More than He Bargained for Pt. 4

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#4 of More Than He Bargained For

"Anger boiled up in the horse but with the anger came a memory, and before he could stop it he was back in that squalid shack. The scent of lion, sweat, and cum thick in his nostrils. The tap between his legs started flowing and soon his cockhead was dripping pre on to the snow packed ground. He couldn't stop his paw now as he remembered the lion's tight hole and how good it had felt."

Fourth part of our tale set in the Skyrim/Morrowind universe.

Our hero struggles to work with his new partner as they travel towards civilization. But the magic forced on the pair is beginning to affect them both as Duncan's body slowly begins to change and his own desires grow harder to ignore.

For the full story feel free to read the first three parts of Duncan's journey.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

All characters are mine. Do not use without permission.

All comments and criticisms welcome.

If you like it please say so and vote up!

MTHBF pt 4

The world seemed a bit fuzzy as the low torch light flickered softly. Duncan shifted slightly as his big muscled frame seemed to melt into the pillowy softness of the mattress beneath his back. It all felt sinfully delicious but the horse wasn't sleepy. Braided cords bound each of his limbs to thick wooden posts at each corner of the bed, but even his large frame barely took up half the mattress.

His dusty brown hide looked almost dirty against the crisp white sheets with his legs splayed lewdly wide. The horse's muscles bunched and flexed as he tugged to no avail. A brief flash of panic stowed over him as he thrashed again. It was her. Somehow she had him again. He would not be her pet. He would die first.

The thought quickly faded as if some hand swept it from his mind. Somehow he knew it wasn't her. This was something else. Something he wanted. Something he needed. The torches flickered again as his cock stirred. A pang of hot lust shot through him as heat seemed to fill his body. Soon all fifteen inches of him were steely and hard as pre pooled at his tip and dibbled slowly down his shaft. Webbed with thick throbbing veins his maleness pulsed in time with his heart beat, and ached hard enough to make him nearly scream.

The horse remembered now. Remembered how he had kept it bottled up inside till it had grown into something monstrous. The object of his desire so close. So willing. Yet he had spurned it. Denied it. Yelled and cursed its name as the pain in his body grew and grew. A part of him knew that all he need do to make it stop was surrender so why didn't he?

The torches flickered again as a faint sent reached his nose. Spicy and oh so male it made his body tighten as the burning in his cock grew again, and it spat a long steam of pre past his hooves. Two glowing eyes materialized out of the gloom beyond the bed and Duncan could feel their gaze on his body. It was like a firm paw stoking over all of his most sensitive parts. He felt it linger on his cock as it gave another jerk and sent a long streamer skyward. The eyes moved closer as the stallion looked down his body and the lion seemed to appear. His body was hard and muscled but without the size and bulk of the horse. He possessed a more svelte strength that was made obvious every time he moved. His coat had an otherworldly shimmer as if oiled, and his tail was too long and thick by far. His thick mane was a corona of fire that burned about his shoulders and matched his eyes. Eyes like red coals which burned with a hunger that was mirrored in the horse's own.

At the moment he was not the calm cool seducer Duncan somehow knew he could be, but rather something more and less attractive. Naked hunger was painted in every line of his body and Duncan could almost smell it on him as he drew closer. By the nine the horse wanted to be inside him. He wanted the lion to dance atop his prick till he screamed and painted the cat white. Then he wanted to do it again and again and again till neither one of them could move.

"Gods alive horse," said the incubus, need plain in his voice. "That's the best idea you've ever had." The lion glided up onto the bed as his mouth moved toward Duncan's bobbing cock. But just inches away he stopped. He let out a long slow breath that tickled over the tip, as Duncan tried to rip his restraints free of the bed posts. He thrashed about violently, big muscles knotting under the skin but the incubi lion drew no closer.

"Jin!" whimpered the horse, as the lion looked up their eyes meeting. "Jin PLEASE!" begged the horse his body leaving no doubt about what he wanted.

"Why?" asked Jin his tone bitter. His face a mask of anger. "You ask this of me now but not in the daylight. Then you lock it away. You do not let me touch you. Even as my hunger mounts and I grow weak. Even as you begin to feel the pain of hunger yourself, you deny it and you deny me. Why should I help you now?"

"Please Jin, I'm sorry, but feed off me please. I NEED it don't you understand?!" yelled Duncan as he again tore at his bindings.

" I understand horse but cannot because no matter how much we would like them to be, dreams are not real, even for incubi, and you will not remember this when you wake."

Duncan woke up cold. It had been the same for almost three weeks now and it wore on him. The cold was his only companion as his sleep muddled eyes found Jin's form a few feet from his just across the fire. Hands hugging knees the incubus stared back at him with a hungry angry look that had become common now as Duncan slowly stood. His kilt provided little warmth as he wrapped the thin blanket he slept in tighter around him and shuffled out of the pine thicket.

His big hooves made crunching noises as they broke the thin layer of snow that had frozen the night before. It was week old snow and looked more gray that white, dotted with various small animal tracks and their own paw prints. When he got far enough away from the campsite he lifted the kilt and his erection sprang free. Even in the cold he was as hard as a diamond, and it was like this every morning.

He went to bed horny and woke up the same way with strange garbled dreams he didn't remember, but every morning he awoke hornier than the day before. His balls felt swollen and full and his dick, it was so damn sensitive now. Duncan stroked it as the tip bobbed and flared slightly. The horse wanted to paw off so badly but he really had to pee and none of this was helping. As he looked at it, he realized for the first time how it would inevitably restrict his choice somewhat in female companionship from here on out. 'Or' whispered a small voice in his head, 'you could be a bit more open about your partners'.

Anger boiled up in the horse but with the anger came a memory, and before he could stop it he was back in that squalid shack. The scent of lion, sweat, and cum was thick in his nostrils. The tap between his legs started flowing and soon his cockhead was dripping pre on to the snow packed ground. He couldn't stop his paw now as he remembered the lion's tight hole and how good it had felt.

