Weak and Powerless

Story by Exilo on SoFurry

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Trixie did not believe in an afterlife, which was a pleasant thought for a pony seeking oblivion. All the pain and ridicule and mockery, all the laughter and snide comments when they thought she was just out of earshot, she could not take it anymore. No one came to her shows anymore. No one listened to her when she spoke. No one cared. She had tried to kill herself a dozen times before, but each time chickened out at the last moment. She had leapt off this same cliff at least six times, but just before the moment of impact, her horn sparked and magic overtook her, and she teleported back to the safety of the cliff's edge. She couldn't even kill herself right, how pathetic.

But this time would be different. This time, she would do it. This time she would do it, and closing her eyes, took her first steps off the cliff, feeling only air beneath her forehoof. She felt her weight shift to her front, but without anything solid to touch upon, she continued forward. There was a single moment when she felt her weight shift fully: the point of no return. Her horn sparked to catch her but she stopped it, and continued forward, the wind starting to whisper against her ears. Forward still, and her rear hooves left the ground, and she kicked off very slightly, allowing herself to fall. The wind hissed at her ears and batted at her face. Again and again her horn sparked, desperate to save her, but each time she suppressed the spell. This would be the time, she told herself. Sweet oblivion, sweet emptiness. No more laughter, or snide comments, or mockery. If she could not be great and powerful, she would rather be nothing at all.


Marshall Law woke to knocking on his front door. He groaned when he heard it, angry at his ears for not simply ignoring the sound, especially given how dead tired he was. He lifted his head weakly from the pillow. He waited several moments, and when he heard no further knocking, set his head down to resume his sleep. Then it started again, louder, harder, more insistent than before. He cursed Celestia as he rolled out of bed, and trotted towards the door, yawning several times. Marshall was an Earth pony with a large, powerful build. His body rippled with muscle, in fact, his chiseled physique apparent even beneath the layer of light brown fur. His tail and mane were both worn tall and proud in a sort of Mohawk style, which was becoming increasingly popular with the Royal Guards. That was what Marshall did with his life: guard the castle, although this was his day off, and he was quite peeved at being bothered.

He opened the door, prepared to assault whoever had been knocking so loud, but immediately fell to one knee, bowing his head. "Princess Luna," he said. "Please forgive me, I was asleep. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

"It is alright, Sergeant Law. I am aware that night is when most ponies sleep. I am quite aware of that fact... I apologize for bothering you so late, but I must ask a favor of you." Luna turned her head, and looked behind her. Her blue magic embraced a small pony that was laying on her back, and Luna carefully lifted her up. The smaller pony was blue in color, lighter in shade than Princess Luna, with a light blue mane and tail. She seemed to be asleep, by her steady breathing and limp form. "I was watching the night, guarding the ponies as they slept, when I noticed this one just outside of Ponyville, standing before the Ghastly Gorge. She leapt off the Gorge. Flying at my maximum speed, I just managed to catch her. At first I thought she was tired or confused, or attempting a teleportation spell, but when I landed, she began to sob and begged me to devour her whole. I have used a spell that has calmed her soul, but I worry about her. I have never met a pony who wished me to devour her. I come to you now because I have great trust in you, sergeant. I must tend to my duties of the night, but I will return in the morning, hopefully with words of guidance from my sister."

Marshall nodded. "I will watch over her for the night, Princess Luna." The small blue pony was placed onto Marshall's back, and Luna used her magic to close the door. Marshall flicked the deadbolt into place, before trotting into his bedroom and letting the blue pony slide off his back, onto the bed. He yawned softly, but no longer feeling like sleeping, he trotted into the kitchen and made himself a pot of coffee. After some time, he returned to his bedroom, to find the blue pony sitting up, the covers pulled up to her chest.

"Hey there," Marshall said kindly. "What's your name? You can call me Marshall."

"Trixie," the blue pony said quickly, sharply. "Just Trixie."

"Trixie? That's a beautiful name. Princess Luna dropped you off to me. She wants me to look after you until her sister wakes up. I guess Celestia is the brains of the family. Can you tell me though, Trixie, what were you doing on the gorge?"

Trixie was quiet a few moments. Marshall carefully sipped his drink, feeling the warmth wash through his mouth and wake him up. "I'm tired," she said.

"You can sleep in my bed tonight. I am just worried about you."

