A Burglar's Curse

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#4 of M/M Fun

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

The moon was gleaming overhead, half full and casting silver shadows over the ground as a lone drake ran full out along the side walk. No passer by would assume he was jogging, not with the long stride of his legs or the harsh sound of his panting breath as he stumbled only to pick up his pace. His head darted back to look behind him as if afraid someone or something was following him. He ran blindly through the street and nearly hit directly into a group of young children dressed for trick or treating. The mothers glared and made disapproving noises as he didn't pause, just barreled through vaguely in the direction of the houses near the outskirts of town. It was harder going then it normally would have been and more eyes followed him then he normally would have been comfortable with.

Darrah's mind was blanked with a roll of fear that had nothing to do with the fact he'd nearly been caught stealing from one of the wealthier houses. He had a rap sheet long enough that he was no stranger to flashing lights and the demands of the police to come out. He wasn't stupid, but he was used to it. Normally he would have been horrified at the scene he was making as he stretched his legs out and passed hordes of children who boasted full bags of treats that they'd gathered from the houses. Front lights were on to signal the way to the children and they illuminated him as he flashed past through several blocks towards a small row of houses set out far enough way that no trick or treaters came. The houses were just remote enough to be peaceful, though the proximity to the interstate meant they were low rent.

He stopped and leaned backwards against a fence line as he panted. His tail dropped down a bit and his jaws spread open as he gasped in great breaths of air. His lungs were burning from his run and his legs felt weak as he tried to recover. The deep blue black scales shivered as hr trembled and his wings hung limp along his back. The backpack that he'd meant to use to hold most of his stolen goods hung limp and empty from one hand and he tossed it to the side with a disdainful growl. He didn't even want to see the blasted thing after the night he'd had. His scales still felt as if they were being lapped over by jolts of electricity, though it had receded to simply pins and needles rather then the harsh pain that had hit him.

The drake caught his breath and stood up with a shiver. He looked out at the darkness and rubbed his arms a little bit. He'd gone out to hit a house that had seemed like a fair mark. It was currently empty, there were no real neighbors around the fenced in mark line and he had good intelligence that the owners kept it as a summer home. It might not be full of the real valuables like jewels and such, but a summer home would still have enough silverware and other decorations for him to make a buck. It was the perfect plan. He'd left just at sunset when people would be taking their kids out trick or treating and no one would think anything of another person moving in their midst or approaching a house.

Even the sight of the lights in the window hadn't really disturbed him. He hadn't seen the caretakers car, but he did spot a rather plush looking limo parked well down from the house. The owner was an old widow, hardly a challenge. He hadn't hesitated as he approached the house, he just revised his plan. It wasn't the first time he'd gone into a house that had someone in it and when they were elderly all he had to do was take them down, tie them up and blindfold them. It even added a pleasant thrill to the evening to take a person down. He'd managed to get into the house without a hitch. He'd managed to even sneak into the upper part of the rooms where he heard movement. By the time he got to the door he knew others were there. But he couldn't stop himself from opening the door, the compulsion was overwhelming.

Oh god.. He panted softly and shuddered as he recalled the flash and the voice that echoed from inside of the place. The women that had gathered there.

His memories after that were blurred. He remembered nearly a dozen women standing in the room, he remembered something about them talking to him and surrounding him. Then all he recalled was a flash of electricity that shot through him and a spike of pure terror. Darrah hugged his arms a bit more and gave his head a shake back and forth. He couldn't remember anything past that, and he tried. He fought to recall what had been said and why it had been said. He tried to remember what they were doing and why he had been so disturbed.

"Darrah, what are you doing back?" A sharp voice made him straighten up and he turned his head to see Leila frowning at him from the yard. "You said you'd be gone most of the evening."

"I.." He swallowed and tried to compose himself. "The deal fell through, wasn't worth the time."

That sounded normal enough. He sighed a little as the lovely pale blue dragoness wrinkled her nose up at him and gestured with one paw.

"Well, it can't be helped, but don't stand out here. You're going to end up reported and I'd hate you to go to jail because you were lurking out here if the cops are looking for you." Leila narrowed her eyes and even from the fence he could see the annoyance on her face.

"Yea h, you're right." He shook himself out and snapped his wings a little bit before moving to the opening in the fence and went up the walk. "Just had a bit of a time getting back here is all."

Leila's eyes flashed a bit in annoyance as he came up onto the porch and slipped past her through to the house. He tried not to flinch at that look. The dragoness was a lovely thing with a dainty tail and a perky muzzle, among other things, but her temper was something to be feared. And he had learned early on that he feared it quite a bit. More then enough not to want to court it anymore then he had to. The last thing he wanted to do was to end up on the wrong end of that stinging tongue. Granted, that didn't stop him from enjoying himself in the next town over where he had a sweet lady that was just as pliable and submissive as he wanted. He squashed that thought before it could go any further. If she ever found out about the little gryphon she'd likely neuter him or worse.

"You're lucky I came back early from work." She shook her head and closed the door firmly behind him. "I don't suppose you had any luck at all?"

"None, everyone's home and the lights are up and lit. It's not the sort of time I can just waltz into houses, Leila." He sighed and flopped down on the couch. "Let's just watch a movie and relax, okay? We haven't had time just the two of us in a while."

"I suppose." His girlfriend sighed and slipped down onto the couch next to him. He wrapped an arm around her warm shoulder and took comfort in her touch. It helped push away the fogged memories from his mind and simply concentrated on her.

