MILF and Her Son - Spinoff - To Make a 'Stud' of You - [Request - Sexy_Mare]

Story by FireDrake85 on SoFurry

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#2 of Written Requests from Others

Well, my second request is done. Made by Sexy_Mare, for their request, this story featured their character, Gwen, living in the suburban area as Nova and her son, Flare - yep that's right. This story has the same setting as 'MILF and Her Son' (told you guys this request was interesting... ^..^ ), and sees Gwen facing a similar situation as Nova, only with a difference, Gwen has twin children, of whom one she'll be enjoying a truly wonderful night with...

Brief Summary: -

"It's not easy raising kids as a single mother, so try having to raise twins for twenty years...

Gwen is a single mother who is in such a position, but she also has an issue - she's been having dreams about her kids (now twenty years old), but not the usual 'family' friendly ones, these ones are sensual and erotic. And yet, unknown to her, both her kids have hidden desires to be there for her, to love her, to make her special. Until today, when her son realises how much he actually loves her, just as she does with him and his sister. And it isn't long before mother and son reveal their true feelings for one another, on a night they'll never forget..."

Gwen, John and Elizabeth (c) Sexy_Mare

Other Characters, Story and Setting (c) FireDrake85

(Hmm... seems this story has a few special guests; I wonder who they could be? };-)

Stories from Terra - The Anthro World

MILF and Her Son - Spinoff

'To Make a 'Stud' of You'

Unsuitable for anyone under 18, contains themes of a sexual nature, you have been warned...

This is a Story Request for Sexy_Mare; Gwen, John and Elizabeth are © Sexy_Mare

All other characters and settings are © FireDrake85

Special Thanks to Sexy_Mare for their help with their input

The World of Terra originally conceived by FireDrake85

This Story is set on Terra, a world of my devising; all nations and cities, organisations and such will differ from Earth, though some places still retain their Earth names.

"...that's so wonderful... please... please... let me return the favour..."

The alarm clock buzzed like crazy, ringing out its electronic tone into the room with a high pitched "BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ..." as it began to rouse its owner from her dream and back into reality, much to her annoyance. As she grumbled under her breath for being woken by it, her hand fell out from beneath her sheets and lifted up to her bedside table, searching for it, as she tried to find the kill switch upon it. When she did, she didn't hesitate to press it, silencing the clock's tone, as it went back to what it mostly did, portraying the time, while the silence gave her ears much needed relief from its annoying noise.

The mare felt her eyes regain their strength and begin to slowly open as the rest of her body began to awake, causing her to stretch out her arms before she yawned, feeling nicely rested. She lifted herself up upon her bed sitting back against her pillows, while the sheet upon her upper body slipped down to pool around her waist. She surveyed her room for a moment, before rubbing her eyes as they started to focus around her. The sunlight, thankfully, didn't stream towards her face, as she yawned again, her hands stroking her body lightly through her nightshirt.

'What a dream... my, it was certainly comforting, and wonderful,' she thought, as she sighed blissfully, 'Gwen, you really need to find a man in your life...'

Gwen was certainly something to behold, a stunning jewel to be treasured by any willing stallion (or any other species for that matter), who could show much admiration for her; something she so wanted to enjoy again. She was quite beautiful with brown skin, and even darker brown hair, a fine well-shaped body, stunning legs and arms, and a well sculpted face, almost as if crafted by the hands of an artist; her eyes were like gems, green as emeralds, and as she lightly stroked over her chest, she had something to be proud of, an ample, big bust, that would certainly blow the stallions away if they saw her or, rather instead, be eager to offer themselves to be her stud, to let her enjoy their company; the latter was certainly something she would be delighted to have happen to her.

'How long has it been since I had a man with me?' she thought as she removed the bed sheets from her, before sitting up upon the edge of the bed, taking a moment to note the time on the alarm clock, as she felt all over her body. 'After seven, is it? I need to sort out breakfast for the kids, as soon as I... OH!!!'

Her eyes went wide as her hands felt something damp upon her night shirt, and instantly she checked it, her eyes following her arms to the source, a dark patch upon her light blue night shirt, right where it rested against her crotch. Shocked, she took a moment to look where she had laid on the bed and saw that upon the mattress there was another dark stain as well, much to her dislike. 'Did I have another wet dream, again? What was it this time?'

Then she recalled the dream she had had during her sleep, and sighed heavily as she shook her head. She was rather wishing she hadn't recalled it, as it soon began to make itself become fully noticed in her mind, with no desire to back down, despite her willpower trying to. 'Not that one, again,' she thought, as she collected a few items of clothing from her wardrobes, before making her way to the bathroom, hoping that her children were not awake yet. The need to clean her body was great, as it usually was, but more so now that she had discovered what she had done during the night; her dream had been about her kids again, the same one she'd been having for just over two years, ever since their eighteenth birthday.

She had wonderful kids, a son and a daughter, both twins. And each in their own way were wonderful; her son, John, was a tall handsome stallion, athletic, nicely built, fine looks, and quite astounding, and who was studying to be an Olympian one day; while Elizabeth, her daughter, was a beautiful mare, and while she was just shorter than her mother in height, she had a nicely shaped body, the same as Gwen's, and quite an ample chest, smaller than her mother's but just as full, with her studies going towards science and maths and computer skills, her dream being to become a software designer. The pair both shared the same colour skin between them, a dark brown, a trait from their father (who they never saw for unknown reasons, that not even she could understand), and each shared a friendly, loving relationship with each other and their mother.

Her relationship to them was the same as any mother's would be to their children, and yet her dreams showed that her love for them was going beyond that. For ever since they had hit eighteen, her dreams about them had changed, as they had become more sensual, more erotic, more arousing in nature; every dream with them was always the same. Each one always involved her and her children upon her bed, naked, with them tending to one another, whether it was her and her daughter at each other's crotch or her son mounting her or the pair suckling upon her. And while the dreams always differed in how things occurred, they always involved her with her son or her daughter or both of them.

She felt hot and bothered as she recalled the latest wet dream (her son mounting her with her daughter letting Gwen eat her out), and the need to become clean was being changed by it, as she found herself beginning to fantasies about them. Gwen found herself unknowingly desiring some privacy, as she quickly locked the door to the bathroom, before slipping off her nightshirt, and letting it fall to the ground before flicking it over towards the bath. Her snatch was burning with desire, as she found herself lowering a hand to it, her fingers slowly slipping into it and thrusting gently, causing her to moan softly as she did, while she brought her other hand up upon her breasts, massaging them softly, as she found herself thinking of how good looking her son was, imagining the 'package' he might have upon him, and then of her daughter and how much she was growing up to be just like her, even going so far as to imagining them embracing each other, caressing each other's bodies.

'Oh, why must I think of them like this?' she thought, not wanting to do this, wishing to stop, though her heart was quick to answer against that, 'Because they've been the only ones who have given you any love all these years since they were born, the only ones who have cared about you so much.'

She found herself slipping down onto the floor, as she continued, her desire to stop herself overridden by a desire to just continue to fantasies about them. Her finger continued thrusting into her, now faster while she groped and rubbed her breasts much more, her mouth still moaning, but not too loudly that her kids, if they were awake, couldn't hear, 'They're so good to me, but I don't want to force them into something like this...' 'And yet, what's so wrong about returning their love and attention to you in equal measure? John is certainly someone who could do with it, if I recall...'

Her visions of John in her mind, reminded her of how much he had grown up over the years, but even after becoming a teen, he'd never be able to find a girl, though like any grown teen of his age, that didn't stop him browsing the internet and looking up pictures of them, naked. And yet, even after moving into the area a year ago, he still hadn't found one, and she had felt worried he might lose confidence in himself, that he might not find someone to date.

As for her daughter though, she was alright, and she hadn't found any problems with her at all, since she became a teen; she had friends and admirers, from both sides, and lately, Gwen had found her daughter spending time with girls as well as boys, even kissing them (which she had nothing against, she had just the same interest in them as well), so Elizabeth didn't have many problems finding dates and more, if she desired it.

'Think about it, Gwen; when has John been out on a date?' her heart asked her, and she noted how he never had, making her wonder how long before it would become an issue for him, 'He needs to know love, he needs to know he will be perfect for anyone... Maybe you should show him that... Maybe you should-' her heart never finished what it was suggesting to her.

She gasped, her eyes going wide, as she felt her snatch explode. She hit her peak and broken past it, causing her juices to flow out over her fingers and onto the floor below, as she panted heavily. She moaned softly from the relief before her eyes slowly drifted their gaze towards the floor. She shook her head as continued panting, noting the mess she had made. 'Great...'

Not only did she have to clean herself, now that she had eased her aroused body, she'd have to clean the bathroom up before her kids decided to use it that morning...

"Done," Elizabeth said cheerfully, giggling, as she pushed her plate back along the table, having finished off last of her eggs and toast, her grapefruit as well, which she hollowed out completely; it was one of her favourite parts of breakfast.

Her brother wasn't finished though; he was still chewing upon his last slice of toast, as he watched his sister beam with joy at having enjoyed her mother's cooking, as she usually di. He just remained neutral in that regard, as he was more satisfied to have something simple to enjoy.

"Well, Elizabeth, you always finish everything off," Gwen replied, smiling as she took another sip of her coffee, her own breakfast pretty much gone as well, "You sure make me proud to see that."

Elizabeth beamed with joy, happy to hear that, "I'm glad, mother." She slowly stood up, before picking up her plate, and her glass; her orange juice that had been in it, was already gone along with her food. "John, you done yet?" she asked her brother, pointing to his plate, the remnants of his food, a scattering of toast dust, was all that was left of it, as he continued chewing on the last bit in his mouth.

He swallowed what he had in his mouth, before sighing, resting his head in the palm of his hand upon the table, as he spoke, somewhat distantly, "Yeah, sis..." Elizabeth took the plate, and then her mother's, before heading to the kitchen to wash them.

Gwen noted her son's behaviour, and as any concerned mother would do, asked the usual question, "What's wrong, hun?" She finished off the rest of her coffee.

"Oh..." he sighed again, rather disappointed about something. He didn't feel like speaking, but with his mother's attention on him, it didn't seem to matter, and so he continued, "I had a date tonight, all set up and everything..."

'A date?' she thought, 'He had a date? He found someone at last; so then what went wrong?' She was perplexed, and so she asked about it, wishing to hear from him about the details.

"I found this really great looking girl, a zebra; beautiful hair, nice stripes, really good personality," the thought of this girl, made him sigh again in sorrow, as his eyes drooped, aimed towards the surface of the table, "I thought I hit it off with her; and then I found out about a couple of days ago, that she blew me off for some stud who was better looking than me..." a tear formed in his eyes, as he recalled the moment. It flowed along his cheek before dripping down onto the table. "Why did she have to do that to me?"

"Oh, John..." Gwen brought herself around to him, and cradled him against her, comforting him; she couldn't believe that had happened, the first time he had gotten a date, and he'd been blown off before he'd had a chance to enjoy it. "You have nothing to be upset about, my dear. That girl doesn't know what she was thinking about, doing that to you. You know, girls like her, they should never think about a guy just on looks alone..."

"They shouldn't, mom?" Elizabeth asked, as she returned having finished cleaning, noting the sadness in her brother's face. She watched as her mother nodded her head in response to her daughter, as she continued cradling her brother.

"John, any girl would love to go out with you, and not because of how you look," she assured him, lifting his head so she could gaze into his eyes, smiling warmly at him. "I should know because you're a wonderful son to me, just as wonderful as your sister. Right, Elizabeth?" Her daughter nodded in response. "And any girl would love a sweet, gentle, thoughtful person like you."

Her son sniffed a bit, as he wiped away a tear, before looking up at her, still upset, but feeling a little better for the moment, "But why didn't she ask about me? Why did she just hang out with me without thinking about it?"

"Because the girl only thought of one thing; that you were good looking, and never thought of anything else," Gwen answered, as she dried his eyes gently, "That girl will never find someone to love her as good as she thinks; for all we'll know, that stud might fall for someone better looking than her and dump her, and then she'll soon regret ever ditching you for him."

He smiled a bit, not because of those last words, but because of how his mother had comforted him, "Thanks mom. You think I should find someone else then?" His mother nodded in response.

"Yeah, you should. I mean mom knows best, after all," Elizabeth spoke up, giggling a bit, "I mean that's why I found Cathy; she like's my bubbly personality, not to mention my eyes..."

Gwen took a moment to question her daughter about the name she just mentioned, learning her daughter was now dating her second girl, though thankfully, from the sounds of things, a little better than last time; her last date, her first girl, had dumped her at the cinema three months ago, much to her mother's annoyance at the time, not to mention how much it broke Elizabeth's heart. It took her four weeks to get over it, before she moved on.

John stood up and kissed his mother upon her cheek, "Thanks, mom. You've always been there for us, haven't you? Looked out for us, helped us with our problems..."

Gwen smiled, as she embraced him warmly, "Of course. John, I know you'll find someone, someone who'll care about you and love you as much as you will for them."

