur. If it wasn't for the black fur, I could almost convince myself it my fiancee's body I was rubbing. Slowly, I ran my fingers along his arms pulling the gloves off his paws, leaving them bare. Panting quietly, I couldn't believe how firm and hard his body felt, it was like he was made from stone. Flagging my tail, I whined as he undid the buttons on his pants, letting them fall to the floor. This was dangerous and stupid, but I craved every moment of this game we were playing. Reaching out, I wrapped my paw around his shaft marvelling at it's size, it was easily nine inches or more and thick as a can of soda. Looking into his eyes, I didn't things like that fit into girls, but part of me desperately wanted to try. Turning, I closed my eyes, feeling his paws gripping my uniform and began to slide it off my body. Moaning lightly, I felt the cool ocean breeze as it cascaded over my fur, the white fur seeming to have a sheen in the evenings fading light. Hearing his growl, the desire in his voice as he presses agaisnt me, feeling that arousal pressed between my rump cheeks. Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply, taking in the scents of the room, a whimper escaping my throat. It wasn't something I had expected, all I could smell was him, Derrick. It was a scent unlike anything I'd ever smelled before, or since. There was raw arousal, dominance, and virility. "Oh god.." I moaned, feeling my groin flush with heat and desire, lifting my tail aside to let him rock his hips, staining my fur with his fluids.

The growl that escaped his muzzle was primal, his paws gripping my shoulders and pushing me against the table. I willingly bent over it, my breasts resting against the cold marble as I whimpered. I spread my legs, lifting my tail looking back at Derrick. My whole body felt like it was on fire, and seeing his shaft bobbing in the air, bright red against the black fur of his body made me whine. When he leaned over me, I slowly turned my head forward, arching my back slightly. Those teeth sunk into my skin as I listened to him, "If I take your collar off.. restore your powers.. are you going to run, or are you going to stay the full week I stated.." His paws had cupped my heavy breasts, making me whimper, stroking my stiff nipples. Lifting my muzzle, I gave him my answer.

"I.. I will stay.. i won't fight you Derrick.." As those words escaped my muzzle, I knew I had crossed a line and that I was risking everything I had with the society. All I knew was I needed him, and craved his attentions and the thought of letting him mount me fully sounded wonderful. I moaned lightly, feeling that thick flesh slap lewdly against my drenched folds, the sensation making me whine out. Reaching back, I stroked the underside of his shaft as he rocked slowly, our moans mixing in the air. He was drooling into my paw and knew it wouldn't take much to adjust his motions so he'd be inside me.

"Smell so good in heat crystal.." Snarling, he gave a firm grind against me, making me whimper. "You aren't on the suppresses are you? You really are fertile right now.." As I nodded, I pulled my tail out from underneath him and rested it to the side, exposing myself fully. "Do you want me inside you.." As he watched, I was torn between my love for Pierre and my affections for this wolf, heeding my instincts, I slowly guided his shaft up so it pressed against my entrance. There was no going back as his paws reached out, gripping my wrists and pinning me against the table. As that tip of his manhood prodded my entrance, I whimpered still torn but knowing I had made my choice and was going to have to live with the penalties of it. His muzzle clamped down on my scruff, making me moan and growl out, his grip tightening on my wrists. I had to be greatful for my powers back, otherwise I'm sure he would have broken them. A moment later, I felt a stabbing pain deep in my belly, and realized that Derrick was now flush against my rump. I was no longer a virgin, I was no longer pure and I allowed a man who was our enemy claim that, and did so willingly. I was helpless to stop his thrusts as he kept me pinned, but I wouldn't have resisted anyhow. His tongue gently licked the back of my neck as he thrust into me, his voice ragged. "F.. fuck so hot Crystal.." As he gave a light tug to my scruff, instead of whimpering, I snarled surprising myself. I could hear the satisfaction in his voice, "You're mine.. and I'm the alpha male here." As he gave another firm thrust, making me moan, "And you're my alpha female.." Glancing at the window, I could see us in the reflection. Moaning, the colors were muted and with the fading light, Derrick's fur almost looked gray in the thick glass. I immediately thought of my fiancee, and for the first time in my life I doubted my feelings for him.

Moaning, I rocked back to meet Derrick's thrusts, revelling in the lustful joy of this mating. My body sung in pleasure, feeling the fullness of his shaft as it pressed deep into my belly over and over. Reaching back I gripped derrick's headfur, moaning. "Yes.. Dark Corruption.. show the world your claim.. don't pull out.." As I felt him almost pause, "Tie with me.. fill my belly with your pups.." As I howled, climaxing. I felt a sudden tightness as my walls clenched hard over and over around the male inside me, my aroused fertile juices spraying out against his groin. His muzzle lifted and a bit of fur left with it as he howled, our voices joining as one. The sound echoed in the room, deafening. On an instinctual level, I knew what it meant, but I wasn't coherent enough to realize it at the time. We signalled our mateship to everyone that could hear, including the lord in the skies above. Then I felt it, an ache inside me as something swelled, I knew it was his knot and he was about to flood me with his seed. There was a moment of doubt in my mind, but as that first jet of her rushed into my belly, it all went away. Moaning softly, I lifted my muzzle and licked under derrick's chin, feeling satisfied and fuller than I had ever felt in my life.

Everything that I knew was most likely over, I had willing copulated with an enemy and during my heat cycle so by the time I would get back to the society, I'd most likely have a pup or two growing inside me. The oddest part though, I didn't feel as much guilt as I thought I would have. There was some part of that was sad that I had betrayed my fiancee, but the larger part that was racked with guilt was the fact I wasn't married to Derrick before he took me as his female. I slumped slightly agianst the desk, giving a little whimper and cried quietly. Derrick very softly licked my ears and held me, he didn't say anything the whole time. I think part of him knew that I was torn with what we had done, and he knew that I was very religious. My entire body was sore, and I felt so achey now that I had a chance to actually come down from that instinctual high. Derrick was very gentle even when he dismounted, he asked if he should stay. "I.. I don't know. I will need to go back to my room to rest and think" He nodded, his eyes were barely glowing. I lifted a paw and stroked his cheek, kissing him softly. I whispered. "Thank you.." We stared into each other's eyes for several moments, the light faded enough and I could see his actual eyes. I whispered, "They're beautiful.." As my paw caressed his cheek, he leaned into it. His left eye was an icy blue color, and the right was a soft brown color. Nodding I heard his give a soft sigh, the glow slowly returning. I realized how much self control it must have taken to do that. He quietly slipped away from my paw, and get his pants back on. I gave a little whimper and picked up my own uniform. I blushed a bit, my thighs felt a bit damp and I knew why. I approached the door, a slender vixen greeted me. "Hello." I smiled, she offered me a robe, thanking her I took it. We spoke softly as she led me back to my room, I could see the blush in her cheekfur.

