Chapter 1 - All the World's a Stage

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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#1 of Mere Trifles

So, for my second story here on Yiffstar, I decided to make a series. I don't know how fast the chapters will come out, but if you read my first story that one came out awhile back. I hope people will leave comments. I like the criticism even if I don't always follow it.

As per usual, this story contains themes of an adult nature and as such should not be read by those who are under 18 or 21 depending on your location. It contains sexual acts between two or more male anthro animals, so if this does not appeal to you, hit your back button now. For those who are into or can handle such things, please read on, then vote and comment. Thank you.


Mere Trifles

Chapter 1 - All the World's a Stage

A slightly small fox walked to the front of his new college and smiled a sly smile as he peered over his sunglasses. This particular school had been around for just over 100 years, so the older buildings looked exactly that way, old. There were cracks in the concrete that made up the office building in the center of campus. It's ancient windows were the tiled type and were ten or more feet high, with rounded tops. Each pane shown in the sun as it reflected its light back onto the grounds. The main office building stood facing a large open lawn with sidewalks that crisscrossed through it in all directions, meeting in the center in a very large garden with benches and flowers. Several students were sitting in there, some reading, some talking with each other, and others just enjoying the balmy late-summer day. This was the perfect place for the fox, quiet and serene. At 5'6" tall, the fox was short compared to most other furs, but average when it came to other vulpines. He let his electric blue eyes scan over the furs running to classes, meeting their friends, holding hands with their significants, and generally enjoying the day. Besides his extremely expressive and shocking eyes, Jake was a typical fox. He was an orangey-red color over his entire body, except for his bright white bellyfur and his black ear tips, tail tip, and "socks". People rarely noticed anything about him if he kept his sunglasses on, just another ordinary fox. However, if he was actively showing his eyes, or using his brain, people tended to notice. Sly as a fox didn't even come close when dealing with this little creature. He had a way of getting both into and out of the most amazing trouble one could ever hope to see.

Jake first headed into the large main building and into the Registrar's office to sign up for classes. He was already two weeks late for school, but that didn't bother him one bit. He could easily catch up. He chuckled to himself as the portly badger behind the counter added him to his classes for the semester. They were all still open, so the fox was able to get into all the ones he wanted. All that was left was to start class on Monday morning. He lowered his glasses to the female and smiled with a very debonair smile and "Thanks" before winking and walking away. Just before he reached the door, he caught a glimpse of a Doberman who was walking out of his office. The young fox took a moment to check out the other canine. He was in his late thirties, and seemed to be quite athletic based on how he looked in the suit he wore. As the dog handed some papers to his secretary and headed back into his office, Jake noticed the sign on the door said "Dean of Students". The Dean went to close his door, but just before the door closed, the dobie's eyes met Jake's for the briefest of moments. In that moment, Jake's tongue circumnavigated his lips before disappearing back into his muzzle. This action left the Doberman with the distinct impression that the gesture was meant for him. The vulpine exited the building, and the Dean turned to the overweight badger, blinking confusedly.

"Who was that? A new student?" he inquired

"Yes sir, his name is....Jake Wingarten"

The canine's eyes widened noticeably. "That was a Wingarten?"

The badger, completely oblivious "What's that mean?"

The Dean of Students just stared after the little fox through the window. Jake's tail was swinging from side to side as he leisurely strolled away, leaving the older canine to watch, and secretly drool.

Walking outside, Jake checked his paperwork. He was placed in the newest freshman dorm, one with all the amenities, such as they are at college. However, because he was late getting to campus, his single room had been given away and he was going to have three roommates in one of those communal apartment type rooms. He figured he should go meet these roommates and get ready for the year. He moved towards the dorm building, a bored sigh escaping his lips. The building the fox was going to live in was very new. It looked as if it had just been completed the summer before this session of classes. It was made up in the same old-fashioned design as the much older buildings, but it had a modern face on it. The entry doors were automatic, and slid open when the vulpine approached, leading to a front desk where a security guard checked the validity of the people coming in. Jake talked to the guard, who directed him towards his room. He idly thanked the officer and headed up the stairs to the top floor, thankful that the whole building was air conditioned. Once on the fourth floor, the fox made his way to his room. He found the door and stood glaring at it for several minutes. He never had to share anything before, at least not until his step-brother had moved in, and even then he avoided it. With a deep breath and another bored sigh, Jake unlocked the door with the key he had been given downstairs and walked in. He eyed his surroundings carefully as he moved through the front room. There were several furniture-like items in the common room: a ratty sofa, two broken recliners, and a television sitting on what appeared to be a cardboard box filled with books to keep it sturdy. A fur exited the room to the left of the fox, completely unaware that someone else was standing there.

