Their First Time

Story by Glenox8536 on SoFurry

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Two young lovers finally decide to take the plunge and express their feelings for each other in the most primal sense.

Disclaimer: this story contains sexual content between a human and an anthromorphic animal, if you're under eighteen or the laws in your state/province/country forbid this, don't read it.

Author's note: It's been a while. A long damn while. The reason it's been so long is simple: I'm a perfectionist and nothing is ever up to my own personal standards...well, that and I keep getting a ton of story ideas and I can't focus on any one of them long enough to finish them. I've got a little bit of the next chapter of Dragon Council written out, and a bit of the next chapter of Rebound, but I can't promise anything unfortunately. I also have another story that's going to delve a bit more into fantasy and political intrigue (that's what I get for reading Tom Clancy and Game of Thrones...) It's got a metric fuckton of word pages written out, and I might (emphasis on might) be able to chunk out a first chapter and put it up fairly soon, but that's not definite. Anyway, this is something I put together recently, and it's only the latest in my ongoing saga of attempting to capture that unique awkwardness of losing your virginity, I know I haven't gotten it down, but I keep trying. This is a lot less plot heavy than my other submissions, but I'm hoping the fun bits got better. Anyway, that's enough of my rambling. Enjoy it and leave a comment. Adamhunter

Their First Step


A Tale of Two Lovers

This is the story of two young lovers, or, more specifically, when they became lovers. Their past is a convoluted one, and full of twists, turns, and problems, but they overcame them first as platonic friends, and then as something more. Their names are Luke and Abigail, Luke is a human, Abigail is a sheep anthromorph. Superficially, they are a study in opposites: Luke is tall, just short of six foot two, Abigail is not, standing at five eight. Luke has maintained a 4.0 grade point average since high school and is now in his fourth year of college, working towards his Masters in Accounting; Abigail is a licensed Massage Therapist and had tremendous trouble getting through school due to Dyslexia.

Luke came from a hard line, traditional human family whose politics ran somewhere to the right of hitler. Abigail's mother wasn't sure the ram she married was actually Abigail's biological father, and her father knew he had at least four or five other children by various anthromorphs; they were hippies born a few years late. Luke had a very pale complexion which was horrifically prone to sunburn, dark brown hair and eyes, and was whipcord thin; Abigail was stout, with definite muscle tone that was hidden by her coat of cream white wool which she went out of her way to ensure was softer than one might expect, her skin underneath that however, was a healthy tan, and she had shockingly blue eyes that were ever so slightly myopic. If all you knew about them were these things you would be surprised to know that they were a couple and had been since they were seventeen, and they had never cheated on each other or broken up. The reason for that lied underneath all the superficial differences, and it was simple: they completely, totally, and without reservation accepted one another.

Abigail had always been sensitive about her looks, she had always been teased about being short and stout, and when she hit puberty she found her breasts were not as large as she wanted them to be. Luke didn't care, he loved her regardless. It just didn't matter to him. He loved the fact that she could bench press upwards of three hundred pounds, but was gentle enough to be trusted to babysit her friends' newborns and toddlers without reservation. He loved how easygoing she was. How, after she had grown into herself, she simply didn't care what others thought, and yet she respected him enough to truly listen to what he said. He was amazed by how she could make him feel better with just a few words and a smile. He had never been very good at talking with other people, he was a bit awkward, and conversation did not come naturally to him, so her ability to quickly and naturally talk to people astounded him. He also loved the obdurate, almost egomaniacal determination she had in spades. He was no spoiled rich kid by any means, but Abbey's family was decidedly on the poor side of the economic spectrum, and it had been a constant problem for her. A problem she solved by putting her head down and bulling through it. It didn't matter how many times she hit roadblocks in school or in life, each time she got knocked down she would just get up and go at it again and again until she got what she wanted or needed. All of these things, and many more, drew Luke to her irresistibly.

