First Time: School Begins

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#4 of First Time Series

Finally, school begins for our scaly duo. And on a very good note, as you'll see ahead.

As new chapters get finished, expect to see new things added in regards to Auren and Glauron's sex lives. I'll try to keep it entwined with the plot, but some might end up being more yiff than plot.

As always, Auren and Glauron, as well as any upcoming main characters belong to me.

Renfear belongs to his owner.....Renfear. :p


"....and so, the first Academy of Magic was founded in Europe, giving those with the gift a place to learn and grow, without clashing with the rest of society."

Auren's head drooped on his hand, his eyes threatening to close completely as his fatigue washed over him again. A slight touch along his leg, and he blinked in surprise as something was sensually dragged up his inner calf. He lifted his head and looked over to his right, only to be me with a bemused expression from the gold dragon sitting next to him. Glauron gave a cheeky grin and mouthed the words 'stay awake', before turning back to the professor in front of them.

Stifling a yawn, the silver dragon that was Auren tried to refocus on the lesson before them. The two dragons, along with nearly forty other students, were sitting in the half-circle risers that encompassed half of the classroom. In front of them, a tall male fox in a leisure suit droned on about the founding of the first Academy, clearly hiding a grin at how most of his students were completely zoned out. "Hmm....Mr. McKnight," the fox interjected suddenly.

"Wha?" the silver dragon sat up, trying not to look like he was daydreaming.

The vulpine down before him grinned. "Can you tell me what the reason for selecting the first Academy's location was?"

Crap. "Erm...." Auren chewed his lip in thought for a second. "They chose a central location in relation to the closest major population centers, while still keeping it somewhat isolated from the nearest city by building it in the mountains?" A nod from the professor encouraged him to go on. "That way....uh....oh! That way it was still easily accessible for a large number of potential new students, while maintaining the respectful distance from 'normal' society."

"Very good," the vulpine beamed, leaning against his desk. "I'm impressed you can still retain such information while staring blankly at the wall." A chorus of soft laughter echoed around the room, and the silver dragon slouched slightly in his seat. The professor offered the drake a genuine smile, before addressing the class. "Now, I know Arcane History isn't the most exciting thing to start your year off with, but we all have to go through it people. I don't mind a little distant stares, but any snoring will be grounds for random quizzing." Another round of laughs and chuckles passed through the room, and the fox retained his smile as he resumed talking about the First Academy.

Twenty minutes later, Auren was walking along the hallway with Glauron at his side. "Professor Bates seems alright," the gold dragon commented, as they filtered out of the large classroom. "Its kind of nice to know the teachers here have at least some sense of humor."

Auren's only response was to hide another yawn behind his hand, and grunt a non-committal reply. Glauron looked at him sideways as they made their way towards their next class, Practical Non-Elemental 101. "A little tired are we?" he asked teasingly.

"Considering the 'workout' we did last night, I'm surprised you're so chipper," Auren shot back under his breath. The gold dragon giggled softly, but went no further on the topic, instead turning to wave at Renfear as he approached them in the hallway.

Auren's fatigue was not uncalled for. Despite a deep sleep together in the silver dragon's bed, the passionate love-making the two of them did the night before was starting to catch up with him. When they had awoken this morning, Auren's first thought was to pull Glauron closer to his bare chest and slip back into sleep, feeling the warmth of his boyfriend next to him beneath the sheets. Unfortunately, Glauron had nudged him awake so that they could talk before class, wanting to discuss where their relationship would go from here.

As it turns out, neither dragon was exactly eager to make it publicly known that they were together. As much as they cared for one another, they both agreed that their personal life would stay just that - their personal business. Glauron wasn't too keen on the idea of the looks or comments that might be directed at them should they be seen holding hands or acting all lovey-dovey in the middle of the hallway. That's why Auren suggested they simply keep the more personal and intimate interactions to the dorm room, and while they were out and about, just maintain the air of friendship.

Really, it was a win-win decision. Both dragons admitted that it was their friendship that had led to the blissful consummation the night before, and as such, held that at the very core of their bond. Just because they were now boyfriends, didn't mean they had to start acting any different. Sure, Glauron and Auren now had the advantage of making out in the privacy of their dorm whenever they wanted, but saw no reason to have it change their behavior anywhere else. If anyone came up to the two dragons, it would be nigh impossible to guess that the two were intimate. All they would see is a pair of fun-loving, joke-cracking best buddies, which is exactly what Auren and Glauron wanted.

The only one that knew the real truth was the tall, snow-white wolf that sauntered up and draped an arm around the pair of dragons. "So, dish," he grinned with his pearly white teeth. "Who snored first?"

"Auren," Glauron teased, elbowing the wolf playfully in the ribs.

"Hey! I was dozing...." the silver drake said defensively. "There was no snoring involved."

"Yeah, well, we lost about six in my class," Ren chuckled. "Bates is pretty cool.....but History first thing on a Monday is a snooze-fest, no matter how you slice it."

"I liked Astronomy," Glauron shrugged. "For a first class, it managed to keep my attention pretty well."

"Yeah, well that was interesting," Auren groused, grinning at his two friends. "Stars, planets and the cosmos? Cool. Listening to the founding of the First Academy? Not so much..."

The three of them all chuckled as they made their way into the next class, where a lovely husky woman sat behind her desk, awaiting the students' arrival. Auren and the others slid into a triplet of seats in the second row as the room began to fill up. The silver dragon nudged his lupine companion and nodded towards the professor, who appeared alot younger than some of the other teachers. "Hey Ren, try not to drool over this one like you did our math teacher back home," he grinned.

"Funny, scale-ass," the wolf snorted, giving the prof a quick look over. She was rather pretty, but the white-furred male simply gave a shrug. "Yeah....she's not bad. But I already got my eye on someone else."

"Oh, do tell," the pair of dragons chorused, both flashing identical grins. After all the nosing Ren did into their relationship, it was time to return the favor. The wolf sighed, and gave a cursory look around to make sure there were no eavesdroppers, before turning towards the dragons. Before he could utter a word though, the professor stood from behind her desk and addressed the class. The three companions turned their attention forward, although Auren shot Ren one last cheeky grin.

With a hearty sigh, Auren flopped onto the couch in his and Glauron's dorm room, leaving his bad where it fell to the floor beside him. He let loose a wide yawn, much to the amusement of the gold dragon standing just behind him. "Aww.....somebody still sleepy?"

"Oh hush," the silver drake growled. He rolled over to lay face up, shooting his companion a half-hearted glare. "After a double Fire class that consisted of almost nothing but meditation? You try not wanting to fall asleep...."

