That bottle of rum

Story by Dark Instincts on SoFurry

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Okay people, yiff story. Wow, first one I've uploaded here and I hope you guys enjoy it. i don't think alcohol, no matter how strong, actually causes serious horniness, although everyone's reaction to it certainly is different. I mean, I've got whacked a couple of times in my life and the only effect I've felt is that i fall asleep for twelve hours and wake up with my head splitting, my stomach upset, and a deep sense of shame.

Still, generally inadvisable to drink three hundred year old alcohol. It might cause food poisioning or some shit. just putting that out there ^^

That bottle of rum

"Hawaii, dude! Home of sand, surf and chicks!" Xian smiled as he longed back on the sand. It was soft, almost pliable, and it gave way under his elbows. Sand was okay at best, but it had a habit of getting stuck in between his scales, and good luck trying to get that out, even with a brush. Flexing his large, dragon-like wings, he caught the cool sea breeze between them.

"Chicks I can handle, surf I can do, but sand? Not so much. The sand here's too damn fine man, it gets caught on my fur." Xian's buddy, Rick muttered as he attempted to brush it off his sleek, black fur. It was stuck all over him, and gave him the impression that he had a serious case of dandruff. "Dammit, now everyone's gonna think I don't take care of my fur!" He glanced around the almost empty, secluded beach. "Least there aren't many people here."

Xian waved a hand. "That's the beauty of it, mate. Only a few lucky ones, myself included, know about this place." Sidling up close, he whispered into Rick's pointed ear. "Rumor is, there's an old shipwreck here from the seventeenth century or some shit, under all that water. As it goes, it was carrying bottles upon bottles of the finest Jamaican rum, bound for some country. Then it sank after it hit a reef. Just imagine what could happen if we found one of those bottles. Four hundred year old aged rum, baby! Gonna be the best drink of my life!"

Rick waved a hand. "Yeah, you want to drink rum from a bottle that's been under the sea four hundred years, you go right ahead. Count me out though. Probably get food poisoning drinking the stuff."


Xian and Rick watched as their other buddy, Mico, paddle through the water like a madman, just trying to stay afloat. The beach was almost empty, with only a few surfers and swimmers milling about. The sun looked to be setting soon, with maybe a couple of hours or so off the clock. People were packing up their belongings and preparing to head back to the hotel, up on a sheer cliff at their backs. The sky was tinged with orange and streaks of red, illuminating them with the calm, serene glow that fell on them.

"Oi! Mico! You call that swimming?" Rick hollered at the lynx that was flailing about in the water, sending up large splashes. Rick jiggled his arms about, imitating Mico's pathetic impersonation of swimming.

"I didn't take lessons, okay? Give me a break!" Mico hollered back.

Rick smacked a hand on his wolfish muzzle, while Xian sniggered. "And you thought you'd just come out here and try to go to deep water with no experience whatsoever? Genius!"

There was no response.

"Is he okay?"

Mico's head suddenly popped out of the surface of the water. "Guys! Give me a moment, I saw something on the sea bed, I wanna try and get it." As soon as he had finished he dived back down underneath the water.

Xian jumped up. "Wait, Mico, maybe you should let Rick or I get it. I'm certified, and Rick's a lifeguard, you're none of those!"

Xian waited expectantly for Mico to respond, but he did not surface.

Rick frowned. "I don't think he can hear you."

"Give him a moment."

Half a minute passed and still Mico did not surface. Xian and Rick were getting paticularly worried now, as the seconds passed by.

"Shit dude, you don't think he drowned or something?" Xian worriedly scratched the scales on his chest.

"Fuck. Shit like this always has to happen to me on vacation, doesn't it?" Rick stripped off his beach shorts, revealing a pair of tight speedos. Running, he called out for Mico again, but got no response. Wading into the water until he was waist deep, he looked back at Xian.

Xian made a shooing motion with his hand. "Go on."

Rick gave him the finger. "Fuck you mate. Try being an off-duty lifeguard for once."