On Abigail's side, she loved Luke because he excelled in many of the areas she struggled with. He was a phenomenally gifted student, able to absorb and process information extremely quickly, but despite that he worked just as hard as she did and he was humble about it. He had never looked down his nose at her for being dyslexic, and in fact he had helped her study on an almost nightly basis once they became friends. He helped her find ways to get through the long reading assignments and essays that had been nearly impossible for her, and he had never once complained or mocked her. She loved that he always had an open ear for her at the end of the day, no matter how badly his own had gone, and that he wasn't so caught up in his masculine pride to do things like bring flowers, ask for directions when they were on a trip, or simply cuddle while watching a movie (even if the movie was something he had no interest in). Beyond that, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would be there if she needed him. If her car broke down at three in the morning in the middle of a thunderstorm, he could be there a few minutes after she called him; ready with jumper cables, the number for a tow truck, and some towels. If she needed help to repair her ancient and barely-functional computer, he would be there with a printed list of possible fixes. If she ran out of pads after her estrous cycle, he would go to the drug store and buy them. She loved him for all this and more.

This is not to say that they do not have their faults, they know that they do. Abigail can still be sensitive about her Dyslexia occasionally, and she can be very harsh when she is angry, which has led to more than a few arguments between them; and Luke fully acknowledges that he can be very passive aggressive from time to time, and he is a perfectionist deep down, which can be a very big problem. Regardless of these issues, they are still a couple, and they wouldn't have it any other way. When they fight, they talk about it afterward. When one of them steps on the other's toes, they apologize and make up for it; and most importantly: they talk and they forgive.

This is the story of an important crossroad in their lives, when they truly twined together and became as one.

*Luke's PoV*

'Ye gods and little fishes I'm glad today is over and done with.' I mentally muttered as I walked into my apartment. 'I feel like I've been run over by a train.'

_ _

I tossed my book bag into my bedroom and immediately headed for the kitchen, I needed a drink. I'm finally done with my latest semester of college, but the finals were grueling, and my boss was a dick and had scheduled me to work nights the past two weeks; so I was completely thrashed when I took them. What makes that really funny is that today, he tells me that I'm being laid off because Best Buy is downsizing. I manage to (barely) pay for college with scholarships and federal student aid, but I needed that job to pay for things like food and rent. Without it I was well and truly boned. I needed to find a new job, and fast, otherwise I would literally be evicted. As I contemplated this happy thought I dug through my pantry to find the one bottle of alcohol I keep around, a bottle of very nice whiskey, which had been my only Christmas present to myself.

I found it, but I also found that somehow the bottle had cracked and leaked hundreds of dollars of whiskey onto the shelf during the day. I nearly screamed in frustration, but cleaned it up anyway; soaking it up with paper towels and then wiping down the shelf to make sure it wouldn't stink. By the time I was done I was ready to go to bed, pull the blanket over my head, and just wait for today to be over before whatever vengeful deity I had angered could exact any more judgment on me. I almost did just that, but then my stomach reminded me that I hadn't been able to eat lunch today because of the scheduling of my last final and my last day at work didn't leave me enough time. I despairingly opened the fridge and selected some leftover stew that was going to go bad if it wasn't eaten fairly soon. I put it in a bowl, but didn't bother warming it up; I wasn't going to taste it anyway, not in the mood I was in. So I mechanically ate the cold beef stew and tried not to let my train of thought spiral out of control. I had just finished and was distractedly washing the bowl when I heard a knock on my door. Oh great, what now, my landlord come to evict me? I wouldn't be surprised given the way my day's been going.

"Damn it, what now?" I grumbled as I walked to the door. Once there I looked through the peephole and found myself staring at a wall of brown. I blinked, the wallpaper in the hallway is white, unless I had been very mistaken for these past four years. The wall moved in a distinctly disorienting fashion for a second and then Abbey popped into view. I couldn't help but smile, if there was anyone who could make me feel better after today, it was her. I opened the door to let her in without wasting any more time, taking the large paper bag that she had been holding while I was at it.

"Hi sweetie!" She greeted cheerfully, tilting her head up and giving me a kiss. "Congratulations on another semester done!"

"Thanks Abbey, I really needed that." I said, pulling her into a one-armed hug.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"I'll tell you in a minute, let me put this down first." I peeked into the bag, there was a two liter bottle of ginger ale and a bottle of vodka. Abbey knows me well. I put the bag down on the kitchen table and pulled the bottles out. "How big of a glass do you want?"