They were part way through an inane movie about vampire hunters and werewolves when the last of Darrah's fear faded away. Leila had moved more into his lap while the watched the show, with her more into it then himself, but he didn't mind. Instead he took his time nuzzling against the back of her neck and nibbled delicately along the ridges that ran along the length of her spine. Her smell was soft and feminine, appealing and comforting as he worked his way down to a sensitive part right at the base of her neck. At first she ignored him save for a few laughing comments for him to leave off. But when he found that spot she suddenly let out a soft hiss and shivered. The scaling was fine there and he was able to flick his tongue out to run along it in a playful wet line.

"What are you playing at?" Leila's voice was a bit breathy while he gave a very gentle bite to that part of her neck.

"Mm? Just looking to give you a treat?" He purred in reply and ran his fingers along the curve of her belly just below the midriff shirt. "Or were you after a trick?"

"Treat, definitely treat." Leila wriggled in his lap and turned around so her paws could slide along the curve of his chest.

Her bright violet eyes danced with mischief as she leaned down and licked along his neck. Her legs moved to either side of his waist as he slipped his hands up and unclipped the buttons that secured the top around her wings. The fabric loosened and fell forward while he massaged along either side of her spine. His touch was gentle and light as he rubbed upwards and then glided back down again. He let his claws lightly trail over the scales as he moved down to the base of her tail so that he could start to pull the fabric up. The terrors of the night were forgotten and lost under the wriggling of her hips as they pressed against his covered lap. Her hands moved and gave a firm tug right against the front of his shirt so that it was drawn tight along his back.

"Off." Her voice was a low purr, almost a growl and he raised his brows a bit at the assertiveness.

"You just want to see me naked." He teased but moved his hands away from her to grip the edge of his shirt and pulled it off.

He did it with a slow enough movement that the muscles along his chest and stomach bunched up and relaxed to show his belly scales to their best advantage. He wasn't a muscled drake, he'd never been large and never would be, but he had a wiry strength that made him a force to be reckoned with. He'd never admit that he got a lot of the muscle and tone from dancing. He'd be laughed at, but he didn't regret the training. It made him graceful and agile when it came to breaking into houses or finding ways into small openings that others balked at. Let them make fun of him. Let them tease and taunt him. He knew exactly what he was doing.

The moment the shirt fell off Leila dropped her neck and licked her way up along his chest. It drew a groan from his lips and he moved his hands to peel away her own shirt. The pale blue scales were almost white along her underside and along her breasts, but they were lovely and perfect. His breath came out a bit faster as he trailed his fingers upwards and then drew back down again to rub along the smoothness of her belly. His vent started to spread open and he felt the inky black spire starting to push free with arousal. He purposefully rolled his hips up to grind the bulge against his girlfriend's loins and she pushed down against him with an uncharacteristic growl. Her fingers curled and her talons lightly ran down along either side of his hips until he let out a soft hiss. It wasn't quite painful, but it certainly wasn't entirely pleasant.

"Hey, easy with the claws." He nipped her neck lightly in what he meant to be a teasing movement, but the touch of his teeth against her neck sent an electric shock against his tongue.

Darrah jerked his head back just in time for Leila to growl out at him and her hands moved down to grip against the edge of his pants. The harsh hold tugged as she moved away from his lap and stood up with her wings flared out to either side. Her violet eyes hardened and she stared down at him before giving a harder tug against his pants. The drake blinked up at her in confusion and a hint of fear. Leila was always a bit dominant, but the grip against his pants was almost violent.

"Take them off, Darrah." Her voice came out thick and deeper then he'd ever heard it, almost a growl and it made him shiver.

Part of him wanted to back away and call a halt to the fun and games for the evening. But the rest of him didn't try to fight the command, instead he stood up and moved his hands down to pants. He felt a hot puff of breath against the curve of his back and Leila moved behind him to run her tails along the base of his tail.

_What the hell is wrong with her? _ He thought frantically and fought not to shiver as the hand moved up to cup his rump cheek while he tried to wriggle the pants free.

The material came down to reveal the curve of his loins and the inches of dark black shaft that jutted out from his vent. The tip glistened slightly and he moved to kick off the pants only to have Leila grip his hips and give him a tug backwards. Her teeth nipped sharply at the back of his neck and trailed down so that he felt the tickling breath running along the sensitive scales there. Her fingers moved upwards and ran all the way up towards the curve of his hips as she pressed her body intimately close against him. Her breasts pressed firmly against his shoulder blades while she trailed her fingers higher up to the curve of his chest. The nails caught along the scales there and gave a trailing stroke downwards that ended around his belly. His breath caught in his throat and he fought not to squirm as her hips pushed up against his own. His tail automatically slid to one side.

"Lean over the couch, lover." Her voice was still growling, still dominant and he wanted to say no, but his body was most definitely saying yes. He could feel his cock throbbing harder against his belly and spilling out a dribble of precum.

"Don't you want to bend over the couch?" He tried for teasing, but the response he got was a low growl and her hand moved up to push against his shoulders.

"I don't think I need to, lover." Leila's voice deepened to a purr as he bent over the couch and her hand pushed him down so his knees were on the seat and his elbows pressed against the back of the couch.