Diving into the water, Rick tried to look for a man shaped silhouette in the water. The salt stung his eyes, and for a frightful second he got some seaweed caught on his muzzle but for all that effort there was no sign of Mico.

Xian stared at the spot where Rick had dived down, silently hoping that he would surface soon, with luck holding Mico. He couldn't be that bad a swimmer.

Come on, come on....what's taking you so long?

Another half minute passed, and Xian was on the verge of ripping of his own shorts and diving in to look for them and even though he wasn't wearing anything underneath, he had to help them, nakedness be damned.

Another agonizing fifteen seconds went by. Xian was seriously worried now, and he decided something had to be done. Ripping off his shorts, he jogged to the water, ignoring the strange looks and squeals he was getting from passer-bys looking at his member dangling out.

Fuck you onlookers, for admiring my dick. Fuck you Rick, I thought you were a better life-guard, on vacation or not. Fuck you Mico, for not learning how to swim. And most of all, Fuck me, Xian, for even thinking of doing this.

As soon as he reached the waist-deep water, however, he felt something grab hold of his leg. Thinking it was an octopus, he let out a rather shrill and unmanly squeal. Reaching down, he tried to wrest his leg from it's grip, when something broke the surface of the water. A hand shot out and grabbed hold of his cock. Xian squealed again.

"Ah, God, let go!"

The hand refused to release what might be it's lifeline though. Pulling hard, and almost unbalancing Xian, it hoisted the rest of it's body up, which turned out to be Rick. In his other hand, he held Mico, who was coughing and spluttering, salt water pouring from his mouth.

Xian whimpered in pain as Rick's grip tightened. Slapping his wrist, he screeched. "Rick! What are you doing? Let go goddammit, it hurts! Let go! Let go!" He slapped Rick's wrist again and again, as hard as he could.

"Jesus, Xian, let go of what? I just saved Mico's ass, could you be any less grateful?"

Rick looked down suddenly, and saw what he was holding on to. Grinning sheepishly, he gave Xian's cock one final squeeze, electing another near screech, and released it. Xian gave a sigh of relief, plopping down onto the water and rubbing his abused member. Looking up at Rick, he grinned through clenched teeth.

"Hope your hand liked what it found."

Rick looked at his offending hand and waved it a little. "It certainly helped me quite a bit."

Xian came to his feet with a groan. "Next time, a little less force, a little more warning. Or better still just grab on to something else."

Rick hauled Mico out of the water, and onto his feet. "Come on. Learn to swim, damn you, because the next time I'm just going to sit there and laugh!"

Mico put on a pair of cute kitty eyes. "You don't really mean that do you? Letting your best friend drown?"

"Oh yes I do. And I'll also record it and post it online."

"Some friend you are." Mico waved a hand dismissively.

Xian grabbed on to Mico too and together they both hauled the soaked lynx back out onto the beach. Once on solid ground the trio flopped back onto the sand. Mico was breathing hard, and so was Rick. Xian was still more concerned about his little friend. It ached.

Finally, when Rick and Mico had caught their breath, Xian gripped Mico by the shoulder and dragged him into a small cave in the cliff behind the beach. Mico squealed and struggled like a baby while Rick trotted along behind.

"Let go you oversized lizard with wings! I can walk just fine on my own." Mico slapped Xian's hand, hard. Xian let go with a snarl.

"Jackass! I tried to save you just now!"

"But you didn't. Rick did." Rick gave a taunting grin and a wave.

"I provided the lifeline! Otherwise the two of you would still be floundering about in the water and I would still be able to have children!"

"Oh yes, your very thick, long, delicious lifeline." Mico stared at Xian's still dangling cock. It was then that the dragon realized that his shorts were still out on the beach. He turned around frantically, covering his crotch with both hands. Mico would NOT have a free show!

Rick looked at them confusedly. "What do you mean, delicious?" Suddenly a wide, knowing grin spread out across his face and he wagged his finger knowingly. "Oh, that explains the shuffling I keep hearing over in your room the past couple of nights, not to mention the moans you keep making too. And the fact that you keep asking the chambermaid to change your sheets first thing in the morning. And I thought you were just having particularly good dreams!" Rick rolled on the ground, picking up even more sand in his fur but he did not care. He was laughing uncontrollably.

