As a friend, but maybe more?

Story by AvinTelfer on SoFurry

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#1 of Short Stories

This is the first short story I've ever released. Written for ruaidri's writing contest.

It's the story of Jeremiah, and his friend Conner.

Jeremiah, an anthropomorphic Border Collie, arrives at his friend's apartment ready for a night of getting wasted and playing video games. But Conner, an anthropomorphic Owl, wants to talk to him about something instead.

If you do take the time to read it, I would really appreciate any feedback, comments, and/or critiques you may have.

I hope you enjoy it!

"Hey man, get in here" Conner said as he opened the door. Before Jeremiah was through the door Conner had already retaken his seat in the kitchen. The only thing on the small table was Conner's laptop, which was so large there no room for anything else. "I'm in a raid right now," the Owl said not looking back "make yourself at home."

Jeremiah walked in and set his bag down next to the couch. Conner and Robert had a small apartment on the second floor of a nice complex. The outside the building had been recently remodeled and looked brand-new, but the inside of their apartment had not been changed. The stained wooden cabinets and old carpet was the only thing that remained of the old building. Most of the apartment was taken up by a kitchen/living room area, with a narrow hallway that led to a small bedroom and bathroom.

Conner and Robert didn't have much in the way furniture. Conner was sitting at his kitchen table, which was only big enough for two people. Or one person, and their extra-large 18 inch laptop. There was a couch that also served as Conner's bed most nights. The bedroom was for Robert, who was usually either alone in his room or at his girlfriend's place on the weekends. Conner didn't mind taking the couch, he actually kind of liked it. He often told Jeremiah that it was better than any other bed he ever slept on. Plus, Robert was charging him practically nothing for rent.

Conner himself had beautiful gold and brown feathers that covered his thin frame, and was wearing black cotton gym shorts and a white tank top. Knowing Conner, he probably hadn't gotten dressed all day. It was his day off after all. Despite his disheveled clothes, his feathers were smooth and shiny. Conner was a bit of a neat freak, and always kept his feathers clean.

"I have something I want to tell you, but you can't be sober first." Conner said as he handed Jeremiah a small yellow pipe.

"Oh yeah?" Jeremiah asked as he picked up the lighter. "What's so important?"

Conner had texted Jeremiah him two days before telling him they should hang out this weekend. Jeremiah and Conner usually got together to drink and smoke every few weeks. They met in college, and have been friends for over 4 years. Jeremiah, who was bisexual, had a crush on Conner for a while. He never told Conner though. Conner had a series of girlfriends and female friends with benefits throughout the years Jeremiah had known him. He was Jeremiah's first "straight crush", and it had taken the Border Collie many months to get over him and just think of him as a friend.

Jeremiah had always felt stupid for liking Conner so much. Especially since there were so many out hot gay/bi guys at his college he could have swoon over. Maybe it was because he had stayed in the closet until couple of months ago, but he never pursued a relationship with a guy until after college. He just never felt the same way about any other guy as he did Conner. He still sometimes had dreams that involved Conner in ways he was of afraid would make Conner very uncomfortable if he ever found out about them. He had grown very close to Conner, as a friend, and he didn't want to ruin his friendship by making Conner wonder if he was still trying to get into his pants are not.

As Jeremiah lifted the pipe to his muzzle, his canine nose could smell the nervous sweat coming off Conner, but he had no idea. It wasn't like Conner to be nervous about anything. He had always known him to be confident in everything he did. Cocky, even.

"Is this related to your trip to San Diego?" Jeremiah asked as he exhaled smoke.

Conner wasn't looking at Jeremiah, his large eyes and entire concentration was on the game in front of him. His guild was fighting on the back of a giant Dragon trying to kill it. It was an easy boss, and his guild had killed that Dragon every week for the last two months, but Conner took it as a personal challenge to do the most damage he could to it every time. At least, more damage than anyone else in his guild.

"Yes. But I'll tell you later. Feel free to help yourself to Robert's beer in the fridge, he said to drink it. He won't be back until Sunday." As he talked he used his 'Lust' ability in the game to increase all damage done by the raid.

Jeremiah watched Conner play for a few minutes, but he got bored and his eyes started to wonder from the screen to Conner's loose fitting pants. He decided it would be best to stop watching him. He walked to the fridge, grabbed a beer, and went to the couch in the living room. He sat down and turned on Conner's TV. He started the video streaming app and browsed his instant queue. Whatever Conner wanted to tell him, he didn't want to just say it.

"So tell me about the trip" Jeremiah asked instead.

"It was life-changing" Conner replied, matter-of-factly.

"Life-changing? That good?" Jeremiah asked as he looked through the list of old TV show episodes.