"Nnnggghhh," groaned the horse as cock bucked spitting a long streamer of preseed. His paw began to speed up racing up and down his length. The stud's balls felt too sizes to small as the pressure in his groin grew and Duncan knew he needed it badly. His free paw grabbed a fist full of tail as his other paw stroked and he jerked his tail hard. That jolt did it as he went careening over the edge, and a fountain of sticky horse lust burst free from his cock.

It didn't stop till Duncan had melted a large patch of snow in front of his hooves. The horse held himself up with one paw against a tree as he caught his breath. He felt better and his balls felt pounds lighter but the anger quickly came back as well as a niggling little ache in his stomach. He was mad he had to jerk off in the woods like a colt. Mad that he was here freezing his ass off in the middle of nowhere with only a demon to keep him company. But mostly he was mad that every time every time he had to jack off, which was quite a lot, he couldn't think about anything but fucking about his 'soulmate'.

'Just think about how good it would feel if you did more than just imagined it' said the small little voice again as Duncan snorted and tried to piss again. This time he was successful as he moaned his thanks. He shook himself as he gathered his castoff blanket and started back.

"Fucking cock loving demon," mumbled Duncan as he plodded though the woods. "Need to find him a dick of two so he will stop bitching and some trim for myself so I can forget about all this."

Jin was shoveling snow onto the fire as Duncan stepped back into came. He looked somewhat happier that he had when the horse had left but his moods seemed to change more often than the wind.

"Feel better now horse?" asked the lion with a smirk.

"Mind your own self," grunted Duncan as began to gather what little they had. They had managed to scavenge a few things from the trappers shack and Duncan was wearing most of them. They found the rather moldy blanket Duncan wore as a cloak during the day and wrapped around himself at night. They also found a kilt meant for someone of normal size that barely fit the horse. He wore it anyway thought because while it was tight it kept his balls from completely freezing off. For the incubus' own clothing needs he simply snapped his fingers as a tailored pair of breaches as well as a jerkin appeared on his body. Cold apparently didn't affect incubi quite like mortals and he seemed to have no problem padding around in spell clothes all the time. It did however make Duncan a bit nervous when he realized that the incubus was actually naked all the time.

Continued searching of the shack had produced a long hunting knife, a bag of dried fruit, and a bag of grain. Both Duncan and Jin had foraged as they traveled but at this altitude there was little to choose from. Duncan doubted that the food would last another day and was for once thankful that Jin didn't need to eat.

"Remind me again why you don't just magic us up some wings again to we can leave this accursed wilderness?" grumbled the horse to Jin's back as they started to walk.

"One, I can't fly us though the mountains," said the lion not even breaking stride. "The air is turbulent and your body flies like a brick. It was a miracle I was able to land without breaking every bone in your body. Secondly I no longer have the energy to work such magic even if I wanted to." That stopped the horse in his tracks as his anger began to simmer.

"You TOLD me that morning that you had fed enough. That you would be fine till we reached a town and you could find others to, to feed off of." Jin stopped as his hackles rose and suddenly in a blur of motion he was inches from Duncan's face.

"I was wrong horse," said the lion nearly spitting in his face. "It is not an exact science but it should have been enough however fault lies with you. Your body hungers like my own but since you will not let me feed it slowly saps what energy I have left to feed itself!"

The outburst surprised Duncan but he quickly rallied. "I am doing no such thing," roared Duncan as he stood is full height and glared at the Incubus. "This is just some ruse so you can bespell me again and have me in your bed again you pervert."

"An incubus cannot create desire horse, only bring out what is there, and you reek of it," hissed the lion in a low voice. "Tell me what was it that you dreamed about last night?" The question stopped Duncan's response as he tried to remember his dream the night before. The lion's closeness brought a hint of his spicy sent to Duncan's noise and just a brief flash of the dream returned. Duncan roared as the anger that was always so close to the surface boiled over and his fist launched itself at Jin's face.

His paw only managed to clip the lions ear as Jin used his startling speed to move forward tucking his body against Duncan's as one hand shot down and the other toward the horse's neck. Duncan froze as Jin's paw grabbed the base of his balls in a vice like grip and the other gripped just under his chin holding pressure on his windpipe, clawtips digging in to each.

"There now. Perhaps this will put you in more of a listening mood," said Jin softly as Duncan's pulse sped under his fingertips. "Maybe because you are blind and stupid you have not noticed but you are changing horse. The scars on your chest and hands have been fading and you have been growing. You are heavier now than a week ago when you should be dropping weight with what little you have to eat." Duncan tried to move a bit as he gave a strangled grunt but Jin's grip tightened. "You're faster now too. Still very slow but a week ago you couldn't have laid a finger on me, so do not lie to yourself about what you are becoming."

Jin's paw released Duncan's sack and before the horse could react his knee came up and slammed into the horse's groin. He stepped back as Duncan fell to his knees with a groan, paws cradling his crotch. It was all Duncan could do not to vomit as he tried to stifle his moans while Jin looked down at him with a hard expression.

"You forget what it is you fight horse, and that may kill you someday," said the incubus as he sat down on a nearby stump content to wait until Duncan could walk again.

After their spat the two did not talk again for the rest of the day. By nightfall the pair had moved below the snowline as the temperature slowly crept up. Foliage was more plentiful here and the travelers stumbled onto the remains of a small burned out house. They made camp there and when Duncan went to forage he found the remnants of the kitchen garden. It had grown wild and weed choked but the patch still contained several potatoes and a bunch of carrots. Duncan feasted that night, and was for once stated as both furs lounged by the fire pit built in the middle of where the main room had once been.

"You said I was changing. What did you mean?" asked Duncan in a low voice as he lay on his back looking up into the night sky. Jin's head came up as his paws moved from his knees. He had a strange expression on his face and for a minute Duncan thought he would not answer.

"Look at your paws horse," said the lion as Duncan raised a paw in front of his face. "What do you see?" As Duncan looked he noted nothing out of place until he examined his thumb and forefinger. Years of sword practice had formed thick calluses in the vee of his paw and where his fingers met his palm, yet as he looked he found that they were nearly gone. Many of the battle scars across his on his paws and forearms seemed to be fading as well, and for the first time Duncan noted that ache in his left knee that came and went with the cold had been absent for days. One paw even dipped low as his fingers ran lightly under his right knee to find that the ball of scar tissue from an old arrow wound was nearly gone.