"Nothing too big." She responded, looking concerned. I don't normally drink, that bottle of whiskey that was now in the trash would have lasted me a year, easy. Probably more. "What happened?"

I grabbed two glasses and filled them with ice, filling each one with maybe an ounce of vodka and then topping it off with the ginger ale before grabbing them both and heading out to the living room and handing her one. I took a pull from mine immediately; I can't drink vodka straight, but ginger ale is my favorite (non-alcoholic) drink bar none, so when I really feel like getting a buzz without drinking anything too expensive, cheapish vodka and ginger ale is my go to beverage.

"I got laid off today." I said, drinking another gulp. "The company is downsizing and 'select workers' are 'having their employment status re-evaluated' or some corporate bull like that. I can't even remember how Jake put it."

"Oh God, Luke I'm so sorry." Abbey wasted no time and gave me a tight hug. I put the glass down and returned it wholeheartedly.

"Thanks." I murmured, nuzzling the top of her head. "I've had the day from hell, I really needed this."

"The timing couldn't be worse." She said, nuzzling into my chest.

"I know." I normally don't take classes over the summers, instead I pick up extra hours at work. That plan was shot all to hell now.

"I was thinking maybe we could go out to eat or something, to celebrate, but..."

"Yeah, probably not the best idea." There was a short pause as I just held her and thought for a minute. Then my eyes alighted on the couch and suddenly I got the tremendous urge to just sit down for a while and cuddle. "Hey, could we just...cuddle for a while instead?"

"Sure, whatever you want." She let me lead her to the couch and I pulled her down beside me. Then we wrapped our arms around each other and tried to get as much body contact between us as was physically possible. Abbey was wearing plain grey shorts and a dark blue t-shirt, so I could feel plenty of her soft coat against my skin, which soothed me a lot. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt as well, though mine were black and white respectively instead of grey and blue. I closed my eyes and nuzzled her, running the fingers of my right hand through the soft wool at the back of her neck. I knew she liked to be touched there, and right now it made me feel pretty good as well. We didn't talk for a long time as we cuddled, we didn't really need to, I was nervous, hell, I was scared. The thought of losing my job had shaken me worse than the car accident I'd been in as a kid.

"I'm afraid Abbey." I whispered, she nuzzled me and gave me a squeeze.

"You'll find another job sweetheart, I know you will." She murmured into my ear. "You're a hard worker and you're the smartest person I know. Everything will be fine."

"Thank you." I replied quietly, nuzzling the junction of her neck and shoulder, burying my face in her wool and, for a few glorious seconds, pretended the world didn't exist. Abbey let me take the time I needed and only pulled back when I did. I gave her a kiss on the lips when I was done. She reciprocated quickly and before long we were just holding each other and kissing, it wasn't erotic, sex was far from the top of my priority list after today, and I was too stressed out to even think about trying to get it up, but Abbey wasn't trying to turn this into a hot and heavy make out session, she was just holding me and gently kissing me, giving me the reassurance of her presence and her love. After maybe a half hour of soft kissing she pulled back and put her paws on my chest.

"After today do you think you'd like a massage?" She asked, moving a paw up to my cheek and stroking it, which she knew I liked. I smiled, normally she didn't like to give massages. I can understand why, she had been giving them all day, and when we met after work she didn't want to do it again. I don't push for them, but when she offers I don't say no.

"One of your massages would make today worth living." I said, leaning in to give her a grateful kiss.

"Alright then, take your shirt off and lie down on the coffee table." We didn't have a massage table like the one she uses at work, and she doesn't own one of the portable ones, so we normally use my coffee table. It was sturdy enough to take the weight, and it was the right height for her to work if she was on her knees. It's a little awkward for me, since I'm taller, but I make it work. I try to give her a massage a couple of times a week, as thanks for the ones she gives me and because she more than earns them. She's taught me a bit about it, but she's still much better than I am, as you would expect.

