Chapter 8

Story by Skulblaka92 on SoFurry

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#8 of Who Would Have Thought... That I Would Fall in Love With You

After a long wait here's chapter 8 of my Digimon series... It's decently long like the last one... and that's how long every future chapter will be compared to the first ones i made till number 7... this is the first chapter where I wrote a small sex scene... It's nothing much and it's my first time for even writing one... Since plot development and fights are usually what I care most there aren't going to be many... but a fair amount of them will be present progressing in the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Digimon series... It belongs to Namco Bandai and they're respective owners...

Pikunamon belongs to the

Incendramon and Femacendramon belong to Incendra

The Clerimon race belongs to

The other characters and the two new ones appearing in this chapter belong to me.

On a small glass table,a cellphone started ringing for a few moments till someone picked it up and said:"Hello.",the voice surely female while going out on the balcony a breeze of wind passing by making long blond hair swish elegantly.

"Really? I would love to come tomorrow!",she said really happy and anxious replying to the person she was talking.

"Of course I will. I haven't done that in quite a while. You're basically the only one that knows anyway.", she talked again after a few moments.

"Ok. Tomorrow at 14:30 pm at the Sant Anastasia church it is. And don't worry if it's for a short time...I wouldn't ask more than to go out together with you after all these years even if just for a little while.",she said then after a short moment she giggled and continued:"Sounds like you're having fun..I'll let you to your homework... I'll see you tomorrow then... See ya!",she finished the conversation lowering the phone. From what seemed the most solar smile,it faded in a very sad expression. The girl sighed to herself and said in a low tone:"Why did it have to turn out like this? I'm really sorry you three."

"So,this is going to be your English homework for this winter vacation... I expect you all to do them... I'll be controlling them and give a grade on them as soon as you return...",the teacher said to the class giving a copy of the exercises they had to do this vacation. She was a pretty tall woman with long curly hair,black eyes wearing black jeans and a black pullover.

All the students in the class mumbled in protest when they heard this. All the teachers have given them something to do for the vacation.

"Sometimes I ask myself if they notice that we have only 2 weeks of winter vacation... It's going to take me all the 2 weeks to do all the subjects.",Leo said sighing looking at the exercises he had to do,even though he didn't complain about English since it was one of the subjects he was best, even better than Celia.

"Well,if you want we can do them together... What do you say?",Celia replied cheerfully to him.

"Thanks but no thanks.",Leo replied back.

"Huh... Why not?",Celia said a bit disappointed in his response.

"Seriously,not only you are her desk mate now,buy she also offers you help but you refuse... What the hell dude?",Giacomo replied to Leo turning to look at him since he was in the desk in front if him.

"The reason I don't want to do them with her is because the professors will notice it and they will think that I most likely have copied them... And you know as well as I do that I didn't decide to become deskmates with her.",Leo replied remembering how he ended up paired with Celia.


"Class,a month has passed again and we have to switch places as the rule says.",Miss Slaviero said to them.

As soon as they heard this,all the students put all they're school material in the school bags and got up waiting to hear they're new emplacement since a map is made by the teacher deciding them.

"This time though I'll try something different since it's the last year and I know that you aren't that of a chaotic class in confront to others. I'll let you decide with who you want to stay. So,any suggestions?",she continued and as soon as she finished her questions all the guys from the class except Leo and Massimo said out loud raising they're hand:"I want Celia as my desk mate.", all the class looking at this in surprise.

"Hey,no fair Lowe,you already have been her deskmate once.", one of the guys said to him seeing he also had his hand up.

"Well, 2 times wouldn't hurt that much now.",Lowe replied back.

"Looks like this is going to be a tough one",the teacher said not knowing what to do with the situation.

"Hmm... Actually...",Celia said getting everyone's attention:"I'm really flattered by the offers but I already had someone in mind."

"Oh,and who it might be?",Miss Slaviero asked actually smirking knowing who she was going to mention.

"_Oh God,please don't let it be.",_Leo thought even though he knew that he would hear his name in the matter of a few seconds.

"Leo!!!",Celia answered cheerfully looking towards him smiling big,the guys talking between them nit pleased by the situation while the girls giggled on how she turned them all down.

"I freaking knew it!",Leo said sitting down slamming his head on the desk.

"Well well, Mr. Johnson, I think your deskmate has already been decided... After all.... Surely you wouldn't decline a girls offer,especially your digimon.",Miss Slaviero said looking towards him grinning,catching him in a position where he could only agree.

"Yes",Leo said getting up lamely going towards her while her deskmate, a Renamon left him the postation saying in low tone:"She's all yours."

"Very funny Emily.",Leo replied a bit annoyed but she just smiled at him.

"Now,who's next?",the teacher asked the class while Leo sat down,Celia doing the same thing also.

"Isn't it great Leo??? Where desk mates now.",Celia said looking very happy.

"Yeah,just great... It's not like we don't see each other everyday or something now do we? And thanks for making me be hated even more.", Leo said looking around seeing all the guys looking at him a bit angry of jealousy.

"Admit it... You actually like the idea a little... Cause knowing you,you would have protested till my suggestion wouldn't be approved.",Celia replied winking catching him off guard with this.

"Whatever.",was the only thing that he replied.

Time return

"Yeah,but still... I repeat again... You're one lucky bastard.",Giacomo said to him jokingly.

"Yeah,he sure is,isn't he?", Celia said hugging him,every guy looking at him like wild beasts ready o attack. Leo sighed a little thinking:"I hope Pikuna and Inc have a better time than I have."

Pikuna was holding all her copies of homework almost like tiring them apart, with her left eye twitching a little she said a bit angry:"All this in only 2 weeks to do???",then she lied on the desk with a sadden face saying lamely: "It's so unfair."

"Since when was it ever fair?",Inc pointed out while petting her gently on the head:"But it's not that bad Piku... You'll see will do them in no time",he said reassuring her.

"I hope so. Passing all the vacation studying isn't what I had in mind.", Pikuna replied enjoying the attention.

"Class,you can get ready by now... There are 10 minutes left till the bell rings.",the teacher said and everyone got up and put everything in they're school bag and putting on they're heavy jacket on,all of them anxious for the bell to ring. Pikuna had a red jacket with long and thick pants while Inc had an orange jacket with black pants.

"Man,to think that tomorrow is actually Christmas... Time sure flied out this semester.", Inc said knowing that it usually seemed like them never passed this period.

"Kinda true... Maybe because of all the stuff happening now and then.",Pikuna replied.

When the bell rang all students of the school yelled of happiness and head out like it was a tsunami. It was snowing outside very vigorously and it was quite the rare scene to see in Verona,since it rarely snowed nowadays. When they were in the slide path towards the exit,Inc and Pikuna noticed Leo going out quite in a hurry,noticeable because of his brown heavy jacket with his long beige scarf:"I wonder where is he going all these times alone in such a hurry?",Inc asked curiously.

"Beats me... But still... I can't blame him... It's finally vacation... No school... No worries... Still... What are we going to do for the rest of the day till tonight's before Christmas eve dinner?",Pikuna asked looking at Inc waiting for some suggestion.

"Actually,I already had something in mind.", Inc replied smiling at her making her look curiously at him blinking 2 times:"And that is?"

"By any chance... Would you?Ehm,I mean",Inc said trying to muster the courage to say something,Pikuna looking at him not understanding what he was saying but stopped in her tracks when he finished saying:"Go on a date with me now?"

Seeing this for a moment Inc thought that maybe he should have waited a little longer to say this:"But if you don't want-",Inc continued trying to take back with he said but Pikuna jumped at him hugging him very tight that she was suppressing him while the persons passing by looked at them quizzically.

"Of course I do Incy!!! To be honest... I always hopped that this moment would happen sooner or later.",Pikuna replied to him,not knowing how much happiness this brought to her.

"Sorry if I didn't ask you sooner... But I never actually found a proper opportunity.",Inc said hugging her back while she nuzzled him gently saying:"What are you sorry for? Plus,I understand really... We didn't had much time for ourselves in the past months... So,shall we be going?"

"Sure... But leave the school bags to Francesca so we don't drag them with us all the time,and tell her we'll go around in te city.",Inc said to her receiving a nod from her and a cheerful:"Ok!"

A lot of cars where parked around the school while others were already leaving. Thanks to the snow the piazza seemed like a giant white carpet,the trees on the left edge of it as well.

"Why can't it be always spring and summer? Didn't God think that little fire cats would have a hard time in this period?", Pikuna complained starting already to feel the cold a little.

"Now that's a little too much to ask don't you think?",Inc said a little amused by her protest.

After looking around a little they finally spotted Francesca and Bastet who waved they're hands so they could see them.

"Hey you two... Did everything go well?",Bastet asked seeing both of them smiling at her:"Sure... Well,except for the fact that they loaded us with homework to spare... But other than that... Everything went great.",Pikuna replied cheerfully.

"I always asked myself the point of giving homework on vacation my self when I went to school too... I mean,if it's vacation, then let it be a vacation.... Say... Where are the other 2?",Francesca replied seeing no trace of them them around.

"Well,we saw Leo going somewhere in a hurry... We didn't have a chance to say hi to him.",Inc answered her.

"As for the other one... Here she comes.",Pikuna said looking behind her,the others starting to look in the same directions seeing Celia running a little towards them almost slipping and falling,Pikuna catching her preventing it.

"Hey Cel,what's with the rush? Did something happen?",Pikuna asked curiously looking at her a bit worried. She was wearing a white jacket designed especially to let her wings out with light blue jeans. On her head she was wearing a white cap with an azure fur ball.

"No... Have you guys seen Leo?",Celia asked.

"That's what we wanted to ask you.",Francesca replied to her,seeing her sigh when she finished.

"I don't know where he went... When the bell rang he left in a hurry without saying a thing... Plus he didn't even come with his school bag today. He asked me if I could keep his lists of homework for him every time we got one.",Celia explained looking quite angry a little.

"I wonder.",_Pikuna thought for a second of a possibility and made a faint smile."_I guess I'll just have to see now,don't I?"

"Man,that son of mine always does what he wants without saying a thing.",Francesca said sighing.

"Kinda reminds me of someone in the younger days.",Basted replied smirking towards her.

"Touché.",she replied back admitting that it was true:"Well, he'll be back sooner or later... Ready to go home?"

"Actually.",both Pikuna and Inc said simultaneously,making the others look at them curiously:"We wanted to go in town for a while... And turn in time for dinner.",Inc continued saying seeing clearly that Bastet was smiling big when he said that.

"I guess it's no problem there... Do you want me to come pick you guys up later?",

Francesca asked.

"Nah,it's ok... We'll take a bus.... Right Incy?",Pikuna replied while Inc nodded. They both took they're school bag and placed them in the back trunk.

"Do you guys need some money?",Francesca asked knowing that in town everything costs a lot.

"Thanks... But I already thought of everything.",Inc replied declining although thankful for the offer.

"Very well... See you guys later then.",she replied to them smiling and Celia continued:"Have fun you too... And play nice.",Celia said joking to them making everyone laugh a little at the comment.

"Sure thing... See you later",they both replied before leaving taking the bridge path out of the piazza.

"You already thought of everything huh? That's my Incy for you.",Pikuna said smiling.

"Of course... I'm always prepared.",Inc replied smiling back holding her left paw.

"So,I assume you also thought on what to do on our date... Didn't you?", Pikuna replied righting the grip with his paw as of affection.

"Well,in the most part... I mean, in downtown you can find a lot of things to do. And I think that after we've done everything, we should go to the top of the Monastery of the *Toricelle*... How's that sound?",he asked for her opinion.

"Meow!!! We haven't been there like in forever... Of course I want to go... Nice idea Incy!!!",Pikuna replied cheerfully.

"Glad I thought of it then.",He replied.

"Well,we better be going... I have to prepare everything for tonight... I just hope Sebastian and Ignis can cone home in time.",Francesca said a bit worried known they had a lot to patrol today to make sure that no accidents cone out for Christmas.

"I'm sure they will... I mean,it's Sebastian and Ignis we are talking about here.", Bastet replied reassuring her.

"Yup... I guess you're right.",Francesca replied seeing Celia opening the back of the car placing her bag too then closing it.

"Aren't you coming too Celia?",she asked her curiously.

"Sorry,there is something I must do... I'll come back like the others on my own... I'll see you later...",Celia said in an non caring tone starting to flap her wings and flying away.

"I wonder what's with her?",Bastet thought looking at Celia flying towards what seemed piazza Bra from the direction.

"What was even the point of us coming here in the first place?",Francesca said sighing getting inside the car starting it up followed by Bastet getting inside herself saying:"Well,it was on our way passing over here... Don't make such a fuss out of it... At least the kids are going to have some fun."

"More of a romantic time for Pikuna and Inc if you ask me.",Francesca said smirking.

"So you figured it out too huh?", Bastet replied smirking also.

"Well,it doesn't take a genius... We did the same thing also... And a double date at that... Remember?",Francesca said.

"Oh yes... Good times all right.", Bastet replied.

Leo stood in the middle of what seemed a small plaza with behind him an old Gothic style church. Very few people passed buy in that moment,mainly because all of them were in the center of the city doing shopping for Christmas while others were at home preparing for they're Christmas dinner. He looked for a second at the time and sighed:

"She is late... I wouldn't be surprised if she went to a total different place."

"Well that's mean...I'm not stupid to that point.",a female voice said startling him and looking to his right he saw a girl that stood side by side with him while giving him an annoyed glare.

She seemed to have his same age,a little more smaller than him, very long blonde hair to her hips with crimson red eyes and had two small red elegant curves that made a sort of W both found on the left part of her left eye and right part of her right eye. She was wearing a long red coat with black pants and red knee high boots.

"How did you -?",Leo asked amazed and speechless to her not even noticing her presence at first. It's like she appeared out of fin air.

"I just got here as soon as you said that,but you were always clumsy not to notice things",she replied smirking not amusing to Leo in the least:"Yeah,sure... Make me feel stupid why dont'ya?You haven't changed a bit,have you Aura?"

"Well I find it quite fun doing that to you... You bark like a weak dog as soon as he is taken aim... It's good to see you haven't changed either.",the girl replied getting close to him and hugged him:"Man,how's it good to be back.",she said burying her head in his chest. He hugged her also and replied:"It's good to have you back. I really missed you. You really turned into quite the attractive girl Aura."

She blushed a little from his comment and replied:"Thanks...You turned out into quite a handsome guy too."

"I still can't believe that you're here,right in my arms. Promise me you won't go away again. I don't think I could take it another time.",Leo said hugging her tighter.

"I won't. I promise you. This time I'll stay for good. Ok?", she replied giving him a warm smile.

"You better be. Otherwise I'll follow you and bring you back anytime you do.",Leo said seriously but also joking at the same time.

Aura couldn't help but giggle a little:"My oh my,now wouldn't that be quite the romantic scene... So,shall we go??? You did say that you were in a hurry,right?",

"Yeah,sorry again if I called you out here for just a while.",he said sounding a bit guilty.

"Nah, I already said it wasn't really a problem,remember?",she replied cheerfully

which he could only smile.

they started walking going through a small path that led towards the center of the city. The center is full of paths and shortcuts that could lead a person faster to a place he wanted to go.

"I'm sorry for leaving back then. I know you might of thought that I abandoned you but there was nothing I could do.", she said opening the subject looking at him sadly.

"I'm sure there was a reason behind you leaving all those years ago,even though when I was little I didn't want to understand,but I never did blame you. You know,Pikuna cried for a weak back then when you left.",Leo said laughing a little at the end, remembering how different she acted in the past.

"Really? Man,I'm really sorry to hear that. I'll have to apologize to her once I get a change to meet her. I bet she's grown up in a very attractive girl.",she said grinning wanting to hear a confirmation from him.

"Well,you're right about that part. Even though she is my sister, I have to admit she turned pretty hot with the passing of years,and has a more spicy attitude with me,but it's my fault also since I tease her a lot,but we still care for each other a lot like in the old days,that surely hasn't changed. And she knows to stand on her feet towards others that annoy her and such.",Leo explained to her as simply as he could.

