Friendly Explorations: A DitD Outtake

Story by Of The Wilds on SoFurry

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#1 of DitD Outtakes

A curious young male dragon takes exploratory advantage of a helpless friend.

Hello, Readers! Welcome to the first of multiple "Outtakes" from my ongoing Dragon In The Dungeon saga. The point of this new Outtake series is simple. To take various beloved characters from my serialized novel The Dragon In The Dungeon, and present them in fun, sexual, and decidedly non-canon ways.

Case in point, Friendly Explorations. I've a lot of fans of DitD who are also fans of M/M material, and so this is for them.

Minor Spoiler Alert: While this story is non-canon, it does reference canon plot points and characters not revealed till the 4th installment of the story. Nothing major, but fair warning to those of you haven't yet read DitD: Silver Rain and Crimson Blood.

It's playfully hinted at in later chapters of DitD that one of the characters, a green dragon, might secretly be interested in other males. While nothing truly comes of it in the primary story...

Here's what might have happened if it did...and also featured dragon bondage.

It's a very short, very sexual story, but if you want to read something longer, and you've not yet dug into my Dragon In The Dungeon series, I recommend starting with the intial installment. It's currently sitting at over 190 Favs, and 115 5-Star votes, so I guess I did something right! Find it here:

In the meantime, here's Friendly Explorations!


The young green dragon cut a sharp figure against the bright blue sky. Like a teasing lover, the thermal currents upon which he soared caressed his forest green wings. As he flew, he imagined himself as quite the handsome sight to anyone stuck down below on the earth. His name was Korvarak, and like most young dragons, he was filled with a measure of playful confidence that bordered on arrogance.

As Korvarak neared his destination, the rolling green hills he'd been soaring above were gradually more and more studded with sharp spires of gray rock. In the distance massive, jagged granite mountains loomed like broken towers all leaning one against the other. An emerald carpet of lush forest stretched out in another direction, while ribbons of blue water cut here and there through the landscape.

Korvarak dipped a wing, turning lazily towards a small lake he'd spotted. A gradual decent soon had him flying just above it's placid, mirrored blue surface. Korvarak made a few slow circuits around the lake, admiring his reflection in the waters. Yes, he thought to himself, now that he'd shed the last vestiges of awkward draconic adolescence he'd become quite the handsome young dragon.

Korvarak peered into the water, his reflection smiling back at him. His head was shaped roughly like a wedge, with ridged, black horns arching back from the crown of his skull. Spiny, fin-like crests sprouted just behind his frilled ears, with another one running between his horns and down the back of his neck. The scales of his face and especially his muzzle were fine, and pebbly textured, while the area just around his nostrils was a softer texture. The young dragon's eyes were a pale shade like moonlit amber.

The young dragon made another circle around the lake, watching himself fly. Korvarak was not a bulky dragon. Rather his muscles were lean and tightly sculpted beneath natural green armor. As he pumped his wings, muscles rippled beneath his green scaling. His limbs were tucked up against his belly in flight, but he could still see the heavier, darker green scutes that covered the front of all four legs; something like the plates on the belly of snake. More plates covered his chest to protect his most vital organs, though further along his belly they had melted away into more traditional scale patterns.

Korvarak flew just a little lower, till the tiny vestigial talons that tipped his wings were nearly trailing through the water. Ripples ran across the surface, fueled by the downdraft beneath his wings. As he flew, he lashed his tail against the lake. The tip of the dragon's tail was armed with series of slightly curved black spines that splashed loudly upon impact with the water.

Low as he was flying, some of the water splashed his underbelly. Korvarak gave a startled yelp when extremely cold water splashed against his most sensitive parts. He glanced back along his reflection, flicking his gaze to his own draconic privates. As some of his kind were often keen to remind humans, dragons were not true reptiles. As such male dragons kept their privates on the outside of their bodies in a manner akin to that of a canine, or a horse. Korvarak's recently thickened sheath was slung between his hind legs. Beyond it his testicles were plump and held snug to his body at the moment. Sheath and sac alike were covered in soft, sensitive dark green skin with no scaling at all.

Deciding he'd had enough of the water, Korvarak beat his wings harder and swiftly ascended. He wheeled about in the sky until he'd reoriented himself towards his destination. The land of Aran'alia in which Korvarak lived was vast, wild, and beautiful. It was also sparsely populated by the standards with which he had come to know humans measured their numbers. As such it was a perfectly suitable land for a variety of dragons to call home. For the most part, humans and dragons did not often run into conflict in Aran'alia, though admittedly that was in part to the hard work put forward by Korvarak's friend black-scaled friend Valyrym.

