Writing Stream 5: Gym and Locker Room

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yet another writing stream. I do these for free, and I really enjoy doing them. If you like seeing this stuff, consider showing up for the streams and getting something for yourself. This time, it's around the ideas of locker room and gym fun. Hope you like it.

Always open for comments and tips; commissions are my sole form of income, and the more people like them, the more they support them, the more you see. These are free, and I like doing them, but I can't do them as often as I'd like.

The Blowjob Bet

For the Otter Lord of Perverts

"You cheated."

"I did nothing of the sort," Idesin said, barely hiding a smirk as he looked down at the huge wolf kneeling in front of him. "I just went a little outside of the rules."

Lupe looked back at him with a glare that could have melted rock, but the otter just looked back with a grin. A grin and a bobbing cock right in front of the wolf's face. Gesturing down at it, he said, "You made the bet, now you gotta pay the price. Or are you going to back out of it now?"

The wolf looked side to side. "I don't remember a part of the bet involving this many people."

"No, but you have to admit, what did you expect doing it in the locker room?"

Surrounding the two of them was the entire male half of the senior gym class. From a horse with a prince albert piercing in his cock to a purple and black dragon standing at the far end of the aisle, it was lined with other men that were eager to see the show. Even one of the owls, generally the first person to get changed and off to the after school clubs, was perched on top of the lockers above the pair of them.

Lupe's eyes looked over each and every one of them, but the fire in his eyes that normally scared them off was lost on the watchers. More than a few of them already had semi's growing in their gym shorts, and there were a few that had their cocks out on display at the promise of a show.

He looked at Idesin again, but the otter just chuckled. Leaning forward, he bopped the wolf on the nose with his cock. "Come on, you made the bet, now pay up."

"Fine, fine." The wolf growled under his breath, but leaned forward. His lips parted as he took the otter's cock into his mouth, the teeth just barely grazing the cock as a warning before pulling back from the shaft.

Idesin barely felt it, leaning his head back with a sigh of pleasure. "Mmmm, yeah, that's it, man...Suck it deep," he panted.

Wolf tongue was so good; the few other times that he had gotten Lupe to get on his knees like this, he'd found it one of the most flexible tongues out there, broad and thick and wet. So eager, too, he thought as Lupe dragged it along the bottom of his cock, slicking it up with saliva and making wet slurping sounds as it went up and down the underside of his shaft.

The wolf started to pull back as the several clicks filled the air, but Idesin grabbed him before that lovely tongue could be pulled back from his cock. "Oooh, no you don't," he muttered, his hips bucking up against the wolf's chin. He panted, grinning over his friend's shoulder at all the other students who were pulling out their cell phones. "Heh...you're going to have so much porn of you on the internet tonight, Lupe...better keep my cock in your mouth if you don't want it all over your face, too," he said teasingly.

Growling, Lupe gave him a look that made him wonder if he might have pushed it too far. But for the moment, at least, the canine didn't try and bite his cock off. However, the sucking suddenly got a lot more intense; the wolf's lips tightened around the base of the otter's cock, and for a few moments, Idesin thought that his cock was going to be sucked right off his groin, his eyes rolling back in his head, his toes curling at the pleasure.

All around them, different seniors were walking around, some using their cell phones to take pictures of the wolf's humiliating blowjob, and others calling different students in the building. One of them, a pink rabbit, was chattering away faster than most of them could comfortably hear.

Others, Idesin saw with a smile, were pairing off with each other for a little quicky; he saw the horse and dragon moving back to an isolated part of the showers, stroking each other, jerking each other off fast and furiously. Neither of them seemed to care when some of the students started taking pictures of them too, though the dragon growled when a jaguar tried to cut in.

But Idesin was too focused on the blowjob he was getting to pay attention to the others for long. "Hey, toss me my phone," he shouted. Someone - he couldn't tell who - tossed him his phone from his backpack. Flipping it open, he pointed it down at Lupe. "Here it comes, big guy; swallow for me!"

He moaned, his hand barely holding steady as he came down Lupe's throat. He felt the throat muscles twitching at the tip of his cock as Lupe sucked his cum down, and he kept the camera going as the wolf swallowed every shot of his load.