Glauron simply chuckled and sauntered over to the couch. With a soft growl, he straddled Auren's waist and sat gently atop his partner, still grinning. "So, I couldn't entice you to something quick before we head to the gym?"

A groan came from his horizontal friend, and Auren gave Glauron's legs a half stroke. "I'd love to bro, but seriously, I'm wiped." He tried to offer a grin to his golden companion, but it came out as another yawn. "I think a short nap is in order."

"But I thought we were going to the gym?" Glauron asked softly.

"You can go ahead," Auren murmured. "I'll be along in a little while. I need a quick snooze, else I'll pass out in a machine or something." He saw the slight downcast look on Glauron's face, and he rubbed the gold dragon's back reassuringly. "Go on, Glau. You'll be alright for a bit without me."

Glauron sighed. "Alright," he said, climbing off his boyfriend and heading to his room to grab his workout clothes. Since his first trip the other day with Auren, Glauron found he quite enjoyed working out; it gave him a natural high from a good exercise, and he had expressed his desire to make it a routine with Auren. Still, he wasn't sure about going to the gym alone. The encounter with those jocks on his first day was still fresh in his mind, and he didn't want to become the newest punching bag for the facility.

Shrugging his gym bag over his shoulder, Glauron walked out of his room and glanced towards the couch. Auren was already asleep, his steady breathing making his toned, firm chest rise and fall gently. Sucking back an involuntary smile at seeing his boyfriend so peaceful, the golden drake left the dorm and lock the door behind him, before heading off towards the gym. Along the way, he mentally ran through all the tips and advice Auren had given him the other day, to help him get the most out of his exercise.

As he entered the gym, Glauron glanced about and saw that it wasn't all that crowded. There were maybe a dozen other students here, and they barely gave the gold dragon a second glance as he walked in and made his way to the locker room. Maybe Glauron was just being paranoid. All day long, he hadn't heard a jeer to comment directed towards him, a complete opposite as to what he was used to in his old school. Then again, he reasoned, most of the people here were new as well, which meant they were all in the same boat. Maybe his social life wasn't doomed to failure so soon after all.

Unlocking his and Auren's shared locker, the gold dragon fought down a hormonal urge to take a quick sniff of the silver dragon's shirt hanging there. The scent of his boyfriend was like a drug, especially if they were being intimate, and it sent all the right signals and tingles to all the right places. Unfortunately, this was not exactly the right place or time for that. Shrugging off his shirt, Glauron began to change from his regular attire, to the set of workout clothes Auren had given him. The sleeveless shirt was a hair big, but other than that the clothes fit pretty well. As he slid off his jeans and pulled on the track pants, he fought down a giggle as his hormonal brain told him, hey, I'm getting into Auren's pants again... Grunting in exasperation at himself, Glauron immediately tried to force his brain somewhere else, as a familiar warmth in his groin began to build. Quickly pulling up the pants, they thankfully hid the beginning of the bulge that started to form in his boxers. Gah.... that wouldn't look good walking out there, he groaned.

Finishing dressing and closing the locker, he stooped to lace up his runners before heading out into the gym proper. A few more patrons had entered since he came in, but Glauron tried to pay it no mind. The facility was quite large, so it was not like it was crowded. After spending a few minutes stretching and loosening his muscles, Glauron spotted his first goal. Heading over to the chest press, he sat himself down and adjusted the weight to his level, before settling into a workout. He felt the muscles in his arms and chest start to work, and grinned to himself, enjoying the feeling. Glauron could feel his chest starting to warm up, as the muscles there began to work harder, finally understanding why Auren and others liked this so much.

After several sets, and a good burn in his chest, Glauron reset the machine and stood up, a little covering of sweat glistening on his scales. He moved over to another machine, and dropped into another rhythm, losing himself to the routine. He worked his back, his arms, then moved across the room to work on his abs and legs. An hour passed, but Glauron took no notice of the time. He was enjoying pushing himself, his body releasing the natural endorphins that came with a healthy exercise. Completing his first whole circuit of the muscle groups, he stretched again, as per Auren's advice, and reached for his water bottle. Stooping down, his vision darkened as a pair of large legs blocked out the light, and Glauron stood back up, his gut falling.

"Well well....looks like its shrimp day in the man's room," the large bear growled menacingly. Glauron gulped as he saw it was non other than the jerk Benny from the other day, now garbed in his own, too-tight workout clothes. The golden dragon fumbled on his tongue, caught completely off guard by the confrontation. Seeing his prey stumble, the bear grinned a nasty grin. "Got something to say, meat? Well, spit it out."

"I-its a free country," Glauron finally said, trying to tame the shake in his voice. "I can be here if I want."

The bear snorted. "Yeah....except for when you can't..." He flexed his torso nonchalantly, the shirt bulging as it tried to contain the beefy midsection. "See, this here is my gym, loser, and ifn you ain't got my say best be taking a hike. Else......we're gonna have a problem....."

Glauron darted his eyes around to the rest of the gym, hoping someone - anyone - out there might step in to help. A few first-year equines over at the leg station averted their gazes, clearly not wanting to get involved, and the large husky on the treadmill had his headphones in, oblivious to the situation. The golden dragon looked back in the hulking face of Benny, trying to exude a sense of courage, but it was quite hard when being faced with a mountain of bear. Peeking past the ugly face, he spotted Ren just entering the gym door, and the wolf's face instantly lit up in concern at the sight. Glauron tried to plead to him with his eyes, but the snow wolf's gaze snapped somewhere else as it followed something across the room.

A yelp, and Glauron felt the front of his shirt yanked up and his was brought nose-to-nose with Benny. "Now...I don't like you," the bear growled. "You don't belong here, lizard."

"S-says who?" he mumbled, once again trying to find some courage. Glauron knew he couldn't fold under the bullying of some jerk like Benny. What would Auren say if he constantly ran under his wing for help? His draconic pride screamed at him to stand up for himself, but the years of being picked on had compounded his submissiveness, and right now, it was nearly crippling him. Glauron was dimly aware of a deep, hoarse voice shouting from behind Benny, but all he could hear was the evilly glee voice of the bear about to pound him.

"I do," the burly bear snarled. "Me and my boys run this school," he jerked his head to the two cheetahs from before. "We got the ladies, the muscles, and the coinage that say so. And now, since we're in school," the bear sneered. "You need to be taught a lesson."

"Pop-quiz, asshole!"

Benny whipped his head around, just in time to meet the swinging fist heading his way. The bear's head snapped back and he dropped Glauron in reflex, snarling. The gold dragon scrambled a few feet away and stood up. Now he saw what Renfear had been gaping at.