"What... what does this mean," said Duncan his voice shaky and he turned to Jin. The incubus' eyes burned a bit as he stared back through the flickering flames of their campfire before he finally spoke. "We incubi are... born, for lack of a better term like you see me now, fully grown, but 'growth' is a foreign concept to us. We age but our bodies do not wear out like you mortals do. Our forms are also not cast at birth like you, and to an extent we decide what we look like as we age."

"Decide?" said Duncan with a snort. "so you are a shape shifter? You can chose to look like anyone?"

"Yes and no. I can't not instantly change my appearance but with magic I can sometimes make others see what I wish them to see." Duncan's face hardened as he stared more intently at the lion across the fire from him.

"Are you doing it now?" said Duncan as just a bit of unease wormed its way into his voice. Jin broke in a rich masculine chuckle as he sat cross legged. His paw's slipped into his firey mane as his long tail gave a lazy flick, but his gay mood did nothing to reassure the nervous horse.

"I was wondering when you would ask this question, but how should I answer it Duncan? Part of you worries that I can make you see what I want and therefore do what I want. The other part of you desperately hopes that this form of mine is some kind of glamour to explain away the lust in your eyes every time you look at me." Jin chuckled again as Duncan's eyes dipped before returning full of simmering anger.

"Well?!" spat Duncan.

"Rest assured horse, you see me as I am. I would not waste what energy I have left trying to lead you on. Everything you feel is down to you." The words rang in Duncan's ears as he stormed out of the burnt out farmhouse. He began to put one hoof in front of the other, too mad at himself to do anything else as he stomped though the soft night air. There was a sudden tug low in his gut as the horse found he could go no further. He had reached the end of his tether he shared with the demon and the thought set him off. Duncan's rage billowed forth in a roar that could be heard for leagues. A rotten tree caught his attention as his fist flew forth as he saw only Jin's laughing face. What was left of the tree trunk exploded showering the enraged horse with wet pieces of wood and sawdust.

The pain in his paw and ache in his arm brought him most of the way back as Duncan stood with only the sound of his breathing. Soon it slowed as he slowly began to pick the splinters out of his paw. He had been weak once and allowed the lion to have him but no more. He would survive this like he had done so many other times. No matter what was happening to his body he would be rid of the incubus and everything would be normal again. He repeated this mantra all the way back to camp, and as he bent to clear the rotting door frame he saw that Jin was already curled in his usual position and did not look up. Duncan laid himself down keeping the fire between them as he turned facing outward. He curled one arm under his head and was quickly asleep. He did not dream that night.

The next day they pair ran into a road and began following it. The leagues went by much quicker on the cobblestone path as the two made excellent time till they came to a split in the road. Carved into a stone marker were two words with corresponding arrows. The first said Windhelm with an arrow pointing to the left while the other Rifton and pointed down the right path.

"Windhelm would not be a good idea right now," said Duncan as he looked down the path. "I believe it's closer but I have no doubt the Jarl kept his word and put a bounty on head."

"That's good," said Jin, "because we are headed to Rifton. I have a friend there who can help us plan out our next move because make no mistake, Asada is still looking for us." Duncan merely snorted as the cat started down the path to Rifton and he followed.

They set a very good pace, mostly because each fur was carrying nothing to slow them down, but the miles still wore on the two as the road and their steady pace lulled them into a bit of trance. The sun was brushing the tops of the trees but still they pushed on. Both wanted the trip to be over and each fur had their own needs to tend to. The road dipped down a bit as it narrowed passing between two rock outcroppings. Duncan was too busy thinking about his stomach and his cock, as Jin's thoughts trended along similar paths. Neither noticed until it was too late as a huge figure stepped into the middle of the road blocking their path.

"Good evening gentlemen! Where might you be headed this fine evening," said the ox, as he propped one paw one the pommel of a fearsome battle ax like it was a cane. Jin froze facing the beast as Duncan looked up and noticed two furs on either side of the road above him. One was a male fox with a bow drawn tight and an arrow aimed right at his chest. The other side had a gray skinned argonian armed with two wicked looking knives. Duncan's paw went for his own knife but the fox stopped him.

"Ah ah ah hooves. Keep your paws where I can see em"

"There's something wrong with these two," hissed the she lizard. "Neither of em' is carrying anything!" The ox gave a great sigh as his paw moved the ax to his shoulder.

"Slim pickings these days, but I am curious how such a pair came to be so far out here carrying so little..." Duncan's brain was moving a mile a minute as he tried to think of a way out. The brigands would have no qualms about butchering them if they had nothing and probably kill them either way. He was most worried about the fox. His hands were steady and all three furs looked fresh. He doubted that the vulpine would so much as let him twitch before loosening his arrow.

"Please sir I'm just a merchant making my way to Rifton. This is my bodyguard and we mean you no harm," piped up Jin as Duncan kept his eyes on the pair above them.

"Where are your goods then cat? Strange for a merchant to be traveling with nothing to sell," said the Ox in a low tone as he moved towards the pair.

"We were robbed earlier this morning and lucky to escape with our lives," said Jin in a most pitiful voice as Duncan turned to the cat. The horse almost jumped when he saw the succubus. Seconds ago he had been regular old Jin but now he looked different. His glowing eyes were replaced by sky blue ones and his tail was normal. His clothes were a bit more opulent and his body slightly slimmer but his good looks had not deserted him. As the stud started harder the new image of Jin began to fade till it was almost like a thin veneer over Jin's normal body, and Duncan quickly realized that it must be what the others were seeing. He looked younger and more innocent somehow as Duncan quietly pondered what the incubus what trying to do.

The ox moved the ax to his shoulder in an easy motion as he moved towards the pair and both Jin and Duncan saw just how truly large he was. The ox was a few inches taller that the already large Duncan and even wider. Thick cords of muscle covered his huge frame, but he moved with an easy warrior's grace that both Jin and Duncan immediately recognized. Like the horse, the ox wore only a kilt with a single silver necklace adoring his reddish brown hide. Jin cringed most convincingly as the bull snorted and gave a laugh that was echoed by his cohorts.

"Please don't hurt me," whimpered Jin. "My father is a wealthy trader and will pay good gold for my safe return!"