"I'm tired of trying to be great and powerful. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of struggling and working so hard for nothing in return. I'm tired of giving everything to these ungrateful bucks, only to get swept aside like I'm garbage. I should do just the opposite; I should be weak and powerless like every other bucking brat! Give up the struggle and do the opposite..." She paused, thinking, and then nodded furiously to herself. "Yes, that would work. That'll work wonderfully! Being great and powerful has only lead to awful things. If I'm weak and powerless, then wonderful things will happen."

Marshall stared at the blue unicorn a moment, a bit confused, a bit worried. "Trixie, I don't think that's how life works..."

"You," she said. "By Celestia, look at you! You're incredible."

Marshall dipped his head, chuckling nervously, and a soft blush became apparent on his cheeks.

"You," Trixie said, lifting from the bed and taking a step towards him. She reached a little hoof out and very gently touched against one of his forelegs, marveling at the strength and sturdiness she felt beneath the fine layer of fur. "By Celestia, you are great and powerful! I want to be weak for you. Please, please let me be the weak one."

Marshall was starting to feel uncomfortable, and came to regret answering the door. He did not move when Trixie touched him, even as her hand very gently stroked along his chest, up to his throat and gave his thick neck several gentle squeezes. She took a step forward, and lifted to her rear hooves, before balancing carefully on them. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding so tight she was close to strangling him, and pressed hard into him. "Yes, you're so great, so powerful..." She backed away, and her horn started to glow. Marshall had experience with unicorns, and knew that a firm whack to the horn would stop whatever spell they were casting. But until he was sure her intentions were malicious, he didn't want to hit a defenseless mare, especially one so fragile as she. Magic started to glow around Trixie's neck, soon solidifying into a black, leather collar. A string of blue magic grew out of the collar, and formed into a strong leash. With the glow of blue magic, she offered the leash to Marshall, who hesitantly accepted it into his jaws.

"I belong to you now, Great and Powerful Marshall."

Marshall looked down at the leash he was holding, and then to the blue unicorn. He nodded awkwardly, hoping to play along until sunrise and Celestia's arrival, and Trixie squealed with glee. "What is your first order, master?"

"We're going to go to bed, alright? You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

"That isn't a very great and powerful order. Perhaps I can help you."

Marshall felt a sharp yank on the back of his head, as Trixie's magic embraced his skull. It was such a sudden and forceful pull he wasn't prepared, and ended up with his face low to the ground. Trixie's horn continued to spark and glow with magic, until she touched it gentle to Marshall's temple. Marshall's fur carried the glow of the magic for several moments as Trixie pulled away, but then that faded as well. The brown colt looked down at the blue mare and smiled softly to himself, before tilting back and giving the leash a forceful yank. Trixie was pulled off her hooves a moment, before she came to stand on the ground again, and looked up at the large colt.

Marshall was aware he felt different, but wasn't sure how. Perhaps he didn't even feel different at all, in fact. He looked to the blue pony standing before him, eagerly awaiting his order, and he smiled to himself. She was rather pretty. His mate was prettier, but Trixie had cute eyes, and a large, supple rump that he was tempted to squeeze. He gestured beneath him with his head. "Lick."

Marshall was a tall, heavily built colt, and so by scooting along on her belly, Trixie was able to reach underneath him. Marshall spread his legs a little wider apart, giving Trixie the freedom to move. She lowered his belly a little lower to the ground, his large erection already poking cutely out from between his legs. Just the engorged glans could be seen, barely escaping the massive sheath. The flat head quivered eagerly, the adorable slit already drooling sweet smelling white cream.

Marshall's erection was a gold color, both contrasting and complimenting the darker brown fur of his crotch. Trixie focused in on the delicious looking flesh that was steadily pushing its way out of his groin, filling the area beneath him with the intoxicating scent of musk. It had been so long since she had had another male. When she was great and powerful, men would throw themselves at her hooves, and how she had missed a warm girth inside her. For a time, she simply lay beneath him, reveling in the warm scents, when she felt a hesitant tug on the leash Marshall now held in his mouth. She nodded obediently, though of course Marshall couldn't see, and lifted her head to give his drooling erection a very soft lick.

Marshall neighed loudly, and bucked forward, the flat head of his growing erection hitting Trixie right in the face. She giggled like a filly, wiping her tongue over her muzzle, although her tongue was far from large enough to clean her face completely. It must have been long since Marshall was with a proper mare, too, judging by how heavily he was already dribbling.