Just to rub it in, Idesin pulled his cock out of the wolf's mouth, and let the last shot of his cum land on top of Lupe's lips. He giggled as he rubbed the tip of his cock against that last spurt, rubbing it into the wolf's lips, almost like lipstick.

That pushed the wolf over the edge, and he reared up with a roar. "IDESIN!" he shouted as the otter leaped up from his bench, running down the aisle with nothing but a towel around his waist. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!"

The otter just laughed, uploading the video to a dropbox account; the wolf was going to make him pay for that, but oh GOD was it worth it.

The end.

Summoning a God

For the War God

The swirling lights and blaring trumpets faded as the summoning spell finished its business, and Thargath shook his head a few times as he found his balance along the linoleum floor of...wherever he'd been summoned.

Immediately, the scaly god almost lost his balance again as a jet of water took him from behind, and it took him a bit of flailing for him to get his footing back. Toe claws scrabbling along the floor, he took three steps before he was back on point. Slowly turning, he said, "Who...did...tha-"

His voice cut off as he caught sight of the person holding the source of the water jet, and all of a sudden, his skirt of furs felt a great deal less comfortable.

Holding a shower head pointed at him was a fairly busty tigress, standing a little bit shorter than him but taller than the other females around her. They were a mix of wolves and felines, with a lizard here and there, but his attention was stuck on the tigress.

She had just enough curves on her to make her not quite good enough for most of the magazines the world had, but the extra size in her chest, hips, and butt made her more...desirable to him. She looked at him with a cocky grin, and she...she was naked, too. His eyes wandered down to her groin, and he couldn't help the way that his lips quirked upwards in a slight smile at the way that it was wet, and not just from the showers that the females here had been taking.

The reptilian god grinned to himself, and started to take a step forward. Before he'd taken more than half of one, though, he was hit in the face with another splash of water.

Blubbering through the spray hitting him in the face, he went bright red - a sharp contrast to his blue gray scales - at the laughter from the other females. He threw his hand in front of him, a blast of power from his fingers pushing the water far enough from his face to be able to see his tormentors again. "Is that how you treat a god?" he growled.

"It's how we treat any male that steps into our showers, even the ones we summon," the tigress said. She hadn't stopped grinning in the least, even in the face of his power. "Thargath, right? Gotta say, you look a little shorter than I expected; you make up for it with what you're packing under the skirt?"

"I..." He grunted, clearing his throat. "I more than make up for...what you perceive as my lack of height." He shook his head. "Why am I talking to you? I should just -"

Another spurt of water hit him from the right, and he clenched his fists. Turning his head in the lukewarm stream, he glared at the wolf woman that was hitting him with the blast of water. A snap of his fingers shut it off, but she still grinned.

Thargath turned back to the tigress, shaking his head. "I'm leaving."


He paused once more in mid-step, and turned to look at her again. "What do you mean...'nope'?"

"That's part of the summon. You can't leave here until we dismiss you," the tigress said. She threw the shower head off to the side, crossing her arms under her breasts. That made them bounce, he noticed, his eyes drawn down to them for a moment before looking up again. "What do you think of that?"

"I think you better dismiss me before I teach you just what it means to mess with a god."

"Oh, I think we can handle a god. I mean, it's not like you could be that impressive; even a little magelet can turn off water after it's hit him."

"I was indulging you."

"Well, indulge me with something else, why don't you?" she said. He was surprised as she stepped forward, but shocked as she suddenly flipped up his loincloth, grabbing his cock and giving it a few squeezes. "Heh, not bad after all; maybe there's a part of you that really is godly."

He could hardly believe what was happening. This was going so far out of control that it wasn't even funny; he was the god of war. A Primordial God of War. He should be...

"Oh, that's it," he muttered. Grabbing hold of the tigress's arms, he flipped her around, forcing her against one of the dividers between the different parts of the shower. Shoving her against it until her breasts had partially flattened, he flipped up the front of his furs, his cock hardening and pressing against her ass. "You think you're in control? You think I'm not a god?"

"Heh....prove me wrong," she said, smirking at him over her shoulder.

"You asked for it." Thargath growled as he plunged his cock into her pussy, ramming it in as hard as he could, and rapidly hilting himself inside of her.

