Love Caught

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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Had this little idea earlier yesterday.


          A simple dark green car being driven by a tired feline pulled off the main road to the parking lot, headlights brightening the dark night. Aaron slowly pulled into his parking spot outside his apartment complex, chalky white lines guiding his position. Car halting, the feline killed the ignition and sighed leaning back into the seat.

          'Thank goodness it's Friday,' he rubbed his temples trying to get out of work mode. The city life may of been hectic, but you have to earn a paycheck by making sacrifices. Staring out the windshield, he turned the car lights off and pulled them out finding a better place for them in his coat pocket. The home waiting him inside was quaint and small, basic rooms which many were nearly fused together, but what more would you need starting out new in the real world? Reaching over the empty takeout bag, he took his phone from the passenger seat and slid it into his pocket after checking the time. Ready to embark a simple two minute walk to his bed, the door was opened and Aaron stepped out. "Darn wind!" a gust struck through the area catching him off guard. He stuffed his hands into the coat pockets feeling the cold air bite through his thin work shirt. 

          Quickly shutting the passenger door, he walked across the asphalt eagerly looking forward to sleep. Shivering, his walking speed increased hearing the soles of his shoes tapping the hard cold road. The large complex ahead silently waited for the weary worker. A few coughs from the dry frigid air irritating his throat, ears dialed in hearing steps from behind. Something bushed over his hip as he turned to see what was going on. A rag was held over his muzzle bringing a strange smell to his nose. Panicking, Aaron flailed his arms only to feel everything slow down. Colors blurred in front of his eyes as he fell down before darkness overtook him. The feline was carried away from the scene to a nearby house tucked away from the apartments.

          Coming to, Aaron opened his eyes to a dark room and stretched only to hear a metallic noise.

          'Is it morning already?' he thought tasting something funny in his mouth. Trying to move again, his mind realized both wrists were bound to something strong keeping them spread out like a pair of wings. Behind his arms he could make out what felt to be wooden bars behind them giving the feeling that he was on the wrong side of a jail cell. He started to panic, the last thing he remembered was walking to his apartment complex then nothing, the tall building's image still crisp in mind. Aaron scanned his surroundings to find that he was in someone's bedroom dimly lit with a few candles on a nearby dresser. Taking a tentative huff of air, his nose picked up a strong lavender among many other wonderful aromas. Looking down, the feline noticed that his shirt had been removed revealing the short golden fur to whoever the person holding him hostage might be. The two shoes once on his feet were also missing. Rape? Murder? A kidnapping? All sounded plausible inside Aaron's terrorized mind as he predicted each ones outcome to an untimely end. Shifting in place that only created more unnecessary noise, the cool metal held him fast in an odd comfort that didn't hurt or bite into his wrists. It looked as if there would be no goodbye to his parents or friends, especially-

          "Look who decided to wake up," a clearly feminine voice spoke snapping him from the apocalyptic trance. Gaze directed at a silhouetted figure by the doorway, his cat eyes tried to see through the murky darkness but were too sensitive from the candlelight everywhere.

          "Who are you and what do you want from me?!" he struggled in his bonds without success. The figure didn't reply but instead walked towards the bound cat. With drawn out steps, the captor revealed herself from the shadows. Aaron's eyes widened in shock, "J-Jess! Wh... why-what is this?" The collie standing at the end of the bed before him had an adorable smile on her face. It was his friend from high school, Jessie, the only pal who had kept in touch with him throughout college.

          "Glad to see that you still recognize me," she said as he was too surprised to utter out a response. "I haven't seen you since graduation a couple years back, so I want to talk and make up for lost times," she spoke leaving him a little mystified.

          "Then why tie-" she cut him off by shaking a finger at him.

          "Let me do the talking, you just listen and watch," Jessie told him, smile growing. Aaron watched her soft brown eyes gaze at him for a few silent seconds as if he were a sacred treasure being guarded. The collie's fur was neatly combed around her slim figure, hips swaying as she went to a side of the bed. No one could deny that she was beautiful and even better was her personality, always kind and caring. Shoes were kicked off at the bedside as she placed her hands on the covers. 