"What? You mean she isn't the shy little kitty like she used to be before? Oh,where's the fun in that?I liked her cute meowing when she did them.",Aura replied a bit displeased by that.

"Well, that's not entirely true. She still acts playfully and sometimes shy with a certain person, and that someone is Inc,the second addition. About the meowing... She rarely does that now.",Leo replied smirking.

"Really now? And judging by your expression something is going between them,right?", Aura asked already knowing the answer,it was too obvious.

"Bingo! He's a really nice guy. Even when we first met him,Pikuna seemed the only one that could make a better connection with him than anyone else.",Leo replied remembering that he couldn't talk to him that much at first,actually afraid that it would have been like that forever.

"I see. Love at first sight I see. And what about you,my little Leo,is there any girl out there that interests you?",Aura asked grinning at him while giving him 2 bumbs with her shoulder.

Leo was kinda taken by surprise with her question,even though he knew that she would have asked eventually,but the only thing he could say is:"I don't know."

"What kind of answer is that? It's usually yes or no.",Aura said not content with that answer.

"It-it's complicated... I mean she is really complicated.. You should see her for yourself,and then you would understand.",Leo replied to her.

"Could this girl be by any chance the third addition? What was her name you said... Celia perhaps?", Aura said with a thoughtful expression trying to remember.

"Yup, you're right... That's her name... And well... You're also right of her being the girl I was talking. Like always your assumptions are correct."Leo said smirking waiting to see if she reacted still in the same way.

"While of course... I,Aura,am the one that knows and predicts everything.",she replied sounding really proud only to hear Leo that couldn't contain himself and bursted out laughing:"I can't...believe... You still say that!!!",Leo said between laughs.

Aura looked a bit embarrassed a first but replied angry:"And what's so funny about that??? You know it's true... Sheesh... And here for a second I thought you matured after all these years."

"Sorry... Sorry... but you should have seen the conviction in you're eyes and speech... I really missed hearing you say that.",Leo replied apologizing.

"Whatever. So you were saying about this girl?", Aura asked curious.

"Well...she just became my digimon for like what?A few months by now... And she acts this touchy touchy and cute with me from second one since I've met her...But I don't know what to think exactly... It's really hard to understand her intentions with her gestures if she does it for fun or affection.",Leo explained to her.

"If you say so... Although... If you ask me... If a girl acts like that with you... Maybe she is trying to make you understand something that she can't tell you.",she replied.

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience.",Leo said jokingly taking her by surprise seeing that she didn't expect a reply like that and even blushed a little.

"D-Don't be stupid Leo... I-I was just saying my opinion is all.",she replied fast and even mumbled in some parts making Leo laugh a little:"Sounds like a touched a soft spot seeing how you reacted like this."

"Oh,just shut up...Although I'm really surprised that you aren't against human-digimon relationships. Usually every person considers it a blasphemy,not to mention that many still not agree that Digimon are considered as any other citizen.",she said trying to change the subject. Leo noticed this but decided to let it go for the best.

"Well,I really don't see what is the problem in it actually. I mean, love is love,be it human,digimon or what so ever. If someone has something against it,that's they're problem. Plus,human-digimon relationships as of now aren't illegal anymore,at least,not in this country,even though marriage is still not allowed. So as long as I'm concerned, I don't consider it something weird nowadays.",he replied sincerely and saw that she looked a bit in awe at him:"Ehm,are you okay?"

"To hear that from your mouth...",she replied and then starting laughing a little.

"What's so funny?", Leo asked not in he least amused.

"Sorry... But I couldn't help it... I never thought of you being able to say something like that...",she said giggling at the end and the gave him a warm smile and continued:"But that's what I always liked about you... That you think differently than the others... I guess your Digimon must be happy to have you as they're tamer,huh?"

"Well, I guess they do. Celia came in to the team not long ago but I can see clearly that she his happy and starts feeling like at home... As for the other 2... We already know how Pikuna warmed up to me really fast although now that you mention it I kind of miss how she was in the old days... Inc on the other hand came on later... When I was 12 to be exact...Ever since I knew him he had this cool like attitude... A very smart and calculated person... It's never fun playing chess with him.",he joked at the end remembering that he lost every single making Aura laugh:"He really sounds interesting... I'm really looking forward in meeting him."

"Well, you'll get a chance to meet him soon enough",he replied.

"Say,you told me that you wanted me to come also for a reason...I was so into our conversation that I forgot to ask what it's all about.",Aura said looking at him curiously.

"Oh that!Well... The thing is I called you.. because I needed your help for something.",Leo replied to her making her look at him curios.

"I knew that many people would be around here but never expected that many.",Pikuna said seeing how full the plaza where they were was full. It was Plaza Erbe to be more specific, that had an impressive Christmas light installation that made the light effects seem like it was snow that floated down with big lighted Christmas tree. There were also vendors selling souvenirs since the city is a touristic one along with Christmas items for the occasion.

"Kind of surprised me too... At least it's nice to see how Digimon and humans are getting along.",Inc said smiling seeing in the crowd a family where a little girl was walking hand in hand with a Tailmon talking and laughing together.

"Yeah... But I kinda feel jealous of them... I wish we also would be like them... With no worries and living a normal life.",Pikuna said in a low and sad voice.

"That's kinda true... And the worst part is that we can't do anything about it... But if we can finally finish out task then we will have no worries about again.",Inc replied encouraging her.

"Easier said than done... If we take everything we've been through till now... We managed to always make it for a close call... The first and second time thanks to Celia and in the last battle I almost lost you.", Pikuna replied back in the same tone.

"But I'm still here aren't I? I think you worry to much Piku... You seem to put all this burden upon yourself when all of us 4 are in it.",Inc said reassuring.

"Maybe you're right about that... I guess it's because of the promise I made to myself since I was a little kitten that is making me be like this.... It may sound strange coming from me... But from what happened this last battles... I'm starting to be afraid that maybe I can't maintain that promise... It may have been simple to think of it back then... But now I'm not so sure.",Pikuna replied and soon as she finished she felt herself being around Inc's arms bringing her close to him.

"You're wrong... Maybe it may be difficult for you to maintain it alone... But I don't see that promise much of a problem to keep if you let others share it... And that's why Celia and especially me are here... We are a team now remember? And I think that all of us should help each other out as much as we can... I know that your promise is more on a personal side... But in the end,all of us are here to protect Leo... So like I said earlier... Don't keep all the burden to yourself and let us do it together.",Inc replied nuzzling her gently which she gladly returned in the same way giggling a little.

"I guess you're right Incy... I'll try that from now on... I'm really sorry... Here you are bringing me on a date but I brought this thing up now... Kinda ruining the moment huh?",Pikuna replied apologetically to him.

"Well, I wouldn't call it ruining it at all... When you have something to talk about with someone... You know I'm always there... But for the rest of date do you promise you'll let everything on your mind out and enjoy it together with me?",Inc said at the same time in a very pleading but also caring way that she couldn't help but blush a little:"I promise.",was the only thing she said in response giving him a warm smile. Inc could have stood an looked at that smile all day. For him she was the cutest and beautiful creature that could exist.

"So,where do you want go exactly?",she asked.

"You'll see... Don't want to spoil.", Inc replied nuzzling her again.

"Well now you're making me curious. Lead the way then.", she said joyfully.

Celia was sitting on a bench at the center of Piazza Bra like she was waiting for someone. Looking around she was impressed like how the place didn't seem to have been the host of a battle. Everything was put back as it should have been. Although she didn't get why the Clerimon hadn't made a move in all this time. More than relieved this made her worry. Her race isn't one to back down like this. When they wanted something,they never let go of it,she knew that from experience.

"Aww, I can't think straight!!!",Celia said frustrated putting her paws on her head.:"And it's all that idiot Leo's fault.",she finished with a saddened tone thinking at what she saw back then.

"He should be around here somewhere. I can feel his scent nearby.",Celia said landing one of the paths that was connected to the plazas of Sant Anastasia cathedral.

"What is he doing in this part of the city anyway I wonder?I hope he didn't forget what day is today.",she said to herself walking till she was almost in the plaza but froze when she saw the scenery in front of her. With no doubt she saw Leo who was hugging a long blond haired girl. She even shook her eyes with her paws that maybe he was hallucinating but for her misfortune what she saw was real and made it 100% when she heard Leo say:

"I still can't believe that you're here,right in my arms. Promise me you won't go away again. I don't think I could take it another time."

"I won't. I promise you. This time I'll stay for good. Ok?", the girl replied.

When she heard those words from them Celia felt tears falling from her cobalt eyes still not believing what was happening and hopped it was a nightmare. Turning around she flapped her wings and flew away fast not wanting to have that scene in front of her,even though it was kept fix in her mind.

"Why didn't he said that he was already with someone else? I never saw that girl before and neither he or the others ever said anything about her. Or is this his way of redemption for how I act towards him? But not even he would do such a thing.", Celia said to no one in particular looking at the ground seeing how the snowflakes continued to come down to no end.

"It looks like you are quite in the great dilemma huh, little angel?",someone said to her making her looking up towards him knowing well who it was.

"Hi Lowe,glad you could make it. You sure arrived here fast",Celia said trying to give him her usual cheerful salute but it didn't came out quite well.

"Guess I was really anxious to see you. I admit I was surprised when you called me. Guess it wasn't a waste to give you my number in the end huh?",Lowe said taking a seat next to her.

"I guess you're right. Thanks for coming out here for me Lowe, I appreciate it.",Celia said giving him a warm smile.

"No problem. Always there when a girl calls.",Lowe replied making Celia giggle a little.

"I kinda thought you would say that.", she replied.

"So, what's this big problem of yours that you wanted my help with?", he asked pretty curious.

"I know this may be foolish of me for what I'm about to ask you of,but in any case hear me out please", Celia said pleadingly to him,Lowe nodded slowly thinking that this must be serious seeing how Celia seemed really disturbed and responded:"I'm all ears."

"Ok... The thing goes like this...",Celia started examining.

"Thanks a lot Aura... You've been a big help.",Leo said smiling at her.

"Why you're very welcome... At least I know what you're little plan was... Not to shabby if I do say so myself... Say... Would you mind accompanying me to the bus stop of San Fermo?", she asked while looking at him pleadingly making him giggle a little caressing her head gently:"Sure thing... It's the least I can do for all the trouble."

Aura couldn't help but lean into the caress till her head leaned on his chest even making a small murr,it was something that was stronger than her to resist.

"I never thought you still liked being caressed like in the old days.",Leo said smirking. Some people passing by looked at them a bit worried but both of them wouldn't care less.

"It's not like I can do something about it... But... really missed your caresses... You know?", she replied looking at him blushing a little. Leo couldn't help but blush a little also. The way she looked at him was really cute. Leo had to admit that Celia was adorable not counting how she annoys him sometimes,but that is simply her way of being, but the way Aura was now, seemed rather innocent.

"It's... Great to hear... I guess?",is the only thing that Leo could reply in that moment. Usually with her he was very open minded,but in this moment he was like frozen:"I should realize that both of us aren't kids anymore like the old days.".

"If my memory serves me correct...Near here should be the path that leads to Piazza Erbe and then from there we can take Via Mazzini and we'll be directly on San Fermo.",she said breaking the silence.

"I think it's a good idea... Shouldn't take us more than 5 to 10 minutes.",Leo replied thinking that with all the people around it will take a little more to walk to there.

"You know... Going inside somewhere at warm wouldn't be such a bad idea cause it is kinda cold.. Don't ya think?", Pikuna pointed out to him while they where going towards the left left path of the plaza.

"I knew you're going say that and already thought of something.",Inc replied.

"Really now?",Pikuna looked at him curiously even though she knew she couldn't make him spit the beans.

Inc wanted to reply to her but stopped when he noticed at his right a scene that made his eyes wide open. He thought he might be seeing things.

At the same time Pikuna looked at the left path noticing among the people Leo and a long haired blond girl with him,walking align together like a cute little couple talking,the girl laughing at a point.

"I still remember that... Man,those sure were good times.",Aura said to Leo.

"Sure... Do you also remember the time when we-",Leo started saying to her but stopped suddenly.

"What? Did the disk break?",Aura joked giggling looking at him but noticed his expression that seemed like it was unbelieve with anger mixed together. She looked in the direction he was also and seeing the situation it wasn't hard to make 2+2 together.

Pikuna also noticed Leo's reaction, and in all the years he knew him,she never saw him like this. She also looked in the direction he was,and also noticed Inc was doing the same thing.

In the right side of the plaza,near the Christmass tree,there stood Celia and Lowe, embracing each other,kissing passionately,not even taking in consideration the least that the others looked at them.

"No way.",both Pikuna and Inc said in unison.

Leo started to advance like a bull but was stopped by Aura who grabbed his right arm saying:"Don't, trust me, it's better this way."

"Better? What are you nuts? How do you expect me to stand still in this precise moment.",Leo said with a very angry tone. Aura grinned for a second then put herself in front of him and hugged him,so that she was in front of Celia.

"Act like you haven't seen her and looked towards me. Don't take your eyes off me. Got it?", she said whispering,Leo looking at her weird not getting what was she at.

Celia started looking towards that that girl was standing in front of him and noticed the two hugging. She really cursed everything in that moment,this is not what she has planned. Why wasn't Leo reacting like he should have been?

Aura then approached him slowly and gave him a kiss on the lips,making him blush not expecting something like that in the least.

"So,love,where shall we go next?", Aura said loud cheerfully smiling at him giving a small wink so that he understood her game.

"Love?",both Inc and Pikuna said again in unison not getting what the hell was going on anymore.

"Love my ass. How dare she?",Celia thought to herself starting to get angry.

Lowe noticed Celia's reaction and saw that not everything is going as it should,although he admitted that girl with Leo was smart,his eyes didn't betray him in what he saw.

"Calm down angel. Trust me,I know what's going on, let's leave from here like nothing happened, and don't mind him. Ok?", he said to her in a low tone,which Celia looked confused at first but nodded at him and trusted in what he wanted to do.

"Well, why not go together and watch a movie then? After all,we have a all day in front of us.",Leo replied smiling at Aura winking back at her,starting to get her plan, and not only, since Celia played with his emotions, he thought a little payback wouldn't hurt and he kissed back Aura passionately,this time Aura the one taken by surprised, but after that she loosened up and it seemed to him like she wasn't against it at all. When they finished, Aura still red from blushing replied:"It's a wonderful idea."

Celia couldn't help but feel her heart like it was thorn out. And as strange as it seemed the thing that saddened her more was not the kissable gave to that girl, but when she heard him say that he had all day in front of him. Keeping herself calm and trying not to cry he said to Lowe:"Let's go", without emotion, leaving towards the direction Leo and Aura took when they made that day that went towards the Saint Anastasia cathedral while the other couple went towards the path that took to Piazza Bra.

While they walked Leo noticed that Pikuna and Inc were looking at him, but the one that made him feel ashamed for some reason was the way Pikuna looked at him that seemed to tell him:"What have you done?"

He took his gaze towards Aura trying to seem that he didn't saw them,although it was in vain cause he knew that they noticed him looking towards them.

"Hey,why are we going this way???San Fermo is straight ahead not on the right...",Aura asked him looking at him weird.

"Cause we're gonna go and a watch a movie for real. Listen, can you keep me company for the rest of the day Aura? I really need someone right now,and you're the only one I can count on in this moment.",Leo asked with such a pleading tone that seemed he was despaired in that moment.

"Of course, Leo. You can count on me.",Aura said giving him a warm smile but in her mind the only thing she could say to herself was:"What have I done?I just complicated things."

"Thanks.", he only replied smiling back taking out his phone and calling someone while looked curious.

"Well... That was... Something you don't see everyday.",Inc tried saying not to make it seem too bad. He expected after a few moments to hear Pikuna say something also but she just stood silent and seemed deep in thought,and to be honest so was he. What was that all about?

