Kiana the mare's cruel fate

Story by Sunkra on SoFurry

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WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, or you can't separate fiction from real life events, or are intending to use this material against the author in any way, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!

--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author Sunkra © 2010. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. Do not redistribute this storyin any way without the author's explicit writtenpermission. All rights reserved.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story was written as adult fiction. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life. Any similarities with any real life events and/or persons are completely coincidental. Describedcharacters and/or events are fictional. Enjoy the story!--------------------------------------------------------

This commissioned story is about a dragon finding and fulfilling a mare's death wish, in return bringing her deceased mate and son back from the dead.This story contains: oral vore, straight sex, death, bestiality

Kiana the mare's cruel faith.

The bronze dragon slides through the air and heaves slightly up and down with every downwards thrust of his enormous wings. He's scouring the green fields at the mountain sides for a tasty prey, nothing too small though like sheep, else he'll have to be lucky to knock out enough on impact before they scatter in fear. His thin pupil dilates as he zooms into a particular dry patch of land at the edge of a cliff, just a few patches of green and a tree decorate it. "I see, I see, a prey so fine, horse meat today I dine!" A shockwave ripples through the scaly body as he abruptly changes course and heads to the single lonely horse at the edge of the cliff. Careful not to cast a shadow to alert the animal, he takes a large turn and descends towards his victim, the dragon already drools as he can imagine the taste of the yummy flesh. Though he likes to play with his food first a little, he suddenly smacks onto the rocky ground behind the white mare, a little earthquake making the ground shake:"I see, I see, a prey in fright, beg for your life as any coward might!"

The white mare turns her head towards the gigantic threat, the dragon reaching up to intimidate his meal with his large wings and roaring maw but to his surprise his victim is completely unimpressed and turns her head towards the distance over the cliff again. Slightly angered the dragon proclaims:"It is curious you little horse with tasty meat, but you are not scared, are you a tainted treat?"Sighing softly, the mare turns back to her would be attacker and looks him into his lizard like eyes without any trace of fear:"First of all, you speak in rhyme, not exactly frightening. And second of all, I would care less if you ate me, or if I'd trip off this cliff and fall to my death."She turns her head to the edge again to look at the sun bathed horizon in the distance, her sad look betraying her feelings very well,"I've got nothing to live for anymore anyway..."

Slightly baffled the huge dragon snorts, his appetite almost completely ruined by this little runt who holds a death wish, what fun is there in hunting a prey which doesn't run? He folds his gigantic wings onto his back and sets himself on all four paws, slowly walking around the very petite mare in a circling motion:"With sad tone in your voice, tell me your story, what made you choose this choice?"His voice full of sneaky, backstabbing and despicable tones, his vicious yellow eyes measuring the plump flesh on the horse, the sinew, the muscles, the oh so tasty red blood he can almost hear pumping through her veins. "You hold no interest in my sorrow, dragon, you're just looking for a snack," the horse lowers herself onto her side and lies down to continue gazing at the distance as if her time has come and she readies herself for death.

Ever the sly deceiver, the dragon puts up an almost mocking but hurtful tone:"Surely, your forgiveness I implore, but the fact is I was playing and so sadly you were laying, please tell me your sorrows, tell me what burdens your heart to visit Heaven's door..."The little mare turns her head to the much larger scaly creature and whinnies softly, what difference could it possibly make? "Alright dragon, I'm Kiana and I will tell you, if you have the courtesy of telling me your name first."With a deep bow which makes the ground crack around his heavy claws, the bronze mythical creature introduces himself as Yan, the keeper of time of these mountains. The horse pulls big eyes and the mean dragon can hear her heartbeat increase instantly,"The keeper of time? So... you could undo anything that happened in the past around these mountains?"With another very vicious grin the dragon sets himself down and curls his large tail around the poor little horse, stroking her back with the tip of it as he speaks:"Surely, to ask a service from a keeper requires a toll to pay, tell me your story first, before asking me any favors as you may."

