Learning to Swim - Part VII

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#7 of Entropy Series

The twins are at it again! Time for a few lessons at the pool.

This time around I wanted to push the story a bit further rather than just have a huge orgy, hehe. While there is fun to be had so to speak, this is really just the transition to one of the main turns in the plot. Who knew, you could have a story come from a simple sexy story? :3

As always, this story contains mature themes and explicit sexual imagery. If you are not of legal age to view such materials where you live, please stop reading any further. to eeryone else, hope you enjoy the story as much as I loved writing it!

"Hey, anyone alive down here?" Ilaria called as she started down the stairs, Robyn merely a yard in tow.

A voice from the kitchen answered back, "Hey sis, we're in here." When the two rounded the corner and met eyes with the other otters, Iolvin greeted, "Mornin' Lulu, Robyn. You guys sleep well?"

"Uh, hey Yoyo. And Dee..." Ari took a look at the smaller otter, dressed in a skimpy bikini bathing suit, and then forced herself to focus on the rest of the room. "Early lunch, huh? You two planning on swimming too?"

"Yeah, I wanted to join you guys. The pool at my apartments is small and probably filled with kids by now, anyway." Dee put down a sandwich he was eating and dusted his paws off. "I have a surprise for you too, Ari dear. It'll be fun."

Snatching a piece of deli meat from a baggie on the counter and taking a nibble, Robyn chimed in, "Yeah, sounds great. Have a good time then, guys." Finding her eyes lingering on Adrian, she forced herself to look at Yoyo instead and clarified, "I've got an appointment with my stylist, but I can come back for a dip if you're all still outside."

"Aww, well come back soon then Robyn. We can make it a party or something if our parents are alright with it." Yoyo choked down the last of his own sandwich and headed for the backyard door. "I'll go clean the crap out the pool. Oh, and nice seeing you again, Robyn."

"Yeah, we'll be here, hon. You should hurry up so you're not late." Ilaria snatched a few slices of meat herself and quickly snuck in a kiss on the squirrel's cheek. "Now if you'll excuse me..." she added as she slipped over to the back door with a playful smile.

"You didn't tell her anything?..." Dee whispered to Robyn as she started for the side door. "I mean, she'll find out eventually..."

Pausing after opening the door, Robyn turned back hesitantly and answered, "No... They're twins, Dee. You think they hide anything from each other?" She stepped out and added, "It's better if they work it out themselves. Take care, Dee," and closed the door.

"Sheesh..." The little otter daintily attacked the remainder of his lunch and watched the two outside talk about something. "Yeah, she has a point." Snatching the now-wrapped box that contained Ilaria's new leg, he headed outside to present it to the girl.

"Yoyo..." Ilaria made sure she closed the door before continuing, "What's going on? I heard Dee's voice earlier, so I know he didn't just drop by."

Iolvin stopped running a net through the water of the family pool and made sure she had his full attention. "I won't go into details, but we're sort of a thing now. Dee wanted to drop something off and one thing led to another..."

"Wait, back up a second. You're gay?" a puzzled look twisted across her face as Ilaria pinged, "Since when?"

With a shrug of defeat Yoyo sighed and answered, "Why does everyone think I'm gay?" He started cleaning the leaves out of the pool again to keep up appearances through the windows and clarified, "You said it yourself the other day. Why can't someone be attracted to men and women?"

"Yoyo, it's alright. You've got the right to be happy all the same as anyone." Ari walked over to a pool chair and sat down across it. "Just make sure it's what you want is all. I'll support you in anything you really care about. That's the least I can do after all the help you've given me."

"Yeah, sis?" Yoyo fished out the last of the junk on the surface of the water and pulled the net out to empty it. "Thanks for being cool with this, Lulu. It means a lot."

Fumbling between a box and the door, Adrian made his way outside and sat down in the chair next to Ari's. "Nice day, huh? Robyn's off, so the pools our for a bit I guess."

It took a second for Ilaria to switch moods, but she eventually caught herself staring at the decorative box next to the girly boy. "What's with the box?" she queried as she started removing her jeans, revealing a her new swimsuit bottoms beneath.