As he started fucking her hard, he was only barely conscious of the giggles from the other girls. He groaned. What have I gotten into this time, he thought to himself as his hips went on autopilot.

The End.

Discoveries and Dickings

For the signature C-boi

Sigma winced softly as the door creaked, but tried to ignore the sound as he peaked out from inside the locker room equipment closet. It was the only other door in the locker room besides the one to the coach's office and back out to the hallway, and it was the only one that he was able to get into when he had his...incident, where he could keep out of sight from the other guys in the class.

Thankfully, the rest of the class seemed to have left, just as he thought. The king cheetah breathed a sign of relief before sliding out of the equipment closet, shaking his head as he shut it behind him.

He looked down at himself, groaning at the inflamed lips of his pussy. It had been burning with need all day, to the point where he was grinding against the chairs in most of his classes without being aware of it, and the tight shorts that everyone in the senior gym class had to wear had been almost too much for him. Not to mention with his other 'issue', it made things almost impossible to deal with and still have people think that he was a normal male.

"Gotta...gotta find a way to deal with this," the feline muttered under his breath, holding his hands together to avoid the temptation to reach down and tease himself. Ever since that transformation, he had been going into something like heat at least once a day, and it never left until he got at least one orgasm. During the summer, that had been one thing, but now that he was in school again, it was a whole new torment. People in class looked at him weird when he moaned out of nowhere, and it was only luck that kept him from being discovered in the locker room so far.

It was only a matter of time until someone found out, and when they did...well, he didn't know what he was going to do.

For now, though, he needed to get himself ready for the next class. Just one more, he thought, and then he could go home and deal with his...his pussy.

Walking to his locker, his ears flicked back and forth and his tail twitched, his nerves keeping him at the height of awareness. Everything seemed hyper sharp, and he felt like he could see or hear everything, even things that weren't there. That hyper awareness came with a cost, though; a heightened sense of touch meant that he could also feel every bit of air stirring near his pussy, and it made him whimper in need, his fingers wanting to go do down to his pussy and tease it so...so bad.

Whimpering like some bitch in heat, Sigma leaned forward to his locker, fingers flying over the lock to get it out of the way. It came down quickly, and he reached inside, scrabbling for clothes. Deodorant and his bags bounced around inside, creating an unholy racket.

Which explained how he missed a certain wolf walking into the room.

Sigma froze at the big hand that came down on his shoulder, and he slowly turned to look up at who it belonged to.

"Heh, I smelled you all the way from the door, pussy," Obrum, his big wolf boyfriend, said with a smirk on his face. The wolf's nostrils flared again, as though to emphasize the point that the feline was pretty fragrant. "Heh...little pussy is horny for someone to use him, isn't he?"


The wolf's face softened, but not by much. Chuckling, Obrum reached down and grabbed him around the waist. Sigma was startled as his wolf lifted him up, picking him off of the ground putting him on top of one of the rows of lockers. He was even more surprised when his boyfriend shoved his legs apart and stuck his muzzle against his needy slit.

Then came the licks, and Sigma moaned as he leaned his head back. That broad tongue slid across his pussy quickly, eagerly, and he could feel the pressure behind that tongue gathering up his juices, almost like his wolf was drinking from a bowl of water, needing it, craving it just as much as the feline was craving the pleasure.

Sigma moaned louder as he bucked himself a little closer, one hand laying on top of the wolf's head. He didn't dare push Obrum closer to his pussy, but he rubbed his boyfriend's head, moaning as the little scratches and scritches got the wolf to lick a little deeper, a little harder.

One lick went inside of him, and Sigma's eyes went wide at the feeling. It was a mix of the wonderful feelings of the wolf's fingers and cock, with the flexibility of one and the depth of the other. He almost screamed in pleasure before he shoved a hand over his mouth, stifling himself before he could make the room echo loudly.

Still, he squirmed on top of the lockers for nearly five more minutes before the wolf got him over the edge. His climax came with a whimper, but his pussy clenched and squeezed around that tongue inside of him, squirting a little extra juice onto the wolf's tongue.

Obrum pulled his tongue back with a smirk, and helped him down, half carrying him to a bench and giving him his clothes. "Better hurry. Don't want to be late for your next class."