"Hmm... Piku... Are you there?",he asked trying to get her attention.

"Oh...Yeah...I'm fine...",she replied smiling to him:"We should get going, don't we?"

"Hmm... Yeah... We should...",Inc replied taking her paw taking the same path Leo came out. He admit it he expected Pikuna's reaction to be different. Knowing her she wouldn't have hesitated to go to Leo and see what happened,yet she was with him looking cheerfully after the scene just now.

"How far is this place you want to take me Incy?", Pikuna asked him, still looking very solar. Inc in that moment understood that maybe she just wants to let everything behind that happened a few moments ago or the sake of the date,and decided that he should do the same thing. After all,he waited for a moment like this to be with her for quite some time and now that he got the chance he didn't to ruin it. If anything they would understand the meaning of everything later that night.

"Not that long actually. It shouldn't take us more than 10 minutes I say.",Inc replied cheerfully also.

"I hope so... Cause if not I'll become an ice cube... Never been to much of a fan of cold temperatures.",she replied.

"I can imagine that. But I can be there to warm you up whenever you want.",he said a bit joking but realized that it kinda had a double meaning. He saw Pikuna looking at him a bit surprised at his comment but couldn't help but giggle:"I'm sure you can... You'll get a chance to *warm* me up soon enough.",she replied winking making him blush being the one to be taken by surprise by her comment:"Was that supposed to be a jock???

"Who knows? You be the judge.",Pikuna said putting him in checkmate.

"You sure are quite the devil when you want to, huh?",Inc said.

"Maybe with others... But now I'm just a little kitty trying to play with you.",Pikuna replied making a cute voice and making the cutest smile Inc had ever seen.

"My little kitty.",Inc precised smiling pulling her close to him making her blush:"Always.",she said in a low but happy tone.

At this point both the discussions between Aura and Leo and Aura and Inc will be sinkedin various parts.

"Here are your orders, I hope you enjoy.",a waitress smiled at Lowe and Celia leaving to both of them two medium glasses of Coca-Cola.

"Thank you.",the both of them replied.

They were at the Cappa Cafe near Ponte Pietra. The inside was made more for a romantic public since there was little light inside, most of the tables were low based with big round cushions as seats, on the tables candles with Lear with slow paced music.

"Love? Can you really believe that? And on top of that he kissed her.", Celia said with anger that she never knew she could have till know. She usually never minded anything and remain solar and happy but this time, things were different.

"Can you believe that they were kissing there? And with Lowe, of all of them. With the guy I have less sympathy. She just minds her own business like nothing.", Leo said frustrated while he was in line with Aura so that they could buy some pop corn and drinks for the movie.

"Well, we did kiss too didn't we?",both Lowe and Aura said to them.

"Well,maybe it wasn't the best of my plans,but i never expected to end like this.",Celia replied,his comment helping at all with the situation.

"You're the one that kissed me first remember?Don't turn the tables Aura,this was your idea.",Leo replied to her.

"True,but it was just a small kiss,you continued then by your own initiative by going french kissing all the way. Oh,and you're pretty good by giving them by the way.",Aura replied making a small "rawr".

"Not funny.", Leo replied annoyed.

"Oh,come on, I'm just trying to make you lose some tension.",Aura replied being cheerful,even though in moments like these it wasn't the best of ideas.

"I know, I know. It's just... Never mind. And sorry back there... Kissing you like that... I don't know what was wrong with me.", Leo said apologizing to her,having a sad expression.

"Hey,don't worry. Although I admit I was surprised,it wasn't something big,I mean nothing can pass the fact that we had a bath together and you explored my body to your contempt.",Aura said with not a single moment of shame,some people that have heard even "ahamed" when they heard that. In that moment Leo starting blushing and with a hand around her shoulder he moved her closer to him while he moved his head down to her level saying in a low tone:"What???Are you nuts???Don't say it that loud... And it doesn't count... We were little and immature... Plus you know that there was a motive for us taking that bath together and me so calling touching your body to my contempt!!!"

"Details, details.",Aura replied back smiling and acting cutely:"What, didn't you enjoyed that moment back then???"

"Man, you sure haven't changed a bit... You know... She reminds me of you a little.",Leo replied looking away from her with a saddened tone.

"You're order?", A man asked Leo since it was they're turn.

"The Maxi menu for two with Fanta as our drinks please.",Leo said.

"Ok... It'll be ready in a moment.",the man replied.

Aura couldn't help but sigh:"Look Leo, I understand you being mad and all that,which is understandable,but you should also admit that-"

"- you two aren't together officially. So he is free technically like you are also.",Lowe said to her very seriously.

"You don't get it. Sure,it's true that me and him aren't together,but this thing is a matter of principle. He promised me that we would have a date on this very day,not that he would go out on a date with someone else.",Celia said and after that sipped a little of her drink remembering what they said to each other.

While they were at Gardaland after all that happened and Celia and Leo stopped running from each other after the jock he pulled on her with the ghost scare, Celia said to him:"You do remember that you promised you would make it up to me for before,right?And you also mentioned that you always keep your promises",Celia said to him smiling,her tail already waving a bit from excitement.

"Oh yeah. You're right. What was wrong with me for even making such a promise?",Leo replied smirking.

"Hey,that's mean.", Celia replied a bit hurt by his comment.

"Come one,just kidding... Well, I did make a promise... So,let's try and be risky here... I'm gonna let you decide what do you want me to do for you.",Leo said smirking.

"Really?",Celia exclaimed overjoyed not expecting a proposal like that. She didn't complain though since this surely was a rare opportunity.

"Sure... So, what will it be?", Leo asked to her not afraid in the least. What did he had to lose at this point? She put him in all the possible embarrassing situations he could think till now.

"Hmm, well... Why?",she actually said blushing a little with her small talons poking each other in the same rithm: "don't we go on a date?"

Leo couldn't help but gasp hearing this,not expecting it. "Of all the things she could ask",Leo thought.

"What's the matter... You wouldn't chicken out now... Would you??? You're a person who keeps his word... Don't you?",Celia said getting close to him with mischievous smile.

"Of-of course... If that's what you want.", Leo said sighing cursing himself to have made her choose in the first place. What was he thinking?

"Yay!!!",Celia yelled happily hugging him tight and nuzzling him with her tail swishing rapidly almost choking him to death.

"Would you please stop doing that?", Leo said trying to detach himself from her:"You'll kill me one of these days if this continues to go on.

"So,what day do you want to choose? I think it's fair you decide it.",Celia asked smiling waiting impatiently for his answer.

"Hmm...",Leo closed his eyes and thought for a few moments."How about, 24 December? It's the best day since the city is beautiful with all the lights and the nice atmosphere it gives.",Leo proposed to her.

"Well... It's kind of a lot to wait if you ask me... But if that's the day you want.",Celia replied sighing thinking she had to wait basically 2 months.

"It's not that I want to make you wait.", Leo said smiling caressing her gently:"You have to trust me on this one... I'll make it worth it."

"Ok ok... You win... I trust you...",Celia replied in her usual cheerful way.

"Although... In insights I knew something was fishy from the start for him to even accept going on a date with me.",Celia continued thinking how stupid she was for not thinking that it was a joke of his from the start.

"You're really sure now?",Lowe asked her smirking.

"What's not to be sure about? Now that I think of it I teased him since I met him. But that's how I am, I can't change that part of me.",Celia replied sighing.

"And are you sure he wants you to change?", Lowe asked in the same tone.

"What is this? A psychiatry meeting?",Celia asked loud and annoyed seeing his continuous questions, some of the other people inside looking towards them.

"Calm down angel... Will you? I'm just trying to be here for you.", Lowe replied smiling at her.

"I'm sorry.", she said looking down in a shame a little. "I'm sorry to show you this part of me... I didn't even knew I could act like this."

"Hey,wait, I didn't mean it as a scolding or anything. Plus, it's normal to act like this right now, I would be surprised if you weren't.", Lowe said to her.

"I'm the one who should be sorry, not you. Going back to your question... I don't know if he wants me to change or not, a part of me makes me think so but the other one doesn't.",Celia explained to him.

Lowe took a sip of his drink also and when he put his drink on the table he said in a serious tone:"I see... You know... I was thinking... What if what happened today and back there in the Piazza was -"

"- all a setup.", Aura said to Leo smiling making Leo look at her confused while he took the popcorn and his drink while Aura took hers.

"A setup?", both of them asked towards they're partner.

"Think a little. He promises you that he is going on a date with you, he chose the date and all. After that you find him with a girl that you never heard before, and they act like they've been together like in forever, but nor the cute kitty, or his parents and no one in particular talked you about it... And as soon as they arrive at the spot we were... They start to kiss also...", Lowe explained to her taking her curiosity by this.

"Well yeah. I think that it's too much of a coincidence. We walk through our own business in town, and suddenly we find her in the path we needed to take, and exactly in the same time she was kissing, with a guy you said you hated. Makes you kinda wonder doesn't it?", Aura said to Leo trying to act serious like she was on a sort of case.

"Not to mention that maybe they tried to hide the fact that they didn't saw us... But that girl didn't fool me...",Lowe continued explaining.

"But what is the point for him -", Celia started asking

"- for her for even doing that?", Leo asked to Aura, not getting the purpose of Celia's action if this was true.

"That's what I should ask you.", Aura replied smiling.

"Meaning?", Leo said.

"Well, maybe you've done something that made her want to pay it back to you, with interest by how things went.", Aura said smirking.

"Maybe you misjudged the situation?", Lowe said thinking of the possibility.

"Huh?", Celia looked not getting where he was going with that.

"What if... But I mean really what if that girl isn't what you think she is, but she is just a friend of his.", Lowe said making it clearer to her.

"I don't think that has to do with anything Lowe, I mean, I would have understood if it were different... Circumstances... But meeting with another girl while he promised to meet with me... Doesn't quite some up your theory.", Celia replied not that much agreeing with his idea.

"I guess you're right... But there is one thing I need to ask before I admit I'm wrong.", Lowe said.

"And that is?", Celia asked curios.

"Did he tell a precise hour for you meeting him?", Lowe asked and waited to see if he's doubts we're true.

Celia actually didn't take this in consideration and could only admit saying:"No, he didn't... He just said to keep my self ready for today."

"That's what you said to her?", Aura asked not believing this.

"What did you want me to tell her? I didn't know the exact hour we would finish and I couldn't tell her that I was out with you till then cause she would have gotten suspicious."

"Like it changed that much now.", Aura sighed now knowing what might have happened:"You said that she likes staying close to you all the time?"

"Hmm, well yeah... She does like to do that.", Leo nodded.

"Well, I'm wondering if there was a small possibility that she followed you and she saw us meet.", Aura pointed out.

"Don't you think that's a bit overshooting?", Leo asked thinking that something like this to happen usually is impossible.

"And why's that? To be honest with you if someone says to me to keep my self ready for the day of the date without an hour, it would get me more suspicious.", Aura admitted.

"So you're saying that she followed me from school, she found us, got mad and jealous, called Lowe, tracked me down, waited for the right moment for us to appear and then they made out so that she would make me jealous in return?", Lowe said all in detail while Aura with a serious expression and eyes closed nodded to every phase he said.

"Exactly... You came to the answer yourself.", Aura said happy to see he got her point.

For a second Leo stood in silence like he was in thought but after that he only said:"Bullshit!" that made Aura look at him with a mixed expression of surprised, disbelief and disappoint:"But why?!?"

"Cause it's too much of a drastic romance anime situation. I mean try to think of how many possibilities in a million you have for something like this to happen.", Leo explained.

"So, seeing this, don't you think he had a motive to not tell you a precise hour?", Lowe pointed to hour.

"For what?", Celia asked.

"I don't know... Maybe he had something to do and he needed that girls help.", Lowe suggested.

"Oh please... You expect me to believe that? To me what I saw was a date at 100%.", Celia replied still not agreeing with him in all this story.

"Fine... I give up... It's not like it was fact to begin with but...", Lowe said thinking back when he saw the expression on Leo's face when he kissed Celia. That expression of unbelief and sadness that seemed to struck him in a mere second.

"But what?", Celia asked curiously since he stopped suddenly.

"Nothing... Was just thinking about something.", he replied smiling not wanting to add that up, since she wouldn't have believed it anyway.

"Say, how come you're trying to defend him since I'm still you're...*target*?", Celia asked smirking really curios to know this.

"Now that's a rude way of putting it... I never said it in that a way... And I wasn't actually defending him,but was trying to find an explanation to a possible misunderstanding between you two... And that's all... Plus... You don't show it at first glance... But you're a hard conquest... Since you're mind is always thinking about him... I'm very envious about that guy.", Lowe explained to her.

"Really??? I never thought of it that way!!!But I guess you're right since I heard that a lot of guys in the school are interested in me but I never gave it much thought.", Celia admitted giggling.

"Thought as much.", Lowe smirked.

"Thanks a lot for today Lowe... Man, if you wouldn't have came I don't know what I would have done... It really meant a lot to me.", Celia thanked him giving him a warm smile.

"Don't mention it... You can count on me whenever you want.", Lowe replied.

"Sheesh... I was just trying to help out with what happened.", Aura said looking away from him a bit angry feeling his hand on her head caressing her gently:"I know you're trying to help Aura... And I'm really thankful...", Leo said in a very caring tone.

"Leo.", she turned smiling at him.

"Even though you have quite the imagination", Leo continued saying in his usual way smirking making her look at him taking a back.

"Man, you sure know how to ruin a nice moment, don't you?", Aura relied annoyed crossing her arms making him laugh a little.

"You're not the first one that says that.", Leo replied.

"You're kidding me... This place???", Pikuna exclaimed looking at the restaurant before:"This place is one of the most selective places in town."

"Well... I heard it is one of the bests so I decided to listen to the rumors.", Inc replied smirking seeing her quite enthusiastic.

The restaurant was found at the end in one of the small allies in the city , it had an extra floor and it was quite big. The structure had a more older architecture to it, but it was kept that way for the tourists to be attracted by them.

"You do realize that it costs a fortune here... Right?", Pikuna said looking at him.

"Of course... I told you I'd pe prepared right... Just relax... And enjoy yourself...", Inc replied to her smiling putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Fine... Was just saying.", she giggled, both of them getting inside and they were kind of taken aback of the difference from the outside and the inside... Everything was brand new and it was really full.

"Think there are any tables empty left?", Pikuna asked a bit worried looking around not seeing one around unless there were upstairs.

"It sure doesn't seem like it.", he damned in his mind. Unless upstairs there were any left. Soon they were greets by two waiters, both dressed elegantly and one of them said apologetically:"I'm really sorry you two...", but the other one looked at them for a second and it's like he noticed something... Pikuna saw this but didn't reply:"But there aren't-", the waiter continued only to be stopped by his college who whispered in his ear something that made him nod. Pikuna and Inc looked at each other really confused.

"Sorry... It seemed I was wrong... My college here said that there is a free table upstairs... And you're lucky cause it's the last one... He will lead you there.", the waiter said.

"Oh I see... Lucky us I guess... Right Piku???", Inc said not knowing how to reply to this. The situation seemed awkward. He was sure he wanted to say that there were no tables left a few moments a go.

"Yup... we sure are...", she replied, but didn't care at the situation as Inc did.

"Well, if you could please follow me.", the other said giving them the hint to follow him which Pikuna and Inc did. When they got up the stairs and arrived at the table Pikuna couldn't help but look at the small plastic table number that was placed on the center of the round table for two,the number being 45.

When she read it she couldn't help but give a small smile of happiness but she also seemed a bit sad which Inc noticed and wanted to say something but the moment was killed when the waiter said:"If you may please take a seat... I'll bring you the menus in a few moments."

"Oh, sure... Thank you.",Inc replied smiling to him.

Pikuna started taking off her jacket putting it around her seat and sat down making a sigh of relief:"Man, finally to a warm place... I'm feeling rejuvenated."

"Glad to hear... You and cold never mixed together.", he replied smiling taking his jacket of also taking a seat.