"Oh, this?" Dee picked up the box and put it in his lap, waiting for Ilaria to remove her shirt before speaking up. "This is your surprise, hon. Here, have a look!" He slid the box over to her with a lovely smile, hoping she'd enjoy it as much as he thought she would.

"What, just out of the blue? I mean... Thanks, but..."

"That's what I said too, actually," Yoyo butted in as he sat next to Dee.

"Well still, it couldn't have waited until our birthday in a week?" Ari took the box and gave it a jostle, stopping when she received a heavy clunk and concerned faces in return. "Why do I suddenly feel concerned for my life?" she joked.

"Oh, stop teasing already!" Dee spoke up, anticipation practically killing him.

Ilaria hooked a claw under one of the corner flaps of the wrapping and gave the others a smile. "Seriously, you didn't need to--"

"Just open it already!" the other two otters playfully demanded.

Ilaria did exactly as she was told, ripping the wrapping and ribbons off in a single pull of her paw. "Uh..." The coded but otherwise bland box threw Ari off for a moment. She sliced open the tape on the top and flipped the box open, then went silent. She pulled out the device inside and practically forced herself to comment for the onlooking audience. "The LM-22... H-how...?"

"Questions later," Dee redirected. "Just try it on, silly."

Ilaria held up the artificial paw, inspecting the way it's digits were both articulated and webbed in a similar manner as her remaining hindpaw. "I've never seen a finished one before."

"Because I've been getting this one touched up for the last two months, "Adrian chipped in with a toothy grin.

"Thank you..." Ari placed the paw next to her real one and noted the similarities. "And you did a great job, too. I mean, sans the fur and all anyway."

"Well, sis? Try it on already."

"Huh?" Ari grunted out as she detached her leg and set it next to the new paw. "I've never had to take this--"

Before she could finish, Dee snatched up the robotic leg and attacked it with a star wrench. "Just unscrew the main bolt here. Wires are inside the chassis tubing..." He took the new hindpaw and snapped a data cable to it, then worked everything back into place. "Then we just pop the main bolt back and we're golden."

"Oh, that's not so bad." Ilaria took back her leg and brought it back down to affix it to her stump. "I need to do anything to turn it on?"

"Nope! The knee's power switch works for that too." Dee smiled brightly and stood up, then practically fell sideways into the water. Splashing his head above the surface he then demanded, "Now get in here and let me tech you how it works!"

Taking a more casual approach to entering the pool, Yoyo hopped slowly over the concrete lip and faced his sister. "Come on, Lulu. I'll help you in."

"Thanks, bro. Just don't drop me, haha." Ilaria took the offer and headed over to the edge of the water, only to trip after the first step. Iolvin caught her and kept her head above the surface until she calmed down. "Fuck, forgot what it's like..."

"Sorry, hon!" Adrian swam over to the twins and clarified, "I should have warned you, that paw needs to learn how you walk before you can use it on land."

"Yeah, but can she still swim or what?" Yoyo huffed out as he righted his sister, holding onto her beneath her arms just in case.

"That's what I brought it here for, silly!"

Ari gave the two a few splashes to get their attention. "Yeah, yeah. So show me how it works already!"

The three otters did exactly that, each helping to get Ilaria back into the thick of things. Her usual motions didn't work at all for her, the girl still lacking the ability to control the bend of her knee at a whim. Locking her leg at a fully-extended position made everything simpler though, and the new hindpaw really started to shine. Every motions seemed to mimic Ilaria's natural ones, especially the opening and closing of the webbed toes. With Yoyo keeping her steady and Dee spotting errors in her movement, ari eventually reached the point where she could swim from one end of the pool to the other without help. Granted, it took her the better part of an hour and she was choking on water most of the way, but Ilaria was much closer to her goal of swimming once again.

"Gah! DONE! That's it..." Ilaria struggled to reach the edge of the pool and latched onto it for dear life. "...I'm out for the day."

"You're out? Damn, we were making good progress," Yoyo spoke up from the other end.

Getting out the water and then offering a paw to Ari, Dee smiled and consoled, "Hey, it's tough. I see you in the lab and that seems rough enough." Pulling the girl up and out the water he then adds, "So you take things at your own pace. You'll get there."

"She's stubborn as hell too," Yoyo chimed as he swam over.

