Tiran VS Shinka

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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This is a story that was requested by my master and good friend notmolo.

Tiran is on the prowl for a Floatzel until he's interupted by a new opponent.

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you think of the story.

Shinka lounged in the corner of a bar he had rented out, each of the inhabitants of the bar had been shocked at first to see the mew with a multitude of naked male and female Pokémon following him around but after being blasted with hypnosis they had turned back to their drinks as if nothing was out of place. He had taken a seat in a corner booth with his harem of gay Pokémon following behind; they all lay underneath the table to admire his feet and cock.

Blissful smiles adorned the face of each of his faithful pets; the women's feet had toe rings adoring their toes while the men had rings adoring their throbbing cocks. Shinka smoked a pipe as he snapped his fingers, an Espeon with spiraling eyes walked up to him immediately. "Yes master Shinka?"

The mew smiled, "I'll take red wine, and possibly a basket of Oran Berries while you're at it." The Espeon nodded and walked into the back to give his order, Shinka lounged back and crossed his feet underneath the table. He heard the moans of arousal from his servants, he grinned as he gave a mental thought to some of his female servants who started to lick his feet.


An Umbreon pushed open the doors to the bar and walked in noticing the hypnotized gaze of all of the customers; his eyes slowly scanned the bar and saw the lounging Mew. As he walked in a pair of Pokémon followed him, a Pikachu and a Murkrow who both oddly had their arms stretched out and their faces beaming.

As the Umbreon took a seat on a barstool the pair that had been following him sat on the floor on both sides of him with their prides showing unabashedly, as he waited for a server to approach him he slowly grew irked as he realized that they were only going over to the Mew sitting in the corner. He sighed and called out to an Arcanine, "Hey you there, come over here right now."

The Arcanine blinked a few times as a new hypnosis entered his brain and he smiled at the Umbreon and walked over to him, "Yes master?"

The Umbreon yawned bored, "Two things, first my name is Tiran so learn it slave. And secondly, I want you to get me a bottle of champagne."

The Arcanine saluted to his temporary master and walked off into the back beaming all the way, Tiran turned in his bar stool to look at the Mew.


Shinka took a deep drink of wine as the sound of slurping filled the air as the females that belonged to him licked his feet, as he took a deep drink he savored the flavor. He reached forward and picked up a Oran berry from a small bowl and took a bite, "Ah delicious."

The Mew smiled as he looked up, "Now for the real reason I came here." Shinka looked around the store to smile at all of the hypnotized inhabitants until his gaze froze upon an Umbreon who was staring at him intently, "And who is this... I didn't plan for someone else being here..."

As the two gazed at one another they froze as the sound of the door swinging open and the pair both looked at the door to see a handsome Floatzel walk in, as their gaze swung away from another and right back their eyes flashed with realization. They both had the same prey in mind.


Danny the Floatzel walked into his usual stop after a mission and smiled, "Ah, a good Pecha berry wine sounds good tonight..." He muttered to himself as he walked through the pub to the counter and took a seat his tails fluttering slightly as he sat down, he smiled kindly at an Lopunny who immediately set a wine bottle in front of him without even asking.

"Thank you, I'm surprised that you remembered what my favorite drink is." Danny spoke as he started to pour himself a shot before he felt a paw on his shoulder making him turn to find himself face to face with an smiling Umbreon.

"Oh hello sir, I'm sorry to say that the drink that you're about to drink never passed our wine seal of excellence. I have to apologize and take that from you." Before Danny could know what was happening the Umbreon snatched the bottle from his hand and found it filled with another bottle, "Here you are sir, I'm sorry for this whole situation. Please let me pay for your tab."

Danny opened his mouth in confusion and tried to ask what was happening before he decided to discard the thought and shrugged, "Alright, as long as you're paying." He patted his stomach as he prepared to drink the wine, the Umbreon started to lean forward in excitement but as the drink approached the Floatzel's mouth he suddenly stopped in surprise by the sudden urge to take a piss.

"E... excuse me sir, I have to use the restroom." Danny quickly stood up embarrassed and rushed towards the bathroom, he heard an odd sigh from the Umbreon but didn't think anything from it and rushed into the restroom.


Tiran cursed his luck, "Of course he has to go to the bathroom as I'm just about to net him..." He looked at the bottle in his hand, "Like I was going to let that Mew take my new slave with a simple bottle of wine..." He chuckled as he popped the top off and took a whiff, as he smelled it he came to a horrifying realization. "This is pure wine... oh shit! That Mew wasn't going to use the wine to hypnotize him!"

Tiran turned quickly to look at the booth where the Mew had been sitting just a few minutes before and saw that the booth had nothing but a bunch of aroused Pokémon sitting under the table. "Fuck!" The Umbreon jumped off of his stool as the Arcanine finally came with his drink and looked confused as his master was gone.


Danny ran into the bathroom with his face slightly discolored with discomfort as if he'd been holding in the need to pee for a while, "Damn... I didn't even have something to drink yet..." The Floatzel ran up to a urinal and sighed in relief as he started to piss, after finally relieving himself he pulled back from the toilet and flushed.

As he turned around he gasped in surprise as he saw a Mew floating in front of him with a pipe held in his mouth, "O... oh hi there... do you need something sir?"

The Mew grinned at him, "Oh yes, I would like for you to take a look at this little treasure." He held up an odd little ring in his hand.

Danny looked at it in confusion; the ring was an orange color like his skin. "Oh... that's very nice, why do I need to look at it though?"

The Mew tipped his hat back a little bit, "Well you see, very soon you'll want to wear this little piece forever."

