A Beginning in an End

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This was a trade commission piece of work I did for Nyx tiga. I'm actually really proud of how it turned out, and I hope everyone likes it even though its a clean piece of work.

Comment/votes/ faves please!


Huge buildings stood tall against the background of a black, black sky streaks of red flying through the air as the sun desperately tried to pierce through the cloak of smoke that hung in the air like a curtain, hiding the fresh clean air from the real-world. The earth beneath scattered with debris, the remains of vehicles and crumpled buildings in piles and laid around. Every bit of the destroyed world covered in that same layer of filth, the stench of death lingering in the air. A small pile of bodies laid against the side of a lilting building, the top of the structure starting to crumble before it cracked off from the rest of the skyscraper and fell through the air, screeches of metal ripping apart filling the otherwise silent air as it fell, fell, fell till it slammed into the ground with a crunch of bones breaking and organs flattening under the pressure of the huge mass, the corpses and their disgusting disease now hidden beneath the concrete. Not far from this abandoned city was a gathering of tall trees, bunched together to create a thick forest. The trees growing out of the scarred ground, the mass of plant life making the air there breathable, unlike the rest of the world. The trees that miraculously sprouted beside the destroyed city the element that made life here possible. Two different, opposing tribes living within this oasis, the Gatherers and the Hunters, separated by the winding river that ran through the area.

Zeeb, a gatherer sat alone on the edge of the tribes territory. His presence on the outskirts of the Hunter tribe unnoticed so far, allowing him to enjoy the peaceful feeling as he closed his eyes and breathed in, ignoring the polluted air to imagine fresh clean air that he once knew. His graceful head tipped back slowly, allowing the sun streaming between the branches of the trees to hit his striped fur, the black and white stripes rippling over a muscular body. With absent concentration he began to work his fingers through his tangled locks of hair in his mane, trying his best to untangle them. His fingers dainty for such a muscular body, perfect for his lifestyle filled with the healing and helping of others. His moment of peace now the first time since the rest of the world had been killed off that he had been able to close his eyes and focus on his inner peace rather than the health of another survivor, that often turned into another victim before he could do enough. Though he saved his fair share of lives since "The end" as his tribe mates had dubbed it. Before he could enjoy his peaceful moment too much longer the sound of a nearby twig snapping broke his concentration and made him jump to attention on heavy hooves, glossy beneath their layer of muck.

"Who goes there?" He asked, in a gruff voice, voice inlayed with underlying fear. His ears flicking up to hear any soft noises he may have missed, ears alerted to the moving brush. The world stopped for him at the moment, a twig broke and a figure stepped slowly out from the shadowed area of brush across the thin part of the river from him. The shadows dancing around the figure making their body shape foggy as the zebra tried to examine the stranger.

The figure then jumped from the bush, arms outstretched to collide with the zebra mashed and they tumbled. Zeeb almost immediately started to panic, feeling the lithe limbs of the other figure.

"Calm down!" The figure spoke, "I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you!" The hybrid Hunter slowly eased off the startled zebra, hands moving up to show she meant no harm, though her muscles were tensed and ready to re-launch herself onto him if he meant to run or call an alarm.

At first glance all Zeeb saw was a threat, an enemy, and an outsider in his tribe's territory but as he looked closer he saw her more clearly. She was obviously strong, well seasoned in the hunt that supported her tribe, her body made of well-built muscles that fit subtly inside her womanly body. Her curves bringing back thoughts of life before "the end" when admiring a woman's hips wasn't a luxury. Her body was barely covered, letting her black, white striped fur show through. Her hybrid body mixing that feline body of a tigress with the grace of a mare, to create the beauty in front of him. Her white hair, though matted through with as much filth as Zeeb's own mane, it flowed, showing a glimpse of the luster it must have had in her previous, "normal" life. Finally he saw her eyes, those yellow orbs filled with distress, worry, and beneath it all love. She worried for a loved one, and Zeeb knowing what it was like to lose one he loved, after his entire herd and family had been lost, couldn't turn away without hearing her out.

"Okay, okay, what is it you need from me?" He asked, his gruff voice slightly softer, trying to be calm in a taboo situation. His eyes filling with concern and compassion for his fellow fur, forgetting for a moment their tribes, the lines dividing them, to come together for at least a moment of peace.

Nyx, the hybrid, took a deep breath as she contemplated how to respond to this question, recalling all the information she needed to give to this Healer, and most of all, the things she would say to convince him to help.

"Ok," She started, her breath slowing down and her voice trembling slightly as she spoke despite her nagging worries, "I know that our tribes have never really been on talking terms due to us fighting for use of the same resources, trying to survive above the other, but certain scenarios call for different skill types, and we've made a mistake in grouping ourselves off. We need everyone's different talents, skills, knowledge, and right now I need yours above all." She took another long breath, breathing in the musty air that flowed through their exosystem. Her head lowering for a moment to look to the ground, regaining her confidence to continue.

