Learning to Swim - Part XXV

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#25 of Entropy Series

The gang has a late-night snack at the Pancake Hut.

This was a strange chapter to write as a few odd concepts get brought up. There's also a handful of subtle character connections that I'm unsure I managed to convey properly. I hope none of the nuances were lost in translation. Then again, that's always something I fear when I write so maybe it's just myself over-thinking things.

Oh, and apologies on the slight lateness on this entry. I had a storm knock out my power for a few hours so I had to wait for my modem to come back online. Oh, the pains of living in Mississippi this time of year... Dx

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. If you can't or don't want to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged!

"We'll be right back, guys" As the others squeezed into a restaurant booth Iolvin helped Adrian along towards the bathroom, pausing to note, "Get us some iced teas, Lulu?"

"Make mine unsweet, hon," requested Dee as he was shuffled towards the back of the diner. When the two reached the restrooms Dee stopped Yoyo at the door and asked, "You gonna watch the door or what?"

"It's my fault you made a mess so I'm helping with the cleanup." Slipping in and locking the door behind him Yoyo added, "Besides, you look like you could use a hand getting out those tight pants of yours."

"You like these? I thought you liked me better wearing more... girlish clothes." Dee stepped over to the sink, his tail swishing behind him as he got a good look at the dark green-brown streak down his beige pant leg. He unzipped the front and pulled the pants down a bit so his blue panties were exposed to the air. "I'm not sure how well I pull off female pants anyway. They're a bit ~restrictive~."

Yoyo slipped up behind his mate and rested his paws on his hips. Playing with the lip of his panties and the fur that pressed over the edge Yoyo assured, "You look smokin' hot, babe. I might just like the tight clothes better than the frilly ones." Getting himself back on track Yoyo slid his paws down, taking Dee's underwear and pants down with them. "These aren't that tight. You've got a better figure than most girls, babe. I think these sorts of clothes are just designed to be hard to fit into or something..."

"Really?" Dee took control of the situation once his bottoms slipped over the crests of his hips, his cock starting to stir to life from the attention. "I think I can handle things from here, sweetie," he mentioned as he replaced Yoyo's paws and continued sliding his clothes to the floor. "Aww, I think I'll have to ditch these panties. Freakin' soaked."

"You remembered what Ari said, right? You weren't thinking about making a lot, were you?" Yoyo brought his empty paws upward and gave Dee's stomach a light hug, staying very loose so he could work around the embrace.

"No, but there's not exactly much spare room in these things so a lot seeped its way back up... Ugh." Dee paused a moment to enjoy the hug before forcing himself out of it to pick up his garments. "Well I think I can salvage the pants but it's not gonna look pretty. I wonder if they'll stay green or not."

"Here, let me at least wash those for you. Focus on cleaning yourself, alright?" Iolvin snatched the clothes and placed them in the sink. He separated the panties first and placed them to the side, then tried to angle the crotch of the pants such that he wouldn't needlessly drench the rest with the water. As he opened the valve with a squeak and began working on removing the goop with a paw he said, "Not sure these'll come clean here, but we should be able to keep your dignity intact for dinner at least. Bit of baking soda in the wash later might do the trick though."

"Had to do this before, I'm guessing?" Dee sat down on the toilet and reached for some tissue, preparing to clean off his junk before stating, "Shit, might as well go while I'm here. And don't even think of laughing, mister."

Yoyo looked over and, true to his word, spied Adrian pointing his penis down between his legs as he used the facilities as they were intended. "You even go sitting down, huh? Now that's what I call dedication."

Dee tensed up a moment once his actions were brought to light as if he could somehow change them in his position. "I'm just sort of used to it, I guess. You try doing this standing when you've got a skirt on..." When he was finished he took a moment to clean off his package before standing, the vibrator egg from earlier now noticeably making itself known as the wire snagged the seat of the toilet. "Oh, right. Mind if I clean this guy off real quick?" he asked Yoyo as he reached to pull the toy out his ass.

"Nope, I said I was handling the cleanup," the taller otter responded as he reached over and spun Dee around. He found the wire and trailed it both ways with his paws, one slowly easing the egg out with a tug and the other coming to rest on an odd hair clip made of lime nanites that tethered the controller to Dee's lower back fur. "I see you're putting those little guys of yours to good use. Mind shakin' 'em loose for me?"

