Club Night

Story by Siek on SoFurry

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#1 of Juel and Soel series

This story was written up a while back, and has been gone over a few different times in more recent days. The characters names were originally different, but another story I'm also writing apparently was using the same two names in very different characters... A fact I neglected to realize until reading this one again more recently. I think their new names fit fairly well although, so I'm content with the change.

Critique is always welcome, and I hope this story is enjoyed!

Warning!: Contains Sexually explicit acts between two males and deals with consensual sex turned rape. If this offends you in some way, or you are under the legal age in your state/provence/country to view such material, then don't read any further!

_ Chapter 1 ~ Club Night _

"Mmff....Ahh..h.! C-careful!" Juel says as he's pinned tight against the wall, the strong wolf in front of him showing his intent quite obviously by the bulge pressing into the smaller male's stomach. The wolf just smirks and presses tighter, lowering his muzzle to kiss the fox's soft lips firmly.

"Oh I know you love it, slut. You'd be begging me to if I wasn't already going to, admit it." the wolf growls in his ear and chuckles, watching the fox squirm back against the wall, blushing with his ears splayed. "Don't act like you didn't notice me looking...Flaunting that sexy ass of yours all over the dance floor right in front of me."

"M-maybe...But, what if someone sees..?" Juel bites his lip as the wolf uses his hind-paw to kick the door next to them closed, cutting them off from the rest of the club in the narrow hallway the wolf dragged him into only moments before.

"Mmrrr better? Hurry up, if you don't wanna get caught." the wolf growls lustfully and grins, watching the fox gulp and feeling his paws trail downward, the wolf lifting his arms and bracing against the wall as the smaller male undoes his straining pants, the button almost snapping out as the tension is released, the zipper taking almost no effort to pull down.

The fox starts panting as the strong musky scent wafts up to his nose, biting his lip as he slips down onto his knees in front of the wolf, that huge bulge in his boxers already soaked with pre, outlining the ebony dick pulsing within quite vividly. He whines as he looks up, both paws barely able to fit halfway around the thick bulge, rubbing over the slick fabric slowly as the wolf grins down at him.

"Go ahead slut, I'm sure you know what to do, don't you?" the wolf flicks his tail impatiently and spreads his legs, giving the fox plenty of room between them. He watches intently, teasingly rocking his hips as more pre drools from his tip, a thick bead dripping down out of the fabric and splashing against the fox's nose.

The fox gasps and blushes more, licking the splash of pre up and shivering from the strong taste; salty though more sweet than bitter, almost like coconuts. That thought makes him giggle, then blush as he notices the wolf watching him still. The wolf's grin looks almost predatory, making the fox squirm as his paws work the boxers down over his now straining cock, a thick rope of pre gushing from the tip of it and splattering over the fox's face.

"Mmmff...get to it fox...Put that muzzle to good use for now...Better make it good, cuz I don't have any lube for the next step.." the wolf growls intimidatingly, the thick, engorged cock dragging across the fox's face now from the weight of it, the base a few inches above his nose as the fox looks up at the wolf, knowing that they could be walked in on at any moment but all the more turned on because of the thought.

This is exactly what he'd been hoping for when he saw the wolf, being pulled into a back room roughly and made to do any dirty little act the wolf wanted him to, preferably exactly this. He knew he'd wind up pinned against the wall with his tail hiked. The only thing he hadn't counted on was the wolf being so damn big! He wasn't even sure he could fit his muzzle around it, but he had to try at least.

Wrapping both paws around the huge length, the fox lifts it so the tip is inline with his open muzzle, panting a little and blushing as the wolf repositions his hips to help line it up better, growling again as he presses forward unceremoniously, sinking the first inch of his cock past the fox's lips, not intent on stopping there though baring his teeth at how tight a fit it seems to be, only barely slipping between the smaller male's fangs and grinding firmly over his tongue, stopping once the first couple inches rest snugly between the soft lips.

"Ohhh so tight....can't wait to see what you can do with it." the wolf growls low, slowly pulling his hips back to let the fox prove himself.