"Like you, mother?" he asked. The question caused Gwen to end the embrace, a tear forming in her eye as she recalled how long it had been since she had been with another man.

'How long has it been since I felt, so... special... so loved? How long... twenty years?' she thought, as she tried to recall the days back then, and how she had been in her youth.

It had been twenty years indeed, twenty long years to be precise; such a long time for her since she had been in the embrace of a loving, caring, passionate man. She remembered how things had been like in her youth, how she had been shy, and never much of a talker as she grew up. She found it difficult to be noticed, always watching as every good guy out there was picked up by every girl with such ease, while she felt alone, unable to do so, as she always felt nervous and often backed away. She even had a thing for the girls too, but she still had the same problem when it came to approaching them. Her confidence slipped so low, she thought she would never find love.

That's when it happened, when a tall stud of a stallion approached her, seeing how lowly she was, and when he met her, he complimented her on her looks, on her personality, and how they made so special. On that day, she fell in love with him, loving him for his dark brown skin, his body, his face, his kiss, his voice, and his kindness. She sighed, as she remembered the days they spent at diners, theatres, embracing each other, loving each other, and the passionate nights they had, she always enjoyed them, loving how fun things were and the little games they did to spice things up. Then she recalled the day she had the news that she was pregnant and how her lover had smiled. They spent days thinking of names, the clothes to get, a home to stay in, and on the day that she went into the hospital, the moment she bore his children, the loving twins, her final memories of him, was how he cradled the children, smiling at each.

And then, he was gone; not a trace of him left behind, no message and no answer to his actions, nothing to explain why he had done so, why he left her all alone like that, with two children to care for. She never did get anything to explain that; she could never even remember his name, leaving him to be always the tall, dark stranger she met. She never found another like him, for the need to support her children after his departure, was great, and she could never bring herself to find someone like him again.

Thankfully she had family to help her through things, her father helped to care for her and keep her safe for a while, even find her a home to live in, while her mother helped with her children tending to them like she done with Gwen and her sister, Sarah, who to this day, helped out, even still sending money over to help continue to maintain a roof over her family, and put food on their plates, and all spent time with her when they could, with her and her children; they were wonderful memories indeed.

Of course, while the years might have been long, her most fondest memories of them, were her children who certainly made them memorable for her, whether it was from good grades, wonderful presents, their achievements in sport events, or outdoor activities they did well in, always they did it to impress her, and to keep her happy. Even when they were older, and she could get some part-time work to get out of the house, they still treated her so wonderfully with as much care and love for her as they could give.

Over a year ago, they lived in a suburb in the capitol, and things seemed fine for the fourteen years they spent their. But a fire broke out, while they had been away on vacation, and when they returned, they found their house had been turned into a complete smouldering wreck. It took two months of living with her parents and waiting for news, before the cause was discovered (a faulty boiler part that had been installed shortly before they left) and the insurance money came through after that, after which, they moved down to New Bayview, and purchased another place, a two-storey house like their old one, which while a slight bit smaller, was still spacious; a decent sized kitchen and spacious living room, a small study, three well-sized bedrooms for them all, and a modern bathroom, with space in the attic that Gwen was considering to get converted into another room at some point. And yet, despite the move, her kids had done fine, both finding friends (Elizabeth more), and settling in well; yet she still remained single and alone, though it never bothered her too much at all, even when the kids were around.

She smiled warmly, as her mind returned her to the present, to the question her son had given; he had been quite thoughtful about her a lot lately, and she loved it. She nuzzled her son along his face, hugging him, "Yes, my son. Even I will find someone soon to make me feel... special, again." She embraced him more, kissing his cheek.

"Aw..." Elizabeth sighed happily; the moment was quite a heartfelt one and one she couldn't resist. She joined in the hug, her arms tightly held around the pair, as she nuzzled each of them; the love of the family for each other was strong indeed.

When all was finished and done, and the three had to let go of each other, Gwen finally gave her son one more peck on his cheek, "So what do you two have going on today; anything good, perhaps?"

Elizabeth spoke up first with her reply, "I'm going out with Cathy today and the others; we're going to see that new love movie that came out recently, and then afterwards, we might go round to her place, maybe enjoy another..."

John answered next, "Well, I was going to hang out by myself, but, thanks to you mom," he smiled to her, "I might as well check up on the guys, and see if they've got any free time this evening; wouldn't mind seeing if we can try out that new game at the arcade. If not, well, we'll just hang out for the afternoon at the park, and then I'll just chill back here and watch TV this evening."

"Well, if you do, maybe we can see about finishing off that little game we had going, last Saturday..." Gwen responded, giggling a bit, "If I recall, I was winning four to two matches against you..."

John sniggered, "Well, that was only because you kept distracting me, mom..." he chuckled, before he continued, "Well, if I do come back, maybe we can, okay?" He nuzzled her, much to her delight.

Gwen nodded, giggling, "Okay. Now, you two go out and have some fun, alright? Mommy has so housework to do this morning, and... Elizabeth?" Her daughter looked at her, wondering what her mother had to say to her, "If you're staying round your friend's house, call me, okay?"

Elizabeth nodded, and each of her kids gave her a quick kiss upon her cheeks, before heading out, the front door closing behind them as they left, but not before calling out, "Bye, mom", before they left. Gwen sighed, as she smiled; she had wonderful kids. That's when she felt it again, her snatch aroused as she found herself, weirdly, fantasying about them again, though not by a dream this time, and she found herself drifting a hand down to her crotch again.

'Gods, please... they're my kids...' she thought, but her heart argued back, urging her hand to deal with her arousal, as it spoke. 'And yet, they love you more than you realise...'

"...sorry, man, but I've got commitments tonight," the stallion heard from his friend, as he answered John's question.

John had met up with his friends who had suggested going to their usual diner for lunch. The place was quiet, except for a slight commotion in the corner closest to them. Other than that, most of the other diners were just enjoying their meals.

John sighed, "Really? Ah well, that's not a problem." He watched as his friend, a zebra with light brown stripes, ate some more of his fries, before turning to the other at his table. "I'm guessing it's the same with you, Josh, right?"

His other friend, a husky with black fur and white patches over his underbelly and hands, nodded in response, "Sorry, but you're right. I promised mom I'd look after my brothers tonight. I bet those two will drive me crazy again, as usual."

John sighed again; slightly annoyed his friends were busy, but smiled gently, as it didn't bother him much. He went back to drinking his soda; his food lay before him as he waited for the next response.

"Hey, wait; Gnahin, what commitments exactly?" Josh asked, the question had popped up just as he was about to have his cheeseburger; he obviously was curious as to what the Zebra's plans were.

Gnahin just grinned, having finished his fries before pushing his plate back on the table, "Oh, that... I got a date with Sophie tonight." The other two stared at him, before looking at each other. Josh quickly asked how he managed it, "Simple, I used my good looks and charms, and scored a date with her. That and... well let's just say I had deep sympathies for her. That jerk, Tyson, ditched her on Tuesday. I'm hoping to help make her forget him, and perhaps if she'll like, let me make her feel better." His grin grew a little bigger.

The pair looked at each other, blinking before Josh responded. "You mean..." he motioned with sounds and hand signals, which perplexed the zebra, until he understood what his friend meant, slightly offended at the suggestion in his actions.

"No, Josh!!" he exclaimed, "Not that, sheesh... I mean, I'm going to do everything I can to make her feel special, to feel loved and wanted. Not force myself on her; what do you take me for, some perverted creep?!?"

John snickered under his breath at his friend's reaction, "I don't, and I'm proud you want to do something good for her. She's not been lucky with many guys, as I've heard."

Gnahin, after swatting the husky with his tail for his misinterpretation of his words, focused on John, smiling a bit; at least John understood him better, "Yeah. I have to admit, I've always loved her. I just never had the courage to talk to her, until this week. Guess seeing her upset at being ditched one too many times finally gave me the reason to speak to her."

"It's good to hear that, Gnahin," John replied, giving his friend a thumb up for his actions. "Wish I could find someone to love me for the person I am, someday." He sighed as he recalled being dumped by what should have been his girlfriend.

"Hey, come on, John," Josh spoke, leaning over and placing a hand on his shoulder to try to assure him, "You'll find someone eventually; it's just a matter of time. There's bound to be someone who's just perfect for ya." Gnahin nodded in agreement, adding his own support behind the comforting words.

"Yeah, I guess," the stallion sighed happily, as he thought over the words. Something within those words starting making him think of one person, someone he wasn't sure he should be thinking of and yet, his heart said there was nothing wrong about it, rather encouraging him to accept what he felt about them, almost even taking control of his voice, "You know... the only person who I've truly ever loved for who they are, has always been my mother. Even more, with how she's raised me and my twin sister since we were born. Maybe, just maybe, I might..." his voice trailed off, as if reason compelled him to stop speaking the truth his heart wanted him to say.

"Wait; hold up... why are you suddenly talking about your mother like that, John?" Gnahin asked, quite perplexed and curious by how his friend had suddenly trailed off, and he soon began considering the possibility he had on his mind, which to him, sound almost too true to take in, as he continued, "Wait, you don't mean what I think you mean? You 'really' love her; not just as a son?"

John noted his friend's reaction and thought it over, 'Strange... I've never said anything like this before... Do I really mean what I'm saying; about how much I love her?' He tried to think over his own question, but his heart quickly answered it for him, 'Well, how much 'do' you love her? As a son, that would be good, but you've loved her more than that for a while now, a lot more in fact... So maybe you mean it more than you realise... And don't deny it...' That caused him to answer his friend's question, with something rather unpredictable, "More than I really think, actually..."

His friends looked between themselves, shocked, surprised and rather taken aback by the stallion's answer, before they manage to compose themselves and respond, Josh being the first, "Wait; you mean, you actually love her more than just being a mother? You find her 'that' attractive?"

Gnahin quickly added to the questions, "You mean you want to love her like a partner? Actually 'do it' with her?"

John didn't know what to think, as he gave his answer to their questions, "I don't know. I've never felt like this before, and yet..." he recalled all the things he and his sister had done with her, how much they had made her happy, and realised, that not in any of their years growing up had she had found anyone to fall in love with, "...and yet, I've never realised how lonely she is; how much she hasn't had anyone to love her as a woman. I mean she's spent all of her time looking after us, and yet, even with us being old enough to look after ourselves, she still hasn't found someone. I don't want her to be lonely. I..." He couldn't deny what he felt now, and his final words confirmed it, "I want to be hers, to make her special, to give her what she needs..." He sighed in bliss, as he thought of his mother.

Josh was quite taken aback by the words and his friend's reaction to them, quite shocked, before he quickly criticised his friend, shaking his head, "Oh, great... you're not falling in with that lot over there..." he pointed to the booth in the corner, where a group of teens just a bit younger than the three of them sat; a dragon, a vixen, a wolf, an alligator, a shark, and a zebra, who all were talking and having a laugh amongst themselves. "I can't understand why they're so into certain women like your mother, I mean why not think of those who ar-"

Gnahin swatted Josh again, glaring at him, rather annoyed, "Hey, I don't see anything wrong about it. Besides..." his eyes glanced at the groups before looking back at the husky, " younger brother, Gillian, is part of that group you pointed out; you've not got a problem with what he's into?" Josh glanced over and apologized when he noticed the zebra in amongst them; he knew about Ganhin's brother.

"No, I don't have anything against it. I just meant, that I can't understand it, but..." he glanced at John, and could see how he felt, before deciding to voice his opinion on the matter, "...maybe you should find out, how much she feels about you, before you jump to the wrong conclusions. I mean, find out if she's loves you more than just as her son." The zebra nodded in agreement, calming down; he could see the sensible reasoning behind Josh's words.

"Maybe, I mean, I..." John tried to answer, but he found himself becoming conflicted in the matter, something his heart tried to fight back against, 'Hey, why not? Come on, maybe she feels the same about you just as well...' Gnahin could see the confliction in John's face, and thought over how to best resolve how he felt on the matter.

"Listen, give me a moment," the zebra asked, before leaving the table, and walking over to the group. Josh and John watched, as he approached them, and began talking with his brother, who quickly went into discussion with the others before speaking to Gnahin. The zebra nodded and walked back with the group watching him, as he settled back at the table with his friends.

"My brother and his friends are in agreement with you Josh, on what you suggested," Gnahin spoke, before focusing his attention on John, "You should find out, before you jump into things. Though he also admitted that your mother, and I quote this from him, he said, "You're mother is hot, and definitely needs a man's touch upon her." He's not the only one," he glanced at the group, where a couple of the boys waved over, before he continued, "His friends Sean and Rick have seen your mother at that convenience store she works at part-time; they feel the same way as well."

"Wow..." the stallion was quite surprised to hear that, as he glanced towards the table. The group waved at him, and gave him hand signals of good luck before they went back to their discussions. "That's something I didn't expect to hear..."