"You don't say," said the bull as he scratched his chin. "Maybe he should have invested in better bodyguards." His eyes flicked to Duncan as the horse shared back. They narrowed slightly and his ax was suddenly in his paws as he squared his stance. The horse heard the bow string creak as the fox drew it back to its full weight.

"Well well, gentlemen we are honored to have a celebrity in our midst, the famous Duncan Fiercestride," said the ox with a grin. "I was quite surprised to hear that you had run afoul of the Jarl but wouldn't it be my luck to catch you on my road." said the ox as he stared Duncan down.

"A bit of a strange thing for a highwayman to turn in bounties to the Jarl," said the horse with a frown. "A particular kind of irony, but I'm sure Jarl would love to have another neck for the gallows."

"Oh we have a bit of an understanding. We don't operate on his lands and the right people make it through the road unharmed. The others, well not so lucky. But perhaps he will let me watch as he severs your head from your body."

"You speak as if we know each other," said Duncan as the bull seemed to frown a bit harder.

"We do know each other horse. We fought in a tournament several years ago where you managed to give me this." His paw pointed to a long thin scar near the crown of his head just between his horns as Duncan silently racked his brain. Soon the sweaty bloody details came back to him. It had been a bare knuckle match quite a few years ago back when his courage and balls had ridden rough shod over his better sense. His first three opponents had been pushovers, and only one bout stood between him and the purse.

The minute he saw the bull enter the square knew this fight would not be so easy. It was more brawl that fight, and the bull had been both strong and fast. Duncan was getting no closer to victory late in the fight as the bovine slowly wore him down when the bull finally became impatient. Suddenly he tried to end it, going low with horns out trying to gore the horse. Duncan tried to dodge but one horn tip caught on his thigh and tore a deep bloody furrow from nearly knee to waist. Duncan had hopped onto his good leg as the bull spun trying to right himself and get his paws up before the horse caught him with a low kick. Duncan had been in no position to kick anything with only one good leg when he did something that never should have worked. With a grunt he used the last of his energy to jump up, launching off his back leg. Duncan tucked his body and bad leg as he performed a rather ugly somersault. His nose clipped the ground, but the hoof of his outstretched leg moved in a blurred arch that smashed down on the crown of the bull's head like a war hammer between his upraised paws.

Duncan landed flat on his back as his breath left him in a great gasp and he could barely move. The bull fell face first into the dirt, out cold, as the arena exploded and the cheering crowd carried the horse away on its shoulders.

"I remember," said Duncan.

"As do I Duncan Fiercestride. Were it not for the sizeable bounty on your head we would finish that fight we started, and Gian Axhand would be your executioner this day."

"I seem to remember our fight ended with you kissing the ground," said Duncan even as he knew he shouldn't have. Gian's handle loaded paw slammed into Duncan's nose with a crack as the horse went limp landing in the road. Jin's paw's shot to his own muzzle and something like fear flicked through his own eyes. Gian turned as his thumb ran over the edge of his jaw.

"Wouldn't have thought you would have gone down that quick," said the bull as he scratched at his chin. "I was sure I hit you harder last time. Perhaps the years haven't been kind." Gian spat on the horse before turning to his cohorts. "Tie them both up. We ransom the cat and give the horse to the Jarl. I am curious what he did for the lord to put such a price on his head." Both his lackeys jumped down onto the road and Jin and Duncan were quickly and tightly trussed. The fox tied a lead collar around Duncan's neck as the horse struggled to stand. The bull shoved the lion forward as he gripped Duncan's leash and the party started back up the road back towards Windhelm.

The highwaymen had camp a short distance away atop a hill that over looked a section of the road. It looked semi-permanent with two tents and a large fire pit as well as a few other things. The argonian and the fox tied Duncan between two stationary posts so he was forced to stand spread eagle while Gian kept Jin rather close. The ox forced the cat to sit down on a log near the fire, and the lion quickly began stroking the coals back to life. Soon it was burning as the fox and argonian skewered a few pheasants and set them roasting by the fire

"Well look at that," said the fox laughing as he plopped down opposite Gian and Jin. "From trader to servant all in one day. Here, you need more wood I think." He chucked a spar of wood at the lion, who let it strike him in the face. Duncan jerked in his bindings as he felt the slight sting but more than that his rage was suddenly back. Blood coated his front as it leaked from his nose and mouth. His face was in agony, his nose broken, and he had swallowed several teeth but all he could think about was what he was going to do to that fox he didn't stop hurting his lion.

The thought stopped the breath in his throat as Jin's head snapped round and they shared a look. That only made the horse even madder as he turned his head and tried to quash any such thought. He snorted trying to clear his nose showering the ground with blood as he tested his bonds.

<Stop struggling horse, you'll only make it worse> whispered Jin's voice softly in Duncan's head as the horse jerked up right.

"Oy! Horse! I tied those knots and you won't be getting out any time soon so just relax unless you want another beating!" shouted the fox. Duncan twisted and spat at the vulpine as the rope dug into his flesh and he heard Jin's voice again. <Stop trying to get your ass beat and let me work you stupid horse! I need you alive!> Duncan almost yelled aloud at the lion who was sitting head down paws tied by the fire but settled for a scathing look. <So your plan is to fuck them all or something?!> thought Duncan as he tried to force his thoughts into the lion's head like one would thrust a spear.

Jin's whole body twitched and the incubus literally fell off the log he was sitting on as the trio of bandits burst into laughter.

"Hiisssssss, that one can't even manage to sit right! How did this one think he could be a trader," roared the argonian as Jin picked himself up.

"Twelve of you could not protect this one from himself horse," roared Gian as he slapped his sides, and Jin picked himself up. "I think his talents lie elsewhere"

<NOT SO FUCKING LOUD> roared Jin as Duncan's head literally vibrated. Only the ropes kept him up right as he struggled to see straight. Jin rubbed his head as the fox finally recovered and brought paw to chin.

"You're right Gian. I know of a brothel that keeps pretty boys like him. Perhaps if his father's price isn't right our cat here can learn to work on his back," said the fox with a leer. Gian grunted as he eyed the lion with a look Jin new all too well.

