Winter's Worth II

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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#4 of Winter's Worth

First off, I never expected so many good reviews of Winter's Worth, so I'd like to thank all those who enjoyed reading it.

I recommend that you read this one first before continuing if you have not done so already:

The main purpose of this is to chronologically connect I and the eventual III. And since III focuses on the very end of Silvia's heat and around New Years, there wasn't much else I thought of writing about. (Whenever I get to writing III, most of the idea has been thought of.) And don't worry, the third one will contain a plot that amounts to more than three non consecutive days of sex for these two characters.

Yawning, Johann scratched his head and stretched his shoulders.

'It's the 18th right?' he thought trying to roll over, before remembering he couldn't. But it was the 18th, third day of Silvia's heat, and it was already feeling like a marathon of intimacy and romance. She only agreed for a passionate love making whenever he was up and ready for it, no pun intended. Being led around the house half the time didn't bother Johann the least, in fact he enjoyed the close contact very much, it was just how fast his body responded that surprised him. But what could he expect? He loved Silvia with all his heart, and to him heat was going to be a biannual bonus each year. The wolf on top of him exhaled, still asleep, blowing hot air under his chin. The massive paws were situated on each side of his head, the rest of her body laid parallel on top of his with the end of her muzzle just at the bottom of his neck. He could feel the fur from her belly radiating toasty warmth with its wonderful softness that could out compete any blanket. Only a minute or so of watching her sleep did she finally open an icy blue eye, then a grey one to greet him.

Silvia yawned and stretched before titling her head, looking back at him with her lips curled back into a grin. Johann reached over and began scratching behind both her ears. "Good morning," he softly called to her murring from his wonderful caress. She gave a content sigh feeling his hands ruffle through her thick fur, scratching nails soothing her skin. When he stopped, her mouth opened in a big yawn showing off her powerful arsenal of pearly white teeth.

"Good morning to you too," she replied scooting up to him. Silvia licked his face with keen adoring strokes, happy that she was able to wake up with him like this everyday. Her gesture only stopped when he chuckled moving his head from the wet tongue. Silvia sat up gently onto his lap, shaking the last of her slumber off, placing a paw on his chest. "Someone was warm and cozy," she murred to him with a sultry smile.

Johann smiled back, "You should know, you're covered with the stuff." Silvia chose not to respond with words, but instead began grinding her hips slowly against his groin. He couldn't help but shift in place a little bit, her hot folds brushing over caressing him to hardness. Her downy fluff helped the process as he moaned her name appreciatively. The wolf felt him harden under her pressing sex.

"Having a good time?" she stood up, ending the wonderful contact making his member spring up pointing at her. Johann could see the juices from her glistening in the light on himself. He nodded and watched her body lower slowly impaling herself. He stared up at her past the fluff to see a very happy face concentrated on the task at hand. She took him to the hilt causing both of them to murmur each others names. "I wouldn't mind staying like this all day," she cooed to him.

"Only for you," he said holding up a paw rubbing it sweetly. Enjoying the fullness and his loving affection, Silvia simply stared at the kind human with a warm expression.

"Just being with you almost satisfies the wanting instinct," she spoke softly looking down at him.

"Almost," he stated shifting his hips slightly, making her shudder with desire. Throwing the romantic moment out the window, Silvia lifted up before slamming back down onto his lap growling lustily. She didn't even bother slowing down for Johann trying to keep up with her. He grabbed her back legs to stabilize himself and get a good rhythm going. Her hot tight passage made it very tough to stave off an early orgasm, but it wouldn't matter with plenty of days in heat left to spare. The room echoed their passionate woes as they we're lost in an ocean of ecstasy. It didn't take long for either to build up a rapid climax, especially for the wolf in heat. Rutting back with a few high pitched barks, Johann felt the scale tip as he jumped once before spilling his love into her. Ears pinned back, able to feel his seed filling up her lusty tunnel, she hit her peak. With a final loud howl aimed at the ceiling, she came hard grinding onto him. Legs clenched tightly as contractions took over her body. Johann bit his bottom lip from yelling out loud, her muscles gripped with a strong suction not letting him budge until he was milked for all his worth. He pet her sides lovingly as she panted hot wafts of air down to his face, which strangely didn't have a distasteful odor. It had a more neutral smell, like a gust of wind from a heated summer.

"Mmm, I have to admit, our den is much better than my old one back in the forest," she said bending her head down to his.

"Den?" he started questioningly before his voice was cut off. The end of her muzzle pressed against his mouth in the form of a simple kiss. He chuckled and pressed back poking her lips with his tongue, seeking entrance. Jaws parted without hesitation allowing the adventurous tongue to explore her cavernous mouth. She giggled as his flexible appendage could only go so far into her mouth, tracing over the first few incisors and canines, going over her more muscular tongue. She reciprocated easily at first by only tracing his tongue with hers, slowly gaining more control. Johann eased back down onto the pillow as she followed him without skipping a beat. Tilting her head, she moved forward where the end of her muzzle was between his lips, black nose sticking out on the side. Silvia had his small appendage inside her mouth still and began suckling it eliciting a hushed moan from him. Short hairs prickled the edge of his mouth making him chuckle. His hands reached up and cupped her cheeks graciously rubbing them as she continued her comforting oral treatment. She pulled back despite a small disappointed mumble from Johann. Her jaws opened up in a giant yawn before closing with a sharp snap of teeth.