He swallowed and felt the heat rising to his shoulders. He knew what he should be doing and saying, but what he wanted to do was lower his head submissively under her handling. She pressed against his back, but something was different with the way she matched him. Her body felt harder and a bit heavier, while her chest didn't feel nearly so soft. Small static sparks hit against his scales where she touched him, but they weren't painful. They were embarrassingly pleasurable and he started to squirm against her. He arched and pushed himself back against her while his jaws spread open and he began to pant ever so softly. His cock hardened fully against his stomach and he rolled his hips only to feel her grinding forward against him. It was the easiest thing in the world to allow his tail to slip upwards to curl around her hip.

The hands spread along his belly until one gripped around the base of his cock and he let out a soft whimpering cry. The fingers curled around him and gave a milking pull as her breathing came harder and faster against the back of his neck. The slight shocks against his scales started to grow sharper and it was almost painful, but as she started to rub up and down his spire he lost all attempt at pretending he wasn't enjoying himself. He pushed and rubbed his hips up against, he tilted his head back and flicked his tongue beneath the curve of her jaw. The moment he did she reached down and bit the tip of his nose lightly and let out a throaty purr of approval.

It wasn't until she pushed her hips back against him that he realized that she was changing as well. He intimately felt her hips cupping up against his own, but it was more then just that. He could feel the press of her folds, but not quite. Something warm and slippery rubbed along his rump cheek while she rolled her hips. At first it was just a strange touch, but with each roll of her hips it grew and grew. He felt it pushing higher up while her weight became heavier and he was forced to spread his legs open to hold it. Pale blue wings spread open to mantle above him, just as he had done so many times with her when he was feeling particularly dominant. When Leila rolled forward again he let out a squeaking cry as something hard and stiff pushed itself against the base of his tail and leaked out a hot dribble of wetness. It drooled down along the curve of his ass and he sucked in a breath.

It was like a horror movie come to life. He turned his head slowly and Darrah's face paled as he found himself staring into a broad masculine muzzle and flashing eyes. A pair of horns rose up along the arch of her head, just like his own. The drake growled softly at him and the hips rolled again as he felt the heavy cock stroking up against his ass cheeks. The sweet scent of female was chased away with the harsh musk of a drake. For one wild minute he thought that Leila had someone switched with someone else as some sort of joke, but there was no mistaking those eyes. There was no mistaking those features even if they had turned more masculine. Darrah let out a weak noise only to have the hand on his cock squeeze right against the tip so that the protesting sound turned into a moan and his hips jerked forward.

"You look nervous, lover.." Leila murmured and the hand on his hip moved away from him. "I think I can calm you down."

Darrah tried to say no, but god his body was reacting so strongly. He couldn't help but strain his tail up as he felt the cock tip being guided along the curve of his ass. He didn't know why he was even doing this! He wasn't gay, he wasn't even bi curious. He had just enough love for his own cock and none to spare for others, but the hand on his girth and the feel of the powerful male body set of triggers that no female had. He lowered his head and winced slightly as the cock tip dragged downwards and then stroked right up against his virgin pucker. Thick goopy drops of preseed oozed outwards and drooled downwards along the back of his balls. He tensed up slightly while the very tip pushed right up against the pucker and he couldn't stop the whimper.

Leila gripped right along the back of his neck as the other drake pulled his hips back before pushing forward again as if to be sure of his aim. Darrah wasn't given much time to brace himself, he just felt the tip suddenly shoving right up against his pucker with force behind it. The hips pushed and ground themselves while Darrah let out a short harsh cry. The walls spread open steadily as his anal ring gave into the pressure and he let out a short harsh cry. The teeth against his neck tensed up slightly as a thick hot drool of precum splashed outwards into the passage. It was slippery and hot as the girth started to sink inwards inch by slow inch. The walls strained open wider and wider until the first ridge popped into him and he jerked slightly. The palm that rubbed along his cock spilled out dribbles of precum in thick strands so that the hold was slippery and warm.

Darrah's walls clamped down tightly around Leila's cock as the hips shoved forward with a sharper push that drove another ridge into him. The free hand moved up to grip his hip and gave a squeeze, the fingers curled slightly and dug in as the blue-black drake writhed and hissed out softly. His passage ached, it ached almost to the point that it was almost truly painful, but it never reached that point. The pleasure was pushing away the ache of his body being stretched open. It was a pleasure made by the ridges that popped into his passage and pulled outwards when Leila pulled back. They stroked in ways that he'd never felt before so that he started to squirm back and forth against the couch. He couldn't hold still, not when the hips suddenly lunged forward and clapped up firmly against his curved hips as the ridges popped entirely into his body.

Every last hard hot inch was pushed so deep that he was left writhing while his fingers gripped against the back of the couch. His claws dug in hard enough that the material started to tear apart and then the hips pulled backwards. The hard ridges tugged and stroked right over a spot inside of him that made his cock leap up against the palm. Leila gripped around his cock firmly and pumped slowly up and down. The slow smooth strokes that moved from the base and slipped all the way towards the tip and back again. The thick strands of precum were spread over his glistening flesh while he started to hump forward against it. Darrah's jaws spread open and he started to pant shallowly while his tongue flicked out slightly before he let out a groaning cry.

"Oh yes.. so tight.." Leila's voice was rough with arousal and he growled so deeply that it sent a shiver running down Darrah's spine. "Push back, I want to feel you impaling yourself."