"I'm Kaylani, You must have made an impression on the master." As we both entered my room. Crystal looked at her rather confused. "I've never seen him ever allow himself to be intimate with anyone in the ten years I've worked for him." Gesturing, they both sat at the small table near the window. Coaxing her to go on. "Well Miss Purity.. the master has had several women from this place try and win his affections, all failed. There were even some super heroines that are in your society that tried." Shaking her muzzle, Crystal wasn't suprised with the fact there were spies in the society. It was a fairly large gathering of heroes, and no one seemed to question new members. She nodded for the vixen to continue. "I don't know why, but he seemed rather taken when he brought you here. He knew of your reputation but nothing else really. With you not being a leading member of the society, I doubt he considered you any sort of threat?" Crystal nodded.

"Well I imagine.. i don't care for that part of the society. Too much drama and politics. You mean he's never taken a partner in the time you've known him?" The vixen shook her head. The pair of girls spoke for several hours into the night, sharing stories and getting to know one another. Crystal was finding herself in a very difficult situation. She knew that she had to go back to the society or they would become suspicious, but she didn't want to leave Derrick. The vixen had left a short while ago, leaving her to stew with her thoughts. There was so much going on, and she knew from her schooling that there was a chance it was just Stockholm syndrome that made her feel this way, but she doubted that for some reason. I knew that when I got back, I'd have to allow Pierre to taste my flesh, but some reason that whole idea just felt wrong. I loved him still as a man, and I knew he'd be a good lover. On an instinctual level, I didn't think I could truly handle being romantically and intimately involved with someone who was two completely different people just cause he changed clothes. Crystal hugged her arms around herself tightly and sighed, if she hadn't been kidnapped this never would have happened, she never would have doubted her feelings for her fiancee. She also knew that she wouldn't have been a chance she was carrying pups out of wedlock. A paw stroked her belly, she knew that god forgave, but would he forgive her for this? Slipping out of the robe, she made her way to the bed and settled under the covers, hoping sleep would soothe her thoughts and give her a clear head.

The next few days were difficult for Crystal, she wandered the halls quietly, having accepted some normal clothes to wear. When anyone tried to offer to help her, she shook her head, they all understood, she could see it in their eyes. It was difficult, she whimpered and after a short time, found the door that lead outside. The warm breeze that blew in from the ocean felt wonderful, and almost felt like a paw stroking her cheek. A smile slowly crossed her muzzle, she made her way, exploring the grounds quietly. There were some children that ran around, playing silly games and enjoying themselves. It must have been odd, not having the pressures of the world to bear down on you here. Pausing, she stopped when she found herself in front of an orchard of trees. There were a variety of fruits and flowers that grew in orchard, she wandered quietly. Lost in her thoughts, she tripped over a bucket and landed in the dirt.

"Careful Miss. It can be a might bit painful landing in the dirt." Looking up, Crystal gazed into the eyes of an old stallion. There was something oddly familiar about him. "Something wrong?" As he helped her to her feet, tossing an apple to her. Crystal's tail wagged a bit behind her as she smiled.

"No. I was curious how long you've been here Meteor Hammer?" As she noticed the horse's eyes go wide, he chuckled.

"Well Missy, no one has called me that in years.. do I know you?" As Crystal nodded, explaining who she was. "How did you end up here? I mean, Derrick isn't one for typically having heroes at this or any of his facilities." BLushing, she explained how she ended up here, the words flowing freely and placed the stallion's hand on her belly, looking into his eyes. "Oh.. well that's to be unexpected. I didn't know derrick took a fancy to anyone in that way. I mean I've known him for a good part of thirty years myself. Knew him when he coming out of college. You must have done something special child."

"I don't know. Though, I'm torn.. I have my duties to the Society, and I'm sure they'll expect me to try and help them find derrick, that's the problem. I really don't want them.." As she whimpered, shaking her head. "And then there is the matter, I wish I could find somewhere quiet and appropriate to pray, but I've had no real luck." The stallion nodded, letting her speak.

"Follow me." As she looked at him, he led her deeper into the orchard. crystal's eyes went wide, over looking the ocean was a small prayer platform. "Now young missy. You take your time and pray for as long as you need. I know you've got your powers.. and doubt anyone would stop you if you tried to leave. Though if you do, please be kind enough and say good bye to Derrick." As he turned to leave, calling back over his shoulder, "Just leave the apple core on the ground, the lord will take care of that.. and I'll let the others know not to disturb you."

Blushing, she slowly made her way to the platform, kneeling down on it as she traced the ornate details in the marble. Reading the words, she spoke softly. "Children of the lord will be forgiven for their sins if they believe in their hearts that they did the right thing. For one man cannot decree what is right or wrong when his heart is different than all the rest." These were words she never remembered reading in any of the bibles that she had seen, or even the ones she owned. Oddly enough the words made a lot of sense and she smiled, looking up at the sky. The sun was brilliant in the sky and it felt wonderful on her muzzle. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, "Thank you.. Thank you.." as she sobbed softly, knowing somehow that things were going to turn out alright for everyone. A short while later, she returned to the facility to prepare for the evening.

That night, she asked one of the people if they could find something appropriate for dinner instead of her uniform. A wolf nodded and hurried off, and she slipped into the shower. It felt nice, just soaking with the water spraying on her fur, soaking the muscles that were starting to strengthen back up once more. It seemed there was a slight recovery time for the energy to restore it's flow through her body. A quiet knock at the door drew her from the shower, she called out. "Just a moment.." And the knocking had stopped. Crystal hurried and dried herself off the best she could with a towel, and wrapped a robe around herself and headed to the door. As she opened the door, she was greeted once more by Kaylani. Allowing her in, she blinked. "I just asked for a dress.." noticing the vixen carried a few small boxes with her.

