A changing of form, is it lust or love? A collection of linked stories: Story 1: Brad and Blazer

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of A changing of form

This is the first in a collection of short stories about pokemon changing their trainers with the help of an outsider who is somehow able to come to their world.

Legalities: This is a complete and utter work of fiction; no one was changed or harmed in the making of this story. Pokémon is copyrighted to its original owners, however all characters and the story itself are copyrighted to me. With that said this story contains some non-consensual sex between two adult figures, non-consensual gender changing, and all around sexy themes, which means if you're under the age of consent the author can't be held responsible for anything that happens to your psyche due to the story you're reading. This story contains themes some people may not find suitable including rape, forced transformation, abuse, torture, and all sorts of other shit. If any of this offends you turn back now. If that didn't send you away, then continue at your own risk.Legalities: This is a complete and utter work of fiction; no one was changed or harmed in the making of this story. Pokémon is copyrighted to its original owners, however all characters and the story itself are copyrighted to me. With that said this story contains some non-consensual sex between two adult figures, non-consensual gender changing, and all around sexy themes, which means if you're under the age of consent the author can't be held responsible for anything that happens to your psyche due to the story you're reading. This story contains themes some people may not find suitable including rape, forced transformation, abuse, torture, and all sorts of other shit. If any of this offends you turn back now. If that didn't send you away, then continue at your own risk.

Our first story is about Brad, and his charmander Blazer. Blazer was a cute, tough, and brave little charmander when Brad first got him. However when he lost his first battle against a wartortle, Brad blamed his pokémon for its inability to defeat its larger, and obviously stronger, foe instead of blaming himself for not picking an easier opponent. He started to beat Blazer every time he lost a battle, and it got to the point where Blazer was afraid to even enter a battle, for worry of being beaten at the end of it. As Blazer got stronger, and was forced to fight bigger and more powerful foes he started to feel a deep resentment for his trainer building within him. That resentment caused him to fight harder, attack more viciously and sometimes lash out blindly in the middle of a battle.

Brad just laughed as he realized he'd trained his pokémon to be exactly what he wanted, a vicious fighting machine, however the real Blazer rested deep within all the hatred and came out after every battle with small burning tears leaking down his cheeks while he was in his pokeball. After a few months passed by and Brad's team had gotten their first two gym badges, which now all of Brad's pokémon showed signs of his wrath similar to Blazer's, he started letting Blazer travel outside his pokeball if he won a battle. These peaceful walks gave Blazer time to learn how to control his inner rage when he entered into a battle and started to only knock his opponents out, not put them into a critical condition. This didn't bother brad because Blazer was still a fighting machine, and was still winning every battle rather easily.

Another thing that Brad didn't know was that Blazer healed his other pokémon after every battle while he was out of his pokeball using potions he'd swipe from his trainer's bag. He knew his trainer only kept the potions so that if anyone said anything about his cruel treatment he could heal the pokémon before the authorities were involved, and wouldn't miss the few he used. As time went on Brad's team kept getting stronger and stronger, until finally they were ready to face the pokémon league and the elite four. Brad's team easily beat the first group, since all but Blazer, a single pidgeot, and a pikachu were water types. The second battle was even easier. The third battle took a lot of effort, and all but Blazer fainted from it.

Brad swore vehemently then stared at his charmander wondering why it had never evolved. What he didn't realize was that due to all the mistreatment Blazer most likely wouldn't evolve unless he used fire stones. As the third battle drew to a close he revived and healed all his other pokémon while Blazer blasted away at his opponent until it finally collapsed and the judge declared Brad the winner. Brad walked over and healed Blazer then whispered in his ear "If we beat the last of the elite four we get to rest before we face the champion. If we don't, I'm going to personally carve the word loser into you and all your loser friends. Got me?" Blazer nodded quickly to show he understood then hopped up as the potion finished healing up his wounds before heading into the next room where the final of the elite four's members waited.

Brad smirked at Lance, master of dragons, and said "I'm here to kick your ass." Lance studied Brad carefully and mumbled "You have no value of life other than your own. Some-day soon someone or something is going to make you pay for that, and it will probably be the one you've hurt the most that will hold your salvation." He sighed softly then threw out a dragonair and said "Dragonair be prepared to hold back." Dragonair nodded and watched as Brad motioned for Blaze to walk forward. Blaze growled softly forming dragon rage in his maw and studying dragonair carefully. Dragonair used hyper beam and as it charged up the attack Blazer rushed forward and released Dragon Rage in its face sending it flying back into the wall of the stadium. Lance blinked and stared at Blazer then said softly "Ah you fight for something more than yourself, that's why you're moves are so advanced."