With a sad look and tears in her eyes, Kiana tells about her mate and child, how they went to spend some quality father and son time near the riverside of the stream below her and the dragon now. When they didn't return on the agreed day, she waited until she finally went looking for them, and found their scent near a spot near the river with the stench of death drenching it. The water had washed away most of the carnage, but it was clear they were killed by a predator or more than one. The memory of the little foal and his father springs Yan vividly into mind, how the father horse had tried to protect his son from any harm which had made the hungry dragon play with his food and make a mess. He wraps one of his wings around the white furred mare and makes a soothing, hissing sound:"You poor little thing, I can only imagine your grief, I've never had any spawns myself to take under my wing, if you would believe."Kiana's crying eyes look directly up at Yan, the huge dragon caressing her back,"You are a keeper of time, can you undo what happened and bring them back?"Oh this simply was too good, and here the ancient dragon thought this meal would be completely ruined:"Yes I can lift your dismay, but as I mentioned before, there's a price to pay. To undo what has been done, I require certain energy, and your body is one."

The mare feels a tinge of fear as she's held in place by the heavy wing of the dragon, no where to run and he might eat her after all now that he says he can bring back what she dearly lost. Yan keeps stroking her with his bronze wing and black claws, lightly scratching the mare's back:"With your body I will mate and consume, to return your beloved partner and son, you have to decide by the next rising moon!"And as the huge scaly head of the dragon rises and peers at the horizon, the sun sets and darkness starts to wash over the mountain tops. Yan's impressive horns bathing in the last of the light before it dies out and the sky colours orange and purple. The mare shifts slightly under the huge wing as she contemplates the dragon's offer, her son and mate would live again! But the price... the price is more than reasonable, her life for two lives she holds so dear. Kiana looks up at Yan and softly says:"If you bring back my mate and son, my body is yours to do with as you please... just promise me it won't hurt more than it has to."With an evil smirk, the dragon brings his face close to that of the tiny creature:"A deal it is, I will mate and consume your delicious body to bring back the family you so sorely miss!"

Yan rises to his feet, Kiana the white mare slightly surprised as she lies so vulnerable beneath him. Without any decency, the dragon pushes his large head in between her hind legs and his red thin tongue slithers all over her luscious cunny lips, probing it and quickly sliding inside her warm body as soon as her slit gives in to his seduction. The wriggling slimy organ slides deeply inside her belly, tasting and exploring her love channel as far as slipping it into her womb. She neighs and groans in both pleasure and disgust for herself to let anyone touch her like that except for her partner, but she's doing it for him and their son. Withdrawing his tongue and nudging her to stand up, Kiana prepares for the worst, but feels the slimy organ run between her legs and over her lower belly, stroking her milking teats which since a little while don't produce milk anymore. Their son was on solid food now and her body had come to rest. "Such delectable attributes you possess, your tasty horse pussy and delicious teats, but now to more serious work we must progress..."

The mare looks back over her shoulder and almost cringes in fear as she observes the huge and deep black, pointy penis emerge from the slit in the dragon's groin, covered with a clear slick fluid as it drips off his shaft:"Do not fear, gentle as a lamb I'll be, come closer dear."The evil dragon does not waste time and grabs Kiana's hips, grinding her hooves over the rocky surface of the ground before rubbing his gigantic head to her winking slit. Even though she's a horse and has a relatively large vagina, the tip of his pointy penis will prove a challenge to her. Yan grinds his cock briefly into her plump lips and even teasing her donut shaped tail hole above her cunt before slipping his head inside. The warmth of the animal making him snort out and exhale deeply, the temperature of his own body rising as his sensitive slick shaft slides deeper into the mare towards her waiting baby chamber. Grunting and trembling, Kiana tries her best to accommodate the huge invading erection, tears once again welling up in the corners of her eyes. "Mmm, hot and slick is your delectable womanhood, breed you and plant my eggs in your womb, I'll bury my cock in to the root!"

Hanging partially onto the poor little horse and standing over her on all fours, the dragon starts to move back and forth, sliding his penis deeply into Kiana's smaller mare pussy. His increasing hunger moving him to suddenly bite the horse's neck and nibble on her flesh as light streams of blood pour down from between her manes. Kiana whinnies out and grinds her hooves into the ground, the pain of her stretched vagina and bitten neck burdening her heartbeat as it rises faster and faster. Yan has very few opportunities to breed anything even remotely big enough to take a dragon, so it is no miracle when in a matter of minutes his torrent of volcanic hot dragon seed finds its way deep into the equine animal. He pulls his cock out of her and immediately shoots a few more spurts over her back and against her teats between her hind legs. The hot semen stream down freely from her gaping slit, which is winking fiercely despite the pain of the encounter. "Now as for the last part of the pact, don't be frightened, it won't hurt much and I'll promise that as a fact."