"Yeah, well... it certainly was a break in things for him with what they were talking about," the zebra remarked, shrugging his shoulders as if there wasn't a care in the world, "I think my brother told me about that yesterday; how his friend, Flare (he's the dragon in that lot), has been having an unusual problem the last few days, but what it is, he won't say exactly. Not my brother, his friend I mean; Gillian thinks he's embarrassed about it, and I kinda agree with him."

"Yeah, well Gnahin, let's not change the subject, okay," Josh replied, before looking over to John; a thought had crossed his mind, something that had piqued his curiosity, and that he had to ask about, "John, you know how you're feeling about your mother, well... is it the same with your sister?"

"Actually, now that you mention it," the stallion began answering, his mind focusing on their conversation rather than the matter the zebra had mentioned about his brother's friend, "I feel attracted to her as well, and she does with me, but I'm not too sure about that or whether she feels the same with my mother. Maybe she has the same feelings about me and her as well, I mean... she's just like her, they both like men and women."

"Really; well that's somethi-... wait, did you just say your sister likes both sexes???" Josh responded; that was a surprise to hear, rather unexpected in fact. "You mean she's bi?" he exclaimed, rather loudly out of shock.

"Not so loud, Josh, sheesh... you want everyone in here to hear that?" John uttered, getting his friend to calm down and keep it quiet, "I can't believe you didn't know about that. You practically adore her."

Gnahin sniggered, "I did." His sniggers turned into chuckles at Josh's reaction, before he calmed down, "I found out three weeks ago. She has quite a thing for both sides; you should see how she is around her latest friend."

Josh just remained stunned for a moment, his mouth hanging open, before he finally regained his senses, "My god, I wish I had known sooner, that was a complete..." He stopped talking as he looked towards John, rather surprised, while the zebra grinned as he noted the husky's reaction, before looking at John, or rather what was behind him.

"Guys, what are you looking at exac-" his voice stopped as he found a pair of hands quickly covering his eyes; rather soft ones in fact, familiar ones. Almost as if they were his...

"Hey, my lovey-dovey buckaroo of a brother," he heard, followed by a trio of giggles behind him. He groaned annoyingly; he knew who it was instantly.

"Gah-h-h-h!!!" he uttered, as he removed the hands from his face, "Sis," he looked behind him, rather annoyed, as Elizabeth giggled at his reaction, "I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that again, Elizabeth?"

As he guessed, Elizabeth was with her friends, her new friend Cathy, a feline with a brown tabby coat of fur and light blue eyes (and a rather nice body he had to admit), and Yenna, an eagle with mottled brown feathers, and orange eyes (and just as good a body as Cathy's as well).

"You did," she grinned at him, deviously, "But I didn't." She watched with delight as he groaned again, seeing how much he wished she wouldn't call him that again.

"What do you want anyway, sis?" he asked, once he could get over his embarrassment, and the annoyed feeling towards his sister.

"Have you seen, April?" she asked, her friends looking at him inquisitively as she explained further, "She was coming out with us to the pictures, and we haven't seen her much this morning."

"Oh, she's at the salon at the moment, she's been getting her hair done," Josh answered, much to the surprise of his friends, who stared at him, slightly perplexed and bewildered. He noted their reactions, "What?"

"Thanks, Josh," Elizabeth replied, giggling, as she brought herself round to him, and gave him a light kiss, "Okay, guys, see ya." And with that, the trio of girls headed for the door, leaving the diner, as they giggled between themselves, whilst Josh just watched them, rather enthralled with John's sister as he watched her body sway before she left.

"Er, Terra to Josh, Terra to Josh," John spoke, waving his hand in front of his friend until he managed to bring him back to reality.

"Sorry," he blushed a bit, embarrassed at what he had done in front of the other two, while the pair laughed at his reaction. "Well, she is..." she looked at John and quickly asked if he wouldn't mind voicing his feelings, the stallion showing he didn't, "...I think she's hot."

"Aww," Gnahin said, rather teasingly, "Josh has a crush on Elizabeth." The pair chuckled again, before Josh got them to change the subject, and focus back on the remainder of their meals, which were going to get cold if they kept chatting away about any more trivial matters.

As they continued talking and eating (not at the same time, mind you), Gnahin watched as his younger brother and his friend, the alligator, walked pass, making their way out, while still discussing something as they did, which almost anyone could hear between them.

"...but I don't get it still. Gillian, how can his mother be alright with his late nights all of a sudden? I thought she was being tough but fair with him on that; why the sudden change?"

"Don't ask me about it, Sean. I'm more interested in that other matter he won't discuss about. What's so embarrassing that he won't tell us?"

"I don't know. Let's just get to the cinema, alright; I don't want to miss the start of the film..."

'Why must I keep thinking about them like that? Can't I just think of them normally?'

Gwen had spent the morning doing a considerable amount housework while the kids were out, washing clothes, cleaning rooms, and when that had been done she took the moment to check her computer, to which a few e-mails had come through, one from her sister who was informing her that she'd be receiving some more money by the end of the month. After that, she had a couple of errands to run, and now, with the morning now gone and it being the afternoon, she was taking a walk, for some clean, fresh air, trying to empty her mind of some unwanted thoughts.

'Those wonderful children of mine... Why must I keep thinking of them like that?' She was lost in her thoughts, trying to resist what her heart was urging her to accept. 'Because, Gwen, they are the only ones who understand you, who love you. The only ones who can fill that void you've so wanted to find something for, for twenty years.'

Despite the fact the weather was fine, the traffic on the street was light, and the surrounding neighbourhood was quiet, she just couldn't focus on any of it. Her thoughts were plaguing her and keeping her focus on them; her heart yearned for her to do something she was uncertain of, and her mind urged her not to listen, that it was wrong.

'Why can I not talk about this with my family?' she thought; it was a delicate matter, something she could discuss with her mother, her sister, an aunt maybe. And yet, she didn't have the courage to do so; it made her wish she had friends to fall back on instead. A year into their new house and neighbourhood, and she hadn't made any, not like her children. She sighed, as her thoughts were plagued once again by her heart and mind arguing between themselves.

'Gwen, you must stop this. You can't keep thinking about them, of what you wish to do with them, not that.' 'But Gwen, they could fulfil what you desire, to give you love and tender care, to make you feel special again.' 'Gwen, what if they don't feel the same? You could be making a mistake.' 'You saw how John was right, Gwen? He needs someone to love him for whom he is, to care for him more than a son.' 'Gwen...' 'Gwen...' 'Gwen...' 'Gwen...'

'STOP IT!!!!' She closed her eyes as she struggled to clear her mind. In doing so, she wasn't paying much attention to where she was walking, although neither was the person in front of her, when it happened. "Oomph," she called out, as she and the other collided and fell upon the sidewalk, both crying out a bit as they landed hard on the concrete.

"Ow..." Gwen moaned, as she felt her back becoming sore. As she lifted herself up, she opened her eyes to see who she had collided with. Before her was quite an attractive female orca in a nice pair of jean shorts and a tight top, which certainly defined her bust. The orca was taking the moment to recover to, as she lifted herself up, her arm behind her back as she rubbed over the areas that were sore.

"Ow... oh, my..." she uttered, wishing she had been paying attention; she too had kept her eyes closed, more focused on something on her mind. As she opened her eyes, she spotted the mare across from her. "Oh... I am so sorry; I wasn't paying much attention and well, I kinda ran into you..."

"No, no, please..." Gwen spoke, feeling just as guilty as the orca, though more, "It was my fault; I was trying to clear my mind and well... Here," she stood up and helped the orca up; she continued insisting the fault was hers. "Please, I should have been more careful."

"It's alright," the orca assured her, as she stood up with help from the mare, before she continued, "I've been thinking about my friend of late and what she's been doing. She's changed just recently, and well... I've been thinking about what could have brought it on. Guess I should have done the thinking at home." The orca giggled a little; oddly, since she was being open about what she had been thinking, she was curious to know what the mare had been thinking, even if it was a stranger she had never met before, "What exactly was on your mind?"

"Oh," Gwen didn't know if she could say something to a stranger she just met, but the orca seemed quite gentle and kind; she considered it for a moment. 'What harm could there be?' she thought, before opting to reply, "Well, I've been having problems and I..." She stopped talking, and considered that there might have been something wrong about saying it, but the orca smiled gently.

"It's okay. Whatever your problem is, there's nothing wrong about discussing it," she looked around and noted a bench nearby, ushering the mare over to it. As they sat, she realised something, "Oh, but let's not be strangers at least whilst we're talking. Name's Teak, Teak Bozenada, and I live nearby, in fact on the cul-de-sac just down the street." The orca pointed along the street from the direction she had come from.

"Oh... well it's... it's nice to meet you," Gwen responded, shaking her hand, "Gwen, Gwen Hurnen, I live down the road that way," pointing in the opposite direction, "I've been living here for the best part of a year."

"Well, I've lived here for a lot longer than that, though I hail from San Ternisco originally. I still have a sister out that way," she replied, before returning to her original question, "So, what exactly are your problems?"

"You sure you want to hear them?" Gwen asked, rather wondering if it was still wise to actually talk about it. "I mean, I'm not sure..."

"Don't worry; I don't mind hearing you out. I listen to a lot of problems, mostly from my friends, but I listen to a fair number of them from others," she answered, smiling gently at her, before she let the mare continue.

"Well..." she thought it best to start from the beginning, and discussed everything about her life, how she had raised two wonderful kids, moving into the area, and such, with Teak listening to her and every word she said. "...and, well, I've found myself... kind of dreaming about them, rather... erotically..."

"Oh???" she heard the orca gasp, before Teak responded further, "My... you're like my friend, Nova. She's the same as you... well, was the same as you; I'm not sure about that anymore."

"What do you mean, "was the same", Teak?" Gwen asked, rather curious about the orca's words.

"Well, she had issues like you," Teak explained, "She has a son, a very good looking one, I have to admit. Flare is his name, and she had trouble resisting her urges around him. Of course, she's been different for the past few days; rather cheery in fact," she added, as she thought over her friend's behaviour, again, as she had before colliding into Gwen. "The point is you might be having urges about them, maybe because of something that triggered them. Did anything happen to make you feel that way?"

"Well, now that you ask it, I think so," the mare started; she had a feeling the orca may have been on to something. Teak certainly had asked a good question, and as she searched her memories, she could recall two moments that could be considered by her, to be the root of the issue. In fact she believed they triggered how she felt, and both occurred close to each other over two years ago, back when they lived in Union City...

Two Years Ago

"Elizabeth? You have anything that needs washing?"

Gwen called up the stairs patiently waiting, but there was no reply. She tried again, calling up much louder, but still no reply, yet she knew her daughter was up there. It took a moment before she heard water running in the bathroom, and from this, she realised that Elizabeth was taking a shower, and probably couldn't hear her clearly.

'Better go up and ask through the door,' she thought, as she began to climb the stairs. The sound of the water splashing in the shower was certainly getting louder, but as she got to the top, she heard a loud gasp, followed by a moan, both coming from the bathroom. 'Elizabeth?'

She became concerned, wondering if her daughter was alright, as she reached the door, and opened it, before peaking in, "What's wrong, Eli-..." She stopped dead in her tracks, becoming silent as she stared inside the room.

Inside the shower, her daughter was washing herself like she expected she was, but the sight of her naked body was something. She had seen quite a few girls in her teen years, and she had to admit they were really gorgeous, but her daughter, she was something else, as her mother gazed over, awe struck by her beauty. Her eyes took note of how her breasts were big, not as big as hers, but still quite as full as them, and as she looked over the rest of her, she had to admit her body was coming along just fine.

But she was still curious to know why she had sounded like she had been in distress, and the answer soon was revealed as she turned around; she realised why she had gasped and moaned, as she saw her daughter's hand upon her crotch, with her fingers lightly rubbing her snatch. She was thankful her daughter had her eyes closed, so she didn't realise she was being watched. Yet even so, she slowly began to push them in, gasping again as she did. It was quite an arousing sight for Gwen, who could not resist licking her lips, but thankfully, the realisation of what she was doing sunk in, that, and the fact she had no wish to watch her daughter anymore; in fact she felt herself blush in embarrassment, as well as gulp a bit. Quietly, she pulled her head back and closed the door.

She breathed deeply, sighing in relief, though her thoughts did not forget what she had seen. 'Gods, she's so...' she stopped herself thinking the next bit, shaking her head; she didn't want to walk down that path. As she walked away, leaving Elizabeth to shower, the truth about her daughter and what she had seen, dawned on her, 'She's not a kid anymore...'

Two Days Later

"...and with that, the President hopes to ensure an aid package is given to the worst affected areas along the eastern coastline of Saharica. And now; onto sports..."

'Pzzt' sounded the TV. The screen went black, as she switched it off. Gwen didn't know why she was watching the news, probably because she had been bored with the program before it.

The house was quiet with it being so late in the night; Elizabeth was likely still busy doing a 'natter' on the internet, or sending messages through her instant messenger; most kids were quite social between themselves in this modern age; while John, well that was different matter. She hadn't heard much from his room since he went in there after nine, when she had just gone to use the bathroom. She assumed he might be busy on a video game.