The fox gasps as the tip slurps out of his gaping maw, panting a little and starting to lick over the length firmly, his ears perking as he hears the wolf groan approvingly. He wags his tail about as he continues licking, giving the occasional suckle at the tip and moaning from the strong taste of the wolf's pre, finding himself going back more frequently the more he laps up with his tongue until he's practically making out with the wolf's dick, something the wolf seemed to love from the noises he was making and the thick drools of pre dripping from the fox's chin.

The fox could see why his twin was so into this kind of thing, why he so often snuck off and disappeared for a few minutes, sometimes a few hours, and always came back grinning. He wanted to impress this wolf, he wanted the wolf to remember him. He eagerly opened his muzzle as wide as he could manage and took that huge dick in deep, closing his lips around it and moaning loudly as he sucked back towards the tip. The wolf breathes in sharply and suddenly bucks forward right as his tip starts to slip free again, driving that huge cock in even deeper and stretching the fox's muzzle almost to its limit as he keeps sinking in until his swelling knot bumps into his fangs.

"Ohh.h....fucking slut....not many can do that so well. Mmrrf keep it up...Oh gods you better be ready soon fox." the wolf growls deeply and starts rocking his hips, grinning as the fox gags as his cock slips in and out of his tight little throat, making quite a mess of his muzzle and neck with his hot pre, cheeks bulging with the slick liquid as it floods from his tip and fills his muzzle quickly.

The fox gulps hard and gasps deeply as the wolf finally pulls his cock free again, gushing thick ropes of pre across his face and chest before letting the thick length slap across his face again, murring deeply and chuckling as the fox coughs a few times. He gasps again and blushes deeply as he suddenly finds himself lifted up and slammed back against the wall, lifted up off the ground enough that his paws dangle in the air, at eye level with the big wolf who quickly presses in tight and kisses him roughly, using his body to keep the fox in place as his paws easily shove Juel's shorts off his hips, making sure they drop to the floor well out of the way.

"Mmmm wrap your legs around my hips already....I need to fuck that tight little ass of yours now, hope you don't mind." the wolf grins and nips at the fox's neck hard, making him shiver as the wolf's paws guide his legs up, keeping him held up by the ass until he does as he's told, then gripping around his slick, throbbing dick and pressing it tight under the tail that taunted him for so long. The fox gasps and whimpers feeling the size of it, squirming back against the wall and trying to lift himself up with his legs, only managing to help the wolf grind that huge length between his taught rump and make quite a slick mess with his pre.

"Ah-hhh...d..damn you're big..." the fox gasps out, whimpering quietly, though only turning the wolf on even more. The fox shivers deeply and groans as he feels the wolf rock his hips, the tip of his fat cock starting to sink in, thick gushes of pre flooding into his rump making his whole body quiver. The wolf couldn't know this was his first time taking something so big, his twin could probably take anything he figured, judging by some of the men he'd snuck away with. He takes a deep breath and whines as the wolf grips his waist and pulls down while pushing up with his hips, sinking the first few inches of his seemingly massive dick into the tight ass of the fox.

"H-holy fuck you're tight....ahh-hhhh...." the wolf moans as he rocks his hips slowly, relying on his thick flow of pre to lube the tight hole as he pulls back out slowly, letting the fox's hole clench back around his tip, pumping thick gushes of pre into him constantly at this point, a flood of it gushing out an coating his cock thickly as he draws his hips back just enough before bucking forward hard, smirking as the fox cries out sharply as nearly half the wolf's dick sinks into his tight ass.

"You better be ready slut...I'm not gunna be gentle...w..wont last too long at this rate.." the wolf growls deeply in his ear and bites down on his neck hard, making him gasp sharply and cry out again as he slams in hard all the way up to his knot, struggling with sinking the last few inches in though working them in anyway, his knot far too swollen now to sink in as well lucky for the fox.

Juel leans back hard against the wall and meekly braces his paws on the wolf's shoulders, panting hard and arching his back, whimpering deeply as he glances down and see's his belly bulging around the wolf's dick, his eyes closing tight as the wolf starts to pull his hips back just enough to slam the last half of his cock in again over and over, speeding up as his slick pre lubes his length and the fox's ass, dripping thickly off his knot and sac as they slap and pound into the tight hole. The fox can barely move through all this, the strong paws on his hips and massive cock up his ass the only things keeping him from falling to the ground now, his legs feeling shaky and too weak to keep a grip around the wolf's waist.