"Guys?" Dee looked back and started to blush when he spotted the toy in Yoyo's one paw. Finally catching on to what he meant though, Dee took a second to re-imagine the nanites as a large heart-shaped clip on the base of his tail. As they quickly obeyed his wish he said, "I actually never thought of them like that. More like tools, you know?"

"Well like it or not you'll have to deal with 'em. Lulu said Sprite thinks we'll get about a pint of the little guys give or take when we hit whatever limit there is to them." Yoyo turned and washed the toy under the faucet for a moment adding, "Haven't found much use for them yet myself. I guess Lulu got all the imagination of the pair of us."

Dee passed behind him and took his pants in his paws, commenting as he brought them beneath an air-powered paw drier. "Maybe when you get more used to it you can think up some fun things for that cute butt of yours. I'm sure you'd like more than a finger up there eventually."

"Not a bad idea, babe. What we did earlier was... uh..." As Iolvin finished with the vibrator and moved on to the pair of panties he cut himself off, hiding his face from Dee under the guise of focusing on the task at paw. "...I'm surprised how it felt, that's all..."

"Sweetie?" As the first cycle of the drier ended Dee used the silence to inspect his mate. "What's wrong? Is it about me going down on you? I didn't think when I did it, and I'm sorry if--"

"It's alright, babe. I'll be fine once I forget about what happened with Ashe," Yoyo mentioned as he finished washing the blue undergarments and let them hang over the faucet for lack of a better place to put them. "I just don't like being reminded about the one time I failed you... as a proper boyfriend at least."

"I already told you that I forgive that, silly. Don't worry about it."

Iolvin swiveled about face on one hindpaw and leaned against the sink, reealing a more or less crushed expression to Adrian. "I could have stopped the car, or pushed her away... but I didn't..."

"And you're a healthy male. What guy on this planet wouldn't just let things play out in that situation. Besides, Ashe was just doing what was right to her." Dee draped his semi-moist pants over the sink and slid into a light embrace around Yoyo's chest. "You did the right thing and came clean, with her and with your sister. That's all I ever ask of you, Yoyo. No need to beat yourself up over it."

"But I fucking don't deserve yo--"

Dee stopped Yoyo from finishing his ludicrous statement with a light slap to his cheek. "Nonsense. I don't ever want to hear that sort of talk from you again, okay?"

"But I... I fucking liked what she did to me. I feel like a damn scumbag," protested Yoyo, his point only being solidified as the memory of Ashe's blowjob started getting him hard then and there. "Just... Fuck, ignore that."

"It was that good, huh? You think she gives good head?" Dee queried as his paws went down to unlatch Yoyo's belt.

The magenta-tinted otter only flushed a deeper hue under his fur as he hesitantly answered, "Y-yeah. But she's probably, uh... probably gone down on a lot of guys. I bet you'd do better though!"

"No need to get defensive, hon. She basically does that for a living, I get it." Finally freeing the beast Dee slumped down to his knees and gave the tip of Yoyo's length a light lick. "But if you want to beat yourself up over that silly thing I won't let you. You want to finally settle this? No more thinking you owe me anything?"

"Yes! That's all I want to know, whatever I can do to make up for it!" Iolvin nearly screwed up his own words at the end as the smaller otter beneath him took a long, slow lick from his base to his tip. "I'll... gods... I'll do whatever you want."

"Alright. If you absolutely have to make us even... Well, do you have a condom sweetie?" A smirk stretched over Dee's muzzle as he took the head of Yoyo's cock between his lips, his tail latching and curling around his mate's leg as well.

A bit confused at the request Yoyo quirked his head and stared at Dee as he lightly tasted his cock. "You just want to have sex? That's all?"

Popping off with a noisy slurp Dee said, "Sort of. That was all I ever wanted, for you to just love me in any sense. But no, you had to demand punishment... heeeeee..."

"I don't get it... but yeah, one sec..." Iolvin reached into his back pocket for his wallet and pulled out his 'emergency rubber', holding it out for Dee while a little bit more of his member was engulfed by warm otter mouth. "Damn, you're not too bad at that," he commented as Dee looked up and snatched the foil from his paw, eyes fluttering upward as he kept his muzzle around that rod of flesh. "Fuck that's sexy. Gives Ashe a run for her money when you look at me doin' that."