Auren stood toe-to-toe with the bear named Benny, his face in a mask of barely contained rage. His brilliant blue eyes burned with anger and the magic that dwelled within him, and those close enough could feel the room jump several degrees in temperature. Benny shook his head to clear the stars in his vision, before letting a short roar at the dragon before him. "You're ficken dead, meat!"

"FREEZE!" a much louder voice boomed, and all present did exactly that. The solid wall of bull that was Coach Longhorn stomped over to the two furs who were getting ready to end one another. "McKnight, Crawford, stand down!"

"Coach, he bloody sucker punched me!" the bear snarled.

"You what he was doing!" Auren growled back. "He was about to slam Glauron!"

"Enough, both of you," the bull snorted, pushing the two growling students apart. "Yes, I saw everything. And it seems to me you two need to blow off some steam." The burly bull looked between the two of them with hard, glaring eyes. "You gotta beef with each other? Get in the ring and settle it proper."

Ring? Glauron wondered, and looked around. Then, over towards the back of the gym, he saw a windowed door with the words 'SPARRING ROOMS' stencilled on the glass. The coach pointed a thick finger at both the students, then at the door. "You two have so much fight in you? Take it somewhere appropriate."

Benny narrowed his eyes as he looked at the slightly shorted dragon. "I could use a warm up," he sneered.

"Oh, I'll warm you up all right," Auren growled past his bared fangs, his silver scales shimmering as the magic ran across his body.

The bull snorted again, then unceremoniously grabbed the two by the arm and 'escorted' them towards the ring. The gym was deathly silent for about six seconds, then all present streamed after them, eager to see the fight unfold. Glauron was shoved aside by a larger tiger as the feline made a beeline to the door, but was then wrapped by a comforting arm. He looked up to see Ren with his arm around his shoulder and a quick grin on his muzzle, as he led Glauron through the mass.

Entering the sparring room, Glauron was amazed to see several smaller rings around the perimeter of the room, and one large one in the center. Surrounding the main ring, as well as most of the large room, the gold dragon could see consoles and other pieces of high-end technology. As the crowd filtered in, Ren noticed Glauron looking around in confusion. "What, never been to the sparring rooms?"

"The what?" the drake asked in confusion.

"You not even read the brochure, bro?" the wolf asked. As Glauron shook his head, Renfear sucked in a breath to explain. "Every Academy has 'em. You got this many hot-headed, hormone-fuelled teens running around, with magic no less, you're gonna need a place to blow off steam. This is it," he said, waving an arm around the room. "Combination of technology, magical spells, and good ol' fashioned manly sports enthusiasm." A skunk girl shot him a scowl at the sexist remark as she walked past, but the snow wolf just shrugged. "Anyways, here students can spar - either physically or magically - without running the risk of serious injury or damage to property."

The wolf pointed out the various pieces of tech and glowing consoles. "Them machines keep track of anyone hooked up to 'em, and tell you their vitals. Lets the officials know if they're getting seriously hurt. Although, with the ward-suits on, that pretty much prevents any injury." He shrugged. "Instead, you just feel wiped, instead of beaten and bloody." Looking over at Glauron, he was met with a blank stare. Sighing, the wolf chuckled. "Its like a big video game," he finally said. "You strap on some magically enhanced tech, and fight. Nobody gets killed, injuries are kept minor. Get it?"

"I guess," Glauron mumbled, looking on as Auren and Benny were fitted with slim collars by Coach Longhorn. He guessed that those were the 'ward-suits' Ren mentioned. "So, you can fight and use magic against others in here, and it only ends up draining some stamina?"

"Pretty much," the tall wolf shrugged. "You're still gonna feel the hits, get some bruises and black eyes, maybe even get knocked out.....but that's about it. Depending on the level the wards are set at, maybe not even that." Seeing the latent fear the in the golden drake's eyes, Ren put a paw comfortingly on his shoulder. "Auren'll be fine. Don't you worry."

Glauron mumbled something unintelligible, as he and Ren came to stand ringside, looking up at their friend. Auren cracked his neck and bounced slightly on his feet, looking more than ready to finish what he started in the gym. Benny, on the other hand, looked simply ready to kill, his dark, beady eyes staring daggers at the silver dragon. Coach Longhorn finished setting up their equipment, then hoped over the ropes to the main console. He tapped in a few parameters, then addressed the two fighters. "Alright, hot heads," he gruffed. "You got a standard match here. Safeties are set to normal, so you're not gonna sport more than a black eye or bruise, but you're still gonna feel every hit." The bull tapped another button, and several lights winked on around the ring. "Magic is also enabled, but again, you'll only feel it, not get maimed by it." He looked between the pair. "Fighters ready?"

"Bring it," Auren growled, dropping into a ready stance. Benny simply snarled and slammed his fist into his other palm.


With a feral roar, Benny charged straight at Auren, massive hands and claws outstretched. Glauron felt his stomach flip in nerves as his friend simply stood there, muscles tensed. He was about to yell something as Benny closed the last few feet, tell him to move or something......then choked on his words.

When Benny got to where Auren had been standing, the silver dragon simply wasn't there anymore. It took Glauron a few blinks to register what just happened, as a loud grunt of pain came from the bear and he stumbled into the ropes. Auren had moved so fast the people around the ring nearly missed it, but Ren was already yelling and whooping, having saw it. As the burly bear reached him, Auren had simply twisted out of the way, driving his knee into the bear's gut and letting Benny's momentum do the rest.

Snarling, Benny whipped around and swung at Auren's head. The silver drake ducked and struck out with his open palm, hitting the flat jaw of the bear with sharp crack and driving him back a step. Stunned, Benny tried to gather his senses, only to be met with swift roundhouse kick to the midsection. He stumbled back against the ropes, shaking his head and roaring again, now thoroughly pissed. He dropped his shoulders and bulled forward again. This time he managed to tackle Auren, and drove him to the ground harshly. Auren yelped, then quickly drove his knees up into the bear's gut again, allowing him to rip free from beneath him.

The two combatants scrambled to their feet and squared off again, each shooting looks of pure hate at each other. Auren swung first this time, but Benny used his beefy arm to slap it away, delivering a sharp jab to the dragon's gut, and Auren staggered back, winded slightly. Another harsh cross, and the bear's first impacted his jaw, sending him down. Glauron shouted in fright as he saw the silver dragon go down to his knees, and felt his stomach drop as Benny wound up for another heavy punch.

