In The Beginning

Story by Green Fuzzball on SoFurry

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#1 of Unforseen Side-Effects

Finally, some plot to this mish-mash of stories! (Just tried the browse tags function, may have gone a tad overboard)

Thanks to Red Tygon for proof reading this for me.

"Quickly, pass me the A neg. sample!" Jane ordered, eyes glued to the microscope, her dark hair slipping ever so slightly out of its severe bun. Brian hurried to do as she asked, quickly tapping commands into his workstation. Three years they had been working on this project together, and in a matter of weeks it all seemed to be falling together. Once it was ready he passed the blood sample across to his lab partner, hoping that they had finally hit upon the strain that wouldn't replicate incorrectly. Genetics were no laughing matter in any part of the world, let alone active strain genetics; and yet somehow they had managed to create a virus that assimilated with and subsequently altered a the DNA of the host organism, at a ridiculous speed as well.

So many failures clogged up their databases that Brian barely dared to hope, but then the trial period was up, and a green light flashed. It worked. The virus had assimilated and replicated perfectly. Jane looked up from her microscope, for once a smile plastered across her face.

"We did it Brian. Let's get this on ice and then I think we deserve a day off," She said, retying the loose bun and breathing a deep sigh of relief. The young man's shoulders relaxed as relief washed over him. After the appropriate measures were taken, he looked up and headed out of the lab, practically shaking with excitement. He barely noticed the head of security pass him on the stairs, only realising when he saw the man's keys on the ground, three floors down. Deciding to be a good Samaritan he picked up the heavy chain and began to climb the stairs again. He carefully checked each floor, to make sure the man; Frank was his name...wasn't it? hadn't gone to each. Fifteen minutes had gone by the time he was back at the top floor where he worked. The delay didn't get him down however, seen as he was still getting off nearly three hours earlier than usual, even though that was well after every other team quit for the day. Curiously, when he reached the lab Jane and he were using, only she was inside.

"Jane did you see the, uh head of security come in here? Frank?" He asked after a cursory glance told him that the man wasn't present. Jane looked up from here monitor, clearly startled.

"I uh, no I haven't," She stammered, frantically typing commands into her computer. Unfortunately she wasn't quick enough to hide what she was doing before Brian curiously peeked in. The information laid out in front of him drove the air from his lungs. He gasped for breath and stumbled back. Jane was looking at him, enraged.

"Don't you fuck this up!" She snarled. Brian finally managed to draw in enough breath to speak.

"Fuck this up? Jane, you're already testing on humans, we've barely even made it stable enough to test on proper tissue samples!" Brian was half shouting, his heart racing with adrenaline. Jane's rage instantly cooled in a way Brian was well used to. He turned to run before he could bear the brunt of whatever decision she had made, but she was too fast, she had to be in order to drug the whole security team.

There was an icy pinch in his lower back, and a swift rush of blood to his head. Within seconds his eyes were foggy and he was out before he had even made the stairs...

Jane tapped her foot impatiently as she eyed the screens before her. Clearly he had to be dealt with, but she was out of useable versions of the virus for the next two hours. She had planned to observe the last security guard's transformation, but bloody Brian had royally buggered that plan. Still, she had the tapes and now she had another person to add to the list. A sudden idea popped into her head and she almost giggled in delight at the simplicity. After all, the virus, or viruses she should say, were meant to be self-replicating after all, weren't they? Maybe it was time to test their potency.

It was actually a bit of relief, she decided, to have Brian out of the picture. Even though he was brilliant at coming up with solutions for the brain boggling equations she had been handed, now that they had the right replication sequence embedded he was useless and really a moral deadweight. Her patron would probably reward her when she found out about Jane's resourcefulness. Taking a second she savoured each moment of the last three years. It truly had been a succession of successes. But the biggest break had come, of all times, last Christmas when Alice had approached her. The woman already had notes and equations on the exact project they were working on, hundreds of them all neatly laid out in folders and electronic files. Not only that but the mysterious Alice as Jane called her, for she had never been given her actual name, had then proceeded to triple her funding, so long as she could provide working specimens before the year was out.

And Jane was nothing if not deadly efficient...

Brian's consciousness darted just out of his reach. He foggily sweated through dreams of werewolves and drugs, each more terrifying than the last. As each one continued he felt more and more trapped, unable to run and escape the horrors bearing down on him. Mirrored in each snarling, furred and twisted face he saw the same fear he felt. Suddenly he surfaced with a jolt. The dark fog was replaced by a beam of light, then another. He attempted to sit up only to find himself bound. Bound and being wheeled along by the sound of it.