Still, there was no need to be concerned; it was time she got some sleep, as she yawned slightly. She made certain that the front door was locked firmly, before switching off the lights downstairs and making her way to her room, climbing the stairs.

As she did, she decided it would be best to just check on the kids before turning in for the night. Her daughter was indeed still up as she had guessed, and likely to be up for quite a while still, from how much she could hear typing coming from inside her room through the door. She was tempted to enter and wish her a good night, but the memory of the incident in the bathroom a couple of days ago, scared her a little, and made her think otherwise.

This left only her son to check on, and so she went to the door to his room across from her sister's, and opened it slightly ajar; there was no sound coming from his room, and the light inside it wasn't on, which led her to guess he was asleep. The sound of him groaning a bit, though, caught her attention, so she poked her head in carefully. His room was not too well illuminated despite the light from the hallway streaming in, but she could see him as best as she could; he was lying on his side upon his bed, covered by his sheets; she could hear that he was as, she had figured, asleep, facing towards the door. She had no wish to wake him, or watch him more, but as she decided to leave him alone and pull back he shifted once more, lying upon his back. As she watched this happen, her movement froze, as her eyes grew wide and focused upon him.

Her gaze began to travel down his body until it fell upon his crotch, where she spotted, despite the gloom, a sizeable bulge beneath the sheets, a big one at that; she could not believe the size of it. As he groaned again, she noticed movement around the bulge, and her mouth hung open as she watched it grow bigger underneath them. Another groan was released by him, and she watched out of stunned awe, as he slipped a hand beneath his sheet, which travelled down to the bulge, and when it got there, he moaned softly in his sleep, seeing a smile form on his mouth. She was shocked, as she saw the bulge of his hand move around the bulge of his crotch; he was masturbating in his sleep. She gulped, having no desire to watch any further, and quickly regained her senses, pulling back as she quietly closed the door. She took a deep breath, as she calmed herself, though the scene was now etched in her memory just as the incident in the bathroom.

'Oh, god... why couldn't I have just left him alone like I should have...' she thought, trying to force both memories out of her mind, though it was in vain, as the memories remained firmly in place and not budging.

She was still awestruck by what she had seen, and while her mind told her not to even think of it, she found herself unknowingly letting her tongue slip out of her mouth licking her lips, imagining what he had upon him there, and then thinking of the two naked alongside each other. It soon proved to be much for her body to cope with, and soon she felt a burning sensation upon her crotch.

She gasped, as she realised what she was doing, and yet, she could not ignore how aroused her body was. She quickly, and quietly, dashed to the bathroom. Something below needed a lot of attention, and she had to give it what it needed, urgently, even it was from fantasising about her kids...

Present Day

"...I was left panting after that, and, well, I guess I've been unable to stop thinking about them ever since, despite my best efforts," Gwen finished explaining, as she waited for the orca's reaction.

"Wow..." was all Teak answered with, rather stunned by the mare's story, before she finally continued, "You really sound just like my friend, Nova. I mean she told us... well... we found out she was falling for her son, being a single mother like you, and we got worried about it."

"So as her friend, what did you suggest she do?" Gwen asked, curious as to whether the orca might yield an answer to her own dilemma.

"Well, we told her to be careful, to not let things go too far, but..." she hesitated for a moment, as Teak considered her views on that matter, "...well things changed with her of late. She's been happier, more focused on things, and her concerns on her son just disappeared like smoke and... (She hasn't, has she?)," she shook her head, not believing the notion her mind had thought of, "No... no, no... I'm sure she's found someone, it might explain why she's been like that..."

Gwen tilted her head, a little perplexed by the words, and somewhat concerned, "Is she alright?"

"I can't say," Teak simply replied, "Maybe me and my friends should talk to her about that. Anyway..." she returned to what she was discussing with the mare, "The point I'm getting at, is you just need to be careful about this. But..." Teak considered the likely outcome of things if Gwen couldn't resist her urges, "...maybe you should find out how they feel about you. I mean, with how much they've treated you all this time, maybe they feel the same way with you as well. At least find out about that, before you do something you might regret later."

"Well, I'll try to," Gwen answered. It was a viable idea, though she was left confused about something that she needed clarified, "But didn't you warn your friend, Nova, about not doing this? To be careful, like you said?"

"Yeah, but..." the orca sounded as if she wasn't sure about that suggestion she and her friends ad given, and her response to Gwen's question confirmed it, "...I don't know. I mean, after she told us, I began thinking about it some more. I mean, why shouldn't she love her son more? I thought long and hard on this, and to be honest, I don't care what she does. I mean if her son could fill the hole in her heart she's had since raising him and to feel special again, who are we to deny that? I don't know what the others think, but that's how I feel on it. In fact, I would gladly support Nova, no matter what she does."

"Do you think you would feel the same way with me?" Gwen asked, quite touched by how she supported her friend so well, even smiling gently at the orca.

"Do I feel the same with you, Gwen? Well..." Teak took a moment to think about it, but gave her a warm smile, as she answered, "We may have only met today but... yes. I think I do. You're children sound wonderful, and I would gladly support whatever decision you make. In fact..." she took out her smartphone, "I wouldn't mind staying in touch with you. Want to trade numbers?"

Gwen nodded, and the pair exchanged their home and mobile numbers. "You know, I've spent a year without someone to talk to, but..."

Teak giggled, interrupting her, "...but now you have someone for just that. Hey..." her eyes sparkled, as an idea came to her, "Maybe you'd like to come to our coffee mornings? I mean, if my friends don't mind, I'd love to introduce you to them. Interested?"

Gwen beamed, and nodded; the idea sounded wonderful to her, "Of course." The pair giggled for a moment at the prospect of the mare meeting the orca's friends.

"TEAK!!" a voice called out from down the street, catching the pair's attention. The pair noticed a dragoness approach them, before the orca smiled at her.

"Lyla, how are you today?" she asked, as she stood up, greeting her, "Are the kids alright?"

"Yes, Teak, they are," she replied, Lyla taking a moment to hug her friend, before noticing the mare sitting just behind her, "Oh? Who's this, Teak?"

"Oh, this is my new friend," Teak explained, as the mare stood up; she liked the sound of being called a friend by Teak; before the orca introduced the two to each other, "Lyla, Gwen. Gwen, Lyla." The pair shook hands, complimenting the other's appearance in the process.

"It is nice meeting you, Gwen," Lyla spoke, her eyes looking over the mare, taking in her form again, "I have to say, you look stunning." Gwen giggled and returned the compliment before the pair giggled once more at each other's kind words to their appearance.

"Lyla, I hope you don't mind, but I thought she could join our coffee mornings with the other girls," Teak spoke, "I mean, if you and the others don't mind about it?"

"No, it's not a problem. We'll have to talk to the other three about it, Reena, Vicky, Nova... Oh, that reminded me, we need to talk about her," Lyla stated, as she motioned Teak back towards their homes, before returning her attention to Gwen, "Again, nice meeting you. I hope we see each other again soon."

"Likewise," Gwen said, nodding, as she gave a fond goodbye to Teak, happy to have met her as she watched the pair walk down the street, hearing their conversation as it faded into silence.

"So, what about Nova did you want to talk about then, Lyla?" the orca asked, as they strolled back towards their cul-de-sac.

"Well, you know how she's changed suddenly the last few days, right? Well, I have a sneaking suspicion I know why. I shouldn't really be mentioning this though, but, a few days ago, she came to me about something..."

"...but, time's running out on this!!! We need to know where she is, before it blows..."

'Man, how dull is this...' he thought. The movie, in his mind, was pretty bad; the acting was poor, the story was not imaginative, and the whole thing was not worth anyone's time to really watch it, including his. He used the remote to switch channels, flicking through a few of them to find something better, until he settled on one in which a quiz show was already underway, in which the grand prize was a cash prize of a hundred thousand Libertonian dollars.

"O-o-o-o-k-kay... Next question..." the host began, as John decided to see how the contestant would fare on the show, as he sat at the end of the couch, a can of soda, which he had opened, lay upon the coffee table before him; the drink was helping to wash down the meal that he and his mother had eaten earlier, as night began to fall outside, the street lights flickering on within their street.

"...okay. So you're round their house tonight?" he could hear his mother on the phone, talking with someone; his sister, and from the sounds of it, it seemed she was going to be staying around her friend's place. "Right... No, no. That's okay... He is... Yes, he and I had something earlier... No. We'll be fine. You just enjoy yourself. Oh, and Elizabeth; you enjoy yourself with Cathy, but remember to call me, if there's a problem, alright?"

'Yep, definitely out for tonight,' he thought, as he heard his mother wish Elizabeth a good night, before ending the call; her sister had called up just shortly after they had finished their session on the games console that lay beneath the TV, in which his mother had won their last match (which he didn't mind, despite the fact she was clearly cheating).

"Well, John," his mother spoke, as she brought herself over to the couch, "Elizabeth is out, which means we have the house to ourselves." She settled up next to him, "Anything good on?" She noted the program he was watching, smiling in joy, "Oh! Great; I thought I might miss this. But I thought you wanted to see that new movie on the other channel, tonight?"

"Yeah, well the movie wasn't as good as I thought," he remarked, shaking his head, as he picked up the can from the table, "I can't believe how poor it was despite all the hype it got in the adverts." He took a sip of soda, finding the taste to be refreshing as he let out an "Ah..." after he swallowed it, before putting the can back onto the table.

"Well, not to worry," Gwen responded, as she watched the TV, "Not everything can always be good." She shifted a bit to get comfortable as the pair focused upon the program. "So how are your friends doing, by the way?"

John didn't mind having some light conversations with his mother, "They're alright. Gnahin has a date with Sophie tonight, and Josh, well..." he sniggered under his breath as he recalled earlier, "Let's just say, he didn't know anything about my sister's expanded tastes into women. His jaw dropped so much when he did, it was like he had an anvil in it; you could even picture the moment, and hear it drop."

His mother chuckled, as she imagined how his friend had looked, "Really... Oh, my, that must have been quite a shock for him when he did hear it from you."

He nodded, chuckling again, before he spoke, "Yeah, it was. Of course I wanted to laugh about that, but my sister spoiled the moment, by saying that line of hers I 'really' hate her using..."

"Oh, you mean when she says to you, "My lovey-dov-"" she was about to say it, rather cheekily of her, but John quickly hushed her voice, his hand over her mouth, as she saw him glare at her, not harshly but gently, in fact, his eyes almost seemed to beg her not to speak those words.

"Please, mum, don't say it..." John asked her rather gently, the glare melting away, as his eyes began to plead with her now, "...please?" She giggled as she saw a tinge of embarrassment creep into his face, but nodded as she smiled gently to him in agreement. He sighed as he removed his hand, though allowed it to stroke along the side of her face as a thank you for her consideration in that matter, smiling gently to her in return.

Gwen just sighed from his touch; she rather enjoyed his hand against her. A thought came into her mind, an idea for something to give him. "You know, I was wondering..." her smile became even warmer to him, as she considered the idea she had, to test how he felt about her, "...since you don't have a girl to just cuddle and hug, and snuggle up to, I was thinking, well... would you mind if I be that girl for you, and snuggle up to you?" She gazed into his eyes; her mind wondered why she suddenly was doing this, and yet her heart hoped that he would, its voice silencing her mind and telling it 'Let her enjoy this. She needs it, and you know that...'

"Well..." he was slightly taken aback a bit, but his friends had suggested finding a way to see if she felt the same way about him, as he did to her, so the fact she had suggested something like this was quite unexpected, and yet, deep down, he felt joyful she wanted to do this for him, "...yeah. I mean, if you don't mind at all, mom, that is."

She moved along the couch, snuggling close to him, "Not at all." She soon was laid out upon the couch lying herself against him, her head resting on his shoulder, while an arm wrapped around him. It was awkward for the stallion at first, but her body against him soon made it melt away, and his arm soon wrapped around her. The pair sighed softly from feeling each other against them, as they continued watching the program.

Each found it completely unbelievable that they were against the other like this. Both felt there might be a chance that they truly loved each other more than they realised from the way they sort of embraced one another, but a niggling bit of doubt in their mind left them uncertain about that being a confirmed fact. Neither John nor Gwen knew how to proceed, how to confirm it, as each of turned their focus from watching the program, to removing all doubt from their minds.

'This feels good,' her mind spoke, rather realising how right her heart had been as it spoke, 'It is, and look at him, he seems to like it too.' 'But now what; I mean she and he don't know what to do next...' 'Maybe she should find out what he likes about her...'

Gwen heard those words of her heart, and made the next move. "John?" her voice got his attention, the stallion facing her. The mare continued watching the program, though wasn't focused on it, as she continued speaking, "Do you find me..." when she did turn to face him, he noted a sort of need for something within her eyes, as she finished asking, "...attractive?"