Through a series of unexpected friendships, Valyrym had gone from self-proclaimed conqueror of these lands to proven protector. In the years past, Korvarak had served as Valyrym's subordinate, helping him to protect these lands and the humans within them. Over the years he had reaped rewards of treasure, friendship, and knowledge. These days, Korvarak had moved on to his own isolated corner of Aran'alia, where he had his own symbiotic deals with the local humans. He helped them, they helped him. It was simple, and mutually beneficial. So much better than the lands in which dragons were openly hunted and slain by men proclaimed as heroes.

Lately, there were rumors in the air that war might be coming to the land. That troubled Korvarak. His home was peaceful, and one of the few known realms in all the world where dragons were at least partially accepted. If this land faced invasion, Korvarak would stand and fight for it alongside Valyrym, and any man or woman brave enough to draw steel for their home. Korvarak shook his head to clear his thoughts. Today was not a day for worrying. Today was a day for fun.

Fun with Valyrym.

Korvarak began to smile. He'd been imagining and looking forward to this for quite some time. Valyrym was Korvarak's oldest surviving friend now, and Korvarak had always looked up to him. Valyrym gave the younger green dragon a chance when no one else would. In Korvarak's youth, his family had been forced from their own home in warmer, sandier lands by the same sort of men who might now be trying to conquer Aran'alia. Separated from his family, Korvarak had aimlessly wandered. Each time he'd tried to settle somewhere, he was swiftly driven away by dragon, beast, or man. One day, Valyrym caught the young green stealing sheep from one of the villages under his protection.

Where no one else would have given him a chance, Valyrym made him a deal. Help the black dragon protect the humans of this land rather than steal from them, and he would be allowed to stay. It was a deal Korvarak was happy to accept. He was especially happy to accept when he learned the humans were more than happy to gift their draconic protectors with all manner of tributes and treasures. And with women!

Oh, the things a human woman could do for a dragon. Korvarak had shared pleasure with quite a few human woman now, and one dragon female in particular he'd come to care for. Her name was Narymiryn, and she was Valyrym's sister. Valyrym had introduced them and they'd gotten along splendidly. More splendidly than Valyrym knew, in fact, given that Korvarak had gone to visit Nary in her own mountain home quite a few times.

As it turned out, Nary was quite the wicked female. than again, so was Valyrym's own mate, Kylaryn. One night after a rum-drinking contest with Valyrym and the two females, Korvarak had rather drunkenly admitted that he was quite curious about Valyrym. As a male. That admission had certainly surprised the two females when Korvarak whispered it to them in secret while Valyrym was busy getting more rum. And to Korvarak's surprise, each of the females expressed an interest in making that happen for him.

The way Korvarak saw it, how could he not be interested in Valyrym? Korvarak was a wild dragon with little experience in civilized matters, even by dragon standards. He'd spent much of his own adolescence looking up to Valyrym. For many years, Valyrym was the only other dragon he knew. It only seemed natural to Korvarak that he fantasize about his friend now and then. Besides, as Kylaryn herself had once put it, Valyrym was "ferociously sexy."

Korvarak liked that description. It made him hope that one day females would say that about him, too. Or males. Either way, he'd be happy.

Whatever the case, today was the day it was finally happening. The two females had set it all up, and if all had gone according to plan, they'd be gone by the time Korvarak arrived. Much as the two of them wanted to know how it went, someone had to out for little Valaranyx, Valyrym's son. So, little Valar's mother and aunt were taking him out to play in the forest for the day. Of course, Korvarak suspected they might show up home early, and "accidentally" catch him in the act.

...The act of stroking his friend off. Korvarak laughed, almost in disbelief.

This was going to be fun!

Korvarak soon spotted the familiar, rocky, well worn trail he'd been searching for it. It cut through the grassy, rock-studded hills that spread out just beneath the yawning cavern entrance marking his friend's home. The young green dragon touched down his hind paws first, then dropped to his front paws and trotted to a stop. He shook himself after landing, and tossed his black-horned head in delight. He couldn't stop himself from grinning so widely that all his fangs glinted in the morning sunlight. As he walked the last few steps up the trail, already he could feel his sheath tingly warmly and thickening up.