"You've cause be quite a bit of bother haven't you?" He heard over the squeak of rubber. ane was talking to him, harping on about her promises and wants and a whole plethora of crap Brian didn't care about. The bottom line was that he was no longer needed and she was going to dispose of him in the best way possible. Before he had time to ponder and, indeed, freak out about his situation, the cart abruptly stopped, a door was unlocked and he was pushed through into the twilight darkness that heralded an unused laboratory. He sat there in terror for a few seconds, before he heard a shuffling. Tilting his head he was able to make out the familiar boots of the security guard he had been chasing. However the man was twisted and groaning in pain. Jane had clearly already dosed him with the virus.

Wasting no time Brian patted down is pockets hoping that, as usual, he had accidentally carried away one of the labs razor scalpels. A painful prick told him that he was in luck and he quickly began to shimmy the blade into his hand. Once he had it out it was nearly too easy to saw through the straps binding him to the trolley. Unfortunately for him, it still took just a few seconds too long. By the time he had freed himself, the massive frame beside him was no longer twisting or cracking. Instead it was sniffing, and not in the familiar human kind of way.

As silently as he could, Brian hopped off the trolley, wincing at the sharp taps his feet made on the tiled floor. He almost expected the tackle when it came barely a second later. The force flung him almost three meters straight forward, directly onto one of the clean steel counter tops. Strong arms wrapped around him and there was an unmistakable pressure at the seat of his pants. Heightened libido was one of the unforeseen side effects, though with the quick delve into Jane's private notes, he was now unsure as to which of the side-effects were really quite so unforeseen.

Such as the apparently former straight man pressing his boner into Brian's crack.

"Frank, you don't need to do this, just take a few deep breaths and think about this," Brian begged, his own soldier beginning to stand very much at attention. He almost felt relief when the hips grinding against his stopped for a second, but then a gruff voice broke the silence.

"My name's Hank you dumbass,"

Hank then proceeded to resume his grinding; now also taking off his shirt with one hand, even as the other pressed the helpless man into the cold steel. Brian wanted to fight back against the horny Doberman, but the ex-head of security had years of training and pounds upon pounds of muscle over the scientist. Fighting back was made harder still by the fact that the buff guard had been the source of many of Brian's shower fantasies. With quick, precise, almost practised movements, the older man pulled off Brian's long lab coat and tore his t-shirt off, using the mangled remains to tie the scientists hands behind his back. Leaving him bent over the table, Hank circled his catch, eyeing the prone man while he tugged at the bulge in his pants. Brian tried not to look at the gigantic bulge as a wet spot appeared at the top, spreading slowly. His heart thumped wildly and he could barely catch his breath. He looked up into the dark chocolate eyes of the dog-man, his own boner pressing painfully into the metal of the thin counter. Hank looked down knowingly, squeezing his cock and balls with near glee, hissing as spikes of pleasure shot through him.

Of everything that had ever happened in his life, this transformation was easily the best. He was stronger by far, and had the toning of someone twenty years younger. Not to mention the way his fur complemented the bulging muscles. Then there were the smells. Right now he could smell Brian's arousal, the light musk barely covered by the disgustingly fake deodorant. He could smell even the salty tang of the scientist's precum as his horny cock dribbled it into his pants. And the cock, good god the cock. Sure it looked exactly like the one his pet back home was sporting, not a trace of humanity left there, but holy crap was it sensitive. Once it was out of his sheath, the slightest brush was enough for him to clench up, shooting massive ropes of precum that very nearly equalled his old orgasms in volume; and it was bigger, oh so much bigger. Throbbing easily at twelve inches, it put his old cock to shame; his bulging knot was nearly as long as that midget. Slipping a hand into his loose jeans, he huffed happily as he rubbed along his smooth length, sliding down and giving another quick squeeze to his churning sack and the golf ball sized jewels within.

