Unknown Wonders Chapter 1

Story by DoctorFlame on SoFurry

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#1 of Unknown Wonders ( Dead )

This is just an opening chapter to what I have planned. You won't find too much in the form of adult whatnot, but I do plan a bit of smut later on in further chapters.

If your looking for a quickie, your in the wrong place, but if you want character development than this might be for you :3

I'm always open for suggestions, comments, constructive criticism, and compliments.

Edit: After re-reading my own work, I realized I had some stuff to fix. These weren't huge edits, but I found a few sentences left behind from when I took out a paragraph that added nothing to the story, and a few other small things that needed to be fixed when I added their names in sooner than I had previously planned.

These are more cosmetic changes and do not change the base story.

Update as of 4/2/16: This story is dead and will not be completed. Due to the issues that have been going on from the beginning of this I have lost both memory and notes to where I was going with this story.

If I can pick up where I left off and continue, I will. But for now, consider this dead.

A young black leopard, whom did not even know her own name, lay curled in a small metal cage that rattled with every bump made by the truck that now carried her. It was too dark to see, the truck being boarded up with wood and blocking out all but the smallest bits of light as the vehicle passed under the orange lights that lit the road. To say the ride was uncomfortable would be an understatement, for it was difficult to lay against the hard, cold steel of her cell, and the constant draft only caused her to curl her tail tighter in a vain effort to remain warm.

After what seemed like an eternity passed, her ears perked up as she heard the faint screech of the worn brakes bring the large truck to a halt. She looked around, slightly panicked in an attempt to see, but the white light that now slipped through the cracks was nowhere near enough to make out any kind of detail. "I'm telling you, this one is a keeper for sure. Though if the boss doesn't want her I'm sure we could sell her on the black market, or at least have some fun with her." said a rough and deep voice with a chuckle as the lock on the back of the truck clicked open. The wooden doors swung open, allowing the bright white light to blast in, forcing her to look away in pain as her eyes adjusted.

At the door stood two men, both obviously human men, one with light blond hair and skinny as a rail, the other obviously did not know how to turn down food for he was a hefty one and without a single hair on his head. They reeked of sweat and alcohol so bad she could smell them from where she now lay. "See? Didn't I tell you?" said the blond man as he looked upon the naked form of the black leopard in front of him. "I don't see nothen yet. It looks like just a ball of fur from here." Said the bald one as he reached in and pulled on the cage. The leopard hissed in anger, not wanting to be anywhere near these men, and lashed out with her claw, digging into the man's hand and causing him to yelp in pain. "OIE! Damned furball, you'll regret that!" He yelled as he pulled out a knife, only to be stopped by his partner. "We need her alive you idiot. The boss won't pay us if she's dead. Now put on some gloves and help me move this cage will you?"

The rest was pretty much a blur for the poor feline as her cage was dragged down a large corridor of cages, all filled with all manors of creatures ranging from the usual cat and dog breeds, to the exotic horse and even a dragon or two. But they were all gone as quickly as they came, for her cage was brought to a large cement room. "Now," said the blond human, "you be good for the master or he'll have you sold on the market," he looked up, directing the question to his partner, "and she don't wana go there, now does she?"

Her captors quickly shoved a rope around her neck; the sudden surprise causing her to shriek and struggle, only to find the rope was strong and connected to a large metal bar. "Alright missy, time to stand up and show off the goods." The skinny man grinned as he unlocked the cage and pulled the bars up out of the way, allowing her to crawl out, but only at the pace that her captors allowed, for the fat man held onto the bar as if his life depended on it.

She stood up, brushing off the dust from her fur a bit before tugging on the rope, attempting to loosen it for it dug into her fur uncomfortably. "Oie, don't be playing with it or I'll make it tighter." She growled a little in response as she let it go.

With a slight sigh, the leopard tried to relax a little, despite her situation. Comfortable was out of the question, but getting worked up about it was getting her nowhere. Finally calm, she looked around and noticed the other slaves. In fact, there were a total of ten slaves here, all lined up, nude as she was, and awaiting something. There were two males at the end, apparently twin foxes, several females, and one she could not discern for it was some type of green and black lizard. She noted that, aside from herself, they were all seemed well behaved, or broken in spirit.

She eyed them for a moment, allowing herself to go into a shallow trance. Her eyes shifted and slowly hazed over as she focused not on the slaves themselves, but on a small portion of light that surrounded them. This was a light only she seemed able to see, but knew not why. This light, as she had learned not long ago, seemed to represent one's emotions and mental state. In the case of many of these slaves, it was blue, meaning calm or peaceful... or numb. She could see their sadness, their anger, their fatigue, and even one that seemed to be happy to be here... But how could one be happy to be a slave to these people?

After getting no answer to her own internal question, she took a moment to refocus and observe the room. Large white drapes hung from the tall ceiling, covering the large stain glass windows that littered the cloth with different shades of red. The floor was covered in a deep red carpet that looked soft to the touch. At the far end of the room was a pair of heavy wooden doors, stained a dark brown, contrasting against the off white walls. A loud click echoed through the room, distracting her for a moment, drawing her attention back to the doors as they swung open.

Nothing happened for the longest time till a voice cut through the silence, causing her to jump a little in surprise. "Ah, good, good. We seem to have a nice selection set up for our guest now don't we?" The voice was high pitched, almost feminine in tone, but distinctly male. Looking for the source, she noticed a man coming from the doorway. This was a heavy set human, clothed in white fur speckled in black spots, stained pink at the edges and obviously well taken care of. He was bald aside from the ponytail he kept in the back and wore a gold lipstick that caused his lips to pop against his deep sun tanned skin.