          "What are you doing?" he watched as she crawled up on the bed with him.

          "My kitten needs attention of course," Jessie mocked a motherly voice moving overtop the feline. She straddled his waist making him blush a vibrant red, the canine body was warm to the touch even through her clothes. "Aww, you always were shy around me," Jessie bent forward and rubbed his cheek with a hand, "but I can fix that."

          "Please let me go," he whined without an ounce of authority passing his lips. Her actions only made his face redden while seeing her ample bust barely hidden by her shirt and thick white tuft of chest fur. The collie's padded fingers were delicate and gentle moving through the fur, soothingly scratching the skin underneath. Her other hand was nearly forgotten until she touched below his jaw. Aaron shivered as she drew the claw lazily down his neck.

          "Don't worry, I can warm you up," her voice sounded mischievous yet nice, hands moving to his shoulders. Aaron's body froze up as she kneaded the high strung muscle underneath. He squirmed, not used to anyone touching him in such a way that resulted in such a euphoric feeling. Resistance was growing more arduous as the firm white furred paws warmly dug in. Swallowing a moan, he closed his eyes as his body started to crave her nimble digits. "Aaron relax, being so tense around me won't help," she spoke softly continuing her delicate treatment on his shoulders making him squirm. His face remained red as he body began to crack and give in to the licentious feelings. The collie grinned not oblivious to this and continued without restraint. Body loosening on its own, he melted into her firm touch and tenderly started to purr. This excited the collie seeing him begin to adore it as much as she was.

          "Ah! So you are enjoying it," she happily proclaimed hearing the purr resonate throughout his chest and throat. He weakly nodded, her hands roaming over his pecs for a while. As he fully started allowing himself to submit to her caresses, his abs told him that she had a clear goal in mind. A fingertip grazed below the hem of his pants setting off an alarm within his head.

          "N-no, stop!" he begged her. 

          "This will feel ten times better," she said grabbing onto his belt. His meek protesting mewl fell on deaf ears as she proceeded. Unclasping his belt, Jessie undid his pants pulling them off with ease, tossing them somewhere on the floor. Powerless to stop her, boxers remained the only barrier from completely showing her his manhood. With two fingers the thin material was inched down from his hips, the smoothness of his fur offered no resistance. Aaron closed his eyes as he was presented to everyone like the day he was born, cooler air weaving between the fur at his groin. He felt the garment being slid off entirely then heard it land somewhere on the floor with a crumpled thump. Despite what she had told him, he felt degraded in front of her and wanted to hide in a hole back home. What she told him next made his eyes shoot back open, embarrassment rapidly replaced with curiosity. "Just to be fair," she said pulling off her shirt, "I think I'll join you." Mouth ajar, his eyes glued to her as she stripped herself to nothing. Her method looked painfully slow, but neither had anywhere else to be. Pants were followed by other articles thrown in midair before she sat back down next to the awestruck cat.

          Graceful and hot were the first words coming out of the feline's thought process to describe the collie. A little bit of static made her already fluffy coat stick out resembling more of a collie made from clouds that also distorted her beautiful mix of gold, white, and browns. His eyes acted independently, ogling her voluptuous form. Despite the unruly fluff, he could tell her body was slim and well taken care of from inside as well as out. Two well proportioned white mounds caught his attention and stared back, a bump on each one hidden beneath the dense fluff of her chest. The only part he could not see was between her legs, the fur was simply to dense to see through. Either way the beautiful figure that reminded him of a dancer was right there by his side, encompassed with a cute toothy smile. "Feeling up for... something more?" she inquired giving her chest a little shake  suggestively.

          Aaron gulped, 'I'm a virgin.' An uncertain expression was shown on his face, never having any sort of sexual fun before did unsettle him. The collie picked up on the nervousness, afraid he may not want any of this.