"My dear. A lady doesn't ask for just a dress." Stepping forward, making Crystal giggle when her muzzle was licked, "Especially when you tell someone you want a dress that's appropriate for a quiet dinner with the master." Nodding, Crystal allow Kaylani to guide her back into the bathroom, the vixen sighed a little. "My dear.. do you ever do anything with your fur beside wash and blow dry it?" Shaking her head slowly.

"No. i didn't think there was much point to it. My costume covers pretty much everything.." As she murred when the vixen began to soft brush her fur. Closing her eyes, she shivered a bit. "That feels really nice.." She was lost in the attention being paid to her fur, she hadn't even noticed the vixen slipped her robe off and was starting to run the brush along her back. Panting softly, she shivered a bit. "Wish my fiancee would do this sometimes.." as she squirms, blushing brightly as she looks at the vixen. "I mean.. Umm."

Crystal shivered as the vixen whispered in her ear. "Let's see.. you're Miss Purity and you're supposed to be marrying Captain Light." As she murred, stroking the brush down Crystal's back, "If you ask me.. you found a better wolf to be with. I've seen the pictures of Captain Light and from my guess.. he's not as big as the master." Crystal blushed and nodded, not thinking as she spoke.

"Well I mean Pierre.. my fiance. He's only like six." As she shivered, "And Derrick.. is huge compared to that.. he's longer.. thicker.. and his scent" As she whined slightly, squirming a bit. She then realized what she said, "I didn't mean.."

"It's alright sweetie. I don't care about Captain Light's real name. Not going to tell anyone." As the vixen brushed Crystal's fur, smoothing it. "Now.. Stand up miss. I need to get your legs done." She stood up, allowing the vixen brush her fur. "Dear. You need to take care of yourself more often. Maybe I'll request the master to send me to your city to be your personal beautician. I could lose myself in take care of this fur it's so prisine.. In years of taking care of people, I've never seen an entirely white coat. It's lovely." Listening to the vixen, she giggled a little.

"You're kidding right? I don't think the society would even allow me that kind of thing.." Listening to the vixen behind her laugh. "maybe if I didn't tell them.. This feels so wonderful." As she shivered a bit, tail wagging behind her slowly. Relaxing, she let herself just relax under the brushing and shifted nervously as the vixen pushed her legs apart.

"Now honey. I want to make sure every part of you is brushed properly." Crystal panted lightly feeling the vixen whisper in her ear. "Don't you want to be beautiful for Derrick? make him drool.." She blushed and giggled a little. Feeling a bit of powder being brushed into her fur, it made her tingle a bit. "Don't worry hun. It's just a powder to make your fur appear even whiter than it does normally. Now.. we get to do your claws and paint them." Making her sit on a chair, lifting her footpaw first. "These things are so horrible. Dear. you need to take care of these more often."

Crystal panted lightly, it was actually kind of nice to have someone pay this sort of attention to her. Her tail thumped against the chair as she wiggled her toes. She looked at her footpaws, watching as they got painted a bright red color and the little bits of cotton keeping her toes spread. "I don't know how the girls in the society do this almost every day." murring a bit. Extending her paws, she allowed Kaylani to paint the clawtips on her fingers that same red color. Allowing herself to have her eyelashes done, the last bit was some soft smelling perfume sprayed into her fur.

"That's much better.. Now let's take a look at you in the mirror." Vixen leading her to the mirror, grinning as Crystal blushed brightly. She couldn't believe it, she looked completely different than how she normally did. Her fur had an amazing sheen to it, and the red nail polish highlighted her paws. Giving a little spin, she giggled. "See. Told you dear. A little work on the coat and it would make you beautiful. I can just imagine how the master is going to react looking at you." Crystal watched a little envious of that long tail swayed behind her, sometimes wishing that she had a lovely long fox tail instead of the shorter wolf tail. Crystal gave a little shiver, feeling the vixen kiss her neck. "Mmm you're so lucky.." Squirming slightly, she moaned when the vixen cupped her breasts. "The master chose you.. finding you more fascinating than the other super heroine females who tried to chase him."

Shivering, Crystal squirmed a bit feeling the vixen's paws cupping her breasts, arching her back a bit. "Y.. you're so naughty. I.. I need to get dressed for derrick." As she whines slightly, feeling her nipples stiffening under the attention, giving a little moan. She shook her head slightly when Kaylani asked if she ever had another girl touch her like this. Her voice catching, feeling the vixen's paw drifting between her legs. "Ka.. Kaylani." As she whines, her tail flicking a bit. Closing her eyes, she let the vixen play with her gently and allowing the pleasure to fill her.

Blushing, she made her way into the room as she looked over at Derrick, she felt incredibly awkward. Kaylani had picked her a sleek red dress that hugged every inch of her body showing off her curves. Panting a little, she saw Derrick drooling a bit. "D.. Do I look good?" as her tail flicked behind her, giving a little shiver. Reaching up with her paws, she adjusted the front of her dress as it dipped down very low on her breasts showing off quite a bit of cleavage.

"Oh yes I mean.. Umm. You look very nice Crystal." As she grinned a little, blushing and folding her ears back, she made her way to the table, sitting across from him smiling a little. Her ears perking, listening to him. "Wow.. so amazing, didn't think that you'd clean up that lovely.." As she glanced at him, he coughed. "What I meant was.. I think I'll just stop sticking my foot in my muzzle for now" Giggling slightly, she nodded.

"It's okay Derrick." As she blushed, "I know what you meant.." As they quietly ate, glancing at each other during the whole meal, the moon above them casting it's reflection in the ocean outside the window. It wasn't the eyes one makes with a prisoner, it was more the ones that a pair of lovers would make. They sipped the wine and finished their meals, Derrick stood up and made his way over to her.