I did as I was told, pulling my shirt off and carefully getting onto the coffee table, resting my head on my crossed arms. I heard her get into position behind me and then her paws came to rest on my shoulders so softly I barely felt them, she started the way she always did, by roving her paws around my back, prodding the various muscle groups and checking for any particularly tough spots or muscular damage. When she was done with that she took some time to just, well, pet me. She brushed her paws up and down my spine, not pushing, just stroking me. I absolutely loved that, and I sighed happily as I felt myself relax. After she saw that I was sufficiently relaxed she started the real massage. She started on the muscles that run the length of the spine on either side, kneading them gently, but becoming more forceful as she went. Up and down the length of my spine, she expertly pressed, stretched, and worked the muscles until they were free of the knots and tension that had been making me miserable; the silence in the room broken occasionally as my spine shifted under her expert paws and made small cracks and pops. I had to bite back a moan as she moved up to my shoulders, I had no idea I actually ached this bad until she had actually relieved some of the pain. As she worked at my shoulders I remembered that I hadn't given her a massage since nearly two weeks ago, and I decided that when she was finished, she would get a turn as well. With that thought in mind I closed my eyes and just reveled in the sensation of the massage, floating in a sea of relaxation, enjoying every second of her slowly but surely pressing, kneading, and squeezing my aches away. It was so relaxing I slipped into a light doze, and I only woke up when she called my name a few times.

"A little tired?" She asked, smiling. I smiled back and carefully got up, accepting my shirt back from her and pulling it on over my head.

"Yeah, but that's not why I drifted off. That was the best massage you've ever given me, hands down." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and earning a giggle in response. "Now it's your turn."

"I did that to make you feel better Luke; you don't have to give me one." She said, but I wasn't having any of it.

"You will accept your massage, and you will like it young lady." I said, deadpan. "It is not an option."

She just laughed quietly and began working her shirt over her head. I didn't look, out of respect, and instead I got behind her so she could take her place on the coffee table, once she was on her stomach in front of me I could see the straps of her bra, black against her white coat, and then I got to work. I know from experience that she absolutely loves to have her lower back massaged, she had a nasty sledding accident when she was nine and even though all the x rays said that there was no damage, she still got ferocious back aches from time to time. One of the first things I made sure I learned when she started teaching me to do this was how to give a proper lower back massage, which isn't as easy as you would think, especially when the recipient has a coat of wool to consider. I started by digging my fingertips into her coat to try and find knots and pressure spots like she did with me; this is more an art than a science, and I have a hard time with it, but I'm learning. Then I combed her coat with my fingers, I wouldn't be able to straighten the natural curls, but it would sensitize the area to my touch, and it felt good.

After that I homed in on the muscles that supported and moved her tail, those being prime candidates for tension and pain, though I was careful not to get too close to the tail itself, which would have been equivalent to me grabbing a human woman's butt. The area was as tense as it always was, and I took my time carefully working each muscle group until I felt that I had worked out the kinks. Then I moved on to do what she had done to me, I worked on the muscles alongside her spine. The technique for massaging an anthromorph is different than for a human, with a human it's easy, you can apply pressure pretty easily without worrying about body hair, even if there is any it won't really impede you. In an anthromorph, however, it gets difficult, especially if the recipients fur is thick or dense. Abbey's coat is the definition of thick and dense, so any kind of stroking motion was out of the picture, I simply couldn't do that kind of thing without pulling the wool painfully. Instead I pressed down with my fingertips and, using my hands in tandem, rhythmically stretched and squeezed the muscles until they were pliable.

I always enjoyed feeling the firm muscles beneath her skin, her coat made her look plump and soft, kind of like a snowman or a big marshmallow, but underneath that was the kind of solid, dense muscle structure you can only get from repeated physical labor, which she got due in part to her job and also because she plays rugby for fun. As I worked my way up her back I paid close attention to her shoulders and neck, both of which tend to accumulate aches on a constant basis. She let out a happy sigh when I started on the base of her neck, and I was only too happy to continue until she signaled me to move on. After her neck I went in the opposite direction and started on her calves, or the equivalent thereof, which drew a full on moan from her. Any digitrade anthromorph will love this, the way their legs are put together makes it impossible for them to not get aches in their calves constantly.

