Unknown Wonders Chapter 2

Story by DoctorFlame on SoFurry

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#2 of Unknown Wonders ( Dead )

WARNING: The fallowing contains mild rape. You have been warned.


Ok, so I lied... this isn't exactly twice as long as the first (which I did say it was when I replied to a post in the previous chapter), but it is a bit longer. Originally it was much longer, but as I read it I realized I had a bunch of junk that was both useless to the story and useless to the reader. It just bogged it down and did nothing of interest.

Chapter 3 should start picking up the story a bit more now that the characters are established, and I will be revealing the twin's history a bit more. (at least I plan to)

Again, comments, constructive criticism, heck, even ideas are welcome.

Update as of 4/2/16: This story is dead and will not be completed. Due to the issues that have been going on from the beginning of this I have lost both memory and notes to where I was going with this story.

If I can pick up where I left off and continue, I will. But for now, consider this dead.

The carriage bumped slowly into the night, its passengers sitting idly by, awaiting their destination. Inside sat Sasha, lightly humming a tune of her own making as she wrote something in an old brown journal. Across from her were the three new slaves, kept in easy view so she could keep an eye on them. The slaves were shackled and bound to their seat, more for Sasha's protection than to keep them from moving. Despite this, the three of them had to admit, this was quite comfortable. The interior was laced with silver silk that shimmered softly in the dim light. The seats were a deep, ocean blue, and surprisingly soft. Even the leopard had to admit, compared to what she was used to, this was luxury at its best. If she had to complain, it would be about the fact she, along with the twins, were still nude.

The leopard stifled a yawn as she sat there, allowing the new comfort to slowly envelop her. This was the first time in what seemed like ages, that she had had a warm place to rest. As she slowly drifted away her eyes began to lose focus again and the lights from before slowly took shape around Sasha. It was a mixture of greens and purples that slowly swirled around each other like a lazy mist and if the leopard was reading it right, it seemed as if Sasha was ether bored or simply very passive at this moment; which was a little odd considering how deeply invested she was with her writing.

Finally Sasha broke the silence with a snap of her little book closing, bringing the leopard back to her senses. "So... I am Sasha," she spoke with a calm and somewhat friendly tone as she looked up from her book, "head servant to Lord Darastrix Cal-Suaco. However, the commoners call him Lord Drake. You shall call him simply 'Sir' or 'my lord.'" "What? Not 'Master'?" asked one of the twins in an almost sarcastic tone. This was the larger one of the two. He seemed to have a more outgoing personality than his counterpart who kept quiet and sunk into the corner a bit as his brother brought attention to them. Sasha stared into the larger brother's eyes, noting a hint of defiance, but made no moves to correct this... yet. "Not to him directly," she finally replied. "He does not like being referred to as master. You are only slaves if that is how you wish to be treated. Otherwise you will be treated with care and as long as you obey his commands you will be given freedoms no other slaves have had outside his estate," she went quiet for a moment. "Where is he?" spoke the smaller twin, finally speaking up for the first time. He sounded exactly like his brother and Sasha wouldn't have known she was talking to the other brother if she hadn't seen his lips move herself. "He is driving the carriage. He wanted us to get to know each other a bit before we settled into his estate."

"Anyway, what are your names?" she asked, with obvious interest. The twins looked at each other with hesitation before the more outgoing one spoke up. "I am Andrew, this is my brother Oliver." "Andrew and Oliver... interesting choice in names," she smiled politely before turning to the leopard. "And you my dear?" The leopard looked out the window as her ears flattened themselves upon her head. "I don't have a name," she replied, "My breeder didn't bother considering I was nothing more than a paycheck for him." "I see," said Sasha with a slight frown, feeling a little sympathetic for the poor leopard, "Than I shall have a talk with Sir Drake, we will get you a proper name," she smiled a bit, but still the leopard said nothing.