"Dance my dear?" Extending one of those paws, she blushes and giggled looking at him. Nodding, she took his paw and allowed him to guide her close to him, enjoying the feeling of his suit against her. Closing her eyes, Crystal melted against her wolf, smiling at his soft scent and the way his paws stroked her back. A quiet song started to play, the pair of wolves swaying with the music, Crystal's paw lightly rubbing his chest. "This is very nice.. I.. I haven't really done this before." Causing her to giggle.

"What bout the other day? Was that a first too?" As she teased him, her ears folded back when he nodded. She saw the blush in his ears, feeling embarassed as she realized that they gave themselves to each other. Shivering slightly, she squirmed a bit at the feeling of Derrick holding her tightly against his body. Moaning a little in his ear, letting him squeeze her rump. "D.. Derrick. I.." As she whimpered quietly. She looked into his eyes, he had focused and she could look into without that red glow.

"I know crystal.. I wish you could stay." As he nuzzled her cheek, whimpering a little, she nodded. He kissed her deeply, locking his teeth with her own, their tongues wrestling with each other, sharing breath. They broke the kiss and panted, looking at each other, giving a soft whimper. "Regardless of your choice.. you're my wolf. Even if you marry Pierre.." A soft growl escaping his muzzle, "You belong to me." His paw stroking her belly, "Just like I hope this grows with our pups."

Crystal blushed brightly, hugging his paw to her belly, nodding. "Yours.. not Captain Lights.." Savoring the feeling of Derrick staying close to her, she pants lightly, relaxing. Resting her head on his shoulder, "I wish I didn't have to go.. but we both know I have to." Murring lightly, tail wagging a bit as she looked up at him. She watched Derrick nod, his paw stroking her cheek lightly, she leaned into the paw enjoying his touch. "A.. And I have to know if how I feel right now isn't just cause of me being in heat and being your captive." Looking away from Derrick, she felt a little bad saying the words. Closing her eyes once more, she just laid her head back against him, allowing his arms to wrap around her and hold her close.

"I know. And I respect it Crystal.. I wouldn't want you to jump into anything prematurely." Crysal just enjoyed his attention, resting with the dark furred wolf, Allowing herself to just dance the night away. She had to admit, it was romantic, just the two of them, the sounds of the ocean outside and the quiet classical music playing. After a while, she sighed and stroked Derrick's cheek.

"I should get to bed.. I need to shower for the morning. Can't go back to the society reeking of your scent all over me." The pair giggled slightly, Leaning crystal kissed Derrick deeply savoring the taste of his muzzle. A few moments later, she broke the kiss and headed back to her room, listening to the growl from Derrick's muzzle. Allowing her rump to sway slowly side to side, giving him a cute view. "See you tomorrow wolfy.." Exiting the room, she allowed kaylani to guide her back to her room.

Crystal batted at kaylani as the vixen tickled her. "So, what did you two do? I smell him on you.. just not the way I figured I would." Shaking her head, she blushed a bit.

"We just danced that's all. It was pleasant.. I liked it. A nice quiet evening." As her tail wagged, yawning slightly. "I should get some sleep.. I am supposed to go back to the society tomorrow. I gotta get cleaned up." As she lifted a paw, cutting off Kaylani before she could speak. "I don't need any help you silly girl." She shuffled the vixen out of the room and closed the door. Relaxing against the closed door, she panted. "That was really nice." As her tail thumped against the door slightly, her paws hugged around herself.

I was resting in my room, trying to get to sleep, thin sheets covering me as it was a warm night. A knock came at the door, slipping off the bed I went to it. I was still a little hazy from the dancing with Derrick earlier and my heat was still nagging at me. Opening the door, Derrick was standing there, I tried to close the door but his paw gripped it. Stepping forward, he pressed his muzzle to my own, it was unexpected and caught me offguard. He pressed the advantage, drawing me tight against his body. I whimpered softly, "We... We can't. You... you have to go." my hands pressing against his chest fur, it was damp and he growled deeply telling me to breath deeply. I knew I shouldn't have, but my nostrils flared and I moaned out. His scent was thick, and I could smell the sweat in his fur making his heavy virile male scent fill my nose. I could smell fresh seed in his fur, he must have gotten off when I left, and it made my legs felt very weak. Stepping away nervously, trying to focus, looking for something to help me to focus. My white fur glistened in the pale moonlight, I was supposed to be going back to the society, I couldn't risk heading back smelling of his seed and scent.

I wanted to say I succeeded in ignoring my heat, that I resisted his dominance, but that was all a lie. I fumbled around the room, my back to derrick as I whimpered, thinking that I could make it to the bathroom. A whimper escaped my muzzle as he pressed against me from behind, I could feel his heavy sheath rubbing against my naked rump. His paws gripped my shoulders, that fog from his muzzle drifting down my shoulder as he whispered. "Don't Resist.. We both want this Crystal. I want to make sure my pups are in your belly." Those paws softly caressed me, sliding downwards, I closed my eyes his touch felt so wonderful. I slowly lifted my tail, allowing him a better position to rub against me, I knew it was wrong and sinful but I wanted his attention. His words filled my ears, "I want you. I want to breed you. I'm going to stuff my big knot into your belly until you ache for my attention." My heat addled brain was loving the attention and his words sounded so wonderful. My fiancee never said any of those things, how he wanted or desired me. Reaching back, I stroked the back of his head, holding his muzzle to my neck. Those strong hips of his rolled against me, dragging his firm sheath between my rump cheeks.