"Cat. What is your name?" asked the bull.

"J-James," shuddered Jin most convincingly.

"Well James how much did you pay for the horse's services?" There was a defining silence in the camp as Jin's face went blank.

"His services?" asked Jin in a small voice.

"Yes cat, his services. What did you pay him for the pleasure of his company?" The lion was frozen again as Gian's face hardened.

<MY CONTRACT! HE MEANS MY CONTRACT> screamed Duncan silently to Jin as he was suddenly animated again.

"200 gold paid on completion of the trade route," said Jin in a flat voice.

"Where did he hire on?"

"Dawnpointe," said Jin.

"I find that hard to believe," said the bull as all the color drained out of Jin's face. "Dawnpointe to Rifton is a very long way. No one would ever hire on for that. It would take close to three times that much to get any competent guard so why do you chose to lie?"

"I do not lie," said Jin, his mask back on. "He owed my father from a previous engagement-"

"I'm sure he did," said Gian as he looked up at Duncan. Suddenly his paw lashed out and slammed into the side of Jin's face as the cat gave a pained yip and landed in the dirt once again.

Rage broke over the horse like thunderbolt as his whole body convulsed and tried to tear his paw's free. The compulsion to protect and guard the lion was almost madding as he felt the sting of the slap in his own cheek.

"DO NOT TOUCH HIM!" roared Duncan as tied to lunge at the bull. Nothing would stop him from destroying anyone who dared to hurt his lion. The ropes bit deep into his as he trashed like a wild animal. Anger, jealousy, and fear washed though the house in equal parts before he managed to stop his struggles.

The others stared at him with startled looked on their faces as he stared right back. It didn't make sense. Duncan couldn't stand the incubus. Everything he was, everything he represented, everything he made the horse feel. He should have hated him. He should have wanted him to suffer, but just the thought anyone touching his lion but him drove him nearly crazy.

"I knew it," said the bull with a smile. "This one's no more a trader than I am a wizard. We caught two love birds fleeing the nest. Isn't that right cat." Jin's quick mind was already working as his bound hands came up under his chin and a hitch worked its way into his voice.

"Please we were only trying to escape my father! What happened, it was all a big mistake-

"I. Don't. Care." said Gian as his paw snapped around Jin's muzzle. A very un-horse like grow came from Duncan as he stared at the bulls paw around Jin's mouth. He was going to kill Jin. Right after he killed that bull for touching his lion.

"A bit possessive are we," said the bull as he pulled the Jin upright. "Well you're going to love this then." With one paw he undid the clasp of his kilt letting it fall away from his body. It slid down to his hooves as he kicked it to the side revealing his naked lower half and maleness. The bull was quite large and already had a nice semi as he reached down and grabbed his cock. He started to pump it as he grinned and looked down on the lion.

"We're going to see how well you trained your pet Duncan. Wouldn't want to sell that brothel defective merchandise would we now?"

"That's just like you boss," howled the fox as his sides heaved. "Making sure they get there monies worth!"

"Yesss, letsss hope he doesn't choke," giggled the argonian as she leaned forward to watch the show. A normal fur might have been a little concerned about the bull. Gian was huge as he reached full hardness. twelve inches of girthy bull cock and two balls that swung like two small boulders between his thick legs. He held Jin's muzzle steady as he flopped his meat right on top of the lion's face. His cockhead dripped musky pre smearing the lions head fur as Jin seemed to cringe.

"Smell that cat? That's what a real male smells like." He gripped the back of Jin's head as he shoved his nose into his crotch right where his cock and balls met. He shuttered a bit when he felt the cat take a deep breath before pulling him back out. Jin looked a bit dazed with a needy look that screamed fuck me, but Duncan knew most of it was an act. As soon as Gian had dropped his kilt he had felt the incubus' elation. The air had grown thick with lust and incubi magic as the fox and argonian began groping each other. Jin began to weave a subtle bit of magic through the air, as Gian's eyes clouded and the fox pushed the argonian underneath him.

Duncan could feel it affecting him too, but his anger kept it in check. Every time the bull touched the lion it made him a bit more furious. The bulls tip poked at Jin's lips as the lion gave another whimper, and his tongue darted out. He curled it around the entire tip before slowly drawing it back. Gian gasped as his cock jerked and a line of white appeared on Jin's muzzle. Duncan was about to yell at the cat again when Jin beat him to the punch.

<Relax horse. He's right where I want him. I planned this all along after all.>

<Bullshit> thought the horse.

<Oh ye of little faith. This ox has been eye banging me since they stopped us. If he hadn't whipped it out now he would have dragged me into the woods before the night was though. Balls for brains here has some issues he's not quite willing to admit. Not unlike someone I know.>

<JUST SHUT UP AND WORK YOUR MAGIC!> thought Duncan as his face twisted into a mask of furry.

<Oh horsey if I had known blowing someone else would make you feel this way I would have blown the very first male we came across. Well, I guess this is the first guy we came across isn't it?>

"OHHHH GOOODDDDSSSSS!" moaned the bull as his cock slipped into Jin's very talented muzzle. "Knew that mouth of yours would be good. Never met a pussy's who wasn't," panted Gian. The cat murred as he rolled his tongue and gently sucked Gian's cock deeper letting it slide down his throat. He then made a movement with his paws as the carefully tied knots around his wrists seemed to just slip off and fall to the ground. One paw came up and gripped the base of the bulls cock as the other braced against the ground.

<Such a nice cock too> thought the lion as he goaded the horse. <And those balls! I bet he has good distance and volume!> Jin's laughing eyes flicked to the bound horse as his head bobbed, and all twelve inches made it into his mouth as the ox hissed.

Jin continued to work as the thin illusion he had placed over himself dissipated, and the incubus reappeared in all his splendor. It didn't matter much though. A dragon could have landed in the clearing and the three brigands wouldn't have noticed. The fox and the argonian were screwing each other with a vigor that didn't seem natural and Gian's eyes were glassy orbs as his paws continued grip at the air as his long cock slid in and out of Jin's mouth. Duncan's own cock ached as it pushed his kilt skyward. Every part of him wanted to be right where the bull was even if he hated himself for it.