I bent her leg up at the knee and shifted so it could rest against my shoulder at an angle, that way I was a bit more comfortable as I methodically tenderized the muscles. She was very vocal when I did this, she sighed and moaned frequently, and not quietly either. I couldn't stop myself from blushing a little bit as a particularly drawn out moan sent a fair amount of my blood rushing...south. I did my best to ignore the sounds she made and focused on massaging her and doing it well, a task my hormones did their best to interfere with. From this angle I had a perfect view of her rear, and her legs were a little splayed, even though the shorts she was wearing weren't at all revealing, I still had to force myself to look away. I'm ashamed to admit that my discomfort may have caused me to rush the rest of the massage a little bit, but I still gave her a good one, and she was very happy with the results. The look she gave me over her shoulder when I was done communicated that much.

"That was wonderful sweetheart." She said, propping her head up on a paw, I was very careful to look her in the eye. "You're getting better."

"I'm learning from the best."

"Clichéd." She said, grinning practically ear to ear. "But cute. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I responded, it was amazing how much better she could make me feel just by being around. I moved up to the front of the table and bent down to give her a kiss. She accepted it gladly, but she didn't get up from the table immediately, instead there was a long pause and she looked thoughtful, even nervous before talking again

"Luke...I've been thinking about something lately, and I want to talk. I know this might not be the best time, but I really think it's important."

"What is it?" I asked, her tone of voice didn't indicate anything bad, which relieved me, but it also made me curious.

"Could you go grab my purse? I left it on the table in the entryway." I blinked in confusion at the odd request, but I got her purse anyway. It was a basic brown purse made of fake leather that she's had since high school, as I turned around to walk back I saw her draining her glass of vodka and ginger ale all at once, which definitely got my attention. When I gave it to her she plunged her paw in for a second before taking out a small box and putting it in my hand without saying a word. I looked down at it and froze when I saw what it was. Condoms. It was a box of condoms. I looked up at her, shocked. We'd never really talked much about pushing our relationship past where it had been for...for years now. We hugged, we kissed, we touched, but the furthest we had ever gotten was a paw or a hand slipping close to someplace very sensitive.

"Abbey..." I couldn't even think of what to say. She got up and moved to the couch, not bothering to get her shirt. She sat down very close to me and put a paw on my cheek, getting me to stop staring at the box.

"Luke...we've been together for seven years now. I always wanted to move slowly, and you respected that more than I thought anyone ever would; but I think we've waited long enough...maybe too long. It almost feels like we've been stagnating...and I don't want that. I'm ready to take the next step." She said quietly. A paranoid voice in my head instantly screamed that this was a bad idea, that there was the risk of children, that there was the prejudice against this kind of relationship, that having sex would ruin what we had. Another voice pointed out that the odds of conception between anthromorphs and humans are low and that Abbey had been on the pill for years, not to mention the condoms, we had dealt with the prejudice against our relationship from day one, and that there was no way to really 'legitimize' our relationship anyway, marriage between anthromorphs and humans wasn't recognized by any state or country...Really, there was only one answer to give her. I smiled softly and pulled Abbey into a long, heated kiss. When I pulled back she was smiling widely, her tail twitching with excitement. "I take it that's a yes, then."

"If ever there was one." I replied, kissing her again, but this time I moved her on top of me. She squeaked in surprise, but quickly adapted and straddled me, sitting on me in such a way that my rapidly hardening shaft was pushed against her noticeably. Her paws moved down to the hem of my shirt as we kissed, and I reluctantly broke the kiss to help her remove it. Then she gleefully began running her paws over me, which I was quick to reciprocate. The way she was sitting, her breasts were tantalizingly close to my face, but they were confined by her black bra; which, I noticed, was very lacey and quite unlike her, she must have gotten this for a special occasion, She grinned when I noticed and grabbed my hands and pulled them up to her chest.

"I got some special...clothes, a while ago. I promised myself I'd wear them when we finally made love for the first time." She said. "In a few minutes I'll show you the other thing I got."

"I don't know if I can last that long." I murmured, distracted by the images that flooded my mind. She laughed.