"The point is, my cousin is dying, she is young, barely past the life span of a foal at this point. About a week ago, on a hunting expedition, near the city, a building toppled near my party and she was struck with a piece of metal debris. It pierced through her..her something...no one knows what is wrong..." She looked absolutely distraught, her eyes far off as she relived the horror of the injury. Her voice wobbling in the air as she continued her recount of the incident. "S..she seemed fine at first, weak, yes, but healing. Or so I thought, and now, now she just lays there, I can't get her to eat much at a time, and if she does she usually pukes it back up. She's bleeding all the time, even through the bandages we gave her, I just don't know what to do, and I can't lose her, she's all I have left..."

The tigress trailed off, voice hoarse and raw towards the end of her monologue. A couple of tears streaming down her cheek, making a trail through her dusty fur, a dark , wet streak. A defeated sob leaving her as she leaned forward slightly, not looking at the zebra as she displayed such a humiliating level of sadness, no hunter was expected to display.

Zeeb was at a loss, the love she felt for her cousin was obvious, but the danger included in helping this Hunter was colossal, if his tribe disagreed with the choice he could be exiled. He could be decided as a trespasser on the other tribe's land and killed off, but beneath these doubts he knew he wouldn't say no, not to such a woman as this. Her strength was evident, from her body to her aura in general, a proud woman he could easily tell, but her love was great enough that she overcame her pride to go about asking for an outsiders help. He admired this above all else, this love she exuded, it made him ache for his lost loved ones, and he never wished that pain upon any other living thing even a Hunter.

"I guess... I'll help." He sighed, his voice weak and soft as he began to speak but gaining strength as he admitted he would help. His eyes locked onto this woman's face as he saw the relief wash over her expression, then the gratitude. It was amazing to see, and he soaked it all in, starring as this distressed, destroyed woman became a ray of hope before his very eyes, hope for the life of an injured mare and so much more. She was hope for a future between the clans, of the two intertwining to befriend and aid each other in times of need. As well, she was hope to Zeeb, hope that he could find someone to love that much sometime, someday in this new life he was about to step into.

"Oh thank you!" Nyx gasped out. Inwardly she was cheering,though she didn't wish to show too much of this emotion with the stranger, while confident in his abilities in his field of medicines, she didn't trust him well enough to show her emotions so freely. Above all she was thankful fate had led her to the right Gatherer, one that would help her, help her cousin, Juliet."So... shall we head to my village?"

Zeeb interrupted her here, raising a hand as he did so, "Um, we cannot just go into your village. They might kill me" He noted, point blank, wasting no time candy coating his thoughts for her. "I do not wish to be killed"

Nyx held up her hand at that, "As long as I'm around no one is going to do anything to you. My tribe at least recognizes me as a valuable asset to ourselves." Truthfully the she-tiger didn't know what was to come of her bringing a Gatherer into her village, as this had never been done before. But with her own needs in mind and the zebra's own obvious doubts at this project, the tigress wouldn't say anything to jeopardize his helping her.

Zeeb listened intently to her small speech, nodding a few places to show his attentiveness, though he didn't fully believe her, it was obvious this was not her acting on behalf of her tribe, or she would have said that or hinted to it at the very least, but all the while she had talked on her own behalf, telling him the tribe was not involved. Though, his morals were strong, and he believed that this was the right thing to do no matter how dangerous it could be for him. He said nothing of his disbelief in her statements, only nodding to her in response. "May I gather some things first, so I may possibly treat her right away?"

Nyx thought about it for a second, and asked the question that came to mind immediately. "Will you run away from me if I let you?"

He couldn't help but chuckle at this, her thought process turning out to be similar to his own. "No, I want to help you," He promised sincerely. His expression full of compassion for the tigress and a honesty in his eyes, showing his seriousness behind his words. "It would be downright rude of me to go back on my word anyhow, after all I did give my word to you."

Hesitantly, while she bit her lip thinking negatively all the while, she made the go ahead gesture with her arm. "If It'll help my cousin, do as you would if it were one of your tribesmen."

Zeeb nodded and smiled, feeling better every second that her heart and love for her family showed. Already he began to make a mental list of the herbs he would need, common ones for helping blood clots, easing pain, and inducing sleep. The list developed quickly, and he realized the gathering could take awhile. He stood quickly and gestured for her to follow him. "Well then let's get the herbs and plants needed. It'll go much faster with two of us."

Nyx nodded, and quickly followed the zebra hybrid. Silently praying this had been the right choice for her cousin.

