First Time: New Territory

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#6 of First Time Series

Alright.....time to resolve that litte cliffy I left you with, and introduce a new character!

Also, some hinting at what is to come in future chapters. Hopefully, it gets received well. In any case, Auren's book should be getting some interesting new addtions as we continue on.

"Well well well.........what have we here?"

Auren and Ren froze, still locked in their compromising position as they stared in fear towards the door.

Standing with his back to the once again closed door, was a firmly built wolf, his silver-grey fur shining in the soft light of the room. The distinct, black patch that ran from the top of his head down his back stood out like an accent, only adding to the sculpture of his form. His muscles were a near match for Renfear's; firm and toned, visible yet still lean enough that he didn't look like some kind of bodybuilder. His light brown eyes twinkled in mischievous humor as he took in the sight before him. "So....I wasn't gone a day, and you had to find a bed-buddy?"

"N-Nate!" Renfear spluttered, his snow white fur nearly burning red with embarrassment. "" With a grunt, he began trying to pull his swollen knot from Auren's backside. Unfortunately, it was still engorged, making the dragon beneath him whimper with slight pain.

"Unh! Ow! Ren, its- UNH!" the silver drake yelped in surprise and pain as the wolf's knot and cock were roughly wrenched from his rump, and he rolled onto his side, gritting his teeth. Seemingly not noticing, the snow wolf that had been atop him quickly stood and hurried over to the silver-grey lupine before them.

"Nate.....I swear, its not what it looks like," Renfear mumbled as he reached the other wolf. He froze, unsure just what his friend would do after catching him in a compromising scene. The wolf that was Nate eyed his snow-furred counterpart up and down briefly, before a wide grin crossed his muzzle.

With a teasing flick, he nudged Renfear's dangling wolfhood. "Looks like you had to bust a nut to me."

"But I-"

"Shut up, Ren," the silver-grey wolf growled through his laughter. "You whimper much more, its gonna get sad." Nate laughed and slid an arm gently around his partner, leading him back to the couch. As they walked over, Nate crouched down and offered a paw to the dragon still laying on the floor. "Y'okay, pal?"

Auren grunted and took the proffered paw to help himself to his feet. His silver cheeks were ablaze with embarrassment, and he didn't really know what to say. "Um...yeah..."

"Nathaniel Weese, but you can call me Nate."

"Auren," the drake mumbled, clearly taken aback by the new wolf's cavalier attitude to what he walked in on.

The grey wolf just smiled and led they two naked furs to the couch, sitting them down before perching on the edge of the table himself, looking at them with a half-smirk. "So.....who would like to go first?"

"I'm sorry!" Refear blurted out, wringing his paws. "This was all my idea. I was horny, and you were out of town, and...and Auren is my best friend, and his guy is gone, and we just needed to get off, and-"

"Did he always blabber this much?" Nate interjected, looking at Auren with an amused grin. The silver dragon remained quiet, not knowing just how to respond to the grey wolf. He had been caught with Renfear, and by all rights, the wolf called Nate should be furious. Almost as if he could sense the drake's thoughts, Nate chuckled. "I'm not gonna hit ya, if that's what you're thinking," he said with a wink.

Stretching, the silver-grey wolf arched his back slightly, before settling back down and looking at his boyfriend and the dragon sitting before him on the couch. "Listen you two; stop looking like I'm gonna kill ya. I'm not angry." A pair of surprised looks flashed on Auren and Ren's faces, before Nate laughed and continued. "You honestly think I expected any different from the horny pup I'm dating?"

"Well...." Auren began, feeling brave enough to say something, but Nate held up a paw to halt him.

"It's okay, Auren," the wolf chuckled. "If I was mad, we wouldn't be sitting here chatting. I know Ren is a ball of pure libido, that's why I like him so much. But I also know how close you two something like this was bound to happen sooner or later."

"I'm sorry, Nate," Auren mumbled. "I still should have had better judgement." He looked up at the grey wolf sitting before him, looking at the lupine's grin. "I....."