Turning, slowly lifting my muzzle looking him in the eyes. Softly I whispered, "I want you Derrick." Folding my ears back, we kissed softly, letting our tongues wrestle with each others eagerly. Normally when Pierre and I made out, I always had to lead, I was the dominant ones in the games of romance. Not here, not tonight, not with this wolf. It was clear he was leading this dance between us, and I was the submissive one, and I loved that feeling. Those rough paws were exploring my body, hefting my suppose breasts thumbing over my nipples as we made out. Breaking the kiss, we were both panting heavily and the smell of our mutual arousal filled the air. Blushing brightly, I looked at at his cock as it bobbed lewdly in the air. "M... May I taste you?" Glancing upwards at him, waiting for an answer. His fingers stroked my cheek, nodding slowly. Kneeling, I brought myself down before him looking at the thick shaft in front of me. Nervously, I stroked his length, blushing at his size. His shaft was threatening and large, glistening with precum. Being this close to it, it was easy to see it's size and thickness rather than feeling it buried inside me. I had to guess it was probably around nine to nine and a half inches long. He made Pierre look tiny, part of me knowing that I was being spoiled before I was going back. My nostrils flared, inhaling his scent. It was thick with sweat and seed, he hadn't washed himself and I should have been repulsed. It was quite the opposite effect, it only fueled my sinful desires for him. Slowly I began to gently lap and clean his groin, hefting those heavy filled balls with my tongue. I could taste the mixture of fluids, tasting sweat cum and something else. I didn't want to admit at first, feeling that this was something that only dirty women did. The ones I saw in the few porns that the girls at the society shared. This was exciting, and it increased my arousal, I could feel my mound growing hot. We both whimpered and moaned, cleaning and making sure he was properly prepared for mating. Once his groin was cleaned, my saliva having slickened back the fur, I opened my muzzle and took his aroused manhood into my muzzle.

Both of his paws drifted down to stroke my head, hearing that growl deepen as he spoke. "That's a naughty girl. Suck my big evil cock you little slut." I should stopped right there, I hated being called a slut, instead I just moaned and took more of his flesh into my muzzle. I savored the rich taste, it drooled slowly over my tongue and it tasted a bit odd. It was slightly bitter but overall not too bad. Sliding a paw up, I gently cupped his heavy orbs, caressing them and wondering how much potent cum was hiding inside. Shivering, I couldn't wait to find out, and to taste it all. My other paw slowly drifted down, between my legs stroking my swollen sex, moaning around his shaft. If this is what a real man tasted like, I knew I was going to want more. I bobbed my muzzle eagerly up and down his length, coaxing more of his fluids to leak out against my tongue. Those fingers tightened their grip on my head, starting to guide me along his shaft. When he spoke dirty, it only fueled my desires, I didn't think good girls did things like this. "Soon you're going to get a muzzle full of my cum, then I'm going to mark you like a feral wolf would mark a tree showing it's his." My cheeks felt flush with embarassment, I could just imagine how bright they must have been. His comments made me shiver, I knew what he was referring to, and I don't know why, but I was almost looking forward to that. My one paw kept caressing his heavy orbs, the other between my legs but leaving my aching sex alone to grip that growing knot. When I gave him a squeeze, it made him moan in pleasure. His breathing was very heavy at this point, he growled. "Here comes your treat Crystal.. try not to spill any." All I could do was nod, but I wasn't prepared for the volume or force at which it jetted out. It flooded my muzzle as that thick flesh throbbed against my tongue. The taste was musky and thick, and I enjoyed it a little. Doing my best, I tried to swallow all of it, but some did dribble out around his cock, dripping down my chin. Shivering, I reluctantly let him pull that cock from my muzzle, blushing and giving a little giggle as he rubbed it lightly against my cheeks, staining my fur with his fluids.

I stood up when he commanded me to, his paw gesturing to the bathroom. Stepping forward, letting my hips sway, I knew he was following closely, and loved that growl when he said my ass looked delicious. My tail flagged behind me, not caring if anyone smelled my scent at this point, the door to the room was open still. I moaned out when we were fully in the bathroom, his muzzle clamped down hard on the back of my neck, whispering through the fur. "I plan to mark you with my scent... then you're going to return the favor. I panted, nodding as if it was something perfectly natural and know that if I did this, that I had crossed a line. We stepped into the large shower stall, and he released my nape. I turned, cheeks tinged pink with blush, looking at him. He coo'd softly to me, stroking my cheek and whispered. "Just relax Crystal." He pressed against me, his breath hot in my ear. "Your mate is going to claim what's his.. mark you with a scent that's not easily washed away. Are you going to stop me?" I paused, looking into his eyes and a moment later I shook my head. I was completely aware of what he said, and what this was going to mean, as they never did this in porn because of the instinctual message it sent to partners. Slowly, I moved to all fours in the large shower, feeling the icy cold tiles beneath me. Closing my eyes I gave a little sigh, lifted my tail and waited. It was a few moments, then I felt it. That liquid was hot as it splashed against my fur, I yelped slightly in suprise. If I thought his scent was thick before, it was nothing compared to this. Derrick's scent grew tenfold in the air, the small room of the bathroom only helping to concentrate that smell is it soaked my fur. He took his time, making sure to soak my rump and mound, letting me know his scent was going to stay there. Slowly, he made that stream soak the rest of my fur until it ebbed off. I wasn't expecting him him to lower himself onto my back, his shaft rubbing against my dripping mound. Licking my ear, he whispered. "Your turn... Mark your scent into my flesh. Acknowledge me as your alpha.. your mate.. and give yourself to me fully." His large paws cupped my breasts, making me whine slightly. Glancing down at my paw, I saw the golden ring on my finger, the visage of Pierre flashing before my eyes.

I shuddered and pushed that image from my mind and relaxed. I listened to derrick growl out deeply, here I was staining another male's flesh with my scent willingly. His paws stroked my breasts as I felt him sliding back, and for a moment he was gone. I couldn't stop myself, I just allowed my scent to flood the air, mixing with his own potency. Gasping, I yelped loudly feeling a tongue lapping greedily at my folds, he was drinking from me! "D.. Derrick, that's so dirty and naughty!" I moaned out, his tongue pressing against my folds, I didn't stop and just kept giving him what he wanted. Once I was done, I sighed feeling a lot better, glancing back, I watched derrick. Those eyes of his flashed a brilliant red, paws gripping my rump, his blunt claw tips digging into the soft skin of my rump. Flagging my tail, I uttered out, whining. "Mount me Derrick, take me and make my belly grow with our Pups!"