Brian watched the large dog carefully as Hank explored his body, trying to come up with some argument to prevent the oncoming events. Unfortunately, just as he came up with something to say, Hank clearly got bored of exploring his new body alone, and began to take off his pants, finally unveiling the monster cock within. Any argument Brian had come up with promptly evaporated from his head as he saw the wet, red, ten inch doggie dick spring out of Hank's pants, bobbing wildly over the pair of swinging egg sized balls. The wickedly pointed tip drooled clear precum that Brian watched, cross-eyed, as it dripped onto the tiled floor. Remembering himself, Brian opened his mouth to make some last ditch plea, but that proved to be a mistake, because as soon as his lips parted, Hank drove his hips forwards, pushing the first three inches of his aching cock into Brian's mouth. Brian gagged a little as the hot dick poked the back of his throat, spurting precum all over his mouth. He moaned as the salty tang rolled across his tongue. Realising that he was now lost to the virus he let himself go, plunging down the dog's massive length, feeling his girth swell with each pulse. Hank panted and moaned appreciatively as Brian worked his cock over, reaching down with one paw to cup the soon to be ex-human's chin as he slurped and suckled at Hank's massive red tool. Brian looked up into Hank's eyes, enjoying seeing the hunk smile down at him as he worked over that beautiful cock. He tried to bob down further with each stroke, but eventually he simply couldn't take any more of the slick dick without choking. As it was Hank's tip was rubbing the back of Brian's throat, three inches down, yet Brian's lips were barely kissing Hank's pulsating knot.

Just as he wished that he could guzzle down all of his big Doberman lovers cock, he felt a strange burning sensation start in his stomach; the change had started. Unable to watch himself, he hoped the cameras were capturing all of this so that he could view it later, primarily for scientific gains of course. He continued to slurp Hank's cock, even as he felt his own shifting and changing in his pants. Within seconds he could fell it beginning to stretch out and press against the front of his trousers, soon after his balls also began push against the fabric. Eventually the ache from compression on his swelling genitals caused him to whine out. Instantly Hank's cock slipped out of his mouth and the Doberman leaned down to him, his faced an easily recognisable mask of concern despite the massively changed features.

"What's the matter? Am I going to rough?" He asked, unconsciously massaging Brian's shoulder. Brian attempted to return an assuring smile but managed only a twisted grimace as the pain escalated.

"My pants...too tight," He panted out, not noticing that his tongue now lolled well past his lips, as well as being far flatter than it had been only minutes before. Giving Brian a cute sideways smirk, Hank walked around the bound man, quickly reaching underneath him to under his belt. Once Brian's pants were out of the way, Hank leaned back to admire the view. Orange fur had spread out over Brian's back and down his sides, while his pendulous balls and sheath were white. In a matter of seconds, fur had sprouted all the way down to Brian's knees and, just above his winking ass; his tail began to push out. Reaching between the scientist's legs, Hank grabbed Brian's previously unattended cock, gasping as he felt the size of his partner's rocket. Shifting underneath the bound man, he looked up just in time to have a spurt of precum splatter across his muzzle. Brian's cock was pulsing gently in his paw and, while it was probably only seven and a half to eight inches long it was incredibly thick, nearly double the thickness of Hank's own. The knot itself was easily the size of a tennis ball, and it didn't even look half erect. That's when the smell hit him; Brian's musk had transformed as well, where before it had been covered and overpowered by his deodorant, now it was powerful, all natural and masculine. Just the sight and smell of Brian's new cock was enough for Hank to shoot heavy spurts of precum all over his chest. Enticed by the bright red dick above him, he leaned up and tentatively licked the tip, and was rewarded with a guttural moan and a spurt of musky pre. With one paw bracing him, he began to lightly stroke the massive fire hydrant of a cock while slurping at the tip. After a few minutes, Brian was moaning ecstatically and Hank was dripping with pre, both Brian's and his own. Every spurt of pre was filled with more and more musk and eventually Hank could feel that Brian was about to cum. Reluctantly he pulled off Brain's dick, allowing the scientist to paint his face with a few more spurts. Looking down he was shocked by the literal puddle of precum surrounding him. As he stood, he scooped up a handful, cupping the clear fluid carefully as he positioned himself behind the changed man.

For a second he could hardly believe that the figure in front of him was the same scientist who'd been scurrying around for the last two years. Brian was now completely covered in fur, mostly orange, with white patches along his stomach and over his cock and balls and down the inside of his thighs. His head had shifted into that of a foxes, and right now he had turned sideways to watch Hank through slitted eyes as he panted and moaned in sexual desire, both of their musks mingling in the air together like a heady cocktail. But the biggest change of all, beyond that of his head or cock or even that cute bushy tail, was the change in his body. Brian had been a little on the wimpy side before, but now he was easily as toned and built as Hank himself. His arms were double their old size, his muscles hard enough to have been chiselled from marble. Not to mention his ass. Hank had never really noticed guy's asses before, having been assuredly straight before this whole ordeal, but the clenched cheeks before him were most definitely the pinnacle of any ass anywhere. They were somehow both finely toned and plump, twitching in anticipation.