"Hey, what's a little infidelity between friends?" Nate laughed. Both the dragon and the snow-wolf on the couch fought down a grin of their own, finally coming to accept that Nate obviously was really not angry. "I mean, its not like you two are...y'know..."

"No!" both Auren and Ren chorused., turning a bright shade of red, which only served to make Nate howl with laughter more.

The chuckling wolf held his sides and tried to control his giggles. "Then stop....I'm not mad." He stood up and, surprising the snow-wolf Ren, slowly sat into his boyfriend's lap. "I know Ren loves me, and would never try to betray me....but I also know you two are like brothers. Let it go, Auren. As far as I'm concerned, this is no big deal. Just a little fun between friends," he smiled, before ignoring the dragon slightly as he leaned in for a soft kiss with Ren.

Stumped, the silver dragon simply sat there quietly as the two wolves made out beside him, before realizing that he was still naked. Blushing once more, Auren scrambled into some boxers and pants, now really feeling like he should be going home. As he grabbed his remaining clothes and bag and headed for the door, he heard Nate speak up. "Hey.....don't go." The dragon looked back in confusion, titling his head at the two wolves on the couch. "Stay a bit," Nate rumbled. "I'd like to get to know my boyfriend's friend."

"You sure? I think I've imposed enough...."

"Auren, come here," Nate grinned, offering a paw for a shake. "I'm serious. Ren's told me alot about you and Glau, and I think the four of us would make a good group. What do you say?"

Unable to control his own grin at the offer - and the sheer absurdness the night had fallen into - Auren walked back over and shook the wolf's paw, dropping back onto the couch beside him. Almost immediately, the three began talking as if it was a lunch date, already forgetting the awkward circumstances of ten minutes ago.

Aw hell......what's a friendship without a heavy dose of weirdness? Auren grinned to himself as they fell into happy, amicable conversation that lasted the rest of the night.

It was Sunday night, and Auren practically wriggled with anticipation as he counted down the minutes to Glauron's return.

Admittedly though, for the last few hours he had been absorbed in this website Nate had recommended him to after last night. After the initial awkwardness was over, the dragon and the pair of wolves had dove into conversation about many things. Primarily though, the horny trio of furs had dwelled alot on their sex lives, seeing as how the two pairs were quite 'active'.

Despite his misgivings and thoughts before, Ren had finally come out to Auren about one of his biggest (and newest) secrets, regarding something Nate had introduced him to; a kink that some jokingly called an 'acquired taste'. Turns out, the job Nate had off-campus was actually at a club, although it was definitely a more exotic type of club. After beating around the bush trying to explain it to his friend, Ren had finally been interrupted by his lupine boyfriend when Nate just blurted it out.


At first, Auren didn't really know what to say. He was caught completely off guard by the thought that his two lupine friends were into eating people. To his credit, the silver-grey wolf that was Nathaniel quickly launched into an hurried explanation of the details, hoping to allay the dragon's fears as quick as possible. The more he talked about it, the calmer Auren got, enough to the point where he had actually started to ask questions, his curiosity piqued. That was when Nate had suggested this low-key, informational website where people who participated in the act chatted and posted information about it.

Since his curiosity could be as insatiable as his libido, Auren ended up checking the website out, finding that the more he looked into it, the more he started to wonder about it. Nate and Ren had only touched on it briefly, not wanting to creep the silver dragon out, but had told Auren to call if he ever had any questions, or if he wanted to visit the club sometimes. So, with Nate's cell number saved to his own, and the web address for the site, Auren had spent the majority of Sunday afternoon learning about this odd - yet strangely arousing - fetish.

So absorbed in his browsing, the silver dragon jumped from his seat on the couch when the door to his dorm clicked open. When he looked up, his stomach flipped happily and an automatic smile raced across his face as he laid eyes on the golden dragon he cared for.

"Hey you," Auren purred, standing up to walk over and hug his boyfriend.

Glauron growled contentedly and returned the embrace, nibbling on Auren's jaw as he pulled back. "Hey handsome....I missed you."