Jin purred again making Gian jerk as one paw dipped to his own cock. It throbbed thick and hard at nearly a foot, dripping a heavy flow of pre into the grass. His fingers danced around the tip as his eyes fluttered. His fingers came away coated with his sickly pre before moving up to the bull's chest. Without looking his fingers began to trace the pattern of a rune and when finished, his palm slapped down hard on the area he had just marked. The rune flared brightly as Gian gave a grunt and a little life came back into his eyes.

"What the.... HHHHNNNNNGGGGG!!!" The bull let out an ear spitting roar as every muscle in his body seemed to flex and clench at once. They all seemed to swell as veins popped and the Gian found that he was clenched so tight he could barely move. Every last bit of the bulls energy flooded his muscles making him looked even stronger than before as he stared down at Jin.

"WHAT.... ARE.... YOU.... DOING... TO.... ME...." spat the bull as he looked down at the lion. His eyes widened till they looked like they would pop from his head as he saw Jin for the first time. Fear bled into his face as he seemed to grow pale. Jin's head slid back as the bulls now even thicker cock popped out.

"I plan to steal your soul of course and feed it to Duncan" he said with a smile. "Can't have you beating my horsey to a pulp can I?" Gian tried to scream but it quickly turned into a moan as Jin's lips locked around his cock head. The rune seemed to burn and sear into his flesh as it glowed a vivid red. Gian's whole body flexed harder as his balls drew up and the bull came for the last time. His roar shook the clearing at his cock budged and erupted into Jin's mouth.

The incubus didn't waste a drop as the bull continued to cum like a volcano, but with every pump Gian seemed to lose a bit of his luster as his once great muscles seemed to shrink a bit.

"God's save us," murmured Duncan as he felt the incubus' glee as he drank down the bull.

<Oh horsey don't knock it till you try it! I think you'll find it's just what you need!> He had barely finished when Duncan felt an invigorating warmth wash over his body. Jin began to send Duncan energy over the link they shared, and the longer it went on the better Duncan felt. The cuts in his in wrists seemed to sting a bit less as did the numerous gashes and bruises that covered his body. The feeling seemed to satisfy a niggling hunger from deep within that he had been caring for days. The constant cramping and ache in his belly vanished along with the haze of lethargy that seemed to cloud his mind. Like a heavy weight being lifted from his back, Duncan realized for the first time just how bad he had felt.

Soon the horse felt rested and fresh, not all like someone who had been beaten and trussed up. The flow stopped as the bull gave a pleasured whine as his hips bucked and his chest heaved. Jin's lips left his cock as his long tongue placed one last lick on the bulls quivering tip. The bull's knees gave way as he tumbled into the dirt looking for all the world like he had run a marathon. Sweat covered his muscled form as his maleness still jerked spewing the last of its load. He opened his mouth to speak but the incubus placed a single finger on his lips stopping him. His other paw moved down to the rune on Gian's abdomen. As soon as his paw touched the ruin it flashed again. The ox gave a small whimper as Jin made a tugging motion and something seemed to tear free from the bull's stomic.

The incubus held his arm aloft as a large blue orb of light pulsed in his paw. The bull and the horse stared at it in shock as the lions mouth split wide in a grin. Gian gave one last strangled gasp as his whole body seemed to constrict and then slowly melt. Duncan watched in horror as the bull's flesh seemed to dissolve and flow into the ground while the ball in Jin's hand seemed to glow slightly larger and subtly brighter. Soon only a bleached white skeleton was all that remained as Jin turned to the pair of bandits still fucking.

Both looked to be quite beyond the point of exhaustion as they thrust into one another. Eyes listless, bodies limp, they looked to have stopped enjoying the act long ago as they felt apart in a panting heap.

"Gods what was that," mouthed the fox as he slowly stumbled to his feet. "Gian did you slip some moon sugar into the drink or-"

The fox froze. His eyes darted to the smiling incubus who only vaguely resembled the lion they had captured and then to the bones on the ground.

"You animal," groaned the argonian as she tried to stand. "I will not be able to sit for a week! I hope your dick falls- "

The lizards eyes widened as she took in the scene glancing from the bones to the burning mane that wrapped around Jin's neck and the swilling ball he held in his hand. A fine tremor ran though her body as Duncan felt something fill the air. He somehow knew it was terror as it poured off the pair. It was almost as if it had a taste. Like he could open his mouth and drink it in from the very air.

Jin turned to the pair and a deep low chuckle rolled from his lips as the fames that danced on his body seemed to flare.

"I think this is the part where you leave," he said quietly as the pair trembled in fear. Simultaneously both bandits let loose an ear pricing screams and dashed head long into the forest. The horse and lion could hear them screaming and crashing through the bush for several minutes as the two tried to put as much distance between the camp and themselves as possible. When they could finally hear no more Jin turned slowly to the horse.

He was different somehow. Duncan now knew he had been watching a mere shadow of what the lion could become. His body looked tighter, stronger and moved with an oiled grace that no mortal could replicate. His eyes burned while his mane seemed to flare a brighter shade of crimson as his tail slowly twitched back and forth just behind his shoulders. His eyes locked with Duncan's and the (mostly) straight horse felt his breath hitch as it became harder to breathe. The horse could smell him now. A powerfully spicy male sent that had the studs balls twitching and his cock peeking shyly out of its sheath. The lion of course noticed, as his eyes flicked down and then back up. A victorious little smirk made its way onto his face as he stopped and the two males eyed each other. Duncan concentrated on just focusing on the incubus' eyes blocking out the rest of him, but was unsuccessful as he felt the soft pat of his cock tapping his inner thigh.

"Untie me," said Duncan in his most deadpan voice as he stretched his arms again.

"That's it?" snorted Jin. "No 'thank you for saving me Jin'? No 'how did you reduce a bull to bones and ash in seconds'? Horsey we must work on your imagination."

"I don't care what you did and don't want to know. Demon magic holds no lure for me just cut me down from these fucking polls!" roared Duncan a bit louder than he meant too. Jin's face hardened slightly into a near pout while Duncan cursed internally. Part of him found that face all to alluring for comfort.