Then, in a blur of motion, Auren whipped his leg around and set Benny sprawling to the mat, using the centrifugal motion of his leg to spin himself back onto his feet. Glauron's yelp turned to a whoop as he cheered, his excitement getting worked up. Benny scrambled back to his tree-trunk legs, and growled at the dragon. "Come on, you little punk! Fight like a man!" Auren simply gave a 'come-on' gesture with his hands and Benny stepped forward and swung again.

Quick as a snake, Auren grabbed the flying right paw of the bear with his own right hand, and twisted his back to Benny's chest as the bear's body met his. His left elbow slammed into the bear's gut, driving the wind from him, before Auren's head jerked back and impacted Benny's face. Then, Auren panted himself and flipped the large bear over his shoulder, the thick fur hitting the mat with a solid THUD.

"Holy sh-" Coach Longhorn muttered, before being drowned out by the various whoops and cheers from around the ring. Glauron and Ren were practically on their toes jumping and shouting, as Benny dazedly struggled to his feet, still trying to suck wind. Auren simply tensed in ready stance again, his eyes unblinking in cold concentration. The silver dragon waited until the thick bear had regained his footing before moving again. Benny barely had time to bring his paws up before he was struck in quick succession. Once, twice, three times his was hit in the gut, the forth swing connecting to his jaw in an uppercut. He staggered back, teetering, and Auren delivered his hay-maker.

The silver dragon jumped and twisted, slamming his roundhouse kick into the bear's jaw and sending him to the mat for the last time. The gathered students screamed as Benny collapsed on the mat, and Glauron looked around in surprise, seeing that the number of spectators had nearly tripled. Longhorn hit the buzzer, declaring the match over, and started to climb into the ring. As Benny panted and heaved on the mat, Auren knelt down and put his muzzle to the bear's ear, whispering something. Then, he stood stoically as Coach Longhorn removed the ward-suit collar, and strode out of the ring as the coach tended to the dazed bear on the mat.

"How the hell..." Glauron said aloud.

The snow wolf was nothing but one huge grin. "Dude, didn't he tell you?" Glauron shook his head, and Renfear just boomed a laugh. "His parents enrolled him in a mixed martial arts class when he was 12. Plus, his Dad is in the Army Rangers. Taught him a bunch of stuff whenver he comes home on leave. Auren is no powder puff...." The gold dragon's jaw simply gaped as this new information was added to what he already knew about Auren.

Ren was all over his buddy as he exited the ring, slapping his shoulder and cheering, Auren simply nodding and giving a small smirk. His eyes then locked with Glauron, and the gold dragon felt his breath catch. As Auren strode over, Glauron could feel his heart start racing. The silver dragon's musk was almost overpowering, pouring off him from the sweat and exertion, and Glauron almost staggered as his lust hit overdrive. Auren simply smiled and slipped his arm around the gold drake's shoulder, his other around Ren's, as they walked out of the sparring room and towards the gym's exit.

Barely two words were exchanged as the trio grabbed their stuff and headed out of the gym, other students still whooping and clapping from the fight. Glauron felt the arm around him tighten almost imperceptibly, and felt himself press even more against the warm, musky body of Auren as they strode down the hallway. Again, his gut twisted as his lust bubbled, only to feel the hand of the silver dragon squeeze his shoulder gently.

Seeing the silent exchange of the two dragons, Renfear's mind clicked as he understood what was probably coming, and pulled away slightly. "So, I guess we'll work out tomorrow, bro?" he chuckled, smirking at Auren.

"Yeah," the silver dragon grinned. "I think I'm gonna head back, have a shower, and crash." The two bumped fists and bade each other goodbye as Ren turned down the other hallway as they neared the dragons' dorm. The wolf was suddenly glad they had several rooms between theirs, just in case.

As they entered the room, Glauron felt a warm tingle spread across his face as Auren kissed his cheek, and he giggled and returned a quick peck. "Did I mention that was freaking amazing?"

"Heh....he had it coming," Auren growled playfully as they stood there nuzzling snouts gently.

"You never told me that stuff about your dad, and taking all those classes..."

Auren looked into those soft brown eyes. "Well, I didn't want to risk it scaring you off, or making you feel...I dunno.....submissve."

" just impresses me more," Glauron murmured softly as the soft affection stoked his already simmering fire. "You....said something about a shower?" he whispered, already reaching for his bag. "Think there's room for two?"

All he got was a grin, as Auren took his hand and led him back out across the hall, the pair of dragons barely having enough time to grab a set of clothes before they slipped into the hall's bath/shower room. They were in luck, as nobody else was in at the moment, and Auren led him to the farthest shower stall in the corner, before the two of them started stripping quickly. A few seconds later, and Glauron slipped into the shower stall, dragging his now-naked boyfriend in after him. The fogged, patterned glass of the shower door barely let anything through, giving them the privacy they desired.

Glauron pressed his back against the cool wall of the shower as Auren leaned into him, the silver dragon's musk washing over him again. He barely had to open his mouth before it was met with Auren's, their tongues meeting and twisting together. Using his hands, the silver dragon groped behind them and managed to turn the taps on, granting them a nice warm spray of water to mask whatever sounds they made. Glauron could feel the warm body of his partner press up against him, their groins grinding together as they made out under the hot water.

"Mm...mmph....ugh...why am I so hot right now?" Glauron gasped, as Auren started to nip and nibble down his neck and along his collar bone, his stomach somersaulting and twisting like it was dancing.

"No clue...but I'm in the same boat," the silver dragon growled as he bit gently along Glauron's shoulder, the gold dragon's left leg coming up to half wrap around his waist, pulling his toned body in closer. Their cocks swelled from their genital slits and ground against one another, making them both growl at the sensation. "I've been hot ever since I climbed out of that ring."

They grinded and writhed against each other for a few minutes, kissing and groping as the water streamed down their bodies. Glauron could feel the sticky sweat and grime trickling away from his body as the water cascaded down, but Auren's musk only increased in his nose. The gold dragon growled loudly, then nipped Auren's neck hard. "I feel.....unhh...I feel," he grunted, trading both kisses and nips back and forth with the silver dragon. "Auren.....we should do it"

"You wanna?" Auren murmured as they locked lips again. He felt Glauron's hands wander down his chest and grab at his hard shaft, stroking them both together.

"I don't know what I want," Glauron mumbled, still sucking on his boyfriend's tongue. The uncontrolled lust that had taken a hold of him was unlike anything he felt before. Watching Auren fight....smelling his sweat and was like he had been drugged. "But if we don't do it, I might just cum anyways....I'm so worked up..."