          "Aaron please relax, I could never harm you," she truthfully stated with a comforting voice looking back at his amber eyes. Jessie patted a leg above his ankle hoping the gesture would aid in convincing her feline that she did this crazy act out of love. "I want you to be happy with me," she added quietly resting on her elbows parting his legs. Soft padded hands began stroking up his thighs as he listened to her tone making him wonder again why she did this in the first place. "What do you mean?" he stiffened his legs as her hands rested, conjuring up a hidden thought. "Aaron, all I'm trying to say is that I love you and I want to know if you feel the same way for me," she looked up at him with an innocent pair of eyes that he hadn't seen the whole night.

          "You love me?" The feline was dumbfounded, he never imagined any day in his life anyone would declare their love to him. "Then why put me through this to tell me that?" he asked making her ears fold back.

          "You've been way too focused with your job, pushing friends and family away. I was afraid you would simply forget me," she possessively gripped a thigh, laying her head along the other looking up at him starting to form a smile.

          "I guess having a stubborn work ethic gets the better of me," he gave a strained shrug and sheepish laugh, "I promise to solve that for you and everyone else immediately." Jessie grinned briefly hearing the positive response, but refocused on her personal question. 

          "But do you love me?" she asked with a childlike expression where only the truth would satisfy her. "Of course I love you!" he blurted out without much thought, "but back then I gave up on it... I mean what were the odds that I could be with someone as beautiful as you?" An indescribable grin ruptured along her lips as she ruffled a patch of fur on his thigh from a blast of air. Rising back to hovering over between his legs, she have him a naughty look.

          "We can save the romance for tomorrow, right now I want you." With a deft hand, she reached for his slightly swollen sheath and started rubbing it, her muzzle not far behind. A hand flawlessly manipulated him as her tongue repeatedly licked the tip coaxing more to emerge every second. He felt the blood flow increasing as each impact from her tongue set fire to his jolting nerves, only serving to make him moan more.

          "W-wait," he interrupted her, "can't you let me go first." She cocked her head with an ear cutely perked up.

          "You just admitted how stubborn you are. I need to make sure you won't change your mind," she giggled quietly making him breath a sigh. The phallus twitched as her gaze returned to it oozing out a droplet of pre. Jessie dove down without warning and took him to the root, engulfing him completely as her nose blew hot air into his crotch fur. Her narrow muzzle was a perfect fit, the roof of her mouth providing a sensual texture never dreamt of before. Grinning at his more than pleasant reaction, Jessie eagerly began bobbing on the stiff shaft to steadily work him up. The smooth appendage trapped inside with him left no space untouched as it caressed the entire length of his pole, every few moments twirling around the nerve enriched head. Aaron was soon left panting from her dutiful action, not even bothering to coo thankful encouraging words to her. Her mouth bobbed much faster than her tongue caressed, creating a difficult rhythm to not buck into. A hand went to cradle the twinned orbs hanging below helping more moans escape his lips. It wouldn't take long for the first timer to break under the wonderful ministrations, and a louder moan signified that.

          Every little sensation continually magnified the pleasure he was receiving like tingling electricity traveling up his spine. It was particularly rattling when a low throaty list filled growl purred from her, adding a vibrating stimulation to the exotic mix. She moaned tasting the stronger concentration of pre escaping him. Her hand rolled the balls down below, wanting more of the tasty white that he could provide. The other hand was busy multitasking by tracing around his base with a claw. The tingling sensation was the only thing he could feel now, ready for release.

          "Jess... I-I'm gonna-" a gasp cut him off as he tried edging his hips away from her amazing mouth. Her head moved with him the little distance he could go making Aaron shiver in place at the point of no return. Feeling his balls draw up, she tugged slightly sending him yowling, head snapped back, as he erupted inside her hungry jowls. Wave after wave of liquid joy spurted forth from the pleasured spout landing copiously in her throat and tongue. The sensation felt far greater than her hands earlier as the love driven collie continued working over him, sucking the cat dry of his first delightful orgasm that he experienced, not a single drop escaping her sealed lips. Flow decreasing, while panting heavily, her mouth was the only part that began relaxing. He grunted as her tongue continued to swirl under the head, not allowing him to soften up. Only satisfied when she was sure he wouldn't go soft, Jessie detached herself from the organ licking off a strand of saliva connecting the two.