His weight slowly pushed over my back, bracing myself on all fours to support his weight. Whimpering softly in pleasure, he licked the back of my neck, reminding me of that firm bite he gave me a little bit earlier. Growling deeply in my ear, his paws gripped my hips, that dirty manhood of his rubbing against my mound from behind. "You belong to me as much as I belong to you Crystal.. you might love Captain Light.. but I'll always be in your thoughts." Nodding, part of me still in love with Captain light, but this was a different attraction, a different sort of feeling. It was instinctual and primal, and it made me feel so alive at that exact moment. Reaching back between my legs, I gripped his shaft and adjusted it so it pressed into my entrance. I just knew that I wanted to be filled, and this was the male I wanted to do so. We both moaned out, rolling our hips to meet each other eagerly. This time, the coupling caused a much better sensation as his aroused manhood filled me. I knew that there was going to be no way that Pierre was ever going to make me feel like this, and a small part figured that god was possibly frowning down upon me. I was helpless to resist, and even if Pierre was here, I know I would have chosen Derrick instead. Keeping my paw between us, I felt his flesh slowly stroking in and out of me, spreading my fingers when it got closer to the base. It felt wonderful, and I moaned at the feelings it coaxed from me. I didn't think that sex could be like this, from all the teachings in the holy books I had read, females were supposed to make sure that males were happy and then ourselves. Derrick was taking his time, listening to each deep breath he made, filling my ears.

I could hear that wet sound as our groins rubbed and stroked against each other and it was like a perverse symphony that was driving my arousal to heights I never imagined. Derrick's words were soft in my ears, his fog rolling over my fur, causing me to shiver. "That's it Crystal, give into your heat... do you want me to cum inside you? Want my knot to swell and fill that aching cunt of yours?" I nodded, sucking on his finger as it rubbed against my muzzle. His words were so dirty it made me blush, I hadn't ever used words like that. I wasn't completely naive, I had heard others use them as curses. Sometimes I even heard them in lewd jokes, and the occasional adult video, but it was a much different sensation when they were directed at you.

"Yes.. Sate my heat." I moaned out around the finger, curling my tongue over it. "Stuff your big cock into my little pussy. Shoot your dirty cum into my pure pussy!" Eyes closed tightly, I moaned the next words softly. As much an affirmative to myself, as to let this wolf know how I felt. "I'm yours. I belong to you fully, body and soul." I heard him growl deeply in suprise, turning my head to look at him. "Even if Pierre was here and I had to choose.. I choose you." I felt him shudder, and his eyes closed as he started to buck hard against me. Whimpering slightly, I could see the glow even through his closed eyelids, those paws tightening their grip on me. He drove himself forward, forcibly stretching my entrance and making me growl out, his knot tying with me. I moaned at that feeling, and kissed him, our tongues wrestling in each other's muzzles. I felt his shaft throb lewdly inside me, and then jets of warmth flooded me, and once I realized what was happening, it triggered my climax. My body sung with pleasure, hips twitching and my walls clenching weakly around his shaft. The thickness and sheer firmness of his maleness making my orgasm go on longer, intensifying it. He held tightly onto me as he drained himself into my willing body, slumping aainst my back, our panting eaching in the room, the only other sound that of the ocean outside. I felt empty when derrick finally withdrew from me, feeling a bit of that thick seed dribbling from my sore entrance. We stood up, my fur stained and dirty at this point, and I didn't care. We embrassed and kissed deeply, I welcomed his touch against my body, loving our mixed scent.

We headed into the main room and I crawled into the bed and laid back. A paw slide over and stroked my swollen sex, coaxing a soft moan from my muzzle. "that's a lovely sight." As I blushed, it felt odd. I had posed a few times for Pierre and even masterbated for him once, and he never complimented me. I did love the fact that Derrick was hard and raring to go alreadly, even after getting off twice so far. From my few times I fooled around with Pierre, he usually got off once from pawing himself and that was it. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him on top of me, kissing his black muzzle and letting him sink deep into my passage again. I knew derrick was older than me, but he was so virile and strong. Those large paws gripped the sheets as he drove himself into me, we stared deeply into each others eyes, feeling the connection between us. He tied with me once more, coaxing two more orgasms from my body before emptying another load of his seed into me, helping to ensure my fate as the mother of his pups.

The rest of that last night was the same, I allowed derrick to take me in every position that we could manage. When we finally stopped, mainly due to us both being too tired and sore to continue, the sun was peeking it's head up along the horizon of the ocean. Derrick wrapped his paws around me, stroking my belly as we watched the sunrise together. His tongue flicked against my ear, whispering quietly. "Your mine from now on.. you should stay here. Join me." As I sighed, shaking my head as I told him I had to go back. Partially from my responsibilities to the society, and partially to decide how things were going to play out with Pierre. He whimpered softly and nodded. "I know. A wolf can hope can't He?" I hugged his paws and assured him the idea was very tempting. He licked my ears very softly, closing our eyes we started to drift off to sleep.

I had known the touch of a male and enjoyed it, and had given myself to Derrick, allowing him to mate with me. I had betrayed my fiancee, my beliefs, the society and even my faith in god. Some of it bothered me, and some of it didn't, but it was going to be a small part of me ashamed that I stayed when he gave me my powers back. I was going to have to sort those things out later. A small part of me tried to convince me that everything I did was cause of my heat, which made my submission easier. I knew the real truth though, even if I hadn't been in heat, I would have given in and submitted. If the situation had been different, and I met Derrick before Pierre, I'm sure I would have left the society to join with him, cause he was different and everything that Pierre couldn't be. He was primal, powerful and male, and he didn't change just because he wore a costume. I could smell derrick's scent all in my fur, and my neck ached from his teeth, smiling I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Quite some time later I stirred awake, the sun beating on my eyelids and coaxing me back to awareness. Gently slipping from Derrick's arms, I made my way into the shower. I turned the hot water on, letting it soak my fur. Sighing slightly, part of me wanted to go back to the Society reeking of Derrick, just to see how Pierre would act. If he was in costume, I imagined he'd be furious, though if he was out of costume. Whining, he'd probably do the opposite, noting the scent and just asking if I was alright. Using the shampoo that Kaylani gave me, I gently washed my fur until it was bright white once more, making a mental note of the brand to get some when I got home. Spending nearly an hour, just relaxing and enjoying the feeling as the water splashed me, I knew it couldn't wash away any of the guilt I felt, but it helped me gather my thoughts. I rubbed the back of my neck, the skin was very tender and felt a little swollen, I couldn't help but giggle, glad for the fact my neck fur was fairly thick. If it wasn't for that thick fur, I knew there were marks there that would have shown.