"It's not my fault that I'm a fire type and sensitive to low temperatures... How come you're not that much affected by it having the same attribute?",Pikuna asked curios.

"It's not like I don't feel it... I just don't let it bother me that much is all.", he replied.

"You make it sound so easy.", she replied not really satisfied by the answer.

"Here you go.", The waiter came back living to each one a menu:"Please take your time to choose what you want to order. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Thank you.",both Pikuna and Inc replied to him, the he took his leave.

"Lets see here.", Inc said opening the menu,Pikuna following his example.

"They sure have a lot of dishes to choose from.", Pikuna said amazed on how many choices they had here. No wonder that place was very often frequented.

"No kidding. It's not gonna be easy to choose something.",Inc admitted while looking through the pages.

Pikuna couldn't help but giggle seeing his troubled expression while he continued changing the pages:"I guess that's what you get for choosing a refined restaurant."

"Guess I wanted to make a good impression on our first date.", Inc replied truthfully.

"Aww... That's sweet... But I wouldn't cared of the place Incy... As long as I'm with you.", Pikuna said smiling cutely making him blush slightly but couldn't help but smile also:"That's so like you to say that."

"Just saying the truth.", she replied.

Both of them passed the next minutes to choose something from they're menu,and decided on what to order. The waiter said that they would have to wait a little while and suggested that they should take something to drink in the meantime. Both of them agreed and asked to brig them two cokes. After a few minutes the waiter returned with they're drinks and leaved.

"You know...", Pikuna started saying making Inc look at her attently: "looking back on when we first met and how we are now... who would have thought of it huh?"

"Now that you make me think of it, I guess you're right. Well, we were still kids at that time.", Inc replied smirking.

"Yeah, you sure were so reluctant to open up a bit at first... Although it kinda made you cute.", Pikuna said giggling remembering how Inc acted silent and shy at times while she tried to talk to him.

"And you were very persistent.", Inc replied back remembering also.

"Yeah, but after that I managed to get through you in the end.", she said while putting her elbow on the table leaning her head on her paw grinning.

"I guess you're right... Even back then... When you set something in your mind... You never gave up till you managed to do it.", Inc replied making her giggle a little:"That's a part of me that will never change."

"I don't mind it all... It's a thing I always liked about you... And it helped me to integrate in the family.",Inc said making her blush a little.

"I didn't do that much actually... Still took you a while to accept Leo around you at first even though he tried too to get closer to you... Maybe cause you become his digimon so suddenly back then...",Pikuna replied thinking back how those two barely talked at first.

"No... That wasn't it... It did surprise me though... But I didn't take it as such a big deal... I think the main reason is that I wasn't very social to begin with... I guess I'm still like that with others even now... It's not like I didn't trust him or anything back then.", Inc explained to her very sincerely.

"But now you are close as brothers... It's strange... You two have very different characters... I would have expected you two to be arguing 24/7.", she replied.

"Nah... He may act a bit overconfident... But he isn't stupid...And has a lot of vitality... I never think I saw him down or sad by something since I met him... Well, till today I guess.", Inc said remembering what happened in Piaza Erbe. He noticed Pikuna make a sad face And stood silent for a few moments till she said:"That's not true."

"Why??? Why did she leave???I want her back!!!"

Outside Leo's house in the garden stood a younger and cute Pikuna who had a red scarf around her and red punching gloves crying while hugging him, also a younger Leo,who hugged her back and petted her gently on the head trying to comfort her.

"I...I'm sorry Pikuna... I couldn't stop her to leave... I tried all I could.",Leo replied with a sad and regretful tone.

"You should have tried harder!!! You promised each other that you'll get married! You promised!!!", she said between yells and cries but suddenly stopped when she noticed tears were pouring out from Leo's eyes:"I know!!! Do you think I forgot about that??? But I was useless!!! It's not like I could stop her from transferring... I... I want her back also.", he replied in angry and despaired tone.

"Leo...",Pikuna said while she nuzzled him trying to comfort him. The both of them stood like that trying to ease each others sadness.

"You're serious?", Inc said amazed at her comment.

She nodded slowly:"Yes... Only once... But I never thought to see him like that in my life."

"If it's not a problem... May I ask what happened?", Inc said trying not to be to evasive.

"It happened 7 years a go... Leo was 10 years old at that time... Me and the others from the family never told you this for Leo's sake...", Pikuna said while drinking a little from her coke while Inc stood immobile looking interested:"The truth is that before you came Incy... We had a very close friend to us... Her name was... Aura. I only knew her for 3 years since I became Leo's Digimon... But for Leo, it was different... They knew each other longer than me... Authentic childhood friends that you see like in the movies... They did everything together... When I first became Leo's digimon and saw her I felt a bit jealous because of how close they were...But Leo always tried to treat me and her equally... And Aura did the same... Although deep down those two had something special between them... Aura, joking one time said that she wanted to marry him and Leo even promised he would... We had a great time together... And we thought that we would stay together forever... But one day... She transferred without a reason... Leo tried to stop her but the only thing she said was she didn't have a choice. Sebastian said she transferred because of her parents work... But for some reason Leo never believed it...Seeing Aura's expression when she left made him think otherwise... I was really sad... I can't remember how much I cried... But the one that suffered the most was Leo... Everyone noticed that... It's like he was without a soul... I tried to cheer him in any way I could... I wasn't that successful although he was grateful for my efforts. After a couple of months he started to be back to his normal self... Putting Aura in the past...", Pikuna explained to him summarizing as best as she could.

Inc looked a bit astonished. He never thought in the least of something like this happening before he arrived:"I... I don't know what to say... Must of been one important person of Leo felt that bad as you say... To picture him in a state like that to me seems rather difficult."

"I think that's why he is acting like this with Celia.", Pikuna continued saying making Inc look questioningly:"Why's that?"

"Leo might not admit it... But the way Celia acts and how Aura did was very similar... Celia is just more... How should I say... More affectionous I guess... And that makes Leo feel now a bit uneasy... Not like Celia is to blame...", she answered, thinking at the possibility for a while now.

"That would explain it then.", Inc said remembering how worried Leo was when Celia fainted that time at school:"So he has mixed emotions."

"Pretty much.", Pikuna said not able to agree more with him.

"Man, how many things can you discover everyday... So basically... That happened 2 years before I arrived huh?", Inc said.

"Yup... I was so happy when you arrived... It was nice having another friend beside Leo.", Pikuna replied making a cute smile.

"I can imagine that... Well... Everything went for the better till now... Didn't it??? I mean beside some *accidents* that happened in this months, we always past some good times... And even get to know each other better with every passing day.", Inc said trying to bring back the conversation to a more lively state.

"True... So better that here we are... On a date... Only the two of us... Who would have thought back then?", she replied lively.

"Yeah... Who would have thought... Well said... Guess that's the question that shows us how unpredictable life can be.", Inc said smiling.

"So philosophical Incy.", Pikuna said giggling.

"Just trying to show of.", Inc said joking.

"Excuse me... I'm here with your plates.", the waiter appeared holding they're orders.

"Thanks.", both Inc and Pikuna said in unison while he put them on they're table.

"I wish moments like these would never end... Staying with him like this... Having fun together...", Pikuna thought while looking at Inc.

"It's like I feel complete when I'm around her... Like having no worries... She was for me the meaning and motivation to go on after all...", Inc thought looking at her also, both of them smiling when they made contact.

"Buon appetit.", the waiter said before living.

Pikuna and Inc took they're glasses making a toast saying:"Cheers!!!"

"When our goal will be finished... Moments like this will happen more often... Without worrying for the day of tomorrow.", Pikuna thought.

8:30 pm

"I didn't know you guys lived so far from downtown.", Lowe said looking towards Celia who smiled at him replying:"It's really not that far away... And this neighborhood is really calm when you look how the center of the city is."

"Well, you are right on that part", Lowe had to admit since it really was a peace full place with a car passing now and then, and very few persons around. All the houses were vilettas, so he presumed that this place is where people with money live.

"Your tamers parents must have quite the job to live in this parts.", Lowe continued.

"Well, yeah... But they don't have it easy... Being the best police-tamers of D.W.O.S takes a lot of responsibility... If anything... They rarely are at home that much.", Celia replied.

"I see. Must be hard for both of them.", Lowe said thinking how they can't stay as a family that much:"And they were given Alpha in care also... They are people to admire..."

"Yeah... It is... If anything... Leo and the others never complained... Because they understand how things are...Well, here we are.", Celia said while she stopped in front of Leo's house.

"Nice house.", Lowe said while looking at they're residence.

"Pretty neat huh?", Celia sad giggling seeing him look a bit amazed.

"Well... I guess I'll be heading back now... Hoping that I don't get lost or something.", Lowe said joking.

"Say...", Celia said catching his attention and smiling and leaning a bit in front cutely she said:" Do you want to stay for our Christmas eve dinner tonight?"

"Huh?!", Lowe exclaimed when he hear this:"Look angel, am really flattered by the offer... But I can't."

"Why not?", Celia said looking sad.

"Well, I wouldn't want to be an disturbance... And I think your tamer won't be that happy to see me in your house anyway.", Lowe pointed out simply.

"Your not going to be a disturbance... As a matter of fact Leo's parents wanted to thank you and your tamer for your help. I think they would be happy if you came... And I don't care what Leo thinks... He'll just have to put up with it.", Celia said trying to convince him.

"I-I don't know.", Lowe said a bit indecisive.

"Please... Pretty please.", Celia begged while getting closer to him, almost seeming that she would start crying if he would say not.

Lowe couldn't help but sigh and reply in defeat:"Fine fine... You win."

"Yay!!!", she yelled cheerfully taking his hand almost dragging him into the house.

"Hey, slow down will ya?!", Lowe exclaimed.

"I'm home!!!", Celia said as soon as she entered the house, but no one greeted her back.

"They must be in the kitchen...Come one", Celia said to Lowe, while he replied:"Lead the way then."

When they were close to the kitchens door they both beard Francesca talking to someone.

"Sure, I won't tell anyone...It's actually a neat idea... I'm happy to here she is doing fine... I'll have to meet again with her parents one of this days...Whenever you're ready... I'm actually pretty anxious to be honest."

Celia opened the door seeing Francesca talking with someone on her cellphone while Bastet was preparing the table and looked at them hen he heard the door open.

"Well, look who decided to come back. And I see you're back with a friend... Or a FRIEND???", Bastet greeted them joking with Celia a little.

"I'll catch you later then... Bye...", Francesca said then putting away her cellphone.

"He is a friend...", Celia said giggling.

"You are the first to show up... The others still need to arrive.", Francesca said while walking towards them:"And who do we have here?", she continued looking towards Lowe smiling at him.

"He is Lowe... Remember the digimon that helped us when the attack at school happened???", Celia presented him.

"Oh, so he is the one? I've finally got a chance to meet you... The name is Bastet.", Bastet said offering her paw in gesture of salute but he instead took it and gave it a small kiss and said:" The pleasure is all mine miss... Celia didn't tell me that you were such a beauty", making her blush slightly. Celia looked a bit astonished. She never saw once Bastet blush:"Why... Thank you..."

Francesca couldn't help but start to laugh at this:"You weren't kidding when you said he is a gentlemen... My name is Francesca... I'm Bastet's tamer and Leo's mother... Leo and the others told me of the help you and your tamer gave to them... I'm really grateful to you two...", she said to him smiling and expressing her gratitude.

"It really wasn't that of a big trouble ma'am...",Lowe said.

"Please call me Francesca... You make me seem like 90 years old.", Francesca said joking.

"Oh... Ok... Francesca...", Lowe said a bit unsure to call her that way.

"Same thing here... Oh, and can you let go of my paw please.", Bastet said smirking.

"Oh.. Sorry..", Lowe said letting go of her paw blushing a little.

"I thought of making him eat with us since he was already here and as thanks for is help.", Celia explained.

"Sure thing... The more... The better... I made to much food to begin with...", Francesca replied.

"Are you sure? I really don't want to be a bother.", Lowe said again thinking it wasn't a good idea.

"Don't worry... Everyone's friend from the family is our friend also.", Bastet said reassuring him while taking purring another seat for him also.

"I couldn't say it better myself.", Francesca said smirking.

"Well... If you guys insist... Thank you.", Lowe said greatfully while smiling:"Family... Huh.."

"When are Sebastian and Ignis coming back?", Celia asked curiously while going giving a hand to Bastet.

"They should be coming back in half an hour, 1 hour. Do you know when Pikuna and Inc will be back?", Bastet asked.

Celia shook her head 2 times replying:"Haven't got the slightest idea... But they will come back... They know that at 9pm we are having dinner."

"True... Leo said he would be home for that hour also.", Francesca said and noticing Lowe looking at Celia and have only replied:"I see."

"That's weird... Usually she is more enthusiastic whenever I mention him.", Francesca thought but decided to not ask Celia anything.

"Feel yourself at home Lowe... I hope you don't mind to wait till the others arrive.", Francesca said to Lowe.

"Oh no... No problem here... Thanks for your concern.", Lowe replied.

"I still am not sure if coming here was a good idea... All that is missing would be for Alpha to come back also with that girl and then we would see sparks fly.", Lowe thought a but worried hoping Celia and Leo won't ruin the atmosphere.

8:00 pm

Outside the entrance of a small park stood a policeman while blocking the entrance so no one could enter.

He noticed 2 figures approaching him. One he immediately realized it was a digimon with dragon form. The other was a human.

As soon as they were close in range the officer said:"I'm sorry... But this park is off limits... A digimon incident happened and only certain personal can enter."

Both the person and the digimon took out his badge and showed it to him:"I'm Sebastian Johnson, tamer-agent of D.W.O.S."

"And I'm Ignis... A Flamedramon digimon-agent and Sebastian's digimon.", Ignis continued.

"We have been ordered to come investigate the scene where 2 digimon battled in this area. We have authorization."

"Yes... I was told someone would arrive... You can go in... There are already some of your comrades checking the place.", the policeman said moving away so that they could enter.

"Thank you.", they both said while entering the park.

"Isn't this the park where we always went when the kids where younger?", Ignis asked looking around noticing that it really hasn't changed that much since then.

"Yeah... Now that you mention it... Of all the places a digimon portal had to appear here... At least no one got hurt from what they told us.", Sebastian replied a bit disturbed. It was accidents like this that made human's be afraid of digimon.

"They said that the other digimon that saved the day was something never seen before... Curious, don't you think?", Ignis said.

"Well, we're going to find out in a few moments.", Sebastian replied.

They walked till they reached the spot where the fight took place, noticeable or some of the small trees fallen down and some holes in the ground.

One of the agents approached them with a Ranamon beside him and both made a stance salute:"We were expecting you captain."

"Yeah, yeah... Spare me with the formals... How many times have I told you Nick that I don't mind...Same goes to you too Mary.", Sebastian said a bit annoyed with the same routine every day.

The agent was quite young. He had spike like black hair with different eye colors, his left being red while the other was hazel like the ones Leo had.

"We're sorry sir... We're just trying to respect the rules.", the Mary explained.

"More importantly... Can we get some detailed info on what happened?We were only told the basics.", Ignis asked the two who immediately gave him the report.

"Well, from what we understood from the people who were attacked... A black Garurumon appeared in the park... Obviously a wild... The problem was that every tamer in the park had only digimon in they're rookie form... So the situation was pretty bad.", Nick explained what they heard from the persons who were there.

"And that's we're our hero kicks in huh?", Sebastian said thinking that's the only way things could have went.

"Yes... Exactly... From what we saw the digimon that came to fight the Garurumon was supposed to be a Lighdramon.", Mary continued but was stopped by Ignis saying:"That's impossible... Lighdramons haven't been seen around in a lot of years... They are very rare forms of my race... Are you sure you haven't confused it with something else?And what do you mean by supposed to be?"

Mary couldn't help but be afraid a little by Ignis's pressing tone, but she maintained her composure:"Well... This is the point that we wanted to reach... You see... We were near this place and we were told to intervene... When we arrived though the digimon was eliminated and the digimon in front of us was engulfed by light for a second then instead of a Lighdramon stood a Pegasusmon."