"Don't worry, we'll get there, we'll get there." She brought my hands up to the bra itself and I finally noticed that it clasped in the front, not the back. It only took me a few moments, and some encouragement from her, to get it off. As she let it slip off her shoulders I took in the sight of her bare torso, the first time I'd ever seen it. Her breasts were not large, even with the coat of wool. In fact the coat actually made them harder to define, since they blended together somewhat. I could see insecurity in her eyes as she bared herself for me for the first time. Despite our banter, we were both still virgins, and I know I wasn't the only one harboring some anxiety. I leaned in and kissed her chin.

"Can I touch them?" I asked. She nodded and pushed her chest out a bit. I wasted no time in bringing a hand up and feeling her, they were very soft, the coat of wool and the soft tissue underneath combining to make a wondrous sensation and I could only imagine how good it would feel to pillow my head on her chest, though I kept that fantasy to myself for the time being. This was new for the both of us, and there was no need to try and do everything, we would have time to try all sorts of things in the future. Instead I focused on the small nubs of pink flesh that poked through the wool and gently touched one with my fingers. She let out a soft sigh as I did, and I looked at her as I started exploring. "Tell me what feels good."

"Okay." She replied distractedly. I resumed my explorations, trying to find things that I thought would feel good. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensations, telling me when I got something right and redirecting me when I was off. She was learning as she was going, and I probably wasn't doing very well, but as I went on her smile got bigger and more genuine, she was enjoying it, which made me ecstatic. After a while I started to feel a bit bold, and after maybe ten minutes of mutual enjoyment I asked permission to do something I'd always wanted to try.

"Can I, uh, use my mouth?" I asked awkwardly. It sounded much better in my head.

"You mean on my breasts?"


"Um, sure, go ahead." Apparently I wasn't the only one getting a little nervous again, but this was a dream come true for me. I moved my arms to support her and leaned forward until my face was brushing against her breasts, then I brushed my lips over her left nipple, wringing a quick gasp and a twitch from her. I didn't proceed at first, just planting delicate, barely-there kisses on it, until she relaxed some, and then I did what I had fantasized about since we were teenagers. I took her nipple into my mouth and started to lick and suck at it. She hummed softly and then brought her paws up to the back of my head, holding me in place. "T-that feels really nice."

"Mmm." Was the only response I was capable of. I was very happy with my position, and though I had to tilt my neck a little uncomfortably to keep my nose clear of her wool in the interest of breathing, I was having the time of my life. After a few minutes I switched to her other breast, which she offered willingly. By now her tail was swaying back and forth energetically, which proved to be too great a temptation for me. I grabbed it and started to play with it as I nursed at her breast.

"Luke!" She gasped. "T-tell me before you do that."

"Does it hurt?" I asked, pulling away from her chest and letting go of her tail instantly.

"N-no, not really, it's just really sensitive, especially at the base." She said, her breathing heavy.

"Do you not want me to do that again?"

"Um...not yet. Just go back to what you were doing and in a little bit..."

"That's fine." I said, a little angry with myself that I had broken the flow. "Do you want to go to my room now or stay out here for a while?"

"Let's go to your room." She said after a pause, getting up and grabbing my hand. I picked up the box of condoms and let her lead me. Once we finished the five second trek she flipped the bedside lamp on and, after a brief look at me over her shoulder, crawled on the bed, wrinkling the fairly neat grey comforter that had a permanent residence on top of my white sheets. Her shorts were still on, but that didn't ruin the effect it had on me at all. I joined her after appreciating the view and we happily resumed making out, enjoying the activity we had spent many a happy hour honing to an art form, but now we could enjoy it even more given that we knew that this was only a stepping stone, and that we didn't have to worry about stopping before we got too aroused. That thought in particular really made this much more meaningful, at least to me. Spending a lazy summer afternoon together, culminating in a long, drawn-out make out session, only to have to stop before we went too far had been monumentally frustrating, and now we could throw those concerns out the window, get as hot and bothered as we damn well pleased, and then take care of it the way nature intended, not a cold shower.