Trixie scooted out from underneath him, and gently licked over his lips. Marshall looked down at her, and then gave the leash a sharp yank. For a moment, Trixie was strangled before the leash went slack. "Lick," he said again. Trixie nodded obediently, keeping her head hung low, as she scooted back under the great colt, and came face to crotch with him once more. He was growing steadily larger, his erection now sagging slightly due to the weight of the engorged glans. It was still leaking quite profusely, forming a shallow pool at his rear hooves. Trixie spent a moment sniffing it gently, before she opened her mouth as wide as she could. She rolled out her tongue and attempted to lift it to her mouth, but found the girth and weight (and it was still growing,) was too much. She actually had to use her magic to lift it, and then slowly put her lips over the drooling glans.

The taste sent her brain doing somersaults. Horses released a great deal of seed, and a horse the size of Marshall, with his testicles full and hanging down between his legs, was no exception. With the magic of her horn, she gave them soft squeezes on and off, as she nibbled and suckled the engorged glans like a foal at the teat. Her cheeks were constantly filled with the steady stream of white, but she gulped down steadily, washing all the seed into her plumping belly. Marshall kept neighing and groaning, sometimes forcing his tip into Trixies face, several times knocking her flat on her rump. But each time she recovered, continued suckling, continued drinking down the delicious pre that streamed out, until it suddenly came to a stop. She looked above her, at the rippling, powerful barrel of Marshall's chest, and suddenly felt herself yanked back. Her hooves dragged across the ground in confusion and fear, until she was brought out from under him. She looked up just a moment, at his tense, eager face, jaw clenched tight, and then she looked down at the golden erection that jutted out from under him. A moment later, a blob of white shot out of the cock like a cannon. It splashed upon Trixie's face, coating her in whiteness. She fell backwards, and as the assault of white blobs continued to spurt madly out of the penis, she curled into a cute ball. Marshall did not care. All he did was take a step forward, so his massive penis and musky testicles were both hanging over her. His penis continued to spurt wildly, coating her blue fur with white, musky cream. Neighs and soft whinnies escaped him as he felt something squeezing his cock... Trixie's magic perhaps, rubbing it softly as he continued to spray her. He soaked her so fully, gallons upon gallons exploding out.

Eventually it stopped, and with one final rub from the magic's embrace, Marshall felt himself relax. Oh, too long... too long since he had done this last. His usual mate had been in Manehattan for the past few months. He felt he should... feel guilty? Feel guilty to be cheating on his mate, but he didn't. He just wanted more of Trixie's love, her sweet tongue. His penis was hanging limp, although still so magnificent, and although he had just let loose an incredible load, he could feel cream still housed inside his testicles.

He lowered his head and bit the leash in his teeth, before giving it a forceful yank. From out of the mucky pool that had formed on the ground, he dragged Trixie free. Turning sharply, and giving the leash another sharp yank, Trixie found herself pulled until she crashed into Marshall's strong rear legs. His tail lifted higher and his hooves shuffled apart, and his very large buttocks pulled wide to expose the eagerly flexing anus. Marshall squatted slightly, using the strength of his powerful legs to keep himself up, as his massive rump eclipsed any light shining down to Trixie. He looked over his shoulder, his anus flexing hungrily, and he said one word; "Lick."

Trixie nodded her head, and lifted her snout, moving towards one of the large buttocks. She nuzzled it softly, nibbled it, before moving more center and to the eagerly flexing anus. Trixie took a deep breath of the raw, musky odor that was radiating out, before puckering her lips and giving him a very soft kiss. His anus flexed suddenly, retracting from the wet lips, but soon returned to normal. She kissed it again, and again it flexed and retracted away. With her rubbing hooves, Trixie coaxed Marshall to come down harder. When he had reached a good height, she leaned her muzzle in, and pressed it right between his large buttocks. Slipping her tongue out carefully, she pressed it up against the pucker, and continued pressing it even as it flexed away. Refusing to let it escape her, she stretched her tongue out more and more, and when it returned to normal, her tongue slipped deep inside.

Marshall's eyes remained half lidded, and his tongue rolled out from between his lips. He groaned and wiggled his hips on occasion, as his anus flexed and squeezed on the surprisingly large bulk of Trixie's tongue. She moved her tongue in deep, swilling it about, but when she found the slimy wall of his prostate, that became the focus of her affection. She brushed over it, very slowly, savoring the odd feel. She applied pressure as she moved her tongue, dragging it slowly back and forth. She fished her tongue about, before pulling out and leaning back, taking a breath and ignoring the bitter musk clinging to her taste buds. Above her, the great and powerful rump shook, and she quickly pressed her lips to it. Her tongue slid into the opened, lubricated tunnel and immediately returned to his prostate.