The question was certainly something; John didn't have an answer for her, as his voice went silent, for her words felt strange to him, rather leaving him in an awkward situation. But her eyes; he realised the need was to know the answer to her question, and his voice seemed to act on its own, providing him with that answer for her, "Well... I think you're beautiful, mom." When he heard himself say that, how he felt began to change; he felt rather delighted to tell her that.

"You do?" Gwen asked, feeling a tear form in her eyes; her own son calling her "beautiful" was truly something to hear. It tugged at her heart, as she lifted a hand to stroke along his face, "You really mean it, John?"

He warmly smiled and nodded in response, "Yeah, I do. You're the most beautiful mare out there. I'm proud to have you." He watched as she sighed in delight as the tear flowed down her cheek, "And I... well..." he found the courage to say what he wanted was lacking, until his heart roared like a lion forcing it to appear and make him say what he wanted to say, "...I love you. I deeply love you."

She smiled, before letting her hand stroke his face some more, lightly but lovingly, "I think you're handsome too. You're the most handsome stallion before me, and I..." Even she had trouble finding the courage, but her heart, even her mind brought it forward, allowing her to answer, "... I love you too; I love you more than a son. I..."

He hushed her quickly, a finger on her lips. He didn't speak at first but just gazed into her eyes as she did with his, the pair frozen in their movement as they just felt their hearts grow warm inside, before John smiled, and brought her head up, nuzzling his own against hers. "Don't say anything. Please," he spoke softly to her, letting a hand stroke along her body.

Gwen moaned softly from his touch, and returned the compliment, letting her hand stroke over his body, rubbing gently along his arms and shoulders, causing him to moan softly into her ear. She smiled gently, loving how he enjoyed it, before she drew her head back. 'This is it, Gwen, it's now or never...'

"Mom..." he just spoke quietly, too enthralled with her, before she drew her lips to his and kissed him, softly, gently. But not like a mother, more a lover, as she let the kiss become deeper in meaning, feeling him embrace her as she did, as the pair enjoyed their lips upon one another, before she drew back.

"Wow...," she sighed warmly, as she gazed at him, "How could any girl truly resist someone like you?"

"I don't know, but... your lips; they were soft, and..." he smiled warmly at her, "... and wonderful." Before she knew it, he drew in for another kiss, fuelled with more passion, more love than he thought he could ever feel, as each moaned into the other's mouth, their eyes closed as they fell deeper into their embrace, the TV becoming nothing more than just a background noise, and now completely ignored by them.

His hands slowly roamed across her body, feeling her form beneath her clothes, rubbing through them which caused her to moan more, as her own hands touched his body too, hearing him moan as she did. Their hands lightly rubbed over each other, as they continued to enjoy the embrace, their mouths parting open, and their tongues lightly dancing around one another, touching and entwining between them. The passion between them was growing like a wildfire.

And then, their hands felt upon the most imitate areas of each other; his upon her crotch, feeling through her jeans to her treasured 'prize'; hers upon his crotch, feeling over his khakis and the large bulge that was now present in them. The pair moaned louder at the touch, before their eyes opened again, gazing at one another. It seemed a perfect moment, but it was spoiled only by the pair suddenly reeling back from each other, completely overwhelmed in panic; it seemed neither was really able to comprehend what they were doing now, and the panic in them grew.

"Oh, god... John, I don't... I don't know what came over me," his mother exclaimed, panicking, as she pulled away from him quickly, "I... I..."

"Mom, I don't know either..." John responded, rather becoming overwhelmed with fear of what he had been doing, not knowing whether to accept it or not. "Please, forgive me, I..."

Gwen didn't know what to think, but just went silent for a moment, before sliding off the couch, walking away, her back turned to her son, "Please... let's not talk about this..." And with those words, she chose not to hear any more from her son, as she made her way upstairs.

'Great, you finally give him what he needed, and now this...' her heart spoke out, as she climbed the stairs, slowly. It expected her mind to possibly support her actions, but instead, 'Gwen, what was so wrong about it? You love him, you love him so much. So why did you panic?' 'Wait; you mean she panicked by herself, not because of you?' 'Oh Gwen... you must not be scared of this... you need this as much as he does... and for the first time in your life, he made you feel so special...'

But she chose to ignore their voices, instead simply walking into her room, and closing the door. She was uncertain on what to do, as she sat upon her bed. And yet, for some reason, she couldn't forget the moment they shared. And as thought on it some more, she released she had made a mistake; she felt ashamed of backing off from him, and only wished she hadn't just acted like that. She realised only now, that she had been so close to filling that void in her heart she had been carrying for twenty years, and she only hoped she hadn't missed her one chance to fill it, because of her actions...

'Her touch, her kiss, her eyes...'

John was trying to not think about it, that he had been wrong to fall into the moment, but he could not bring himself to think against it. His mind could still picture the moment they had shared, and he found it impossible to sleep because of it; when he heard his mother shut herself into her room, he went to his shortly after. His body tossed around upon his bed beneath the sheets, while his eyes remained opened, leaving him to think in the darkness of his room.

'Why can't I just forget it?' he thought, as his eyes noted the time on his clock radio; it was only after ten. 'Why can't I just say to myself I was wrong about that?' 'Because you weren't...' 'Huh?' he thought. Did his heart say...? 'You weren't because for the first time in your life, you actually felt the touch of woman on you, something you've wanted to enjoy since you were fifteen...'

He sat up in his bed, as he contemplated this, before giving his rebuttal against his heart's words, 'But it was mom, it was wrong, it was...' His heart was quick to rebut this, 'It was not wrong. You've seen how she has been all her life; she always has cared for you and your sister, and what has she ever had in return? Nothing much, except your love, your care, and all the things you and your sister did to make her happy. Now for the first time, you gave her something more that she needed, to make feel special like she has wanted to be for so long. So why on Terra, did you back off?'

Those words hit home quite accurately, he began to wonder about that too, and as he thought over the moment, he realised how bad he had been to react the way he did; for the first time, his mother had felt special again, and only now did he feel ashamed of having taken that away from her just as she needed it. His actions must have deeply saddened her heart by now, and he felt that he couldn't do anything to make her feel better again; he felt helpless not knowing whether he could give her that same feeling again.

'Oh yes you can, John,' his heart spoke, sensing what he felt, 'You can go back to her, and show her you didn't mean it.' 'But how; she looked just as scared as me when that happened. What if she doesn't want to continue it?' 'How do you know that if you don't ask? Go and see her, and find out. She could be the feeling same with you...'

His heart gave a good argument, and by now, he begun to realise how much its voice had spoken the truth; for deep down inside himself, he realised how much he wished to treat her right, to make her special as she deserved to be. And for the first time in her life, he would do so for her, even if he was her son. But only if she wished for him to do so, would he make her special once more...

'Maybe he won't come...'

Gwen was just as restless as her son. She laid in her bed, dressed in her nightshirt, the sheet covering her body, having spent an hour trying to make her eyes close, and her body fall asleep. She had shifted quite a bit on her bed, trying to sleep, but her mind would not let her do so.

'What time is it?' she thought, and her eyes noticed the clock displaying it quite clearly, '...Twenty past ten... John...' she considered the possibility he might just want to be alone, feeling pity for herself and him; she felt she had messed up badly by now, '...he's not coming...'

'He will,' both her heart and mind said, not wanting her to feel alone, 'Just give him time.' She lifted herself up in the bed, letting the sheet pool around her waist, just staring in front of herself, not focused on anything in particular, as she considered whether they were right.

There was a knock at her door which caught her attention, "Mom?" The voice was muffled, but she could tell who it was. He knocked again, "Mom?"

She looked towards the door, still uncertain of things, but answered, "John..." she smiled gently, before continuing, "Come in, please, will you, son?"

Her son did as she asked as he opened the door before stepping in, leaving it open as he entered. She noted how he wore not much except his boxers; it was what he usually wore when he went to bed. Her son stood close to the door, not moving for the moment.

"Mom..." he spoke quietly, as he let his head droop a bit, not certain what to say to her, but his heart found the words for him, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I did that. I just felt... scared..."

When she heard the words, her smile grew a bit, before she got out of bed, bringing herself over to him, before lifting his head with her hand. "No, John, I'm at fault. I'm sorry but I got nervous, and I didn't know what to do," she explained, trying to assure him there was nothing wrong.

"But... but I finally gave you the moment to feel special again, and I..." he gazed into her eyes, as he tried to find comfort from her, as he felt his sadness tug at his heart, "...I pushed you away because I got scared. And I've only now realised, that I didn't want to."

Gwen smiled as she embraced him, warmed by his words, "I know, John, I felt the same as well. Love is never an easy thing. I feared I might have made things worse, but ..." she nuzzled her head against his, "...I'm glad you came back. I don't want to push you away again. I never want to..."

John couldn't believe how she felt, and the comfort, the warmth, from her words and embrace, finally made him smile, out of relief, and renewed love for her, "I don't want to, as well, mom..."

"John?" she pulled back a bit, though she still had her arms around him, holding onto as she asked a question that her heart desired an answer to, "How long have you wanted to make me feel special again?"

He sighed joyfully, knowing his answer would please her, "Ever since I understood how much you've been sad, wanting to have someone to make you feel special again. It must have been about eight, nine years ago when I realised it for the first time. I've always wanted to make you feel special, for everything you've done for us; just never knew how, until today..." She giggled, pointing out how his grandparents and aunt had done some of the work in raising him and his sister, but he chuckled lightly, shaking his head, "I know, but you've done most of the work, like any mother would."

"Aw..." she felt delighted in those words, and hugged him tighter, allowing him to feel her against his chest, as he sighed softly in bliss, "... and you've done so much, like any loving son would."

The words warmed his heart more, as his hand stroked under her chin, "Mom..." he wanted to say something, but as the saying goes, "actions speak louder than words", and before she knew it, he lifted her head up level with his own, before kissing her fully upon her lips, hearing her moan into his mouth, as the passion between them was rekindled. When the kiss was finished, she felt his hand stroke along her body.

"John, my son, would you like to make me feel special again?" she asked him, her eyes showed the hope she had of hearing an answer that would amaze and delight her; something she suspected he would.

He sighed in joy, before answering through his heart, "For as long as you want, mom; for as long as you desire it, I will make you feel special, to feel loved, more than you could possibly ever imagine." She squealed in delight as she kissed him again, overjoyed to hear him same such loving words for her.

"Then perhaps, the best way to start...," she caressed his muzzle for a moment, hearing him sigh softly, "...John..." before she backed off a moment, placing her hands upon the hem of her nightshirt, "...would be to remind your mouth how much loving attention you gave these..." His eyes went wide as she removed the clothing.

He gasped in surprise, and delight, as he watched her become naked before him, his mouth hanging open as she stood before him, baring all for him to enjoy, as she tossed her nightshirt towards her wardrobes, before noticing the grin forming on his mouth, smiling in delight at his reaction, before she posed before him, winking at him seductively, and loving the reaction he gave, as he blinked and gulped before his grin grew bigger; he could feel himself getting aroused beneath his boxers.

"Oh, John..." she spoke, almost motherly, but also with a hint of seduction in it, "...remind mommy how much you and your sister enjoyed..." she brought her hands to cup her breasts, hefting them up for him, " suckle upon these when you were momma's proud little babies..."

He smiled and nodded, before bringing himself forward, and allowing his hands to take over from hers as they cupped her boobs, feeling her full mounds within them with much delight, while hearing her moan softly from his touch. His mouth lowered to one, but rather than do as asked, he thought to tease her first, letting his lips kiss upon each lightly, hearing her gasp softly, as he did, before she began moaning as his mouth worked its way around each nipple, before his tongue slowly flicked out and lapped over them, the tip teasing each sensitive nub, before he finally encased one of her nipples gently between his lips, sucking upon it softly.

She moaned more, her hand stroking him delicately along his face, "Oh, my boy... Oh..." She felt how much he softly suckled upon her, feeling him delicately tugging her nipple with his mouth, as he rubbed her breasts lightly with his hand; to him, it felt incredible to be feeling his mother in such a way, as he continued treating her so good. "Oh, my big boy... mommy's missed your mouth so much..." he heard her speak, closing his eyes as he concentrated upon suckling her more, before letting his mouth switch to the other nipple, giving it equal treatment.

She gasped as he increased the suction some more, moaning in delight, as she continued stroking his head, petting it, before rubbing along his arms and shoulders, her head tilting back as she felt the pleasure course through her body, finding it unbelievably good.

"Mom?" she heard him say, tilting her head forward to see his eyes staring at her, desiring to hear words from her, as he continued speaking, "Am I doing well; am I making you feel special again?" he asked, as he went back to kissing and licking over her mounds.

"O-o-o-h-h-h..." she moaned, as his eyes watched her, before she answered gently, "John, you're doing wonderfully well... Mommy loves her big boy..." He smiled as he went back to giving her boobs further treatment, using a mixture of his mouth, tongue, lips and hands to keep pleasing her well, the feel of them against him was becoming increasingly blissful; his boxers were getting more tented by the minute as his 'joy' within them grew.