Xian snorted, still facing the wall. "Shut up, Rick. I bet you haven't even had a blowjob from anyone!"

Rick stopped laughing. "Did too!"

"Yeah, one of those hole in the wall of a toilet cubicle blowjobs."

Rick's huff suggested that the accusation might not have been entirely false. Eager to change the subject, he looked at Mico, who was sitting down against the rock wall of the cave, looking down at something he held in his hand.

"Oi, Mico. What's that? Is that what you almost drowned the three of us for?"

Xian rolled his eyes. "It better be worth it."

Mico grinned, a truly sly smile. "It is." Holding up his hand, he showed them what he had gone to all that trouble for.

"It's a bottle." Xian looked confused. Rick just stared.

"Not just any bottle. There's something inside." Mico shook the bottle to make his point.

"What? Love letters? Maps to a vast hoard of treasure? Invitation to a seventeenth century sex orgy, bring your own dildo?"

"Well you're right about the seventeenth century part." Mico shook the bottle again. "Listen closely you retards."

Xian and Rick pressed their ears against the bottle as Mico shook it another time. This time they could hear something. The sound of liquid.

Rick snapped up straight. "Great! So you almost drowned the two of us and pulled off Xian's cock to get, what, a bottle of seawater?"

Mico hissed at Rick in a very lynx-like way. "You're a good friend, but you can be such an idiot sometimes." Thrusting the bottle at Xian, he pointed to a date inscribed close to the base of the bottle. "You're our history major, Xian. Tell us what that inscription says." he snapped.

Xian peered at the bottle closely. Age and the relentless movement of the waves had almost wiped the inscription smooth. "Uh, I can't really see." Holding it up at the fading light of the sun, he examined it again.

"'s a date, I think. Er...1689?"

"Exactly." Mico snatched the bottle back and pointed at the date. "This bottle is at least three hundred and twenty years old, people. Hold your applause."

Xian's eyes widened as he got the hint. Rick still looked unimpressed. "So it's a bottle some seventeenth century drunk threw off the side of a ship, am I supposed to be impressed? I've seen seashells less common than that."

Xian grabbed on to Rick. He looked as if he would faint. "Rick!" he gulped unsteadily. "Remember what I told you about the shipwreck?"

"Uh-huh." His eyes suddenly widened. "Oh."

Mico looked at them. "I didn't catch that."

Xian pointed at the bottle Mico was holding and squealed like a girl seeing her favorite star. "That's probably rum in there!"

Rick reached out a hand, nicking the bottle from Mico's grasp. "Let's check." Gripping the rotten cork in his hand, he gave it a tug. The cork suddenly crumbled into bits, spraying Rick with them. Xian gave a moan of pain.

"Oh no, Rick, don't get cork bits in there!"

Ignoring Xian, Rick put the opening to his nose and gave a mighty sniff. He gasped, choked and spluttered, holding it away from his face. "Bloody hell! That's some strong stuff! Jesus, my nostrils feel like they're on fire!" His eyes watered.

Xian snatched the bottle. "Give me that." Holding it up to his nose, he sniffed too.

"Ah! God!" Waving his hand in front of his face, as if that would help, he held out the bottle to Mico, who held up his hands and warded it off.

"No thanks. I'll pass."

Once the burning had died down in both their nostrils, Xian started giggling maniacally. He had in his hands what he had been looking for for so long. A bottle of the finest, three hundred year old rum. He could hardly ask for more.

"Damn dude! This vacation has actually become worth the money!"

"I don't think we should be drinking three hundred year old rum mate. Who knows what sort of shit has been growing in there all these years?" Rick looked wary.

Xian sniffed, holding the bottle to his chest. "You only say that because bad things happen to you when you get drunk."

Mico's curiosity was aroused. He had never seen Rick drunk before. He seemed to drink awfully little after a recent party Mico had not attended. Xian had been with him though, so he had to know something Mico didn't.

