Chapter 4: Blue Skies, Black Tails, White Fur (Short Chapter)

Story by Iaresuper2007 on SoFurry

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#4 of From Both Sides of the Field

Hey guys, back again with chapter four, enjoy ^^ Disclaimer: BLAH 18 if you're under, leave now or don't get caught, blah, not my fault, M/M contact blah leave if offended other wise.... ENJOY ^.^ * * * * = maybe The tired husky let himself slouch back into his cusioned seat located in the back corner of the bar. '11:25' the husky said to himself as he read the time on his analog watch. He looked around the bar a bit seeing some faces had departed and some new ones had arrived. Kyle sighed as he continued to look around. Bill had left almost a half hour ago, he said he had to work early in the morning, so Kyle took it as is. The tired pup let his eyes close a bit as he stuffed his paws into his pants pocket. He felt a few random currency bills from tonights tips in there and he also felt around the small piece of paper that contained Bill's phone number on it, he clenched that with his paws as he began to fall asleep. Kyle had kept the same basic look since high school. He still had green colored head fur, only now he had added some to the usually black fur on his arms. Kyle, for some reason, always had this thing with his friends, they always had died fur, but not like regular died fur, like in black, liver, or whatever, they used unusual colors such as green, red, and b-bl.... was what he was thinking The poor frightened rabbit woke up with a feeling of shock around his as he let the situation of his surroundings return to his senses. 'Was I.....' thought the rabbit, 'Was I just sleeping with my best friend?' Sam quickly moved out of his friends arms, looking at him in his sleep, smiling a bit while he let out a little snort. Sam couldn't help but think to himself that his friend did look rather cute. With that thought though, the young hare may have lost his self control. He picked up Kyle, still asleep and punched him in the jaw. The sudden impact had jolted the husky from his sleeping state as he looked as if he may have been very close to have soiling himself. "WHAT THE F-" was all Kyle could get out before another jab was planted in him, this time, in his stomache. He fell over onto his knees and vomited on the floor. "You almost made me...made me.." the phycotic rabbit began panting with deleria. "Made me.." he spat out before picking Kyle up and hurling him back onto the floor, "A FUCKING FAG!" he screamed at last. Kyle heard this, loud and clear. His eyes welled up with two things, tears, and rage... He got up from the floor, limping a bit, sputtering out broken sentances to the rabbit, "You don't fucking....I can't belive..." he stopped right in front of the rabbit's face. "You can't deal with the fact you think I'm irresistible...what is wrong with you, you bi-polar shit head?!" with that the husky did something so daring and unexpected the rabbit recoiled a bit in confusion. He kisses him, straight on the lips.... Only before he planted one right in the rabbit's groin. "Take that you whining fuck" was what Kyle whispered in the rabbit's ear. Sam fell to the ground and Kyle picked him up before throwing him out the front door. He watched as Sam ran down the street and turned into the woods, he may have never stopped running. Kyle never saw Sam again*.... 'What were Sam's intentions that one morning? He had never really though about it until today. What had made him go so crazy? The more he though about it, he began to remember something about the rabbit, but he just couldn't grasp it. Oh shit.. Sam had been clinicly depressed, he learned that when he met him...what kind of impact could coming out have had on him? More importantly, what kind of impacts had the things that I said to him had on him? Why am I thinking in my sleep about him? I just hope he didn't hurt himself because of me...' The husky slowly drifted into a dream, the scene of it melted into place around him. He felt, younger...He looked down at his arms, they weren't green...This must be sometime during high school. As Kyle looked around, the setting became clearer to him. This wasn't much of a dream, more of a flash back... The two moved closer together as they sat under the stands of the football field. The nicely built, tan draft horse let his arm drift around the shoulders of the husky. this was freshman year for kyle.. Kyle giggled a bit as the horse played with his head fur, and began twisting the horse's long black tail. Kent