Sigma nodded, his mind still in dreamland as the wolf walked out with a chuckle.

The End

The Corruptors and the Corruptee

For the Grand Cultivator

Spike chuckled to himself as he saw the bunny fall to his knees. "Always the same, you bunnies...just a little touch of corruption and you're chasing every dick that you can find," the husky muttered under his breath. A small purple light glimmered in his hand, shifting like fire on his fingertips, and it burned the same color in the bunny's eyes. "Just a little more, and you'll be a good little bunny boy toy."

He could already see the changes. The security guard was new, a slender but agile looking young man that had just been accepted at the Agency this morning. His twin had welcomed him; Spike had a different idea of just how to 'welcome' such a delicious little male as this bunny. "Come on, bunny boy...shake your tail for me," the naked husky said from across the showers.

His cock jumped a bit at the sight of the bare butt pointed towards him, that bright white tail flipped up to show off that tight looking hole. Mmmm, that was going to feel good fucking, the husky thought to himself. Hadn't had a fresh ass in a while that hadn't been used by someone else already.

As he reached down to stroke himself, he imagined just what else he might do with the bunny.

He only got a few strokes in before he heard footsteps coming from the locker room, just a few dozen feet away. Grumbling under his breath, Spike turned to see just who he'd need to chase off.

Of course, when he saw that it was Alek, the grumble turned into a facepalm.

The half dragon, quarter orc, and quarter shark stepped into the room with a broad smirk on his face, his double shafts wobbling from side to side and slapping his thighs as he walked in. Large feet padded in the watery shower floor, sending splashes of lukewarm liquid up, and his teeth glimmered in the light. They flashed, points reminding anyone that looked just what a quarter of his ancestry was, and he seemed to love to flash them around new people and old fuck buddies.

One look at the bunny, and Spike could tell that Alek knew what he'd done. The hybrid turned to face him with a chuckle. "Oh, you had him half prepped for me already? You shouldn't have."

"Come on, you got all those guys waiting for you off of work; let me have this one," Spike said. "I've been working on him for almost a half hour now."

"That long?" Laughing, Alek turned towards the bunny. "You're losing your touch."

Spike growled as the hybrid as he took a step towards the bunny, and stepped forward, the purple light on his fingers blazing brighter. "I said, he's mine; find your own toy."

"And if I want to take yours?" Alek said. His voice had dropped a bit, and his cocks were starting to rise as he looked at Spike. "You gonna stop me?"

"Sure as fuck gonna try," Spike said. He walked over to the bunny's side, watching as Alek stood on the other side. "I've been busting my butt to make sure that I actually get someone new for a change, and you think that you're just going to take him away and leave me with someone's sloppy seconds? I don't fucking think so."

"Well, I don't think that you're going to be able to stop me." The hybrid's cocks twitched as he laughed, some of his pre already dripping out and falling down on the kneeling bunny. "But if you really need a bunny, you can have this one. Just be ready for him to be too stretched for that single cock of yours to do a thing for."

"Single cocks are better anyway, you freak of -"

"Ugh, my head."

Both of them looked down at the bunny as he started to get to his feet, rubbing his head lightly. "What's going-"

"Go to sleep," Alek and Spike said at the same time. One's eyes flashed, and the other's hand glowed, and the bunny fell back to the shower floor. His mouth was turned up in a giddy grin, and his eyes spun as he looked up at the ceiling. His crotch was rapidly soaked in the shower stream, the water driving an erection up despite the bunny's current mental state, or lack thereof.

The two males looked at each other with daggers for eyes, neither one willing to budge. Spike grabbed the bunny by one arm, and Alek got him by the other.

"Corrupticon?" Spike asked.

"Corrupticon," Alek responded with a nod.

"He's never going to be a good worker after this, you know that?"

"Eh, he was going to be a toy sooner or later; best to get it out of the way."

"Rex is gonna kill me," Spike said with a shake of his head as the two of them dragged the bunny off towards a hidden door in the locker room. A dark hall led off into the distance, with a slight view of a lit up square in the distance all that could be seen.

The bunny was going to be the prize of their little corruption duel...their Corrupticon.