As we kissed I tried to do what I could to make her feel more comfortable, I held her close and stroked her softly. She held me as well, and squeezed me periodically, which is something I've always liked. Over the years we've learned how to kiss each other to great result, and we were both putting our hard earned knowledge to good use. Her lips were quite sensitive, and I knew to pay plenty of attention to them as we carried on, gently licking them and caressing them with my own, drawing sounds of enjoyment from her with increasing frequency. Conversely, she knew I loved it when she explored my mouth with her tongue, and she did plenty of that, gently probing my lips and then sliding her tongue over my gums, which made me shiver and moan into the kiss. Then she culminated by gently probing my tongue with hers and drawing me into an oral duel, our tongues sliding over each other repeatedly, much to our delight. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was amused to note that while we were fully intending to escalate to sex, this was probably the least aggressive make out session we've ever had. Instead it was slow, passionate, and almost tender; in contrast our other steamy face-melding romps tended to be fast and aggressive, especially when we were teenagers. After we had managed to thoroughly bruise each other's mouths she pushed me back slightly and wordlessly bared her breasts again.

I took the hint and after a few moments of movement I was free to feel her breasts with one hand while my other arm wrapped around her and our kissing resumed, though not for nearly as long as before. I quickly moved my mouth down to her breasts and after a nod of permission began suckling on her again. She was more comfortable with it this time and actually started to pet me as I gently stimulated her nipples. Her paws gently stroked the back of my head and my neck, sending tremors of pleasure down my spine. After switching breasts for a little while I reluctantly pulled back and looked her in the eye, sliding a hand down to her hip and resting it there, she grinned at me and arched her back, pulling her shorts off and revealing the black underwear she was wearing. They were black, lacey, and barely covered her.

"You can take them off if you want to." She said, her voice husky with arousal and her breathing heavy. I was only too happy to comply. I reached over and hooked a few fingers in the waistband, she arched her back again and I pulled them down slowly, ridding her of her last thread of clothing. She was truly beautiful as she was, lying there as nature intended, her coat a little damp with sweat and the area between her thighs noticeably more wet than the rest. I saw the briefest flicker of insecurity flash in her eyes as I drank in her nude form and I quickly moved to quell it with a blistering kiss.

"This is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen." I said, trying to put how much I really believed that simple statement into my voice. "You couldn't be more perfect."

"Thank you." She whispered, her eyes moistening a little. She returned my kiss ardently, and if her eyes were a bit damp, well, so were mine. When she pulled back she gave me a very passionate look and a pointed look down. "Now, I think it's my turn."

I gladly arched my back to let her pull down first my shorts, which had a massive tent in them, and then my underwear. She took her time about it, and when I finally kicked my underwear off I was as hard as a steel girder. She put a paw on my shoulder to keep me from moving and very pointedly looked me up and down. Suddenly I felt the insecurity I had seen in her just a moment ago, I'm not exactly a prize physical specimen after all. I don't really work out much, I stay thin because I have a very sensitive stomach and I can't eat anything greasy or fatty without my stomach making me with for death. As a result I'm pretty scrawny, and when you add in the fact that I'm pale as a ghost and have more than my fair share of freckles I-

"You look wonderful." She said, after silencing my inner monologue with a kiss. "I can't imagine myself with anyone else."

"I love you Abbey." I whispered; overcome with sheer, raw, joy at the fact that I was with the person I loved more than anyone else in the world, and that we were finally going to be together in the most literal sense.

"I love you too." She responded warmly, one of her paws resting on my cheek while the other one absently tangled in the fur of her breasts, softly stimulating the sensitive flesh there.

"Are you ready to..."

"Uh huh." She whispered. I rolled over and grabbed the box of condoms, ripping it open and pulling out one of the packages. The foil wrapping was stubborn and frustration distracted me a bit before the packaging finally tore and I was able to extract the rubber from its metallic confines. Thankfully all it took was a quick look at Abbey's naked form and a few seconds of stroking to get my erection back, and put the condom on. I'd never done it before, but it wasn't hard to figure out. The condom itself wasn't adorned in any way, it was just a simple latex sheath. Somehow, seeing that she had gotten the 'extra large' size, gave me an ego boost.