Mico poked Xian in the side gently. "What bad things happen to Rick when he gets drunk?"

Xian was almost delirious with excitement at his discovery, so he took a while to answer. Holding on to the bottle carefully with one hand, he faced Mico.

"Well," Xian giggled. "You remember the party a couple of months ago, the one over at Martin's house?"

Mico nodded. "Yeah, I couldn't go because my sister was sick. Why?"

Before Xian could say another word Rick grabbed on to one of his wings. "Nooooo! Don't say anything or I swear the next time I grab your cock I'll squeeze so hard your cum will come out of your ears!"

Xian seemed unfazed. Warding Rick off with one hand, he protectively clutched the bottle with the other. "Well, at about midnight, when the party was really going strong, Rick thought he could take on an entire bottle of Jack. Well, I give him points for trying, but he just can't hold his liquor. When he was about halfway through he got completely shitfaced. And you know how when most people get drunk they usually just flop onto a bed and fall asleep? Well, Rick doesn't. Apparently, when he gets drunk he turns into a raging, horny as shit maniac. And when I say horny, I do mean horny. He went around groping all the guys and girls and got slapped maybe fifteen times and didn't even feel it. He even molested their family dog. In the end he ended up humping one of the sofa armrests, and didn't even care that we probably recorded it and sent it to all four corners of the earth with the internet."

By now, Rick was curled in a corner of the cave, protectively covering his head. "I do care! It's just that you assholes didn't even have the decency to ask."

Mico sniggered. "And did you ask the family dog? No, I think not."

Rick looked up. "Et tu Mico?"

By now the sun was beginning to set. They perhaps had about an hour before darkness fell and they would have to return to their hotel. The beach was now almost completely deserted, with only a few beachgoers idly packing up their belongings.

Xian looked at his watch. "Well, we've only got a while before the sun sets. Let's enjoy this now." He held out the bottle to Mico.

Rick frowned. "Why not just bring it back to our room?"

"And stink up the whole place? Hell no! I have enough trouble breathing in that damn room as it is."

A plan was beginning to form in Mico's head. So Rick became a horny monster when he got drunk, eh? Well, what about Xian?

Rick scowled. "It's just as well. We all know how well you take to liquor."

"I might not be a heavyweight, but I can hold my own." Xian wagged his scaly tail excitedly as he stared at the precious bottle.

"No you don't. You take a few sips of whisky and you just fall out cold."

"Do not!"

"Do to!

Mico grinned evilly as Rick and Xian started arguing. So, Xian had a pathetic level of alcohol tolerance but just didn't want to admit it. Well, he could see how this would work out in his favor.

The argument was getting rather heated, with both parties waving their arms about and almost shouting. Mico noticed Xian set the bottle down protectively behind him.

"Wait! Guys! Stop it!"

The argument continued unabated. If anything, it still seemed to get louder.

"Will you two retards stop?!"

Xian and Rick both spared him a withering glance before turning their attention back to their heated debate.

Mico huffed. Striding over to the bottle behind Xian, who was so absorbed with protecting his reputation he didn't even seem to notice, he held a foot over the brown container.

"Stop it or the bottle gets it!"

Xian spun around like a whirlwind. Upon seeing Mico's threatening foot over his beloved bottle, he let out another girlish shriek. Rick seemed unimpressed.


Rick examined his claws. "I honestly couldn't care if you smashed that damn thing or not. Maybe you should, and then we can all go back to our room and have a good night's rest."

Xian spun back at Rick. "A three hundred year old bottle of rum, and you can even suggest that? Do you know how wasted we could get on this?" He pointed at the bottle.

"I do know that you would be the first one to get whacked if we even tried."

That started the argument anew, with the both of them shouting and pointing in all directions. Mico rolled his eyes, then let out a yell.

"Will you two jerkoffs STOP IT?!"

Sudden silence. Both heads turned towards him, one in irritaton, the other in awe.

"Holy crap Mico. I didn't know you were capable of rising your voice."

"What is it now?"