Another long slurp resounded through the tiny tile-clad room as Adrian pulled away with a bit more suction this time. "Hey, flattery won't get you out of this now mister..." He then reached over to the sink and grabbed the tiny vibrator with his free paw, the other going ripping the wrapper of the condom with his teeth. "So here's the deal. You let me set you up a bit and then there's no touching. Then we get to have a nice meal with everyone. A ~nice~ meal, heeee."

"Why do I get the feeling getting caught earlier isn't gonna be the low of my day anymore?"

"Hey now, it can't be that low of you're enjoying yourself," giggled Dee as he put the condom around the toy, then placed the whole ordeal over Yoyo's tip. As he slowly rolled the rest of the latex down to the base of Yoyo's cock and around his now-inflated knot Dee reminded, "No screwing with it. Oh, and another rule! You have to try and act like nothing's going on."

"Better said than done." Yoyo watched as Dee finished up the odd assembly but still went to lower his pants and boxer briefs a little more. "Hey, what else are you thinking babe? Isn't that enough already?"

Pulling Yoyo away from the sink and peeking his head around behind him Dee commented, "Nope. Isn't a real punishment if I half-ass it. Besides, I gave myself an idea earlier and I intend to use it." With that he nuzzled his way under Yoyo's tail and pressed his tongue into his pucker. He only gave a few licks and prods to loosen his man up a little more, then licked a finger and probed inside slowly. "And trust me, you'll love this better than in the jeep." Without allowing time for protest, Dee rematerialized his spare nanites into a thin, finger-sized dildo and gingerly replaced his own digit with the new creation.

As the new toy pressed against a familiarly sensual spot inside his ass Yoyo groaned, "Ooh, right there babe. Damn, whatever that is it's amazing..."

"Good ol' prostate. Never fails to do the trick. Good." Dee scooted back and stood himself upright, now focusing his attention on cramming Yoyo's impressive package back into his pants without hurting him. "Just wait until later. You'll be wanting to try getting me in that cute ass of yours after tonight, I guarantee it."

"Gods, why does that sound so evil right now?" Yoyo helped settle his junk more comfortably since he wasn't showing any signs of losing his arousal anytime soon. "Come on, let's finish getting your stuff dry and get this over with."

"Oh, you won't want it to stop, heeee..." Dee grabbed his pants and started stepping back into them, leaving his panties dangling from the sink faucet.

"Not gonna even try saving these?" asked Yoyo as he picked up the sopping wet bikini briefs.

"You can keep 'em if you really care so much. No amount of home remedy's gonna make those girls soft again, trust me." Dee zipped up his crotch and clasped the button, only taking a few additional seconds to adjust the way his tail hung over the back edge before he went for the door. "Ready?"

Opening the door for Dee and placing the panties on the inner handle jokingly as he exited himself Yoyo confirmed, "Yeah, ready. I think. Ugh."

"Hee... This is gonna be great," Dee chuckled lightly as he pulled the controller for the vibrator out from behind Yoyo and tucked it into his spare rear pocket.

Iolvin nervously walked back to the booth the others had chosen, his embarrassment plastered all over his face and most noticeably in the bright pink of his blushing skin as it tinted his rusty fur. "Hey guys. We're back."

"Ooh, tea!" Dee playfully squeaked as he slid into a free spot next to his brother. He tasted the iced tea placed there and smiled back at Ilaria when he confirmed it was his unsweetened variety. "Thanks. You guys order yet?"

"Just drinks, hon," Ari answered as she suspiciously eyed her twin as he sat down next to Dee. "You guys took a while. Everything turn out alright?"

"Yeah, wasn't too bad. I think we can salvage those pants." Yoyo gave his sister a 'What?' sort of expression and managed to bat away her prying stare for the moment, everyone returning their gazes to their respective menus. "Ever been here before? I've stopped by after my late classes a ton."

Robyn reached for her cola and threw in, "I've been here a few times, yeah. Breakfast's might tasty here, especially early in the morning."

"And I was just thinking I wanted some pancakes, too," Ari said with a smile as she put down her menu. "Yup, that's what I'll have. With... blueberries!"

"So we have to treat you to breakfa--" Iolvin cringed and braced his hindpaws to the bottom of the booth seat as Adrian cranked the vibrator straight to half power. He tried to feign coughing as he acclimated to the new sensation on his cock head and finished, "...breakfast for dinner? That's uh... kind of funny."

"Anyone else hear that?" Ashe asked as her ears swept the room for the buzzing noise she'd just noticed. Turning to her side to look at Ilaria she further pinged, "Your new leg project some sort of interference or something, sister?"