"Back at ya," the silver drake rumbled. He raised an eyebrow slightly when Glauron didn't pull back further or let go. In fact, the gold dragon was holding onto him quite securely, as if he was afraid to let go of the other dragon. Seeing the slight longing look in Glauron's eyes, Auren tilted his head in question. "What's up?" he asked softly.

Glauron shrugged gently, and pulled himself in closer to the slightly larger drake. "Nothing," he mumbled quietly. "Just.....really missed you."

Okay, now Auren knew something was up. There was an underlying tone to Glauron's voice that sent alarm bells ringing in his head, and he pulled back to look the golden drake in the eyes. "Glau.....what's wrong?"

Sighing, Glauron let go of Auren and rubbed his arms slightly, as if he had a chill. "Well....I kinda want to talk to you."

"Of course.....what's up?"

The golden drake fidgeted slightly as he moved slowly towards the couch. "Well.....its about yesterday, and that phone call."

Instantly, Auren's gut twisted. Oh no. "Glau, I-"

"Just....let me speak, okay?" the gold dragon said quickly. Auren nodded gently, starting to worry. "Look, I know you and Renfear go back, I get that. But, after you called me yesterday, I started to think." Glauron sighed and flopped onto the couch. "I thought I was okay with it, but when I started letting my mind wander I.......was........what?"

It took Auren a second to notice that Glauron's eyes had wandered from his own, to Auren's still open laptop on the table....and now the golden dragon's grew wide and started to form tears.

Oh. Shit.

"Glau, wait! Its' not what you think!" Auren yelped, practically leaping over the table to crash onto the couch beside his friend. Immediately, he reached for his draconic boyfriend, but it was too late. It started with a sniffle, before Glauron began to openly cry, tears running down his face. He never pulled away though, which allowed Auren to wrap him in his arms, already cursing himself under his breath. Angriliy, the silver dragon's tail snapped forward and slammed the laptop shut, its screen that showed the page "Introduction to Vore: A Base of Tips and Advice for New Predators and Prey." shut with a loud crack.

Glauron felt like his insides were twisting, but he didn't have the strength to pull away from Auren, who held him tightly as the golden dragon cried into his chest. Above him, he could hear the silver dragon crooning softly. "Shh...shhh, Glau. Please don't cry. Let me explain."

"A-are you....going to eat me?" Glauron meeped.

Quickly, but still gentle, Auren's hands cupped Glauron's tear-streaked face and pulled it to face his own. "No...nononono, of course not." The silver dragon's own eyes were wet with tears, killing himself inside for unintentionally hurting Glauron. "This is not what you think."

"Then what?" the gold dragon croaked, his throat tight with sadness.

Auren sighed, and tried to calm himself down, hoping it might help calm Glauron. "Its....something Nate got Ren into, and I started looking at it - strictly out of curiosity, I swear!" The soft brown eyes looking back at him through their own tears never blinked, and he lowered his voice again. "I swear to you Glau....I would never hurt you...."

"But...." Glauron mumbled, and sniffled slightly, looking over at the now-closed laptop. He never pulled away from Auren, who was still holding him tightly, even though slight tremors wracked his frame.

"Just my curiosity getting the better of me," Auren said shaking his head gently. "I promise you, Glauron. You know I could never even imagine doing that to you. I...." he trailed off, suddenly dropping his gaze as his grip on the gold dragon loosened a bit.

"I'm sorry," the golden drake whispered, laying his head on Auren's shoulder. "Its just.....all the things I was thinking this weekend....."


"Well, as I was saying before.....after you called, I started to wonder about this whole thing," Glauron murmured. When Auren gave him a quizzical look, he went on. "You....messing around with Renfear." The silver dragon started to say something, but Glauron cut him off, his voice regaining strength. "I know you said it didn't mean anything.....but the more I thought about it....the more I wondered if I should have said 'no'..."

"You honestly think I would do that to you?" Auren asked in a low, oddly uncomfortable voice.

"Can you blame me?" Glauron shot back, pulling away this time. His brown eyes still had tears in them, but they had gained a harder edge to them. "Do you have any idea the turmoil I felt inside about this weekend?" Auren remained silent, his eyes narrowed slightly, but his body was tense. "The things I thought about...the things I feared...."