The End

Steroids: Costs More Than You Think

For the spreader of the Were

Azeem sighed happily as he ran his fingers through his mane, enjoying the feeling of the thick fur running between his fingers. "Mmmm, that was a good game," he muttered under his breath as he stepped past the lockers towards the shower. He stepped past an otter member of the team, Harry, and gave him a wave before heading down to the other end of the shower.

He paused under his shower head, looking down at his hand. Two little green pills looked back up at him, and he smirked a bit as he bounced them up and down. The secret of his success, these were; best body building drugs out there, he was told, and so far, the lion had to admit, they worked wonders. So long as they kept working, there was no way that he was going to stop.

Popping them into his mouth, Azeem swallowed them without even thinking about it. A quick second swallow made sure they wouldn't get stuck partway down, and then he stepped forward to enjoy his shower.

It didn't take long for him to get into the hot water, just enjoying the feeling of the warm water running down his back, over his mane, over his chest; just feeling the hot water cleaning the dirt and sweat off of him felt like it was lifting the burdens from his shoulders. He seriously felt lighter just being under the shower.

Wait...wait, he really, seriously DID feel lighter under the shower.

Azeem's eyes shot open as he started feeling at his neck, the water billowing over him feeling hotter there for some reason. Fingers caught hold of some of his mane, but as soon as he touched it, it came away in his fingers. He lifted one hand to his face, and his eyes slowly went wide at the sight of the golden brown hair between his fingers, hair that should have been solidly attached to his neck, not falling off.

He grabbed at his neck, trying to find whatever was cutting his mane off, but there was nothing there. It was just falling out, just disappearing. Starting to freak out, he looked down at the rest of his body, dreading what he might see.

As soon as he looked down, he almost fainted. He had to lean against the wall as he saw his nipples pushing out from his chest, gradually ballooning outwards as what looked like...what were breasts started growing in. Pectoral muscles were still there, but he could FEEL them becoming weaker, smaller than they were. With every size that his new breasts grew, the weaker that his chest felt beneath them, and they were growing fast enough for that to be very worrying.

With his view of the rest of his body soon cut off, the only thing he could do was explore himself with his fingers. He panted as he felt himself below the waist, desperately squeezing and grabbing for his cock and balls, hoping that he at least still had them.

When he finally found them, he was ready to heave a sigh of relief, but something was wrong. As he fumbled with them, he realized that his sheath was next to disappeared, and only a few inches of his cock remained from what he once had. And even that was starting to slide away from under his fingers. Azeem groaned, squeezing at his cock as much as he could, trying to keep what few inches remained, but it was no use. The slickened length slipped out of his fingers, and disappeared into his crotch.

What followed was a weird, unsettling unzipping feeling in his crotch. He couldn't see it, but he could guess what it was, particularly when his...her fingers found the warm slit that so many fans had let his old cock into. Azeem whimpered as the reality set in; he...was no longer a he.

The lion had become a lioness.

That wasn't the worst of it, though, as a webbed paw pressed on top of her shoulder. Azeem - now Azeema, she supposed - looked at Harry. He was a little taller than her now, and he looked...more than a little amorous, she realized as she looked down at his groin.

Before she could say anything, he had a finger inside of her pussy. "Heh, you didn't think that the rest of the team missed you using the steroids, did you?" the otter said, his finger pressing at strange, sensitive spots inside of Azeema's slit. She could only moan as she continued fingering her, adding a second finger inside as he spoke. "You were going to get the whole team in trouble if you kept that up. Now, you can help us in a different way; maybe if you do a good enough job, we'll convince the team manager to change you back."

Something told Azeema to fight back, to try and resist the strange pleasure that was flooding her body from between her legs, but it was so hard to listen to it. Particularly when the otter leaned in, sucking and nipping at her nipples. She moaned, her legs quivering, and she slowly slid down onto the shower floor, guided along by the eager otter.

When he took her there, with the rest of the team coming in to clean up, she knew that he was the first of many.

The End

The Gym of Boner Shoes

For the Ever-Boner Wolf

Crisp groaned softly as he pulled himself into the locker room, shaking his head as he held his hand to his stomach. It had been a long day so far, and now he was having to go to gym without lunch. As a result, he was starving, and he doubted that he'd be able to get any food for the rest of the day, at least not until he got home. He thought that senior year was supposed to be good; why did it have to be like this?