The AC turned on creating a subtle breeze aimed at the pair. He flared his nose in the air, almost able to taste the arousal present giving the air a thick feeling. "I think I need a quick shower," he stated rubbing away any moisture from his forehead. She nosed into his armpit chuffing at the strong scent,

"Everything is just right to me," she returned to his face giving it a smooth lick.

"I'll put it off for later then," he said propping up his elbows trying to sit up. Silvia stood up fully, his now soft organ completely free, the empty feeling making her frown briefly before turning around to clean him up. While the wolf lapped away their combined fluids on him, Johann reached for a hand towel on the nearby dresser to wipe down her wet opening. Having towels by the bed were more than convenient for mornings like this. With each as clean as they would be the rest of the morning, they finally rose ready to start the rest of the day. Each got out of bed with sore legs as the springs groaned from being relieved of the two weights. He was able to notice the room in a little more detail now, not that it had changed significantly save for the lighting throughout the hours. Johann made his way to the kitchen with her body pressed against his side, head leaning on his shoulder. Ready to take a left, Johann was deterred with a nudge over to the living room. Walking on, she led him to the back door connecting to the porch. With her muzzle, she opened the door for herself.

"I won't be gone hunting for long," she rubbed her head against his before going outside. Silvia nodded a goodbye as he gave a quick wave before she plowed through the heaps of powdery white. He closed the door behind her only to shiver from the arctic air, desperately needing to heat himself up. Stepping over a warm air vent, Johann watched her hurry into the woods, obviously wanting to return as fast as possible. Fetching a spare blanket from the recliner chair in the living room, he made his way over to the kitchen for a meal of his own. Fishing around through the cabinets and fridge, pancakes were on the mind and soon ended up prepared with some toast on a plate. After liberally applying the syrup, Johann thought about how this week and the following would play out.

'Not like it could get much better,' he stuffed his mouth full of the fluffy food. But he did want to spoil her some other than the frequent sex and closeness, which would be hard to top for a wolf in heat. He mulled over his thoughts without much progress, 'Close contact is what she craves, so brushing her fur?' If there was even a brush of sorts in the house leftover from his parents. The breakfast soon disappeared with his hunger. Scooting the chair back over the floor, he stood up and made his way over to the sink to clean up everything. After the dishes and utensils were cleaned, he walked over to the living room, which Silvia accidentally misnamed as the loving room, to pull out and expand the couch. He had no idea where his parents originally bought it, but expanding it out to almost the width of his bed was very handy indeed. Pulling the frame out, the couch extended to its full length. Even though Silvia was gone hunting, it would be very convenient for when she came back. Plopping down, he cut the tv on with the remote to watch some news before moving to clean the bedroom. A good forty minutes passed as he occasionally flipped between channels to avoid commercials, before hearing a noise by the back porch.

The door opened and closed as he heard the wolf shake her fur from any remaining snow. Claws clacked against the wooden floor hurriedly in his direction from behind the couch. "You're back early," he watched her rounding the armrest.

"Couldn't catch anything!" she huffed nudging his shoulder to lie down. Quickly complying, Johann soon moved to his side waiting for his wolf to climb over. She thumped down onto her side next to him, drawing him in with all of her paws hooked around his body in various positions.

"Aah! your fur is cold!" he shivered feeling goosebumps form on his arms as a few flakes of remaining snow made contact with his skin.

"Then hurry up and get closer!" she barked pressing her body closer to his. The cold fluff soon warmed up as his face was unable to see anything else except a dark sea of grey. Her head craned over his helping him heat up. "You remind me of a pup without fur," she teased him as he responded with an indecipherable muffle.

He climbed up her furry frame, 'A pup huh?' When finally getting face to face, she only rubbed over him with her muzzle and face, holding his head down with a paw. He squirmed trying to push her back without much avail, only to be covered up.

"Alright, alright, I'm a pup," he conceded. "My pup," she emphasized giving his forehead a lick. Her motherly tongue moved lower as he closed his eyes felling it caress the over his nose and eyes before retracting altogether. Cautiously opening to see, her snout slowly descended to him. Lips mushed against his softly before pulling back causing him to forget about her even calling him a pup. "What was it called again?" she asked, her black nose only an inch or two away.

"You mean this?" he connected their mouths much more passionately for a moment watching her eyes close slowly as she melted into it. Moving away, Johann looked at her happy expression thinking how cute she appeared. "It's called a kiss," he said as she opened her eyes and closed her smiling open jaw.

"Mmm, I love it," she told him with a gleam in both eyes displaying a look. As she leaned towards him for another round, Johann paused. He tensed up for a split second before breaking free from her grip.