"Oh stop it you. You are so sweet I'm getting cavi.....oh, well, hello there newbie" the fur exclaimed as he finally noticed the fox. "I was told we had a fourth, but you are sooooooo late. I'm Roland, it's nice to meet you."

Jake turned his look of revulsion at the furniture into his best greeting face. The one he gave his aunts and grandparents at holiday time, the forced and oh so fake one. "Name's Jake, and the pleasure is all mine" the fox replied as he removed his $400 shades and placed them in the front of his low cut shirt. He looked at the first of his roommates. It....he was another canine, dalmatian breed. His coat was a bright white and short with the characteristic black spots throughout. He was quite a bit taller than Jake, but who wasn't, and also much more stout from what the vulpine could see. He wore a pair of spandex biker pants with pink leg warmers at this moment and a loose pink sweater. All this was topped off with a bright pink sweatband on his head just above his chocolate brown eyes. His drooping ears were perked up as high as they could go, and his long tail wagged behind him. There was one fact that was blatantly obvious about Roland - he was a flaming homosexual. His attire reminded Jake of one of those eighties flicks where some chick was dressed in a workout getup that looked a lot like this.

"Come on honey, we're going to be late, and my aerobics instructor is such a bitch". This last part coming out as a high-pitched squeal.

"I'm on my way dear" came from the bedroom that Roland had exited moments ago. Jake couldn't help but cock an eyeridge at how deep and masculine the voice sounded. Nothing at all like the dalmatian did.

From out of the one room on that side of the house came a rather burly black wolf, wearing a pair of simple sweat shorts in gray and a muscle t-shirt in army green. He was even taller than the dalmatian, probably around six and half feet. Looking up at him made Jake crane his neck backwards. The lupine's fur was jet black from head to paw-toes and was shining bright in the sunlight that leaked in from the dingy windows. He had large muscles all over his body, some protruding from places the fox didn't know there even were muscles. His eyes were bright yellow and seemed to glow from out of his contrastingly dark fur. He walked up behind the dalmatian and swatted him on the butt with one big, meaty paw.

"We wouldn't want that now would we?" he said playfully, leaning down and nibbling on Roland's neck, getting an excited yip from his lover.

"Now Timothy, don't be rude in front of our new roommate. Jake, this is my boyfriend Timothy. Timothy, this is Jake." He moved his paw from one to the other as he said their names, a short girly giggle issuing forth when he was done.

"Good to meet ya" the god of a wolf proclaimed as he stuck out an enormous paw to shake.

"And you" Jake muttered, forcing his mouth to stay closed, taking the paw and shaking it once.

Suddenly another loud male voice booms from the other end of the room.

"You fags gonna be ready sometime this century?"

Jake spun on his heels as the last of his roommates entered the common room. The fox's jaw practically hit the floor at the sight before him. Walking out of the other bedroom on the other side of the dorm room was a rather gigantic lion. He stood about the same height as Timothy, but he was built like a tank. The fox felt rather inferior standing in between the two massive animals. The feline had a golden brown pelt on him, short and shiny. The bellyfur all the way to his chin was a dusty brown. Most of it was covered by the thick dark brown mane that ran from the top of his head, down the sides of his face, and about halfway down his chest. His eyes were a brilliant green set inside that golden face. He was dressed in, well, almost nothing, choosing to emerge from his room in only a pair of loose, faded sweatpants. The muscles of his abs were clearly visible, and one could wash laundry on them. Jake had to keep himself from drooling as the cat walked over to the group.

"Oh Brandon, you can be such an ass sometimes" the effeminate dog teased. "Besides, try not to scare the new guy. This is Jake. Jake, Brandon, he's straight." The last part about the lion's sexuality coming as a not-so-quiet whisper.

"Brandon Halloway" the cat proclaimed, pointing at his chiseled chest to indicate himself. "And you were Jake......" He let the end trail off, hoping Jake would fill in his last name.

"Wingarten" Jake said.

Six eyes flashed surprised looks at the vulpine.

"THE Wingartens?" an excited Roland exclaimed. "You're practically royalty in this city. Why would you come to a dump like this?"

"Eh, I was late. Lost my single to someone who bothered to show up" the fox replied, feigning disinterest.

A long silence ensued before the only feline in the room spoke up. "Good to have you then. It's not much, but it's our home away from home. We should be getting to the gym, don't want Roland's instructor to have a cow and I feel the need to pump some iron. Let's go ladies, after you." He ushered the canine couple to the door, the smaller dog letting out a hurried "bitch" to the cat as they went.