Marshall's penis began to stir once more. Growing heavy at a steady rate, it was not long before dribbles of white were leaking from the slit, spilling onto the floor and filling the room with a heady aroma. Occasionally, Trixie leaned her head back, away from the large anus, and moved to Marshall's two hanging orbs. She suckled and kicked them, licked them, and then returned to the anus, until she felt a sharp tug on the leash. She planted one more kiss upon his massive, hanging testicles, before she was yanked out from under him and tossed over the ground.

Marshall was upon her quickly, his engorged yellow shaft swaying through the air, spurting madly. She neighed softly as a splash of warm cream was released onto her back, and then washed her buttocks as Marshall positioned himself right. Trixie had a nice rump, that could not be denied. It was large and shapely, the two pockets of fat perfect half moons, separated only by a shadowed crack. He eased his aching erection forward, although the shapely buttocks of the blue pony were far too closely clenched for his impressive erection to fit. Blue magic tugged at her flanks, easing her cheeks wider apart and also pulling her clenched pucker a little wider. Warmth splashed inside her, especially when the flat head of the erection rammed against her not-wide-enough anus. She lowered her upper body to the ground, bracing herself, as she pulled her cheeks farther apart still. Marshall rammed himself forward, slamming his meaty cock into her, and succeeded in slipping the start of his flesh into the warm tunnel.

Marshall lowered his body slowly, carefully, aware of how delicate unicorns were and that if his weight fell upon her, she would go squish. He folded and braced his legs carefully, so his barrel was weighing down upon Trixie, preventing her from moving or wiggling away. His heavy erection was between her legs, rammed inside her and stretching her farther than the widest dildo ever had. Each throb of the magnificent shaft sent waves of pleasure and pain through her, causing her to neigh and whinny and scream, her magic sparking madly before stopping completely. Because of that, her anus clamped down tight upon Marshall's still slick erection. Marshall saw stars before catching himself, and began to hump and grind, slamming himself against the blue pony again and again.

"Harder," Trixie screamed. "I'm weak and powerless, remember? Do it harder!"

Marshall gave the collar a soft yank, as he drove his erection forward, slamming his hips into her plump rump cheeks. They cushioned his hips in a delightful way, adding another level of pleasure to the already blissful romp. There seemed to be no end to Trixie's bowels, because he kept feeding more and more of his aching shaft into her madly clenching walls, until he hilted somewhere deep, and had to take a breath.

She was heavenly. She was warm and sweet, and it felt so wonderful after spending so long without anyone. "Harder!" she barked again, gasping and groaning as she felt cream filling inside her. She rolled and wiggled, the seed still housed in her belly sloshing around. With her magic, she was poking and prodding at her warm, drooling nethers, squeezing her clitoris or filling herself with an arcane bulk.

With a neigh, Marshall shoved himself forward, hilting just a few more inches inside the shapely flanks of the blue unicorn. She neighed suddenly, magic sparking and exploding; a bubble she had been prodding herself with popped into magic shards. These shards sent waves of pleasure like she had never known through her: a sweet, blissful release oozed out all at once. But while her sweet release could spread over the floor in a growing pool, Marshall's release had nowhere to go, and filled Trixie's bowels all at once. The feel of bliss that rippled through her body was indescribable. Every muscle in Marshall's powerful body rippled and shook. He shoved himself forward once again, but then pulled out, only to ram himself again with more force, more fury.

Spurt after spurt shot into Trixie, the unicorn neighing each time. It was painful, to be sure. She was durable, but there seemed to be a limitless amount of horse seed, spilling into her tight bowels and washing through her insides. Aware perhaps she would expire if he continued, Marshall held her carefully with one arm, and started to scoot his hips back. She continued to clench, however, and he made no effort to suppress the maddening squirts of his large penis. He just hoped he would not hurt her.

At last, he was free of her tight cavern. Perhaps her squeezing had restricted the flow of his cream, because suddenly, great spurts were shooting out of him as if he had been a virgin to any love. He coated, first her cute rump, and then her flanks, more and more cream spurting out of him and onto her, until once more she was buried beneath the musky white. Utterly exhausted, Marshall rolled onto his side, tuckered out.

