Commission: Stoned in London

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commission for Fun little one with one of the gargoyles from the hit 90s show.

Griff leaned over the ledge of the building with a low hum, eyes locked onto the human wandering the streets below him. The avian-like gargoyle let out a thoughtful noise as he let his feathers fluff and settle as he angled his head. Couple days ago, he'd caught wind of someone with pictures asking about him. Didn't take long for him to track the chap down once night fell. His fellow Londoners had been pretty tight lipped about who he was and even about the shop. Still, a few had talked about beasts that were slowly cleaning up the area.

He'd followed the lad, an American university student if he had to guess, to a park. The clothes and electronic gadgets were a give away. Those little devices still astonished Griff. Astounding things, so much information shoved into such tiny objects. And the screens were so amazingly clear. He'd been able to easily see what was on the lad's screen when he sat down on a bench. It was rather boring at first. Emails, texts, couple websites. Rather ordinary stuff really. Then, there were the pictures he had of a certain dashing gargoyle. They seemed rather ordinary at first. Taken from newspapers, websites, and the like. Mostly grainy things that could have either been him or an ornery pigeon.

Disappointing really.

Until the lad flipped over to some older photos. Ones taken decades ago, long before the human's parents were even born. There were a few that were ordinary enough. Viewing him from a distance as he sat on a ledge. One closer up of him, taken in the store if he wasn't mistaken. A rather lovely one of him silhouetted against the moon. Couple of him perched above a pub, enjoying a pint and cutting up with a couple of the locals. Then a picture of...

Oh, those pictures. He'd forgotten about those pictures.

It was a series of photos a friend of his had taken so very long ago. Not one of his fellow gargoyles either, a human that he had befriended. More than just befriended, truth be told. Leo and Una were always great when it came to primal urges, but there was always just something so desirable about humans. So soft, so tender, and so much fun in the sack and out of it. So full of life, ready to experience so many things in the short time that they were on this world. Once they were introduced to the world beyond most mortal comprehension, something which he was rather firmly a part of, they tended to expand their horizons a bit more than they usually would.

Take Tommy for instance, the photographer who had taken a great many of the pictures that the lad was browsing through. He'd had a great interest in Una at first. She'd happily posed for some pictures, enjoying how she looked on film once they were developed. Mm, he'd enjoyed looking at them too, got him jolly well riled up for giving his gel a good rogering. They'd been about set to have a good romp right there, she did love an audience after all, when she noticed how their little erotic photographer was staring at the bulge in his groin. Little whisper from her and he gladly offered to show off to their friend. Oh sure, Tommy had been a little hesitant at first, only natural considering the time and views on certain things.

Once Griff took off his clothing, then things quickly began to change. Wasn't hard to see just how much their shutterbug was enjoying his little strip tease. Even with Una distracting him with sultry whispers and low moans, that camera just continued to capture him in all his glory. Then, once Griff invited Tommy to join him and Una... Well, pretty obvious where things went from there.

He shivered, reaching down to adjust the bulge that was forming in his pants. Despite trying to move his mind off that subject, he couldn't draw himself away from the memories of that night. The feel of Una's fur and Tommy's soft skin rubbing against his body. The noises his partners made as the three of them made an absolute mess of the bedroom. How they raced to get in one more round before the sun rose and froze them in a pose of pure ecstasy. Tommy was just lucky it hadn't broken through the clouds moments earlier, or else he would have been trapped in a rather embarrassing position until the sun set. Still, he was more than ready for more come evening, having secured more film for his camera. Sport that he was, he even showed Una how to work it so she could catch some shots of them.

Distracted as he was, with his gaze locked onto the lad's tablet and his fingers massaging his member through his clothing, he didn't notice the ruffians roaming the park until one of them called out. With fingers having dipped into the briefs and rubbing his flesh, he narrowed his eyes to watch the group as they wandered over. A low hiss came from the gargoyle as he braced his hands on the ledge and lifted himself up, eyes just starting to glow with a white light.

"Oi, what we got here? Some wallad out in this park this late with a sweet bit of nang like that." Chris's head jerked up as he quickly shut off his phone's screen and shoved it into a pocket. "Don't he know that some peak badmen come out. One of dem bound to rip it right outta those hands." He scrambled off the bench as the hooligans moved to surround him. Panic welled up in his chest as he looked around at the thugs. He cursed himself for being so stupid as to stop in this park this late at night. People had warned him about this type of thing. He'd just been so caught up in things that he hadn't even thought about it.

His mind raced as he tried to think of a way to get out of this situation. Puffing out his chest, he put on his meanest look possible to sneer at them. "Back off, do you know who you're messing with?" The gang stopped and looked amongst each other before the leader burst out laughing.

"A wanker if I had to guess."

Not good.