"Where are you going, did I do something wrong?" she saw him hurry off.

"Bathroom!" he sounded off, closing a door. A few moments later she calmed and heard a flushing noise followed by the door reopening. He whistled a sigh of relief leaving the restroom while Silvia rolled into a different position waiting on him. Coming back from the bathroom break, Johann stopped and noticed the wolf sprawled out on her back on the large couch with just enough room for him by her legs. She looked up, head propped by the arm rest, at him expectantly. "You're up to something," he made his way over to the convenient seat.

"Nothing you won't enjoy," she huskily said curling her legs up for him. He gave a quick grin and plopped down and both legs landed in his lap casually enough without ill intent. Johann turned his attention to the tv thinking nothing more about it, unaware that her glare never wavered from between his legs. Time passed quickly before a sensation made him sit up straight. Shifting his gaze down, her hind paw had moved low without suspicion rubbing back and forth under his now growing length. The gentle swaying of her hind leg didn't have a problem in making him reach full stiffness as it practically mesmerized him, accompanied with a few soft moans. The wriggling furred toes strummed him vibrantly, making him spread his legs slightly for better access. He closed his eyes as her other hind paw rubbed against his chest sweetly adding to the sensation. But just as sudden as it had started, she stopped entirely leaving Johann to throb in empty cool air. He looked to her questioningly but she wore a happy smile pointing a large paw down low near where he was.

"I would rather you place that somewhere more... needing," Silvia cooed spreading her legs the best she could manage for him. That adorable look she gave him easily compelled her eager lover to his knees already pressing the tip at her folded entrance. Johann glanced back up at her lustful gaze as she impatiently pressed her legs against sides. He slowly penetrated her, receiving a satisfied whine from up top. She could feel his member pulsing with every vein inside her, causing her to give an involuntary squeeze. He moaned and stroked the inside of her thighs, running through the thick fur, sensually heightening her pleasure. "No teasing!" she hissed between closed teeth trying to buck onto him herself.

'Even though you teased me a moment ago.' Hips started rolling as he began pumping into her hungry sex, eagerly wanting to satisfy her, and later, both of them. The rhythm in progress, moans were easy to obtain from the wolf in need as her body gently rocked along the sofa cushions. Her body heated up receiving a groan from Johann as he scratched her itch. The walls fluctuated and tugged at him, signaling a near release. The quick slick motion was being slowed from her tightening passage as a result, causing both to grunt out together. But the muscular structure wouldn't or couldn't let up. Johann tried smoothing out the muscles on the outside with his hands to keep going, but their rippling effect had him take another approach. Angling up more, he brushed against her clit hoping to rush out the first climax from her body. It started working immediately to some degree, the muscles almost creating a suction like sensation allowing him to move more freely, in at least one direction. This worked wonders for Silvia, her body on fire with pleasure. It built too high to sustain, her legs kicked out with a strong spasm as she bit a cushion to contain a yelp. Her body tried milking Johann even though he hadn't come... yet.

He slowed for a few moments, unable to move an inch. Her convulsing canal was insatiable, urgently clenching down on his member demanding more pleasure, which he was more than obliged to do so. The afterglow she just rose through steadily brought her towards another climax as Johann picked up the pace once more. Except this time he wasn't far behind, feeling the pressure build uncontrollably. Another few minutes of thrusting and encouraging words from Silvia tipped the scales. Their bodies froze after a final fluid motion, both peaking at the same time. Ropes of white erupted from his pulsating spire, as her first contractions started. Her walls gripped him hard yet tenderly, draining his body dry of all the cum it had to offer. Johann's limbs felt tired as the last of her contractions weakened around his softening organ. He looked at her welcoming fur coat underneath. Worn out, Johann eased onto the fluffy lighter grey fur below welcomed him graciously like a giant pillow a he nestled his head into the softness. Both relaxed a while enjoying each others company as well as body heat. Glancing over through the hairs in front of his lashes, he noticed the empty fireplace that had hardly been in use since Silvia started living with him.

It only made him snuggle closer a little more thankfully. He hugged her tightly, head rising with her chest as she breathed in and out with a slower pace, as the body heat wrapped around him in a glowing warmth. Johann remained like this as he felt an emptiness in his midsection, food becoming the main thought on his mind. A growl from his stomach made her turn an ear towards him and open up an eye, and another small growl confirmed what she had heard. He gave a coy grin, "You tend to wear me out easily Silvia."

"I can always provide you with lunch," she said regaining her breath placing a paw on his head. Moving a cheek, he could feel a firm bump hidden beneath the layers of fur. And from the occasional use, all ten teats had developed very subtle mounds like a human breast storing the rich white substance, containing very soft tissue beneath.

"Are they supposed to grow when you go into heat?" he asked massaging one with a hand buried in the tufts causing her to murr.

