Extended Moment

Story by Aesan on SoFurry

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#2 of Moment

An intimate moment shared between two people. I hope you enjoy. <3

Although titled as the "extended" version, this was actually the original story. However, if you'd prefer nothing more than sweet, innocent hypnosis, follow the link on the sidebar to have your moment sex free~

"Always trying to play so innocent..." she chuckled. "But we both know that isn't true. I bet all I have to do is talk about it and you'll start to get an erection."

"W-What! No way! As if any of this would really make me..." he paused for a moment, "...hard." He tried to keep his cool, to stay calm and speak with confidence, but his composure was swiftly being shaken. There was just something about her that always did this to him. He didn't know what, but he was determined to fight it for as long as possible.

"Well if you're really so sure, then how about a little test?" she proposed.

"A test...? What kind of test?" he asked nervously.

She slipped her hand inside his pants and gave a quick grope at his member. In surprise, he gasped, then bit his lip as if trying to hide. He tried to hold it back, but like it or not he did in fact have an erection, and it was only getting harder.

She smiled. "Now what do we have here..." She couldn't see his face from his position in her lap, but he was very clearly embarrassed as his head lowered and his gaze shot off somewhere to the side.

"Heh, I told you so," she chuckled, shaking her head. "All I had to do was talk about it, and now you've already got a boner." Her voice became lower, softer, more seductive as she began to stroke him teasingly, feeling it grow in her hand. "Just look how much of a dirty boy you are..."

He started to pant a little, blushing bright red. "N-No...No I'm not! This isn't..." he trailed off, suddenly finding it difficult to focus.

"Oh, but of course you are," she began. "Even if you try to say no, your body is more than willing to tell the truth." She paused, taking a moment to continue to stroke tortuously at his twitching little length. All of this, of course, only caused him to squirm in her lap even more. He made little peeps and squeaks, as if trying to speak, but between all the stroking and her soft, soothing voice, the words just wouldn't come.

"And you're such a good boy too," she resumed, giving a tender kiss to the top of his head. "So good at listening, so good at obeying. You know that you belong to me, all of you, every part of your mind, every fiber of your being...is all mine."

"No that's...that's wrong, I..." he almost inaudibly whispered out. His thoughts felt heavy, too much of a burden to put into use. It seemed the harder he tried to fight, the less he found himself able to. Somewhere in all the haze he knew that this wasn't true, that something was wrong, and yet...all of her words just...made sense. Maybe he...really did belong to her. Did it feel good to obey?

"You always listen, always do what I say...You know that I have complete control over you. All I have to do is say the word and you'll be dripping in my hand. I can have you squirming, needy, begging, anything I want..." her voice grew quieter still, "...with nothing more than a whisper."

He couldn't fight it anymore. She was right. He belonged to her, and he would do whatever she said without question. He gave up any last hint of resistance that remained and opened himself completely to her. Her words became truth, and his mind was a blank canvas on which she could paint her every desire. For the first time since they began, he sat still in her lap, and she knew that she had him.

"Very good...Just relax..." She held him a little tighter against her while her hand below began to jerk more firmly, "Now, I want you to be wet...I want to feel you leaking into my hand, oozing, just letting it come out..." Her words caused his squirming to start up once more, though much more subdued than before. There was some panting, some blushing, some very subtle strained noises, and then just as she desired, pre began to trickle out. It was slow, but steady, her words penetrating to his very core and commanding the functions of his body. The pre flowed, it drizzled down her hand, coated it a fine film of sweet, transparent nectar, and all she did was look on in satisfaction, continuing to rub him, slickening his little cock with his own supply of coaxed out fluids.

He felt good. He couldn't deny it, he couldn't control it, and if there was any way that he could, he wouldn't. This was what she wanted, and as long as he was there with her, that was exactly what she would get. The pre just seemed to come from him endlessly, until finally, with another whisper, it stopped.

"Very good, dear. That's enough," she quietly spoke into his ear. His movement ceased as his head rolled onto its side, resting against her breast while he stared blankly into space. Even though it was all involuntary, the whole process of her command was very taxing, and it showed in his flushed face as his chest heaved gently. "Now, let's move on to the finale..."

Licking her lips as she brought her hand up to hug around his waist, she spoke, "I want your body to heat up. To ignite. I want you bursting at the seams. It will drive you mad and take your mind to new heights never even imaginable. And with all this pleasure, all of these experiences, you won't be able to contain yourself, but I will make you. I want you there stranded, on the peak of the highest mountain, for as long as possible. Only when I say so will you finally have your release."

And so it happened, just as she said.

It came on slowly at first, his cheeks getting brighter, heart rate increasing, breathing becoming more labored, and just kept on building and building. He looked around the room, frantic, and yet somehow still without any true awareness. His hands gripped at her thighs, and his legs started kicking. He could feel it happening, his body hammering itself, everything just growing in exponential intensity. He screamed and moaned and drooled, his head shook violently from side to side, and all that remained of who he once was devolved into sheer lust driven madness. He couldn't take it anymore, it was impossible, and yet it just kept on happening. It was like the most divine torture ever conceived, and he was living it from deep inside himself all the way to the surface.

The only thing that kept him from falling the whole time was her arms wrapped tightly around his middle. Despite the crazed, hypnotically induced scene happening right in her lap, she simply smiled calmly, everything going just as she'd planned and so pleased with the outcome. Then finally, after allowing it to go on for a few minutes longer, she issued her final command for him to obey.



"Always trying to play so innocent..." she chuckled. "But we both know that isn't true. I bet all I have to do is talk about it and you'll start to get an erection." "W-What! No way! As if any of this would really make me..." he paused for a moment,...

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The Circle

They all watched as the bottle began to slow, Kari letting out a groan as it landed squarely on her. "Heh, oh I'm going to enjoy this," Seth said with a smirk. "Ugh," Kari started, "I know you will. Let's just get this over with, okay?" "My...

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