Blazer completely ignored Lance and rushed forward using iron tail to keep dragonair down before slashing it multiple times. As it flew up into the air it used fire blast to try and knock it out of the sky only to be hit by the earlier charging hyper beam. Blazer slowly shook it off and used Fire-spin to knock Dragonair back to the ground. As it fell Blazer grabbed it and slammed it into the ground with a seismic toss knocking it out before plopping down at Brad's feet with a sigh. Brad tossed a potion at Blazer then called out his Pidgeot who was forced to fight with a dratini in an aerial battle. Dratini just barely won and before Lance could withdraw it Brad sent out Pikachu and knocked it out with a thunderbolt attack. Lance didn't even seemed that phased other than to congratulate his dratini on a job well done for taking out Pidgeot before putting its pokeball away and calling out a Nidoking.

Brad glared at Lance then called out his golduck and had it use psychic to slam Nidoking into the walls and floor of the arena. Lance stared at Brad with a look of pity as Nidoking fell to the ground then slowly climbed to its feet and threw a boulder at golduck who quickly sent it back with psychic. However the boulder was a diversion, because Nidoking used it to sneak up behind golduck and slam the poor water pokémon into the ground with an earthquake attack. Golduck slowly climbed back to its feet and blasted Nidoking in the face with a hydro pump attack then they both fainted. Lance looked at Brad and said "Three to four, pretty nice odds for you." Brad shrugged and recalled golduck trying to understand why Lance still held such a deep pity in his eyes.

Blazer on the other hand sighed softly whishing he could explain to his trainer the difference between the two and how Lance was on a completely different level from Brad because of the fact he cared about his pokémon. Brad looked at him then tossed Pikachu back out who looked around warily then let out a squeak of fear as he saw he was facing a rhydon. Rhydon stared at pikachu with a soft sigh then rushed at it with the intent to end things quickly. Pikachu jumped into the air then used thunder shock on its horn causing it to stumble and be paralyzed. Pikachu took that opportunity to use iron tail to knock Rhydon all over with a look of complete and utter terror on its face. The crowd could tell that as far as Pikachu was concerned this was a battle for survival, and it refused to lose. Rhydon shook its head then grabbed Pikachu with surprising speed and slammed it into the ground.

Pikachu let out one final thunder and passed out. Rhydon let Pikachu go and took a step back then fell on its back and passed out as well. Lance sighed and returned Rhydon then said "If only you'd grown with your pokémon instead of making them grow for you. I wonder what you'd be like then." He tossed out a Charizard next which locked eyes with Blazer and snorted dismissively. Blazer felt a burning in his body that had nothing to do with the resentment he felt toward his trainer and walked forward growling softly. The two rushed at each other, the flames on their tales growing ever brighter. As they clashed Blazer glowed with a golden light then evolved into a charmeleon midway through the clash and sent Lance's Charizard flying back. He snarled and rushed at the flying fire dragon intending on skewering him only to be buffeted back by the force of his wings.

He snarled in anger and forced his way forward then engulfed his opponent in an ever expanding ball of flame that only stopped as charizard's wings were engulfed in the flames of Blazer's fury. Charizard snarled and used a fire-blast attack to knot back Blazer's flames and assessed him seriously. The two slowly circled each other before Charizard started to take to the air. Blazer hopped on his back and used bite on his wing causing him to fall and land flat on his face. Blaze used Metal Claw to rip open Charizard's back before hopping off and circling it wearily. Charizard ate an Oran berry and healed itself a bit then used a fire spin attack on blaze. Despite the fact that he was a fire type, Blaze was badly battered around, and he felt himself losing consciousness.

He focused on his friends to regain his grip and realized he'd need more power to fight an enemy like Charizard who wouldn't underestimate him like Dragonair had. He growled wishing they were on equal footing before suddenly being engulfed by the light of evolution as his body evolved into its final form. He rushed at Charizard and locked arms with him then flew up into the air going higher and higher until the flame on the tip of his tail was starting to flicker. Both he and Charizard were starting to lose consciousness so he waited a few more seconds then dove down toward the ground. Charizard realized it was at a serious disadvantage with only one wing and tried to break from his grasp. Blazer ignored it's pitiful attempts and let go when they were about to hit the ground then came out of his dive and rose up a few feet waiting for the dust to clear.