"Yes, but they return to normal after a month or so, but I'm sure you can put them to good use," she lifted up briefly before resting back down. He gave a coy grin before sifting through all the fur in search of a generous nub. Fingers grazing the desired item, he combed away all the excess fluff from around gaining a clear view of the large pinkish spout. Bending down, his lips wrapped comfortably around and tenderly began their suckling motion, earning a soft whine from her. Moments later the tasty thick liquid was being obtained with ease by the mouthfuls. He bit down softly, occasionally swiping his tongue on the tip of her nipple feeling her jerk under him, knowing that she liked it when he fed from her. The vaguely vanilla taste grew strong as he proceeded to satisfy his hunger, wanting as much as possible. Johann pressed a palm onto the somewhat raised mound kneading smoothly into the softness below, helping more whines and squirms be heard and shown. By now Silvia had both paws overlapped on the back of his head, anchoring him down to her teat. Her motherly gesture didn't go unnoticed, a wandering hand soon found another one nearby and began rolling, rubbing, and lightly pinching it between his fingers.

Her tongue was soon lolling out once again from his delicate touch. Johann ate his fill while continuing to tease her, and could've sworn he made her go through another small orgasm in the process. Finally, full of milk, he unlatched and licked the teat clean making her half purr and growl. He rested his head on the furry platform below, not quite tired enough to go take a nap. She reached down and clamped carefully over his neck and pulled him up to her level. Johann naturally went limp to prevent any complications as he was dragged forward. His neck was released only for a tongue to wash over his face instead to lovingly lap at his skin. He only put up with a minute or so of her wet treatment and soon rolled off her so that he was laying down next to her on his back. Silvia faked a huff of being upset, but found another thing to comfort herself. She scooted lower still parallel with him, laying her head onto his lap. She chuffed at the light musky scent of his private region, twitching her nose as the curly hairs tickled it. Her eyes closed dozing off for a nap, placing a paw on his thigh. Johann looked down from the tv to the wolf head on his lap and stroked her thick fur.

The clock above the fridge ticked turning to noon signaling that the morning was officially over. Silvia and Johann had remained snuggled up in each others embrace for a few hours in bed. As if either had much else to do. Sitting up, Johann crackled a few joints stretching in place. He yawned out the last of his sleepiness and scratched her side, making her legs twitch briefly. She soon sat up behind him, licking the back of his neck for the hint of saltiness present. She was interrupted with a question that he had been thinking about during the morning.

"What is it like being in heat?" he asked. She yawned and snuggled closer, keeping her muzzle under his chin.

"It's the best worst itching burn if you have someone to help you through it, but if not, then it's just hell," she remarked remembering previous heats that he obviously wouldn't know about.

"Just wondering what you're going through," he said plainly enough.

'So you're curious about how it feels?' she thought sitting behind him slowly maneuvering around. She hooked a paw on his shoulder pulling him down, before moving to his unguarded waist. He laid back having a vague idea of what she was after. She jumped of the bed going to the end so that her top half was laying on the bed itself and the rest was hanging over being supported by her hind legs on the floor. The tall wolf bent her head down to his flaccid organ, breathing in the source of his musky scent for a moment. "I'll take your mind off some things," she stated giving a tentative lick with her broad tongue to stimulate him. Whatever different approach she had, Johann wasn't in the least going to complain. She lapped away at the vaguely salty skin, emboldened as it grew before her. It soon rose to life under her special treatment as she hungrily stared at the stiff rod. Shifting her hind legs, the heated slick sensation was present again in full force. Silvia could feel herself becoming wetter from arousal knowing that it shouldn't be hard bringing him to peak.

"God Silvia, this feels amazing," he chimed as she sealed her lips tightly around his throbbing organ, bobbing lightly. The ridges of the roof of her mouth were exquisite, until she popped him out to continue lapping away with all the time in the world. He could feel the tingling sensation build with each stroke her warm tongue made under the length of his erect member. Just as he was about to warn her, she stopped entirely leaving him confused as his near climax dissipated. Johann thought little of it and continued enjoying the treatment she was giving him. The ravenous tongue made its way lower towards his pouch below. It started licking the twin orbs softly, leaving his spire throbbing coldly in the air. He carefully spread his legs wider when her mouth closed on one or both to gently suckle. His legs tensed up feeling her canines poking into the rougher skin, this only helped keep him further from an orgasm but he enjoyed her ministrations the same. Noticing him relax slightly, she moved back to the sensitive underside stroking fully from base to tip. He moaned feeling the amazing sensation return full force. His hips were held down from bucking with two front paws firmly planted, but he took no notice.

Her appendage's renewed dance made him think with lust as it seemed to know where all his sensitive spots were, each flick and swipe making him shudder in ecstasy. The heated pressure below started building again, steadily approaching. Her teeth grazed his skin pushed him so close to the edge that his head snapped back gasping. The climax so near was again snatched away from him without warning. He reached down with a shaky hand to finish the job himself only for her muzzle to block the way. She softly bit onto a finger, barely leaving a mark, to let him know that she was in control so everything will be alright. He whined and retracted his hand for her to continue. To Johann it felt like someone commanded a volcano to stop from erupting. Again she had moved away, this time focusing on the head to collect the pre already beaded at the opening and more that was sure to leak out. "Silvia," he grumbled shifting to his elbows starting to figure out that this was being done on purpose. She paused looking at him with mischievous eyes, gently resting a furry cheek against his aching organ begging for release.