Auren simply grunted and thrust his cock against Glauron's grip, trying to pull their bodies as close together as they could. He felt his chest pressed into Glauron's, the other dragon's one leg still wrapped tightly around his waist and rump. Again, they made out and grind their bodies into one another, growling and rumbling to each other as the heat of their lust only rose further.

Finally, Glauron broke free of the groping and turned around, presenting his backside to Auren. He leaned forward slightly, pushing his rump out towards the silver dragon's erect black cock. The message was received instantly, as Auren grabbed him around the waist and pressed against him, the silver dragon's firm chest mashed against his back. Glauron moaned and whimpered, his lust barely contained as he urged Auren to take him. The gold dragon was like a sex-depraved nut, not caring about romance or tenderness. Before, he and Auren had been gentle and tender, making the act one of love and passion. But now, his wild-fire like libido was screaming for sex, regardless of style. He just needed it now!

Auren was quick to respond to the call, his 10-inch member already pressing against Glauron's tail-hole, growling as he tried to gain entrance to that tight tunnel. The gold dragon groaned and rasped as he felt it push harder, then yelped as softly as he could when Auren's thick head parted his ring and plunged in. It hurt slightly, as neither dragon was taking things slow, but the sheer intensity of their sex-drives drowned out rational thought. Glauron was pushed up against the shower wall as Auren thrust his shaft in deeper, the ridged cock spreading his passage roughly as he took more and more of his boyfriend's length in. Auren grabbed him around the waist tightly and with a grunt, slammed his whole length in hard, making Glauron moan out loudly.

They panted and growled for a moment, giving Glauron the one chance to get ready, before he felt himself pushed against the moist wall again as Auren began to take him. The silver dragon thrusts were deep and steady, going straight in as much as Glauron could take. The wet smack of his hard hips met Glauron's quickly, both dragons grunting in pleasure as they gave into their lust. A few hard thrusts, and Glauron yelped again as he felt Auren slide his whole shaft in and out, the gold dragon's passage now roughly stretched to take it all. His partner bit the back of his neck possessively as he pressed himself to Glauron, growling deeply as he took him

The golden drake felt his arms lifted and pinned by one of Auren's hands against the wall, as the silver dragon continued to piston in and out of him heatedly. The silver dragon's other hand reached around and began stroking his dangling shaft quickly, causing Glauron to moan again as he was serviced and taken. He bounced under Auren's rough thrusting, moaning his name as his lusty fire was stoked. His cock, the silver hand around it a blur, started dribbling pre just like the shower head above them, only adding to the sensation of the bigger twin ravaging his tail-hole. Glauron grimaced and clenched his gut, feeling his orgasm rise already, making Auren snarl and nip his neck passionately again. The silver dragon used his snout to bring Glauron's head around, and their mouths mashed together again.

Between the sucking of his tongue, Auren's hand on his shaft, and the silver dragon's thick cock plunging in and out of his backside, Glauron moaned loudly and began to paint the shower wall with his seed. He jerked and ground back against his partner, eager to get every inch inside him, and the silver drake took that as his cue. Letting go of Glauron's hands and cock, he grabbed the golden dragon around the waist and began thrusting fast and hard, making Glauron howl with delight. Pressing himself tightly to the gold dragon's back, he pulled Glauron's hips hard into his as he pounded, his thick cock already swelling with his knot. Auren panted and grunted, alternating nipping Glauron's neck and kissing his cheek, eager to finish inside his partner. Harder and harder he thrust, making Glauron's moans increase in volume until they peaked in yelp as Auren's knot slipped in, and the silver dragon muffled his roar in Glau's shoulder.

Glauron bounced against Auren's hard thrusting, feeling the thick knot ram back and forth inside his rump as his partner worked towards his climax. Stifling another moan, Glauron clenched as hard as he could, earning another loud growl as Auren picked up the pace even more. That was the final straw as Auren rammed in as deep as he could, and pushed his mouth into Glauron's neck to muffle the roar as his cock began firing thick jets of seed into his boyfriend. Glauron yelped and moaned as the knot within him swelled again, locking them together as Auren painted his bowels, the silver dragon's hot spunk filling him up. He was bumped into the wall a few more times as Auren thrust the last bit of his orgasm, then sagged against his back.

His toned arms held Glauron tightly as they came down from their high, panting and murmuring to one another. "Feel....better?" Auren panted, holding Glauron securely against him as he finished pumping his seed into him.

"Much," Glauron gasped. He wriggled back against Auren's groin, massaging the knot inside him as they basked in the afterglow of the heated sex. The silver dragon merely growled happily, and rubbed up and down Glauron's abs and chest, pulling the other drake in for another tongue match. The steam rolled off them as the water continued to cascade down, washing away Glauron's cum on the wall and the fresh sweat that had accumulated on their bodies.

The pair of dragons remained locked together for a few minutes more, until Auren's knot softened enough for him to pull out of Glauron, a rush of his seed spilling out after it. As it swirled into the drain, the two of them snuck a few last kisses and gropes, before Auren sagged and turned the water off. Peeking his head out, Glauron checked to make sure the coast was clear, before he and Auren whipped out and wrapped towels around themselves. Drying off quickly, they only paused to pull on some boxers, before gathering all their clothes and hurrying towards the door.

Luckily, they slid between two groups of people walking opposite directions and made it into their room, Glauron shutting the door behind them. Auren towelled himself off lazily, then flopped onto the couch, not bothering with any other clothes. The gold dragon grinned at him, then shrugged off his own towel and slid sultrily atop his partner, Auren rumbling happily as Glauron straddled his hips and rested on his chest. "That was pretty hot," he grinned.

"Mmm," Glauron purred, laying his head on that wonderful silver chest. "Don't know why we got so crazy....but in the end, I'm not complaining." They both chuckled and ran their hands along each others frame, enjoying the still-fresh buzz. After a few moments, Auren reached down and fumbled around with his discarded pants to pull out his cell phone. "Whatcha doing?" the gold drake mumbled.

"Ordering dinner," Auren chuckled.

As it turns out, 'ordering dinner' ended up being a quick text to Renfear. A half-hour later, the pair of dragons were still laying together on the couch in their boxers when a knock came at the door. The door cracked open a bit, and a small package was slid through. Glauron got up to welcome their friend, but the door shut again just as quick as it opened. He turned around and shot Auren a worried look, but Auren was already laughing at his phone. As Glauron placed the package on the table, he returned to his previous position atop his boyfriend, so Auren could show him his phone. On the screen was a last message from Ren.

Enjoy your dinner, guys. Didn't want to come in, lest I join you ;)

You owe me next time though.