***** After nearly an hour of trudging through the woods, digging down into the dirt for roots, and scavenging for leaves Zeeb turned to face Nyx, the tigress having followed him around silently the whole time, "I think I have all the basics for fast treatment, and once I look at her I'll be able to tell you what else I'll need."

Nyx lit up slightly with this news, the long-lasting wandering around the woods dampening her spirits. The sun having drifted from high in the sky to dancing along the horizon while they found the needed supplies. The zebra seeming tireless as he hiked them through the woods, often stopping to check for a plant or tripping some bark off a tree. The pouch hanging from the rope tied around his waist slowly filled, the sack on the other hip being filled with water from the fastest flowing part of the river, trying to ensure the most freshness possible.

"Shall we head to her now then?" The tigress asked, looking both hopeful and worried at the prospect of Zeeb seeing her cousin.

The zebra shifted on his hooves, double checking his pouch of supplies again nervously, giving a little nod to the tigress, who nodded back once before starting to walk back towards the thin section of the river where they could step over.

As they walked both stayed in their own heads, wondering what would happen now. Zeeb worried that he would be met with hostility trying to help the injured mare, or that she would be beyond help and he would be blamed for the loss. Along with these logical worries he stressed for the beautiful tigress, his eyes absently looking over her backside, her curves making his mind wander slightly, her strength and beauty making him wish to strive for her acceptance.

The tigress having another set of thoughts as she thought ahead to calming her tribe mates, knowing they would frown upon her seeking help of the enemy. Her concerns for her dear Juliet's health driving her onward with this reckless plan, bringing this zebra, no matter how friendly he seemed, into her home. Somewhere in the back of her mind, one small part, that strived for past normalcy couldn't help but look at the compassionate zebra with a wandering eye. His body rippling with subtle muscles making the tigress nearly purr when she focused too long on the thought. Nearing the river, she shook those thoughts away, clearing her head.

The river, boundary line for both tribes, was the only major obstacle in their path to reach Nyx's tribe now. Light olive green waters, plagued with the slightly irradiated aftermath, were flowing past them. The trees nearby shown with a sickly iridescent green. The plants having adapted to the gross water. Small globs of the muck that lined the bottom and sides of the rivers bobbed up occasionally the irregular blobs of dirt, debris, and dead flesh giving the river a horrid, rotting stench if one of these orbs were bumped, causing it to open like when someone has a dirt clot and they crush it the dirt comes out, but instead of dirt, it was diseased, dead, decaying flesh from the many dead that piled around, the seepage from rain running the disgusting mixture into the waters of the river.

Nearby a toppled log made itself cross over the river, the total narrowness being about 20 meters in length. It's bark had been mostly stripped away, exposing the bone white color of the trees innards. Moss grew in blood red patches, and the water lapped at the bottom. Zeeb and Nyx both looked at it, disgusted by the smell and intrigued by the look of the log. Nyx looked at the log and then back to Zeeb and uttered a statement he never would have wanted to hear. "Would you like to go first?"

Zeeb gulped and looked at the tigress and looked at the log and her, "Is this the only way to cross the river?" He asked, a look of incredulous disbelief at the disgustingness they were confronted with in this moment. While the whole world they lived in was now coated in the repercussions of the world's greatest disaster, being reminded of it with things like this were still hard to stomach for the zebra.

With a slight look of disdain the tigress nodded. "The only other crossing points would be another mile or so back the way we came from. Doing that would take another hour at least, and it would be dark by the time we reached the tribe. Night time can be dangerous, and even then there's only the option of swimming across." She needed not to have pointed out the dangers of night to the Gatherer, for everyone knew of the strange creatures that appeared when the sun went down. The radioactive spills not far from the oasis had created the strangest mutated beasts ever to walk the planet, though no one had lived a close interaction with one to describe its features solidly. Secondly, The option of swimming across was quickly dismissed since the waters contained enough disease start a plaque, no one needed to risk swimming in it.

But, with a head held extra high, and a proud puffed-out chest he gave a nod, moving forward to the slimy banks of the river, stopping for a moment to look down into the swirling pools of muck-ridden waves. With a deep breath he placed a hoof onto the log, steadying himself on the slick, makeshift bride and starting to make his way across, one step at a time. His hooves clicking with each step signified his slow progress, till finally he reached the opposite bank, landing on the mossy earth beside the river with a dull thud and swish of his tail back at the tigress, inviting her over. "You're next, miss"

Nyx gave a slight nod as he spoke, lifting her eyes to meet his and acknowledge him without needing to speak. Her focus and attention needed for crossing the slick log to join the zebra on the opposite side. Her tail flicking out behind her as a last ditch effort of balance enhancement as she put a paw onto the log, slowly pushing down to move herself onto the bridge. One step at a time she moved over the log, the waters of the river swirling and speeding up below her.