Mico picked up the bottle, careful not to spill any of the precious liquid within. "I know a way you could both get what you want. Xian gets to get wasted, and Rick gets to prove that he can hold his liquor better than our scaly friend over here."

Rick idly pointed at Mico. "Let me guess. Drinking contest?"

"Got that in one."

Xian pumped his hands. "Fuck yeah! Let's do this! Give me that!" He reached out a hand and attempted to snatch the bottle from Mico's grip.

Mico danced out of the way, smooth and cat-like, putting it out of Xian's reach. "Nah-uh. I'll be the referee and I'll see who gets smashed first. Can't have all of us getting drunk. Whoever doesn't keel over first, wins."

"Fine. You're on." Rick sat down cross-legged on the ground and held out a hand. "Give it to me."

"Hey, I just let you use my most precious instrument to get your ass out of the water! I get to go first."

"What kind of logic is that? You owe me for jumping into the water and getting Mico so you didn't have to!"

Mico hissed in irritation. Could his friends be any stupider? They seemed to exist only to compete with each other. "Whatever. Let's just let Xian have it first, since he's so eager to."

Rick huffed. "Pffft. Fine." Pointing at Xian, he hissed. "You're going to lose, scumbag!"

Xian stuck out his tongue at his wolfish friend. Reaching out a hand, he nabbed the bottle from Mico's grip, and peered into the mouth of the bottle.

"Wooo! Here goes!" Tipping his neck back, he chugged a mouthful of the liquid within, suddenly choking and spluttering, but managing to swallow it.

"Haaaaaahhhh! God it burns!" Xian hopped around, gulping air and fanning his neck. After about a minute though, he suddenly stopped moving. "But damn if it's not delicious!" Licking his scaly lips with his tongue, he shoved the bottle at Rick. "Your turn, dick. Try not to die."

Rick snatched the bottle out of Xian's hand. A little bit of the liquid splashed out onto the sandy ground. Xian groaned in pain. "Careful!"

Rick brought the bottle to his lips. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes tightly. "Why the fuck am I even doing this..." he muttered. Tilting his head back, he swallowed a mouthful of the dark brown liquid within.

A lance of liquid fire raced down his throat and settled in his belly. Wincing in pain, Rick hissed through clenched teeth and held the bottle out blindly. "Your turn, you stupid lizard. God it hurts to swallow this shit."

Even after one mouthful, Mico noticed that the ridiculously strong liquor was already starting to have an effect on Xian. He seemed unsteady on his feet and his eyes were half closed. He blindly stuck out a hand, searching for the bottle. "Yeah, here, give it to me. I can't see too good." Rick stuck the bottle into Xian's hand, after which Xian raised it to his lips. He seemed to be having a difficult time finding his mouth and bringing the bottle to it. Even after Mico guided his hand he still managed to spill an ungodly amount on his chest.

"Yeeeeaaahhhh! Round two, bitches!" Xian shouted around the mouth of the bottle. Tilting his head back, he swallowed a mouthful and let out a roar, flapping his wings maniacally. Mico had to dodge to avoid the buffeting things, and even so they smacked him good on his back, almost knocking him to the floor.

"Hahaaaa! Two mouthfuls and still standing!" Xian swayed dangerously, and held out a hand to steady himself against a cave wall. "Your turn, wolfy!"

Rick scowled. "I hate you, Xian. I really do. But damn if you aren't cute..." He snatched the bottle again and tilted it back, hissing as the phenomenally strong liquor ran down his throat. When he had swallowed his mouthful, he dropped the bottle into Mico's hand and stared deliriously at him.

"Um...What?" Mico was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"I can see your cock through your swimwear. It's so nice and thick..." Rick pointed with a shaking finger and plopped down onto the sandy floor of the cave. Then, incredibly, he pulled off his Speedos and began rubbing his member. His engorged penis jutted from his sheath, and it was suitably long and thick. Mico could see blood pulsing through the veins at the surface and the length itself was a dark, delicious red.

"Wow, Rick...What are you doing...?" Xian swayed drunkenly. "Woooo...I'd better sit down." He motioned with a finger at Mico. "Give it here, kitty, I ain't done yet."