Ari raised her prosthesis and worked the artificial muscles about randomly asking, "You hear it then?"

With a shrug of her shoulders Ashe answered, "Guess that's it. I might just require more time to adjust to the nuances of this model."

"Sounds like she's in smart mode again," commented Robyn as she placed her glass back down a bit closer in front of her and went back to the menu.

"Yeah, she's been off that... stuff... for most of the day. Since lunch I believe." Elliot reached across the table and rested a paw on one of hers, giving it a firm grip a few times. "You've done pretty well today, beautiful."

"Not sure if that's g-good or bad. Don't even know w-what the hell th-that stuff is, much less h-h-how addictive it is," huffed out Yoyo with sporadic jerks in his tone.

"You sure you're alright, lil' bro?" Ilaria returned her concerned gaze towards her twin, refusing to believe he could shrug it off. "You haven't been sneaking any of that from her or anything, have you? What's up?"

"M-maybe just a st-stomach bug?" he forced out as the waitress came to check on the table and saved Yoyo the scrutiny of his sister.

The cheerful older steer stopped and took out her order sheet asking, "Great, everyone's here! Ready to order or should I check back in a bit?"

"Umm... I'll have the pecan waffle plate, extra crispy please... with scrambled eggs and bacon," Robyn spoke up first, dropping her menu down to her side near the end of the table.

"Alright, cutie. And you... Oh, are you two twins?" The steer took a moment to double check Ari and Yoyo and added, "Sorry, I just didn't realize until handsome here came back to the table."

"Yeah, we're twins. I'm the older one," Ilaria mentioned almost proudly with a sly smile on her muzzle.

"Ah, I knew it! Even though the colors are off, you've got matching eyes. It's sweet you two stick together at this age and all." Bringing her pencil and paper up again the waitress shook off the chit-chat and continued, "So what can I get ya', hon?"

"Pancakes. Lots of pancakes. Blueberry ones! And... ooh, sausage would do great," Ari fished around without even bothering to look at the menu.

"Number three special's got that and some hash browns..." the steer informed in the tone of a question, marking down the order as Ari enthusiastically nodded back. "And you sweetie?" she queried as she moved down the line towards Ashe.

"Oh, she's blind miss. And she didn't bother asking what's on the menu, haha." Ellie picked up his menu and added, "Give us a minute and I'll find out what she wants, alright?"

"Sure. Take your time." The waitress chose to take Yoyo's order next and work toward the window again to buy time for Ashe and Ellie to choose something. "So how about you, handsome?"

As Yoyo went to order Dee slid the slider on the vibrator down a bit as if he would allow some slack with the waitress, only to cram the slider all the way to maximum right at he started talking. "I'll haAAAHH--!!" He hunched over in his seat and instinctively brought his paws down to his crotch, forcing them to slide up to his stomach to avoid suspicion. Catching his breath and adjusting to the stimulus he tried to sit up straight and stammered, "P-patty m-mel-lt..."

"Aww, you alright?" the waitress asked as she leaned down to look Yoyo over. Completely unaware that she was giving the otter a rather clear view down her blouse she frowned and added, "You're shakin' like ya' got a fever, sugar."

"I'm f-fine... Maybe a l-little stomach bug..." Iolvin caught his lust getting the better of him, his eyes fixed in the valley of the heifer's large chest. He immediately shot his eyes downward but the damage was already done, the one missing piece of his erotic puzzle falling into place. There was no fighting his climbing climax now. "J-just... A patty melt, p-please..."

Standing herself up straight and quite knowingly adjusting her top the waitress said, "Sure thing, handsome. I've got some pink goop in the back that might settle your stomach too if you'd like." When she only got a negatory shake of his head back she frowned again briefly and turned to Adrian. "Well how 'bout you, hon? What'cha havin'?"

Barely able to keep a straight face with the trouble he was causing Dee answered, "I'll have the chicken-fried steak, with lots and lots of gravy."

"Alright. One gravy boat with a side of meat comin' right up," the waitress giggled as she wrote down the order. Moving over to Elliot she then pinged, "You two ready now or should I give y'all some more time?"

"Oh, right!" Ellie ceased whispering with Ashe and turned to look the cow's direction. "Well I'll have the Bang Start with bacon instead of sausage. Ashe here also wants a patty melt. And can we get a..." He whispered something to the wolf girl and got a similar response, bringing a chuckle to his next words. "...a banana shake with two straws?"