Having donned my protection I moved over to her, she splayed her legs and laid still, I knelt between her legs and grabbed myself in one hand, visually lining myself up before carefully getting into position. I moved slowly and placed the head of my penis at her folds, which were engorged and pink, making a stark contrast to the pure white of her wool coat; I felt immediate resistance at the entrance, her hymen. I locked eyes with her and gently pushed until I felt the barrier give way. She hissed and I instantly stopped moving.

"It's okay." She said. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. Just go slowly."

"I will." I murmured. I waited a few moments to let her adjust and pushed in a little further, but not all the way. I'd read somewhere that a woman's first penetration should be done in stages, and it sounded like a good idea to me. I let her adjust to having about a quarter of my shaft inside her for a few moments before pushing another quarter in, and then I pushed all the way in before stopping again. We were both breathing heavily now, even though we weren't actively breeding. The feeling was wonderful, but even moreso was the knowledge that it was Abbey in my arms, and that she was holding me in her arms as well, we had given each other our virginity. The small smile on her face said it all, and I returned it. After a few seconds passed I pulled out and slowly sunk myself in again, drawing a soft sound of pleasure from her. I repeated the motions, though I quickly found out that there was more to it than just bucking my hips. We remained embraced, enjoying the feeling of my shaft slowly sliding in and out of her deliciously soft tunnel for about three minutes before I felt something start to well up in my loins, the sensation came on much faster than it ever had when I had been using my hand to relieve myself, and it was one of the best orgasms I've ever experienced. I couldn't restrain a loud moan as it washed over me, surging through my body like a tidal wave of ecstasy.

Immediately afterward I was overcome with a wave of exhaustion and I stopped moving, panting as my heart raced in my chest and I felt the condom fill with my fluid. Once I gained a measure of control over my heart rate I carefully pulled out of her and laid down next to her on my side, I was overcome by the urge to just lay down and sleep, but I knew it was coming, so I was able to fight through it. Instead I let my right hand drift down to her entrance and started to gently finger her, causing her to moan softly.

"I want to help you finish." I said, still panting. She looked at me and smiled, moving her own paw down and began guiding me; helping me find her favorite spots. It took us a while, but it was definitely fun for the both of us. After a while she started to buck her hips and make increasingly desperate moans, taking her paw away and letting me bring her to her climax. When I sank my finger into her for the last time and pushed her over the brink she arched her back and let out a quiet, but intense moan that softened into a sigh as she rode out her orgasm. When she was done we were both grinning, sweaty, and satisfied. As she caught her breath I shifted position and was reminded of the condom that I still had not taken off, thankfully I was still fairly hard, or there would have been some uncomfortable spillage. As it was I was able to roll over and take it off without too much fluid leaking, what little did escape I took care of with a tissue after I tossed the condom in the small waste basket near my nightstand. After that I turned the light off and rolled over again, draping an arm over Abbey and relishing the feel of her coat against my bare skin, even if it was a bit warm under the covers. She was silent while she caught her breath and savored the afterglow, but she clearly appreciated the cuddling and shifted positions to reciprocate. I ended up on my back with her partially draped over me, one arm thrown over my belly and her head pillowed on my chest while both of my arms were wrapped around her. We stayed like that, awake, for a while, enjoying our closeness and gradually drifting off to sleep.

The last thing I remember from that night is the sound of Abbey's deep breathing as she slept, still pillowed by my chest, and the smell of our bodies. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dragon Council

The cavern was filled with a cacophony of growls, snarls, and roars as the assembly fought. Back and forth went the heated affray, tempers had long since been flamed to the point of no return, and the result was unimaginable, the volume of the...

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Rest Day

The woods on the deserted outskirts of Darnassus were clean and fragrant, a beautiful landscape if there ever was one. The two Worgen walking through the pathless forest appreciated the natural beauty...even if one of them was a little...

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I wanted to die. I wanted to die more emphatically and more viscerally than I ever thought possible. I lay underneath four blankets, still wearing the same clothes I had worn last night, a wad of suffering and despair. I smelled awful, the room was...

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