"What?!", both Sebastian an Ignis said in unison.

"But how is that possible? Not only that a Pegasusmon is also a rare digimon but there is no connection in those type of digimon's data.", Sebastian said thinking that something like this is impossible.

"And what happened after that?", Ignis asked the two.

"Well... As soon as she changed form she flew away... We didn't have time to do a thing.", Nick explained preparing already for one of two to yell at him for this but instead Sebastian asked curious:"She?"

"Um... Yeah... When she started to fly she said... You guys are too slow on the job ... The voice was surely female.", Mary answered him.

"A female... Pegasusmon?", Ignis said looking at his tamer who only shook his shoulders saying:"Never heard of anything like it... Man... Got to love this job... There is no end to the weird things you can see and hear everyday."

"The problem is that it's free somewhere around the city. But since it said something like that to these two that means that it knows about who we are and what we do... Don't you think?", Ignis pointed out.

"Could it be some new trap from the Clerimon??? I mean... After the attack last time things have been too much quieter.", Nick added.

"Hmm... Well, that it knows about us, is a possibility... And that the Clerimon are involved is to see... Unless they sent her now as some sort of warning... But it just doesn't seem they're way of doing... The main part is understanding what she is... I never heard of a Lighdramon turning into a Pegasusmon... Or even of the existence of female ones at that.", Sebastian said looking at his watch at the end of his reply:"Well, we should be going home now... My wife is going to kill me if I don't come to the Christmas eve dinner... You two should go back to the station too... It's not like we'll find something here... Tell the others to do the same."

"Yes sir.", both Nick and Mary said in unison.

"Also... I want you two to go check in our data base if there is something you can find on what you told us today about this digimon...Tell the superiors we gave you permission... If you find the smallest clue call us at once... Okay?", Ignis added thinking that a check in they're data base should give them a start on what this digimon is.

"Sure thing sir... Will do as soon as we get there.", Nick said taking the order without complain.

"Very well... Oh, almost forgot... I want to wish you two a Merry Christmas... I know today you'll guys will work till late... But I talked with my brother and since you worked hard all this time he decided to give you a more bigger vacation than the others have...", Sebastian said smiling at them.

"Really?!", Mary exclaimed not believing what she was hearing.

"We wouldn't be lying now... Would we? After all you two are more of a *special* case.", Ignis replied reassuring her they were kidding.

"Thanks a lot captain... We're grateful... We truly are... A Merry Christmas to you too... Have fun with your family tonight", Nick said offering his hand which Sebastian took and they shook hands as salute and thanks.

"Sure... You guys have some rest in these days... You'll need it... I'll be counting on you in the future.", Sebastian said.

"We know sir... We've been training till know only for this purpose.", Mary replied with a proud tone.

"Yeah, We know Mary. And we're proud about that.", Ignis said petting the young digimon who giggled happy for his praise.

"Well... See you two soon...", Sebastian said to to them which they replied in unison:"Sure, see you too sir.", they said in unison.

While Sebastian and Ignis were returning to they're car, Sebastian pointed out joking:"We'll have to go Mach speed otherwise we're in trouble."

"I know what you mean.", Ignis replied sighing. When Bastet got angry, one should pray that she was on your side.

"Extra Vacation!!! Did you hear that Nick???", Mary said happily while her eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Yeah... But don't just go on and point it out... The others would just get annoyed if not angry.", Nick said imagining the others giving them death glares if they found out.

"I won't... I'm not stupid... Although it will be kind of pointless seeing they will notice anyway that we aren't at work.", Mary pointed out.

"We can always say we were sick or something after the new years eve party.", Nick said.

"Good idea!!!", she said giggling.

"Come on, lets go tell the others that we're done here... And let's go check if we have anything on that Digimon as Ignis asked,", he said while going to the others.

"I'm really curious if there is actually anything in our database.", she said sighing following him.

"We'll find out soon enough.", Nick replied.

Outside the opposite exit of the one Sebastian and Ignis stood 2 figures that looked how the members of D.W.O.S were starting to live. One of the two figures smirked an said with a male voice:"Not bad back there... They must be really confused."

The other figure giggled and replied with a female voice:"Why thank you... It wasn't really a big deal."

"Don't be so modest... You nailed that Garurumon good."

"Well, digimons like that are like warm up."

"I take that back on the modest part."

"I'm just being realistic."

"Whatever... We should get going too..."


"You know... You said you wanted to go on top of the Torricele but how are we going to get up there?There is no bus at this hour to go there. An walking would take us forever.", Pikuna asked curios at Inc.

When they finished eating they left and went around the city having and some cuddling now and then. They stood at the start of the street that started the Torricelle. It was a place that went upward till it reached a monastery almost at the top. It had a lot of trees and nature And it was also used for cyclist races.

"Who said anything about walking.", Inc replied smirking.

"Huh???Then how are we going to- WA!!!", Pikuna started to say but stopped and made an exclamation of surprise when Inc grabbed her and started holding her like a princess. Pikuna couldn't help but blush furiously at the situation.

With a cute and embarrassed voice she said:"Incy?"

Soon after her calling his name he smiled at her and his fire wings came out flapping once.

She could feel the warm emanating from his wings. It was such a pleasant feeling for her in the cold that there was in the air.

"I planned to go there flying from the start.", he said nuzzling her cheek tenderly:"Put your paws around my neck and hold tight...okay?"

Pikuna smiled and nodded putting her paws around his neck gently:"I'm ready."

"Ok... Here we go.", Inc said flapping 2 times then with a third strong thrust he started to fly.

Pikuna a bit afraid places her head on his chest but looked under her and couldn't help but also feel a new sensation being so high. Truly the ones that could fly were quite the lucky beings. It really gave a very different perspective.

"You ok, Piku?", Inc asked seeing her quite.

"I'm fine. This flying thing is really new to me.", she replied.

"You like it?", Inc asked curious.

"To be honest, yes. Maybe for Celia or you this is normal but for me this is quite incredible.", Pikuna admitted, it was even fun.

"Well, I really don't fly that much often, cause these are artificial wings and it takes a lot of energy to create and maintain their form. And you'll get a chance to try that for yourself.", Inc replied.

"Huh? What do you mean.", Pikuna said confused.

"Your digivolution. Since you couldn't control yourself maybe you forgot,but you have wings and you used them for a couple of seconds when you made one of your attacks.", Inc explained.

"Really?!", Pikuna asked in disbelieve.

"Yeah... Beautiful yellow angel wings.",Inc said. He noticed that they were almost there.

"I'm sorry... I didn't notice... I didn't have control over my body at all... It was like when you have a nightmare and the body moves on it's own and you can only watch.", Pikuna tried to explain in the best way she could how she felt in that moment. When Pikuna finished talking Inc arrived at the Monastery. Flapping his wings in a precise rithm he started to land gently in the monastery's yard.

The sanctuary was rather big with a circular design. The yard was very spacious and designed with a lot of parking slots. Around the circular corners small trees were positioned with the same distance between them.

Putting gently the kitty he had in his arm he said:"What are you apologizing for? I just mentioned you had them, I wasn't reproaching you."

"It was just that I was surprised I didn't notice it. Who knows when I'll be to digivolve normally.", Pikuna answered.

"I'm sure you will soon enough. You just need the right motivation I guess... At least that's how it worked for me.", Inc said reassuring her.

"Motivation?", Pikuna asked curiously.

"Yeah... I wanted to protect you so badly in that moment that I felt something inside me that gave me strength to get up.", Inc said which made Pikuna blush and feel happy when she heard that. Hugging him she joked:"You sure have a silver tongue today Incy."

"What? I was just telling the truth.", Inc said hugging her back while looking towards his right a little he smiled:"Oh, hey Piku, look."

She looked at him for a second then looked in the direction also and gasped exclaiming:"Wow!!!"

They both started walking towards the very edge of the edge of the yard admiring the incredible sight before them.

"During the day it was nice back then but during night it's truly another thing.", Inc said looking around seeing basically all of the downtown of Verona from here.

"You can say that again.", Pikuna replied looking mesmerized a little.

It seemed like one of those views you could see in a cartoon. With the snow that still continue to flow, from near where they were, tall trees covered in white, with some villas now to they're left. Further stood the illuminated city, visible for miles and miles away, with the Adige river going around the city like it's hugging it,passing under the old Bridge. A thing that came also to eye, we're 3 clock towers of the 3 biggest churches in the city that illuminated in different colors time to time. It was something that happened only during Christmas time. Christmas lights and effects were put all over the city and also those towers.", Pikuna said.

"Well, it is called the city of love after all.", Inc said looking towards her noticing she was shivering a little. He forgot that being a bit higher the temperature was lower. Seeing this he hugged her then he made his wings appear again and she closed them around her controlling they're flames wouldn't harm her. The warm that started to surround seemed like it was caressing her. Placing her head on his chest she said:"You always figure out everything huh?"

"Not quite... I noticed you were shivering for a while... Sorry Piku... I forgot that at this altitude it's colder.", Inc said.

"You shouldn't be sorry Incy... Thanks for bringing me here... And to let me share with you this magnificent view together... I'm very happy... I really am.", Pikuna said reassuring him.

"And I'm really happy that you like it... And I'm also happy that you accepted my invitation... The day that I passed with you today was the best day of my life.", Inc said to her with a serious tone that made every word true from the bottom of his heart.

When Pikuna heard this she couldn't help to blush a little but smiling she said:"Today... Today meant a lot to me also... When I'm always around you... I feel... More at ease... And passing this day together is a day I'll never forget."

"You know? When we talked before how we met... When you tried always to get near to me... I really thought you were annoying.", Inc said smirking.

"Jeez, thanks a lot.", Pikuna said looking away from him a bit offended.

"But for some reason... Seeing you trying to talk and befriend with me made me a little happy back then... You gave me a sort of feeling back then that I never felt towards no one else... And with each passing time... That feeling grew stronger and stronger till I finally understood what that feeling meant:", Inc said in a gentle and caring way. Placing his paw under her chin he slowly moved her gaze towards him. Looking at him a little surprised she felt her heart bit starting to rise. Smiling at her he continued:"And that feeling is... Love."

"What?", Pikuna exclaimed a bit taking a bit surprise in that moment not knowing if what she heard was true.

"I... I love you Piku... I waited for the right moment to tell you... And this to me seemed the best of them all... Will you become my mate?", Inc asked to her, inside him was a sigh of relief for being to tell her how he felt towards her.

Pikuna for a few moments stood silent looking at him, her heart bit starting to beat uncontrollably. At first she couldn't believe it, but she was sure he said that a second a go. Inc for a second seeing her say nothing thought that maybe he should have waited more to say that but this time was his time to be surprised. Tears of happiness starting to flow from Pikuna's eyes. Without a single word with both paws behind his neck she pulled him towards her and kissed him passionately. Inc was surprised a bit at first but he gave into the kiss. They stood kissing for at least two minutes till at one point they stopped. Inc was the first to talk and said:"Should I take this as a yes?", Inc said to her making her laugh a little, then she nodded saying:"Yeah, you should, my mate."

Inc never felt so happy before when he heard her say that. Taking something from his right pocket he said to her gently:"Close you eyes for a moment."

She looked at him curious at first but complied. She felt him put something around her neck attaching the ends on the back.

"Ok, you can open your eyes now",he said.

Opening her eyes and looking at what it was let her very surprised saying happily:"Incy.... why it's so beautiful."

What Inc put around her neck was a collar made by what seemed a very refined hand made leather painted of a flaming red, with orange painted silver ornaments around it and in front attacked to it was a cute cat bell made of gold.

"I'm glad you like it... The guy that made it gave me weird looks when I commissioned this.", Inc said laughing a little.

"Thanks a lot Incy... I'll promise I'll always treasure it.", Pikuna said poking with her paw the bell making it ring:"I didn't think it was actually a real bell.",she said giggling

"That way... I'll know where you always are.",he said joking.

"Silly",she said nuzzling him.

"We should start to go home by now.", Inc said looking at the time.

"You're right. But it's gonna take us a while to get back... We should call them and say we are going to be late.", Pikuna suggested.

"Nah, that won't be necessary... We can make it in time.", he said flapping 2 times his fire wings giving her the hint.

"Are you sure Incy... You did say that they take out a lot from you. And till home we have quite the flight.", Pikuna said a bit worried of the idea.

"Nah, don't worry... With what we ate before my energy seems fine... And when we come home there is also dinner... So I won't have any problems.", Inc assured her then he asked:"More importantly... Are you sure you'll be fine Piku with the cold till home?"

"I think I can manage.", Pikuna replied smiling.

"Then it's settled.", Inc said taking her in his arms like before saying jokingly:"Let us go... Princess."

"Yes, let's... My handsome knight", she said giggling.

Taking flight Inc went straight forward towards the city. Pikuna had a chance now to see all the city from above. It was crowded to no end, like a big swarm of ants was moving in the streets. They passed the first bell tower, which changed its color from pink to blue in that moment.

"Must have been hard work to place those lights all the way up there.", Pikuna said looking towards the tower.

"Yeah... Actually, to put all this Christmas lights must have been hard work... Looking from up here they are basically all over the city... I didn't give to much thought at first.", Inc replied looking on the various lights scattered all over the city.

"I hope... That Leo and Celia won't ruin the dinner tonight.", Pikuna said still remembering what happened today.

"I've been thinking about it too... Those two are going to be silent all the time... I'm sure... The real problem would be if they would start arguing.", Inc replied.

"I don't even want to think about it.", Pikuna said sighing then continued:"Some elders we have."

Inc laughed a little:"I think we are quite lucky... If anything they keep the mood lively around the house."

"I don't know how lively it will be after what happened... By the way... I wonder who that girl with him was... I never think I saw her before.", Pikuna said, remembering surely that she had long blonde hair.

"Same thing here... And they were quite away from us... So I couldn't actually see her futures", Inc said.

"I just don't get what happened to they're date... Why were each other with someone else?", Pikuna thought.

After flying for more than 15 minutes, Inc landed at they're home's courtyard. Landing softly he said:"We landed safely on our destination... Thanks for flying with Inc Airline..."

Giggling she gave him a small kiss to him and replied: "Why thank you."

"You are very welcome.", he replied kissing her back. Letting his mate down he noticed that they're parents work car was parked outside the courtyard.

"Looks like Sebastian and Ignis are already here.", Inc said.

"Yeah... I wonder if we are the last ones that have arrived.", Pikuna thought curios.

"I don't think so... Leo is always a late person... It would be a surprise if he would be already here.", Inc joked taking her paw smiling:"Let's go."

"Ok.", she replied cheerfully smiling back.

Once they entered Pikuna could hear Celia's voice and Francesca's.

"Well, she still seems lively", Inc said while Pikuna nodded. Entering the living room they saw franchise everyone was there with the exemption of Leo, and to they're surprise Lowe was there too.

"Well well, nice to see you guys could join us.", Francesca said smiling when they saw them enter.

"Sorry we're late.", Pikuna excused herself starting to take of her jacket.

"You guys are actually on time... Leo still needs to arrive... No surprise there.", Sebastian said sighing.

"Well, we would have risk-", Ignis started to say but stopped when Sebastian stomped his right foot trying not to squirm from the pain.

"I didn't know you would join us.", Inc said looking towards Lowe.

"It was kind of a last minute thing... Celia invited me when I brought her home.", Lowe answered him.

"I see.", Inc said taking his jacket off also while both of them took a seet one next to the other, With Celia and Lowe near them.

On the other side stood Sebastian and Ignis alongside Franceaca and Bastet.

"So, how was your day you two?", Francesca asked curiously seeing that both of them seemed quite happy.

"Oh... It went really great... We had a lot of fun together.", Pikuna said cheerfully.

"You don't say.", Bastet said smirking noticing Inc's gift.

"I'm really glad for you too.", Celia said also noticing Inc's gift and skilled a bit when hedge noticed it.