Exicting the shower, a towel wrapped around my waist I didn't bother to cover my upper half noticing Derrick's view on me when I came out of the bathroom. He was seated at the table, sipping a wine and there were two plates of food. Teasingly, I looked at him. "Going to stare are me? Or got something to say for yourself?"

"I'm not staring Crystal, I'm admiring. There is a big difference." As I was taken back, blushing brightly. He continued to speak, "As for us.. I know I'm a villian crystal and you're a hero. That makes what happened between us very difficult." Sipping the wine slowly, "I do care about you.. but I don't want you to make a hasty decision." Crystal listened as she dressed, slipping into the uniform that he had made for her, feeling decidely more sensual in it, than her old one. "With what happened last night, Do I regret it? No. I may have come on strong, but we both know you were willing when you gave in. heat or no heat, if I came to you years down the road, I'm certain you'd allow me to do it again." Showing those teeth off in a rather cocky grin, "Regardless of what Pierre asked you to do." That fog slowly rolling from his muzzle. I sat down across from him as we ate. "I am going to send Kaylani to the capital. I'm sure you'd like to employ her as a nanny. She's actually trained in it believe it or not." Savoring the meat, it was juicy. Crystal blushed, and looked at Derrick.

"She is? I would have never guessed." Smiling, Derrick explained she had done work for many rich and powerful families before he hired her to come work at the day care here. He stated that his offer still stood, and that I just had to let Kaylani know. Gently crystal took his paw. "I know Derrick.. I may take you up on it later. For now though, I have a lot of feelings to sort through.. and the society isn't going to rest until I'm back with them. I still see myself as a hero, I love to help those too weak to defend themselves. Just please.." Looking into his eyes, "Try and stop that evil life. I know it's a lot to ask, but for me.. consider it?" as she expected him to laugh or tell her she was wrong and that he'd never give that life up.

"If that's what it takes to get you back into my life.. I will try. Honestly try for you Crystal. I've hardly done any sort of villiany in the last few years anyhow. Easier to make money legitimately and embarass people that way. Though, I doubt I'd be able to show my face anywhere in public for a very long time." We finished our meals in silence there, both of deep in thought. I finished getting dressed, adjusting the costume so it was on properly, he drew the gun from his jacket. "I've refined the formula. It will only knock you out for no more than six or seven hours. You can tell them where the place is if you truly want, but the society doesn't have anything that can peirce my cloaking systems."

"I won't tell them.. they won't need to know. It's not like I'd be lying, I don't really know." As she kissed his forehead, making him smile. "It's not too bad when you smile, makes you seem a bit happier." Both of their tails wagged slowly. He led me to the orchard, and near the praying pedastool.

"I saw you here the other day. You looked at peace and figured it could be my final gift to you Crystal. Miss Purity." His smile warmed Crystal's heart as she closed her eyes, feeling the dark hitting her shoulder lightly. As the darkness swallowed her, she didn't fight it, but she did feel a pair of paws gently catch her. She welcomed the unconcious like the comfort of a warm blanket on a cold winter's night.

Sitting up, I whined and looked around slowly. My paw came to my eyes covering them as the lights were blindly bright. A pair of strong arms hugged me tightly and I could hear a sobbing. I slowly returned the hug when I realized it was my fiancee, Pierre hugging me. Feelings welled up inside me, and I started to cry, holding him as I whispered. "I missed you. I couldn't escape. I'm sorry." He gently wiped the tears from my eyes, explaining to me it was alright and that they weere keeping me in the hospital for a bit just to make sure I was alright. I explained that any burns or bruises were from the machines when I tried to escape, hoping they'd believe that story. The doctors all agreed, and couldn't find anything wrong with me that a few days of rest couldn't heal. I was so thankful that none of the doctors or nurses decided to check for any injuries or the cause of my fading heat, one of them just noting it was probably due to the stress of the ordeal I went through. I knew that I had to let Pierre mate with me before my heat was over, to cover up what truly happened. I decided that it was better to live a lie, than to let him know what happened. The society let me go home with pierre that night, deciding to let me get some rest before debreifing me the next day.

That night in Pierre's apartment, I pressed myself against him whispering that I was still in heat, and I wanted to be bred, since it was supposed to happen on the honeymoon. He looked at me flustered with my request, asking if I was sure. Whining, I pawed at him softly, lying as I said the thought of him filling my belly with pups helped me keep going. I could see his sheath swell slightly at the words, I knew the effect they had especially from my experiences with derrick. I allowed him to lap at my sex, he said it tasted wonderful and I blushed, smelling a bit of derrick's seed in the air. Pierre greedily lapped at my sex until I came, I hadn't seen him that eager to ever get near me. I returned the favor and coaxed another hard on out of him with my muzzle, telling him to mount me. I moved to all fours, and he slipped onto my back. I gave a little moan, feeling that slender six inch cock of his push into me. It didn't feel anywhere near big enough to make me whine, didn't fill me like the black furred wolf Derrick did. I whimpered, telling Pierre to bite my neck, to be rough with me and show me who the alpha was. I know he tried his best, but it wasn't the same, he was so gentle and took his time. When I climaxed, it wasn't Pierre i was fantasizing about, it was derrick. Those powerful glowing red eyes, that dark coat that seemed to draw the light into it, and that big thick cock that made me ache. I even got pierre to dress in his uniform, it seemed to help a little, but I could tell that pierre was there, and it was like that every time we were intimate. I wanted an alpha male, and all I got was a beta pretending to be one. He didn't even flinch or get any more aggressive when I told him to pretend he had to stake his claim on me from Dark Corruption. I loved Pierre as a man, but I knew where my true feelings were and it troubled me slightly, It took that one night with him to confirm it.