Only a few more steps from the bank, the waves perked up, hitting a rock just right to send a spray of the disgusting water up against the hybrids legs, startling the tigress as she stumbled forward with a helpless cry.

Zeeb was quick to react, every muscle in his body tensing as he stepped forward to the very edge of the bank, arms outstretched to catch the woman as she toppled forward. The bulk of her upper body hitting his arms, the force of which sent his hoof through the dirt of the bank, sinking into the muck beside the river's flowing water. His arms curled quickly beneath the tigress's armpits, pulling her up onto the solid ground with him. Her body mere centimeters from his as she steadied against his arms. Her breath washing over his chest and neck, where her head reached. Slowly, her head tilted up, eyes meeting the zebra's own,and for a moment she was completely lost in his eyes. The rest of the world forgotten as she clung to him, barely breathing, each breath she did breath brushing against his dusty fur. Her worries melted away in that moment, to let her relax and be in a state of utter peace for a time.

Though as the adrenaline rush from the danger had faded, the relief of being saved dull, she jerked back from him, stepping away quickly. "T..thank you" She uttered, awkwardly so, not meeting the zebra's eyes again as she started to walk quickly towards her camp once more. Zeeb gave a curt nod, followed by a soft sigh of disappointment at the ending of the tender moment. A lewd squelch noise following as he lifted his hoof from the mud, his stripey hoof and ankle now a pure black, stained by the sludge. Turning on his heel, he followed the disappearing tail of the tigress, yet another long walk through the trees commencing.


After walking with the tigress towards her village, for nearly another hour, battling thick vines and the impending darkness of night their pace was a mix between determined fastness, and impeded slowness, resulting in a irregular pace of fast and slow. Zeeb's hooves were aching with the walking he had done today, his lifestyle not focused around movement such as this. While the tigress appeared to have no issue with the distance, her livelihood surrounding the ability to be fast and to last.

Finally though, they had reached the edge of the village. A surviving shell of building moved into the oasis of the forest to block out some of the wind, and to retain as much heat as possible from fires. The metal and stone along a wall of trees, all secured it seemed with an intricate system of vine tying. The rest of the village seemed to be mostly open area, a huge fire pit in the middle, and a variety of different beds, some made of dips in the sand, others of hay and leaves. A rut was dug in the dirt by the fireplace, a variety of animals in various processes of being made edible were nearby. Hooks held up the larger bodies of bigger game and small stands held strips of meat, being roasted into jerky. Nearby, a large pot sat over the fire, boiling what appeared to be water mixed with herbs on the top.

Zeeb looked around with a critical eye, before turning to Nyx. "Where is she?" He asked softly, keeping his voice low. The fear of being greeted with hostile attention still fresh in his mind. Though the village appeared empty, the sun still up allowing for hunting still, or possibly this was only a place for sleep, and another village was somewhere nearby for other activity. Whatever the case, Zeeb was pleased not to have to see another Hunter just yet.

"She is over here, quarantined. " The tigress said, a slightly humiliated tone in both her voice and the blush on her cheeks. Her body turning away from the main section of the village and facing off, towards a small clearing in the trees. A hut sat there, made of partially debris from the fallen city, the side of a house it seemed, with the few remnants of siding stuck to the wall, and a heavy door. What supported these pieces wasn't clear, making Zeeb question the stability of the sick house, thought he didn't let this show on his face.

With a slight grimace of the stench wafting out of the house, he moved closer with the tiger. The smell moving from the lean-to style home was revolting, a mixture of cooked meat and rotted flesh. "Let me talk to her first." Nyx commanded softly, her voice faint and weak as she was yet again reminded of the state of her cousin.

With a little nod, Zeeb stayed put, watching as the tigress disappeared into the hut. Prepping himself for what was to come, the zebra pushed all his own, personal fears, worries, or hopes out of his head. Summoning his knowledge and training as a doctor from before the "end" and his skills as a healer now after. His few moments while Nyx talked to Juliet becoming a short time of meditation, as he focused completely at the task at hand.

Once Nyx had invited him into the small hut he had a single minded focus. His eyes quickly adjusting to the dimmer light inside the small lean-to. The natural light of the setting sun block by both the trees above and the thick walls of the shelter the sick mare resided in. The room was nowhere near spacious, a small closet sized space, the floor lined with a thin layer of leaves and hay, the quick glance Zeeb made finding different tufts of poison ivy leaves within the bedding, making him grumble slightly in disgust at the incompetence of the other tribe. Knowing everyone of the Gatherers would know not to put that leaf into bedding, again making him ponder how life would be different if everyone would come together, and share skills.