Darrah swallowed and trembled as the hips pulled back all the way to the point that only the tip remained shoved inside of him. It drooled out a hot dribble of precum while he was left whimpering under his breath. He didn't want to push back, but his body did. His body was flushed and hot with need. It was more intense than it had ever been with a female. It made him push his hips up higher in the air while his tail lifted higher. He tried to find the words to say no, but they didn't come out. His cock pulsed harder against the hand that started to move up and down smoothly along his cock. The fingers played over the ridges and pulled along them making him groan out before he pushed backwards.

Leila didn't force him and didn't push forward, instead he was allowed to push backwards so that the cock tip plunged back into his body. The ridges popped and pushed along the passage as the thickened cock pushed deeper and deeper. His walls clamped down firmly and started to squeeze around the flesh while he cried out Leila's name. The drake's laughter was deep and masculine and the hand on his hip flexed downwards roughly before the light blue dragon gave a short buck forward. It drove a sharp cry from his throat as the cock plunged deep into his passage. The ridges popped and rubbed along his passage in a sweet caress that left him writhing against the couch. He started to hump into the hand that held his cock, he drove himself forward blindly as he lowered his head and rested his chin on the back of the couch.

He moaned like a whore and didn't care. He heard himself and part of him hated himself for it, but the powerful drake started to hammer against his ass in short powerful strokes that shook his body back and forth. He pushed and bucked backwards each time that tapered tip drove into him to make sure that it plunged as far as it could possibly go. The hot dribbles of precum oozed into her passage and coated him so thickly that the thick drooling drops oozed out around the thickened flesh and coated his balls. His own precum was smeared all over his cock so that his thrusting hips spread it further and coated the fingers so they were slippery and warm. The caressing hand moved backwards towards the very base and then back to the tip.

He was being milked and Leila was just as talented with his hand as he had been as a dragoness. He felt his body tensing up and he let out a whimpering moan, but the sound was lost. The ridges of the cock plunged inside of him started to spread open wider and wider. They grew more pronounced while he sucked in a breath and let out a sharp cry before Leila bugled out in front of him. His sound of pleasure was lost as the larger blue drake pushed down against him and pinned him against the couch. The thickened cock started to throb a heart beat before the first hot thick jet of cum erupted into his ass. The thick gooey strands splattered deep and oozed while his walls contracted and started to squeeze eagerly around the other drake.

The fingers around his cock moved up to his tip and rubbed, the gentle touch paired with the way that he felt each and every throb inside of his passage pushed him over the edge. Darrah pushed himself back against Leila with a moaning cry a moment before his cock started to pulse and his pearly cum erupted out to splatter against Leila's fingers and even hit against the couch. He started to buck his hips to push through the fingers over and over again, and in turn pushed his hips backwards to impale himself on the throbbing cock. The ridges pulled and flexed as the last hot thick strands of cum oozed out and clung along the passage. Leila leaned over him and licked over the back of Darrah's neck with a pleased growl as he gave a final rolling push.

Darrah couldn't think. He couldn't even manage to work his jaws as he dropped his head down. The pleasure lapped through his body as he started to breath in soft trembling breaths. His mind was fogged with that pleasure, he couldn't even work his mind to wonder what had happened or how it had happened.

~ ~ * ~ ~

When morning came, Darrah found himself entangled with Leila who was female again. Female and entirely oblivious to what had happened that night. She laughed off the damage to the couch and waved it away saying she didn't recall how rough they'd gotten last night. He simply stared at the mess and went to get a shower. The proof of what had been done still clung beneath his tail as he scrubbed himself clean. He'd tried to stick around the house, he tried to act like nothing had happened, but it was harder then he thought. It wasn't just hard, it was disturbing. Every time he glanced at Leila he got sharp memories of a powerful light blue drake who had pinned him down and used him. Every touch she gave him made his body shiver in reaction to what she had done last night as a male. It was too much for him. He couldn't stand it.

He left with an excuse of trying the house again in the evening and wanted to check it out during the day to make sure he could give it a run. Leila had purred with amusement and promised him a reward if he would return later successful. He'd nodded and tried to laugh it off past the shiver of fear that went through him. The shiver of fear, and anticipation at feeling the drake take him again. That was the most disturbing part. His body reacted to the idea of the drake with an eagerness that frightened him. It made his cock slip out of his vent and he had gotten a cold shower to make those thoughts go away.

I am not gay. I've never been gay. _ He thought those words repeatedly. He rolled through them as he tried to deny his bodies reactions. _I am not gay! I love women! I'm not even bisexual!

_ _

He snarled the words to himself as he pulled his motorcycle up into a small apartment complex in a better end of town. He slipped off the bike and gave himself a shake before glancing up at the familiar building. He needed to be reassured that he was straight. He needed to know that what happened last night was some sort of fevered reaction to whatever the fuck had happened. He couldn't touch Leila again. He couldn't even look at her without thinking of the massive drake that had taken his virginity. He couldn't do it, he just couldn't. But that didn't mean he didn't have another female to turn to. He hooked his helmet onto the bike and ran up the stairs to the last apartment on the corner. He didn't even pause as he reached it and pounded on the door.

"Great skies, what's wrong." The musical voice was sharp as a sleek grey-brown gryphon opened the door and tilted her head up to look at him. "Darrah! What are you doing here?"

"Kylia." Darrah grinned and flicked his wings back. "I was hoping you'd be home."

"You could have at least called." The slender gryphoness opened the door a bit wider and stepped back so he could pad in. "I was just getting ready for bed."