As it cleared Blazer saw Charizard lying in a small crater out cold, but very much alive. He nodded and slowly landed by his trainer waiting for his next opponent. Lance laughed and said "Now it's down to my last one and you still have three. I wonder how your team will handle my final pokémon. COME ON OUT DRAGONITE!" He tossed a pokeball as he said the last and Dragonite emerged in a flash of light. Blazer took a step forward then passed out silently cursing his own inability to finish things. Brad snorted as he saw his weak charmander had evolved only to let him down as usual then sighed and tossed out a Gyarados with a simple "Gyarados get Blazer out of your way then destroy that Dragonite. Don't be gentle either."

Gyarados flew over to Blazer and picked him up gently then deposited him beside Brad, remembering the kindness he'd shown to the others, and then let out a roar of rage directed at Dragonite blaming it for its friend's condition. Gyarados used dragon Rage on Dragonite who tried to shrug it off but found it couldn't get away from it as Gyarados followed it. Dragonite snarled and used thunderbolt causing Gyarados to jump back and cut off its attack. Dragonite used the opportunity to fly over and slam it into the ground shouting out its displeasure.

Gyarados used iron tail to slam it away and snarled back in anger not caring about itself anymore. Dragonite and Lance both saw the rage in Gyarados' eyes and Lance said softly "Dragonite you have to take Gyarados down quick, before it destroys everything." Dragonite nodded and used a thunder wave attack to paralyze Gyarados before rushing over and slamming it back with body slam. Gyarados flew back and shook its head before blasting Dragonite with Dragon Pulse. Dragonite dodged it and released a thunder-shock attack that sent Gyarados into another set of paralysis which it was just starting to come out of when Dragonite finished the fight between the two with a dragon rage attack to its face.

As Gyarados fainted Brad recalled it and sent out Dugong. He directed it to use Aura blast which knocked Dragonite back. Dragonite snarled and rushed at it only to be knocked back with a hyper beam attack. Sadly Dugong was weakened after the attack giving Dragonite a chance to toss it into the wall where it hit with a loud thump. Dugong got up and used another aurora beam to send Dragonite into the wall before freezing it with a blizzard attack. Dragonite could only stare as Dugong then proceeded to blast it with one more aurora beam causing it to pass out. Dugong fell into unconsciousness right afterward, only having lasted so long because of the weight of the other pokémon on its shoulders. As the battle drew to a close Blazer woke up and shook its head then its body slowly reverted back to that of a charmander.

Lance stared and said "How odd." He looked at Brad and said "I'd heal your pokémon before talking with Red." Brad nodded and motioned for Blazer to follow then walked through the room into the pokémon center on the other side. Brad handed his pokémon, including Blazer over to Nurse Joy then sat down staring off into space. He was trying to figure out what Lance meant; sadly his mind was too deep into what would later be known as battle madness, to truly understand. When his pokémon were ready Brad took them then headed straight after Red not thinking to eat, feed his pokémon, or sleep.

Red was sitting in an old chair reading a leather bound book as Brad walked up. He sighed and said "So you come to challenge me?" Brad smirked and said "No I come to defeat you." Red stared at him and said "I'll beat your entire team with one pokémon. Leave now or suffer the consequences." Brad stared at him and shivered then said "What do you mean?" Red sighed and said softly "You have pissed off many, and I believe it's time a friend of mine proved to you just how pissed they are." He pulled out a pokeball and tossed out an eevee. Brad burst out laughing and said "This is what you're going to beat me with?"

Red smirked and said "Yes, you see this eevee is from a friend of mine, it's not very old but it's already extremely strong. Said friend will be meeting with you after you lose by the way, so be prepared to say farewell to all you once thought you knew about our world." Brad stared at Red and shivered then said "Blazer prove we're no push overs." Blazer nodded and rushed forward only to be slammed back by a shadow ball before being quick attacked from several directions and scratched up. As he tried to get his bearings he was tackled and lost consciousness. The rest of Brad's pokémon managed to lay a single hit on eevee each however when it was over Brad was standing there staring at his pokémon with anger in his eyes.

He kicked Blazer and said "Worthless beast." He turned to Red and said "Ok so you knew how worthless my pokémon are, what's your point." Red sighed and said softly "You're pokémon have not betrayed you, you betrayed them. I believe Shadow can explain better." Out of the darkness behind Red walked a man with dirty blonde hair a pair of sunglasses, and wearing a simple t shirt and jeans. He didn't look that intimidating, especially since Eevee was rubbing against him; until he stared at Brad. Then his entire demeanor changed and he said softly "I've been waiting for you." He growled softly and said "Arceus gave me permission to come to this world specifically to deal with you; any others like you, and give a blessing to those who deserve it. My name is Wolf. Shadow Wolf. That's all you need to know other than that I'm taking your life away and giving it to one who needs it.

