The Art of Dragon Milking

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Heh, I'm really enjoying these kinds of stories. Hypnosis is always fun, and combined with dragon milking, this was a fun one to do. Ideas and characters are Zsisron's (as far as I know), art is by Kayla-Na on FA, and the story is written by me.

As always, comment, and as stated in most recent journal, if you really like it, consider leaving a tip for me. (Major thanks for those that have and do)

It had been some time since she had made her way up a mountain like this. Up until the last month, there had been no need; with all the money the monkey had been able to make on the streets, plus what she had managed to save from her last trip up the mountains, she had been able to put herself up with a good life for a long time. But no matter how much work she'd done for other 'employers' on the street, costs had risen, bit by bit, and eventually her savings disappeared to feed the rising costs, and her pay was no longer enough to make ends meet.

Syrel looked over her shoulder, back down the mountain slope and the small city that lay at the base. She could hardly believe that there was a dragon here, with a city so close, but her sources had been quite clear that this was the case. She only hoped that they were right; there was no time to try and hunt down another one, considering how many tended to live off in the wilderness away from any sort of civilization.

The monkey approached the hole cut into the side of the mountain. The dragon must not have grown too large yet; probably only in its third century of life, considering that the hole was only big enough for three war-horses to walk through side by side. The top of it wasn't too tall, either, though Syrel could have stood on her own shoulders twice and not quite been able to touch the top. That was good, she thought to herself; smaller dragons were easier to handle than the monsters that they turned into when they reached a millennium or so.

Still, there was no reason for her to get cocky. Dragons didn't like visitors as a general rule, and despite this one settling so close to civilization, she doubted that this one would be any different. She would take it slowly, and make sure that she didn't make any mistakes that she would regret later.

Her memories of doing this in the past slowly returned, and she walked to the hole, pausing at it. She flared her nose, sniffing softly, and immediately covered her nostrils as the musk of dragon filled them. Little trembles went down her body, and she shook her head rapidly, forcing herself to breathe through her mouth a few times. A breath through her nose, then two more through her mouth; the musk couldn't affect her through the mouth, and she could handle mild doses through her nose as long as they weren't too regular.

That was one of the biggest defenses that a dragon had; over time, their bodies put out a peculiar sexual musk, one that contained a great deal of different hormones and pheromones. Just a few sniffs could render a regular anthro calm and placid and in a mild state of arousal. Even with her experience, Syrel knew that she could be affected by it just as much if she wasn't careful; several milkers had fallen prey to the musk of a dragon before, including a wolf friend of hers that had gone for a bigger dragon. He was still in that cave, the last time that she'd heard of him, his lips glued to the dragon's cock, milking the dragon for his pleasure rather than his profit. That could all too easily be her, Syrel knew.

Remaining at the border of the cave, she took several more breaths, letting herself get used to the musk, training her body to alternate between breathing through her mouth and breathing through her nose. It would keep the pheromones from building up too quickly as long as she could keep the rhythm up. She almost wished that she had thought to pick up a filter cloth from one of the merchants down in the city, but she hadn't bought it for the same reason that she was even considering doing this again in the first place, a simple lack of funds.

When she thought she was as ready as she could be, Syrel took a few steps forward. The floor of the cave was surprisingly smooth under her bare feet, free of rocks or edges that would cut at them. Appreciated after the long climb up the side of the mountain, but still surprising; she would have thought that the dragon would pull more stones in with him when he walked long, rather than clearing them out.

The walls were dark, unlit, forcing her to stay to the side of the tunnels to make sure that she was walking in the right direction. What little light came in from the entrance was soon obscured as the tunnel started twisting and turning, keeping the light from coming past several sharp turns. It was pitch black, and Syrel cursed herself again for not having more than the basic equipment for this.

Still, it couldn't be helped; at least the tunnel walls were smooth, allowing her to keep her hand against it without it getting cut or jammed in something, and she didn't have to worry about parasites or bugs or anything else slimy or creepy getting at her. That was one of the few advantages of dragon caves, she remembered; the usual pests that called caves their homes would migrate miles away to keep from being in the same cave as a dragon. Too much of a risk of being burned out of their holes if they became annoying or inconvenient, Syrel supposed, though she didn't know for sure. Nobody had ever done any sort of study on that sort of thing. Could have been that the bugs were as repelled by dragon musk as two leggers like her were attracted to it for all she knew.

And that musk was getting stronger, she realized. Shaking her head, Syrel paused, taking a few breaths through her mouth to purge the scent from her nose. There was some small hint of a taste on the air, but it was still somewhat weak. Weak enough to not worry her for now. But as for the smell...