One of the thugs grabbed and shoved him into another. Laughter burst from the group as they began to shove him around. Chris stumbled around, trying to keep on his feet. It was just a bunch of schoolyard crap, but it was hard to argue when it was six on one. He wasn't bounced for long before he stumbled and fell against one of the people. A pair of massive hands grabbed his shoulders and held on tight. "Now, this isn't very civilized, is it?" Chris looked at the person that was holding him and froze. A beaked creature, the same one whose pictures he was looking at seconds before, was supporting him and glaring at the thugs. "Now, is this any way to treat a visitor to our shores?" The creature's eyes shone with a white light as it let out an ear-splitting screech.

It was amazing to watch the gang member's face twist with such surprise then horror. "IT'S THE BEAST, LEG IT!" The thugs turned tail and ran. It was actually pretty comical to watch.

The green-feathered creature snorted at their backs as they fled. "The beast? Rather rude thing to call me. Can't say I really expected better though." He swiveled his head and looked down at Chris with one eye. "I hate to be so brash, but you're coming with me. I have some questions for you." The gargoyle wrapped an arm around his body and leapt away. Chris let out a yelp as the male's powerful leap rocketed them away from the bench. A couple bounds brought them to a building, a bell tower or something. He could feel the male tense before springing upwards. Chris gulped and clenched his eyes shut as they almost flew for a moment before the creature latched onto the wall and began to speedily climb its surface.

Griff looked over at the human and smirked a bit as the lad clung to his side. Didn't take more than a few seconds before he dropped the lad onto the stone floor. The student's eyes snapped open and locked onto his as he backed up against the low wall that surrounded the patio. "Now, you're going to tell me where you got those photographs." Crossing his arms, he looked down at the lad and let his tail dance behind him.

Chris shifted nervously, unable to take his eyes away from the gargoyle's intense gaze. "I got them from my Grandfather." The male tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "He used to tell stories about all kinds of creatures, gargoyles, that he found in London. Family always thought they were just to entertain the kids, but I always liked to learn more. When he passed away, he left me some things and I found those in an album. Once I found them...well, my interest in cyrptozoology just ignited. Then I started hearing things on the internet. Reports of strange creatures in several cities around the world, had pictures too." He shifted, still caught in those eyes, "Managed to scrape up enough money to come to London, so I did and decided to see if I could find out more."

The gargoyle nodded and tore his gaze away from the lad. "Your grandfather wouldn't happened to be called Thomas, would he?"

He nodded his head quickly, "Yeah. He was here just before the war... and... and..." Griff looked over as the human trailed off. He followed the man's gaze and felt his nares heat up. During the excitement, his briefs had slipped enough to expose his manhood. Out of a gentlemanly reaction, he quickly tucked himself back into that restraining garment.

Chris coughed nervously, "No, it's okay, really." He looked away quickly, but found his gaze drifting back to that bulge. "I'm Chris, by the way."

Reaching a hand out, Griff smiled at the lad. "Griff, at your service." Taking the hand, Chris pulled himself up and was swept into the gargoyle's embrace. He gasped as the strong body pressed against his, that erection throbbing against his body. "Now that you've found your Grandfather's legendary beast, what are you going to do?"

Chris's head was reeling as he pushed lightly against the male's chest. "I think that I want to kiss you."

"As you wish."

It was easy for the bigger, stronger gargoyle to dip the human male, even with only one arm wrapped around the male's shoulders. Kissing with a beak was another matter, one that he had lots of practice in coping with. Open up a bit wider, let his tongue slide out to coax his partner's tongue to come play. Only took a second for Chris to respond, reaching up to rub Griff's arms and cheek. A soft moan slipped from his partner's mouth as their tongues danced around one another. The gargoyle felt his cock start to rise, fighting against his briefs. His free hand slipped down and popped his belt open. He sighed happily into the kiss, tilting his head to deepen it, as his member slid up against his belly. A purr rattled up his throat as he let the belt fall to the ground. Chris tensed as his hand came around and cupped the male's groin, feeling the human's own bulge. Just a little work and those pants were sliding towards the stone as well.

Griff pushed the human's underwear down as well, letting his fingers gently tease along that erect member. The kiss broke as Chris leaned back, gasping as a powerful talon gently slid along the engorged tip. His purring rose in volume as he worked open his own bit of clothing to let his stuff out to play. Leaning in, he nibbled at his partner's neck as his strong hand wrapped around both cocks and held them against each other. A slow buck slid the lengths against each other as precum ran out over their fleshy towers. Sliding his thumb against the tips, he spread out that clear goodness and made it easier to rub together. "Have you ever done anything like this before?"

Chris gasped, hips pushing forward eagerly. "I-I've played aro-around a little, bu-but nothing too in-involved."

A firm push rubbed his heavy balls against his partner's sac. "Then I get to teach you a few things."

