At a friend's house

Story by qeviludi on SoFurry

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This story contains sexual intercourse with a male human and a female non-anthro german shepherd.

Please feel free to make a comic based on this story.

I was driving with Jean to see a long date friend, Martin, and his wife Aurélie. It was a few months that we didn't see them. It was already two hours that I was driving and there was half an hour to go; my phone started to ring. While reaching for it, I saw that it was Martin. I took the call and he asked me where we were. I replied that we were near and we then talked about other stuff. Sometime in the conversation, he told me that his dog, called Loup (Wolf in French) was in heat. I told Jean and we started to laugh. We talked a little more and hung up. The rest of the drive, I could only think about the dog that was in heat. It has been more than a year that I didn't have sex with a female dog. I didn't own one; I couldn't have a large size dog with my little apartment and I work all day; I wouldn't have time to take care of it. Anyways I had to take this opportunity to pleasure myself and Loup, even if it's going to be tricky. She was a beautiful German Shepherd mix; I was imagining all stuff we could do.

We finally arrived at night and knocked at the door. Martin and Aurélie opened the door and welcomed us. There was their beautiful German Shepherd standing beside them. I want towards her, started to pet her and she started to lick my face. My penis was getting rock hard, she was the incarnation of everything I was attracted to: the anatomy, the body, the head, the soft fur, the pointy ears, the long tail and the paws. Martin started to laugh and said that she was really affectionate these days. We all went in the living room, sat and started to talk and eat dinner. Their apartment wasn't that big; from the entrance, you could access to all of the rooms: the restroom, the bathroom, a unique bedroom, the kitchen and finally the living room. There were no doors to access the living room and there was two distinct spaces separated by a couch. The first space was the "real" living room with the couch, a coffee table and the TV. On the other side there was nothing, they had moved all the furniture to the side to make some space for an inflatable mattress that was against the wall.

Late in the night, we decided to all go to sleep. We installed the mattress and I told my friend Jean that I was going to sleep on the couch. Martin and Aurélie saw that Loup had a little bit of blood on her vulva. Martin took a tissue and wiped her. Aurélie laughed saying "I know why she likes you so much". Loup immediately lied down to start to lick her vulva. Jean was amazed that the vulva was so big and swollen; he also liked that it had the shape of a uterus (the "T" or "Y" shape). We all stayed a few seconds staring at Loup's vulva but I'm sure I was the only one that was getting turned on.

We finally all went to bed. I waited half an hour to be sure that everybody was sleeping. There was no light but I could descry Loup's silhouette. She was lied down between the entrance and the living room. I could see her from the couch and I was sure that if she came to me, nobody would see us because the couch separated the living room. I waved my arm for a few seconds and she stood up and came to me. I started to pet her and she started to lick my face. I opened my mouth and I could fell her tongue entering my mouth. My tongue found its way to her mouth and I started to explore it. I really liked to touch her teeth and canines. I also, from time to time, licked her nose. If I closed my mouth a little bit, I could tell how strong her tongue was, it was like she was desperate to enter my mouth. With one hand I reached to her belly and started rubbing it. While we were still kissing I started to rub her vulva. She wasn't used to people touching her private parts, so she turned around and started to lick herself. I took advantage of the situation and let her lick my fingers to lubricate them and go deeper and deeper until I got a finger fully in her. I took it out and rubbed it against my, already hard dick, to put her juices on me. She licked my hand and dick but sadly not for long. She went back to lick my face and mouth. I got the idea to spit in my hand and rub it against my dick. She finally licked it for a little longer. It was so good to fell her tongue on my dick. When she stopped licking it, I repeated the operation; until I couldn't hold myself anymore. The first waves were so intense that my sperm went everywhere: on the couch, on the floor, in her mouth and on her head. She started to lick my dick much faster, I knew she would like the taste of my sperm and I'm sure it was the first time she could have some. She cleaned every surface and started to lick my dick again. Now that she associated the smell of a cock with the sperm, I knew she will want some more.