"Oh no, you wondered what heat was like and this is it, so sit tight," she added wearing a cute grin, pushing him back with a paw. A worried feeling shot through him, only to be replaced with another buildup of pleasure that he knew would be suspended and brought down. She lapped slower than before, pausing a second or two before her tongue caressed and pulled at the taught skin. Quickly, his movements betrayed his shortcoming and she averted the underside, opting for the crown instead. Johann was in a predicament, the denial was driving him insane. If this is what heat did to her twice a year, she must've had the willpower of deity. She focused up top for quite a while.

"Silvia it's unbearable," he groaned out as she casually continued swirling her tongue over the tip.

"But the more I lick here, the more salty taste will come out," she made an innocent face making puppy dog eyes at him. When he couldn't fathom a response, she continued her tortuous pleasuring making him writhe on the bed. He wanted to pout, giving her everything he could was what he wanted, but his body needed a desperate release for himself.

"Please," he whimpered begging out caught between the snare of pleasure and frustration. Another excruciating minute passed before she was finally satisfied with the amount of groans and twitches, not to mention the copious amounts of pre. She moved back and stepped off the bed,

'Now time for both of us to get some relief,' looking at him.

'Well at least she stopped,' he thought trying to calm his flustered breathing. She padded up next to him from the bed side and placed her cool nose against his ear, making Johann shiver.

"Take me like a wolf, and you can have your perfect release," she whispered to him. Johann felt a strong physical pressure to fulfill her wish and hopped out of bed while she turned around presenting herself. Standing on shaky legs, he walked over to her and noticed her sex was practically dripping with natural juices waiting for him. "Hurry up!" she whined in need herself, shifting in place bringing him back to focus. Lining up, he plunged in, the silk covered iron muscles gripping him immediately making Silvia and him shake with joy. He bent over and gripped her sides, thrusting in and out like any other wolf would do to her, with a humans touch however. Johann pounded away into her entrance like a feral animal, striking every sensitive spot inside her that could be reached. Silvia rocked back meeting his thrusts with equal force growling wantonly. All of the wolf's muscles moved in unison with one goal in mind, a successful mating. Johann continued the pace lacking of rhythm, able to feel every ridge inside of her bringing him to the plateau of pleasure that wouldn't be removed. Feeling the heat reaching a breaking point down low, he pressed his face into her back happily moaning.

She stood still and felt him release inside of her but was surprised that he kept going. A grunt escaped her lips as he adjusted slightly to make contact with her unsheathed clit. She whined and shuddered as he continued even though his orgasm was subsiding. Johann wanted to bring Silvia to a powerful climax of her own. Panting and slick sloshing noises reverberated throughout the room, creating a symphony of arousal. She wanted to tell Johann to grab her neck with a hand, but he was exhausted barely hanging on, mostly using her for support. One final thrust grazing over her engorged clit, making her howl loudly, sent her over the edge. She came hard squeezing him like a vice grip even as he began growing soft. Her claws flexed gripping the carpet roughly as she growled from the wave of pleasure overriding her senses. "I should tease you more often," she breathlessly said laying down, even though he was still inside her. Falling backwards, he slipped out and plopped into the carpet, spent for the day. The rest of the day spent in leisure.

December 21st, the first day of winter... now the title actually makes sense. It was already past sunrise and Silvia had woken up, but decided on laying with her sleeping mate for a while. Her stomach growled, letting the wolf know the last time she ate was four days ago. Silvia's "mate" took no notice and continued snoozing away. Johann's back was pressed into her front, wolf limbs jutting past him, intertwined with his arms and legs. This was as physically close to happiness that he could be in; safe at home, in bed, cuddled up closely next to his amorous wolf. Another soft rumble did wake him up in at least a pleasant way. He didn't even bother opening his eyes as he ran a hand through the luscious downy fur, content how everything was thus far. His hand trailed through her fur, ruffling the swirled grey pattern as if he was tracing it blindly. Despite how much he wanted to go back to sleep, his body started waking up without him. He turned over onto his back and placed an ear closely to her chest, able to detect the strong beat from within.

Hearing and feeling the stable heart made him warm on the inside and snuggle closer to her protective form. Silvia wrapped her legs around him the best she could and settled back down. He knew staying in bed like this with her wouldn't last forever anyhow, so he enjoyed it for the next couple of minutes until he heard her belly rumble again. Moving, he pointed his head up looking at her odd eyes. She grinned at him lovingly into his pair of brown ones.

"Finally ready to get up now?" she asked him.

"No," he planted his face into her neck fur before taking a deep breath. She giggled feeling hot air being exhaled on her. Any other day she would've agreed with Johann's approach, but her stomach wasn't really goofing around.

"C'mon, I'm starving," she rolled on top of him standing up.