The wolf keeps plowing into the fox, panting hard now and growling deeply around his neck as he fucks the tight ass wrapped around his dick, his sac starting to pull up tight to his body, still lewdly slapping against Juel's rump with every thrust, soaked with pre. The wolf lets go of the fox's neck with his fangs and nearly howls, only barely managing to keep quiet as he cums hard, quickly flooding the fox's insides thickly with his seed.

Juel cries out sharply as he feels the wolf cum, still being fucked roughly, the wolf still bucking hard into him and driving every inch he can cram into the fox in as deep as he can all the while his cock throbs and pulses with cum, feeling like fire flooding through his whole body, his belly tingling and distending quickly from the amount being pumped into his lithe body.

The wolf starts grinding his massive dick into the fox hard, groaning loudly and pushing down hard with his paws trying to sink his swollen knot in too, wanting desperately to tie the fox. "Mfmfff.....F..ffuck..! Relax! Oh-hhh...g.gods I have to...h-have to tie....f.ffuck...t.too tight..not to....gods it would feel so good....t..take it...Take it you little slut!" the wolf growls and barks at the fox, trying to force him down onto it despite how he squirms and claws at the wall, whimpering deeply and crying out from how stretched open he is, feeling thick globs of cum drool out around the knot only further lubing the huge wolf's dick and letting him have his way.

Loud knocks on the door startle them both, the wolf momentarily loosing his grip and collapsing against the fox, pinning him tight against the wall roughly as he starts to slam his hips in desperately, fucking the fox as fast and rough as he can even after his climax has faded, his massive dick still rock hard and throbbing as the wolf desperately tries to tie the fox. The knock comes again louder this time.

The fox whimpers deeply and closes his eyes tight, the wolf plowing into him so rough and so fast, pounding hard into his prostate. He cries out sharply as his body tenses and he cums hard, clenching like a vice around the wolf's spent but throbbing dick making him plow into him that much more desperately.

Finally the wolf pulls out with a loud slurp and pools of cum drooling down the fox's ass and thighs, only to shove him to the ground and pin him down chest first, slamming his massive cock back in hard and grinding in deeply, steadily sinking his huge knot in deeper and deeper ignoring the knocking at the door and the fox's cries for help, loving how much tighter he is while cumming, one strong paw pressed down hard against the middle of his back while the other reaches around and grips his spasming dick tightly, roughly jerking back and forth crudely pawing at the fox's length as he grinds his dick in harder.

The fox cries desperately now as the wolf forces himself in, stretched open beyond his limit around the middle of the massive knot, cum drooling thickly out around it coating his ass and balls, clenching hard despite the pain as his body acts on its own, keeping the wolf from driving his knot in fully and making him all the more desperate to.

The wolf growls deeply in frustration, starting to fuck the fox again harder and faster than before, pounding his cock in deeper with each thrust, groaning loudly as he starts to feel close again from all the tension. He digs his claws into the fox's back and grips tight around his cock as he slams his hips into the well abused ass, grinding hard and working his aching knot in deep, howling deeply as he cums again just as hard as before, soaking his rump and tail messily again as he slams his hips in over and over, only stopping to grind and buck with short, quick thrusts.

The fox yelps deeply and collapses under the wolf as his knot finally pops in, lewdly squelching from the excess of cum between the two of them, the wolf's cock trapped throbbing heavily and flooding the smaller male with a torrent of cum leaving the fox breathless and lightheaded, the pain of being raped mixing with the tingling all over his body and lack of air from the wolf's paw pressing so hard into his back.

The wolf collapses over the fox and bucks his hips quickly, still groaning in frustration as he fucks the little fox, almost as though desperate to cum again now that he's tied.

The knocking at the door gets louder as the fox's consciousness starts to fade, thoroughly exhausted and quite a mess, wondering how his twin always came back looking so good after something so rough.