On the bedding of hay, and other questionable foliage, was Juliet, the mare. Her fur was matted with sweat. Her stomach fur was dribbling with the foul stench of sweat and the liquid itself. Her head lay in Nyx's lap, the tigress panting gently over her ears, whispering soft, calming words the mare. With a little huff, Zeeb moved onto his knees, sliding a hand over Juliet's side, feeling for any broken bones first off. Her body so weak and frail the bones bumped up against his hand as it slide down her flank. Her hooves appeared as though they were disintegrating right there. With a soft sigh, finished with his easy observations, and ready to start working.

His hands were agile and deft in their movement. His satchel contained many items but he knew what to do. Quickly he gathered the herbs both he and Nyx had gathered, grabbing a cloth rag as well to set the herbs down without getting them more dirty. His hands went in and followed by grabbing the mortar and pestle at the bottom of the bag. After gathering all of his required items he mentally went through his process of what would be ground first and then what would follow to help Juliet. His mentality prepared his eyes wandered. Gazing over Nyx he saw her rump, and blushing he quickly looked away. He started looking at the inside of the building, the walls were dirty, and disheveled. Portions of the wall collapsed every now and again, chips peeling and dust lifting up. Glass shards littered the ground, fragments spread about.

Parts of vials and beakers were near the fragments, half broken but with intact labels. A certain label caught his eye, and he gazed at it wondering where he had seen it. A voice broke his silence, "Are you ready, Zeeb?"

With distracted attention he lifted his head up, looking at Nyx. "Oh..uh..of course.." He mumbled, giving a slight nod. Looking back down his eyes once again fell to the vials, wondering where they got this wall. His eyes found Nyx's once more. "Where did this wall come from?" He asked quickly, thinking back to the science side of medicine.

Portions of his memory were scattered but he felt like he had been here before all hell had broken loose. A laboratory meant to benefit all of mankind had been developing a cure-all vaccine for all illness in the world. Truthfully he hadn't been too involved in the project, but he knew pieces of what it was supposed to do.

Diseases were sent to the facility in order to offer advancement upon the project. Many of them were sealed in glass containers and then placed into a padded steel container, the steel containers were nearly indestructible, but the blast of the nuclear blast must have broken them open. The small vials inside, a strong, specially enhanced glass, couldn't withstand the blast. Meaning they ruptured, releasing the viruses inside. When the tribe brought the wall from the old science facility to create their sick house, they brought the diseases with them.

With a look of pure disbelief Zeeb looked back down at the mare, her breath in slow, labored pants. Her chest heaving slightly with each breath, though she looked so beaten down, Zeeb was unsure she could even be getting oxygen through the mucus he could hear in her throat. Every few moments the mare gave a hard shiver, her body quivering as it ran down her spine. The hay in the small hut covered in the slime of sloppily cleaned vomit, the stench of the lingering puke making Zeeb gag slightly. With a scowl on his muzzle Zeeb turned his head to the mare's rump, grimacing as he saw the state of her tail, the poor mare having little control over her bowel movements. With the proper cleaning she might be slightly better, but without more information this would be hard to treat, let alone heal. "Nyx, I need to speak with you." he said softly, dreading telling this to the tigress.

"It seems that juliet may have caught some of the more dangerous old world diseases. In the years before all of this happened," He gestures out toward the camp, and at all the broken pieces of building, "There was a laboratory focused on the treatment of all harmful diseases to the human race. I worked indirectly with the project, but from what I heard the day it went to hell, is that the containers transporting all of the viruses were ruptured, causing the diseases to spread."

Nyx looked as if she'd seen a ghost, her face drooping in a shocked, incredulous manner. "W..what are you saying?" She asked softly, looking down at her sweet mare. Her hand absently petting down over her neck.

"I'm saying she may have a combination of many different diseases, each adding in a different combinations of symptoms she will then suffer. Also since she's infected her contact with others nearby could spread this, this super virus." He threw up his arms slightly, not knowing how else to express the frustration he felt at not being to help.

Outside the tent, in the shade of the nearby trees, was another Hunter. An unimportant fur in power spread of the tribe, just another member of the pack. He was a smaller sized coyote, his paws lightly landing on the dirt in silent footsteps. All the while his ears tall and swiveling side to side to hear every bit of Zeeb's confession about the mare's illness. His eyes went wide with wild terror. The thought of such sickness, released to him and his own family, it drove him off towards the main camp. His scraggly fur swishing in the breeze from his speed, tail flying out straight behind, and eyes filled with wild aggression.

Inside the tent, quietly the research Zeeb talked of, working through symptoms and matching each to a disease. Zeeb working on scritching down notes with charcoal on some larger leaves, and fragments of paper he had. The two allied furs were completely oblivious to what happened less than a mile away in the main Hunter camp.