"Hello?" Korvarak called out. "Valyrym? Kylaryn?"

There was no reply, and that was a good sign. If things had gone as planned, Valyrym should still be asleep, and everyone else should be gone. If things hadn't gone as planned, Korvarak was just going to act as though he were paying his friend a visit. Best to act normal just in case. He called out a second time, and receiving no answer once again, headed into Valyrym's home.

Valyrym had a lovely little home in a natural cavern that had served as shelter for dragons for many generations. A mixture of granite and limestone, the cavern was lit by natural skylights worn here and there through ages of erosion. In a few places, a couple of stalactites and stalagmites decorated the stone with natural, golden-bronze spires. And generations of dragons had left countless claw marks and gouges here and there along the stone floor.

Much of the rest of the decoration had been done by Valyrym himself. The cavern was filled with all sorts of human things Valyrym had obtained one way or another. Many of them were gifts freely given to him by humans in the recent years. There was also plenty of treasure the black dragon had stolen in his impetuous youth, or offered in tributes he'd once demanded before truly befriending the humans.

Wooden boxes and crates were stacked here and there, chests of all make and sizes scattered about. They were filled with a variety of things both painfully mundane and extremely valuable. One might be filled with golden coins and jewels while another was filled with parchment and pots of ink. A few threadbare tapestries were spread along the floor as well. Here and there on the floor were a variety of tanned animal hides and furs. There were also soft looking blankets, lacy pillows, and overstuffed cushions. Korvarak imagined Val had stolen most of those in his younger days. Whatever the case, they were all castoffs from the large pile of soft things on which the resident dragons slept.

Along one wall were several nice looking, human-crafted book shelves covered with tomes both in the common tongue and the far older draconic language. In the far corner there was even an old dilapidated carriage Valyrym had stolen for reasons Korvarak suspected even Val didn't recall.

And to think, this was Valyrym's home when it was all tidied up. The way Korvarak heard it told, it used to be far messier until Val's son hatched. Then they had to clean the place up to make it safer for the little hatchling. And also to keep him from having too many hiding places when he didn't want to behave.

Finally, Korvarak spotted Valyrym himself. Valyrym was both a bit older than Korvarak, and also a bit larger. Though Valyrym was by no means an ungainly, bulky beast, he was still strong enough to wrestle Korvarak to the ground and pin him there. As he'd proven more than once. To say nothing of stealing an entire carriage that now served as his son's playground. Valyrym was also almost entirely a uniform ebony color, his scales coated him like glossy shadows.

The two dragons shared a similar design, as they did with all males of their species. Valyrym too had plate-like scutes across the front of his limbs, as well as plates on his chest. He had curved spines on either side of his tail just like Korvarak, as it was a trait specific to male dragons. Valyrym's own horns were a little larger, and ridged a bit more heavily. They also held a faint, elegant arch to them. And while Valyrym was currently fast asleep, Korvarak knew his older friend's eyes were a much deeper, brighter golden hue.

Korvarak had to admit, Valyrym was a very handsome male. Oddly enough, Korvarak had never truly been curious about other males until he'd met Valyrym. Something about the way the other male had so easily bested him in their first encounter, and the wild yet noble way with which Valyrym always conducted himself. Korvarak had always looked up to him as he passed through his own adolescence. Save, of course, for the times when he was looking down at him and peeking under Val's tail.

As Korvarak approached the black dragon, his grin grew ever larger. Just as the females had promised, Valyrym was bound up helplessly upon his back atop his sprawling pile of soft things. He hadn't even woken up yet. Perfect. The plan seemed to have worked without a hitch. That plan, of course, had been for the females to challenge Valyrym to a rum drinking contest, let him drink himself into a stupor, and then bind him up while he slumbered so that Korvarak could have his fun.

A veritable pile of empty rum barrels set aside nearby testified to just how drunken Valyrym had gotten. Lucky for Korvarak's best friend, dragons had powerful livers. It was rare for them to wake up truly hung over. Though, Valyrym might well wish he was only hung over when he did awake to find himself bound in...well...Korvarak couldn't think of anything to call it other than bondage gear.

Korvarak slowly prowled around Valyrym while the older dragon continued to slumber. Korvarak could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw the way they had Valyrym bound up. A heavy iron collar was locked around the base of Valyrym's neck. On either side of that collar, sturdy chains were anchored to metal rings in the floor to ensure that the dragon couldn't lift his head or body too far.