"Mom, you're so wonderful..." he moaned, as he began suckling her nipples again, playfully lapping over them within his mouth. He continued more, until he finally felt the tip of his bulge stroke against her gently, causing her to gasp, as she let a hand move down to it, and feel over it delicately, rubbing it. He shivered in pleasure as he felt her stoke him through the material.

"John?" she asked, before gently pulling him off her, her hand still stroking his bulge, as she gazed into his eyes. "Can you show mommy, how 'big' her boy has gotten?" She slowly moved back to her bed, sitting upon the edge, as she waited for a response from her son. He nodded, slowly moving up to her, before he was in front of her, watching as she gazed at the bulge in his boxers, her tongue licking over her lips; her anticipation of seeing what a stallion he was behind them had grown to fever-pitch. Unbeknown to him, she was eager to see how big he really was.

His anticipation of revealing himself to her was just as fever-pitch, as he hooked his fingers underneath the waistband, holding the material out with them, "I hope... I hope I'm everything you want..." he replied, before he slowly lowered his underwear, hearing her gasp, before he let them slip out of his fingers and fall to his feet, before standing up straight for her, his cock now freed from its clothed confines as it stood proud, still growing stiff before her, as he stepped off his underwear and flicked them away, before standing close to her again.

Gwen felt her eyes go wide as she saw it stand proudly before her, 'My god!!! He's bigger than his father... much bigger...' She had only ever seen his member once before, back in his toddler years, but she could not have imagined how much he had grown. He was longer than his father and thicker too (she had vague memories of his father's member, and this was much more than she could have imagined), the flared tip throbbing before her as his shaft finally gained its full hardness, while she noted how heavy looking his sack was, imagining how much his balls had.

"My... John... Oh, my boy..." she sighed blissfully, letting her hand slowly reach out and grasp his length, hearing him shiver in delight again, while she gasped at how wonderful it was to touch him, " big boy..." She stroked slowly along his length, hearing him moan softly as he watched her, seeing her gaze at him, smiling gently, " more than I could have ever dreamt of..."

"I'm glad, mom... Oh-h-h-h..." he moaned again, tilting his head back a bit, while he closed his eyes, enjoying the touch of her hand upon his member, as it stroked along his length so well, "That feels so good... Mom... your hand is so lovely..."

She smiled as she looked back at his shaft, her lips being licked again, as she leaned forward a bit, sniffing it, taking in how good he smelt; her nostrils flared from feeling his wonderful musk, feeling her snatch becoming wet and aroused. "Since you enjoyed so much from mommy, John," she spoke, causing him to open his eyes and look down at her, gulping a bit at how close her head was to his cock, as she continued, "...could my big boy let mommy enjoy something from him in return?" He gulped before giving her a response, a weak-sounding "yes" which she barely heard. She grinned at his answer, knowing how much he desired to feel more from her.

Her mouth slowly opened before she leant in closer, letting her tongue slowly lick around the tip. John just gasped as he felt her touch him, feeling sparks flow through his shaft into his body. Her tongue slowly lapped over him, flicking over the tip before she held up his dick, allowing her to lick along the underside, coating it in her saliva, as she heard him moan softly, her eyes noting how much he watched her, completely drinking in the sight of his mother caressing and licking his shaft.

'My god... how he's grown to be like this... oh, my big boy,' she thought, as her tongue continued licking over him, feeling over every part of his shaft. Her other hand moved in to stroke over his sack, feeling just how heavy his balls were; she noted something about them, 'Wait, these feel... these feel quite heavy... has he not... is he pent up???' She had to ask, looking up at him as she pulled her tongue back, while using her hand to stroke him slowly, "John; do you... do you masturbate?"

He looked down, nodding slowly, before adding, "I do, but I've been unable to... to..." It sounded embarrassing to say this, but with what she was doing for him, he had to admit it right now, feeling her stroke him more, "...I haven't been able to release for a while."

"Oh, my big boy..." she looked at his cock, eyeing how much it throbbed in her hand, "Well since my boy needs it, mommy will give him what he needs." With that, she went back to licking it, lavishing his member so much, that he moaned more heavily now, before she finished at the tip, kissing it. "My big boy... oh... let mommy take care of this for you."

He gasped loudly, as he watched her mouth open before bringing it around his tip, letting her lips close onto his flesh, as he heard her moan softly upon feeling it within her mouth. He moaned in unison too, as he felt her tongue lick around the head, swirling all over it, and upon the sensitive underside, making Gwen hear him gasp more when she did, her eyes watching as his eyes closed for a moment in doing so, before he continued to watch her.

She began slowly drawing in more of him, taking in inch by inch of his shaft, until she had just under half of it in her mouth; she knew how much she could take of his father, almost all of it as she remembered vaguely, but her son was a different matter. She opted to see how much she could take in, later. She looked up to him, seeing him moan softly at the sight of her with his cock in her mouth, before he nodded to her, as if she wanted to know if she could continue.

She started slow, bobbing along what she managed to take in, as she moved it in and out of her mouth, letting her tongue gently caress the underside, feeling over how wonderfully formed it was. She moaned lightly as she continued bobbing, while letting her hands slowly stroke delicately over his balls as she did.

"Oh-h-h-h-h...." He moaned more, watching her work upon his shaft, seeing how she worked slowly to please him. "Oh, wow... that's so good, momma..." He moaned again, a little louder, as she flicked her tongue against him, obviously delighted to hear how good she was for him.

Soon she drew in more, now tempted to see how much of her son she could take into her mouth. Each bob along his cock brought in more and more. She watched as she managed to take in half of his length, as she continued, then three quarters of it. She kept going a little more, before feeling herself gag a little, with less than a quarter still to go. 'He's too big to go down further on,' she thought, not that she minded. Grasping what she couldn't take in with her hand, she bobbed along what she could, working on his dick, as she continued pleasing him, eager to get a taste of what he had within his sack.

She picked up the pace, bobbing quickly now, feeling his length move in and out of her, his member slowly beginning to pulse a bit. Her son moaned loudly, as he felt how incredible it was; he'd seen many porn movies on the internet, including blowjobs. But to experience one for real, he couldn't believe how good it was. He could feel his balls churning inside him, preparing something wonderful for her to enjoy, as they let out a little 'sample', sending it to form at the tip.

Gwen moaned as her tongue picked up his pre, savouring the taste in her mouth, 'Mmm... my big boy. You're so tasty...' She continued bobbing some more, eager to draw out more 'samples' from him, collecting each drop that his cock gave, as she heard him begin to pant a little.

She kept going for a little longer, before pulling off. He whimpered a little, wanting more, only to feel her tongue lap over his shaft again, licking all over it. "Momma wants her big boy to enjoy this so much, just as much as she does," he heard her speak, as she kept licking over his cock, his pre dribbling from the tip and down along his length, her tongue collecting this each time it swept over him.

He moaned as he felt her tongue draw down his shaft, towards his balls, before the tip of it lightly rubbed over each, his mouth feeling how much his balls were getting fuller from all of what she was doing to him. She continued lapping more and more against each orb, kneading them lightly with each stroke of her tongue.

"Mmm..." she moaned as she continued lapping them some more, before grasping his cock in her hand and stroking it, "Maybe mommy should give your sister something as well, when she returns?" She glanced up as she watched his face react; he was surprised to hear that from her. He knew about Elizabeth's taste in women as well as men, but to hear his mother reveal the same thing as well, that was quite a surprise to him.

"You're in to girls too, mom?" he asked, seeing her nod and giggle, before she lapped his cock a bit, before she gazed at him.

"Of course, John," she answered, stroking slowly along his length again, as she heard him moan before he continued listening to her, "Where do you think her tastes come from? I'm quite surprised she's getting into them. I think mommy should teach her some tricks about pleasing a girl, just as much as a boy." She continued stroking him a little more, before bringing her head up to the tip.

He groaned in delight, as he felt her kiss the head again, before engulfing his cock into her mouth once again, bobbing much faster now, as she eagerly took in his length again. Her hands playfully teased over his balls as she did, feeling his shaft throb against her tongue. John felt himself breathe a little quicker, as she continued working over his cock.

"Mmm..." he moaned, closing his eyes, as his hand stroked over her head. "Mom, you do this so good..." he gasped as she flicked her tongue over him again for his compliment, before he continued, "Do you think Elizabeth is good at this, too?"

She grinned as she kept going, not wanting to answer yet, as she bobbed along his length. She took in half of his dick into her mouth this time, while stroking the other half, letting his tip squirt more pre for her to savour and swallow.

John didn't care that she had not answered his question, he was enjoying things just as much as her, as he gripped her head lightly, aiming to coax her to give him more. She moaned around his cock in response continuing to bob along his shaft faster now, her boobs bouncing around as she continued moving up and down his length, feeling him throb ever more in her mouth, while she saw how his breathing got quicker, as his hips started to buck towards her.

She kept it up for a little longer before pulling off again as his tip began to trickle more pre down his length. She stroked him slowly, before giving a few long, slow licks along his member, hearing him gasp, before whimpering again, his balls aching from being so full. "Don't worry my son, I won't leave you hanging," she spoke gently, lapping the head around the underside.

"OH!!" he grunted, feeling her tease him around his sensitive spot, before he whined and begged her for more, "Please mom, that feels so good... please take me back in... I want to feel your mouth around it again..."

"I will, my son," she responded, licking the shaft again, "Mommy won't leave her boy waiting. But to answer that question you had earlier... I think we should let her show you."

He glanced down to her, curious and perplexed, "Show me; really, mom?" He gasped as she licked back up to the tip, before suckling on the head, causing him to moan loudly before panting a bit. He gulped before continuing, "Wait, does she... does she love me too?"

His mother suckled the tip a little more before pulling off and smiling at him, "I know she wants to enjoy you as much as me as well," she answered, stroking over his cock and balls, "I heard her say so in her sleep. She dreams quite a bit about you and me, but mostly she can't stop saying how much she'd love to enjoy you and taste your cock."

He gasped, not just from the pleasure, but from the surprise of hearing her answer, "She really does?"

"Yes, John. She does, more than you realise," he giggled at his reaction, as she stroked his length a bit more, "In fact, she practices on how to treat your cock so good; I've seen the stuff she uses. She's as good as me, but I'm sure I can give her pointers with how to suck this wonderful pillar of yours." She winked at him, before engulfing his cock again, bobbing quickly along it.

He moaned more and more as she bobbed along what she could take, drawing him closer to the edge, as he could feel himself bucking into her mouth, his balls swinging from the momentum he created as he felt his mother working harder to give him what he now desired; to release what he had into her wonderful mouth.

"Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...OH...OH..." She could hear him grunting loudly, knowing he was getting close. She continued bobbing along him, feeling his cock throb and pulse. 'My big boy, my... big... boy... give you momma what she wants... give her your wonderful, tasty cum...'

He continued bucking, feeling the pleasure beginning to overwhelm him as he struggled to hold out, somewhat wanting to making it last, as his grunting became more frequent, but it proved too much, as he felt himself go over the edge and...

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" he grunted once more, as his cock pulsed and throbbed like crazy. His balls finally gave, as his cum shot out, filling her mouth as he grunted with each release. She moaned in delight, as she felt him go, swallowing the first load, before becoming surprised with how quickly he filled her mouth again, swallowing a second load, then a third. His grunting began to lessen and become moans of joy, as he bucked less, filling her mouth less and less, as she swallowed a fourth load, then a fifth , and finally a sixth, before she finally felt him finish. She pulled off before she lapped the head a little, cleaning off small drop that formed upon the tip.

"O-h-h-h, my big boy," she gasped in delight, as she licked his dick clean, "You really needed that, didn't you?" She glanced up at him, as she noted his tongue hanging out, panting, as he managed to nod to her. She smiled, before continuing to lick over him, while she let her hand drift down to her snatch, gasping a bit, as she felt how hot and aroused it had become. "Would my big boy give mommy some love in return?"

"Mom, I..." he began answering but stopped, as he watched her move onto her bed and up along it until she laid back upon it, spreading her legs, allowing him to see her mound, and how wet it was becoming from her arousal. "...oh, yes momma..." he answered, before climbing up onto the bed and lying between her legs, bringing his head close to soft, delicate folds, his nostrils flaring as he smelt her musk, and how wonderful it was.

Slowly, but surely, he brought his head close enough, before letting his tongue flick out, slowly licking it around her folds. The mare gasped as she felt him touch her, slowly letting her head rest upon a few pillows she brought down to her, as he teased around her snatch, letting his tongue stroke over her crotch, then over her sensitive nub of her vulva.

"O-o-o-o-h-h-h-h-h..." she moaned, as he continued teasing around her folds, letting his tongue delicately give her a taste of things to come; her pre began to seep out of her folds and his tongue picked it up, lapping it from her, as he savoured how good it was, "Oh, John..."

"Mmm..." John moaned in delight as he lapped up more, licking his lips, "Mom, you taste good. Can I have more, please?" he asked, like a kid. He watched as she leant her head up a bit, and nodded, her eyes pleading with him to keep going. He smiled as he layered a few kiss around her mound before letting his tongue lap delicately over her mound, before he slowly pushed it in.