******** "That nasty foal is gonna kill us all!"

"We need to run!"

"It's incurable! A Super disease he called it!"

Every hunter within a 5 mile radius had already been informed of what the coyote had overheard, chaos ensuing as every fur put in their opinions, making a storm of shouting and disorder.

"Everyone! Hush!" Roared the leader, a tall lion. His fur dull and no longer silky and glossy to the touch, but it was by no means as filthy as some. His mane was huge, encircling his face with proud arrogance. He had leapt up onto a large rock since his shout, standing over them on two paws, standing up straight above them.

A silence spread over the crowd at the sight of him, arms outstretched to silence them. The effect was eerie in the way their animalistic terror seemed to reign in slowly. Pair after pair of eyes turning to face him, fear jumping and quivering in the eyes of every beast. Blues were shaking like a leaf. Yellows rocked back and forth. Browns and greens huddled together. Though their bodies were still, their eyes spoke the truth of their fear. The wild emotion ready to take control.

"I know you're all scared, and I understand that, but I need to think about what is best for everyone." Began the tall leader, his voice booming out over the crowd, strong and powerful. His chest rose and fell in a steady manner as he controlled every essence of himself to keep calm for his tribe mates. "I'm going to speak with my advisors, then I will tell you all what the decision is, till then stay calm ." With that, he turned, stepping down from his post, heading to a small group of various other furs. Soft whispers and murmurs leaving the group as it created a circle in which to discuss.

Before he could return a cry went out. A fur let out a howl of pure animal qualities. The hyena's hair was a crazy tangled bush atop her head. Small ears flicking out on either side of the pile of hair she owned. Her eyes were wild, darting from fur to fur in the crowd in front of her. She was mostly nude, obviously one of the older of the tribe members in the way her body was. Though older she was still toned and strong, and it showed in the way her muscles rippled beneath her spotted fur. A small leather dress covered most of her breasts, the sides of each fuzzy orb peeking out when she moved so excitedly. The handmade article going down past her rump and to her mid thigh where it tapered off in messy threads. As she leapt on the old stump nearest her position in the crowd her arms flew up in the air, grabbing the attention of even more furs, then entire crowd soon locked onto her with their terrified gazes. Her voice was shrill and high pitched to cut through the air as she spoke.

"Furs! Why should we have to wait for our 'leader' to 'discuss' when we can take control ourselves? Why should he get to control OUR lives? Do you want this disease to spread to you? To your only surviving family? your friends?"

Murmurs were spreading through the crowd, her words making a tear in their logic, all eyes flicking to their leader, who stood staring starstruck at the rebellious hyena. Their attention quickly flicking back to her as she spoke again.

"We need to take control! Stop the super disease! Kill the mare!"

She was screaming when she finished, the rest of the crowd silent before far in the back. A roughed furred tasmanian devil let out a howl, taking up her chant. "Take Control! Stop the disease! Kill the mare! Kill the mare!"

Looking back at him the rest of the crowd looked lost before one by one they joined in. Their joined shouts, howls, squeals, and growls creating an ominous cry. Their words all the same.

"Kill. The. Mare...

"Kill. The. Mare...

"Kill. The. Mare....

With her followers now sworn to her in their cries of her message the hyena knew it was time for the next step. Her fear muddled mind making a cloudy plan. "Now! My fellow furs! Let's go take control! KILL THE MARE!"

A final noise of agreement rose up in the air. A cloud of dust surrounding the mass of bodies as they took off. Some dropping onto all fours, finding the regressed position safer than their normal humanistic stance. Driven by fear they seemed to fly over the filth ridden earth.


"What was that?" Zeeb asked suddenly, loud cries of some sort hitting his tall ears. The striped appendages swiveling a bit to better catch the sounds. The words were fuzzified in his brain as he started to piece them together, words clicking together like a puzzle slowly. 'Kill...The mare..."

His eyes widened as he realized what those hazy words were. His obvious distress catching Nyx's eyes, a look of questioning on her face as she tugged his arm rather forcefully. "What is it?" she hissed out, trying to keep her voice down so the pitiful mare beneath them didn't have more to worry about.

"Listen.." the zebra whispered in a hushed tone, then falling silent so she could obey the command. The tigress's ears flicking up to do just that as he said. Her own yellow eyes going wide as she heard the chanting.

"Oh gods...." She muttered softly, looking to Juliet with a soft sigh of distress. Her shoulders slumping slightly, as if the weight of her emotions were physically weighing her down.