The drake looked over at her and grinned more to see the slinky slip of a teddy that was clinging to her feathered breasts so that he could make out the softness of her curves. Her stomach was trim and slender before spreading out to her hips. Her lower body was shaped like a lynx, complete with an adorable stubby tail and spots that ran down along the curve of her upper legs. She was shorter then him, but most gryphon's were shorter then a dragon. Her wings framed her form so the long striped primaries flared open wider as she tilted her head towards him. The bright amber eyes were slightly annoyed, but also amused. She worked nights, so he'd probably just caught her coming home from her shift.

The sight of her body made his heart pound faster and a flash of heat rolled through him as he let his eyes linger down along the curve of her breasts. He did love Leila, he cared for her, but he had a weakness for the avians. There was something about a gryphon that just made his loins ache. Kylia had a boyfriend of her own, a handsome white and black drake who worked out of town far too often. They helped each other out when they had an itch and it was pure simple friendship. The hen didn't want to take anything further and neither did he. The most they did together was catch a movie or meet up for a lunch, but it was rare. It was so good to have a fuck buddy.

"Oh did I? Well, perhaps I came to tuck you in?" Darrah growled and padded forward with his eyes brightening. He could already feel his cock starting to stir and the tip of his shaft slipped out from his vent.

_I'm not gay. I knew it. _ The thought gave him relief enough to playfully move forward and catch her around the hips.

"Ack! Darrah!" Kylia churred as he moved his hands to stroke through those soft thick feathers. He caressed them through the silk of her teddy with a low purr.

"Mmm what? You going to say no?" He teased and dropped his head to nuzzle into the thick soft feathers and drew in the warm breath of her spicy scent.

Kylia laughed softly and her wings flicked along her back before she moved to run her talons lightly along the curve of his back. It drew a shiver out of him and he wriggled before moving his hands down to grip her upper thighs and pulled her up against him. His heart was pounding faster and he felt pure relief as the feel of the breasts pressed against his chest and the softness of the feathers tickled against the curve of his neck. Gods he loved the avian girls, especially the gryphons. He loved the smell, the feel of them, the soft churring noises they made. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in close as he carried her into the bedroom.

The little light by the table was on, and the bedclothes were ruffled as if he'd disturbed her from reading. That wasn't surprising, but he had something far more interesting in mind. He lowered his head and licked along her upper chest before dropping her onto the bed and flicked his wings open above her. He was going to be the dominant one, the one in charge, the one with all the power. He would chase away the hot memories of the drake. He lowered his hands as she wriggled against the soft silk and tugged against the soft smooth silk. It slipped and caressed over the soft curves while he went to his knees in front of her. He pulled the teddy all the way to her upper chest before he began to kiss down along the curve of her breasts and along the lower belly.

She trilled out softly and her paws went down to cup against his head as he licked in a hot smooth line along the curve of the belly. He traced patterns around her belly button and teased the soft white underfur. He moved his hands down to catch the pale blue silk panties and gave a little tug that edged them down along the curve of her rump. He rolled the material downwards as he began to kiss slowly downwards one slow movement at a time. He was normally a slow and gentle lover, but not today. Today, he just wanted to take her, fuck her, mount her and prove that he was still straight. That he wasn't gay. Kylia let out a short trilling sound as he dropped his lips lower and licked intimately above the soft pale pink folds.

"Rrrrrr... Eager today.." Kylia trilled and her fingers stroked along either side of his cheeks. She rolled upwards as he ran his tongue lower and rubbed right against the outer folds in a hot wet flicker.

"Yes... oh yes.." His cock was achingly hard against his belly, still pinned by his pants. It was almost painfully hard, and he didn't care.

He spread his maw and pushed his tongue upwards to roll right along the outer lips as he tugged the panties away from her legs and dropped them on the ground. With his hands free he was able to move one down to undo the top button of his jeans and loosen the material. He let out a sigh of relief against the soft cunny lips as his cock slipped free and stood up against the line of his belly. He cupped right around his tip and gave a slight squeeze before turning back to the soft lips. His tongue flicked out and started to drag along the outer lips before spreading them open. The tongue tip curled up from her opening all the way up to the swell of her clit. Her wet arousal coated his tongue tip before he swallowed the taste along the line of his tongue.

As he curled his tongue tip along his clit Kylia let out a short sharp noise and there was a spark of static electricity that shocked the tip of his tongue. He let out a puff and jerked his head back. "Sorry about that." He gave a lazy grin as the hen peered down at him and squirmed.

"Don't stop." Her voice started to tremble a little bit and he grinned up at her before dropping his muzzle again.

He stroked over her clit as it started to grow swollen and sensitive. He worked his tongue in slow circular movements just the way he knew she enjoyed it. Her hips rose up against his muzzle while he teased her and pushed the thickest part of his tongue down over the tip before working back and forth. He shifted so that he could wrap his hand around his hardened cock and slowly pumped it up and down as he closed his eyes and gave himself over to teasing the lovely gryphoness. His tongue left a slippery trail of saliva over her that mingled with rich sweet feminine arousal. The warm scent of it flooded his muzzle and he moaned out deep in his throat.

His hips rolled forward and drew back in a slow thrusting movement to push into his hand. He licked harder and slipped downwards to flutter right over her opening. He curled his tongue tip just enough to start pushing into her before slipping upwards again. Her furred legs pressed against either side of his hand and she held his head in place as he worked his lips higher and pressed right against the swollen nub of her clit. He caught it between his lips and suckled around the edges. Her tongue rolled upwards and fluttered in a light caress that made her hips buck up against him. It was so warm and swollen against his tongue. Sharp little shocks rolled along his tongue as he sucked down firmly around the nub and swirled in slow circles along the tip.