"Oh sure thing, cutie. Nice to see that sort o' thing 'round these parts." The waitress took the order down on the receipt pad and said, "And that's a cute name, hon. Fits you well, too." When she was done tallying the order she headed over to the kitchen saying, "I'll go put this in. Jus' shout if ya' need anything!"

When the waitress had gone in the back Ilaria immediately asked, "What's going on, Yoyo?"

"Maybe lunch d-didn't settle too well? I dunno," Yoyo nearly moaned out, suppressing it into more of a groan as he regained a fair amount of control.

«We both know you're lying, idiot.» Yoyo shot his sister a rather confused, hurt look, Ari's words both not sounding at all like her normal self and rather hateful or perhaps annoyed. The against her own words she cooed out, "Well if you're not doing too well I won't hold it against you if you want to go home. You can get us dinner another time."

"What? But you just said--" Yoyo tried to make sense of his twin's contrasting statements but was cut off when the nanite toy in his ass started unexpectedly moving, gyrating so that it regularly brushed into and away from his prostate. The sudden rush of pleasure sent Yoyo reeling, the otter hunching face-first into the table and banging his fists down hard.

"The hell...?" Robyn commented as she pulled both her and Yoyo's drinks away for the otter as he shook on the tabletop,, his tail thrashing about wildly behind him.

While the others were busy examining Iolvin's exceptionally erratic behavior, Ashe was busy investigating her own skirt and the moisture accumulating beneath it. She sniffed the air a few times, her heightened sense of smell allowing her to bask in Yoyo's fresh musk. Ashe's paw gave up on decency and crossed the threshold of her panties as her other moved to tug on Ilaria to inform her what was happening. Only the arctic wolf tugged exactly the wrong part of Ari at the moment, a part that was growing as it realized the same things. "S-sorry sis!"

"It's... Uh..." Ari barely noticed her own arousal at all as she focused on her brother's heaving body. Somehow she knew exactly what was going on inside his pants, too much about it actually. As Iolvin started to calm down she found her voice again, choosing her next few words carefully since there were other people in the diner. "Damnit, Yoyo. There's a time and a place. Grow up."

"What? I don't know what's going on," Robyn asked for clarification. "And what's with Dee all the sudden?"

Everyone shifted their eyes to Adrian and the similarly pleasured, exhausted expression he shared with Iolvin. Ellie gave him a shove and queried, "You alright, sis?"

Ilaria finally caught on to her situation below the table and tried to force her length back below her skirt, getting a good glimpse of Ashe digging for clams in the process. "Those two are being incredibly stupid. That's all there is to it." She carefully placed a paw on Ashe's wrist and managed to silently get the girl to stop pleasuring herself before she was noticed by anyone else. Then with a swift kick to his shin with a mechanical hindpaw Ari told Yoyo, "Wake up, dumb ass."

Iolvin managed to get control of himself with the unexpected, if painful, jolt to his leg. When he sat himself upright Dee started to come back to reality as well, the timing apparently being more than coincidence. "Sorry Lulu..." he muttered ashamedly to his twin. Turning to Dee he then shut off the vibrator himself as discretely as possible and nudged the smaller otter until the nanite toy halted itself as well. "I'm sorry you guys. We'll make it up to you, I swear."

"I still don't get what--" Robyn tried to reiterate until she was cut off by Ari.

Making sure to all but whisper her words in pure embarrassment Ari grumbled, "Well Yoyo here just jizzed his pants. How very nice of him and Dee to share their sex life with everyone..."

Sinking into his seat Dee looked right into Ari's eyes and said, "Sorry... It was my idea..."

"No, you can't take all the blame, babe. I did let you do this," admitted Yoyo as he shifted his softening cock in his pants.

"So what? They wanted to have a little fun in public." Robyn turned to stare into her otter's eyes as well. "I'm alright with it at least. You know how I feel about... well..."

"You're not the one I'm concerned about," Ari stated, briefly looking over to the now sexually-charged wolf at her side.

"I didn't even... Shit, I'm sorry Lulu." Yoyo scooted from his slouch and looked over to the girl's longing expression. "And I'm so damn sorry, Ashe. You didn't need to witness that..."