"Ir sure would be nice to go back in the younger days.", Sebastian said remembering him going out with Francesca very often.

"Yeah... Now all we do is work, work... Did I mention work?", Ignis said making all of them laugh a little.

"You guys sure seem to have fun.", Leo said getting everyone's attention looking towards him:"Sorry I'm late."

"Hey Leo!!!", both Inc and Pikuna greeted him cheerfully while Celia and Lowe said a simple "Hey."

Leo noticed Lowe was also there and his face turned serious for a second. Pikuna seeing that expression thought:"Please stay calm"

"Could it really hurt you to be on time once in your life.", Francesca said a bit annoyed.

"Oh come on... I'm only 10 minutes late at most.", Leo replied smiling at her.

"I know... But once a year you could try.", she replied back.

"Fine, fine... I will try next time.", Leo said while taking the last seat near Celia, without a second thought. All 4 of the you digimon looked at him surprised at this, especially Celia, who didn't expect this.

"You say that every time.", Francesca mentioned making Sebatian laugh a little:"Come on you two... Don't argue over such a stupid thing... So,you had fun today?"

"It was normal... Nothing special.", Leo lied not wanting to ruin the night. He sat near her especially as to not make it seem that something happened, and hoped Celia would do the same, but that hope was starting to go on death ears when Celia replied to him:"I can imagine that."

For a few minutes they started eating and everything stemmed to go smoothly. Everyone chatted about things in general till one point try started talking about what they did in that day... Francesca and Bastet didn't have much of a say in that matter since all they did was stay at home and prepare the dinner and everything. Pikuna and Inc talked about what they did, and Inc admitted to all of them:"And in the end, me and Pikuna are officially mates."

All of them stopped eating and a sudden silence was across the table, till Leo grinning said:"Alleluja! It sure took you a while", making all of them laughs little, even Celia couldn't resist.

"Huh? I was expecting a more amazed reply!!!", Pikuna said towards Leo who could only smirk, put his elbow on the table, leaning his head on his palm saying:"What's to be amazed of??? To me you two seemed all lovey dovey for quite some time... Only that you two never proposed to each other till now."

"To be honest, I kind of figured out you two would say that since I noticed that necklace", Bastet said pointing towards the necklace on Pikuna's neck.

"So you noticed it huh?", Inc replied. He knew that someone would see it by now... It's not something that goes that easily unseen.

"And you two went all on your own today... If that doesn't qualify as a date... Then I don't know what it is.", Francesca continued.

"Nice choice of proposing there Inc... The sanctuary of Madonna di Lourdes, we haven't been there like since you guys were kids.", Sebastian said remembering it was a little after Inc started accommodating in the family.

"Yeah, why haven't we thought of proposing there back then?", Ignis asked looking at his tamer.

"Because you aren't that smart to begin with?", Bastet joked poking his mate who replied back a bit angry:"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Inc doesn't show it, but he has that romantic side of him.", Francesca said to him making him blush a little while Pikuna places her head in his shoulder and replied:"Oh, he sure those alright."

"Hey you two... Stop it.", Inc said embarrassed making both of the girls giggle.

"Still... Congratulations you two.", Lowe said to them which surprised Inc a little not expecting to hear that from him.

Leo then stood up taking his glass and with his fork he made 3 small hits:"May I have your attention please... I propose a toast... To our new couple... Or should I say... Flaming couple?", Leo joked at the end making everyone laugh. Inc a little embarrassed asked Pikuna in a low tone:"How does he know that?"

Pikuna also embarrassed and looking a bit angry at Leo replied:"Don't ask."

"I couldn't agree more.", Sebastian said also getting up, followed by everybody else. They all made a toast with each other saying cheerfully:"Cheers."

"And to end, I would think that a kiss between the couple should be in order."

"What???", both Pikuna and Inc exclaimed hearing this.

"Oh, you're so right Leo... I forgot about that part.", Francesca said laughing a little.

"You're not serious, are you?", Pikuna asked when she saw even Francesca agreeing to this.

"Kiss... Kiss... Kiss...", Celia started saying in a continuous rhythm clapping her paws, followed immediately by Leo, then Ignis,Francesca and everybody else.

"One of these days... I swear I'll kill Leo.", Pikuna thought to herself seeing how this ended. She felt Inc taking her paw making her look towards him. Smiling he nodded to tell her they should. After All, knowing all of them they wouldn't give up anyway. Smiling back she nodded also and they both kissed each other making everyone in the family clap continuously, Ignis even whistling.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?", Bastet said grinning at the two.

"Only Leo could suggest something like that.", Inc said looking to his his brother who smirked and gave him a thumbs up.

All of them sat down at the table continuing they're conversation. Celia at one point asked:"How was it at work today? Same all controls around the city."

"Well, for the most part yes... Only that today we were told something rather interesting.", Sebastian replied.

"Like what?", Francesca asked curios.

"Supposedly Nick and Mary saw a Lighdramon turn into a Pegasusmon and then flew away.", Ignis explained as simply as he could.

"A Lighdramon? Haven't seen those in forever.", Inc said.

"The same thing I said. Still, they seemed rather sure of them selves when they said it.", Ignis replied.

"The strangest part of it is that they said it was a female since it spoke to them.", Sebastian continued."

"So... Basically, it's a female digimon that can transform or something??? I never heard of anyone seeing something like that.", Leo said quite intrigued by this.

"Neither do we.", Ignis said.

"So, what did you do in the end?", Francesca asked.

"It could be just they're imagination... But still, it's a digimon that is on the loose somewhere in town, and I told them to take a look in your database for info... It's the only thing we can do seeing the situation.", Sebastian replied.

"If they're is any.", Bastet said.

"We'll just have to wait... What about you Leo... What did you do all this time?", Sebastian asked his son smiling.

"This is bad.", Both Pikuna and Inc thought.

Leo remained silent for a moment not knowing what to say exactly."I was hoping they wouldn't ask", he thought.

"Just going around the town... Nothing special...", Leo replied trying in the meantime to figure out a way to change conversation.

"At least you had a friend who made you company.", Celia said making Leo look at her a bit angry thinking:"You idiot... What do you think you're doing?"

"Oh, so you had someone with you huh.", Sebastian said smirking.

"Come on give us some details.", Ignis continued.

_"I have to end this somehow... But how?",_Pikuna thought nervous.

"Yeah Leo, tell us.", Celia said smiling towards him.

"It's just a friend that offered herself to come with me today for something.", Leo replied cursing this situation. She never expected Celia to act like such a child.

Pikuna tried to warn Sebastian and Ignis to stop by gesturing them the time like in a basketball game. Ignis noticed that and understood what she meant but he was too late to earn his tamer cause he already asked:"Something going between you two?"

"Honey, don't you think that's pushing it?", Francesca said to her husband a bit annoyed by all these questions.

"Hey, I'm just having a manly talk with my son... What's the problem?", he replied back smiling towards her.

Little did he know that this manly discussion putted Leo in a real though spot then. Thinking a little and he could only reply:"I think we should skip that part."

When Leo said that answer, Celia felt like she was going to explode.

"And why is that?", Celia asked looking towards him seriously.

"Because we should be talking about other funnier and more interesting things.", Leo replied trying to remain calm. She was starting to get in his nerves with these question. And he obviously knew where she wanted to go with this.

"I really think this is an interesting subject.", Celia continued pressing the subject.

Clenching his fist under the table for a second he said:"Do you never grow up?"

"Why? Are you afraid of talking about it?", Celia replied.

"Celia, please.", Leo said trying to make her close the useless sharade.

"Please what?", Celia yelled at him making him lose his composure and yelled back:"Don't fucking ruin this dinner for everyone!!"

"You knew it was ruined the second I saw you with that girl in Piazza Erbe.", Celia replied.

"Oh boy.", Pikuna and Inc thought imagining it would have happened in the end.

"You're the one to talk... Kissing with this guy and even bringing him here... I never thought that you would be so malevolent.", Leo said pointing towards Lowe.

"That doesn't have to do with anything. I asked for him to stay with us for thanking him for the help he gave us. And you should appreciate that fact.", Celia explained to him.

Leo shook his head:"This conversation is meaningless."

"And why's that??? Just because you don't admit that you are at fault???", Celia said angry making Leo get up and yell hard:"My fault??? My fault for what??? Was I the one that asked for a fucking date and then I went with someone else and make out with him?"

"No, I'm talking of the fact that you promised me that date... I even let you decide the day, you said to me that you would let me know... But you haven't said a single thing at school... You just went on your way without saying a word... Then met your so called friend outside S.Anastasia church, hugging her, saying that you missed her and all that... What do you call that?", Celia said starting to cry.

Leo couldn't help but look a but shocked when she said that.

"You said that she likes staying close to you all the time?", Aura asked.

"Hmm, well yeah... She does like to do that.", Leo nodded.

"Well, I'm wondering if there was a small possibility that she followed you and she saw us meet.", Aura pointed out.

"So, you did follow me up back then.", Leo said in a low tone.

"Yeah, I did... But I couldn't help it... I was curious what were you doing... Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend from the start and that would have settled everything.", Celia said sobbing.

"You're misjudging things.", someone said with a loud voice opening the door of the living room, everyone looking towards it.

The first to speak was Leo saying only:"Aura."

"What?", Pikuna exclaimed when she heard him say that name.

"You... What are you doing here?", Celia yelled towards her.

The one that entered the door was Aura, who had quite the saddened expression:"Please let me explain... It's true that me and Leo met before and the hugging and all that part... But we aren't what you think we are... I am just his childhood friend.", Aura said truthfully.

"Huh?!", Celia said when she heard the word childhood friend.

"It really is you.", Pikuna said getting up with tears starting come from her eyes.

"Yeah, it's me kitty.", Aura said smiling calling her as she always did when they were little.

"Aura!!!", Pikuna yelled basically jumping over her hugging her tight nuzzling her making Aura laugh:"Man, you sure grown in quite the woman.", she said caressing her head gently.

"But how??? How did you get back here??? I wasn't told a thing.", Pikuna asked not getting how she was there between her arms.

"I can answer to that.", Francesca spoke."I received a call from her telling me that they would transfer back here... Actually Leo was the one to know before anyone else... We decide to keep it a secret and surprise you all tonight by making her make an appearance. Look...I stood silent till now... I don't know what the hell happened today between you 4.", She said looking first at Leo, then at Celia,Lowe and Aura:"But explain what you have to explain and finish this... Otherwise I'll get really mad."

"Sorry.", both of them 4 said.

"Look Celia", Leo started to say making her look towards him."The thing is that I haven't forgotten about our date... And since I knew Pikuna was already away with Inc on a date the same day... I asked Aura to come with me and give me a hand to buy you a present...", he said taking out a small present from his right pocket placing it on the table:"That's all there is to it... I swear."

Celia looked at him dumbstruck when she saw the present on the table.

"He is telling the truth Celia.", Aura continued saying afterwords:"And the kiss part was my fault..."

"And mine also...So there you have it.", Leo said sighing then continued:"Sorry guys if I ruined the night for you."

Francesca wanted to say something but Leo noticed this and stopped her by saying:"You can scold me tomorrow if you want... Now's not a good time... I need to cool my head a little... Sorry again.", he said starting to leave, with no one saying a thing, only Pikuna who tried to stop him but he shook his head making her understand that she should just leave him be.

"It was all a setup Leo.", Lowe said making him stop for a second.

"And ours was also.", Aura said making Celia look towards her.

"Like it wasn't obvious by now.", Leo said before leaving.

Everyone stood silent for a moment after all this. Francesca started to get up and went towards Aura hugging her:"It's so good to have you back Aura... When your mother told me I couldn't believe it."

"It's good to see you too Francesca... All of you... Man, how I missed this house... It hasn't changed that much.", Aura said now taking a closer look around.

"Still, wasn't it mean to not tell us till now?", Ignis said.

"Yeah... You didn't even tell me.", Bastet said looking a bit disappointed.

"Hey, come one... She wanted to surprise us... Don't make such a great fuss about it... Tell Claudio that one of these days I want to go with him at the Stube", Sebastian said smirking making Aura giggle and replied:"He told me to say that to you too."

Pikuna looked over to Inc and gestures him to get up and go towards them. He smiled and complied.

"Aura, I would like you to meet Inc, my boyfriend.", Pikuna presented cheerfully Inc. He raised his right hand as a feature of salute saying:"Hi, the name is Inc. It's a pleasure to meet you."

But Aura instead hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek surprising him.

"The pleasure is all mine... So, you're the guy with whom it is never fun to play chess with, huh?", Aura said joking making Inc laugh a little:"I take it Leo told you that."

"Bingo... He kind of updated me on how the others were doing and the new additions.", Aura replied to him then looked over Lowe smirking and went towards him:"And here we have the actor... You could have fulled me for a second there..."

"The name is Lowe, nice to meet you.", Lowe said kissing her hand also like he did to Bastet.

"Is that how he salutes every girl?", Francesca asked Pikuna in a low tone making her giggle:"I guess so."

"You're not bad as an actress yourselves.", Lowe continued saying.

"Why thank you.", she replied smiling then looking towards Celia, who stood silent and seated all this time looking at the present left by Leo on the table, she only looked towards Aura when she noticed she took her law smiling and said:"Can I talk with you outside for a moment?"

Celia for a moment didn't do a thing till she nodes and got up.

"Do you guys mind us ladies going out for a chat?", she asked looking at the others.

"No problems here.", Francesca replied.

"Just don't take too much... I have so much to ask you.", Pikuna said cheerfully.

"We can talk as much as you like kitty.", Aura replied winking towards her.

Both Aura and Celia started to leave, Aura making sure to take Leo's present from the table with her.

"Ok... Now that all the... Surprises are over... Can we get back in having a normal dinner like any normal family.", Ignis said making everyone laugh.

"Yeah, let's.", Francesca replied back while she and the others turned back to they're seats.

Both Aura and Celia stood outside the door entrance so that they wouldn't get snow all over them. Celia stayed silent and didn't know exactly what says, but Aura was the first one to start by saying:"Look...I'm sorry if I ruined your day... But you have to admit now that all of us are at fault here.",Aura said to her.

"No... I'm sorry for yelling at you just now... I don't know what came over me.", Celia replied to her with a sad voice.

"Ah, don't worry about it... Cheer up... Leo told me you're such a cheerfully and energetic girl.", Aura said trying to ease the tension for both of them.

"He did?", Celia asked curious.

"Yeah... He told me a lot about you...", Aura replied.

"He must hate me right now.", Celia said sighing looking at the sky with the snowflakes that kept flowing down to no end:"I usually make a mess time to time... But this time I really made a big one."

"Well... A bit you did... But it's understandable... And like I said... All 4 of us have a blame into it... And Leo knows that also... Otherwise he wouldn't have left if not.", Aura said making Celia look at her curios about what she said:"You think?"

"Trust me... I know him... And Pikuna can confirm it... He left not because he was mad at you... But because he felt sorry and ashamed... With you and the others.", Aura answered.

"I see.", Celia replied.

"So, no hard feelings then? If you're still thinking about the kiss part... He did it because of great jealousy.", Aura said grabbing both her paws, her smile never fading.

"That's the least thing on my mind to be honest.", Celia admitted to her.

"Great then... So, are we friends now?", Aura asked curiously making Celia giggle:"Yeah, I guess so."

"Yay.", she said hugging her laughing.

"This girl... She reminds me so much of myself... And for some reason... There is something about her... That feels so familiar.", Celia thought seeing the way she acted:"You know, Leo never told me he had a childhood friend... He said that he knew Pikuna for so long, but he never mentioned you.", Celia said being sure he never heard him or his family talk about her.

"I think... That's because... They wanted to forget about me.", Aura said with a different tone than she used till now.

"What's that supposed to mean?", Celia asked looking curiously at her.

"Let's just say... I hurt Leo a lot... Emotionally... Back then.", Aura said looking a bit sad.

"Sorry if I brought up the subject... You should better get inside... It's getting actually kind of cold.", Celia said smiling while shivering a little.