Much to Korvarak's amusement, Valyrym's front paws were both incased in some kind of crimson leather. To Korvarak, it looked like the older black dragon was wearing a set of mittens like the women of the villages might wear in winter. Only Val's mittens were far kinkier. The blood red leather enclosures kept Valyrym's front paws gently curled and immobilized, ensuring he wouldn't be lashing out at Korvarak with his claws any time soon. More importantly, it meant the black dragon couldn't get hold of anything tender to dish out any angry retribution. The dragon's mitten-clad paws were also bound together by a little metal spreader bar attached to leather cuffs at the base of each mitten. Korvarak had to admit, Valyrym looked adorable with his paws bound that way, resting against the heavy plates of his chest.

Even more to Korvarak's delight was the way the black dragon's hind limbs were bound. Heavy duty manacles were locked around the dragon's ankles. Each manacle was linked to a chain that was stretched taut and anchored nearby to rings in the stone. As such, Valyrym's hind legs were kept spread apart, completely exposing the dragon's thick black sheath and the heavy, ebony testicles hanging beneath it.

Korvarak loved it. It was obvious that Valyrym was going to be stuck here until Korvarak decided to let him go.

...Or until their respective mates returned home from their day out with Val's son. Whichever came first. Then again, given that the females set this up in the first place, they might enjoy watching Korvarak have his fun.

Korvarak looked Val over once again as the black dragon snored. Just where the hell had the females gotten such things? Korvarak wasn't sure he wanted to know. What he was sure of was that he was already enjoying seeing his friend held in such a way. When Korvarak felt cool air against exposed flesh, he glanced under himself. The tapered red tip of his maleness was peeking from his green sheath.

Grinning at his own slowly growing arousal, Korvarak made another circuit around the well-secured dragon. This time, he reached out now and then to touch his helplessly bound friend while he slumbered. Korvarak gently brushed his pads across Valyrym's muzzle, relishing the pebbly feel of the fine scales there. Then he worked his paw down over Val's throat where the scales were a bit softer. Korva stroked his green paw against the hard, relatively smooth plates that covered the dragon's chest, protecting his most vital organs. Finally Korvarak caressed the scutes that protected the front of the dragon's legs, as well, their smooth texture similar to the plating of his chest.

Korvarak lowered his head to sniff at the red leather mittens that bound the other dragon's paws. The leathery scent was an unfamiliar one to the young green dragon. He nudged a mitten-clad paw with the sensitive area around his nostrils. The leather felt soft, and in his admittedly limited experience, high quality. Just where the hell had the two females gotten this stuff, anyway?

When Korvarak returned to Valyrym's hind end, he settled down next to the black dragon's tail. Even Valyrym's tail was well bound. And given the especially wicked set of spines that tipped the ebony male's tail, it was a good thing. A metal band was locked in place just above the curved spikes that decorated the sides of Val's tail, with a short chain locking it to another anchor ring. Kylaryn and Nary had put some serious work into this. Korvarak was impressed.

Korvarak slowly reached out towards the older dragon's privates. For a moment, his paw hovered over the other dragon's genitals. He hesitated a moment before letting his hand come to rest atop Valyrym's sheath. Korvarak gave a happy croon at the feel of his best friend's sheath beneath his paw. It was thick, and quite warm, the skin of it felt ever so soft beneath Kor's sensitive pads. Kor was swiftly firming up and poking from own sheath as he ever-so-gently began to stroke Valyrym up and down.

The soft ebony skin of Val's sheath crinkled and shifted just a little as Kor stroked him. When Kor moved his green paw down a little more forcefully the very tip of Valyrym's sharply tapered mating tool was exposed. Each movement also caused the dragon's heavy black balls to shift back and forth just a little bit. Their plump, oval shapes were clearly outlined against the ebony sack.

Giving in to his urges, Korvarak began to touch himself as well. The younger dragon's green-toned sheath wasn't quite as impressive as his friends, but he was still proud of it. He groaned to himself as he rubbed his most sensitive skin, letting his paw sink down to work a circle around his draconic testicles. Korvarak's mating tool was quick to emerge from it's hiding place. Tapered red flesh stood in stark relief against green scales as it revealed itself. Korvarak hadn't come here just to stroke off, though. Well, not just to stroke himself off, anyway. He'd only begun to explore his friend, he didn't want to get too carried away with himself just yet.