"So are you going to do something, or are you just going to stand there dripping?" Brian asked cheekily, nudging Hank with a foot. Hank instantly snapped back into himself. Realising that most of the pre he had scooped up had dripped away; he used the remainder to lube up his own dick and used the few shots created by the stimulation to rub around the ring of Brian's hole. Gently prodding inwards with one finger, he felt the fox clench up before taking in a deep breath and relaxing, allowing Hank's probing digit to sink into his hot tunnel. Within a second the hunky dobbie had found Brian's prostate and was rubbing away in tight circles, causing the fox to gasp; his cock twitching and spurting beneath him. Unable to stand the unbelievable sensations origination from his little love nut, Brian began to writhe around, gasping and moaning like a bitch in heat, even as his knot inflated to its full impressive size. Realising Brian's weakness, Hank braced himself against the counter, slipped a second finger in, and redoubled his efforts. Almost instantly Brian clenched up and howled, before shooting long ropey string of cum across the shelf beneath him, then another...and another.

As he came, Brian nearly passed out. The pleasure was heavenly, feeling Hank probing inside him and the after effects of the change. The long foreplay and increased virility of the fox meant that his orgasm was accompanied by a veritable flood of cum. By the time he was done, the shelf underneath the counter was dripping with fox cum, each cummy, ropey drop falling with a wet splat. The smell of musk was overpowering now, no amount of bleach would be able to remove the scent of lovemaking from the room now.

Hank slipped his fingers out of Brian's ass, having managed to stretch the fox up to three fingers while he shot his last few spurts. He admired the sight of the spent fox, Brian's ass gaping weakly, ready to be filled, before lining his own, completely unspent, cock up with Brian's ass. Slowly edging his tip forward, he groaned as it slid into the fox's well-lubed hole. Despite his attempts at stretching the fox, he very quickly had to slow down to a crawl, his cock inching forward as he sawed it in and out of the goopy asshole. Every so often Brian would clench up and Hank would have to stop pressing inwards, instead rubbing and massaging the fox's smooth back, enjoying the feeling of the hot muscles beneath as they shifted beneath him. When Brian clenched up for the third time, Hank leaned forward to undo the ties that were keeping the fox's arms pinned behind his back, but as soon as he grabbed the material, the fox gasped out;

"Don't, I want you, to take me like this," Brian panted out, leaning so another inch of dobbie dick popped into his ass. By now over half of Hank's cock was being see-sawed in and out of Brian's ass, only two inches remained before the throbbing softball sized knot.

After nearly five minutes of pushing in, stopping while Brian whimpered and tried to brace himself and pulling out slightly whenever the monster got too much for the untrained fox, the massive knot squelched against the glistening, wet hole. By now Hank was leaning right over the fox, whispering encouragement as his cock was slowly but surely gobbled up by the hungry ass. With Brian's ass now taking most of his length, Hank began to grind his cock around, twisting and sawing it so that the fox's tunnel was completely ready and lubed. Then pulling out half his, he enjoyed the sound of Brian's soft whimper, the fox now unused to being empty.

Brian couldn't disguise his animalistic yips as Hank pressed back in, and began sinking into a steady rhythm, letting out a yelp or a bark every time Hank's knot smacked into his hole. The pleasure in his prostate was building again, and his cock was throbbing almost painfully. As much as he wanted to reach down and jack himself off, he loved the feeling of being completely under Hank's control. Over time he could feel his ring loosening, and Hank's cock began sinking in deeper and deeper with each thrust until eventually his massive, rock hard knot popped into Brian. This was followed by Hank roughly grabbing Brian's hips and thrusting wildly like an actual dog mating, smashing his massive rod back and forth with complete abandon. Within seconds, he'd fucked Brian's hole so loose that even his massive knot was slipping in and out easily. After a few more seconds of animalistic fucking, he planted his dick deep inside Brian, his balls slapping painfully against the foxes own as they were tugged up against his body. Together they howled as Hank shot his load into Brian's weakly clenching hole.

His orgasm seemed to last an age, each time he seemed to start running out of cum, another flood would be unleashed. Brian's assfur and legs were soaked with pearly drops as streams of Hank's juices were pumped out of his sloppy ass. Brian was in heaven as Hank's hot cock throbbed and spurted inside of him. He was slowly managing to clench his loose hole, tightening his grip on the rock hard dick. His own member was fully hard and ready to go again and his nuts were begging for release, so much so that he couldn't help but strain against the fabric binding his hands. The inability to quench his need was tortuous and served only to make him even more aroused.