"Persistent, dummy," Dee corrected with a chuckle. "So what, a bit of rest until Robyn gets here?"

"Mmm... yeah." The exhausted otter found her chair from earlier and fell face-down onto it. "I'm just gonna get some sun."

Dee took a more relaxed path to his chair, but eventually laid down on his back. Reaching for his sunglasses he seconded, "That sounds great, actually. Staying inside so much is hurting my skin anyway."

"Doesn't help your fur's light either," Iolvin commented as he pulled himself out the water as well. "Want some lotion, babe? I don't want you hurtin' from sunburn."

"Nah, never did burn myself. I'm like, sun-proof or something, heeeee."

Ilaria waved a paw beneath her chair and requested, "I'll could use a paw, Yoyo. Get my back for me?"

"Sure." Yoyo made his way over, shaking off most of the water on his slick fur along the way. He grabbed a bottle of sunblock and squeezed a fair amount into his paws then asked, "How much you want?"

"Not too much. That stuff doesn't like my fur I think."

"Uh huh." Dee leaned over with a smile, grabbed a bottle of water, and coyly commented, "I think someone's just asking for a free massage, heeeeeee."

"Damn, you got me!" Ari joked right back. Then she untied her top and let the drawstrings drop down and mentioned, "Don't miss a spot, Yoyo."

"Sure thing, Princess Lulu," he spat out with a grin. Yoyo started rubbing all over her back, throwing a bit of a massage in his motions anyway because his sister was worn out. He rolled and kneaded her shoulders, then worked back down to the small of her back. It's only when he reached to go lower that he noticed a bulge in his trunks. Not wanting to stay still too long and warrant notice, he asked, "How about your tail, sis?"

"Hmm? Yeah, let me get that..." Ari lifted her tail up for better access and then without any warning, she pulled her bottoms down her thighs. "Just... get it all real quick, okay?"

Yoyo shot her a look, then checked on Dee and sighed in relief that he was sitting there with earbuds and his eyes closed. "Ari, Dee's right there... And mom and dad might see you too..." He started pulling her shorts back up and demanded, "Keep it clean, Lulu."

As if he was the one doing something wrong, Ari yanked her shorts down again, this time completely to her ankles. "No, it's killing me... I need some help, you know?" She took a paw and cupped Yoyo's groin adding in, "Besides, you could use a break too."

"Sis..." Yoyo tried to get away only to find a death grip on his junk when he tried. Lulu, we're not doing that. I might help out, but no sex."

"Yoyo, it's like there's a damn fire in me..." Ari forced him closer to her thighs with her leverage and demanded, "I need you in me or I'll freakin' lose it. Just... do it a bit until I'm good."

Feeling the heat of her petals against his length, Iolvin snarled as he tried to fight his urges and her pheromones. "Damnit, sis..." He looked over to Adrian again then back to his sister's ass. "Only because you're in heat. Fuck, I wish we had a condom..."

"Whatever, just stick it in..." She held her ass cheeks apart and curled her tail upward as much as possible, making things as inviting as possible. "...FUCK me."

Yoyo lost it whn those words hit his ears. He reached down to angle himself where he thought he needed to press, then when there was no complaining from Ari he pushed forward. With only the girl's natural lube he had to take things slowly, going back out a bit before pressing forth a little deeper. He reached a blockage of sorts partway, internally questioning what it was while his instincts already knew and demanded he destroy it.

"Yoyo, wait..." Ilaria cautioned. "I'm still a vir--FUCK!!"

Iolvin didn't give her a chance to speak, forcing himself as deep and hard as he could and destroying Ari's hymen in the process. "You wanted this so you take it..."

"Fuck, what's g--AH--gotten into you?"

"Hmm, I know what I want in me..." Dee suddenly butted in as he went to reach for his water again. "So this is how you two are then?"

Yoyo opened up the throttle on his twin now that they'd been found out, his mind set to mate his sister no matter what now. Ari on the other hand was grunting and moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure as she tried to explain, "No, I'm not... Ung... We're just..."

His own erection poking free of his bikini bottoms, Dee just watched his man work and smiled back. "It's alright, hon. You're in heat and all. I understand." Joining in with a paw on his member he added, "Just don't hog him for yourself and I'm alright with it."