Mico obligingly handed the bottle to him. In a corner, Rick continued his self-service, moaning in sync to his rubs. Mico rubbed his hands together mischievously. It was all coming together!

When Xian finished his third mouthful he dropped the bottle on the sandy ground, spilling what was left inside, which was just as well, seeing as there was hardly any left. He suddenly froze, trembled and stared at Mico. For a moment he thought that Xian was having a heart attack, until the scaly dragon collapsed to the ground, suddenly boneless. A moment later, his snores resounded throughout the cave. Behind, Rick continued moaning and rubbing. A small jet of pre flew from the tip of his engorged member, splattering on the sand, causing Mico to hastily shuffle over to Rick and grab hold of his hand.

"Not so fast doggy. Save it for Xian."

"What...? Let me go, I want to do stuff."

Mico smacked his friend on the head. "Idiot. Xian's asleep. Let's do shit to him!"

"Oh hell yes!" Rick shuffled over towards Xian's unconscious form. The dragon was suitably naked, his penis drooping over and slowly throbbing. His scaly chest was firm and muscled, with well defined packs and large pectorals. Just looking at that made Mico drool.

Rick laughed drunkenly. "Damn, I'm horny as fuck!" Ripping off his Speedos he threw them in a dark corner, out of sight, before lying down beside Xian upside down, his muzzle at his crotch and vice-versa.

Mico sniggered. "Holy crap dude, are you doing what I'm thinking?"

Rick's response was a barely concealed hiccup. Thrusting his pulsing red member into Xian's snout, he closed his mouth and moaned with pleasure.

"Whenever he snores man, the vibrations feel awesome!" Rick laughed and moaned at the same time. Grabbing hold of Xian's now slightly engorged member, he began to rub it, up and down. Mico watched as Xian's penis began to swell and stiffen with Rick's every rub, until it was erect like a glistening pink dagger. A small drop of pre oozed at the tip. Xian moaned in his sleep, thrusting his hip forward in sync with Rick's rubbing. Rick cried out with pleasure as Xian suddenly gave a loud snore.

For Mico, the urge to pull down his pants and pleasure himself was almost too much to bear. Looking at the spectacle before him, he briefly considered doing so, but he had a more interesting idea in mind. With Rick pleasuring Xian's member and Xian his, that left Xian's tail-hole conspicuously unused. Mico resisted the urge to giggle hysterically.

"Okay, time for some seriousness. First priority, find lube. Don't want his stretching tail-hole to wake him up." Mico couldn't swallow a laugh then. Behind him, Xian moaned as Rick gave his penis a strong rub. He then let out a snore, causing Rick to cry out again.

"Ohhh....Shiiiiitttt... I never liked Xian snoring until this!" Rick laughed deliriously and hiccupped suddenly. "Snore for me, Xian, SNORE FOR ME!"

Xian seemingly heard Rick's plea, and gave a mighty snore that seemed to rattle the stone walls of the cave, although that was drowned out by Rick's literal scream of pleasure.

Mico could not bear it any longer. He had to join in. Covering his eyes, he peered out into the setting sun, trying to look for any viable sources of lube. It was not an option to run back to the hotel to get KY jelly; it was too far away and the sun would have set by the time he returned.

"Maybe some sunscreen lotion will do the trick." He muttered to himself. Looking across the large expanse of beach, he tried to look for a bottle of sunscreen someone might have left behind. As Xian gave a loud moan and Rick squealed with pleasure, Mico was suddenly glad that everyone seemed to have gone back to their rooms and that the beach was deserted.

A few minutes later, Mico returned with a large bottle of sunscreen some considerate person had left lying on the sand. It had taken some extensive searching with his sharp feline eyes but he had finally found it lying underneath a palm tree amongst a newspaper and a deflated beach ball. Silently thanking any gods that were out there for such a lucky find and for this chap who had so graciously left it behind, Mico stepped into the darkness of the cave.