"If you say so," he stretched sitting up next to her. Both slid out of bed, almost regrettably doing so as the cooler air contrasted greatly with the warm bed. "Care for me to make you lunch?" he asked going for the hallway. She blocked him having a plan of her own.

"I want you to go hunting with me instead," she protested by herding him to his closet full of untouched clothes.

"Okay, Okay, but wont I just get in your way?" He reasoned sliding open the door. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants with her jaws nearly ripping them from the hanger, shaking her head. He took them from her and dug through his dresser for socks, briefs, and undershirts as she explained.

"There's probably still a new light layer of snow on top of the old that's powdery, so unless you scream not a soul will hear you." With her advice and expertise given, he suited up in the bulky layers.

"It feels weird wearing clothes again," he shuffled around in the layers of fabric.

"Just expect to lose them as soon as we get back," she sweetly rubbed against him. Grabbing the handle, they both left the house into the frigid world outside. There was still about a foot and a half of snow on the ground making the scenery mostly white save for the house and countless trees. Silvia trotted across the deck and leapt from the top step to the yard below. Johann followed suit, except he chose to slide down the smooth steps before starting their hunt. He was surprised that he hardly made a sound above the constant breeze with each step taken. They were soon deep in the mountains following a trail that Silvia only knew, taking them on a winding path. Passing over a small ridge, Johann had a good look around the desolate area. There were only trees that poked up above the thick blanket of white, all of which looked nearly identical to the next. The cold was soon becoming uncomfortable for Johann as he trudged along through the endless waves of hills and trees. Just when he was ready to ask her to turn back, she crouched low, silently telling him to follow suit. Laying down in the snow by a tree he looked around from where he was, all that could be hear was cold silence.

Scanning the slopes, the thin flurries made him nearly miss the unsuspecting deer walking cautiously along an unseen trail. The large wolf silently stalked towards what was to become her next meal, leaving only pawprints behind in the snow. The animal didn't suspect a thing as it continued digging in the snow for something to munch on. When Silvia was within a good distance, she broke off running alerting the surprised prey. A quick chase ensued around the ridge, both plowing and hopping through the snow, the wolf steadily gaining. It was soon all over in a flash. Her prey tripped unluckily and in one bound Silvia was on it, ending the deer's final run. Johann did feel a tiny shiver of fear run up his spine, he lived with this powerful wolf. She could've pinned him up in his bed for a good week with ease and used him whenever, but he surprisingly didn't find the idea too bad. Yet she was the kindest person he knew. She drug the lifeless body back to where Johann was waiting, dropping it with a heavy thud.

"Good catch!" he commended her efforts.

She gave a quick smile, "Since you can't eat any, I'll dig in myself." With that said, her jaws ripped off a piece of flesh and chowed down. Johann passively waited hearing the crunching and slurping lip smacking noises of a meal being consumed, only occasionally did he try making a failed snowball out of the fine powdery flakes before him. Only a couple of minutes passed before she stood up above the carcass beneath her, now almost literally a shell of it's former self, with a well rounded belly. "That really hits the spot," she exclaimed licking the end of her nose.

"I wish I could have some cooked over an open fire," he said imagining the taste. Silvia imagined his description to taste like the roast he once prepared for her. Suddenly the wind picked up briefly blowing snow into his eyes, causing him to rub the away with his mittens. She padded between him and the new wind, blocking its chilling blows, before casually moving in front of him.

"You can have something else instead, before we head back," she told him protruding her chest forward so that the top tier of teats were more accessible. He weighed his options and decided that going back home on an empty stomach would be unpleasant for the most part. Shuffling through the snow, he sat down in front of her towering form digging through the mass of fluff for a nub. Parting the grey fur, he scooted forward to the revealed nipple and attached to it. "Ooh! Cold!" she shivered feeling his lips touch the sensitive skin. He tenderly began suckling as the test grew diamond hard between his lips. After a few moments, he was able to feel the trickle begin and gradually increase as the wind continued to blow by them. She shuffled forward wanting him out of the cold as much as possible watching him feed, going so far as to bending her head down to his. Johann took it as her being a wolf and continued unabated. "If it wasn't for the weather, I would take you here and now starting by pulling those bulky pants down," she whispered to him. He nearly gagged unlatching to respond.

"I would freeze out here," he protested before moving back in to suckle.

"But you couldn't freeze if I made sure you were warm inside me," she cooed making him shudder. "I'll let it slide this time," she continued with that seductive voice, "because having you feed from me is almost as arousing as being in heat." Johann quickly finished with a guilty conscience and a red face, wiping away any excess milk with a wool covered hand. Silvia watched him stand up with a large grin, tail wagging happily behind her.

"Ready to head home now?" he asked staring at her heterochromatic eyes.

"Of course," she turned back leading the way as he followed closely. Johann couldn't recognize the "landmarks" on the way back until he could spot his house between a few trees. The duo took their time walking up the hill and later the porch steps. Silvia acted as the snowplow with Johann following simply behind. After banging the boots on the brick wall to shake off the snow, he stepped inside and slipped out of them. Silvia shook her fur and followed him in. Closing the door with a click, he felt something pulling the coat on his back. She gently tugged at his clothes with a playful growl, requesting them to be thrown into the empty laundry room. He complied and shucked them off one by one, gathering them in his hands to be deposited. After tossing most of the clothes into the laundry room, save for the winter coat, he headed over to their den with Silvia in tow nosing at his private region. Opening up the closet, he managed to hang the coat despite her being nosy.