Brad laughed thinking that Wolf was nuts until he saw the eyes behind Wolf's glasses and realized they were the eyes of an animal. Not a pokémon, but an animal that sent fear trailing down his spine. Wolf smirked and said "Get your charmander and meet me out in the woods tonight. I don't care what you do with your other pokémon; just know you won't have any need them after tonight." Brad shivered and slowly nodded realizing no matter what he did, this man would find him before running to the pokémon center and healing his pokémon. He sent all but Blazer to the local professor and headed to the spot Wolf mentioned. As day turned to night a figure on all fours slowly walked out of the woods and said "Set the little one down."

Brad quickly did as he was told fearing for his life and blinked as the creature nudged Blazer. Blazer jumped to his feet as if he'd had an electric current running through him then started conversing with the creature. When it was over the creature turned to Brad and said "Time for your punishment, child." It walked up to Brad who'd unknowingly backed up to a tree, then fallen flat on his rear with a terrified look on his face. The creature slowly licked his face and all thought started to vanish. The last coherent thought he had as the creature continued to lick him was he swore he saw Wolf and the creature standing in the exact same place.

Wolf watched the boy pass out and shifted back to his human form causing Blazer to let out a gasp. He smirked at the pokémon and said "Hello Blazer Dark Flame. I'm Jake Shadow Wolf, and I've been watching you with Arceus. We both think that you're a remarkable pokémon. I have come to give you a boon from Arceus, and three boons from myself." Blazer stared at him confused and he explained "A boon is a gift or reward. I have come to give you four. The first is from Arceus." He waved his hand and an orb of pure fire flew into Blazer causing his tail flame to grow even hotter and his body to surge with new life. Jake smirked and said "You now have the ability to evolve or de-evolve as you wish."

Blazer stared at him then slowly nodded in acceptance as Jake continued "My gifts are three things. The first is the ability to appear and become human. The second is the gift of your own pet. The third is a hidden gift that you will find when you find the others like you. Now I must grant your former master his curse." Blazer started to say that Brad wasn't so bad then he sighed realizing it would be a lie. He sighed softly wondering what punishment this new figure could possibly give to his trainer. Jake sighed softly and touched Brad's forehead wiping all of his memories to create room for the ones he was going to build. He looked at Blazer and said "Blazer, I want you to breathe fire on Brad. Fear not, he's not going to be harmed only changed." Blazer nodded and walked over then started using flamethrower on brad and watched as he slowly changed form from a human into a charmander. As he watched Brad's clothing vanished though his pack only became more feminine.

As he stopped he stared at everything confused then looked at Wolf. Wolf smirked and said "My presence in this world changes everything. An example is what you were able to do, most if not all pokémon can now do it if they have been given a boon from Arceus or myself. With that said, excuse me while I finish changing Brandy." Blazer stepped back nodding then wondered who Brandy was until Wolf started touched Brad's forehead and started muttering under his breath. Blazer stared on in amazement as Wolf continued muttering and markings started appearing on Brad aka Brandy's body. On their chest appeared a black flame, then below it on their stomach, which was silver instead of the usual orange of a charmander, appeared a pair of crossed blades. On each of their wrists appeared a manacle made out of obsidian with words inscribed into it.

Around their neck appeared a black collar set with a fire stone, and Blazer realized that the other charmander's legs now had manacles that matched the collar and manacles on their wrists. Suddenly the charmander opened its eyes to reveal they were a light blue and full of innocence. She turned to Wolf and said "My Lord, Shadow Wolf." Wolf laughed and said "Lord, yes, of you no. Your lord, and master, is over there. His name is Blazer Dark Flame." The charmander, who Blazer finally realized was female slowly turned and bowed to him then said "I am your humble servant, Brandy Flame Wind. I hope to serve you until the end of my days." Blazer stared at Brandy then turned to yell at Wolf only to see him fall onto his hands and knees coughing before turning back into the creature he'd seen before with blood on its muzzle and blood on the ground where his cough had been aimed.

Blazer stared and the creature smirked at him then said "I only have a set amount of time I can stay in my true form in this world without entering it fully. Right now only my spirit's here, which is why many see me as a wolf, rather than a man. However to access my full abilities I have to be in my true form, which only has a limited window of time. By the way, name's still Jake Shadow Wolf, though in this form I prefer Wolf, or Shadow." Blazer nodded slowly and Jake, aka Wolf, continued "Brandy is my first gift to you. I couldn't save your trainer, so I changed him into something else and destroyed his old memories."