murred as he moved the husky onto his lapping, rubbing his head as he layed him down. Kyle looked up at Kent and gazed into his eyes as Kent gazed back. Both of their eyes were filled with lust and love. Kent lifted the husky's head and kissed him lovingly on the lips. _ _Kent let his arms move down to the waistline of the huskies mesh shorts as Kyle began trancing the curvatures that outlined the chest of his equinine lover. Kent slipped Kyle's pants down and the husky lifted his body up a little bit so his shorts could slide down his legs. The two continued to kiss as the horse began working on Kyle's silk boxers as he felt Kyle gripping the bottom edge of Kent's tight shirt. The horse followed suit and broke to kiss to let Kyle lift his shirt over his head. He noticed the husky struggling a bit with the overly-tight shirt and giggled a little. Kyle blushed a bit as he finished getting the shirt off and Kent hugged the husky and moved his hand down to Kyle's now exposed crotch and began massaging the already semi-hard member. The two began kissing again as Kyle began working on the horse's shorts and boxers, peeling the down as the horse let himself up a bit to allow the shorts and boxers slide down his legs. The two giggled as Kent lifted the smaller husky up and onto his lap. They looked into each other's eyes and Kyle nodded in silent consent, saying that he was ready. Kent lifted him up again and positioned Kyle's tail hole just above his semi-erect shaft.. Then he plunged... Something tapped on Kyle's shoulder, actually someone. 'Damn it' thought Kyle 'It was getting to the good part' Kyle looked up and nearly melted into his leather seat. Standing before him was a tall, nicely built wolf with white fur. Something was familiar about this wolf, he knew him. The wolf had been thinking the same. There aren't to many huskies out there with green died fur. "Hey there" said the wolf in a soft, shy voice. "Uh h-hey.." replied Kyle, "W-would you like to sit down?" The wolf simply shook his head and looked down at the floor for a few seconds and lifted it again and began examining the husky's face and build. Kyle seemed to be doing the same. The two simply stared into each other's eyes for a while. Finnaly the wolf broke the ice, "A-are you Kyle?" he spoke in a low voice. Kyle simply nodded and spoke softly, "Are you John?" The wolf nodded and the two stared at each other for a few more seconds before John finnaly knelt down and put his right knee on the seat and kissed the wolf passionatly on the lips. They remained together, lips locked, for what seemed like forever. They finnaly broke the kiss and Kyle nuzzled the wolf. "Tell me everything" whispered the husky John put his fingers to the huskies lips and said, "Shhh, it can wait, let me take you to my place, we can save the flash back for later my love." Kyle nodded, "I love you John" They stood up and walked towards the exit of the bar, holding hands. "Hey Kyle?" John said "Yeah?" "You still play drums?" Kyle giggled a bit "Don't worry, I have a pair in my car" The two giggled and held hands, leaving the bar, along with their sorrows behind. * * *

I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 4, but wait, there's more to come, hopefully soon too! I'm trying to get back on track. Trust me, there's more to tell, stories of sex, survival, and lust. Along with some scenes I know you've been wanting to see again for a while, that's right, there are drum sticks invloved ^^

From Both Sides of the Field Chapter 3: Dancing Dreams (Short Chapter)

Hello all, I'm back and here's the third chapter of the series, if your confused, this takes place years later of the last chapter, Kyle is all grown up now and just to let you know, the details on what happened with Sam will be in a later...

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From Both Sides of the Field Chapter 2 (Where the Red Fern Grows)

_This story is dedicated to Draftstallion Fluffy, the best guy I've ever known and I owe it all to him.._ _Disclaimer:_ _If you are under the age of 18, or do not enjoy the images depicted in male on male anthro sex, leaver now and try again later....

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From Both Sides of the Field (Part 1)

_Warning: SO if you're under 18 or do not like spoogy adult male on male action get out now. But if you love it, please, do enter my kingdom!_ He began feeling his cock strain against his jock strap and cock piece. "crap" he though, "not now" The...

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