There was a grin on his face as he stepped away suddenly. He cawed out a laugh as Chris nearly fell over, just catching himself against the short wall. "Careful there, darling." A deep croon sounded from him as he stripped off his vest and briefs, casting them aside to reveal his full body. The look of pure adulation on Chris's face made his chest swell with pride as he voiced a pleased noise. Griff took a moment to pose himself, flexing muscles, turning, and showing off his body. Everything from his toned abs and hefty genitals, all the way down to his tight rear and powerful legs. After just a few seconds of showing off, he stretched himself out on the patio. "Ever try oral on another guy?"

Chris nodded and licked his lips, "Just a little bit, why?"

"Come down here and we prepare for more fun later. Believe they call it a sixty-nine." His eyes lit up playfully, "And you seem a little overdressed for his, Ol'Boy."

Chris's heart was racing as he watched the gargoyle preen and pose for him. Ever since he'd found the pictures, he'd been having all kinds of dreams about the subjects of the pictures. The mythical ones that is. Now here it was. A living, breathing dream that was all ready to do everything he'd imagined. He fumbled out of his clothes and hurried over to the glorious male. He was so nervous that he was almost shaking as he lowered himself down onto Griff's powerful body. The male's powerful form vibrated under him with deep purrs as he reached down to rub that deep red length. Quickly lifting it, he ran his tongue over the hot tip before lowering his head.

The taste was far better than the couple guys he'd tried this with before. Cleaner, sweeter in a way, but still having a deep, musky flavor to it. He sucked in a deep moan as his eyes closed. Holding himself up, he began to bob his head on that cock, rubbing the base of the male's cock as his tongue ran laps around the male's girth. Griff's purr turned into a more vocal call as precum oozed onto his tongue. Reaching down, he cradled the male's balls and rolled them around their velvety pouch. He pulled off with a gasp and kissed Griff's base. "These are huge, when did you last blow?"

Powerful hands kneaded his rear, "Last night, several times actually." The male's beak rubbed against his sac, finally reminding him of its presence . "The lovely thing about stone sleep." Griff's tongue gently rubbed against his balls before sliding up over his taint and tickling against his backdoor. He covered the moan by taking that cock back into his mouth and slurping wetly around it.

Griff let his legs slid up and braced his feet against the stone. Chris wasn't that good at giving head, but he was certainly more than eager enough to make up for his inexperience. The speed the guy was bobbing his head was enough to make his toes curl. "That's it," he hissed as his tongue pushed against the male's ass before easing in. The muscles were tight, fighting against his entry for just a moment before allowing him entry. Pushing his beak in between those firm buttocks, he crooned as he worked his tongue in deeper. Another moan vibrated down his cock as Chris held onto his legs and pushed back against his beak. Sweeping his tongue around, he teased the chap's prostate and was rewarded by a tightening of the male's body. He felt wetness forming on his chest as his buddy grew more aroused.

Oh man, Chris's head was swimming as Griff's tongue worked his rear. Didn't take much before he was squirming and drooling precum right onto the gargoyle's plumage. He hated making a mess of the male's beautiful feathers, but there was nothing he could do, or even wanted to do, to stop it. The more Griff played with him, the more eager he became to play with the wonderful male. Plunging his head forward, he only stopped when he nearly gagged when the male's tip poked against the back of his throat. He backed off quickly before his body could fight against it too much.

Swirling his tongue around the male's tip, he groaned as Griff's tongue probed deeper. Reaching around the male's thigh, he pushed a finger against the gargoyle's rear experimentally. Griff pushed up with a deep coo as Chris pushed his fingers into the willing ass. The big male tensed as the fingers stroked his prostate. It was something that Chris enjoyed doing to himself when he took care of his own business, and it seemed that his partner was enjoying it just as much as he did. Pushing his fingers against it, he stroked the male's flash madly with his other hand. As he worked, the base of the male's length began to swell. Wrapping his fingers around it, he squeezed the flesh and tugged at it. It didn't take more than a moment before the gargoyle arched up and let out a loud call.

With time and practice, Chris would be able to handle the load that the gargoyle blew into his mouth. Not this time though. The first blast was enough to make him pull back, coughing from the sheer volume of it. The bulge in his hand throbbed with each spray as the male pumped his load all over of Chris's surprised face. For several long seconds, the gargoyle fired blast after blast of hot, thick cum right into the human's face. Chris was panting as he licked up some of the delicious cream.

A deep purr sounded from the gargoyle as his fingers kneaded Chris's rear. "Always love a good blow job." Chris sat up slowly and turned around. Griff's eyes widened at the mess he'd made on his friend before chuckling a little. Leaning forward, he gave a soft coo as he started to clean the human's face with tongue and fingers.