Chuckling, Glauron laid back down on Auren's chest as the silver dragon held him once again, his hands running softly down the golden scaled back. "I like him," he teased, kissing Auren's snout. "He gets it."

"Well, considering I've known him almost all my life, you think?" Auren grinned back. The pair of them cuddled for a while longer, content to just enjoy the moment for the time being.

After another few minutes, Glauron's stomach rumbled and he reached for the bag on the table. Instantly, the smell of chicken wafted from the top of the bag as he opened it. He giggled as Auren licked his lips, and teasingly shoved a leg into his boyfriend's mouth, earning a muffled 'thank you'. He grabbed a piece for himself, then settled back into Auren's chest. Seemingly not caring this was in no way the norm to eat, the pair of dragons helped themselves to their dinner, still laying together on the couch.

It was nice, even a little romantic, laying nearly naked on the couch as they ate, letting the warmth of their meal mix with the warmth of their their bodies pressing together. They finished the bag of chicken, then sighed together as they relaxed into the couch and each other. Auren's hand continually stroked up and down Glauron's back, making the slightly smaller gold drake purr happily. A few blissful moments of silent cuddling passed, before the gold dragon nudged Auren's chin with his nose. "Hey, Auren?"


"I was wondering," Glauron murmured. "What did you say to Benny when he was on the mat?"

Auren grinned, and gripped Glauron a little tighter to his chest. He tilted his head down to lick and nibble along the gold dragon's cheek, earning a soft giggle or two. When his nose rubbed against Glauron's ear, he let out the tiniest breath.

"He's with me."

Almost two dozen sets of eyes tracked the gently flickering ball of flame as it made a slow circuit just above the floor. You could barely hear a breath from any of the students as they watched, transfixed, some watching the fireball, some watching the silver dragon that sat slightly ahead of them all.

A single bead of sweat trickled down Auren's brow and over his closed eyelids as he tried to maintain both his his breathing and his concentration. He could feel, rather than see, the gaze of Professor Resten on him as he continued the exercise, the dark furred panther's breathing as shallow as the other students as she looked on in wonder. Once, twice....three more times the ball of fire completed its circuit, before it finally flickered and faded, Auren slumping back and taking a heavy breath. "Excellent, Auren!" the professor rumbled. "Very good indeed! Not many first-years have that kind of control."

The silver dragon managed a weak smile, as the other students murmured and whispered behind him. He wiped the sweat from his brow and sat back up, trying not to blush under the beaming smile of his professor. The black-furred feline, gathered the few things from in front of them and returned them to her desk. "Well, if that continues, I might ask you to start taking advanced classes," she grinned to her student, who shuffled in his seat.

What had meant to be a demonstration of just how difficult the Fire element could be to control, turned into a surprise for both the professor and Auren. Professor Resten had showed them, using her own power, how one could manipulate a ball of fire to do what you wished. As a demonstration, she pulled Auren forward, intending on illustrating the difference between years of training. However, when the young sliver dragon actually managed to exert some limited control over the flame, Resten had swallowed her words. Originally, she had been having her first-year students simply practising mediation, and learning to reach out with their minds to feel the Fire around them. Actual manipulation was supposed to be beyond them for the time, but apparently this silver drake was the exception. Then again, being a dragon, maybe the myths and rumors were true?

Regardless, the issue was quickly dropped as the last bell rang, and the students began filing out of the class. Auren was among the last to leave, still a bit fatigued from using his magic. Quickly checking a timetable in his book, he noted that Glauron still had another class and wouldn't be out for another hour. Seeing as how he missed his workout from yesterday due to the Benny incident, the silver dragon decided to hit the gym.

Humming to himself as he changed in the gym's locker room, he tried not to chuckled as he glanced at the showers, remembering the 'fun' from yesterday with Glauron. Now that he thought about it, it had been pretty hot to just drop and do it like that, even if Auren had taken the dominant role. Maybe I'll return the favor tonight, he grinned to himself, then shut his locker and headed out onto the floor. Auren had a happy bounce in his step as he imagined just how many more things he would be writing into his little journal. His "first fight" and "first shower sex" had been scribbled in this morning, and the silver dragon started to wonder what other new things he and Glauron might end up trying. After all, Ren had playfully mentioned that he and his new 'companion' were into a few things outside the box.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, before his gym pants started to tent, Auren chuckled to himself and refocused on the tasks at hand.

Forty minutes, and a thick sheen of sweat later, Auren's entire body tingled with the afterglow of a good workout. With the image of Glauron's bare body swimming in his mind's eye, the silver drake had pushed himself hard though the entire routine. Doing his cool-down stretches in front of the wall mirror, Auren was pleased to see a bit more definition in his chest and abs, as well as his arms. He was definitely starting to put on more muscle, thanks to his daily visits to the gym. Giving himself a bit of a flex, his grin widened as the muscles beneath his scaled hide bulged just a bit more than they used to. He made a mental note to browse the internet for more tips and advice on the subject, hoping to add a few more pounds of muscle to his frame.

Making his was back to the dorm, he ducked into the bathroom for a quick shower, then finally walked in the door of their room. Glauron was already home, reading one of his textbooks on the couch when Auren walked in. He gave the silver dragon a wide smile, only to giggle happily as his boyfriend leaned down to give a quick kiss. "Well, someone's in a good mood," Glauron teased.

"Yup," his silver partner growled gently, joining him on the couch, slipping an arm around his frame.

Glauron simply murred, and moved his books to the table. "Not that I'm complaining, but what has you so happy?" He scooted closer as he said this, eager for a little personal time with his boyfriend.

Auren's eyes twinkled, evidence of his good mood. "Well, for starters, I haven't seen Benny all day," he grinned, earning a chuckle. "Then, in my Fire lesson, I managed to control a ball of flame for almost three whole minutes."

This time, Glauron's eyes shot wider. "Really?" he beamed. "Auren that's......that's awesome!" He gave his silver companion a soft nuzzle, rumbling happily. "That's some advanced stuff for our year."

"Sure is," the silver dragon grinned with pride. "I think Prof. Resten was serious when she mentioned advanced classes." He pulled Glauron a little closer, enjoying the warmth of his dragon boyfriend. "And to top it off," he went on. "I gained a couple pounds of muscle since I last weighed."

Glauron's grin grew slightly lustful, and he ran his hand over Auren's abs. "Mmm....I thought you looked a little more toned than usual. Not that I'm complaining...." He growled gently as he rubbed his nose against Auren's cheek, trailing over until their lips met softly. They held each other tenderly as the kiss went on for a minute or two, until they broke apart and Glauron laid his head on the silver drake's shoulder. "I hope I start to fill out soon."