"Calm down Silvia, I need to take a quick shower anyway," he ruffled the fur on her head and neck.

"Oh just another minute," she huffed taking deep breaths of air practically imbedding her nose into his groin. A long minute passed before he pulled her head up where it was almost level with his.

"Wait here for five minutes," Johann told her slipping away behind the bathroom door before shutting it. He heard her scratch at the door and whine before thumping down to lay at the baseboards. Not wanting to keep her waiting, Johann hurried through his shower and dried off in record time. Seeing his shaggy hair in the mirror, he dug through a few drawers in search of a comb. Along the way he found a brush that his mom probably left behind. 'Might need this later,' he set it on the counter next to the sink. Opening the door a minute later, allowing the steam to spread out before dissipating, he noticed her lying on the floor in a funny position with her tongue halfway stuck out. He cocked an eyebrow at her while she jumped to her paws.

Huffing a quick breath, "You smell stale again now."

He tapped her black nose in response, "I hope so, I was beginning to pick up on my own odor." She circled him a few times double checking before suddenly changing subjects.

"Let's go to the loving room then," she pushed him from behind to the hallway.

"It's called the living room," he corrected walking in front of her.

"I think humans should rename it, to sound more appropriate," she added in as he rounded a corner. Both went into the room and sat down on the sofa, Silvia leaning on him with difficulty. "I should've stretched more before chasing the deer," she grumbled shuffling towards him, laying her head next to his. Petting her head with one hand, and scratching her chin with another, he had an idea and wanted to try it out.

"I think I can help out with that."

"Please, it would be greatly appreciated," she licked his cheek. Johann pushed away her loving muzzle and pointed to the living room floor.

"Alright, lay down on your front," he instructed her. Silvia backed away from the couch with her rusty muscles and sat down on the floor resembling a canine version of the sphinx. "Legs stretched out too," Johann kneeled onto the floor next to Silvia tapping at her side. Crawling forward slightly, she stretched out resting her head on the carpet and relaxed somewhat now resembling a dog trying to fly. The brush came into mind looking at her shaggy fur. "Hold on just a moment," he got up and went to the bathroom where the brush was. Returning with the brush in hand, he sat down next to her tossing the brush on the couch for later. Carefully pressing both palms below her shoulders blades, he kneaded the fibrous muscles beneath. The wolf immediately relaxed under his touch, whining happily telling him where to go next. With steady work, not a single spot over her back was missed. Even her paws and paw pads were soothed with some early difficulty involving her claws. picking up the brush, he combed through her thick fur, breaking any knots or kinks to smooth it out. Once satisfied, he finished looking her over, and placed the brush on a nearby table. It practically had an afro of fur on it making him swallow a laugh at how amusing it looked.

Her coat looked smoother and more elegant, but Silvia took no notice thinking the brush was part of the massage, expecting him to continue.

"More?" she asked cutely.

"If you want," he said adjusting to his knees. She rolled over and he moved back taking the cue and massaged her chest, steadily working his way lower. Her body grew aroused as his touch continued its descent, the light grey fur easily giving way. He took extra care with the pouches of milk she carried under her subtle mounds, the sensation his nimble fingers brought delighted her. Silvia continued to whisper for hum to go lower. Lastly, he feasted on her puffed out labia, glistening with that potent nectar. Moving his fingers down, they quivered erotically under his touch as he traced the finer hairs lining the pinkish red lips. Slowly enough, he rubbed along their length with light pressure as he would with any other muscle that was sore and needed attention, even moving them apart slightly hoping to add in the sensation. 'I could repay her for keeping me on edge two days ago,' he thought watching her hips try and grind into his hands. 'But that might not go over so well in her heat,' he glanced at her open mouth, tongue lolling out, lined with sharp teeth. She barked sharply as he sunk two fingers into her hot opening, beginning to draw circles along the walls in random places.

He made a mental map of her pleasure spots that caused the best reaction, fingers tracing along. He soon hit the diamond jewel already engorged out of its own protective covering, her clit. A grin formed as he delicately manipulated the sensitive nerve enriched area, eliciting loud yelps and wanton whines from her mouth gaped open panting. The muscles around seemed to vibrate in place before they squeezed around his hand, locking it in place briefly startling him. She howled as he felt lubricating fluids trickle around his digits. But Johann never let up, constantly pleasuring her love button and the surrounding canal, another group of fingers tracing her outer labia at the same time. She was sent writhing on her back, the heat driving her onward without much thought. Her recently loosened muscles from earlier allowed for some wiggle room as she resembled a worm trying to stand up. She gasped as he sent her through another climax with the constant teasing of her throbbing clit. Silvia could feel him slowly rubbing it with his finger pads using amazing precision, along with tender motion on her folds. She continually clamped down on his fingers moaning loudly as he never showed any intention of stopping.