Chris shivered as the tongue swept against his face. "I didn't think that it'd taste that good. I mean the other times I've tasted..." His cheeks flushed red as he cleared his throat. "Well, you know."

Griff chortled, "Oh I know, Chap. One advantage to being what we are." He gave an exaggerated wink, "All different flavors." The human licked his lips and shivered, as if imaging what that would be like.

Chris squirmed a little, pressing his erection against Griff's thigh. "My Grandfather, Thomas, said that he came back to London after the War. He said that Una and Leo wouldn't talk about you. Said that he found out that you died in a battle." Fingers ran through his feathers, playing with them for a moment. "What happened?"

Griff crooned as he felt his own length begin to stir again. Reaching a hand down, he slid his fingers along the human's shaft. "Long story, that." He smiled as his partner shivered as his thumb teased over the male's tip. "Friend of mine brought me a few decades into the future to keep me alive." Turning his head, he nibbled gently into the human's hair. "Did like Thomas, great chap." A grin tugged at his beak, "A question for you."

Chris shivered as his hand reached out to stroke the gargoyle's length. "Mhmm?"

"Are you ready for some more... research?" The lad looked at him questioningly as he nodded towards the wall. "Right over there, just rest your hands on the wall."

Didn't take more than a couple seconds for Chris to get up and bend forward against the wall. He looked over his shoulder and shivered at the sight of Griff standing and moving in behind him. "I get the feeling that I can't exactly use this for any papers I write."

Griff purred as he pushed his tip against the man's prepared rear, "I will gladly show up as a credible source." He pushed forward slowly, groaning as the tight rear stretched out around his thick rod.

Chris arched up and let out a moan, "Ooooh, I would love to see professors checking my information."

A chuckle sounded from the gargoyle as he pulled his partner back, wings twitching as the muscle squeezed down around his cock. He only plunged half of his girth in before drawing back. Another thrust drove him deeper and made his partner squirm back eagerly, head dropping down. "Oh this is better than what you did with your tongue."

Wrapping an arm around the human, he leaned forward to purr into his ear, "Just you wait for the fireworks to start."

"Light the fuse."

Arching up, Griff let out a call as he pushed his cock right up to the root, heavy balls smacking against Chris's sac. He let out a growl, the white light shimmering in his eyes as he began to hammer the male with quick, shallow thrusts. He cast an eye towards the horizon and snarled. "Sorry for this, chap, but this is going to be a fast one. Unless you want to stick around all day."

Chris hung his head, panting heavily as the big male's body crashed against his. "Ooo, you can make it up to me tomorrow night."

The male nibbled at his eat and purred, "Oh don't worry about that. I think Una and Leo might be interested in adding to your... research as well."

A shiver raced down his spine as he pushed his body back into Griff's form. The strong claws rubbed over his hips and chest as the male pushed harder against him. Each thrust made his cock leap as the male's length slid against his prostate. He'd tried some play with toys before, but nothing could even begin to compare to this. It was more than just the cock plunging into his rear. It was the hands rubbing his body, the sound of Griff's labored breathing, the feathers and fur rubbing his body, smack of their bodies, and the impact that rolled through his body. His nails scraped against the stonework as he rose up onto his toes, eagerly shoving his body back into the gargoyle.

Griff leaned back, glancing down at his partner's stretched rear. He let out a deep moan as his eyes narrowed. He rammed his body hard against the male with each time, his knot rapping against Chris's stretched back door. He wasn't going to tie, not this time. No, that'd have to come in later when they had more time to enjoy it. Arching his back, he snapped his beak as his body started to tense. It didn't take much longer before Chris lost it. The human arched and nearly howled under him as he exploded, the salty scent of his cum filling the air as he painted the stones with his white cream. Holding tight to those squirming hips, he hammered against his partner, wings pumping as his eyes began glowing with his lust. Cramming his knot tight against the male's clenching ass, he arched his back and let out a keening call as he blew his load deep into the human's rump. He jerked his hips several times before drawing away with a snarl. His cock popped out with a wet noise, spraying several blasts of cream over the human's exposed backside right as the sun came up.

Chris lay there, letting the cool stone suck the heat out of his body as he tried to catch his breath. His cheeks were burning as he felt the hot cum running along his rear. "Oh wow, that was just amazing, Griff. Better than I'd even dreamt of." He shivered as some cream leaked out of his abused rear. "Griff?" Turning around, he blinked at the new statue that adorned the tower. The male's face was blissful and his body arched in mid-spray. Chris sank against the stone, unsure if he could walk at the moment. "Should get some breakfast in a minute." Tiredly, he pulled his clothes over and wiggled into his underwear, constantly glancing over at the petrified male. "Probably come back afterward. Make sure no pigeons decide to perch on you." Standing up, he felt his cheeks flush as he leaned in to plant a peck on the male's stoney beak. "See you in a short while."