Wolf quickly shifted back into his true form and threw a ball of black and red energy at Blazer before falling to the ground in a coughing fit as he shifted back into his wolf form. As the ball of energy hit Blazer he felt himself changing slowly. He started growing taller, felt an itching sensation on his head as something covered his eyes, felt his arms and legs lengthen, and felt a strange material rubbing and covering his body as he moved. He slowly pushed what was obscuring his vision and blinked as he noticed that he now seemed to be slightly taller than the other male's wolf form, which wasn't saying much since as a wolf the other had been about two or three times his size. Wolf smirked and said "Hello Blazer. You have all the gear you'll need, and your new partner Brandy can also change human whenever you want. I left a note with Brad's teacher that he said to hand his pokémon over to you, so your old friends can join you whenever you like."

Blazer tried to take everything Wolf was saying however as it finally sank in he passed out from the sheer strangeness of it all. Wolf sighed and sat down waiting for Blazer to stand up then glanced at Brandy and asked "What is your current purpose?" Brandy looked at him and said "To please my master, my lord." He nodded and said "Good, you will find you have vague memories of places you've been and understand things your master does not, explain them to him as they come to you." Brandy nodded then Wolf walked over and started licking Blazer's face. Blazer jerked awake and looked around then looked down at himself and sighed resignedly.

Blazer glanced at Wolf and asked "So you're leaving now, I take it?" Wolf nodded and replied "Yep, my job here is done. By the way, you're going to have to prove to your new girl that you deserve to control her. A part of Brad remains that I couldn't destroy, it's your job to make that part into Brandy and make her accept her role. If not she'll find a way to control you. I can't do everything for you; you have to prove yourself worth my help. With that said, I'm off." He turned and walked into the shadows vanishing completely from sight in a matter of seconds. Blazer stared after him then shifted back into his normal form and mumbled "A figure from another world. I'll have to find out what I can on other worlds then." He turned to Brandy who was watching him then blinked as she smirked at him dominantly and said "Hello, trash."

Those words ignited a rage within Blazer that only one thing could quench, and that was proving he wasn't trash. He rushed over and slammed Brandy into the tree growling then turned her around and pushed her back against it again biting down on her neck dominantly. Brandy stopped dead at the feeling of those deadly fangs against her neck then tried shaking him off a small bit of fear in her eyes. As Blazer's rage started to die he loosened his grip a bit and Brandy snorted then said "I knew you couldn't even do this right. Pathetic, I should have named you loser, not Blazer." That set Blazer off again and he bit down harder, and then rubbed against her. The heat from their bodies started to ignite a fire deep in his loins and he blinked as he smelled estrus coming from Brandy.

He remembered what Wolf had said and snarled then thrust forward into her as his shaft grew to full size, the pointed tip easily spreading her folds and piercing through her virginity. Brandy moaned softly at the feeling of being full before snarling, her eyes turning a dark red and trying to shake him off. Blazer bit her neck harder and pinned her to the tree then started to thrust into her hard and fast growling dominantly the entire time with small flames leaking out of his maw to lap at Brandy's neck. With each thrust of Blazer's hip Brandon was broken down more and more into knowledge that Brandy could use. After about ten minutes Brandy started moaning loudly and letting small blasts of fire escape her body, her claws digging into the tree.

Their rutting went on for another ten minutes or so before Blazer released his load into Brandy and said softly yet uncharacteristically, "You're mine bitch." Brandy nodded in acceptance then said "Can we go another round master?" Blazer smirked and thrust into her in reply then they went at it for the second time that night. As he thrust into her Blazer realized that Jake aka Wolf, had purposely made it so that Brandy was the way she was so Blazer could learn how to be in charge. He realized he'd have to balance friendship, and leadership as time went on, but for now he was just going to enjoy his new mate's tight little sex.

Author's Note: Well that's the end of our first story boys and girls. I'm thinking about selling the rest of these stories for five bucks a pop. I know Pokémon is trademarked to Nintendo, but I need cash. With that said this will be a side project if not funded, so be on the lookout for my other stories, and updates in my journal about how things are going. With all that said I should have my sight fixed up sooner rather than later, meaning a lot of my stuff that doesn't have other company's trademarks on it will be appearing there. I'll probably post one more chapter of each of my stories that is originally written here on SF, then start moving them over to my site. If you want to contact me, and can't reach me on SF contact me at [email protected] or [email protected]. Both of which are working email addresses I check regularly. Otherwise contact me on Skype via Jake Fedor, aka [email protected] See you guys next upload.

Sincerely Jake Shadow Wolf.