"AH!" Gwen gasped as her son pushed his tongue into her, working on the inner edges of her nether-lips first, licking gently around it. "Yes... oh, my boy... that's so wonderful..." He continued licking around her entrance before pushing in further, while his hands gently grasped upon her thighs as he felt his tongue begin to feel inside her. She moaned more as he did, letting her hands drift down to her breasts as she began rubbing them.

John wasted no time in his actions, letting his tongue explore inside her depths, taking in how well formed she was inside, his tip rubbing over her walls and feeling over how soft they were against it. He lapped it over them a few times, hearing his mother moan continually as he did; her passage twitched from his touch, as he let his tongue continue to lick around inside, feeling her leak more of her juices for him to savour.

The mare couldn't believe how good he was, as she felt him lap inside her more, her head shifting slowly around as he gave her such wonderful treatment. She let her hands stroke over her boobs, letting them stroke and fondle them, before bringing her fingers up to each nipple, teasing and pinching them, as she continued to enjoy the pleasure. She gasped as she felt his tongue lap over a couple of sensitive spots.

The stallion needed no other indication to know he had found her sweet spots, and he lapped over these again, letting his tip stroke over the sensitive nubs within her, hearing her moan and squirm from his touch, while her juices flowed much faster as a result, allowing him to savour more, as he kept going.

"Oh... oh... oh... oh..." she gasped and squealed as he kept going, before feeling his tongue begin to delve deeper, slowly thrusting into her snatch, whilst his hands lightly rubbed over her thighs. "Yes, my son... yes... yes... YES!!!" He lapped more, thrusting his tongue into her faster in response, as he heard his mother cry out in delight, hearing her pant slightly, as he continued drinking from her.

'Mom... you're so hot... and so perfect...' John thought as he kept thrusting into her. He could feel her walls begin to squeeze and massage his tongue, eager to coax in more, but he held firm, continuing to thrust it in before licking around. He eventually slowed down his actions, before finally pulling out.

"John..." he heard her gasp, as she moaned softly, before each looked at the other, as she wondered why he had pulled out, "Please... mommy loved it... please keep loving me..."

He smiled gently, as he kissed her folds, causing her to gasp again, "I will mommy... I will..." He let one of his hands trail down to her folds, before slowly rubbing his fingers against her opening. She moaned softly as he did, before he pushed them in, thrusting them in slowly and feeling her walls against their tips. His mother moaned loudly, giving out pleased groans of "YES" each time he thrust them into her.

As he did, he kissed around her snatch, lightly around the sides and over it, before licking over the same spots as his fingers continued to work into her, keeping her nicely pleased. His eyes soon looked below her mound, noting her tight ass, and he grinned as he examined it; he'd seen a number of pornos in which a few good stallions had taken mares anally, and he'd always wondered how good it was.

"Momma..." he called to her, as he kept thrusting his fingers in. She panted a bit, as she looked towards him, curious as to why he called to her, "Momma... Momma, have you ever taken a cock up your ass?"

"Up my...ass?" she pondered this for a moment, before shaking her head; it was not something she had done before, "No... but..." She realised what he wanted to do, and for a minute she wasn't sure about it, "John, I don't know... I mean, you're so big, it might not fit..."

John just smiled; the stallion didn't care if he could or could not, but he wished to at least try, he wanted to make her feel special than he could ever have dreamed of, "Momma, I want to ensure that you get everything you need to feel loved. Besides..." he let his other hand draw down to her tail-hole, "I think you have a cute ass." He chuckled as he rubbed his fingers around it.

Gwen moaned as he did so, and then gasped as he pressed his fingers into her tail-hole, lightly thrusting into it, as he moved them in unison with those thrusting into her mound; she had to admit, he was doing really well for her. And he was treating her so well, she didn't care how big he was now, he was a stallion offering himself to her, all there for her to enjoy; she threw caution out the window, "You let mommy feel your tongue in her again, and you can screw her in both holes..."

He grinned, nodding eagerly in delight; the words were unexpected, but so pleasing to hear. He withdrew his hands, before kissing her snatch, hearing her moan again, before letting his tongue lap inside her once again, rubbing over her walls some more, before picking up the pace again, and thrusting into her. The mare moaned loudly as she felt him delve inside her much faster than before, seeing him close his eyes as he continued licking and massaging her walls.

She panted more and more as he did, letting her hand squeeze and knead her boobs. She could feel her body becoming tense, her hips wanting to buck, while her walls were squeezing and coaxing more out of his tongue, as her pre flowed again, "Oh... oh... oh... OH... OH... OH..." She was finding it hard to keep her body under control, knowing she was getting close to giving. He knew that, and he was driving her more and more crazy with lust; she was eager to give him what he wanted, though not wanting things to end...

"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!!" she cried out in pleasure, as it became too much. Her body exploded as she felt her orgasm come, her juices flowing like a torrent, as it went towards his mouth and tongue, her son eagerly drinking it all down, as she felt her pants begin to lessen as she felt her body relax, while she moaned in pure bliss, feeling unbelievably incredible; her son was truly a blessing in disguise, and she could only imagine how much better things were to become.

When John felt she had given up all she had to offer, he withdrew his tongue from her, licking his lips as he smiled in delight at how pleased she was, whilst her snatch leaked more onto the bed sheets. "Momma?" he asked, though the rest of what he wanted to say was unneeded, as his mother nodded to the rest of his unspoken request, slowly rolling herself over before lifting herself upon her hands and knees, while lifting her tail up for him.

"Make mommy proud, John," she simply said, encouraging him to take her. He needed nothing else to entice him, as he slowly brought his cock up to her; the fact he was close to putting his cock into her ass was quite, to put it bluntly, exciting, as he felt his heart pump faster. John took a deep breath, before pressing his flared tip onto her tail hole, rubbing it against her ass while his hands gripped gently around her waist, before slowly pushing it in, hearing her gasp before groaning loudly as he did, "John, it's so big... Please be careful..."

John felt just the same in that respect. "Mom, your ass is so tight... I think I'll take things slowly for the moment," as he pushed more of his cock into her, finding its tightness to be somewhat nice, actually, against his shaft. The muscles of her ass were quite hard to push through, but they slowly began to accept his length, as he slid more into her, before having over three quarters in. Whether he could go to the hilt, he'd have to find out later, as he started slowly moving in and out.

At first, his mother hissed a little, feeling pain from his movement, and initially her son thought he might have to pull out. But Gwen stopped him, when he began to contemplate doing it, instead having him keep going, until the pain dulled and went as the pleasure began to arrive, allowing her to enjoy it and moan in joy.

John remained slow in his movement, feeling her ass constrict around his cock tightly, yet still able to allow him to move in and out, feeling his length being strangely massaged by her muscles as he kept going, before soon feeling his cock leak a little pre from how much he was enjoying this, which helped to lube things within her nicely for him, as he soon found his movement becoming smoother, allowing him to go much quicker within her.

His mother gasped, as she felt him begin to thrust into her ass, moaning more and more from his movement, feeling her breasts shift back and forth beneath her, bouncing around and slapping into her arms firmly, as she felt him go faster and faster.

'Oh, man,' he thought as he kept going, feeling how wonderful it was to be doing this, 'She's so tight, and yet, so good...' His thrusting became harder and more forceful. She didn't seem to care, more eager to enjoy; she had promised to let him do so, but she never realised how good it would be, rather glad she had allowed it.

John soon began attempting to push in more, feeling her ass accommodate his cock, little by little, until he finally felt himself fully hilt into her, holding himself still against her, as he glanced down, amazed he could fit all of it in. His mother panted before looking back, her eyes pleading with him. He could guess she wanted him to continue.

"Oh, momma..." was all he could say, as he went back to slow thrusts again, letting his cock fully move in and out of her, feeling her muscles relax as the tightness slowly disappeared. He couldn't care less that it had gone, he just wanted to keep going, remaining steady, while he felt his balls slap into her each time he went deep, the pleasure quite overwhelming his senses.

Gwen just moaned and squirmed from his movements, her tongue hanging out as she smiled, only imagining how he would be when he finally filled her snatch with his dick, panting as he began speeding up again. She couldn't believe how loose her ass had become, but it made it easier for him to thrust so well into her.

"Oh, John... let momma know that you're close now... my big boy..." she called out, as he kept going. Her answer came in the form of his movements getting quicker again, while she heard him begin to grunt as he slammed into her ass, causing her to squeal in joy, as she soon began panting quicker herself; her breasts slapped into her once more as he pushed his cock in and out of her more firmly, his crotch banging into her hard as he grunted more and more.

His tongue hung out as he continued pounding into her, feeling his dick throb as he kept going, his breathing getting quicker, while he felt his balls start to ache again, feeling them getting full and ready to release again.

"Oh... oh... oh... oh... OH... OH..." she moaned loudly before gasping, feeling him thrusting more and more into her before his grip on her tightened, as he continued slamming into her. She could see how close he was getting, as she watched his nostrils flare and his breathing becoming quicker and quicker. 'My god... he loves this I bet...' she thought, as she squealed in delight, wanting him to release into her, '...well, so am I... oh, fill my ass, John!!'

"Oh... oh... oh... oh..." his grunting was becoming more frequent as he felt himself reaching the edge of his pleasure again, "... oh... oh... OH... OH... OH..." He knew he wouldn't last long, but he didn't care. He struggled to hold back how much he was feeling so close, as he kept pounding away, each thrust breaking down the barrier within him before he would....

"OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!" he groaned loudly as he made one last thrust before releasing, his cock shooting his cum out of the tip, and filling her ass to the brim, as he grunted more and more, before finally moaning in relief, while his grip lessen as he pumped a little more into her, before finally pulling out, his cock flopping a little bit, as he panted, watching his load dribbled out of her tail hole. His mother moaned in delight, completely in bliss; she had never felt like this before when she had been with his father. The feeling was exhilarating; she wondered why she had never done this before.

"Oh, John... that was incredible..." she spoke between slight pants as she looked back at him, smiling. The stallion nodded, still panting himself, but able to smile as he let a hand of his stroke his shaft a little, keeping it hard, as he let his other stroke over her mound, hearing her gasp, before she shifted her hips a bit towards his fingers, "Oh, yeah... I know what you're thinking... I'm more than ready to feel it in there now... if you are as well..."

She moaned softly, as he soon drew his flared tip back to her, now rubbing it over the soft folds of her vulva, causing her to moan much louder than before as she looked at him again, panting slightly as she let her eyes plead to him to enter her. He needed no other incentive like before; his cock began soon pressing against her entrance before slowly moving into her, the pair gasping as it happened.

His shaft continued entering her, filling her passage, as he slipped more into her. He moaned softly, enjoying how soft and warm her passage was as he felt it around his dick, while she too moaned at how wonderful it was to be finally filled again, and this time in her cunt, feeling him soon hilt within her, surprised at how he could fit into her so perfectly.

John was eager to draw this out for as long as possible, and so, gripping her waist gently with his hands, he began moving slowly, feeling his cock smoothly slide in and out of her, as each moaned in delight, as he kept his motion with her as gentle and as slow as possible, wanting to build up things until she desired for him to give her more.

"Oh, John... you have no idea how much mommy has missed this," she spoke, smiling, as she moaned once again, feeling him move within her, the gentle motion shaking her breasts once more, which lightly brushed against her arms, "Oh... you've grown so well, my big boy..." She shook her head; that notion was incorrect by now, "No... my big stud... my stallion..."

"Oh, mom... I'm so..." he felt overjoyed to hear her say that, that he felt the same with her, although he still loved her as a mother just as much, "I'm so glad... my beautiful mother... my wonderful mare..."

"Oh, please... please..." she began speaking, she felt her desire, her lust for him, begin to grow, "Make me yours... fill me so good..." He nodded, as he kept going, staying gentle with his movements, as his cock continued sliding in and out of her. "More, John... please, give me more... more..." she was not content to keep things slow now, and the words she gave soon had the desired effect.

The stallion began to pick up the pace, beginning to thrust into his mother. She gasped as he did so before moaning with each thrust that he made into her, while he groaned in delight as he felt his cock press deep into her, his own lust having grown as well. As he kept going, his hands slowly withdrew from her waist, before he leant over her, keeping his movement going, the pace further increasing, as he felt his chest press against her back.

Gwen gasped loudly in joy as she felt his hands slide around her body and grope her breasts, kneading and rubbing them while he kissed the nape of her neck softly, letting the combination of his cock, hands and lips please her, love her; she continued moaning, feeling her joy building more and more inside her, as it slowly caused her mouth to hang open, while forming a smile upon her lips; her son was becoming everything she had hoped for, but much more than she could have dreamt of.

As she moaned in bliss, he continued kissing along her neck, while his hands groped and squeezed her boobs, his fingers teasing her sensitive nubs while he continued thrusting into her, feeling his balls swing and slap into her crotch lightly with his every movement into her, before he began pounding her snatch, groaning in pleasure by now as he felt his cock sliding against her walls. He soon lifted off her back, while leaving one hand to continue massaging and rubbing her breasts, while the other slipped round and upon her back, supporting him, while remaining gentle with her.