"I am... We..." Ashe tried to decide on the words to say, but being turned on wasn't mixing well with her heightened mental facilities. Instead of trying to answer in her current state, she instead fished around in her bag at her hindpaws for her phial of powder.

"Yoyo, new rule. You need to treat her like your sister." Thinking about her words Ari corrected, "No, bad example. Like... your daughter. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, sis. I know how much you care for her so... It'll never happen again." Yoyo placed his eyes back on Ari and almost pleaded for forgiveness with looks alone.

«Damn straight it won't. I'll take back my ovary if that happens.»

Hearing her clear can be but utterly confused by the unmoving, grimacing mouth of hers, Iolvin quirked his head to the side and said, "Okay, what the ~hell~ was that?"

"What?" Ari ping as she quirked her head in a similar manner.

"Maybe I will leave, before you start ripping my nuts off as well," Yoyo huffed as he stood up.

"Wait... I didn't..." Ari braced her end of the table and stared back into her brother's eyes. "Did I? How?"

"Not sure. Ask Sprite. I'm gonna clean up and hit the road. You're scaring me, sis, and I'm not comfortable being here with you like that." Yoyo started to the restroom but paused to ask, "You want a ride too or are you taking a cab back, babe?"

"Yoyo... Don't run off." Dee slid out the booth and went to follow his man back into the restroom whispering, "I heard her too, and I think you're too emotional to see what's going on."

"Going on? My fucking twin sister just threatened me for the first time in our lives. You think I don--"

"She never said that! Yoyo, honey... You heard her thoughts." Dee stopped by the bathroom door and blocked entrance until he managed to get his words out. "I'm guessing it's the nanites somehow, but I heard her too. She didn't speak those words. And when you... uh... when you came..."

"Wait... you mean she never..." Yoyo respectfully moved Dee out of the way but held the door open when he passed through the frame. "Okay. Nanites, I get it. They're like little computers, right? And Sprite can speak through other computers, okay?" He closed the door and locked it once dee had followed as well. "So you think maybe we can do the same, with each other?"

"Well I nearly got my pants dirty a second time from feeling your... uh..." Dee stopped himself and instead focused on the toy he'd left in his mate's ass, trying to imagine the nanites moving to his paw. As they obediently dematerialized and swarmed between his claws he mentioned, "Just... don't take what she thought so seriously. We all think like that when we're emotional."

With a certain relief coming from the pressure being removed from his sore bottom Yoyo assured, "Yeah... Yeah, I'll apologize when we get back out there. And we need to talk to her about this too. Believe it or not, I respect her privacy above most everything else. If we can figure out how to control or stop this, she won't slip out anything she doesn't want, you know?"

With a nod Dee agreed, "Same here. We need to figure this out or we'll all accidentally get on each others' nerves." Re-imagining the odd sex toy into the form of bracelets around his wrists he added, "But the whole scene out there? That was me. I got greedy and used that crap with you and Ashe to leverage it..."

"So, we're even then?" chuckled Iolvin as he undid his belt to remove the used condom.

Giggling right back Adrian answered, "Yeah, we're even. I think I owe Ashe now, actually. Didn't realize she meant so much to your sister."

"Are you kidding? She's always dreamt of having a little brother or sister. I have too, sometimes." Yoyo pulled the condom and vibrator off with a snap and brought them to the sink clarifying, "It's a shame mom couldn't ever give Lulu that wish. Long story, but after us she had to call the whole big family thing off."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that, Yoyo." Dee took the egg vibe and cleaned it off, placing it into his front pocket. "Well then, I have to do something nice for the three of you now."

"Something that doesn't involve sticky messes, I hope," joked the taller otter.

"No, that sort of favor is only for you, heeee!" Dee took the condom from Yoyo as well and let some of the contents drool onto his tongue with a smile. Tasting the spoils of his deed he giggled, "At least that was better than I expected. That waitress ~totally~ knew. I bet she did."

"Well I did get a nice view," Yoyo commented sheepishly as he took the rubber and trashed it.

Feigning jealousy Dee headed for the door with a skip in his step and remarked, "Well at least I can fit in tight clothes like these..."

"And look sexy doing it," added Yoyo as he pulled up behind the slight otter and gave him a quick kiss. "Now let's see if we can't quench some other fires."

"I'll have you quench mine when we get back to your place," laughed Dee while he unlocked and opened the door.

Following him back to the table, Yoyo smirked and quipped, "Hey, at least let the fireman hook up a new hose, will ya'?"