The silver dragon growled slightly. "Glauron, I-"

"You were my first, Auren!" the golden drake yelped, trying to keep the tears back once more. "You're the first and only person I've ever given myself to, the first one to bring me out of my shell and make me happy. Hell....being with you made me sort out my sexuality! Don't you get how important that is?" Glauron looked back at the silver drake through the moisture in his eyes. "Don't you know how much that means to me?"

"Yes, I do," Auren rumbled in a low voice. He tentatively reached out for his golden scaled friend, and when there was no resistance, he pulled Glauron in gently. "You are my first too, Glauron. And you mean more to me than anything in the world..." Feeling bold, he gripped the slightly smaller gold dragon and pulled him into his lap. Glauron was still sniffly, and couldn't fight back if he tried. "That thing with Ren? It was meaningless. It was just sex-"

"Maybe to you..."

"Hey," Auren purred, reaching out to cup Glauron's cheek gently. "I love you, Glau. I love you more than I have ever felt about anyone else." A small smile appeared on his silver muzzle, and his eyes shone with moisture as he finally stopped holding it in. "Don't think for a moment I would ever do that to you....because it would mean I had nothing to live for."

"Auren?" the golden drake whispered, feeling the heat of the silver dragon's body increase slightly. It comforted him somehow, as if it was the heat of Auren's passion instead of his Fire.

"Glau, I am so in love with you, it hurts," Auren rumbled. "I feel.....I feel like I wasn't complete until I met you. When I'm with you...." he stroked the golden dragon's cheek, " feels like everything else falls away." Glauron felt himself rumbling back without even knowing. Feeling Auren's words, and the heat of his melted away all his doubts and fears, and he pulled himself closer to the silver dragon's chest, purring. Auren wasn't finished though. He nuzzled Glauron's snout gently, whispering. "I know we've only known each other a few weeks, but.....being with you, it's something I can feel myself wanting. I couldn't go on without it." His nose brushed Glauron's cheek slightly. "Like, maybe, you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Glauron looked at him, his breath barely catching in his chest. The tears were still in his eyes, but now, they came from something else. "W-what are you saying?"

The silver dragon rumbled and pulled the golden male to his chest, resting his head atop Glauron's. " know I can't promise that you will be my only 'partner'," he murmured softly, and the gold dragon gave a small sniffle. "But I can promise you that you are the only one who will mean anything to me. The only one who will make me happy. The only one...."

Now, Glauron raised his head again, and stared into those beautiful blue eyes. The way Auren distinguished between the two terms struck a chord deep in his chest. Suddenly, he felt all his misgivings start to fall away, and the happy tears began to fall. "Auren," he whispered. "I-I mean that much to you? That you would consider.....well.....taking that step?"

"Mmhmm," the silver dragon nodded purring softly. "You are the only one I want in that respect, Glau. Anything else is just meaningless sex." Again, he rubbed his nose gently against Glauron's. "You are the only one I will mate with."

The gold dragon gurgled, and fell into his chest again, starting to cry. But this time, it was out of joy and relief, feeling the strength of Auren's words. He could feel the toned arms of his partner holding him tight and close, allowing the heat of his silver body to infuse them both. "I love you, Auren," Glauron whispered.

"And I you, Glauron," Auren murmured. "I always will, no matter what."

Glauron pulled back so he could look into Auren's face again, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I'm sorry for what I said. I just.....I couldn't stop thinking those things." Auren's hand caressed his cheek, the silent touch being all the forgiveness he needed. "I trust you, Auren. Please know that."

"I know," the silver dragon rumbled softly. "Thank you...."

Glauron gave a soft chuckle and snuggled back into the warm chest again. "I understand about, well, 'other partners'. With friends like Ren and Nate, I guess it would be ignorant to assume anything else." He smiled and gave a small kiss along the silver drake's muzzle, earning a happy growl. "But, now I know where I stand."

"Not stand," Auren grinned. "Fly above all the rest."