Incredibly, Rick was now sucking on Xian's penis. Both were gasping around the thick lengths of flesh in their mouth and with every suck Xian gave a loud release of air that pleasured Rick to no end.

"Damn. You guys have been busy." Setting down the bottle, Mico pulled down his pants, exposing his medium sized but thick penis. He had never received much praise but he didn't lack for criticism either. It was now throbbing with his arousal of seeing his friends in such a position of mutual pleasure, and the sounds they made drove him nuts.

"Rick, I never knew you were such a naughty boy."

Mico reached over and tried to roll Xian over on front, but Rick refused to cooperate. As Mico pushed, Rick gave a moan of protest and dug his feet in. He continued sucking on that piece of throbbing dragon flesh.

"Dammit Rick!" Mico gave an almighty shove, and Xian's body turned over. Rick stiffly got up, withdrawing his member from Xian's cum stained mouth and stood looking at Mico. There was a maniacal look in his eyes.

Mico glanced disconcertedly at Rick, before unscrewing the cap of the bottle of sunscreen and lubing up his throbbing cock. When it was suitably slick and oily, Mico gave a grin of pure mischief and lifted up Xian's scaly tail.

"I've always wanted to do this." He muttered. Slowly, he teased the dragon's hole, testing its limits with his fingers, applying some sunscreen around it. Xian didn't seem to care. He was snoring softly and a string of drool trailed from his mouth. His anus was rather tight, considering he'd never had sex before, and Mico was determined to change that, with or without his consent. Preferably without.

"Here goes." Mico slowly brought his throbbing penis to Xian's hole. He was now so aroused that every throb was actually rather painful. Carefully, he inserted his member in, making sure not to go too fast and risk waking the unconscious dragon up. Xian's hole balked at suddenly accepting such a large foreign object, and Mico could feel his muscles tightening around his penis, throbbing with his every heartbeat. He went slowly, allowing the anus to get used to his presence and slowly become looser. After about five minutes of such treatment, Mico managed to get his entire length in. Slowly, he withdrew and inserted, withdrew and inserted. Xian was extremely tight, and with every stroke Mico could feel his climax approaching, like a giant looming in the horizon. Every time he thrust, Xian would release a gasp, and his muscles would tighten around him. Mico gradually increased the tempo, electing more gasps from the still sleeping dragon. Eventually, Mico began moaning in pleasure with every thrust too, as waves of pleasure throbbed through his member and up his spine.

"God...That feels good."

Suddenly, Mico gave a yell as he felt a pair of hands roughly seize him from behind. They twisted him around, so Mico was caught in an awkward position, with his lower body still stuck in its embrace with Xian and his torso facing sideways, towards his assailant.

"Dammit Rick! What are you doing? I was just starting to enjoy myself-" Mico's voice caught on his throat as he saw the completely, utterly feral look on his wolfish friend's face.

"What are you thinking of?" Mico waved a hand in front of Rick's eyes. They seemed to stare ahead blankly, the setting sun glinting in his golden irises. Rick showed his shiny white canine teeth. Reaching up, he grabbed hold of one of Mico's hands and brought it down to his throbbing erect member, sticking up starkly from his sheath.

Mico was confused until he felt the sensation there.

It was oily with sunscreen. Realization hit Mico like a tidal wave.

"Oh no, Rick don't even think about it! At least wait till I'm done with Xian! Wait-" Rick's hand closed around his muzzle, shutting him up.

"Oh yes." Rick's voice was dripping with arousal and demand.

With a jerk, Rick flipped Mico back around and lifted up his tail. Mico was still in Xian, but Rick didn't seem to care. With the lynx's bushy tail out of the way, Rick brought his member close to Mico's tail-hole, testing it's width and tightness, rubbing up and down, teasing the poor feline.

Honestly, Mico wasn't that worried. Secretly, he'd always wanted to try penetrating and being penetrated at the same time, although he'd never found anyone willing. Getting his two friends drunk was so much easier than persuading them.

With a grunt, Rick almost rammed his entire length into Mico's tail-hole. The lynx's surprised yell was probably heard in China by several dozen deaf old ladies. It certainly brought back memories for them.