They sat in quiet once again before the leopard finally broke the silence, asking a question that had been nagging her for the longest time. "Why are we in a carriage? Wouldn't a car or something be quicker?" "Probably," replied Sasha. "But Sir Drake does have a hard time catching up with the times." "The times?" Andrew cut in, "They have been around for years, heck you can't find someone who wasn't born and raised with a car in their life these days." Sasha only grinned a bit, returning to the book she had been writing in moments ago, filling the cabin once again with silence.


The leopard watched the scenery slowly change as the carriage moved along its merry little way. Slowly buildings gave way to trees and bushes. The roads slowly turned into dirt and rock, and the wilds became ever more prevalent as they moved farther and farther away from civilization. The trip seemed to take forever, but the leopard did not mind for she was too fascinated with the wildlife to care. This was her first time outside of the city, outside of cold steel boxes and harsh men; away from the looks of lust and greed given by her captors as they exchanged her for money or sexual favors. The first time she could actually enjoy peace and quiet.

It wasn't till now that she realized how tired she was. So much had happened in so little time, for just in the past three days alone she had changed hands seven times and not once had she had time to rest. Her first master had sold her to pay off some debts from gambling he had racked up over the years, and her second one only had interests of sex, but when she proved to be unwilling and resistant, traded her for someone more willing to act on his lust. The rest were nothing more than a blur till her last master... He was a brutal man, one who liked his bondage and found her to be the perfect slave. A hint of freedom still in her eyes, just waiting to be shattered so he could have his way. She had proven to be a challenge, but that only spurred him on more. She could still see him now, chaining her down to the floor and forcing his crotch into her face. "Smell it," he had commanded he rubbed his pants against her nose, forcing his musk onto her. She found it repulsive, and tried to turn away, only for him to grab her head and force her face into it more. "You like it don't you? You filthy bitch." He let go and walked over to a rack of tools, grabbing an O-ring, designed with her mouth in mind. "Open," he snapped as he walked up, but she only growled. This however only caused him to grin with the idea of forcing it into her maw. "Last chance... open!" Still she refused. Now, with a grin of pure excitement, the man forced his fingers into her jaw and pried her mouth open, shoving the ring inside quickly and strapping it to the back of her head. "Good girl. I can't have my new play thing biting me, now can I?" She struggled against the mouth piece, trying desperately to push it out with her tongue, but to no avail.

He grinned, watching her struggle as he unzipped his pants, causing her eyes to widen in panic and she struggled harder. This only seemed to excite him more as he pulled out his member and brought it close to her face. "Like what you see little kitty? I'll be using this to fuck your face till you break." It hung there, like a half stiff sausage, waiting for her to please him. As he brought it closer, it became harder and harder with his excitement. "Come on... struggle for me, it makes it feel all the better."

The leopard woke with start, causing Andrew to jump a little for she had been resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Y-yes. I'm fine," she replied, looking around and realizing she was back in the carriage which had apparently stopped moving. Her heart pounded in her chest as her body still reacted to the dream that had now passed.

Sasha placed the small book into her pocket, before opening the door and stepping out. "So? How was the ride?" asked Drake as he jumped down from the driver's seat. Sasha lightly brushed a few wrinkles out of her dress as she replied. "It was quite nice. I was able to learn the twins' names; however the leopard has yet to receive one. "I see..." He responded thoughtfully. "However, if I may be so bold, I suggest we let them rest before we start their training. They all seem exhausted." "I will keep that in mind. For now bring them in, get them clothed and a hot meal. We'll worry about the finer details once they've had a good night's rest."


The leopard stepped out of the carriage to see a large, grand building made a red stone. It seemed aged, probably built many, many years ago. The walls were covered by vine like plants, all blossoming happily in the sunlight. She currently stood under its front door overhang which was held up by large, white marble pillars. "This way," said Sasha as she led them into the house, passing through the large oak doors. Once inside, the leopard could tell that Drake had spared no expense to keep this place in one peace. The entrance hall was huge, with two rounded flights of stairs on either side leading up to a balcony that lead to other places in the house. Two glass doors stood strong at the center of the balcony, leading to what the leopard could only assume was a dance hall. On each side of the room stood two doors of dark stained wood, contrasting greatly compared to the white washed walls that were lined with surprisingly modern light fixtures. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling. It was laced with tear drops of glass, or diamonds that reflected specks of light around the room in the most breath taking of ways.