"Yeah... You're right.", Aura said turning back to her happy self:"Oh, by the way.", she continued taking out the small present from her pocket:"In Leo culture... I think putting it on the table was meant so that you could take it and open it.", Aura said joking while taking her right paw and placing the gift on her palm gently.

"We'll be waiting inside.", Aura said before opening there and getting inside.

Looking at the gift in her paw she decided to accept Aura's suggestion an started opening it. The gift paper was of an azure color, while the now was of a white color. She couldn't help but smile, not noticing this before. It was the color of her wings and her skin an scales. Taking away the paper, she saw that it was a small case covered in white velvet material, with a small note attacked to it written:"For Celia" in an elegant azure.

Opening the case she couldn't help but gasp a little. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. Smiling she could murmur his name:"Leo."

His hazel eyes looked at how many people were enjoying themselves in the city. Only once did Leo went with his family in the city in the night before Christmas. He found himself in one of the places he didn't went today, that being "Castel Vecchio", the remains of an old structure who was once a castle build during the period of the Austrian invasion. He was on it's bridge to be precise, still thinking on what happened back at home, and how much of an idiot he was. It seemed so stupid at first, but in the end Aura was right, like she always was for that matter. He knew that the fault wasn't only his, but for some reason, in that moment and seeing how things went, he considered the one to be blamed the most.

"Maybe I should have just told her from the start.", Leo said to no one in particular, but to his surprised someone replied:"I didn't know you had an imaginary friend."

Leo moved hi gaze towards the voice and he saw Fema smirking at him.

"Fema? What are you doing here?", Leo asked never expecting to see her around here.

"Well, everyone was kind of lazy and wanted to stay home... So I went by my self to look around this place... It sure is easy to get lost around here.", She explained to him making him laugh a little with his last statement.

"I know what you mean... I'm actually quite glad to see you... Me and Pikuna proposed to give you a tour of the city but we forgot to even ask for your cellphone number back then.", Leo said rubbing the back of his head feeling stupid.

"Don't worry... We forgot to ask too... So it's our fault also.", Fema replied.

"Yeah, I guess.", Leo said smiling.

"More importantly, what are you doing here? Aren't you with the others?", Fema asked curiously.

"Nope, it's just me alone.", he replies simply.

"Did... Something happen?", Fema asked a bit slowly hopping not to be to invasive.

"You could say that.", Leo replied.

"Thought as much... You seemed more full of yourself last time.", She said smiling making him smile also replying:"You make it seem like I was a jerk or something... It's just that... This time I kind of blew it."

"If you want... We can talk about it.", Fema suggested.

"Huh?", Leo exclaimed when he heard that.

"It's not like you have anything better to do... Plus... We're friends... Right?", Fema explained.

"Um... Yeah... I guess.", Leo replied.

"So... Come one... Know any nice place to have a drink around here?", she asked smiling.

"I know all of the places around this town.", he grinned.

They went to a caffè quite near to where they were. It took them 3 minutes at most.

Usually this place would be always full in the mornings, but it was even now, because of Christmas time. Since it was cold, like everybody else they went inside, taking a table for two.

Leo ordered a coffee while Fema ordered a cappuccino.

Leo for most of the time explained what happened, and Fema couldn't resist to find also the story a bit funny seeing how many misunderstandings happened in one day. But she listened carefully to every word he said and understood clearly what the problem was even if he didn't go one. After a while, Leo finished on how he left and went around town trying to calm down a bit.

"And that's what happened.", Leo said finishing his story.

"Quite the event that happened I have to admit... It's like one of those scenes you see in the movies.", Fema said joking.

"Yeah... Too bad this one is real.", Leo replied not considering the situation fun in the least.

"Well... If you told me everything correctly... This is how I see it from outsiders point of view... Celia was the one that turned all this mostly into a catastrophe... But it wouldn't have happened of you would have just told her from the start you were busy or something else... Every girl would be curios and worried if you aren't precise in situations like these... What I wonder is why haven't you brought her a present earlier.", she asked at the end looking curiously.

"I'll be honest... That wasn't in my plan at first... I made a reservation for one of the good restaurants we have here... But when Inc told me he bought a present for my sister the other day, it made me think I should have done the same, so seeing that I couldn't ask her to help me out,my only and lucky option was Aura.", Leo explained.

"And that lead you to all that happened today... I have to say in your defense that you had quite the romantic idea though.", Fema said winking at him making him blush and only replied:"Thanks."

"I didn't know you had this cute side of you.", She said making fun of him a little seeing his reaction.

"Could you cut it out?", Leo replied a bit annoyed.

"Sorry... Sorry... Turning back to the subject I think that letting aside who is wrong or who is right... In this situation it would be best if you where the one to say you're sorry and admit you were wrong... Not because I'm feminist or anything... But I think it's the perfect solution since you said yourself that it's more your fault... And the other good part is that even a girl like Celia would get her panties wet hearing something like that.", Fema finished smirking making Leo turn red almost yelling:"I thought we were having a serious conversation here."

Fema couldn't help but laugh at his reaction:"You sure get embarrassed rather easily... What I meant is that it would make her happy to hear you say that.", she finished smiling.

"I see... Know that you put it that way.", he said signing then continued:"Since she came, I really haven't gotten a day like any other normal person."

"And I for one think you like that. Don't you?", Fema said her point of view.

"I don't know... Maybe I'm starting to get used to it. Sucks to be me I guess.", Leo joked making her giggle.

"I can imagine it being hard for you. Well... Having 3 Digimon all by yourselves is quite the responsibility.", she said.

"You don't know the half of it.", he said it in a way like he tried to tell her something else. She wanted to ask what he meant but his cellphone rang. Taking it from his pocket he looked at who it was and it turned out to be his dad.

"Please, excuse me for a sec.", he said to Fema who nodded.

"Hello... Did something happen?Oh, from that thing from today... I see... I'll come home right away... Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry... I'll see you guys later... Bye", he said during the conversation at the end closing the call placing his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was it?", Fema asked curious.

"My dad... He, my mom and they're digimon are called at they're department because of something important... And they asked me to go home and to look out for the house.", he explained.

"I see... So you have to go then.", she said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry.", Leo excused himself for the sudden inconvenience.

"No big deal... Actually thanks for the pleasant company till now.", Fema replied not in the least disturbed.

"I should be the one thanking you... Don't worry about the check... I already paid for you too... I'll see you around... Say hi to Dashi and the twins for me.", he said smiling getting up starting to leave, but she got up also and grabbed him from his jacket's hood, making him look towards her seeing her smirking with her phone in her left paw:"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I'm really sorry that this inconvenience came up you two.", Pikuna said in a sad tone looking at Lowe and Aura who were staying outside the houses entrance.

"Well, it can't be helped... If anything I'm sorry that your parents had to leave for an emergency at a time like this.", Lowe replied.

"Yeah... It often happens... But it's not they're fault.", Inc said.

"Well... We still had some fun and it was nice to see everyone again.", Aura said cheerfully.

"Yeah... It's really nice to have you back Aura... Even now I find it so hard to believe you're here again.", Pikuna replied smiling.

"Like I said to Leo... I won't be going away anytime soon now... The trio is reunited again... With the newest additions.", Aura said looking at Inc and Celia.

"The way I see it it's you more the new addition.", Celia said giggling.

"When you put it that way... I guess you're right.", Aura replied.

"Well, I should get going... Thanks again for letting me join you tonight... It was a new experience.", Lowe said.

"Don't mention it... It was our pleasure.", Celia said getting near him and giving him a small kiss on his cheek:"And thanks again for today Lowe."

"You're welcome... When you ever need something... Feel free to ask.", Lowe replied blushing a little.

"Do you know your way home from here?", Pikuna asked curious.

He nodded smiling then saying:"Yeah... I have a great sense of orientation."

"Good to hear... See you soon then.", she replied smiling back.

"Sure.", he said starting to leave the others saluting him. He waved his paw in response.

"I still need to get used to this all family thing... Alpha sure is a lucky guy.", Lowe thought to himself.

"I should be going too!", Aura said.

"Visit us more often... You hear me?", Pikuna said hugging and nuzzling her.

"I will kitty... I will.", Aura replied giggling petting Pikuna making her purr. Hearing this she continued saying:"What was Leo talking about? You're still the cute Pikuna from before... You still purr when you're caressed.",

"What's that supposed to mean?", Pikuna asked looking at her weird.

"Oops!!! Maybe I said too much.", she said smiling.

Inc couldn't help but smirk, maybe understanding what she meant by that.

"Take care you 2... Catch you around.", Aura said starting to leave, both Inc and Celia saying goodbye while Pikuna said loudly:"Hey, don't ignore my question."

"Some things are better left untold.", Aura replied cheerfully leaving a disappointed Pikuna looking a bit annoyed:"She hasn't changed one bit."

"You were right...She sure is an interesting character.", Inc said smiling a little at the scene.

"You have no idea.", Pikuna replied.

Celia starting walking forwards opening her azure wings slowly taking the others's two attention.

"What are you doing?", Inc asked seeing this.

"Is it okay I leave the house to you two?", Celia said looking over them smiling.

Pikuna understood what she wanted to do and smiling replied:"I guess there isn't problem there, right Incy?", then looking towards Inc for his approval.

"Of course.", he replied smiling back:"Just be careful while flying in this cold, Ok?"

"I'll be fine... See you later.", Celia answered starting to fly away gracefully.

"We better get inside.", Inc suggested after not seeing Celia in the sky anymore.

"Yeah... You're right.", Pikuna replied complying.

"What an eventful day.", he said joking a little, closing the door as soon as Pikuna entered.

"You can say that again... I hope those make up... Having them around the without saying a word would be depressing.", she replied laughing a little.

"I'm pretty sure they will... I'm willing to bet that they will turn home now holding hands.", he said without a doubt.

"You have to admit that his gift was kind of genius also... Since Aura only helped with the model she thought would suit best...", Pikuna said admittedly, never expecting his brother to come up with something like that.

"I think every guy would think what would be the best thing to they're girl.", Inc replied hugging her while she touched her necklace with her left paw saying:"I guess you're right."

"So what now, my little kitty?", Inc asked smirking calling her the way Aura did all this time.

Pikuna got the catch and giggle a little saying:"I think this little kitty is going to take a nice and worm shower after such a long and exiting day...If you don't mind...After that, I'm all yours.", Pikuna said ending with the last phrase saying it in a very sassy way, giving him a small kiss.

"I guess waiting a little wouldn't hurt.", Inc replied smiling.

"Thanks... Also... It would be nice of you.", Pikuna said in a more embarrassed tone:"If you could help comb my fur like last time... You did it so nicely", she finished giving him a cute pleading look that couldn't make him say nothing else than:"Sure... If that's what you want."

"Nya...", she made a small meow happily. Inc looked a bit surprised at this... He heard Pikuna purr a lot in all these years, but very rarely did he hear her meow. Leo did tell him once that when she was younger, she did very often, but with time passing she lost this attitude of hers.:"Then you can wait in my room if you want."

"That's fine with me.", Inc replied.

Leo started to get off from one of the last buses for that day. It was pretty late so he wasn't surprised being the only passenger on the bus, especially in this area anyway.

It was all so silent around, the only thing that could be beards was the wind that blew now an then and the footsteps he made in the snow.

"If there isn't at least a -8 degrees now... Then call me an idiot.", Leo said to himself while he continued one moving with his hands in his jackets pockets. He noticed something a bit further from him... He couldn't tell exactly because of the snow continuously passing by and because of the distance. Only till he advanced he noticed it was someone and not only that, who it was. He sighed a little:"I'll always say to myself that I'll never understand her."

He continued moving till he was close to her, looking in Celia's blue cobalt eyes, while she looked in his. They stood like that for a few moments, like statues, not moving or saying a thing till Leo broke the silence:"You sure picked a nice time to go for a walk...You're going to catch a cold at this rate."

"You're the one to talk.", she replied back.

"Yeah... I guess you're right on that part.". Leo said actually feeling stupid on how silly his affirmation was in the first place:"So, everyone left I assume."

Celia nodded slowly without saying a word.

"Did, anyone say anything else after... you know.",he asked curios seeing her shake her head and replied:"Nope, they didn't... But I don't know how much the others liked the idea of you living before."

Hearing this he slowly looked at the ground a bit ashamed:"You're right... It was stupid of me... But in that moment I thought it was best for me to go away... And not make everything worse than it already was."

Celia sighed hearing this walking a little closer to him:"You wouldn't have worsen anything... Everything had already finished when Aura entered and admitted how things stood."

"I've been the laughing stock of the moment... Aura told me of the possibility of you following us... But I was so mad of seeing you and Lowe that time that I wouldn't believe her.", Leo explained with a sad tone.

"I know how you feel.", Celia said giggling making him look at her surprised of her statement:"Lowe suggested me that maybe Aura was just some friend of yours... But obviously I had your same reaction."

He couldn't hell but laugh a little at this:"He did?"

"Yes... But at the end... All that ruined everything was the kissing part from both of us... And I was the one that started it... So...", Celia said looking away from him.

"No... That doesn't make me less guilty than you are... I acted like a kid in that moment without thinking... And with my childhood friend nonetheless... I am lucky cause she is a very nice and understandable girl... So she didn't complain.", Leo said.

Celia didn't expect to hear him say that. It's rare for him to make such a speech.

"But still... If I hadn't follow you.", she started saying but Leo cut of her by saying:" It still wouldn't have changed that much... You would have gotten mad because I didn't tell you anything, or assumed the worse... This thing about asking Aura to give me a hand to buy you a present was all a last minute idea... If I hadn't decided to do it... We wouldn't be in this situation now.", Leo said amazed with himself of being able to admit all this. He didn't admit his faults so wide open usually.

"True... You shouldn't have had.", Celia said getting close to him with a serious face, and Leo nodded giving her the right to be mad, but after that she smiled and hugged him with her arms and wings tight with her tail high waging slowly continuing:"But it was truly a very cute and romantic idea."

He could only remain speechless in that situation. He expected her to continue scolding her or something else, but not this. Looking then at her tail he smiled understanding why she continued wagging it. On her red ribbon that she always wear with her, stood attached in the center of it a red crystal with a circular shape, that had around it an elegant design made of gold, that fitted with it perfectly.

"I'm surprised you knew it was meant for your ribbon.", Leo said smirking making Celia take away her wings and pushing him away.

"Now that's mean. I'm not stupid to that point, you know?", Celia said saying the same exact phrase Aura did to Leo with basically the same gestures. Leo looked at her wide eyed like he was having deja vu.

"What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost.", Celia said seeing his expression.

"They truly are so similar... But for some reason... Celia has something that make them a part... I still can't describe that yet... But I know it's there.", Leo thought.

"Hey, are you listening?", she asked waving her paw back and forth near his face.

"Yeah, I'm not deaf.", he said grabbing her moving paw:" I didn't think you would have opened it to be honest."

"Aura suggested that I should... Since she said that you left it for that reason.", Celia replied back smiling.

"I see... Well, I'm happy it fits... I was afraid it wouldn't... The idea was mine but I needed a girls perspective for which one to pick... If anything... Ribbon jewelry is something very hard to find in this city... ", Leo said knowing he an Aura passed through at least 5 jewelry shops. Inc was smarter than him and commissioned Pikuna's collar. If anything Leo was curious what the commissioner thought when Inc asked him to make it.

"It's really beautiful... And luckily it fits.", Celia said moving her tail up and towards her left looking at the gem:"I hope it didn't cost you that much."

"You know what they say... Never ask someone the cost... A gift is a gift... But don't worry... I didn't ask the bank for a loan if you're curios.", Leo joked making her laugh:"Ok, then I won't have to worry."

"So... Are all misunderstandings solved now between us?", he asked her smiling.

"Yeah... You can say they're solved.", she replied smiling back.

"Back being friends again?", he asked soon after.

"Yes.", she said getting near him and giving him a small kiss:"Friends", she then said winking.