"About the guys don't mind if I do a little redecorating while you're gone, right?" Jake asked, not particularly caring what the answer was, but asking anyway.

"Nah" he heard in triplicate as the door slammed. The fox smiled to himself and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed quickly and simply said "Now" when the other end was answered. Then he hung up, put his shades back on, and walked out of the building just as a large moving truck pulled up in front. He didn't acknowledge the movers, and they didn't seem to notice or care.

Jake walked to the cafeteria while the movers were at work. He didn't feel the need to bother them. He had made specific instructions before even come to campus. Once the fox learned where he was going to be staying, he had made arrangements based on a schematic of the room. He allowed the dorm to flow out of his thoughts and changed gears in his head toward food. Upon reaching the cafeteria, his nose was met with a barrage of vastly different smells some people might have grudgingly called food. The short vulpine looked over the selections at the eatery and was more than a little disgusted with all of them. Good thing he included a bunch of supplies with what the movers had brought.

As the fox turned from the displays of edibles, he noticed a vaguely familiar canine standing behind one of the cash registers. It was a Doberman, and looked quite a bit like the Dean of Students he had seen earlier, just a younger version. This must be his son, the fox thought, doing some kind of work-study program. Jake smiled devilishly. Time to see which way the boy swung. He wondered idly if he took after his father. He grabbed a bag of potato chips and walked towards the register until the dobie boy looked to him. As if on cue, Jake dropped the bag on the floor beside the boy. "Damn" he muttered under his breath as he bent over to reach for his fallen article, watching through the corner of his eye to see if the other canine reacted. Sure enough, the dog watched as Jake's tail came up, giving him the perfect view of his lithe and well-shaped ass. The young dobie's eyes followed the fox's tail as it went up and then back down while Jake retrieved his chips.

"I should hold on to my sack a little tighter next time" the fox said, seeing the dog only blink in response. "How much can I give you....for the chips?" he asked, holding the bag up in front of the befuddled boy's face.

" humps.....I mean, cents" the flustered pooch blurted before turning so red it was visible under his short black fur.

"Thanks" the fox said, handing the dog a dollar bill. "Keep it"

With that, he walked out of the cafeteria, making sure the other male had a good look at his tail swishing behind him seductively, a satisfied smile on his face. Once outside, Jake threw the bag of chips in the trash. The information he had gathered was worth far more than the dollar he had spent. He checked his Rolex. The movers wouldn't be done for another couple hours yet, so he made his way around campus taking in the sights and learning his way around.

The next two hours passed without any interesting events and Jake found himself sitting outside his dorm. The crew was almost finished inside and he was waiting for his roommates to return from their excursion to the gym. They happened to arrive just a few minutes after the moving truck had pulled away.

"Hello boys" Jake said in a smooth voice. "How was the workout?"

The two bigger furs were massaging their sore muscles, while Roland was peeling off his soggy sweatband and leggings.

"I soooooo need a shower" the dalmatian stated before walking briskly passed the fox and into the dorm building. The other three were several paces behind Roland when they heard a rather womanly scream as the dog reached their room. Timothy and Brandon ran to the door to see what the commotion was about, but Jake kept his same lazy pace up. When he arrived at their room, his roommates were all gawking wide-eyed at the interior. Jake walked in ahead of his slack-jawed companions and took a look at the work he had had done.

Somehow, in the the space of three hours, a temporary laminate wood flooring had been installed throughout the rooms. Beautiful rugs had been placed strategically underneath the designer black leather sofa and armchairs, as well as the four person glass-top dining table in one corner of the common room. The hideous fluorescent lighting had been removed and replaced with hanging lamps and track lighting. The windows were covered with blinds covered by long hanging black draperies, allowing small amounts of controlled sunlight to filter into the room. A bar installed in another corner of the room and appeared to have been fully stocked. The entire thing being made of thick glass, showing off all of the contents. There was a cornucopia of food in the cabinets and in the new fully stocked refrigerator. In front of the new leather furniture was the biggest television any of them had ever seen, complete with a few video game systems and stacks of DVDs and games.

"A little redecorating" Brandon said as he surveyed their upgraded surroundings. "A little?"

"I could have had the whole building redone, but that would have taken too much time" the fox stated rather nonchalantly. "By the way, I redid the bedrooms and the bathroom as well. Take a look".

The other three furs scattered immediately, almost leaving behind little wisps of dust in their wake, that is, if there had been any dust to speak of. Each of his roommates were jabbering about the changes Jake had made, talking excitedly amongst each other. He had turned their school dorm into a two bedroom apartment worthy of upper Manhattan. The fox smirked as he walked over to the bar and pured himself a drink. The setup was perfect. Now he just had to get to work.