She took a small sniff, and immediately snorted it back out as the pungent odor slammed into her head, making her shiver and shake, a great wetness suddenly forming between her legs. Clenching her hands into fists, the monkey forced herself not to reach down and touch herself, but it was a close call. Her teeth clenched and her jaw hurt as she forced herself to calm down, breathing in little hisses with her mouth. "This is one dragon that hasn't been milked in a LONG time," she muttered under her breath. Almost against her will, her mouth turned up in a smile. "Lucky me."

As dangerous as the strong musk was, and how easily it could reduce people to lusty servants and slaves of a dragon, it was also a good sign of how much seed that the dragon would have. The longer that they went without getting off, the stronger their musk got. Some thought that it was because the odor seeped of their balls after too long having it pent up; others thought that it was something to do with magic, that the dragon let it off without meaning to without relief.

Either way, it meant that this dragon would have plenty of cum to fill up her vials, and she would have her pick of the merchants down in the city.

So long as she was careful, at least. Even though she hadn't taken more than a brief sniff, her slit still burned with arousal, and she could feel the moisture running down her legs. It hadn't gone past her skirt line yet, but it would before long, and she was sure that the dragon would be able to see just how aroused he had made her when she reached his lair. If she took a few more sniffs, she could quite possibly lose herself, and she couldn't afford that now.

Focusing on her breathing, Syrel started walking down the tunnel again, her fingers glued to the tunnel wall and her feet shuffling forward, not daring to lift them off of the ground in fear of finding a great pit on her next step.

Syrel didn't know how long she had been walking, but she knew that the darkness surrounded her for at least an hour or two before it started to fade. She wasn't sure when the darkness became less than total, but after a time, she realized that she could see her hand in front of her again. The sight froze her in her place, her eyes flicking from side to side to take stock of the new development.

The stone around her remained smooth, and the tunnel led up to a small twist, turning out of sight. Looking up, towards the ceiling, she could see a small trail of smoke, dark gray and puffy looking, with a few little sparks that wove in and out of the trail.

"Gotcha," the monkey muttered to herself. With light and smoke together, there was no doubt that the tunnel was taking her right to the dragon's lair.

She slowed down a bit more, ducking down to a crouch as she crawled forward. It was hard to keep herself moving so slowly, particularly as she could taste the musk of the dragon getting stronger and stronger as she approached, but she forced herself to do so anyway. The dragon might very well be aware of her already, and running out into the middle of it's lair would only get her killed, or enslaved.

Slowly, she poked her head around the corner, looking into the cavern at the end of the tunnel.

It was no surprise to see a massive pile of treasure inside, though that didn't get her attention the way that it might have another milker. Valuable the horde might have been, but there was so much of it, and gold was very heavy to lug around. Maybe a bull or an orc or something like that might have been willing to drag some of that back down the mountain, but Syrel wasn't that strong, nor that stupid. Even a dragon that was amiable while being milked could turn enraged if some of it's treasure was stolen; if a milker wasn't entranced by a dragon's musk, the second most common fate was to be burned to a crisp when the dragon realized part of its horde was taken. There were enough burnt bones and blackened lands across the Kingdom for her to know not to risk something like that.

Besides, the cum of the beast would be more than valuable enough for her needs. She just had to make sure that the creature didn't get her before she could get him.

Upon the treasure lounged the dragon, and she was not surprised to see that it was a little smaller than the other dragons she'd seen in the past. He was probably three hundred, maybe five hundred years old, measuring about two horse lengths from head to haunch, with perhaps another horse involved in the tail. If he had stood on all fours, he probably would reach a couple heads taller than she was, and she didn't even want to think about how he'd look standing on two legs. Massive, she imagined.

His scales were slightly dull, as if they hadn't been cleaned or shined in some time, but he didn't look unhealthy or slovenly. A good sign, she thought; healthy dragons had better seed, and would garner her a little more gold later. Might be a little harder to convince, but that was the trade-off, she supposed.

Her eyes were drawn to his shaft, which was quite hard, and quite visible. It was a dark and shimmering red, the length equal to at least half her height. The tip oozed with the dragon's juices, and the goo rolled down the shaft, soaking it with the musky stuff. Some bit of it rolled off onto the dragon's treasure, but the beast didn't seem to care overmuch about that; more than likely the pre-seed only made the stuff more valuable to the creature, or perhaps it was merely marking its property. The latter might make sense, actually, considering how dragons seemed to know where everything they owned was.

But it was clear that the dragon hadn't had 'relief' in some time. She watched him for several minutes, and in that time the dragon did not touch himself at all. Despite that, he continued to leak, to ooze and drip, and Syrel thought that she might have seen some frustration in the reptile's face. Perhaps he needed a little help as much as she needed a little coin.

Taking a deep breath through her mouth - and suppressing the shudder of arousal that came from the growing taste in the air - Syrel took a step out of the tunnel, into the light that filled the dragon's lair.