Zeeb was faster to respond, his instincts kicking in. Bending over he scooped up the feeble mare and the dirtied rug she lay on. With a soft whine he ducked out of the small sick hut. His eyes darting about, scanning the area. His arms holding Juliet tight and steadily to his chest. "Come on, we need to get her out of here"

Nyx barely had time to try and wonder why her opposing tribe member would risk himself like this for a dying mare. Though she didn't voice a single complaint as he rushed into action. His arms holding her precious mare to his chest protectively despite voicing she was horribly diseased. Before she could fully grasp how much was being sacrificed by the zebra he was out of the hut, hurrying further down into the foliage. Another gruff whisper of "Come on!" all the urging the tigress needed to hurry after him.


"Furs! Calm down!" The chief cried out, chasing after his tribe. Desperation in his eyes and driving him forward after the mass of fur. A mixture of musty yellow, dirt coated browns, dust crusted blacks running forward a one. Their goal obvious in constant chanting of their single minded sentence. Each voice intermingling with the voices around to make a item of pure hateful energy.

"I'll smash her skull!"

"No, it must be quick!"

"I agree can't risk being infected."

Several different furs discussed as they marched forward. Hooves, paws, claws, and talons falling onto the disgusting in a steady rhythm the heart beat of the group, pounding steadily in the background.


"Hurry! I know a safe place!" Zeeb hissed out between his teeth. Eyes flicking back to see the tigress just behind him. His own hooves beating steadily to the ground as he fled onward. The female's paws falling into his hoof prints. Soft pants lefts her lips as she chased after him, trying to keep just behind him to see Juliet's face. The mare's eyes shut smoothly. Her body hanging mostly limp. And for a moment Nyx thought she had died, but a shaky breath through crusted nostrils calmed her fears. Her eyes finding Zeeb's face, studying the determined fire in his eyes. His goal singled minded in a focused, well planned way. His survival instincts the only thing that had gotten them away in time.

Soon enough the sound of the evacuated hut being destroyed ringing off in the distance. The sound only driving the pair on faster, and soon enough Zeeb slowed to a near halt. His hooves digging into the ground as he wandered slowly forward. Eyes flicking side to side to study the area.

"What are you looking for?" Nyx asked softly, looking at the zebra with a questioningly look, which wasn't seen since the zebra found what he was searching for. The flick of a wrist and a rock shifted. A sort of automated bomb shelter coming into view. "Oh thank gods...it's still here.."

The tigress couldn't believe her eyes as they shuffled inside together, to rushed to ask questions till inside the safety of the shelter. the rock sliding back into place with a rough grinding sound, and finally a dull thud. The sound like the final assurance of their safety inside.


"This is an old science hideout bomb shelter. One of the scientists originally on the team for the super vaccine, the one that must have gone wrong, was terrified of a zombie invasion. So he created this safe house. The only reason I knew was he once showed me. It's equipped with solar powered electricity, enough food for months, and even a toilet. " the zebra explained, both tribes members now sitting on cushions on the smooth rock floor, a single bulb illuminating the small cavern, a short tunnel leading to another room, with cots, where Juliet rested. Small shelves lined the walls, all equipped with space and canned foods, as well as supplies.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this when IT happened?" Nyx questioned, the hideout seeming extremely useful.

"That's the problem, it was developed and designed, expertly so, but only for a group of 5 tops. The tribe would have ripped it to shreds in a day and it would be gone. So I left it a secret, never used it myself either." He answered honestly, the immediate stress of escape melting away for a moment. The small safe house giving them a oasis in a world of chaos, of wild animalistic hunters, and needs that never ended. Here it drifted away for a moment, his eyes wandering to the tigress hybrid across from him. Studying her he couldn't help but smile. Her own expression shaky and uncertain as she gave him a weak smile.

Hoping to calm her worries he spoke again, "I've given Juliet several different essential vitamins that I found, they should boost her immune system for at least long enough for us to take a small break from all this craziness, and then Ill dig around in here for some ideas of a cure."

Nyx let out a soft sigh at his words, a smile spreading onto her muzzle at the thought of both the mare's health possibly improving and letting go for a moment. That small smile enough for Zeeb to make his own smile grow larger, his arms opening a bit impulsively for the tigress. "Come here..." He whispered, looking at her with a slightly tired but hopeful expression. His feelings of affections for the hybrid coming back in a rush. His small glimpses through all the craziness coming back into his mind to let him ponder the curves on her muscular body, the shape of her pert rump, the color of her eyes...

Silently, hearing the equine's word she obeyed, scooting off her cushion to come onto his. Her body leaning into his, her head falling onto his shoulder, and a soft huff leaving her. "This is hard.." she whispered, eyes sliding shut to color the vibrant yellow hues.