Danny backed up in confusion and bumped into the urinal, "W... what do you mean? Are you some type of freak or something?"

The Mew tutted and shook his head as he grew closer to the Floatzel, "Not at all, you may call me Shinka. I am soon to be your master."

Danny grew angry, "Cut the bullshit, you aren't my master!"

Suddenly from outside the sound of the Umbreon's voice rang out throughout the room, "Hey you in there! Open up this door right now!" As the Floatzel's head snapped to the side to look at the door Shinka suddenly rushed forward.


Tiran had tried to open the door but had found that it had been sealed, "Hey you in there! Open up this door right now!" He heard a sudden gasp from inside then silence, "Hey! I said open up!"

Suddenly the door opened up to reveal the Mew with a triumphant smile on his face, "Alright, the door is open now. And may I say that I've won this battle, and with your help too."

Tiran was confused until the Mew floated to the side to reveal Danny sitting with a grin on his face as he masturbated, "I love men's cock, I am a gay Floatzel, I am a gay cockslave!" As he announced this his body stiffened up as he orgasmed.

Tiran's teeth ground together as he realized that he had lost to the mew, "Damn you..."

The Mew grinned, "Since this was indeed a close battle I'll grace with my name, I am Shinka."

Tiran spat at the floor, "Do I look like I care who you are?" The Umbreon turned and walked away from the bathroom and called out, "Yuri! Thash! Come here now, we're leaving!"

The pair of aroused Pokemon snapped to attention and jumped to their feet and hurried after their master, behind him Shinka grinned as he faced his new Floatzel cock slut. "Come Floatzel."

The gay Floatzel stood up and grinned as he followed behind his new master.


Late that night Shinka had rented out a small inn room and had his slaves sleep in a corner of the room, he yawned as he stretched. "Ah today truly has been a great day, though I'll have to admit. I was surprised by that metalling Umbreon; I'll take care of him tomorrow. I'm sure his two slaves will make lovely additions as well..."

He slid under the covers of his bed and closed his eyes as he fell asleep, a smile grew on his face as he dreamed of cock and foot sluts surrounding him admiring him. Shinka had an erection as he slept while his servants quietly slept.

The sleeping group didn't hear the window open up, Tiran slipped in through the window and landed on the floor quietly with a sly smile on his face. He wandered around the room looking at the presumptuous Mew, "So Shinka... you think you can just steal my slave do you? Well I'll teach you a permanent lesson to listen to your betters..."


Shinka awoke in the morning and yawned as he stretched, "Well it's time to go find that impetous Umbreon, I'm rather happy to be receiving so many slaves in such a short amount of time." As the mew slid out of bed he looked over to see his male slaves masturbating while his female slaves were kissing one another's feet, "Good job all of you, now wait here until I finish up my business with a certain Umbreon."

His slaves all nodded happily as their master floated out of the room, Shinka hypnotized the inn keeper to tell him where the Umbreon resided.


Tiran sat in his comfy chair as he read a book, in the middle of his living room Yuri and Thash masturbated happily. As he read he blinked as a Mew suddenly teleported in, "Ah there you are Shinka, I'll admit that I was waiting for you."

Shinka grinned, "I assume your name is Tiran as that was the only name I could get from the Inn keeper, I'm here to make you and your slaves my own cock sluts."

Tiran smiled snidely, "I'm sorry my dear fellow hypnotist, but that's not going to happen today."

The Mew chuckled, "Many a hypnotist thought the same thing, but I claimed them quickly."

Tiran grinned, "Oh I'm sure you have, but this time I have the upper hand."

His rival's tail swung in confusion, "How so?" Tiran closed his book and set it on his lap.

"Well I noticed that you use cockrings to enslave your minions, so I decided to take a page from your book. Have you taken a look at your cock today?" Shinka started to speak as he glanced down to see a blue cock ring wrapped around his erect cock.

"W... what the... how did you do this?..." He was getting angry at his opponent as he tried to use his telekinetic abilities to remove the ring but found that it was stuck on.

Tiran smiled as he stood up, "I came into your room last night; it was quite easy from there to slip the cockring onto your cock."

Shinka grew angry, "Take this off right now!"

The Umbreon laughed, "I'm sorry to say that's not happening my friend, now Shinka the Mew that stole my future slave..." As he spoke Shinka struggled to get the cockring off, "Feel the effects of the cockring that you love so much."

Shinka suddenly shuddered as blue swirls started to fill his eyes, "N... no... you... you can't do this to me..."

Tiran smiled, "Oh but I can, and I have. Now give in, you know it's useless."

Shinka tried to hold off the effects of the cockring with sheer willpower and was succeeding until Tiran snapped his fingers, Thash and Yuri both shot up smiling and stopped masturbating. They walked over to the Mew and started to take turns sucking his cock, Shinka's mouth flew open in pleasure as he started to hump into their mouths.

"I... I cannot... I won't..." Shinka moaned but as they continued to suck his cock a smile appeared on his face, "I l... love my own cock... I love other mens cocks... I am a gay cockslut!" He shouted as he came, all memories of being a master to his slaves were wiped from his memory.

Tiran grinned as the mew's cum coated him, "So Mew, how do you feel?"

Mew turned to him and smiled, "I'm feeling great master Tiran!"

Tiran nodded with a smile adorning his face, "That's good Mew, now I know that you know of some slaves without a master in the local Inn. I want you to bring me to them and tell them to become my slaves, do you understand?"

Mew grinned as he cock stood erect, "Yes master!" He saluted and floated out the front door to lead his new master to his slaves.

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