Korvarak turned his attention to the black dragon's testicles. He purred to himself as he lowered his head to get a better look at the plump black orbs. As Korvarak had snuck quite a few peeks at Valyrym's balls over the years he was well acquainted with the way they dangled under the black dragon's tail. The left egg was just slightly fatter and lower than the other. Now, though, with Val spread so completely and bound so adorably upon his back, Korvarak had a better look at them than ever.

Currently, Valyrym's balls hung down towards his tail base, loose in the warmth of Val's cave. Korvarak slowly reached down, and gently took the fat ovoids into his paw. They felt warm in his grasp, and quite vulnerable in their own way. Korvarak found it rather fascinating that even with all their natural armor, male dragons still had vulnerable testicles slung between their hind legs. Not that he minded. Such was the price of warm-blooded sentience. If anything, Kor sometimes found the vulnerability just a little bit exciting in it's own way.

Korvarak rolled his paw around a little, playing with Val's balls. Kor watched them shift a little bit, rolling about inside the ebony sack atop his pink paw pad. As he held the black dragon's jewels with one paw, Korvarak lifted his other paw, and slowly traced a single digit all around the outline of one of the sizable draconic testicles. He murmured happily to himself, and licked his nose.

"You've a hell of a pair of stones, Val, I'll give you that." Korvarak grinned as he mused to himself.

By now young Korvarak was completely unsheathed, and completely erect. For a moment, the green dragon peered down at his own hard maleness, grinning. Though Korvarak hadn't yet seen Valyrym's mating tool unsheathed, he was certain the two male dragons shared a similar design. A dragon's penis was a rather wicked looking thing when erect, at least in Korvarak's mind. It had no rounded glans as a human's might, rather it was quite pointed, with only a minor flare beyond it's tapered tip like the head of a sharp spear. Beyond that the organ was completely smooth up until it's base, where it was encircled by a small series of raised ridges. The whole thing was quite red and held a faint arch to it.

Korvarak soon wrapped his free paw around his own shaft, and began to gently stroke it. A little slick with the natural lubrication of his sheath, the young dragon's cock glided easily through his paw. He even rolled his hips a few times, thrusting against his own pads. He groaned in pleasure, spines flaring in delight. He eagerly masturbated while he played with Valyrym's balls. After a few long moments of self pleasuring, the dragon released himself.

Korvarak moved a little bit, and settled down against Val's tail. The pressure caused the dragon to stir, though he wasn't yet truly awake. Korvarak reached out, and began to rub the other dragon's sheath again. This time, he stroked it more firmly than before. He worked his paw up and down, and now and then squeezed the other dragon's sheath in the process to caress the hidden organ within.

"Let's see who's plow is truly superior," Korvarak murmured to himself, even if there was no one around to appreciate the inside joke.

It was not long before more of Valyrym's erection was sliding free. Grinning, Korvarak teased the emerging flesh with the pads of his fingers. He stroked the flared tip, and quickly had inch after pointed crimson inch sliding free. As soon as there was enough meat for Korvarak to wrap his paw around, he did just that. Holding it in his paw, Korvarak stared at Valyrym's maleness. It felt ever so hot in his paw, and he could feel it firming up and hardening in his grasp.

Feeling daring, Korvarak lowered his head. He knew what always got him extra excited when Nary teased him. Her tongue. Might as well try that on Val, right? He hesitated for a moment, but then decided if he'd gone this far, no reason to hold back now. Korvarak dropped his head the rest of the way down, and let his pink tongue loll from his muzzle. It brushed the tip of his friend's penis, and after savoring the other dragon's taste for a moment, he slowly swirled his tongue all around that fleshy spear point.

"Oooooh," Val groaned, fighting through unconsciousness. He shifted, the chains rattled slightly, and Valyrym murmured. "Ky...Kylaryn...feels...good..."

"Mmmm," was all Korvarak said. No need to shatter Val's illusions just yet. As long as his friend was enjoying himself, that was all that mattered.

As expected, the tonguing quickly had Valyrym completely erect. The black dragon's erection stood proudly, a fearsome scarlet weapon on full display. It's spear-like flare had engorged slightly, and it's ridges were raised in excitement. Korvarak purred to himself, and ran his tongue all the way across Val's length. The sensation of hot, velvet tongue against extra-sensitive ridges dragged a shuddering moan from the older dragon, his cock twitching in delight.