Running his hands up and down the firm silver arms and chest, Glauron allowed himself to simply enjoy the feeling of his boyfriend once more. To let all the bad thoughts wash away and return to the happy bliss they had found. " you want to, you know, talk about taking the step?"

Auren chuckled and let his hands wander around Glauron's rump. "Hey now, lets not rush things." He leaned up and captured the gold dragon's mouth in a kiss, one that was happily returned in full force. "Yes, I am serious about how I feel towards you. But lets take it slow for now, hmm?"

"Okay," Glauron smiled. He had to admit, taking that step was a pretty big thing, even if the idea made his heart soar. The thought of being with Auren was almost overwhelming. "After all, we are still young."

"Not just that," the silver dragon rumbled. "But there's still so much ahead of us; school, careers, and who knows what else. Why try and squeeze something that important into our hectic daily lives?" He pulled Glauron in for another kiss, savoring the taste of the golden dragon against him. "Besides, its not like either of us are going anywhere....."

Glauron rumbled happily as his tongue wrapped around Auren's, the pair of them breathing through their noses as their mouths were otherwise occupied. Glauron ran his hands up and down Auren's chest, feeling his firm pecs and tight abs, even as the silver dragon was rubbing along his back and rump. There was an unspoken consent passed between them, and their actions became more heated, the kiss becoming deeper as their wandering hands began to grope instead of touch. Glauron rocked in Auren's lap gently as they sucked on each others tongue, the heat between their bodies growing slowly. Pulling back with a slight gasp, Glauron arched his head back as Auren nipped and nibbled on his neck, sending sparks of pleasure coursing through the gold dragon's body.

"Auren..." Glauron hissed, rocking against the silver dragon. He could feel the strained fabric of Auren's pants pushing up into his rear end, the silver drake's arousal barely contained as they continued to make out. His own groin started to heat up and tense as his restrained member pushed against the constricting fabric. The silver dragon only grunted as his tender assault on Glauron's neck and mouth went on, making the slightly smaller drake gasp and groan in pleasure.

The pair of dragons continued their actions on the couch for several minutes, only breaking apart for air now and then. To Glauron, it felt like all the issues and thoughts from a mere ten minutes ago just fell away, like they didn't even matter anymore. His body burned hotter than it had before under the touch of his boyfriend, even as his tongue wrestled with Auren's again and again. The sheer volume of passion and love he felt from Auren's actions drove away all doubts, even as he ran his hands over the warm, tensed body of the silver dragon. He no longer heard Auren's words and promises in his mind...he felt them. It was like the warmth building between their two grinding bodies was the essence of their love, merging and growing stronger than before.

A spark flashed in their minds, and both dragons broke the kiss, staring lustfully at one another. Both Glauron and Auren knew what they wanted, and they wanted it right now.

The cushions nearly flew off the couch as the two dragons shot up and bolted towards their shared room. The door had barely closed before the pair of them began kissing and nipping at one another again, their frantic hands nearly ripping the clothes off their partner. Auren growled in lust as he managed to strip Glauron's pants and boxers off in one quick pull, leaving the gold dragon's hard shaft to bob in front of him teasingly. Without pause, and having already been stripped by Glauron's eager hands, Auren sucked the head of his boyfriend's shaft in and started bobbing, making the gold dragon groan and rumbled happily.

He let Auren bob for a moment, before reaching down and pulling the silver dragon off his cock. Glauron brought his boyfriend upright once more, before mashing their maws together once again. Their tongues writhed for a brief second, before Glauron broke away, nuzzling Auren's snout with his own. "Forget the foreplay," he whispered. "I want you, now." Auren grinned wolfishly, before lunging with his partner and the pair of them collapsed onto the bed, growling and giggling. They dry humped and grinded for a bit, letting their lust build even more, rolling around and kissing feverishly.

The gentle play came to an end as Auren playfully pinned Glauron beneath him, staring down at the sexy gold dragon. "Me first, then you?" he asked.