"G-gods...s..Such a slut...fuck that was..a..lot of work...ah-hhh.h....I better..see you around again sometime! I need this..tight little ass, nothing else will do..fuck....e.even better..than that other slut fox I had..years ago." the wolf growls deeply in his ear, giving a good jerk of his hips and then slamming them back down again to make his point. "Good thing..i have the only key to that'll be a while before I can pull out of that sweet ass of yours." he grins and laughs breathlessly, still grinding his hips around making his huge dick throb and twitch deep inside the fox, grinning deeply as he watches the fox pass out on the floor under him, knowing he'll get away clean again before anyone manages to find the mess of a fox.

Hours later the knocking at the door is finally replaced by a loud click and the door swinging open, two men in suits standing to either side let a single fox through, finding his twin passed out still in the middle of the hall on the floor, bloody claw marks on his back and a huge mess of cum and a bit of blood under his tail dripping down to his thighs and all over his hips.

"Damn it...I told you to stay on the dance floor if you came tonight!" Soel barks as he pulls his twin up into his lap, looking back at the two bouncers. "Where's the bathroom back here? I've gotta get him cleaned up....damn it...who did this to you?" the fox asks his unconscious twin in his arms, picking him up and carrying him to where the bouncers indicated, third door down in the hall. Luckily every bathroom in the back of the club always had a shower for easy clean-up. Not to say the club itself endorsed sexual activity, but it was easier to provide cleanup than to ban since it would happen anyway.

The unconscious fox wakes as the cold water splashes into his fur suddenly, slowly becoming warmer the more It soaks in. He groans and blinks his eyes open, looking around and panting from both the warmth of the shower and feeling completely exhausted still. As he looks up he notices a blurry silhouette of someone holding him, vaguely becoming clearer each time he blinked. "W-where...wh..where am I...?" he managed to speak with a slight crack in his voice, finding himself held tightly suddenly by the other.

"I told you to stay on the dance floor! Oh fox what happened to you? Who did this?" Soel cries as he holds onto him.

"H-he big...ahhh, do you do rough.." Juel pants meekly, just laying there held by his twin. "Gahh...was so hot until he w..went crazy about it...mmfff...such a huge cock...c..could barely fit my muzzle around him... I..I'm sorry..I had to try always s-seem to have so much fun...I just wanted in on it.."

"I'm safe about it though! I knew something like this would happen if you...oh why couldn't you have just waited for me to come back at least! Its ok now though...he's gone, whoever he was.... I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner.." Soel nuzzles his twin and rubs over his back, eyes closed tight.

"I-I'm ok Soel...really..j.just really sore...mmff.." Juel whimpers after saying that, wincing when he tries to hug his twin.

"No you're not ok, you're all bloody Juel! You're a mess...Need to clean you up.. I'm afraid the soap might hurt though, ok? He dug his claws pretty deep.." Soel warns him as he soaps up his paws, starting to wash from his upper back down.

"Well..that explains why we're in the shower together I guess...ghh...ahh!" Juel tries to joke until he feels Soel's paw brush over his back and the claw marks, whimpering and clinging to his twin, gritting his teeth against the pain.

"I warned you...gah you're such a you want to deal with the rest of it yourself? The water only washed away some of it...your fur's pretty sticky back there.. How many times..? Eh, never mind." Soel helps rinse his twin's back carefully, hoping the hot water is at least somewhat soothing.

"I...still feel pretty exhausted honestly...three times, though...H-he came three times that I can remember...He just...I...He was so big...I couldn't take his knot...could barely take the rest of his dick...gah.. he wouldn't let up though.." Juel starts to cry and lowers his head, embarrassed and ashamed. "I wanted so bad to.. I wanted to have fun like you...wanted to make a good impression so I didn't...tried not to react to how much it hurt..."

"Lets just get you clean first ok...?" Soel holds him close and nuzzles comfortingly.

"H-he wont come back will he..?" Juel whimpers and shivers, looking over at the door.

", He better not... don't worry though ok? I locked the door so its just me and you in here, no one else can get in." Soel leans back and looks Juel over, paws holding him gently by the shoulders.

"Ok, thank you..."