"It'll take a bit," Auren said with a slight shrug. "You can't expect results right away, Glau. Gotta give your body time to get used to it, and start to build up." He felt a small sigh from his golden partner, and Auren snaked his arms around Glauron's midsection, earning a soft giggle as he held the other dragon tenderly. "Besides," Auren whispered, kissing Glauron's neck. "You're perfect just as you are. Any improvements will only add to the hotness I see in you..."

"Aww....big softy," the golden drake chuckled, nuzzling in for another kiss. Their lips writhed together for another blissful moment, before Glauron pulled back and stood up. "Almost forgot," he said, as he went over to the small fridge under the TV. He opened it and pulled out a pair of plastic containers. "Grabbed some salad for dinner."

"I'm not a rabbit," Auren teased as he was handed his meal.

"No, but we've have pizza and chicken for the last couple days," Glauron said in a mock paternal tone. "For someone worried about staying fit, you should know all that grease isn't great for you." He plopped down next to his boyfriend once more. "Besides, I like a salad now and then."

Auren mumbled something under his breath as he took up a forkful, and Glauron automatically sucked in a grin. "What was that?" he growled playfully.

Swallowing a bite, Auren flashed his pearly fangs back at his partner. "I said, 'I can tell, seeing how much you like my dressing'....."

The response was a pillow smacked upside the head as Glauron laughed. "Jeez, are you horny 24/7?"

"Usually," the silver drake grinned as he shrugged and took a few more bites. "That, and I think I owe you for yesterday."

Glauron's eyes widened a bit. "Heh....didn't you do enough in the shower?"

"Exactly. That was all me. You never really got a turn."

"Auren," the golden dragon sighed, although his still had a smile on his face. "You know we don't have to do it every day, right?" His boyfriend simply looked back at him with an even expression. "Okay, yeah you took the lead yesterday, but its not a big deal." A slight blush washed across Glauron's face. "Not like I was complaining, in case you forgot."

"I know," Auren shuffled. "Its just, I said this was gonna be an equal relationship, and I don't feel ri-" His sentence was cut short as his mouth was covered by Glauron's again, and he found his tongue ushered into an unexpected wrestling match as the gold dragon pressed up against his chest. Salad forgotten, his hands went around the slightly smaller gold dragon as traced Glauron's back and sides tenderly. After a moment of enjoyment, he pulled back with a wide grin once more. "Was it something I said?"

"See, that's why I'm loving you," Glauron rumbled. "You're all about equality in this relationship."

"Well, its only right," Auren shrugged, leaning back so they could half-lay together. The gold dragon put their salad containers on the table so he could snuggle into Auren's firm chest. "I dunno.....I guess, when I thought about it earlier today, I felt like I had taken us into roles with that." He traced Glauron's face with a hand gently. "And like I said, I don't want you to ever feel submissive to me. Ever."

Glauron's only reply was a happy growl, and another soft kiss to his boyfriend as they lay together. "Again.....that's why I love you. You're just......well.......great."

"And it has nothing to do with how much you moan when I'm in you...."

"Oh, stop!" Glauron snorted and pushed him away playfully, reaching for his dinner once more. Auren simply laughed, still laying on the couch. His hand traced Glauron's rump and back as the gold dragon finished his salad, simply enjoying the sight of the dragon that had found a place in his heart. For the next few minutes, it was a tender silence in the room as they sat there, before Glauron shuffled slightly. "I guess.....I wouldn't say no to it..."

"Hmm?" Auren sat a little straighter.

Glauron swallowed his last bite, and turned to face those pools of brilliant blue. "If you wanted to do something tonight, I mean. I wouldn't say no."

Auren stared at him for a few minutes, before leaning in to gently nuzzle up Glauron's neck, making the gold dragon purr at his favorite action. "I was partly teasing, you know. Like you said, we don't have to have sex every night."

"Mmm...I know," Glauron murmured, running a hand along Auren's leg. Then, his mouth quirked in a playful grin. "But now you got it in my head....."

Auren snorted and chuckled, before nibbling on the golden scales under his snout. "So.....dinner is over then?"

"I'd say so..."

"Then we best get somewhere a little more.....comfortable," the silver dragon rumbled, even though they were already standing up. That familiar heat started building in his gut as Glauron playfully led him towards Auren's room. Seeing as how both dragons now shared the bed and slept together, they had more or less claimed Auren's bed as 'theirs', and left Glauron's room for storing what things wouldn't fit in the one room.

As the door swung silently shut, the pair of dragons were already making out happily, hand exploring one another as they began to remove each others clothes. Auren's shirt hit the floor as Glauron ran his hands over the silver dragon's hard, toned body, wriggling into the waistband of his pants. Auren growled in want as he pulled Glauron's shirt off, giving a few teasing licks and nips along his shoulder and chest. With a gentle yelp, Glauron felt himself fall backwards onto the bed, his topless partner lunging down to continue their heated kissing. As their bare chests rubbed together, Glauron felt himself start to harden in his pants, and growled happily as he felt Auren's bulge push against him. Finally managing to take off their pants, the gold dragon tugged their discarded bottoms away so that the pair now ground their naked forms against one another, still locked in heated tongue match.

"Mm...mmph....yeah, I'm wanting it now," Glauron giggled, as he reached down to grab Auren's rear.

"Thought so," the silver dragon rumbled, nipping down his chest. "A little attention, and my golden lover is ready for action."

"So....what did you have in mind?" said gold dragon asked. Glauron reached down to fondle the ridged, black shaft that had stretched from Auren's groin. Already his was imagining that thick length working its way inside him again, and he shivered at the happy thought.

Auren grinned and traced a claw along Glauron's flat abs. "Well, I still think I owe you," he purred. "So, how about a nice ride?"

Seeing that now he was going to get the hotter deal, Glauron growled deeply as his lust washed towards his groin, his own black shaft throbbing and rising in Auren's hand. "I suppose I could enjoy that," he teased. "One condition, though."

"Name it."

Glauron reached up and tenderly traced his boyfriend's cheek. "Can I stay tied to you as we fall asleep? I liked it when you did I want to try."

Auren simply grinned widely. "Deal." Not wasting another moment, the silver dragon leaned down and eagerly began lapping at Glauron's cock, the gold drake rumbling in pleasure. Auren got the head nice and wet, before slurping it in and beginning to bob along its length. Feeling Glauron's tail twitch against him, and hearing the soft moans he caused, the silver dragon knew his partner was more eager that he let on before. Using his tongue, he worked each ridge of Glauron's member, making sure it was nice a slick, as well as solid as it could be. From the few drops of pre he managed to suckle from the head as he pulled off, Auren guess it was as good as ready.