Silvia thought her body was burning from ecstasy, his hands switching between thrusting and rubbing. Minutes extended while her legs kicked around him, finally stopping when she screeched out his name. He slipped out easily and watched her nearly shivering from the overload. It took the wolf a while before realizing that he had stopped, but was still a panting mess.

"Mmm... muh... more," she called to him in a daze rolling to her side, breathing heavily. He stroked a hind paw to help lull her through the start of a tedious afterglow. She half gnawed the floor beneath hoping to control her howls. Only when she closed her eyes and her claws stopped pressing into his hands did her companion move. Johann got up to wash his hands and retrieve a hand towel, leaving Silvia to watch the spots in her eyes moaning out whines he still couldn't understand.

'Heat really puts her through a lot,' he thought rinsing off her feminine juices. After drying off, he grabbed a small towel and returned to the living room. By now she had stopped whining as Johann carefully cleaned her sopping entrance and surrounding fur. He certainly didn't need her more aroused than this, if it was possible. She whined when he set the towel aside. "I'm not going anywhere," he sat down next to her, placing her head in his lap. He scratched her chin, lulling her to sleep, figuring that neither would be doing much moving after this.

The next few days were similar to the last few, each pampering one another. But all good things, depending how you look at it, must come to an end.

"It's finally starting to wear down," she announced trotting through the kitchen happily.

"Your urge?" Johann questioned a little unsure that what she was saying could actually be true. The wolf stretched her legs and shook her body as if to demonstrate before approaching him.

"Yes!" she nosed his neck playfully. Silvia seemed to make up her mind while resting her chin on his shoulder. "I'm going outside for a few hours before I hunt today," he heard her say clacking away on the wooden floor.

"So I can safely put clothes on now without your permission?" She paused at the door turning her head back with a smile, "I didn't say it was completely gone now did I?"

Johann smirked, "Just don't be gone all day," he called out as she closed the door.

"No promises!" a click of the door ended her cheery voice. Johann moved to the window and watched her hop through the snow, rolling around without a care in the world before eventually making her way over into the forest. Johann proceeded to cleaning the last plate that remained in the sink. Leaving it to dry for later, he went around straightening up a few things that were misplaced or moved from previous romps that they had started, occasionally searching under a piece of furniture. His cleanings led him to the bedroom, where he lit a couple of candles and turned on a fan to help weaken the strong potent scent that continually permeated the air. Not that he didn't enjoy the aroma, but going out with her a few days ago was the only fresh air that he had breathed in over a week. The day hurried by with him ending his chore in the living room. Noticing the sun far off starting to cast long shadows, Silvia would be arriving back shortly. Finishing by picking the fur out of the brush, he plopped onto the sofa. He yawned leaning onto a cushion, the sun almost ready to set soon enough.

'Nothing wrong with taking a quick nap before she gets back.' The heater in the background helped make a perfect lullaby for sleeping as his mind relaxed. Pretty soon he fell asleep as the sky began to faintly grow dark. Time passed faster than his dreams as the moon replaced the sun in the unending trade off of mastering of the sky. It was completely dark when she came walking back up the hill, save the tiny glitter of moonlight. The giant grey wolf slowly plodded up the back porch steps from wearing herself out all day. Without the strongest influence of heat bothering her anymore until late spring, she spent the hours outside freely running about, ending it with a successful meal. A smile formed on the canines lips knowing that she would always come home to someone, not just a cold empty den in the ground. Opening the door, Silvia came back inside from what also appeared to be a successful hunt, her tongue licking off any remaining blood left around her muzzle while carrying a full belly. She noticed the house was dark and quiet like outside, no sign of Johann to greet her at the door.

'Where is he?' she searched the kitchen unable to find anything. She came into the living room and found him asleep on the couch. 'He's the only one to make my heat enjoyable where normally I would run around in the forest as if I had caught rabies,' she thought watching him close by. "I'm glad you helped me through it, by myself would've been torture," she whispered walking over to his sleeping form.

"Love you," he mumbled groggily, probably stuck in a dream. Silvia stopped herself from hopping up with him, and instead pulled a blanket from a nearby chair, draping it over the sleeping body. She sat by the couch for a minute before giving him a little lick on the nose to trot off to their bedroom.

'I'll give him some space tonight,' she thought rounding the armrest by his head. A sharp tug on her tail made her halt in her tracks. Turning her head around as she backed up, Silvia was amused at his appearance.

"Are you going to sleep without me?" Johann asked still half asleep himself with a goofy grin splayed across his face. Half falling out of the couch, he was led out of the room by her. Helping him dodge wall corners and other invisible obstacles, they made it to their room without a hitch. Johann opened the door for her after feeling around the wooden surface for a few seconds. Letting Silvia through first, he closed the door behind them, the only other noise heard was the bed shifting. Silence appeared again, the man and she wolf falling into dreamland huddled closely to each other. Neither wanted it any other way.