Yan's hungry huge maw lowers down, dislodging his jawbone out of his skull and stretching the sinew in his cheeks as he licks his tongue over the spermed horse's behind. The dragon's teeth graze lightly over her short furred skin until his maw closes lightly, forcing her hind hooves off the ground and into a sitting position into his mouth. Shaking and shivering as he tastes his own seed on the firm, delicious meat of the female horse, the dragon starts working his throat muscles whilst his tongue slithers to explore every corner and cranny of her body before it would disappear forever. Tears stream down her face, Kiana doesn't resist but has a hard time repressing her survival instinct to keep her body from running. To Yan's delight he can also taste the salt of her tears as his tongue runs over her chest, her body now halfway into his maw. His rippling hot throat muscles work themselves open as the cum soaked back side of the horse pushes slowly down against it, her hooves now sliding off his tongue and dangle into his slimy throat. "G-goodbye beautiful world, please be kind and watch over my beloved mate and son..." she cries as she slides deeper into the dragon's waiting mouth. He can't grin, but Yan feels like it, his meal so much more interesting and tastier than it ever would have been if he just had devoured her whole instantly. Soon only Kiana's head sticks out of the huge maw, as it closes up slightly and prevents any second thoughts or any possibility of running. She feels her legs and body lodged into the slimy hotness of his insides, her hind hooves already bumping against the muscle closing his stomach. Yan's throat ripples like a vagina would when birthing, only his intention was pulling the unfortunate horse inside, not push her out. The bronze dragon almost cries himself, his huge penis throbbing lewdly as it spews another load of dragon seed all over the rocky floor, the slow meal arousing him to no end and her crying and whimpers even more. The mare's head now slowly slides down the back of his mouth, into his throat, the last sobs gurgles as if uttered under water. The dragon softly speaks in a weird tone as his throat is still pretty much occupied with Kiana's body:"Poor little horse don't you worry and fret, you will live on forever inside me and will meet your loved ones in the afterlife soon I bet."

He supports himself still on all fours, Yan's paws standing in the sticky puddle of his second load of spunk, the tip of his penis still dripping with semen and throbbing wildly up and down as he feels his meal slowly sliding down completely into his stomach. The dazed, glassy look in his eyes remains there for a long time, he feels the heartbeat of the ingested horse slowly fade, every drum of it had been rolling through his body as if he had a third heart. Until it finally stops, the last bit of the sun set vanishing at the horizon and the world bathes in the pitch black dark of the night. Yan smirks slyly as he looks up at the sky, no moon in sight... poor little horsey. Though he knows what is to come next, as a dragon doesn't have any reason to break a promise to a mortal. The dragon shuts his eyes in concentration and he starts to heave like as if about to vomit, his belly rippling with contractions as he lowers his maw to the ground and opens it wide. A puddle of slimy saliva and stomach fluids wash over his tongue and fangs, the pain of his heaving stinging his senses as he works. Suddenly and in one smooth movement, a little body slides out of his throat and out of his maw onto the ground, shivering at the cool temperature of the night after coming out of the furnace like dragon. The little foal tries to stand up but his knees are weak and trembling, so it sits frightened where it was dropped, looking up at the dragon's wide open maw with many razor sharp fangs. Another few minutes of feeling like he needs to vomit, Yan the bronze dragon feels something much larger pass up in reverse through his throat, muffled roars echo against the mountain side as the much larger body of the foal's father slides out, completely covered in spit and stomach juices as well. The stallion looks dazed and exhausted, falling onto his side next to his son as the little one quickly crawls into his daddy's embrace for warmth and protection.

Yan supports himself with both his four paws as well as his wings, recovering from the painful procedure he just endured. His mean yellow eyes glow in the darkness as they rise up and gaze over the slimy stallion and his son, his ears picking up the burdened heart beat of the horse and the cries of stress and fright of the foal next to him. He knows they won't be up and running very soon, and the night is full of predators. His evil grin returns to his maw and he speaks in a loud clear voice:"Gone will you be by the morrow, or both of you I will devour. Your unholy passage back to this world payed for by your mother and partner's sorrow, know that she only thought of you in her last hour."Spreading his wings wide and flapping them heavily up and down, a gust of wind razes over the two confused horses as Yan the dragon disappears into the dark of the night, soon to return to seek out and eat the father and son whole once again...