Darrah was so into the taste of her, the sound of her little moans and the feel of the hips rolling up against him he didn't truly pay attention to what was going on. He moved his fingers up and down along his ridged cock and squeezed right along his tip. He fluttered lightly and gathered up the wet slippery precum and spread it against his tip. He felt the clit swelling along his tongue and started to slip along his tongue. The flesh was thickening rapidly while he coiled his tongue around the stiff spire that was starting to form. The fingers that gripped his cheeks shifted upwards to wrap right around the base of the horns and pulled him forward. Something hot and salty dribbled down along his tongue and Darrah let out a whimpering cry before he struggled to try and pull back. The clit wasn't a clit, it was stiffening and growing into something else.

His eyes snapped open and he stared up at the intense face of the gryphon above him. The features flowed and started to thicken, the beak grew larger and the swell of the breasts began to flatten and form a broad chest. The clit that he had been teasing swelled and formed a hard spire complete with fleshy barbs that rose up. They scraped along his tongue and plucked against the roof his mouth as the flesh swelled larger and larger. The hard boned shaft made him gulp faster as another hot dribble of precum oozed out and coated along his throat. He was nearly choking on it when his head was pushed down and he was forced to engulf more.

The soft folds that he had been lavishing with gentle strokes started to form a sheath that hugged around the base. Beneath him thick heavy globes started to fill a pouch that cushioned beneath his chin and a hot scent of male musk filled his nose. He sucked in a short breath and panted it out again, he threw his head back and struggled against the hold on his horns. The fingers scraped right along the edge if his cheeks as he forced his head back. The cock tip fell free with a wet popping noise from his muzzle and splattered the bridge of his nose with syrupy precum. He trembled and stared up at the hen.. no drake. Definitely drake. The gryphon let out a low growl deep in his throat while his feathers puffed up along his head.

"Did I tell you that you could stop?" The drake rumbled and Darrah swallowed roughly, the hot taste of precum still lingered on his tongue.

"I.." He started and was stopped as one of the avian hands snagged out to grip his horn and forced his muzzle back towards the throbbing barbed cock. The base was thick and heavy with a knot that hadn't formed yet.

"I will tell you when you can stop, now go back to work." Kylia's voice was deeper, more commanding. It made a shiver run down his spine and the drake took advantage of that.

His muzzle was forced back down so that he was rubbing and stroking his muzzle against the thickened cock. The syrupy precum drooled in thick sticky strands along his scales and he swallowed roughly. It made his breath come in short hard pants and he shifted his head to rub along the side of the cock. He rubbed until he was stroking right along the rise of the barbs. The scent of male musk filled his muzzle while he panted in short shallow puffs of air. His cock throbbed along his belly as his body flushed with a rush of desire that had everything to do with the hot scent of male. His body vividly remembered Leila, remembered and made him grind his hips forward and pulled back. His hand cupped against his tip while he whimpered.

"Cock hungry little slut.." The drake growled in amusement and Darrah let out a soft shuddering breath before nodding his head.

He was a cock hungry little slut. The scent of it, taste of it, it rolled through him until he couldn't think of anything else. He spread his lips and wrapped his lips right around the barbed tip and suckled hotly around it. He was humiliated, he couldn't believe he was doing it, but he couldn't turn away from it. He used the tip of his tongue scoop up a thick dribble of precum. He swallowed it down and the taste lingered on his tongue before he tilted his head down to press in inch into his muzzle. The drake growled in pleasure above him and he pushed his lips downwards inch by slow inch. His tongue twisted itself around the hard cock and he felt it pulse while he pushed down to the half way point with a soft whimper.

The gryphon's hips jerked upwards and suddenly bucked hard enough that the spire drove itself into his maw until his jaws strained open almost too wide. The tip plunged itself right into his throat before the hips dropped down and the barbs scraped along his throat. He swallowed and contracted around the muzzle, his throat squeezed tightly while his hand started to pump lightly up and down his cock. He pulled along the base and pulled upwards before pushing downwards again. He couldn't seem to stop his hand from moving, he couldn't stop himself from grinding his hips forward in slow smooth movements. His breath came out in short hot puffs of air that hit down around the belly fur. One of his fingers moved upwards and teased against the hip of his cock and it throbbed harder.

He'd always enjoyed going down on girls, but he'd never enjoyed it to this point. He licked and swallowed, he rubbed and milked around the cock to coax out the precum. The drake's hips bucked upwards and pushed right against his muzzle time and time again. The rolling shoves were short and hard enough that the balls clapped up against his chin. He couldn't even pull back because the grip on his horns kept his muzzle shoved down hard against Kylia's loins. He flicked his tongue out and rubbed against the barbs before pulling his head back just to try and suckle around the tip. The taste of it made his heart start to pound faster against his chest and he moaned out needily.

The hot scent of the male filled his muzzle and pushed his lips downwards so that he was pressing his lips down against the sheath. His tongue twisted itself around the thickness of the knot as he gave himself over to the dominant drake. The feel of the hands gripping against his horns and the thrusting bucks of the hips made him feel helpless. It put him in a submissive position that only added to his need and desire. His breath came out in short hard pants as his hips started to grind harder into his own hand. Some little part of him was screaming for him to stop working along his own cock, but he couldn't stop it. He spread his lips as the hips pushed down again he pushed the knot into his mouth and pulled it out with a wet popping noise.