"I don't think this day could get much worse," the wolf muttered as he walked into the locker room.

He walked into the room with his bag over one shoulder, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. Eyes glued to the floor as he made his way past the first two rows of lockers, he turned towards his own with a sigh. As he started to undo the locks, he looked up as something was thrown down on the wooden bench near the row of lockers.

They were a pair of red high top sneakers. Exactly like the ones at home he wore when he was...well...enjoying himself.

Blushing brightly, the wolf looked up. "Haha, very....funny." He paused when he saw that it was the coach that had thrown them on the bench, a big bear of a teacher, arms bulging almost as much as his belly did. "Uh...sorry."

"'pology accepted," the bear said. "Now put 'em on. Everyone's wearing them today; new school rules about uniform or something."

The coach walked off before Crisp could say anything, and he was left looking at the shoes on the bench. They were white and red, but mostly red, and made him groan just looking at them. The wolf had a strange little fetish that most of the world didn't know about, but got his motor revving, so to speak. The sneakers in front of him was the very embodiment of that fetish.

He slowly looked down the aisle of lockers, and his jaw steadily dropped as he saw that every member of the class was wearing a pair almost exactly like them. Oh, there were differences in size, with the rabbits wearing huge ones and the horses wearing much smaller ones, but other than the size difference...well, they were exactly the same.

Already he could feel a boner growing in his pants, and the wolf blushed as he hurriedly pulled off his pants, grabbing his gym shorts out of the locker and pulling them on. He adjusted himself as surreptitiously as he could, pulling his shirt of the locker and pulling it over his head. Despite his best efforts, though, every movement dragged his cock against his pants in some way; he could feel the material of his underwear grinding against his cock, making it harder, and he shuddered as he realized that he was starting to leak.

It was only going to get worse, he realized as he looked down at the shoes. The other students in the senior year were already filing out the door, but he was still needing to get his shoes on. His face burned as he slowly slid them onto his feet, just the touch of them starting to make him stiffer, harder, leakier.

One shoe, then the other, he told himself; just think of them as clothes, and you can get through this.

He barely managed to get them on without getting more excited, but he had managed that much at least. The wolf groaned to himself, and hurried out the door, doing his best to ignore the way that his boner swayed side to side inside of his shorts, so hard that it more or less pointed his way forward.

The wolf only just made it into the main gym before the warm-ups started, getting in line with the other members of his class. The sight of all the other sneakers made him bite his lips to keep from moaning, but his cock had other ideas. The traitorous boner throbbed hard, and he felt a wet spot slowly spreading along the front of his shorts, his erection just getting harder and harder.

"Alright, everybody, we got a run to do, so let's start with running across the gym a few times," the coach shouted. "On my whistle...go!"

As the whistle blew, everyone set off at a run. Due to how hard he was, Crisp was a little slow, and he trailed behind everyone else. The fact that his boner swayed back and forth, trying to escape his shorts the whole time, didn't really help. His face went red, then crimson as he realized that the coach was watching him, the bear's eyebrows raised and his lips twitching like he was holding back laughter.

He barely covered half of the distance to the other side of the gym before the class was starting to make their way back towards him. The wolf groaned, trying to speed up, trying to hide his boner.

But it was no use. No sooner had the class started making their way back to him than they saw it. First one, then three, then other members of the class slowed, and stared at him as he got closer. A couple had dropped jaws, but others pointed at him, their laughs soon echoing through the gym.

"Oh my god, look at this fucking fag!"

"Geez, he's got a boner while running? What the hell is wrong with this weirdo?"

"Oh my god, look, he's twitching. Is he gonna cum in his pants like this?!"

"HAHAHAH! What a freaking loser!"

They pointed and laughed as he ran by, and as much as he tried to use it to make his cock go down, all it did was make him harder. Crisp groaned, feeling himself getting closer and closer to orgasm. So many sneakers...so much humiliation...everyone knew he was hard...

Nobody else was running when he turned around, and even the coach had joined in pointing and laughing at him.

Well...he had wondered if this could get worse...He still wondered if it could.

The End