          Aaron released a loud huff feeling their connection being broken as he organized his thoughts about what just occurred. He wasn't given too much time to think as she already started moving again. She crawled up on top of him before laying down, her wagging tail brushing against his erect member making hips buck on instinct.

          "Oh... wow Jess," he whispered.

          "Sh!" she hushed him barely inches away. Moving her muzzle slowly to his, both sets of eyes closed as Jessie connected their lips together, candle lights flickering in approval. Feint scents of vanilla and other more natural odors from her attacked his nose, including a slightly spicy one. Two hands cradled his face feeling her warm tongue pushing at his sealed lips wanting entrance. He barely cracked them open when her broader tongue invaded quickly overcoming his smaller, rougher one. She traced over every corner of his mouth sharing their saliva, able to taste one another. He danced with her tongue elegantly as if slow music was being played somewhere in the room. The wonderful sensation didn't last long to Aaron's dismay. Her jaws and tongue soon moved back parting from his own harboring a recognizable empty feeling. Grunting out of confusion, he desperately wanted to hug Jessie and do more to return the affection she gave so sweetly. He whined attempting to garner the collie's attention as she retreated kissing down the golden furred neck to his chest before stopping altogether.

          "Not yet," she pat his head smiling a toothy grin before moving back on two wobbly knees to his all but forgotten erect spire. "Ready," she asked lining up with him. He nodded biting his lip, the first act of consent he gave all night. She looked down and parted the fur revealing her glistening womanhood, slowly being pulled to his aching member. The soft folds kissed his tip sliding over the rest as she steadily impaled herself, the intense feeling making both gasp in unison. Jessie slid all the way down taking him to the hilt, pausing a moment to feel the fullness he provided. The outer labia of her canine sex gently rested around the base before starting to slide up the slick rod. The heat was incredible to Aaron as her velvety passage fit him like glove sliding slowly with little room to spare. A testing squeeze of her walls was applied causing the feline to moan shaking beneath her. The muscles gripped him so wonderfully making his heart glow and burn at once, the gentle tugs and twists electrifying to the touch. Her motion gradually picked up steam gyrating at a few adjusted angles to hit every cherished spot with adoring brushes.

           "This feels heavenly," he groaned out as she rode him on. When his eyes weren't closed, they watched the lusty expression of Jessie's face or the bouncing motion that her chest made. Her actions became more blurred as time passed. Despite his earlier firing, he could feel the now familiar build up increasing, and with the noises Jessie was making, she wasn't far off either. The heated motions continued for another good while sending both to the brink very close together. Jessie hit first giving a quick shriek, shuddering on him as if she were to burst. Inside, her muscles clamped like a vice grip demanding the seed from within his masculinity. The pressure proved to be enough, sending him over the edge with a silent scream nearly giving him a headache. Both writhed in unison for a good minute through their mostly shared climax after beginning to calm down somewhat. The collie panted atop him with a thrilled smile, happy that she could share the intimate moment with her love. After feeling him grow soft, she pulled up as he slid back into the protective sheath and moved back up to the equally wore out feline.

          Her feline companion was dazed seeing a few colored spots before blinking the recurring illusions away, body numbed somewhat from the pleasing overload. Even if his hands were free at the moment, Aaron wouldn't have been able to move around much. He barely noticed her stooping over him or the fact he was still shackled to the bed until he tried to touch her. The collie's chest just in front of him was able to distract Aaron while she searched for something. Reaching under a pillow next to his head, Jessie pulled out a key and undid the bonds holding her lover down. Aaron was too tired to notice his arms being placed by his sides as he tried to calm his breathing. Jessie disposed of the cuffs and laid next to the happy feline, pulling him in closely. Quiet purrs were heard as his face was wedged between her lovely breasts. One of the hands holding him rubbed his shoulder as she called out to him.

           "I love you too," her voice sang into his ear, making a smile splay along his hidden muzzle. He wouldn't be going anytime soon.

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