Sitting up, he straddled Glauron's waist, lining up his tight pucker with the glistening black shaft pointing up from his golden partner. Taking a breath, Auren eased himself down until he could feel the tapered head pushing against his entrance. Looking down at Glauron, he received a nod and a growl, then pushed down steadily, letting out a moan as he felt the slick shaft slide into him. It twinged a bit, but nowhere as much as he first time he took it. Lifting himself back up, he ground his hips up and down a few times, before sinking all the way down with one long wet slurp.

Glauron moaned happily as his member was surrounded by Auren's warm insides, and fought the urge to buck up into him. Resting his hands on Auren's waist, he gently rubbed his groin against the silver dragon's backside as he began to move atop him. "Fast or slow?" Auren rumbled.

"Slow," Glauron sighed, rubbing his partners shaft. "At least to start." Grunting in acknowledgement, Auren began riding his boyfriend slow and steady, only letting a few inches of cock slide out of him at a time. Each return drop was met with a gasp or a moan, evidence as to how much the golden dragon was enjoying himself. Feeling that hot, ridged member parting him each time, made Auren's own cock throb and pulse with pleasure. He loved the feel of Glauron going in and out of him, each ridge rubbing his inner walls just right, all the way down to the plump base where Glauron's know would form. "Oh, yes Auren," the gold dragon sighed, using his hips to thrust gently.

"I love you too, Glau," the silver dragon grinned, increasing his pace slightly. "You feel so good sliding in and out of me....." Auren leaned down to trade a few long kisses with his partner, still working his hips back and forth. "Although, one of these times, you're gonna have to do me like I did you in the shower..."

" wanna?" Glauron grinned, murring under his words in pleasure as his shaft was squeezed and worked by the silver dragon's passage. "I wouldn't mind taking you like that sometime." He ran his paws up Auren's sides. "Feel you bounce under me..."

"Unnhh...yess..." Auren groaned, starting to move a little faster, his own lust rising now as Glauron started to stroke his cock steadily.

"Listen to you call my name...."

"Glau...." the silver dragon panted, bouncing harder now atop his partner. The gold dragon's cock started to drive into his rear harder and quicker, aided by Glauron's own thrusts.

"Holding you tightly as I take you.....claim you as mine...."

"Unnhhgg.....yes, take me!" Auren moaned and rode Glauron vigorously, the bed shaking and moving beneath them. Glauron grunted and pulled the silver scaled hips down onto his hard as he thrust up, working Auren atop him as he continued to bury his shaft into him. "Yes, Glauron!"

The gold dragon growled and grunted, trying to hump as hard as he could into the drake riding him, already starting to feel his climax rising. "Damn....wanted this to last longer," he hissed, unable to slow his pistoning hips.

"You....getting....close?" Auren panted as he bounced, his hard cock already starting to swell with approaching orgasm.

"Yeah," Glauron snorted, trying to will his lust down. He grabbed Auren's bouncing cock and started working it furiously. "But if I'm going, so are you!"

"Ahh...ahhhh!" Auren groaned as his pleasure skyrocketed. " it Glau! Make me blow!"

The gold dragon grunted and worked his friend's shaft hard, even as he thrust up hard, eager to feel that tight passage clamp down on his growing knot. The two dragons moaned and grunted as they worked one another, before Glauron could finally take no more. "Mmph....Auren! I'm there....turn over!"

Without a second thought, Auren pulled himself off Glauron with a wet pop, and dove to the bed, lifting his rear for the gold dragon to take. Instantly, Glauron was on his back and grabbing him by the waist, before with a loud grunt, he rammed his cock back in, parting the silver dragon's rump once more with a squelch. Auren practically screamed into the bed as he was taken roughly, before jerking and writhing as his own cock started pumping his seed into the bed below.

Glauron gave Auren a quick, hard working as he drove his boyfriend into the bed, their hips slapping together loudly as he claimed his partner. The heavy pounding only lasted a minute or two, before Glauron pressed in hard and popped his knot into Auren, earning another load moan. He lay heavily on Auren's back as his hips worked up and down, pushing him over the edge finally. Biting down on the silver dragon's shoulder, Glauron felt his shaft pulse and swell, locking them together as jets of his hot cum started pumping into Auren, both of them moaning loudly. He humped a few more times, getting that knot in as deep as he could, before grabbing Auren and rolling onto their sides.

Even as the sheets were pulled over them, Glauron was still shooting his load into Auren's rump, the silver dragon humping backwards to prolong it as much as possible. Eventually though, they became dry thrusts as Glauron's balls finished emptying themselves, and he pulled Auren's muscled body close to his chest, their mouths meeting once again.

"," Glauron growled between kisses, still thrusting gently into his boyfriend.

"Back at ya, big guy," Auren sighed as he pressed into Glauron's groin, keeping his knot locked deep inside him. The pair of dragon's snuggled up tight to one another, already feeling the call of sleep. As the rush of orgasm began to fade, Auren grinned and chuckled. "You sure you don't wanna do this every night?"

Glauron snorted, giving one last good thrust. "Yes.....we gotta save something for the weekends. That....and we probably should think of trying to study some nights."

"Alright," Auren sighed, laying back into the gold dragon's arms. He clenched his rump hard, earning a moan, and a playful swat on the backside. "I suppose it would be more fun to let it build up."

"Go to sleep, horn ball," Glauron threatened in a mock tone. He held Auren tightly against his chest as they lay their heads together, sleep well and truly calling them. A last kiss to the back of the silver dragon's neck, and Glauron snuggled him happily. If the first few days of school went this good, he couldn't wait to see what else was in store for them.....and what new things might make their way into the bed, and Auren's book.


Well, another perfectly horny chapter down, with still plenty to come!

"New things" will definitely start to make an appearance in each new chapter, starting with the next one. But what are they? New partners? New kinks?'ll just have to cum back and find out!

First Time: The L Word

When Glauron woke the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was comfortable. _Very_ comfortable_._ The next thing that he noticed was that he wasn't in his room, as the various belongings around this bedroom were clearly not his. Lastly,...

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First Time: Friends and More

The sunlight shone in through Auren's eyelids, despite the dragon's attempts to keep them closed. With a soft groan, he rolled over and stretched, making the covers half-fall off his bed. Looking around, the took in the sights of his dorm room; the...

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First Time: Introductions

Hey to all my furry readers and friends out there. This is the first chapter in what I hope to be an ongoing series, so you'll forgive me if I don't get down to the hot and sweaty right away. In addition to our much loved furry encounters, I hope to...

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