With a shaky breath at her touch Zeeb wrapped an arm around the hybrid, holding her close. Free hand sliding over the back of her head soothingly. Her snout inches from her ear just barely. His soft breathing washing over her neck in warm waves. "Life is a challenge...but we'll get through it" He whispered reassuringly, his tone soft and intimate as he spoke to the hybrid. Her ears flicking slightly to catch his words, a soft content sigh leaving the tigress as he held her. Her troubles melting away as she allowed herself to relax in the zebra's embrace.

Feelings his nerves get the best of him Zeeb couldn't stop there, rambling on and on about things that didn't even make sense any longer. Nyx hitting her wall of tolerance as she leaned up, her eyes flicking to lock to his quickly before she slammed her lips into his, kissing him.

Zeeb gasped at the kiss, finding himself melting into the girl. A wild wave of feelings overtaking him as he pulled her tighter to him. Her body reacting similarly as she let him. The two different tribes mates, and different cultures coming together in a short fit of passion, desperately coming together in an attempt to calm the need inside both creatures and to find a feeling of normalcy. The night ending with the zebra and the tigress hybrid in a sleeping pile of the cave floor.


"Zeeb! Look at this!" Nyx called, looking over to the zebra who was still sleeping. Her voice rousing him as she waved a small, oddly colored vial at him.

"I don't know" he mumbled, looking at it, the sight of the still nude tigress before him distracting him greatly from the task of identifying anything. A smile spreading onto his face as he remembered the night before.

Though, through a fog of sexual memories he got up, heading towards her. His own body as naked as her own. His attention soon shifted to the small bottle though as he realized what it could be.

Thinking back he distinctly remembered the scientist who owned the safe house had claimed to have discovered a extreme immune system booster, that would give a suffering sickling a huge boost in fighter cells that could kill nearly any disease a survivor might get.

"This might be our cure!" he said excitedly, practically charging into the other room where Juliet lay. Her body was limp and her eyes barely opened to see the Zebra. He ramblingly explained what he was going to do before he set to work, preparing the needle attached to the little vial, with a soft whisper to the mare he quickly pushed it into the girl's thigh.


"N...Nyx.." Juliet stammered, now able to lift her head and look her aunt in the eyes as he body began to heal. Though along with the time to heal also was time to run out of food. Their stores of cans and space food quickly running low especially with Juliet's need for extra nutrients.

Nyx jumped to her feet, sitting with the mare again, speaking with her in soft whispers as Zeeb prepared another bottle of the serum that was saving her life.

They had taken to giving her a shot each week, the boost speeding up and keeping her healing moving forward. Though even with this technology it was a miracle the girl was making such good progress and Zeeb worked constantly to keep her fed, clean, and comfortable. His free time spent late at night, with the hybrid tigress. His time with her the silver lining to the horrible scenario of hiding out.

Though today, things were changing. Far off he could hear the chants of their hunters, tireless in their search, driven on by wild fear and animalistic hunger for death. As well, their food was dwindling, soon he would need to hunt.

Today, as the tigress talked quietly with the mare, Zeeb was thinking quietly. HIs thoughts were interrupted by the now extremely nearby shouts, the sounds coming from the air ventilation vent. From outside and above the vent was hidden by some leave, but nothing more. And from the sounds pouring down out of the vent it appeared to Zeeb it had been found.

With almost reckless confidence Zeeb slipped out of the main entrance, jumping up onto a rock with a clack of his hooves on the rock. "Hey!" he shouted, bringing the attention of every murderous fur in the area. The top of the small hill the safe house was in was swarmed with the hunters.

"Stop! She's healing! There is NO danger!" Zeeb shouted, his chest heaving with nervous pants as he shouted out to the mob.

"Oh a GATHERER has decided to speak up." A large boar droned, grinning at him with a sadistic smirk.

Zeeb grimaced at this, eyeing the ventilation vent a bit. A wave of feeling starting in his gut. "Don't you people see? Without me she would be dying! Without two different tribes members coming together this disease would spread!"

He called out in a loud, strong voice. His inspiration in this growing as he watched as the weaker driven furs started to nod along with him, his speaking continuing on.

"By the coming together of two people we saved a life, and we bettered each other. Our knowledge combined can make this world of garbage and anger and fear we live in change! We can make this world good again! If you can put behind you your mindless anger and hatred. With two tribes as one, WE WILL SURVIVE!."

His words hung in the air for a long moment, before slowly cheers rose up. Calls from each voice of each animal, soon a familiar whiny leaving the mouth of the safehouse as Juliet herself came trotting out, head held high. The cheers only increasing.

Slowly, with a grin forming on his muzzle Zeeb left his rock, and walked to the tigress. With all eyes on him he leaned close and kissed her with fiery passion of love, and hope.

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Benefits of a Brother

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