"Gods!" Yoyo slammed ad deep as he could, his length still a few inches outside his sister as he slammed her cervix softly. "You're so fucking tight, sis..."

With Ilaria suddenly going quiet from a mix of things and Iolvin now leaning forward and clamping down on her neck with his teeth, Dee stopped his own fun and sat upright. "Sweetie, maybe back it down a bit?" He took a look at their joining and spotted Yoyo's little knot was already swelled up and pressing against Ari's pussy lips. Standing up to pull him away manually, he hurriedly shouted, "Hon, you can't cum in your sister!"

"What?" It went against everything his instincts were telling him, but Iolvin listened to Dee's concerns and pulled out. Ari started to complain but it was too late, the otter spraying his hefty load all over her ass and pussy. "Fuck, that was close... Thanks babe..."

"FUCK!" The other two otters suddenly looked at Ilaria as she tried to scoop the hot cum into her tunnel manually. "Damnit, you were supposed to do it inside me! I need you to do it in me!"

"Lulu, it's alright. You'll get through thi--" Yoyo started, suddenly finding himself choking on water before he could register that he'd been kicked away.

"Ari? The hell's wrong?" Dee tried to ask, only to find himself in a similarly perplexing situation.

"You wanna fuck too, huh Dee?" Ari spat out almost in a crazed tone. She forced him down in his chair and grabbed hold of his length, then straddled it with her entrance over top. "Just sit back and it'll feel good..."

"Hey! I'm not--" Ari ignored Dee's words and sat down so their hips were flush.

"You'll cum in me, right? Just think I'm Yoyo or something and it'll--"

Iolvin slammed his shoulder into Ilaria's and knocked her onto the concrete. "Get ahold of yourself, Sis!" He sat next to a shaking Adrian and held him tight, partly to console him and partly in defense. "You can't just... rape Dee..."

Ari stayed stunned on the ground, crying to herself. "I'm... I'm sorry!" She rolled over and faced away from the others, obviously giving up her attempts at stealing DNA from either of them. "I'm a fucking monster..."

"Lulu..." Yoyo made sure Dee was alright and then went over to cover his sister with a towel. "It's your first heat, huh? Which means it's late in any case. That's gotta be tough."

"But it's so BAD!" She took a second to sniffle and wipe her eyes now that someone was looking at her, then Ilaria cried, "If I'm not fucking horny and having to hide it, I'm crying or having mood swings..." She clawed at her own shoulders and screamed, "I just want this to be over with!"

"Lulu... I'm here for you, but I can't end it like that." Yoyo leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I'm sorry I took your first time like that... and for finishing outside if you thought otherwise... but I just can't give you pups. It's not right, and you'd never know what to do like that anyway."

"Hey, I think she'd make a cute mom." Dee sat up and leaned forward. "But for now, yes. She just has a damn powerful heat." He took a second to think about things, then added, "Maybe it's because she's got a bit of both sexes in her? Like, a hormone thing perhaps?"

"I don't know, but we should go to the hospital and get it checked out." Yoyo helped Ari sit up so she'd calm down faster, wrapping an arm over her shoulder. "I agree it's unnaturally strong. I mean, no offense but I get a boner when she walks in the room. We need a doctor to give her something for this."

"What? Oh gods, I am a monster!..." Ari curled up against her twin and sobbed into his chest.

"Lulu, you're perfect to me. You know that..."

Dee suddenly perked up and let out an unusual request, "Hmm, let me get my purse. I'll call my sister and we can meet at work." He got up and helped Ari to her feet as best he could, handing her the pieces of her swimsuit as he did so. "Get dressed, hon. Modern medicine's got nothing for this, but I think we might have something in the lab."

"The lab? Come on, Dee. We need a professional--" Yoyo started, only to be cut off by the now-confident little otter.

"My sister's a damn neurosurgeon, sweetie. I think we'll be in good paws."

"Wait, is this gonna be safe?" Ilaria finally spoke up.

"Not a clue!" Dee smiled as he politely rubbed the towel into Ari's ass to clean up a bit. "But I trust my sis and she's damn good at this sort of thing. Now you two get dressed while I call her."