"It's sex magic, a spell that strips a willing victim of all there life energy and concentrates it into one spot, like so," he said as he brought the spinning blue mass closer to Duncan. The horse arched away as he felt his skin closest to the thing tickle and itch. "I did it for you, you know," said the incubus in a more serious voice.

What ever Duncan had been expecting this wasn't it as he cast a confused look at the lion.

"Just cut me down so we can be done with this place. I have a great desire to put this entire thing behind me," muttered the horse.

"No I don't think so. Not yet anyway," said Jin.

"What do you mean no? Cut me down!"

"No I'm afraid there is something we must do first you and I. You see, I've prepared a gift for you. One that will solve all the problems between us." The horse paled a bit as he eyed the demon warily. "Once you've had a taste of this, you won't be able to say no again," said Jin as his paw twitched and began moving forward.

Duncan started to shout but Jin's paw slammed into his chest forcing the blue ball of energy in to the horse. His breath left him in a great rush as every muscle seemed to tighten till he could barely move, as a strange fullness rapidly flooded his body. It felt as if he were a water skin being filled past its limits. Duncan could feel his muscles pushing and straining against one another as veins popped and his body clenched till he felt like he would burst.

Just when the stud thought he could take no more it stopped. The feeling of fullness vanished as his entire body seemed to relax. Gods he was going to kill the lion as soon as he got his paws free. He had only just come up with a suitable death when a sudden wave of heat rolled thorough him. In seconds his knees went wobbly as he collapsed in his bonds panting like a whore. His cock grew so hard it began to ache and just the wind moving through his fur had him shivering.

"Oh my," said Jin as one finger slid down Duncan's muscled abdomen. Just the singe touch had the horse groaning through clenched teeth as his cock hefted his kilt high and began to drool pre.

"So sensitive aren't we," whispered the lion as his clawed finger severed the belt of Duncan's kilt, letting it drop to the ground. Duncan groaned again as the tightness returned and his muscles bowed and flexed growing subtly larger.

"Whats... happening... to me," stammered Duncan as Jin watched on intently.

"Your becoming more horse. More than mortal. More like me," said the lion as he lifted the horse's head to stare into his eyes. The words were not very reassuring as Duncan's skin began to itch and burn. This time the feeling was not so pleasurable as the horse jerked and pulled, but the strong knots held him fast.

It was subtle at first but his dust colored hide began to lighten slowly becoming paler. Duncan gave a panicked whinny as his fur began to turn a snow white hue, and his visible skin began to darken. Fur fetlocks began to grow at the base of his hooves and paws till they were long and silky. Even the stud's tail seemed to change as it arched upward flagging high enough to make even high born mares jealous. Jin slid around the horse as he gripped at Duncan's tail, giving it a slight tug. The horse gave a shuddering gasp as it bobbed and wiggled. Jin ran his fingers through it once or twice before moving around to catch Duncan's latest change.

"Oh horsey, you're going to be the prettiest boy at the ball," said the lion as his paw went to Duncan's chin and turned his head to back to his own. The stud could feel a burning in his face as his features seemed to shift a bit. While no one could say that Duncan wasn't handsome his features were rather plain when compared to the incubus who tended to make everyone look homely. But slowly, that began to change. The lines of Duncan's face began to sharpen as years of abuse were washed away. His slightly crooked muzzle, courtesy of a forgotten fight slowly straightened. The cant of his eyes and brows shifted too suddenly giving him a different look altogether.

He looked more regal and striking now as the last if the changes took hold. In a lot of ways he looked very much like Jin. He had a bit of that otherness aura about him. The thing that made the eye keep looking for some flaw that should be there but wasn't. It was masculine but somehow beautiful without being effeminate, and a great deal more expressive than his old one. The look on Jin's face told Duncan all he needed to know as the burning in his body seemed to end. There was a sudden twinge just between his eyes as his eye lids fluttered. When he opened them again, two golden eyes stared out at the world in a shade that made the lion purr.

Duncan felt exhausted as sweat dotted his new form. What little he could see of himself terrified the horse, but what made it worse was Jin. The way the lion looked at him strung up and bound was almost frightening. Part of him could even feel a bit of what the lion was thinking, and it made him shiver with fear and more than a bit of lust.

"Magnificent," said Jin as Duncan looked up. "Though I am a bit surprised more of the bull didn't show through."

"You wanted me to grow fucking horns too," spat the angry horse as he tried to catch his breath.

"Hmm, a horned horse? Might work but no, that's not what I meant. We are what we eat, and the ox was quite a meal. I was expecting something a bit different though he did make you into quite the pretty little thing. But something still isn't... OH!" Jin's eyes lit up as Duncan grew very nervous. "How could I have forgotten. We almost missed out on the best and most important part of your rebirth horsey."

"Whoa, stop!" yelled Duncan as he tried to squirm away but he could barely move and Jin's hands found their intended target, the studs new ebony colored cock. The horse was still half hard and there was more than enough for both Jin's paws to grab hold. In no time Duncan was bucking despite himself as his cock throbbed to full hardness. It was so sensitive that even the slightest of touches had him gasping and moaning, and it suddenly felt as if he was seconds from cumming. Even Jin seemed surprised by Duncan's early finish as the horse's balls drew up and his cock began to twitch. The lion only smiled as he smacked his lips as prepared to drink down the studs load, but as he gave Duncan a few last anticipatory strokes nothing happened.

The horse twitched and moaned as his cock drooled a bit in the lion's paws, but still he didn't cum. Jin was about to begin re-priming the pump when he felt a charge go through his finger tips. His eyes darted upward to see the horses own eyes glowing as the air around the horse began to grow thick with power.

Meanwhile the horse was perched on the very brink as he desperately tried to force himself to cum with no avail. The tightness from earlier was back again as his muscles popped and strained. The polls Duncan was lashed to began to bend inward as his arms moved forward, making the ropes groan in protest. The high from earlier was back as Duncan's body thrummed with power. It had a taste like strong mead, and Duncan ate it down like a starving man. A part of him knew it was the last of what remained of Gian, but he didn't care. It felt so good to feed and gorge himself as his body soaked up the last of the bull's energy.