Glauron shook his head gently, earning a curious look from the silver drake atop him. "Not tonight, Auren. Tonight I want to be yours...and yous alone."

The silver dragon paused for a moment, before growling in affection and capturing Glauron's mouth with his own once more. He felt Glauron's hands roam up his sides and link behind his neck, and he glided his legs against their golden twins. The pair of them had made love and gotten intimate before, several times, but this time was different. Both Auren and Glauron could feel the burning passion and love flowing from their partner in waves, as their relationship started to enter new territory.

Glauron's legs slid up around Auren's waist, linking together just above the silver dragon's tail, as Auren slowly lowered his hard, ready maleness towards its target. The tapered black shaft met Glauron's tail-hole and pushed in, earning a soft moan and growl from the gold dragon as he was taken once more. However, this time Glauron felt no pain as his partner began to softly hump and slide the 10 inches he possessed into him, almost feeling like it was made to be inside him. Auren grunted under his breath, feeling Glauron's easily penetrated rump, and quickly thrust in to hilt himself inside. Again, their mouths met and tongues danced, no words being needed.

Sweat shone on their scaled bodies, even though the main event had yet to really begin. The heat and want pouring off them was enough to make any other feel like passing out, but it only served to drive the dragons' libidos higher. Auren ran his hands over Glauron's shoulders and sides, getting himself into a comfortable position, even as Glauron's hands explored his firm chest and solid abs. The silver dragon rocked and humped softly, his thick member still buried in his boyfriend, not even needing to thrust in order to feel the absolute rush and pleasure of the love making. Still, he grinned to himself. Better not keep him waiting.

With that grin on his muzzle, Auren began thrusting softly, pulling out maybe halfway before pushing back in to the hilt, making Glauron rumble and moan happily with each motion. Using his legs, the gold dragon matched the movements of his boyfriend, helping him work his ridged shaft in and out of Glauron's passage. Both dragons moaned and growled affectionately, nipping at each others necks and shoulders.

The pair of them kept up the gentle but steady pace for quite some time, barely a handful of words exchanged between them. Most often, it was a simple hiss or moan of their partner's name, the owner of the voice simply giving volume to his pleasure. In the back of Glauron's mind, his lustful thoughts brought up the image of Auren taking him hard from behind again, but he pushed the thought away. He wanted it like this, staring up at his lover's face as they made love. Auren seemed to entertain the same thoughts, for he leaned down and playfully nibbled Glauron's nose, making the gold dragon giggle happily.

Before long though, Auren's peak began to rise, and his pace steadily started to increase. His thrusts became deeper and faster, working his ridged maleness in and out of Glauron's passage with increased urgency and passion, causing Glauron to cry out in pleasure. Over their heavy breathing and grunting, the gentle smack of their sweaty and scaled hips became noticeable, evidence of Auren's harder thrusting. The bed started shifting and moving with them, as the silver dragon began humping his golden partner into the mattress below.

Glauron whimpered and moaned, but he was experiencing anything but pain as Auren's member slowly began to swell and grow, signalling the approach of his orgasm. Again, he felt like this was meant to be, like his body was made for the male's shaft piercing him over and over again. Maybe it was just a result of the overwhelming love and want he felt for Auren...or maybe because of what they had discussed earlier. Either way, Glauron knew this was no longer simple sex for the two of them.

This was them mating.

Auren growled deep and low in his throat, lunging forward and burying himself in Glauron, making the gold dragon yelp and cry out his name. By unspoken consent, he pulled his thickening shaft from his boyfriend with a wet squelching sound, and Glauron rolled to his side, looking up and the silver drake and purring loudly. Auren scooted forward, laying half on his side himself, and guided his dripping cock back into its place, earning a loud, happy moan from Glauron as he was once again filled with his lover's shaft. Wrapping his arms around Glauron's chest, Auren began thrusting steadily again, now in a preferred position to finish.