For the two of them now, the boundary of mother and son was no longer blurred as it had been, but now buried by their actions, as they felt the love, the passion, the lust for one another combine, both wishing to keep the moment going more and more; for Gwen, she hungered to feel him release in her, to fill her, and make her his mare. She had no idea, John felt the same, more even, now only desiring to be there for her always.

The pair could feel themselves begin to pant, begin to feel the pleasure building inside them once more, each feeling it climb and start to hit their body's natural peak. Their panting grew, as they both smiled out of the combination of passion and lust, as they moaned and groaned loudly, John forcing himself to buck faster into her, slapping his balls much harder against her crotch as he felt them become heavy once again.

"OH GOD, JOHN!!! YES, YES, YES!!!" Gwen cried out, feeling him going faster into her, before feeling her body peaking, knowing only too well she was close to giving. She knew she would be first, but she just wanted to make him feel how good she felt because of him.

He could feel how close she was getting, her walls were squeezing and massaging his shaft, and he knew it was only a matter of time until she would...

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!" she cried out again, as her body exploded. Her cunt squirted her juices, leaking them over his cock as it continued pounding into her, her natural lube making his movement in and out of her much smoother, as he felt himself getting close too. His mother moaned in bliss, before looking back to him, "Oh, John... slow down a moment, please. I want to enjoy this for a while longer..."

He nodded, as he slowed his thrusts down to a crawl, feeling his cock throb, as he kept going, but moving more gentler again, as he moaned softly once more, feeling her juices slide around his cock as he slid it in and out of her before it slowly leaked out around his dick, before dripping onto the bed sheets. His nostrils flared as he picked up her musk again, enjoying it, as he kept his movements steady for her as she asked.

"Oh... don't worry... about the... mess, John," she spoke between her panting, "I'd rather... focus on... enjoying how... good you are..." She moaned again as his hand massaged her breasts some more, while he leant his head down to kiss along the nape of her neck again. "My... Teak will be... surprised... how good... you are... and more..."

He continued sliding in, before he registered what she had said, his mind thinking over her words before he asked, "Who's Teak... mom?" His hand squeezed and teased her nipples more, while he kept moving in and out of her, waiting for her answer.

"She's someone... mommy met... today. She helped... me to... open my... heart to you," she answered, squealing in delight when he bucked hard a couple of times. "She really... helped me, because... I've really... enjoyed all... of this... you've done... for me..."

"I'm the same... as well, momma," he replied between his own pants, grinning, as he bucked again into her, "My friends sorta helped... me... Ghanin, has a brother... who is sorta, well..." he chuckled a little, "...into MILFs... He suggested that... I find out if you... felt the same about... me as I did... with you..."

"Seems fate... (Oh)... brought us... (Oh, yeah)... together... when we... (Oh-h-h)... needed it..." she responded, before moaning in bliss, feeling him start to begin to speed up again, "Oh, John... I want to be filled... so much, now... let me be... filled by... you... my stud..."

He nodded, as he began slamming into her, hearing her squeal in delight, as he began to thrust as fast and as hard as before, feeling his balls once more slap into her crotch while he felt the pleasure begin to reach its peak within him by now.

"Oh... oh... oh... so close, momma... oh... oh..." he began grunting, as he kept going, seeing his mother begin to pant as she smiled. She knew how much he wanted to fill her by now, "... oh... oh... OH... OH... OH..."

He could feel himself getting close again, and he knew he would release soon. He kept driving on, as he felt himself bucking more and more into her, wanting to fill her, to make her full with what he had, to give her everything she had been desiring for so long...

"A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!" he grunted loudly, before hilting within her and releasing a torrent of his cum into her snatch, filling her passage with his thick, rich cream as he groaned with each squirt he made, while Gwen just moaned loudly as she felt him fill her with his cum, both smiling as they felt so connected to one another; the passion was considerably high in the room, as he thrust a few more times into her before his balls were finally empty.

He moaned quite loudly, as he felt himself pull out, his cock flopping as it started to soften, before he shifted alongside his mother, lying down beside her before he kissed her, "Momma... you feel better now?"

"Oh, yes, John," she replied, returning the kiss to him, full of the passion she had for him, "Much better..."

He smiled, as he flopped onto his back, feeling completely exhausted as he panted. His mother snuggled against him, giving him more kisses while she let her hand stroke over his softening dick. He couldn't believe how good he felt, but soon his body began to feel completely tired; his eyes soon drifted shut as sleep overcame him, his last memory being his mother leaning her head down to lick his tip clean of the last of his cum...

"Oh, my..."

He could feel himself waking, as he heard the sound of an alarm clock going off nearby, as he groaned. He felt good, completely in bliss, as he yawned and stirred a little; the dream he had, had been good.

"Oh, my big stud... let momma handle this..."

He felt more than good, in fact he felt great. And yet, he wondered if he had dreamt the other wonderful moment from last night as well. He couldn't say for certain, as his memory felt fuzzy, but the whole series of events that occurred seemed quite real to him. As his eyes opened slightly, he noticed something odd.

'Huh? Wait...' he realised something; he was still in his mother's room, and what's more, something soft was wrapped around his cock, which was completely hard, and as he looked down to his crotch, he felt his tip was encased in something wet and... 'Whoa!!! Oh, mom...'

His mother pulled her mouth off the tip, "Morning, John..." she spoke seductively to him, smiling at him, as she lay between his legs with her boobs around his shaft, " don't mind me waking you up like this?" He smiled and shook his head, "That's good. Last night was wonderful, John. I want to know you'll give me that often..."

"Of course, momma," John replied, letting his head lean back as she continued stroking his cock between her breasts; he could understand now why he felt great this morning.

"You don't have to call me that always, John," she responded, licking the tip teasingly, "You know my name, well enough by now..."

She heard him moan as she did, before he responded with a groan of "...mmm, so good, Gwen... I love you..." much to her delight, as she kept going.

"You think, sis, will enjoy me?" he asked when she slowed down for a moment, before he watched as she nodded. She winked at him, before she engulfed the tip again, suckling it, as he felt how close he was to giving... again; Gwen had been working on him slowly before he had woke. "Yeah... definitely have to find out..." he moaned more, before feeling himself grunt a little as his mother worked on him.

She was in agreement with him too, as he groaned loudly and released once more into her mouth...

"M-o-o-o-o-o-o-m... I'm home!!!"

Elizabeth closed the front door, before looking around; she noted how the place looked a little untidy, but otherwise quiet. She expected to find her mother in the kitchen, considering that she had come back early in the morning.

"Elizabeth?" she heard being called out, before she spotted her mother coming down the stairs... in her nightgown; that was odd for her, since Elizabeth knew she usually was dressed in the morning. She watched as her mother reached the bottom before approaching her and then embraced her. "O-h-h-h-h... you're back," she seemed and sounded rather cheery, "How has my daughter been?"

"Erm... quite well, mother," Elizabeth answered, slightly confused about how she was acting around her. "Cathy and I had a wonderful night. She was really good; you wouldn't believe how go-" her speech froze as she felt her mother rub over her gently, "Mom? What are you doing exac-"

Gwen hushed her, before her daughter faced her, noting how she had an unusual look in her eyes, "Shush, Elizabeth. Cathy must have really loved you. I can believe how good you must have been with her." She smiled at her daughter, as her hands began to slowly stroke along her sides, before they came over her concealed boobs, hearing her daughter moan softly. "Does this feel good too?"

'Whoa... mom, I... Is this for real?' Elizabeth thought, not sure how to accept this, but something in her just closed her eyes, and allowed her mother do this; she couldn't believe this was happening, and yet it felt good, as she nodded, though she wondered why her mother was doing this all of a sudden.

"Oh, Elizabeth... Mommy had a wonderful night, such a good one. The best night in fact, for such a long time," Elizabeth heard her speak softly to her, "And mommy wants to share how good she feels with you." Gwen caught her daughter completely off guard, when she leant in and kissed her fully on her lips, moaning into her mouth. The mare watched as her child just gazed at her, completely in disbelief, though Gwen giggled, "Oh, mommy knows you've wanted me to do this to you for a while now, just as much as you wanted to spend time with your brother..."

"Huh?" Elizabeth responded. She didn't expect those words, or that last part, and was quick to ask, "Wait, you know how I feel about you and John? How did you find out, mom? Wait," she looked around her, "...where is he, mom? Where's my brother?"

Gwen giggled, smiling at her, leaving Elizabeth to feel somewhat confused in her response, until she had a notion on why she acted like that, as she looked upstairs before looking back to her mother. She mouthed to her mother, "Did you two...?" to which Gwen just simply nodded before her daughter finished the question, laughing lightly as her daughter went wide-eyed; Elizabeth felt her disbelief grow.

"Why not hear from him yourself?" Gwen spoke, before glancing up the stairs. "John," she called up, "... you mind coming down here and greeting your sister? She's just got back..."

Elizabeth glanced up the stairs, before her eyes stared towards her brother as he appeared and began to come down, her mouth hanging open; she could not take her eyes off how good he looked, particularly as he was coming down naked. He grinned, as he saw her gaze begin to transfix at his flaccid member as it flopped against him during his descent.

"Hey sis," he spoke seductively to her when he reached the bottom, before embracing her and kissing her fully on the lips, "See anything you like? Mom sure did." He winked over to his side.

Gwen giggled, before sliding a hand in between them to stroke over his cock, kissing him upon the cheek, "Yeah. And momma will be enjoying it again soon I hope, John."

Elizabeth couldn't believe she was hearing this, and yet, her eyes could not stop fixating on his cock and its size. 'Oh... my... God!!! He's huge, and so... so... g-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-d.' Her disbelief disappeared in a puff of smoke; it seemed wrong, and yet, her mother was right. A smile of lust crept over her face, while she felt herself licking her lips; she had to admit, she always dreamt of seeing him before her, and now it was happening for real. She could only think of one thing; she had to feel it. And so slowly, she drew a hand to grasp his shaft, stroking over it slightly, taking in its shape and how good it felt to feel it.

"M-m-m-m-m...." John moaned softly, "Bet you want to taste it as well...," he watched as she beamed with lust, nodding her head, "Well since you want to, sis... we can do this at the sofa..." Elizabeth grinned, leaning in and kissing him fully.

Gwen smiled at how much her daughter was in with the idea, "Maybe, Elizabeth, I can show you how good I can be with you as well..." She was compelled to join them, but the sound of the doorbell going forced her away for the time being, "You two move into the living room and have some fun, I'll join you soon enough."

The pair nodded, as Elizabeth led her brother over to the sofa, while Gwen went to answer the front door. She was quite surprised to see who was standing outside. "Oh, Teak," she spoke, smiling at her new friend, "How nice to see you again."

The orca smiled, giggling, "I thought I check up on you, see how you were. I hope you don't mind, but I asked around to find out where exactly you lived. How was last night, anyway?" She watched as the mare just smiled and nodded, while she sighed in relief. She was inclined to ask her for more details, but the sound of loud moaning coming from inside caught her attention, "Gwen? What was that?"

"Oh, that..." Gwen grinned, before letting Teak take a look inside. She watched as the orca stared at her children, as they enjoyed each other; Elizabeth was slowly licking over her brother's shaft, bringing it to full hardness. Teak watched for a moment more, stunned for a moment of what she was seeing, before grinning, licking her lips at the sight of the stallion's hard cock, while Gwen giggled at the orca's reaction, knowing what she must have been thinking, "It seems John has another admirer, then..."

"Oh yeah, I'll say... what a hunk..." Teak responded, the lust easy to see in her eyes (she could have drooled even as well), before she focused on Gwen; she could tell why the mare was allowing this to happen. "I guess he and you had a wonderful night then, right?" she asked, her grin growing bigger.

"Oh, yeah..." Gwen nodded, as she gazed at John; her daughter had begun to suckle upon the tip of his cock, "Looks like his sister is going to enjoy him too; just as much as I am going to enjoy my daughter, in a moment."

"Mmmm... I can tell..." Teak responded, grinning; she approved of that, before remembering why she had come round, "Oh, by the way; I talked with the others, and they would love to meet you. We're having a coffee morning on Tuesday, if you're interested?" She gasped as she heard John moan loudly inside.

Gwen chuckled, before nodding, "Oh, I am. I'd love to meet the others." She took a moment to watch her son, as he slowly began to enjoy his sister's mouth around his cock, before she continued, "It would be quite nice to meet with them." She watched her children a little more before focusing back on the orca, "You know something, Teak?"

"What's that, Gwen?" the orca asked, quite curious as to the mare's answer, as she smiled.

Gwen smiled in return, as she sighed in joy, before giving her answer, "My son has grown up so well..." She gazed back at him, her smile growing, "What a stallion..." Her love was easy to tell in her voice, as she watched him being blown by her sister.

"What a stud..."


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