Mico clapped a hand over his mouth. He had probably called attention to this cave for miles around. Praying that no one would come and see what the noise was all about, he carefully checked to see if Xian had woken.

He hadn't.

Silently thanking whatever soul had made the rum all those years ago, he continued his journey to climax, with Rick thrusting on behind him. The wolf didn't seem to be letting up. Mico had never been taken this hard by anyone before. At least he had had the courtesy to use the sunscreen.

"Damn Rick! I didn't know the rum would make you this horny! If I had known I would have given you more."

Rick response was to thrust again, harder this time. Mico cried out, both from the shock of his tail-hole's brutal treatment, and the fact that the force from the thrust had carried over to Xian, causing the dragon's anal muscles to tighten around his member.

They continued in this fashion for several more minutes, with Rick making a forceful thrust that would give Mico no end of pleasure and cause him to thrust deeper into Xian too. Mico could feel his orgasm fast approaching, what with Rick's enthusiasm and Xian's unconscious muscle tightening. Looking back, he could see Rick's face locked up in a grimace that suggested he was probably feeling the same way.

"Getting...close...Oh!" Mico began thrusting faster. "Harder, Rick! Harder and faster! I know you've got the strength for it!"

Rick began thrusting with a speed unlike anything Mico had ever seen. The air was filled with the sounds of Rick's thigh's slapping into Mico's, and Mico's into Xian's, and the sounds of their ecstasy, a veritable cacophony of groans, moans, gasps and squeals.

Suddenly, Mico tensed up as waves of pleasure racked his body bringing him to a level of orgasm that almost seemed like being a godlike entity. For a second, Mico thought that he would collapse as his body shook with the pleasure of his climax. He could not swallow a loud cry and he could feel his penis throbbing intensely and a wave of warmth as he spilled his seed into Xian's tail-hole. Behind him, he could hear the sound of Rick's release too, a roar that startled him, and feel his warm cum in his own, abused hole.

Rick withdrew as quickly as he had entered, and flopped down on his back on the soft sand, panting heavily from the exertion. Mico did the same, his body utterly spent, all his energy used up and gone. They both lay there, paralyzed, their fur sticking up in clumps and gritty with grains of sand acquired in their ecstasy. Soon, Mico could hear Rick's soft snores as he gave in to his exhaustion, and he could not resist as darkness and the great warmth of sleep took him.

It was several hours later when Mico felt a hand shaking him awake. With a groan, he opened his eyes to see Xian's scaly face staring back at him.

"Dude, wake up! Mico! Seriously, get up."

Mico waved him away limply. "What is it, Xian?" He murmured in an annoyed tone. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Fuck you! Do you know where we are?"

"Hmmm..? The beach, aren't we?"

"Do you know what time it is?" Xian sounded concerned.

Mico got up and looked around. The sun had set long ago, and the beach was a silent strip of sand. The moon glinted off the roiling surface of the water and the air was filled with the sound of the waves. Up in the sky, Mico could see stars.

"Dude, do you know what happened?" Mico turned to see Rick staring confusedly at him. He looked like he had just gotten up too, and his fur was a tangled mess. He looked questioningly at Mico and Xian, waiting for an answer.

Mico feigned ignorance. "No, I don't. I do know we got pretty shitfaced."

Rick groaned. "I'll say. My head hurts, and my back is killing me. I feel like I just ran a bloody marathon or something. Owww..." Rick twisted around in a futile attempt to stretch his back.

Xian pointed deeper into the cave. "Do you know what that is?"

Mico followed his finger to the rum bottle, lying abandoned and empty on the sand. He shrugged.

"Just a bottle."



Xian rubbed his throat. "I don't know. My butt aches like mad, but most of all my throat feels really hoarse, like I just had a shouting match. I was hoping the bottle would be full of something. I could use a stiff drink."

Rick chimed in. "Me too."

Mico grinned. "The hotel bar should still be open this time of night. Anybody thirsty?"

13/1/2013 - 16/1/2013

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