I stood up and went to the bathroom and as expected Loup followed me. I closed the door, turned on the light and I was thinking "Now the fun starts". I took all of my clothes off. I was already hard and she started to lick it again but this time with my balls; it felt so good. I saw that she still had some sperm on her muzzle, so I went on my knees, started to heavily pet her and lick my own sperm to clean her. I then went to her rear, grabbed her fluffy and long tail, and moved it to the side to reveal her vulva. I started to lick it and put my tongue inside her hot pussy. I could fell her fluffy tail on one side of my head. I was rapidly joined by Loup's tongue but in the end she let me do all the work. I lied on my back under Loup and continued to lick her pussy. She lied down on me and started to lick my cock. I could fell her fur all over me, it was so soft, and her tongue felt so good. We stayed a few minutes licking each other until I couldn't take it anymore; I absolutely wanted to penetrate her. I think she felt my desires, because as soon as I was up, she presented me her rear with her tail on the side and her bouncing vulva. I don't know what appended to me but I lost control and it all appended in a few seconds : with one arm I grabbed her rear legs; with my free I guided my cock to her vulva and, in one stroke, shoved the full length of my cock in her. But I froze when I heard Loup wailing; we looked at each other and it came into my mind that it was her first time and that I just took her virginity. I was so happy and honored to take that away from her but on the other side I didn't want to hurt her. I also was afraid that somebody heard her so I grabbed her rear legs with bought hands and stayed, without moving, fully in her for a few seconds. Once I was sure that nobody woke up, I started to give gentle thrusts. It was only then that I noticed how tighten and hot her pussy was; it felt so amazing. When I saw that she felt comfortable, I went faster and faster. At some point, I could feel her push back against me; so I let go her rear legs, lied on her back and put my hands next to her front paws. I felt her hot and fluffy fur against my full body. I buried my nose in her fur and could smell her sweet scent; it exited me even more. My head was next to hers and each time she turned it we French kissed. We were both heavily breathing and I could see that she was enjoying it. After a few minutes, I couldn't hold any longer, and just before I started to cum she surprised me by moving forward her front legs and putting her chest and head on the floor, letting her rear up. I did the same to stay on her; it was an odd position but I liked it and I'm sure she did. I buried my cock and started to cum in her; I was giving her all my precious baby makers. If only I could make her pregnant, but nature doesn't work like that. My cock was pulsating so much, it was so good. Once I gave her everything my balls contained, I stayed on and in her until my cock popped out by itself. I got off her back and sat on the floor. Loup went crazy and did the well known "happy dance". She then cleaned herself and started to clean my cock. Finally she lied next to me and we stayed a long time next to each other.

After awhile, I once again reached for her vulva and started to play with it. I didn't think that she would be willing to go once again but she stood up and exposed her vulva to me, it was right in front of my face. I spread her lips and played with her clitoris; I could see that she loved it because she was doing humping movements. I insisted on her clitoris until she walked away to lick her vulva. She then came back to me and licked my fingers, my face and we French kissed once again. She moved her head to my cock and licked it a few times. She lift her head up and stared at me, like if she was saying "that's all you got?". I stood up and saw that my cock was already "up". She gave one wet lick to my cock and turned around to show once again her rear with her tail on the side. I grabbed her rear legs and showed my cock in her. This time I didn't hesitate to give violent thrusts. Loup enjoyed it even more and kept pushing her rear against me. I went faster and faster, while continuing to go violently in her, like any stud would do. She was breathing heavily and I could see her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I also saw that she had her eyes closed. I continued pumping her tight pussy and I could fell the tip of my cock crushing against her cervix. While pumping her hard I started to cum. I continued to go in hard and crush my cock against her cervix to be sure that my cum goes deep in her. When I felt that I only had some few shoots left I buried my cock in her pussy and held her against me by holding her rear legs; she tried to go away but I kept holding her. I felt my cock shrink and slowly exiting her pussy, until it popped out of her. I let her go and she turned around in circle "chasing" her vulva until she sat down and started to lick herself. I sat down and she came to me to clean my cock. She then lied next to me and put her head on my leg.

The next morning I was woke up by somebody that was knocking at the door. Loup was still next to me and I realized that I fell asleep. I asked who it was, and it was Jean. He asked me what I was doing. I simply responded that I didn't felt well last night and that I didn't realize that I fell asleep; I added that Loup came in when I went into the bathroom. I put my clothes back on and looked at Loup's vulva to see if there was any cum. But she had cleaned herself already and there was nothing left. I came out of the bathroom and went on the couch; followed by Loup that sat next to me. Jean asked me if I was alright. I responded that it will be fine but an aspirin would be nice.

The day passed really fast and actually I stayed most of the time on the couch watching TV with Loup lying next to me. Jean and I finally decided to go back home near 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I was so sad to leave Loup. I just hoped that she will find somebody else to satisfy her desires. I pet her one last time and we all said good bye.

I will never forget Loup and the experience we had.

I hope that the next time I see her she will also be in heat.