Smiling he took her and gave her a kiss too, a little longer than hers, taking her by surprise:"Consider it as a form of thanks.", he said joking making her giggle.

"We should go home, we've been standing here for a while.", Celia suggested.

"But the night is still so young.", Leo said so dramatically looking at the sky.

"Huh?", Celia said looking at him weird.

"How about I take you on the date I promised... What do you say?", Leo suggested.

"What??? At this hour???", she exclaimed hearing bus idea.

"What's the problem? We can still catch the last bus at the near bus station here... And we can come back with cab.", he said simply seeming serious about it.

"Yeah, but... Your parents asked you to go home and...", Celia started to say being interrupted by him saying:"They won't be home very soon... I can assure you... Plus, I think Pikuna and Inc can manage by themselves... Come on... What are you worrying about?", he asked.

She looked like in thought for a few moments not knowing what to do, but then smiled and nodded:"Fine... You win... If something happens... Your the one at fault though."

"Deal.", he said taking her paw:"Shall we then?"

"Let's!", she said cheerfully.

The both of them walked together finally going on they're promised date.

"I see... No, it's not like I mind... Yeah... Fine...I'll tell her... Try to get home before the others do... Have fun.", Inc said talking to someone on his cellphone, leaving it at the en on Pikuna's desk.

"Those two are so strange.", Inc said sighing.

"Was it Leo?", Pikuna asked looking at him.

"Yeah... Not only that they make up but they are going on a date in this moment.", Inc summarized what Leo told him.

Pikuna laughed a little:"That's so like Leo... If anything I'm happy they solved that misunderstanding."

"So, till the others arrive we have all the house for ourselves.", Inc said.

"Today must be the day where we had the most time spent together alone.", she replied smiling.

"Very true.", Inc said sitting on the bed next to her taking the brush again in his right paw.

Pikuna stood like last time with her back uncovered while with a towel she covered the other side of her body.

This time Inc wasn't as anxious as he was last time, knowing what he had to do, so he had some experience.

He continued brushing from whee he left , a letter lower on the right part of her back.

Pikuna made a soft murr and purred saying:"This is heaven."

"I never thought you would like something like this so much,", Inc admitted seeing her really content of him grooming her fur.

"Well, if I do it alone it's really annoying, but if it's someone else that does it, and so gentle like you do Incy, then that's another story.", Pikuna replied slowly enjoying the moment so much.

"If say say so.", Inc replied moving down slowly. He did it that way so he could brush her fur in a uniformal way:"Knowing you have to do this all the time seems kind of annoying."

"Oh, it is... More because it's time consuming.", Pikuna replied.

"I can see that.", he said doing her back for quite some time then.

Moving even down while he grooming he noticed something he hasn't before that made him a bit blush.

On her right butt cheek she had a small symbol, a delta from the Alphabet Greek to be more exact.

"So that's where her ADP signature is.", he thought.

"Why are you so silent?", Pikuna asked curios making him almost drop the brush from his paw.

"Oh, nothing... I was just concentrating... To not make any curls.", Inc replied saying the first thing he could think of.

"You were brushing the same spot for a while.", she said turning her head to look at him.

"Sorry... I didn't notice", he said while she looked at him a bit weird, but then she just let go of it.

Inc continued till he ended all of her back getting her fur done as best as he could. Smiling he said:"All done and served, my mate... You can do the other part now.", starting to give her the brush but turning to look at him blushing a little said:"Hmm... Could you... Groom me in front too?"

"What?!", Inc exclaimed wide eyed at her request:"But... But..."

"I really don't mind... Since it's you that looks.", Pikuna said smiling still being a bit embarrassed.

Those words were what made him KO in that moment. What could he answer. He thought that maybe something like this was rushed, but she was the one requested, it isn't something perverted if it's girls that ask its, right? And he was worried that if he didn't say yes, he would hurt her feelings. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but-"

"Fine... I'll do it.", he said a bit reluctantly and he couldn't take those words back after that.

"Thanks Incy!", she said and Inc continued soon after:"Bur if you feel uncomfortable... Tell me and I'll stop."

"I will... Don't worry...", She said turning herself staying in front to one another. She slowly took her towel off of her a bit embarrassed, letting in that moment Inc see her body for the first time.

He couldn't help but look attently at the perfect forms and curves of her body, that would have made every model jealous. He really was grateful in that moment to have such a beautiful creature as his mate.

"Don't... Don't look so directly... It's embarrassing.", Pikuna said in the cutest an embarrassed tone blushing furiously.

"Oh... Sorry... It's just...You're so beautiful Piku... I couldn't resist.", Inc replied trying to not look so persistent:"Ok... Can I start?"

She nodded slowly and Inc said mentally:"Here goes nothing.".

He brushed slowly and carefully the part before her breasts, his paw a bit uneasy but he put all his might trying to maintain his composure.

The easiest part was done, he moved down to her stomach and repeated the same procedure, hearing Pikuna giggle making him stop looking at her if he did something wrong:"Sorry, but it tickles... Go on."

He nodded continuing till he finished that part also.

Both of them didn't say it or admit it obviously, but this situation was kind of turning both making them feel exited. Pikuna was actually starting to feel like her body was going on fire.

"Um... Do you also want me to brush your...", Inc asked shyly pointing to her breasts. She smiled and nodded.

Inc gulped in anticipation to this, the situation turning more delicate at that point.

He started to brush softly starting from the top of her left breast. Pikuna couldn't help it and made a small moan making him stop suddenly thinking he done something wrong:"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, no... Don't worry... It came to me so suddenly.", she said trying not to make him feel bad. She cursed herself mentally. When ever she did it nothing like this happened, but now because of the atmosphere,the situation, the new emotions and sensations triggered her urges.

"If you say so.", he replied continuing, him also feeling like the heat was turned on in the room.

Pikuna tried with all her might not to remain composed and normal, but her mind was screaming otherwise, till the point that when Inc wanted to start brush her other beat Pikuna stopped him taking his left paw with both hers an placed it gently instead.

Inc was red that it seemed that the dark blue color of his skin turned purple, feeling the softness of her breast.

They both looked at each other for a moment in silence, till slowly they're heads reached each other slowly giving each other a long passionate kiss, both exploring each others mouth with they're tongues.

Inc's paw started to caress her breast gently making her murr, her tail starting to wave a bit uncontrollably.

Slowly they started to lean on the bed, not letting go of they're kiss till they were lying completely. They looked in each other's eyes smiling and Inc asked a bit worried:"Are you sure you want do this Piku... We don't have to rush it you know?"

"I know Incy... But I'm ready... Really... I... Always wanted to do it with you.", Pikuna replied saying shyly in the most honest way she could.

Those words hit Inc's heart full with joy. To know the person he loved for so long wanted this, with him no less.

"I feel like the most lucky guy in this moment to have such a girlfriend like you Piku... I admit that I also... Kind of dreamed of a moment like this.", Inc replied hugging her making her giggle:"Good to know we think the same thing... You can continue exploring now if you want.", she said whispering softly in his ear. She funded it cute to tease him at times seeing his reaction but this time he only saw him smile saying:"Then, I think I'll take on your offer."

He returned caressing her breast making her murr while his right hand caressed her slowly and gently from her arm to her leg, gripping her butt cheek a little receiving a small moan from her. Even if it was a bit embarrassing for her, she liked the fact that it was him who touched her, who's gave her this tingling pleasure.

He then finally moved slowly to her neither regions making her react a bit in anticipation.

"Are you ok Piku?", Inc asked looking affectionately.

"Yes... Sorry... This is... Kind of new to me.", Pikuna said admittedly.

"Don't worry... That makes us two then.", he replied nuzzling her while starting to play with her pussy, making her moan louder. Inc sensed that it was already moist, which wasn't a surprise, him also feeling his member erect in his pants for a while.

When he started touch more her clitoris Pikuna starting to make a session of cutest meows Inc heard making him even stop with his foreplay looking quite surprised. Pikuna placed her paws cutely on her muzzle never feeling so embarrassed.

Inc smiled and reassure her saying:"Don't hold them back Piku if you want."

"Are you sure you don't mind?", Pikuna asked looking at him.

"Of course not... I love how you make them... You sound so cute.", Inc said sliding inside of her tunnel one finger.

"Nya!!! Sheesh... You don't have... Nya ... To be... Nya... Such a tease...", she said between moans and meows while he continued fingering her inserting at one point another finger.

"I'm just telling the truth.", Inc said gently starting to move himself lower.

"Incy... What are yo- Nya!", Pikuna started to ask but meowed loudly when Inc starting to lick her pussy with his tongue.

The pleasure Pikuna felt in that moment made her body shook several times. Inc liked the taste of her nectar that continued to poor in his mouth. He couldn't describe it completely, but it had this bittersweet taste that was quite enjoyable.

"Incy... I think...Nya... I think I'm going to... Nya!!!", she said finding even hard to talk in that moment. For a moment he stopped looking at her saying:"Don't worry Piku... Cum...", restarting to lick and then insert his tongue inside making it the final touch that made her make a bug yell cumming hard, Inc lapping as much of juice as he could.

She lied there while shivers of pleasure flew through her body after the orgasmic bliss, breathing heavily.

Inc getting up looked at her and asked curiously:"How was it?"

"How??? It... Was ... Incredible!!!", Pikuna replied between gasps.

"I'm glad you liked it.", Inc replied happily.

"Like... In this moment doesn't compare.", she said looking up at him:"Still, it isn't fair that only I get to feel this sensation. I think you deserve it too."

Inc smirked at this knowing what she meant. He took of his clothes, Pikuna getting a glimpse of his throbbing member.

"Wow!!! It's huge!!!", Pikuna exclaimed seeing its length making him blush for the compliment:"Uhm, thanks."

Pikuna never had a chance to see before, but she liked how muscular his body was for his age. All that training from Ignis beside teaching him to fight had other benefits as well.

He started to lean near her saying:"Are you ready Piku?"

She nodded blushing and said timidly:"Just be gentle...please."

"I will.", he answered gently positioning himself with his member ready saying:"Here goes:", starting to push slowly inside making Pikuna moan.

"So, big.", she thought feeling it enter slowly, feeling a bit of pain still need to adapting.

Inc gave a small moan of his own to the sensation of his loved ones walls wrapped around him.

At one point he felt something that stopped him from advancing. Nuzzling her he said in a low tone:"I'm sorry Piku... But this might hurt a little... But it will get better after... I promise."

"O-okay.", she replied nuzzling back trusting him.

Making a strong thrust he popped her cherry being able to move forward. Pikuna let out a shriek of pain, even some tears coming down her cheek.

Seeing this Inc kissed her to comfort her, caressing her gently:"It's okay... It's okay... It's over now."

"It... It hurt like hell.", Pikuna answered a bit nervous making Inc laugh a little:"Don't worry... I'll take care of that."

He slowly started to move in a rhythmic pace, both of them feeling intense pleasure every time Inc went back and in with the vulgar sounds that could be heard every time he thrusted inside her.

"How is it Piku?", Inc asked Pikuna and she replied:"It... Feels... Nya... So good... you can ...Nya... Go faster... If you want.."

Inc complied and starting to go more on a faster pace, both of them moaning from the pleasure. He was starting to arrive at his limit because of how her walls were contracting around him.

"Piku... I'm almost there...", he said.

"Go ahead Incy... Cum inside me.", she replied.

When he felt he was about to cum he have one strong final thrust, ejaculating inside her, making her make a small heel feeling the hot sperm filling her womb.

Inc landed softly on her tired, kissing her. He never felt so contempt in his life. To be able to share something like this, with whom he cared the most. It was like a dream come true.

When they ended the kiss, Pikuna smiled at him and smirking between gasps she said:"You know a little digitama will be coming out from this... Right?"

"What?!", Inc yelled in horror when he heard this not thinking it in the least, totally forgetting the possibility. Pikuna not containing herself anymore starting to laugh hard living a poor Inc looking at her confused.

"You should have seen your face.", she said still laughing.

"Wait, you were joking?", Inc asked looking at her in disbelief.

"Of course silly... I can only get pregnant when I am in heat... Having a child now would be problematic.", Pikuna explained.

Inc turned from disbelief to angry:"Were you trying to give me a heart attack?", he said loud starting to tickle her all over her stomach.

"I'm sorry... Haha... I'm sorry... Please... Haha... Stop.", Pikuna said apologizing between laughter trying to escape his clutches but to no avail.

"This shall serve as revenge.", he said giving her neck a small playful bite while he still tickled her.

"I said... I was sorry... I beg you Incy.", she said almost loosing her breath because how much she was laughing.

After still some moments of Inc playing with her he stopped making her take a sigh of relief, almost seeming to faint.

"You almost killed me.", she said inhaling deep trying to get some air.

"Suits you right.", he said smirking hugging her.

"But... It would be nice in the future seeing a small little Incy going around the house.", Pikuna said giggling imagining the scene.

"Or a cute little Pikuna.", he replied nuzzling her.

"I love you Incy.", Pikuna said nuzzling back.

"I love you too, Piku.", Inc replied.

"I never thought arcades would be so fun.", Celia said to Leo while they were out leaving the arcade center.

"It was beginners luck... Nothing more.", Leo said a bit harshly knowing she said that to make fun of him losing to her.

"Ow... Is little Leo upset goes he lost to a girl?", Celia asked turning towards him with a baby like accent.

"That's it.", Leo said trying to grab her but she dodged giggling:"Lucky next time."

"Stay still.", he said loosing his temper basically jumping at her while she side stepped him gracefully:"That your best?"

Some of the people around looked at the couple weird seeing them running and playing like little kids.

One one of Celia's dodges she accidentally started to trip while Leo at the last second caught her, making her regain your balance:"Gotcha!!!", he said smirking.

"Congratulations!!!You won a cute girl as your prize... She'll do whatever you ask.", she said cheerfully.

"How about for starters she doesn't make fun of her tamer?", he replied.

"Your wish is my command... Maaaster...", she said giggling making a long press on the word master.

"Good girl... Where do you want to go next?", Leo asked placing her hand around her shoulders.

"Every place is good with me.", she replied leaning her head on his arm.

"Well... I know of a nice place I haven't gone in a while.", he said while they started to walk.

"That's the same thing you said to every place we've been.", Celia said laughing at the fact.

"Here you go sir... This is what we found.", Mary said giving Sebastian a folder.

Her, Nick, Sebastian and the others found themselves in the data storage room, where D.W.O.S keep they're data on all the Digimon they found,every event, case,accidents and facts over the years.

The room beside a big computer on the right end, seemed like a sort of library.

"Thanks Mary.", he replied putting the folder on the nearest table and opening it.

He started to read the reports and after all looked a bit surprised about something.

"Hey guys, take a look at this.", Sebastian said giving Francesca the report while Bastet and Ignis got near her to read it also.

Nick and Mary also looked curios at this, since they didn't read it themselves yet.

"Three cases have been reported to have seen something similar to what happened today.", Francesca said.

"And in this city no less.", Bastet continued.

"What's interesting are the dates when it happened.", Ignis finished.

"Exactly.", Sebastian replied.

Both the young digimon looked at one another not understanding what was going on.

From above one of the building, a figure was looking from the top at Leo and Celia that were talking and laughing on they're way.

"A happy end today also.", the figure said while turning away, wings of a Pegasusmon appearing on it's back starting to fly away.

Chapter 9

"Can you explain to me why I was never told of this?", Sebastian said throwing the archive on his brother's table, who didn't say a word signing some papers not looking towards him, but stopped when he looked towards the archive before him. "You seem...

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Chapter 7

Leo and Inc where inside the living room sitting on the couch without saying a word. Leo was looking at the hour on his cell phone quite annoyed and tapping the ground with his foot continuously keeping always the same tempo. "Man, come on you two!!!...

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Chapter 6

And here we are with chapter 6... and all I can say is: 15000 words long!!! xD I'm amazed with myself... and this was one of the reasons it took me so long to write it... plus I wrote it entirely with my iphone4... it was quite the...

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