Immediately the dragon turned to look at her, eyes fixed on her. There was a great deal of fire in those eyes, a fire that warned her to be even more careful. This was a very angry dragon; not frustrated, not annoyed, but angry.

Syrel stopped walking, lifting her hands up. "Don't worry...don't worry, I'm not here for any treasure," she said, her tail twitching lightly behind her despite her attempts to keep the nervous movements down.

The great beast snorted, rolling over onto his stomach and walking off of his treasure. He approached her, and she remained still, not wanting to antagonize him any further. The way that he looked at her, he seemed more likely to torch her than to do anything else, and the last thing she wanted to do was give him reason.

He paused in front of her, sticking his snout down towards her groin. Syrel blushed as he sniffed blatantly at her sex, knowing that her scent would be quite strong from breathing his musk throughout her walk through the cave, but she didn't move. She could taste his musk getting stronger, and she felt some bit of his juices splatter along the floor near her feet. His pre was hot and thin, slippery as it soaked into her toes, and she bit her lip at the way that it felt strangely good.

Lifting its head, the beast smirked at her. He said nothing, but the look in his eyes told her that he knew what she wanted, how much she wanted something in her pussy. A dragon's smirk was so much more cocky than another two legger's smirk, she thought to herself; probably had to do with the way that the face was shaped, and how much more teeth showed.

Ignoring the way that her slit begged for more attention, Syrel reached into one of her pouches at the side of her skirt. It was time to see if she hadn't lost her touch with the entrancement.

That was the final step for milkers before the actual act. They had to find a dragon, they had to avoid submitting to their musk, and they had to entrance the beasts to make them tractable for the milking. If they didn't, it would only be a matter of time before the dragons took control and took what they wanted, be it sex, food, or something else entirely. The entrancing kept the dragons under control, and it would keep them from lashing out in some way if they got frustrated waiting for the milking to end.

There were many ways to entrance dragons. Some milkers used pendants, some used magic, and some even carried around strange herbs with them, burning them to cause the dragons to react the way that two leggers did to dragon musk. None of them were fool-proof, of course; different dragons reacted better or worse to different things, and sometimes it backfired on the milker.

Syrel had a special method, one that had never really backfired on her before, because it incorporated several things rather than just one, and it played to the dragon's ego from the start, rather than simply taking their attention and focusing it on something else. She just hoped that it would work as well on this one.

Pulling her hand back from her pouch, she revealed an oil bottle. "I'm here as tribute, great dragon," the monkey said, going to her knees. She set the bottle on the ground of the cave, and slowly pulled off her clothes. The simple wrap around her chest went first, thrown over her shoulder, and her skirt followed as she untied it from around her waist. She could feel the eyes of the dragon running down her form, passing over her breasts and falling between her legs. All too conscious of the wet arousal she felt down there, she picked up the oil bottle again. "I am to pleasure you, at the behest of the city below. If you will lie down, I will give you pleasure such as you have never known."

He eyed her for a moment, a glint of suspicion in his fiery eyes, but he rolled over anyway, exposing himself once more. Her offer must have excited him, for his shaft was harder looking than before, and she could swear that she could see the veins of his shaft in greater detail, as if he had hardened just from the thought of another touching him down there.

A small smile on her face, Syrel stood up and climbed on top of the dragon. His scales were smooth, if a little bit hard, but not as hard as the stone of the mountain. She laid atop him, her face towards his member, and spread her legs slightly, allowing him to look down at her pussy while she squirmed close to his cock. She wanted him to look, wanted him to think about what it might feel like to be in there, anything to direct more of his mind towards his lust rather than towards his suspicions.

Up close, his shaft was more massive than she had thought. It was big enough that she could have sat next to it, hugged it, and the head would still be over her head, raining its juices down on her face. The thought of that sent a little spasm through her pussy, and she shivered. Her mind re-asserted itself, forcing herself to focus on the situation at hand. She could get a little fun later, but for now, she needed to make sure that she had the funds to keep from starving over the next week, and if she let herself get distracted, that wasn't going to happen.

Crooning softly, Syrel uncorked the oil bottle. It was the last one she had, but she was sure that it would be enough for the whole cock. She turned it over, pouring the golden oil over the dragon's shaft, watching it run down over the sides, over the veins. As she watched, she saw it soak into the skin of the shaft, making it slick, shiny...and very, very hard.

The oil was a special one, made to harden and arouse males. Most used it as a way to make their partner last longer, and feel firmer inside of them. For Syrel, it was one of the tools to hypnotize a dragon, to make him think with his cock instead of his head. Alone, it would be worthless, as it would only drive the dragon to pounce atop her and use her if she waited too long, but with her other tools...