Trixie stood, and like a dog ridding itself of water, she shook her coat several times. The white cream that saturated her had a sticky quality, so no matter how much she shook, large globs of white remained on her. She did not really mind though. It made her coat smell nice. The fur between her thighs was wet, but she did not feel sated, and quickly trotted to Marshall's side. Placing her hooves onto his chest, she rocked him several times, insistently pleading that they go another round. Marshall waved her off with a hoof. Trixie huffed.

"Maybe weak and powerless isn't the way to go," she muttered. "You Marshall Law, by the heavens, you are great and powerful. I want that back."

Marshall lifted his head on his strong neck, watching her with amusement. Trixie's eyes began to glow, and then her horn as well. She lowered her chest to the ground, and then, with a heavy push, righted herself to stand on two legs. Marshall continued watching, not particularly concerned with what she was up to, but decided to humor her for the time being. His focus returned when he noticed, between her legs and just under her plumped belly, was an odd sort of glow. Trixie whined suddenly, biting her lip, and then was forced onto four hooves again. "By the heavens," she muttered. "I've only read about this one. I've never actually tried it before."

Worried for her, Marshall lowered his head and peeked under her, worried about the glowing spot under her navel, when he happened to notice something growing out from her pubic bone. He scooted closer, and stared, baffled, as the glowing blue light faded, replaced by something flesh and oddly familiar.

"Ah... yes... by Celestia, that's right. Mmm..."

Now, hanging between Trixie's legs was a fully grown and engorged erection, the same light cyan color as the innards he had grown familiar with over the course of the night. Marshall stared, utterly baffled and more than a little worried, as Trixie's magic took hold of him. In an instant, he was on his back, pinned by the strength of her magic on his ankles and wrists. Trixie smiled, and trotted towards him, placing her dainty forehooves on his belly. She lifted herself up carefully, and displayed both her underside, and the new virgin erection, projecting forward from her crotch. She looked down at Marshall, and for a moment, lay her erection down on his belly. She was exuberant to see that her erection not only matched his own, but hers was perhaps a bit larger!

She eased her hips back very slowly, although the moment her erection had left his belly, it plopped wetly to the ground. She called upon her magic to lift it, and carefully guided it between the two, large buttocks of the brown colt. Marshall whinnied, but her magic clamped his muzzle tightly shut, preventing him from making a noise as she pressed her virgin glans up against his puckered anus, still lightly lubricated from the embrace of her tongue. She giggled softly at the feel, and very slowly began to work herself inside.

"Oh yes," she said, another giggle rippling through her. "Whose weak and powerless now?"

She was aware Marshall spoke, as no matter how tight her magic embraced his jaws, whispers and mutters slipped out. She humped forward, driving her erection into his anus, but he was larger and looser than she was, and so she slipped inside without difficult. She was... disappointed in that. She humped harder and wiggled side to side, rolling her hips back and forth, and although there was the sexual thrill, something was missing. Weak and powerless, her life and her pleasure held in his hooves... she really had enjoyed that... And so, it stood to reason, she would enjoy more of it...

She had an idea, and lowered her horn to Marshall's chest, the tip very gently sifting through the fur. She drew a little glowing circle in his left breast, the glow remaining even after horn pulled away. And then she eased herself back, and resumed humping.

Marshall spoke again. Trixie focused her magic, although was finding it hard to keep her concentration. His left arm lifted and swung, but she just managed to secure it down. It took all her energy, and so she had no magic to keep his right arm down. A stiff hoof caught her in the side. Sharp pain rippled through her. She took several steps back as Marshall rolled over, stomping towards her, and then placed a firm hoof upon her back. "Who is the weak and powerless bitch now?" he asked.

Trixie whimpered and cried, but inside she was smiling, her heart fluttering and her legs feeling numb. "I am..." she said in her weakest voice.

Marshall grinned wide. He reached down, and unhooked the collar from around Trixie's neck. She was disappointed in that, but then he gave her a hard knock on the size, and she found herself tipped over. "We're going to go for a walk," he said, quickly fixing the collar around her newly formed genitals. Trixie's magic glowed subtly, and she pulled the collar just a little tighter, causing pain and masochistic pleasure to ripple through her soul. She got to her hooves, and Marshall gave the leash a tight tug, causing her to scream and feel another orgasm approaching.

"Come on," the colt said. "Let's go for a walk through the town."

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