As they humped, Glauron grunted and tried to free the sheets from under them, pulling them from beneath their thrusting, sweaty bodies and managing to bring them over the pair of them. Now that that little detail was taken care of, Glauron grinned and pushed back hard against Auren, feeling the swollen bulge of his knot already trying to tie with him. The silver dragon grunted and redoubled his pace, his cock leaking pre like a faucet as his plateau rapidly approached. With a pair of loud moans, Auren's thick knot squeezed into Glauron and stretched his tail-hole, locking the two of them together. Stifling a roar, Auren bucked and slammed into his golden partner, now free to lose himself to the building pressure in his loins.

Glauron moaned, then nearly howled as Auren's thick cock swelled one last time, then began spraying the hot streams of his spunk deep within his bowels. Without even touching it, Glauron's own shaft began spurting into the mattress below, the sheer pleasure of Auren's climax and thrusting more than enough to send him over the edge as well. He felt a sharp prick of pain as Auren's jaws closed on his shoulder, the silver dragon's roar muffled by the skin of his golden partner. The pair of them bucked and writhed, riding out their orgasms in mutual bliss, even as Glauron's belly swelled slightly from the sheer intensity of Auren's continuous cumming.

Finally, after what felt like and hour of nirvana, the two dragons sagged and panted, gulping air as if they had just finished a marathon. Auren let go of Glauron's shoulder and licked the marks he had left behind, rumbling deep in his chest as the slightly smaller gold dragon purred happily. Pulling Glauron tight to his chest, Auren gave a few soft thrusts to ensure his swollen cock and knot were securely in his partner before laying his head on the pillow below. Glauron was still purring, snuggling back into the embrace of the male who claimed him once again. "I love you," he whispered, turning his head to sneak in a soft kiss.

"And I you, Glau," Auren panted, rubbing the golden drake's chest tenderly. They rumbled and growled happily to one another, locked securely together by Auren's thick knot. "From here're the only one I will ever have this way. I promise."

"Even if Ren offers to 'blow off steam' again?" the golden dragon chuckled, using his tail to tease his boyfriend's.

Auren rumbled back, licking the back of Glauron's neck softly. "Anything else is just sex," he whispered, echoing his words from before. "I choose you, Glau, to be the one that makes it special."

Glauron sighed happily, feeling his heart soar again as Auren verbally announced their new relationship. It was nowhere near official yet, but it didn't matter. They understood how they felt about each other, and right now, that was all they needed. It took maybe five minutes after that before both dragons were breathing slow and steady, sleep having overtaken them quickly. Despite their slumber, the odd caress or soft thrust was evident, their semi-conscious bodies still wanting to show their affection for their partner.

Their boyfriend.

The dragon that they would one day call their mate.


Ha! See? All you nay-sayers about the "open relationship" can eat your words. I told you it was only going to lead to something better.

Now, Auren and Glauron being official mates is still quite a ways away (hey....I got lots more story to write :p), but this chapter signifies the new level their relationship is in. As Auren said, there may be 'other partners' for them in the future (hint hint), but now we all know how it is seen by them.

In other news, new kink coming in the next chapter, one that will become a main feature in the rest of the chapters to this story. I basically said it earlier in the chapter, so it shouldn't be out of left field. Hopefully, this doesn't offend/turn off anyone too much not interested in this fetish, but nonetheless, it shall be happening.

Also, Ren and Nate are going to become more prominent characters in the story. My two wolfies are based on some good friends of mine, and I've decided to feature them more in the plot of this tale.

That, and who doesn't love some potential three- or foursome action? :D

Until next time!

First Time: Adding a Little Wolf to the Mix

Chewing gently on the end of his pen, the silver dragon that was Auren bobbed slightly to the music playing through his ear-buds as he read over a passage in his textbook. Professor Resten, the Fire instructor for his year, had given her class a series...

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First Time: School Begins

"....and so, the first Academy of Magic was founded in Europe, giving those with the gift a place to learn and grow, without clashing with the rest of society." Auren's head drooped on his hand, his eyes threatening to close completely as his fatigue...

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First Time: The L Word

When Glauron woke the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was comfortable. _Very_ comfortable_._ The next thing that he noticed was that he wasn't in his room, as the various belongings around this bedroom were clearly not his. Lastly,...

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