Hank's dick had almost begun to soften, but then Brian's ass finally regained enough strength to clamp down around the base of his knot, returning him to full bitch-fucking mode. He frantically pumped his hips forward and back, but he was far too exhausted to put any real power behind it, and the few spurts of cum that accompanied were nothing compared to his earlier load. Despite the weaker nature of his thrusts, his cock was still rock hard and Brian's now tight ass meant that each stroke ground over Brian's prostate with agonizing results. Each pulse of Hanks heartbeat translated into a twitch of his cock, and each twitch of his cock became another shot of clear precum from Brian, which then dribbled down onto the massive puddle of cum that covered most of the lab's floor.

Eventually Hank's cock softened enough to plop out of Brian's ass, smearing the cum-drenched fur as it flopped across his plump cheeks. The soft cock was accompanied by almost half a litre of hot cum that poured out of Brian's hole before he could clench it shut, keeping the rest of Hank's seed inside. Despite his exhaustion, Hank could see that Brian was clearly able for another round, his coke-bottle cock twitched and swayed, occasionally smacking the bottom of the counter-top wetly. Hank's ass clenched as he considered taking that monster. He'd never been taken by another man before, and what Brian was packing was something even a well-used hooker would be afraid of. Very quickly however his libido beat out his fear, and with strong hands he pulled Brian off the counter and sat him on the floor, with his back pressing against the cum-covered shelves.

Taking a pawful of semen from the puddle, Hank slipped his hand between his legs and pressed it between his cheeks. Almost instantly he felt the hot cum soak into his assfurs and gently he began to probe toward his hole, slicking and lubricating it with powerful twitched of his fingers. A deft flick of his wrist and his middle finger shot up inside of him, causing him to gasp in surprise and pleasure as it bumped against his prostate; the sudden stimulation causing his limp dick to twitch, even as it retreated into his sheath.

Brian watched the show, panting in appreciation, his own cock twitching against his abs. By now his balls were pulled tight against his body and were churning with cum. Once he was ready, Hank stepped close to the bound, helpless fox and, holding the counter with one hand, began to lower himself towards that stiff, throbbing pole. Brian inhaled deeply, taking in Hank's heady scent as the Doberman's tight abs and chest slid past him. Once he was close enough, Hank used his free hand to stroke and guide Brian's cock to his waiting hole. The pointed tip speared into his lubed anus easily, shooting a few spurts of precum to prepare the way for the crimson monster. Very quickly however, Hank's progress down the drooling pillar slowed to nearly a halt as the shaft flared outwards. He gritted his teeth as his virgin ass was spread wider and wider, each throb of Brian's vulpine dick burning painfully. All the while Hank continued to spear himself on the fiery prick. Eventually he reached the point where Brian's cock curved inwards, just before the bulbous knot and with a neat twitch the next inch slid in. By now the first five inches were throbbing happily inside Hank's gut, and he revelled in the feeling of incredible fullness. Another few seconds saw him sitting atop the lewdly bulging knot, now easily surpassing the size of a coconut. The sensations running through his body were incredible. While he took in the new unexplored feelings, Brian whined in need. He was so close to cumming, to claiming Hank as his bitch and his mate, even as the burly Doberman had claimed him. He tried to pump his hips, but his ass merely slid across the wet floor. The sudden movement forced their muzzles together and they instantly began to kiss furiously. Hank took his hand from the counter and began running his fingers through Brian's head fur as their tongues massaged and wrestled each other, both men exploring the others mouth with almost religious fervour.

Hank could barely stand the feelings that were bubbling in his chest. Holding Brian in his arms as they kissed and fucked felt too good; and yet, just right. His paws wandered all over the sexy toned body of his partner while Brian's cock throbbed and ever so slowly open up his ass wider and wider. Eventually the mix of pain and pleasure was too much and once again, Hank tilted his head back and howled, his hole slipping almost half way down the ridiculous knot. As soon as their lips separated, Brian's mouth latched onto Hank's neck, nipping and sucking the strong muscles as they vibrated with sound of Hank's passion. Just as he ran out of breath, Hank's ass popped over the point of no return, the final stretch of his partners cock suddenly slipped inside and Hank instinctively clenched around the base of the massive tool, trapping it inside as Brian began to cum for the second time that night.

Jane watched the tiny screen triumphantly, silently congratulating herself on her ruthless efficiency. Not only had she removed the last threat to her project, but she had gained another test subject in the process. With five fully successful transformations, it was clear that no form of her virus was of very much danger to the public. She slipped the clear vials that contained each of the sibling viruses into her purse and strode confidently out of the building, heels clacking like gunshots in the silence, even as the two men's lovemaking continued on the screens.

Yes, tomorrow was going to be an interesting day...