Korvarak lowered his head, nosing at his friend's balls. He propped a black testicle up on his snout, crossing his eyes a little to peer at it. Then he let it drop back into place hanging beneath the crimson javelin, and soon began to lap at the other dragon's testicles. Korvarak swirled his tongue against Val's balls, surrounding them with waves of warm bliss. Meanwhile, he wrapped his paw around the black dragon's saliva slicked tool, and quickly began to stroke Valyrym off.

"Oooh," Valyrym moaned again. "Oooh, Kylaryn!" Valyrym began to thrust a little, his chains rattling. "Suck my balls, Kylaryn!"

Okay, now this was getting fun. Korvarak beamed to himself. Val seemed too hung-over to realize his own predicament, and that was just fine with the green dragon. So he obliged Val's request. He parted his muzzle, let his tongue slide free, and used it to help pull the other dragon's testicles into his maw. They felt even larger inside his mouth, and Korvarak worked his tongue all around them as he began to suckle the fat orbs.

While dragons could not provide as much suction as say, a human, they were not totally incapable of it, either. After all they did have lips designed for speech and thus could keep those pressed together to help create a vacuum. Of course, they also had sharp teeth. Korvarak was very careful to keep Val's balls from ever touching his fangs, thanks to his mobile tongue. Korvarak suckled upon Valyrym's testicles, and worked his hot tongue in wet velvet circles around the trapped glands.

Korvarak been pleasured by Narymiryn enough times now to know just what truly felt good. Still, this was his first time pleasuring another male all on his own. Until now, the closest he'd gotten was sitting across from his own young dragon subordinate Voskalar, watching the rather shy bronze-brown dragon stroke himself off while he did the same. This was already so fun he might have to share the experience with Voskalar, if the younger dragon was willing.

Korvarak began to pump Val harder as he felt the other male putting more effort into his thrusts. Breathing through his nose, he continued to firmly suck Valyrym's testicles. He relished the feel of the plump eggs nestled inside his snout, as well as the feel of Val filling his paw so completely. Hard and hot, like freshly forged iron. Korvarak stroked him faster and faster, listening to Val's moans rising in cadence. Maybe he could even get Val to cum before he realized who was really touching him.

"Oooh!" Val groaned again, thrusting harder. Hard enough to tug at his chains. "Ooh, Kylaryn!" His tool began to throb in Korvarak's ever pumping grasp. "Ooh...Gods! Oh, That feels so good...I'm getting close! ...I'm going...I'm..." Then there was a moment of unexpected silence. "....KORVARAK?!"

Oops. Busted.

Korvarak looked up to find Val staring down at him. Valyrym's golden eyes were now wide open and filled with shock. Valyrym couldn't lift his head too far, but could see just enough along his belly to spot his own tapered red erection trapped within a dark green paw. He could also see a familiar green snout wrapped around his two favorite jewels. Never in all his life would he have imagined waking up to find himself with his balls in Korvarak's mouth. Let alone his cock in his friend's paw.

Oh. The chains were a surprise, too.

Valyrym jerked himself against his bonds, hissing. He flared out all the spines around his head in alarm. "What the hell's going on? What are you doing?!"

After letting Val's balls drop from his snout, the black orbs now wet and glistening, the only reply Korvarak could come up with was, "...Pleasuring you?"

"Let go of that at once!" Val thrashed against his bonds but accomplished little more than a rather musical jingling sound.

Uh oh. Val was pretty mad. Korvarak licked his nose, considering. It wasn't so much that he was worried about Val being angry. He'd expected that much. But he wanted Val to calm down and actually enjoy what Korvarak was doing for him, too. With any luck, Korvarak hoped Val would end up having as much fun as he did. That way they could do this again. Maybe Kor would even volunteer to be chained up next time.

Of course, if all Val got out of it was anger, there wouldn't be a "next time." Plus, the angrier Val got, the softer his erection was going to get. Somehow Kor thought if Val ended up back in his sheath before he'd released his seed at least once, he was going to have a much harder time coaxing Valyrym back to full arousal. Tongue or no tongue. What he needed was for Val to relax.