His own saliva and the gryphon's precum drooled along the red dark spire and the wetness smeared along his lips and the cock. The barbs plucked and pulled along the roof his mouth as he started to work his cock harder and faster. The moans that spilled out from his lips vibrated along the shaft as the hips started to push up harder. Kylia sat up and leaned over his head and shoulder as he started to buck his hips roughly forward. The knot at the base started to spread open wider and wider, straining his lips when it popped in and out. When he pushed downwards the knot pushed against his lips, swelling to the point that it couldn't fit back into the muzzle. A low growl burst out from the gryphon above him and he didn't care. He didn't care that the knot was hammering against his lips with almost bruising force.

His tongue coiled around the tip as the barbs started to spread open wider and wider. He swallowed as a thicker dribble of precum splashed into the back of his throat. Darrah shuddered slightly and arched his back as the pressure grew to a breaking point. The dragon didn't try to stop himself, he started to pump faster and harder along the tip of his cock. It swelled open wider and wider, the ridges thickened as his stomach tensed up and he let out a short muffled cry. The cock tip stabbed deep into his muzzle and the knot pushed against his snout so a smear of precum and saliva glazed over his scales. The grip on his horn's didn't let him pull back, didn't give him the option too. The feeling of helplessness pushed him over the edge.

His cock pulsed against his belly and a thick hot splash of cum erupted from it and hit right against his shirt and fingers. The thick ropes drooled out and spilled over the back of his fingers and glazed his scales as he continued to pump hard and fast. He lost himself in that moment of pure arousal and need that made his hips give short jerking thrusts upwards. He savored it and milked himself for each syrupy drop. He concentrated on it, only it, he didn't even pay attention when the hands that gripped his horns suddenly jerked backwards. Darrah's muzzle was pulled away and the tip came free so that his jaws spread open and tongue lolled out from his jaws. His breathing was harsh and rough while his hips jerked and rolled upwards through his orgasm.

The gryphon above him let out a short screeching cry of pleasure and the cock that hovered just in front of his muzzle twitched slightly. He couldn't move away, not with the grip on his horns. He could only hold still as a sudden hot splash of cum spilled out of the tip and flung itself against his scales and over his lips. Thick hot musky ropes hit him and spilled along either side of his muzzle and rolled downwards. He wanted to be disgusted, but the cloud of lust and the position didn't let him be disgusted. He felt only a hot rush of desire to taste that cum. He flicked his tongue out and licked hotly against the tip as the cum glazed his maw and oozed down along his throat. The salty thick taste was addictive and he whimpered and strained for more, even as the gryphon forced him to hold back as his face was painted.

"Little cum slut..." Kylia rumbled above him, a satisfied and amused voice that made his cheeks burn hotly, but he didn't stop straining for that throbbing cock. All of his shame was washed away with his desire for more.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The road swept by Darrah as he gunned the engine on his bike and went tearing up along the road and tried to forget what he'd done. He tried to stop himself from thinking of the hot taste of cum or the fact he could still smell the male gryphon on his muzzle. He panted shallowly and tried to ignore the way his body shivered as he recalled the intense desires he'd felt. It was hard, too hard. His body was still reminding him that he had been begging, whimpering, licking, fingering himself to try and get Kylia to fuck him. It was humiliating. God it was so humiliating. He'd never been like that, ever. The gryphon had called him a little slut and made him finger himself until he'd nearly came. Then he'd been fucked roughly while he moaned for more. His cheeks burned harder and he squirmed on the seat of his bike. He could swear he could still feel the cum leaking from his tailhole despite the fact he'd managed to grab a shower.

This isn't right. This can't be happening. It isn't possible. He thought desperately to himself.

He had to strive to keep his attention on the rode as he turned the bike off on a lonely road that was framed by an open gate. There was only one reason for this happen. One reason that the females he was trying to sleep with were changing. His memories from last night were fogged over, but something had happened. Something had made him fear raw terror while he went tearing down the streets like the hounds of hell were at his heels. Something had to have happened. Something had to have been done to him. This wasn't him, it couldn't be him. He turned sharply along the road and rolled up to the massive house that he had fled last night. He had to shove away the terror in his stomach at the sight of it and slowed his motorcycle down.

He came to a stop in front of the broad double doors and started to shake. He didn't want to go back in there. He didn't want to get off his bike. The drake stared down at his paws and swallowed before he moved his hands up to pull off his helmet. What had happened in there? What had been done to him that could possibly change the females he was sleeping with into males?

"Ahhh you've returned. I didn't think you would after your rudeness last night." A woman's voice made him jerk up his head and found a frail looking badger staring at him with a smile on her grey muzzled face. "It's not often that they return."

"What did you do to me?" Darrah's voice cracked slightly as he pushed himself off his bike and nearly dropped to his knees. His legs were shaking.

"Come inside, boy. You look as if you could use a drink and it's cold here. All Saint's Day is always so frigid." The badger made a show of shivering and grabbed a cane before stepping away from the door.

"What did you do?" The drake repeated and swallowed roughly.

"Inside, boy." The elderly badger gestured again before limping through the open door. Darrah had to follow, there was no other choice.