Jin stood back slightly as he licked his lips and watched. Duncan's whole body quivered as his chest began to thicken. Each time he breathed in it would grow a bit larger, while his abs literally exploded tightening his core. Jin began to drool as his already muscled legs thickened becoming more and more shredded while his ass did the same. Duncan grunted as the muscles in his back thickened and his arms grew huge. The horse tugged and with a 'snap' both cords binding his arms broke. He took an unsteady step forward and stood trembling and quite unsteady in front of Jin. His chest still heaving, he gave another heated nicker as both paws when to his cock where he began stoking for all he was worth.

Jin watched in amazement as his already prodigious cock added at least another inch in length and thickened prodigiously as a webbing of veins laced though it from base to tip. Even his balls seemed to grow, besting the bulls and stopping just this side of ridiculous. The glow in his eyes dimmed as part of his rational mind seemed to come back. He blinked a stared before looking down at his member which was pointing straight up at him.

Duncan gave a short whimper as he fell to his knees panting, his body finally finished. His fingers dug into the turf as he stretched taut and let out a growling whimper. The power of an incubus raged within him and the compulsion to fuck seemed impossibly strong. His cock twitched as a thick jet of pre shot from his quivering member and stained the ground in front of Jin's feet, while a fine tremble ran though Duncan's body.

Jin could see there wasn't an ounce of fat left anywhere on the horse's body. His white coat practically glowed in the last of the fading day light, and when he looked up Jin nearly creamed himself. His golden eyes flashed as the air around Jin grew thick and sticky with his sent. Anger, lust, and pain danced through his features as his body tensed as if before a leap.

"You did this to me..." growled Duncan in a deep resonant voice that seemed to come from the very bottom of his chest. Jin's own heart was beating like a drum as Duncan's thick male sent swirled around him. He was too scared to be turned on, and too turned on to be scared as the living embodiment of sex stared him down.

Hunger and desire beat at all Duncan's senses like some feral beast. He fought to remain in control but he couldn't look away from the lion. Jin twitched just a hair and Duncan had cleared the gap between then pining the lion to ground with the same kind of speed that only Jin had been capable of till now. Duncan's paws went to the lion's wrists as he spread them wide with strength that shocked the incubus as his weight drove the breath from the cat.

The same shock was in Duncan's face as he looked down at Jin, their faces inches away. Jin shifted a bit and felt his cock brush the horse's own. Duncan's eyes fluttered as he pressed down harder grinding their bodies together. He seemed to catch himself as he froze again but Jin could feel that he was losing whatever battle he was having with his conscience. His muzzle moved closer to Jin's neck as he inhaled, and gave a soft whimper.

"Smells so good," whispered the horse as his lips moved back down. Jin jerked as he began laying soft kisses along the line of his mane. Duncan's knee slid between Jin's legs spreading them wider as the horse ground his own cock into the lion's. Jin was really beginning to enjoy the treatment when Duncan lightly bit the top of Jin's peck.

A surprised but pleasured growl slipped from his lips as he fought harder against horse's grip, but Duncan only held him tighter as he kissed over the spot before biting the other side. Jin's heart sped as he felt the horse move up his neck. It was an innate ability of all incubi to read what their partner wanted, as Duncan used lips tongue and teeth to work at all of Jin's sweet spots he could reach. Gone was the moody ornery male too afraid to act on his own desires. Here was a creature than knew only lust and wanton need.

Jin purred as he felt the horse's large cock grind against his own and responded by moving his own hips and gently bucking against the horse. He quickly had the stud whimpering and moaning into the nape of his neck as his barbed cock moved over the horse's sensitive glans, while there two bodies stayed pressed tightly together. The horse's frustration mounted as lion continued but he seemed to draw no closer to release.

"Please..." moaned Duncan as he nuzzled at Jin his whole form shaking. "Please please please!"

"Please what horse? What is it you want from me?" said Jin with a Cheshire cat like grin. Duncan's answer was a pained groan as his paw darted to his cock. With one hand free Jin's legs gripped one of the horse's as he used his arm to push off the ground. Displaying a surprising amount of strength Jin twisted his body and rolled, breaking the distracted horse's grip and upending the pair. Duncan's back hit the ground as their positions were suddenly reversed. Jin's paw met Duncan's as he began to stroke his own cock in parallel with the horse while his other paw pinned Duncan's free arm to the ground. His talented mouth began to kiss down the studs mountainous pecks before nibbling up the long line of Duncan's neck.

He could feel the immense strength of the male under him, but Duncan's struggles were token only as pleasured noises pored from his lips and his cock visibly throbbed in time with his heat beat. Jin made his way up the side of Duncan's head as whispered very softly into the horse's ear.

"Stop struggling or you shall have none of me."

Duncan's body froze. Even his paw on his cock stopped as he was struck still as if by magic. Jin lifted himself up a bit into a sitting position as his eye's drank down the muscled hardness of Duncan's body and the gargantuan horsecock that seemed to stop in the middle of his chest. Like standing next to a fire he could feel the need poring off Duncan and the slowly fraying strand of control that held it at bay even now.

"The need is what it means to be Incubi. It is what defines us, what drives us, what shapes our lives. You understand now don't you?" asked the lion as he looked down at his partner.

"Yes," said Duncan as he looked back up at Jin.

"Perhaps you do," said Jin. "But you will soon hate it. Hate what it drives you too. You will hate me for giving it to you and cruse my name, but part of you will not. Part of you loves it even now. You must embrace that part of yourself horse. It can make us strong. Give us the strength to slay all that would stand against us, but you must first accept it or you will destroy us both fighting it."

Duncan nodded as his paws moved to the lions hips lifting him slightly and his cock bobbed just a bit signaling its readiness. Jin gripped the horses paws with his own stopping him as an almost pained expression stole over the studs face.

"Please Jin! The need! It's madding and it's in you too. I know you want this!"

"And in the morning, when the need isn't riding you, and you look back on what you did the night before?" The question struck at something within the horse as Jin saw a brief flicker of hesitation flash in his big golden eyes. It was gone in an instant as Jin felt the roaring hunger of Duncan's body flare hotter. Jin's body answered and the time for talking was suddenly over as their lips met and they lost themselves to the madness in their blood.