The Confession of Albert Fish: Introduction

Story by Brett on SoFurry

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This is a Nonfiction piece inspired by a Docudrama by John Borowski, "Albert Fish; In Sin He Found Salvation", 2006. The pacing, and as of this installment, one line, has been used to recreate the wonderful pacing of Borowski's film. The line in Question has been placed in quotes, and is copyright John Borowski, 2006.

It is my first nonfiction, and a part of hopefully several pieces of writing I will be doing throughout October, to celebrate the month and Halloween.

It is given to few people in recorded history to so degrade the fabric of their humanity as to be regarded by many as a living, walking form of pure evil.

It is given to still fewer, to successfully accomplish this deed, and yet remain virtually unknown to scores of people, curious or unwilling alike.

He is remembered for a life of unparalleled perversion, sickening in its details, making him one of the most thoroughly disgusting men to ever walk the face of the Earth. Not only his crimes, but his everyday existence seemed ruled by fascinations and impulses of the most nauseating kind. Every act filthy and aberrant was his constant companion, and a source of inspiration and joy, spurring him on to further revolting rites. Even the most torturous explanations of contemporary scientists and criminologists are of little avail to penetrate the noxious, leaking sore of his psyche. An insatiable pervert, his choice of children to channel is demented wrath against clothes him in the most indefensible and direst of robes, a tottering embodiment of fears so arcane and unspeakable, he is truly the boogeyman of hopeless, black dreams.

"Sadomasochist, child murderer, and cannibal. He was- Albert Fish."

Red the Rose (Poem)

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A Dolomite Verse

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Undying Fire

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