Sasha stood there a moment and looked around, seeing if there was anyone around before giving a quick whistle, summoning a servant from one of the adjacent rooms. Answering the call was a gray speckled rabbit who seemed to be way up in his years. He stood in front of Sasha and nodded respectfully. "Yes?" he asked, his voice somewhat rough with age. "Bring the new servants some clothing please, and have the maids prepare..." She paused and looked over at the three of them. "... Two rooms please." "Only two ma'am?" he asked, wanting to be sure of her orders. "Yes, two, and make sure one of them has two beds." "Yes ma'am" the rabbit bowed before walking away.

With the rabbit now gone, Sasha turned her full attention back to the three. "Now, let us get these cuffs off you and get you clothed, shall we?"


The leopard soon found herself in a small bedroom. It wasn't very large, or well decorated, but it was cozy. One bed sat in the corner, it had been dressed with what appeared to be silk cloth, and a dresser sat next to that with a simple lamp on top, casting a warm orange glow. She had her own closet, currently empty, but Sasha had promised before leaving her here that she would get that filled with clothing soon enough. Next to that was a small personal bathroom with a shower, toilet, sink, and mirror, all set up and ready for use whenever she felt the need.

One question kept nagging her though. Why would someone buy slaves, which were not exactly an inexpensive commodity as it was, and then offer them such comforts? Did Drake have something planned for them that was so sinister that he felt the need to pay up some kind of kindness before their time? Or was he just that nice? She doubted the second one, but without more information it was kind of worthless to worry about it.

A knock came to the door, drawing her attention, and with a cautious paw, opened it, hiding her still naked form behind it. There stood Sasha, holding a bundle of clothes in her arms. "Well? Are you going to let me in or just stay in your fur all day and get nothing done?" she asked with a somewhat joking smile. The leopard moved out of the way, allowing the white wolf into the room. "I have a few things here for you to try. Not many servants here are your size, but I think some of my older clothing will fit you just fine." She placed the clothing on the bed before turning to the leopard who just looked at them. They stood there for a moment before Sasha spoke up again. "Well?" The leopard felt a little sheepish as she spoke her next words. "I've never had clothes before... I don't know... how to..." "I see. We will just have to fix that," said Sasha with a warm smile as she unfolded the clothing.


Finally she was dressed. Her clothing were simple pair of brown pants that were a size too big, being barely held up by the small strap that looped over the base of her tail, and a tan shirt that was a size too small, making her already hand full sized breasts seem that much larger. Nothing fancy, but at least she wasn't nude any longer. "Well... it's not a perfect fit, but it will do till we can go shopping," said Sasha as she slowly walked around the leopard. "By the way, the master and I were talking." "I thought you said not to call him master," said the leopard. "I said not to his face... anyway, the master and I were talking and we settled on a name for you." The leopard's ears perked up a bit. "Well, I should say I chose a name. He isn't very good at these kinds of things." Sasha stood in front of her and lightly tugged on the leopard's shirt, trying to stretch it just a little to make it fit better, but to no success. "And?" asked the leopard, not wishing to wait any longer. "Adeline, you shall be known as Adeline."

Unknown Wonders Chapter 3

Adeline was standing in front of one of the larger windows in the library, looking out upon the lake that was behind the estate. The land seemed to stretch for miles and not so much as a manmade structure could be seen, aside from the white fence that...

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Unknown Wonders Chapter 1

A young black leopard, whom did not even know her own name, lay curled in a small metal cage that rattled with every bump made by the truck that now carried her. It was too dark to see, the truck being boarded up with wood and blocking out all but the...

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Shadow Dragon Bio

Shadow-dragons are not truly dragons as one would think. They are related to a race known as shadow beasts, creatures of darkness born from the evil of one's heart. Though created from one who must be outright evil, they retain nothing from those who...

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