"And a leopard... I say, you two idiots always seem to bring the pretty ones." The fur coated man walked up to the leopard, only to get a hiss from her as she flashed her fangs, not wishing to be anywhere near this man. "And one with a spark of freedom still left in her eyes..." He frowned softly before examining the others.

"Listen up!" The man shouted, though it was more of a squeak that anything. "We have a special client today, I want everyone on their best behavior, and I don't want a repeat of last week, do we understand? I do not wish to waist bullets on another slave, their expensive to replace." He turned and faced the leopard. "As for this one, have her taken to the cellar, we can't sell her like this. It would harm our reputation." He turned away from her for a moment, looking down the line of slaves. "And have those twins sent to my personal room, I would like to try them out myself before we sell them. A quality check, of course." He grinned a bit, but that was soon wiped away as a doe quickly ran up and whispered something in the furred man's ear. He frowned a bit "He's early... Alright! Change of plans, everyone line up." The skinny man whom was still the leopard's captor started to speak. "But boss, didn't you say-""I know what I said! But we cannot afford to keep him waiting, now get in line!"

The furred man lightly brushed his coat, making sure everything was in check as he walked to the doors and closed them behind him. It was quiet for what seemed like the longest time before the leopard could just barely make out the sounds of voices behind the doors. Quickly the heavy doors swung open, revealing three human like figures. The furred man she had come to dislike and two others. "-now come in, let me show you what I have for you tonight. I picked them out myself."

The figures stepped forward into the light and the leopard could now see the three figures. One, as she expected, was the furred man, accompanied by another human, this one tall, thin but well built, and hair as black as a starless sky. He wore a trench coat and walked like a man with porous. Behind this new human was wolf who kept not more than two paces behind him. She was stunningly beautiful, pure white fur that flowed down her body, covered in an old style, probably 1800's maid dress, and she was smaller than the man she fallowed, by a good foot or two. She kept her eyes down, never making eye contact with any of the humans in the room.

"My name is Chrystal, but my friends call me Chris." said the fur suited man with a cheeky smile. "Chrystal... you may call me Drake," replied the dark haired man. "And this is my servant, Sasha." Sasha, the wolf that had been fallowing Drake, bowed respectfully. Chrystal paid no attention to servant, feeling as if she was too beneath him to even warrant his attention.

"Sasha," Drake turned to the wolf who responded by perking her ears and giving her full attention to him. "Yes sir?" she spoke softly, with an almost angelic voice. "Start your search. I need my replacement yesterday." "Yes sir," she responded with a respectful nod as she walked to the line of slaves, inspecting them closely.

"Why would you have your slave do your shopping for you?" asked Chrystal with obvious confusion. "What does it matter?" replied Drake. "You will get your money one way or the other, now just sit back and be quiet. Or would you rather I go to another slaver?" Drake glared at Chrystal who quickly realized this was not going to be a smooth sale if he kept talking and, with an obvious frown of disapproval, stopped talking.

Sasha walked to each slave, taking her time looking at them, sniffing them, checking arms and legs, and paying close attention to eyes. She spent very little time with many of the slaves, finding them to be lacking in something, but nobody knew what she was searching for. Finally Sasha stopped in front of the twin foxes, examining the two of them for a bit. They were both male, thin and fit, though one seemed slightly more muscular than the other. They were both bright orange, with white tuffs of fur on their chest and tails tipped with black. Upon closer inspection, Sasha noticed they had a black spot over one eye, the thinner almost shy twin had it on the left, but the slightly larger brother had it on the right. She took her time examining them, taking in their scent and lightly rubbing her hands across their fur. She even went so far as to allow her hands to lightly caress the crotch of one of the twins, and grinned as she watched his sheath swell a little at her touch. "Sasha... We can find a toy later, focus please," said Drake. He did not seem angry, but he was obviously in no mood for this. "Yes sir, sorry," replied Sasha as she refocused and walked away from them.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, Sasha walked up to the black, nameless leopard and started examining her. The leopard, already in a bad mood due to the rough handling from before, hissed at Sasha. "Forgive me," spoke Chrystal, "this one has yet to be broken, I meant to have her taken away, but you arrived early and-" "This one," spoke Sasha, now staring into the eyes of the leopard. "She's the one." Chrystal blinked in surprise. "You can't be serious. Out of all of these fine specimens, you pick her? I have other leopards in the back, I'm sure I can find another to suit your tastes." "No, we need this one," replied Sasha as she walked up to Drake and motioning for him to bend down a little so she could whisper something to him. He complied and listened to what she had to say, nodding now and then. Chrystal tried to listen in, but heard nothing in the slightest, which did not improve his mood.

Finally, Drake stood tall once more and spoke up. "How much for the three of them?" he asked. "Three of who?" asked Chrystal. "The leopard and the two foxes."

Unknown Wonders Chapter 2

The carriage bumped slowly into the night, its passengers sitting idly by, awaiting their destination. Inside sat Sasha, lightly humming a tune of her own making as she wrote something in an old brown journal. Across from her were the three new slaves,...

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Shadow Dragon Bio

Shadow-dragons are not truly dragons as one would think. They are related to a race known as shadow beasts, creatures of darkness born from the evil of one's heart. Though created from one who must be outright evil, they retain nothing from those who...

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