The next day, I briefed the society on what I could, wearing the uniform that I was given by Derrick. A few people asked about it, I made up an excuse that since life had been a bit rougher on me, maybe I should reflect that in my costume. Pierre didn't like that idea, as a few of the other males in the room were eyeing me up. I told him flatly that if he didn't like, that wasn't his choice. A few members were suprised by my attitude and I said I couldn't afford to be the lamb all the time, sometimes I had to let the lion free. The little religious quote seemed to affirm most of them, the protector looking at me a bit oddly. I told them what I could, explaining to them what I had been told, giving them a very vague idea where he may be hiding. They all seemed to be a bit confused, when I explained how Dark Corruption and I spent long hours just talking, like humane anthros, and that he was pondering giving up the villiany business. When pressed about my capture, I fed them a half truth, that was pondering going legitimate but needed a way to test items to see if they could be used in the prisons. I made another mental not to make sure to pass that tidbit of information on to kaylani when she arrived.

A few weeks after my encounter with Dark Corruption, I had volunteered for a night shift, making a promise to have backup before doing anything. Settling on the top of the skyscraper where this whole mess started, I found myself looking eye to eye with the protector. REaching out, he tugged my ear peice out, causing my to growl. Smacking me on the nose, I yelped. His words were deep and he didn't sound very happy. "You left a lot of things out of your report. Now. We are going to sit here and talk do you understand?" I just nodded, folding my ears back. My hair slightly ruffled in the wind, I had modified my mask, making it cover my eyes and ears, and started to grow my hair out once more. "First off. The change in costume.. that's not just an attitude change. Did Dark Corruption design this version?" I nodded slowly as he continued. "I figured as much." Shivering slightly, I sucked in a breath as his paw rested on my belly. "I know these don't belong to Pierre. Don't try and lie to me." I looked down and sighed, I knew I wasn't going to be able to get out of this. We sat down and spoke for hours, I related everything that had happened. The protector didn't judge me, he just listened. When I had finished, the sun was starting to come up, basking the city in that pale orange glow, making it a beautiful view from up here. The protector was silent for a long while before he spoke. "Now. Do you love him?" I nodded slowly, "And Kaylani? The vixen, she's not going to harm anyone?" I shook my head. "I won't stand in the way, but let me make it clear. If Dark Corruption does stray, or he tries to hurt anyone. I'll make sure he doesn't live to tell about it."

I growled slightly at those words, the protector's eyes going a bit wide. "You do love him. I hope for both of your sakes that he does straighten up. I don't wish to see your heart broken snowflake." As he stroked my cheek, I sighed softly and apoligized. "There is nothing to be sorry for. I know that you're supposed to marry Pierre, the only reason I knew you were lying was I saw you sneak that pregnancy test off in the hospital when you went to the bathroom." Blinking slightly, I squirmed. "So when you announced you and Pierre were going to have pups, I knew that had to be a lie, but wasn't sure why. I figured maybe he had raped you and you didn't want anyone to know." We settled down, I leaned against the large panda and allowed him to hold me, I cried softly wishing that things could have been different. After that night things returned to what could be considered normal.

About two and a half months after I got back, I stepped down from active duty as I was beginning to show a bit. The girls in the society all fawned over my cute belly and I took on a teaching role, helping new heroes learn how to use their powers properly and not hurt anyone. Though I used a bit of restraint, not wanting to risk my pups, I had the students push themselves a bit harder than I would have trained them to do so before. Oddly enough, playing the den mother at the society's base only strengthened those alpha female instincts, and soon most of the others didn't question my orders. I had a different air about myself, I was no longer the young girl trying to prove herself, trying to coax others to follow my faith. Now I was a strong wolf and I asserted myself, and took an almost primal joy in my spot as the alpha female.

Here I am a year later, allowing two black and white pups to nurse from my heavy breasts. I enjoyed the sensation, and made sure it was quiet for both of them. Kaylani smiled at me as she tended to their cribs, the vixen making a lovely house keeper and nanny. At first Pierre didn't trust her, but she slowly won him over. It helped that her old employers gave her wonderful reviews and that she had been studying abroad to learn of different methods of caring for children. I married Pierre less than a month after I had gotten back, and stopped actively fighting crime about a month after that when I started to show. He seemed so proud of that day when I told him I was heavy with what he thinks are his pups. I knew the real truth and so did Kaylani, and to be honest, part of me is glad they aren't his cause around the house when he's not in uniform, he's shown himself to be a beta, practically giving in to every demand I make of him. No one had even questioned why one of the pups had eyes that glowed a faint white, figuring it was a side effect of two super powered parents. My heat was all but over the night I allowed Pierre to mate with me. I had taken a pregnancy test at the hospital and it was positive, so I knew that anything that happened with Pierre was a waste.

There was a bit of sadness in my heart, until Derrick was considered to be a non threat, he was restricted to his sea facilities, but at least he was allowed to do business with the rest of the world finally. That meant I wasn't allowed to go see him, or to let him hold his pups. We spoke from time to time over secure emails, and I had sent him plenty of pictures of me during my pregnancy, and of the pups when they were born. I knew I wasn't going to be able to tell the pups who their true father is, not the adoptive wolf that helps to take care of them, for a long time. One of the pups is a beautiful baby girl, who I named jenaveve. Her coat is so soft and from the tips of her fingers to her elbows, it's a rich black fur like her father. Those lovely socks also go from her foot paws to just below her knees, it made her so adorable. The other was a very active baby boy, his coat was a brilliant white like my own, though from between his ears and down his back was also jet black, looking like a cloak or cape. We decided to name him, Keder, I felt it was the most appropiate name at the time. And by we, I meant me and derrick, my husband Pierre didn't say anything, just agreed and nodded saying they were lovely names.

It wasn't the last time that I saw Derrick, or his alter ego Dark Corruption, but that's a story for another time.

Pool Fun.

Michelle giggled, looking over at the substitute teacher with the blue mane, the kitten speaking to her friend Diana. "Yah, your dad isn't too bad looking..." She listened to Diana respond, smiling widely. "Eww. He's my dad. Though.. you should...

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Lessons Learned - chapter 1

Lessons Learned A look around the class made Justin already feel a bit uneasy. He wasn't entirely comfortable with the content of the class, which dealt with the ethical parts of war, but it was a class he needed for his degree. There were two...

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Revenge isn't always sweet

Frankie growled quietly, looking over the pack of information she was given by the private eye she hired. It had been just over a year and a half ago, her boyfriend, Krys, up and left her. He didn't give any sort of explanation, no warning, nothing....

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