She felt the dragon's breath speeding up, felt his chest rise and fall below her, and she smiled to herself. Pulling the beast's cock down, she pinned it between her chest and belly and his stomach. Her hips lifted and lowered, as though she was slowly thrusting and grinding against air. In truth, she was a little bit, but it had another purpose.

Syrel looked over her shoulder, chuckling as she saw the dragon's eyes glued to her hips, her ass, her pussy, watching it go up and down, watching it grind against the air. Yes, that's it, she thought to herself; watch it sway up and it go up and down, up and sexy, so hard to look away just can't look away, you dumb little cum fountain.

She didn't say that out loud, of course. No, she had other words for the dragon. Grinding her increasingly slick chest and stomach against the underside of his shaft, keeping his cock against his belly, Syrel said, "Such a big cock...a big, massive cock for a big, massive dragon...Oh, I can feel you throbbing...throbbing so very, very hard...

"Yes, I can feel so much cum in your your very full, so very big...and there's another throb, another pulse..." She continued to grind her hips against the air, swaying them, grinding them in time with the pulses and throbs she could feel going through the dragon's cock. She knew that he would feel them as well, would see how she matched her body with his pleasure.

"Mmm, throb, throb, throb...You're so horny, so need release so bad," she whispered, dragging her body along his cock, her breasts smashed against his shaft. His pre was soaking her fur, and she only barely managed to stifle a groan as she fought against the effects of her own oil soaking into her fur. It hadn't soaked in enough to not affect her, she realized, but at least it was only a minor affect on females...making her more sensitive, more eager...

Shaking her head again, fighting it, she kept talking. "So hard, throbbing against me...throbbing...throbbing...You want to cum so bad, don't you? Such a big, powerful dragon deserves a big orgasm to match, don't you think?" She heard him grunt behind her, taking it for agreement. "Mmm, I want to make you cum...I want to help you be a big, squirting fountain of dragon cum...You want to cum...I want to help you cum...

"Oh, you're throbbing so hard...throbbing...pulsing...squirting...just like me...grinding, rubbing against you...helping you," Syrel moaned against his cock, making sure he could hear her. "I can help you want help to cum don't you?"

He grunted again, and she looked back just in time to see him nodding slowly. His eyes drooped somewhat, and the fire in his eyes was dimmed, as though he was getting tired, falling asleep. And his eyes were still right on her pussy, staring at it as though it was the center of his universe. Perfect, she thought to herself. Absolutely perfect.

She leaned down against his cock again, giving the base of his shaft a little lick. Oh, that got a reaction, she thought as she felt it pulse under her, pushing up against her body. Yet, the dragon didn't move; he was utterly still, just staring at her, staring at her pussy as she ground and swayed it through the air. His tongue would probably feel very good down there, she thought, but then banished the thought again. It was enough to make her wetter, though, and she could feel it dripping off of her pussy onto his belly.

"Mmm, yes, you want to cum...cum so hard...cum with every throb of your cock," she whispered, panting even as she ground herself against his massive shaft, hugging it to herself. She only barely remembered to keep breathing through her mouth, even though that barely seemed to help anymore. "Trust me to help in me to help you....with your throbbing...throbbing cock...

"Trust can trust me...I'm making you feel so gooooood...making you throb so want me to help you want to trust in in me...and I'll help you cum..."

The dragon groaned softly again, and she watched his eyes open wider again. For a second, she thought that she had taken it too far, but then she realized that he wasn't waking up. Instead, he was staring off into space, his eyes dizzy, almost swirly from being so deeply entranced. She felt his shaft pulse hard under her hands, and she grinned wide as she realized what that meant.

She wasn't quite enough to get her vials out, and could only watch as the dragon had a massive orgasm, spurts of cum as long as her arm shooting out of his cock and landing on the floor of the cavern. Each spurt left a pool that would have filled at least a vial, if not two, and she whistled softly to herself at the sight. A grin covered her face, and she licked her lips at the thought of how much she could make with this dragon.

His orgasm went on for a few more seconds before settling down again, and he continued staring off into space. Syrel shook her head, smirking at the dragon. "Mmmm, you're going to be a good little cum fountain for me...a good cum fountain that's going to make me rich," the monkey muttered.

But first...

She eyed the dragon's cock. Far too big to go in her, she told herself, but that didn't mean that she couldn't enjoy herself while she got him towards his second orgasm. And his tongue could -

Syrel smacked the back of her head, shaking her head rapidly. "No, no. Just...just milk him. You can get off later," the monkey told herself.

Still, it was a very tempting thought as she laid over his cock again, stroking it to keep it hard, and feeling his pre already starting to flow again. Maybe she'd have to come back another time, and see just what a dragon could do for her if she was in the mood for something other than it's 'milk'.

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