Almost an hour goes by as Soel helps his twin clean up, happy that the club's hot water never seems to run out for the shower, and the soap they supply makes cleaning up really easy. Both fox's step out of the shower with soft and fluffy, if wet, fur as they head to the dryer stalls next to it. Soel helps Juel into one and closes the door behind them, Juel still barely able to stand on his own right now.

"It's lucky these are designed big enough for two...even if you're supposed to be alone." Soel chuckles and leans against the opposite wall from his twin, pushing a button on the back wall to turn on the vents, almost jet-like sounding fans whirling to motion and blowing dry, warm air down over their bodies, another set in the floor doing the same from beneath.

Both foxes shiver and shake out their fur from the odd sensation of being caught between the two powerful currents of air, an effective way of drying their fur, if a little uncomfortable at times. Juel leans forward and hugs around his twin, resting his head on Soel's shoulder and closing his eyes. Soel hugs him back gently and nuzzles.

"Too bad I'm such a mess right now, this would be a perfect opportunity otherwise..." Juel mumbles loud enough for Soel to hear, having to raise his voice even with being so close. "Have you here?"

Soel groans "After all that happened to you tonight, you still wanna know where I've had sex?"

"I was hoping...Maybe you could teach me to be better...I screwed up tonight, big time..but, I still want it... Who better than you to help me learn?" Juel blushes as he asks, hugging tighter around his twin.

Soel growls and nips Juel's shoulder. "You're gunna have to wait a while before doing anything Juel, even just pawing off, gotta let yourself heal first."

"I can still use my muzzle just fine, can't I?" Juel growls back playfully.

"Such a horn-ball... is that really all you can think about right now?" Soel laughs and shakes his head.

"Well...we are naked, in a locked a private stall...have you gotten any tonight?" Juel asks teasingly as he slips a paw down to grope between Soel's legs, feeling over his sheath gently.

Soel blushes and groans quietly, his arms tightening around his twin. "Y-yes...a few hours ago...before I noticed you were missing. C'mon Juel, you gotta wait. Lets get home and get to bed before anything else happens ok?"

Juel sighs and grumbles in resignation, just leaning against Soel now enjoying the warmth and closeness. "Had to try...heh. Mmmf alright, fine."

After drying completely and getting dressed, Soel helps Juel walk out of the club and the two make their way back to their apartment. Juel had never been so thankful for having an elevator in the lobby as he stared up the flight of stairs, too tired and sore to even think about climbing the 5 stories to their level.

After getting inside and closing the door behind them, and making sure the deadbolt got locked, Soel starts to help Juel towards his bedroom until he's stopped by his twin whimpering.

"Can I sleep with you in your room tonight? I really don't wanna be alone right now.." Juel asks quietly, receiving a sigh and a nod from his twin.

"Alright...But I'm serious, you have to rest ok?" he turns with him and the two make their way into Soel's room instead, Soel letting Juel sit on his bed, ears folding back seeing him wince as he does. Soel pulls his shirt off over his head and tosses it into his laundry hamper, doing the same with his shorts before padding back over to his twin, sighing as he see's him just sitting there.

"Do you mind helping me? I mean...I can try on my own, but..." Juel looks up at his twin and sticks his tongue out, hiding the pain that simply moving causes right now.

Soel sighs and nods, stepping up in front of his twin and gripping the bottom of his shirt, carefully pulling it up as Juel tries to lift his arms on his own. Soel folds his ears back again seeing him wince, helping pull the shirt up over his head slowly and letting it drop onto the bed behind him. He blushes and bites his tongue as he moves his paws down to undo the button on Juel's shorts, followed by the zipper, before helping him stand again and letting the shorts fall to the ground.

Juel giggles and swishes his tail gently. "Just us in nothing but our fur! Mmm but I know.. Just, thank you for taking care of me like this..."

Soel nods and helps Juel crawl up into the bed, both foxes slipping in under the covers for the night. "You're welcome...just try not to make a habit of this. You're lucky I care about you so much, otherwise you'd be in your own bed struggling to get undressed still, I'm sure." he chuckles quietly and lays out on his back, smiling as Juel snuggles up against his side. Both foxes sigh and close their eyes, quickly falling asleep.