Kor knew what always relaxed him more than anything orgasm! Granted, getting Val off now would send him back into his sheath anyway, but Korvarak was fairly certainly it would calm Val down long enough for him to take stock of the situation. With any luck, Valyrym would realize he may as well just lay back and let Korvarak have his fun. It made sense in the young green dragon's head, anyway. Besides, only moments earlier Val had been moaning about how close he was getting. The first release was always the fastest, even for a dragon. May as well get it over with while he had the chance.

After all, who was he to deny his best friend's pleasure?

Korvarak held Valyrym's cock steady in his paw, lowering his head and ignoring Valyrym's many various demands and threats. He slipped his tongue out again, and began to lick at Val's ridges, wanting to ensure his friend stayed quite hard for at least a few moments longer. Much to Korvarak's delight, Val's angry shouting soon twisted into a gasp of startled pleasure. No dragon could resist having his ridges licked.

Not giving Val time to think about aside from sheer pleasure, Korvarak began to stroke his friend off. He worked his paw frantically up and down the other dragon's cock, the motions enough to cause Val's heavy black balls to sway to and fro like obscene pendulums. Korvarak's paw was a green blur flashing up and down a fleshy red pillar. His only intention now to make Valyrym release his seed.

Dribbles of pre made the union of paw pad and dragon cock a smoother, slicker one. Soon Valyrym was tossing his horned head back and forth, unable to suppress his moans of delight. The ceaseless motion of slick, soft paw pads against his most sensitive flesh, and the ever rolling warmth of Korvarak's tongue against his raised ridges was more than he could take. What began as ripples of warmth quickly grew to waves, and those waves built a flood of sheer bliss that washed away the dam of Valyrym's resolve.

Valyrym's ebony balls tightened, and his back arched as his pleasure peaked. Korvarak crooned against the base of the other dragon's cock, his pale amber eyes wide with lust and delight. "Cum for me," Korvarak moaned to his friend. His own erection forgotten but only temporarily so. "Cum in my paw, Val! Cum in my paw!"

Val did just that. The captive black dragon snarled and thrashed as his bliss exploded in waves of hot release. His chains all rattled and jingled. His mittened front paws flexed and strained against both the leather that bound them and the spreader bar that kept them apart. His tail lashed beneath Korvarak, undulating as though it were a snake in the midst of it's own orgasmic throes. All the spiny crests around Val's head flared up in the peak of ecstasy, his muzzle scrunched and tongue curled inside his half open snout.

Through it all, the black dragon's cock pulsed as though possessed of a heartbeat of it's own. Thick spurts of white hot dragon seed burst forth. The first dotted the dragon's belly scales with white spatter, but the second sent a larger eruption of liquid heat to decorate the plates of Val's chest, and the scales at the base of his throat. A few more sticky cream-toned ropes burst forth following that, each adding to the quickly growing mess that accompanied the dragon's ecstatic moments. Some of Val's release clung stubbornly to his scales, other dribbles of it sluiced down his sides towards his wings, or the furs and hides on which he lay.

Korvarak stroked him until Val seemed utterly spent. Beyond that any further stroking would just be delightfully oversensitive torture. And Korvarak certainly didn't want that. At least not yet. When Korvarak did finally let Val go, he gave the slowly retreating tool a few last licks, then pulled his head back to flash the black dragon a smug grin. Not bothering to hide his own erection, he sat up a little higher on his haunches, grinning wickedly.

"Like I said," Korvarak purred. "I'm pleasuring you." He flicked his tail against one of the chains behind Valyrym's hind limbs. "As you've no doubt realized, you don't really have a choice in the matter. So, it's my hope that now that you've a chance to calm down, you'll be willing to just relax, and enjoy yourself."

Valyrym was quiet a little while. When he finally lifted his head, he glared down at Korvarak. He hissed, unable to contain his sarcastic nature even now. "Next time you plan to stroke me off against my will, just use your muzzle instead. You won't get me so damn messy that way."

Huffing, Valyrym lay his head back down on the furs to try and catch his breath.

"Oh, my dear friend," Korvarak murmured, leaning forward again to drag his tongue across Val's sheath once more. "I promise you, I'm going to use my muzzle soon enough."

And that's it for now! If you've enjoyed, please Fav, Vote, and leave me a comment!

The Dragon In The Dungeon: Sigils In The Stone

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The Dragon In The Dungeon: Silver Rain and Crimson Blood

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The Dragon In The Dungeon: The Dread Sky

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