He was led into a foyer and glanced around at the large roman looking statues that stood at either side and seemed to glare at him. A small table was set up and was covered in an orange and black table cloth, obviously set there for Halloween night. A pair of cups rested there in front of two chairs that had been pulled back. The ornate teapot showed a glimpse of steam rising up from the opening and twined in the air. He caught the warm scent of baking and flicked his tail roughly as he spotted a tray of cookies set out as well. It looked like the set up of a grandmother, warm and inviting.

"Sit down.." The badger limped and settled down in one chair, her wrinkled features relaxed and a smile curled her muzzle. "You may call me Edith."

"What did you do to me?!" He tried again and gripped the back of the chair before dragging himself into the seat.

"Ahhh... right to the point." She picked up a mug and sipped daintily. "Do you feel it was wrong? Do you feel that you have been abused?"

"I.. You don't know what I've gone through!" His voice cracked a little bit and he ignored the cup set in front of his chair. "Please, make it go away."

"Go away? I'm afraid it's not as easy as all that, my dear boy. You came into my home intending to harm me, to steal what is mine and I know your mind and heart. That wasn't the first time you'd broken into a home and terrorized an old woman." Edith gave her black striped head a shake as she watched him. "Your punishment is a fitting one."

"I wouldn't have hurt you! Nothing would have happened! I'd have let you go, nothing else!" Darrah tried to keep his voice even, but it cracked slightly. "Just make this go away. I didn't mean anything, I just needed to get by."

"You would have terrorized me. You would have stolen from me. You would have tied me up and made me afraid. You would have taken my choices away, invaded my home and taken away my security." The badger set her glass down with a clink. "So I, and my coven, gave you that back. Three fold. Your choices are gone now, your security is gone, your home has been invaded by something you can't control. I assume you've found out how it's been invaded."

"They turn into males." He growled the words out and flattened his wings down against his back. "This isn't fair! I can't even stop myself! I'm not gay! I'm not submissive! And you've turned me into both!"

"As I could have stopped you." Edith tilted her head. "But all things can change and even this can be removed."

"How, tell me how. Do you want me to pay you? I have money, I'll get money!"

"I don't want your tainted money, boy." The badger gave him a disgusted look. "To return to what you used to be, you only have to do one thing. And that is to do voluntarily what the magic forces you to do. Take control of yourself and my curse will fade away like the breeze."

"What? How?" He shifted a little and felt his cheeks heating up. "I wasn't raping the women I was with, it was consensual already."

"Oh no, that isn't what I mean. If you wish to be yourself, then you need to find a male and put yourself at his mercy. You must allow yourself to give into what you've already felt. Only then will the curse lift." The elderly badger gave a slow smile. "And not as the dominant role, you must be submissive, contrite and only then will the curse lift."

Darrah stared at her with growing horror. He heard what she was saying, but it still didn't make sense. To get rid of this curse, to allow him to have sex with a female again he'd have to find a male and actually solicite him for sex. Not only that, but be the bottom? He squirmed and shivered at the idea. This far away from Kylia and Leila he could ignore what he had felt, he could think back with disgust at how he had behaved like a little cum slut. The thought of going to a stranger and being forced in that position made him want to squirm and whimper with embarrassment. He couldn't do it. He couldn't pretend to be gay!

What if it's not pretense.. The thought flickered through his mind and he couldn't block it out. It was already there and all he could do was try and ignore it.

"Fine, if that's what I must do.." He swallowed and stood up, nearly knocking over the chair. Edith picked up her mug to sip again as she watched him with bright eyes.

"That is what you must do. I'm sure you won't have any problems finding someone. And recall this.." The badger's eyes hardened a bit. "You do not like your choices being taken away or being violated. Remember that if you ever do what you attempted last night, to anyone, it will come back on you again threefold. And it will not be reversed."

Darrah swallowed roughly and gave a little bow, the best he could do when what he wanted to do was smack her for what she'd done. He couldn't do it, not when she'd already destroyed his sex life. He didn't know what would happen if he did that. She might turn Kylia and Leila male permanently so that he was always beneath them, always feeling the urge to be submissive and eager to please them. He turned around while his mind was already full of ideas on what he was going to do.

As the drake passed through the front doors and grabbed his helmet, he let out a soft noise deep in his throat. It was almost a whimper as he tried to think of how he was going to deal with this. He shoved the helmet on over his head and swung a leg over the saddle of his bike before kicking it on. Could he really go and find a male that would bend him over, fuck him, use him as his own personal toy. His stomach turned slightly while he revved his engine and took one last look up at the house that had caused all of his problems. Damn it all. He had no choice. If he ever wanted to have sex again, he would have to do what he had to do. With a whimper he turned his bike and tore off down the road and prayed he'd survive going to a gay bar. Hands down, this was the worst Halloween he'd ever had.

One Night Stand

"I've never really just gone home with someone." Katja gave a slightly nervous smile to the handsome man who held the door open. He grinned and showed a flash of white teeth before pulling the mask away that had been pushed above his head. Tau was...

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Seeking Justice: Chapter 5

Erin huddled in the room as far away from the male lion as she could get. Not that it would help matters. Not when she could feel the thick hot seed that had been poured into her body and it was oozing out of her passage and drooling along her inner...

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The mountains were filled with fall colored trees and flares of yellow, orange and brilliant reds that caught the eye. They were massive and surrounded the small clutch of towns that nestled in the foot hills so that they seemed to hold out the larger...

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