"I've discovered something about myself, but first I got to tell you a story." Conner said as his guild finally killed the Dragon and distributed the loot. "You have to promise, as a friend, that you won't tell anybody else. Ever. Got it?"

"Alright" Jeremiah said, setting down the controller as Conner logged out of the game and turned his chair around.

Conner told him the story of his trip. He had gone on a whim by himself with no real plan, and ended up staying for a full week. He had some time off and wanted to go somewhere new. It was his way of going out, meeting new people, getting new experiences, and having stories to tell. It was one of things Jeremiah liked about him. He was never afraid of putting himself out there, take a risk going on an adventure. The first night Conner was there he went to a bar and made friends with the owner, and ended up renting a room from him for a week. It was much cheaper than a hotel, and every night he got to hang out in the bar and talk with new people. He quickly integrated himself into a new social circle, hanging out with all the bar regulars.

"I met somebody." He said finally.

"Oh, so you have a girlfriend now? Is that the thing you wanted to tell me?" Jeremiah asked, intrigued. He likes talking about relationships with him. Conner had always had more confidence than him to just go and ask somebody out. Jeremiah was far too scared and felt too foolish to do anything like that.

"No" Conner replied. "It wasn't like that."

"Well, what was it like?" Jeremiah picked up the pipe again and inhaled as Conner kept explaining.

"We talked. We got to know each other. We spent every night together, either in the bar or going out to a movie or just hanging out with... His friends..." Conner said, sulking in the chair. His wings hanging low to the ground as he looked up at Jeremiah intently.

Jeremiah coughed in surprise. "His friends!?" There's no way he thought. Conner always been supportive of gay people, but he had always clearly referred to himself as a heterosexual.

"I know! Shut up! Let me explain it!" Conner yelled. Jeremiah could tell by the crack in his voice and the way his feet were shaking he was... embarrassed perhaps? Or was he afraid? This was very out of character for him, so Jeremiah stayed silent as he continued.

"We just, really hit it off. I knew he was gay, that was fine. We were just talking as friends about life, relationships, people. Then, as we were talking, I could tell he was into me. At first, I just didn't want to be rude and interrupt him by saying I was straight, so we just kept talking." Conner wasn't making eye contact with Jeremiah, he looked at the ground and played with the carpet with his talons. "As we drink a few more beers, he put his hand on my leg, and... I felt something. I never felt something with a guy before."

"That's great! What happened?" Jeremiah interrupted, excited. His mind was already racing. Was Conner actually bisexual, and he had just never realized it before? Did Conner ever fantasized about him the way he did about Conner? No, that was a stupid thought, of course he didn't. He said he never felt that way before. He was telling him this as his friend.

Seeing Jeremiah's positive reaction, Conner continued with a little more confidence. "We didn't do anything sexual. But after the third night, we... We kissed." Conner's leg shook with a nervous tick as he said the words. "I don't know what it means. I mean, I do know what it means. I'm just confused by what it means!"

"There's nothing wrong with that, this is good!" Jeremiah said, as reassuringly as he could. He started to feel a bit inebriated from the smoke and the beer, and wasn't sure what to say next. This was exciting. "You're exploring yourself! I know that is something you like to do."

"Yeah!" Conner said. "I knew you'd understand."

Did he think Jeremiah would understand because of their friendship, or because Conner knew he was bisexual? Jeremiah had only came out of the closet to all his friends recently. He knew Conner saw the post he put online, but they never talked about his sexuality before beyond a couple vague "is that celebrity hot?" conversations.

"Of course I do!" Jeremiah said. "Tell me all the details!"

Conner continued to talk in depth about his trip. Both of them took turns drinking and smoking as Conner recounted in great detail everything he did with this guy. How he made him feel, how they had a wonderful time together, and how much the make out session had turned him on. When he came to the last bit, Jeremiah couldn't help but be turned on himself, and had to ask a few more probing questions.

"So you are sexually attracted to him?" He asked, his speech a bit slower now as some time had passed and the effects of the smoke kicked into full gear.

"Yes." Conner replied. "I would've had sex with him. Maybe. I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"Would you let him jerk you off?" Jeremiah asked. It was far too explicit and somewhat rude of a question to ask, but he couldn't help it. Why was he being so foolish? He hoped Conner wouldn't notice the bulge in his jeans as he asked. He was excited. Too excited. All the months that he has thought about Conner, told himself that they can never be together, told himself that he should get over him... Perhaps there was still a chance?

Conner thought about the question at first before replying, "Maybe. Yeah. I would. Why not?"

"Any guy, or just this guy?" Again, Jeremiah tried to keep his tone as neutral as he could. He rested his hands to his sides on the couch as he watched Conner stand up and pace back and forth in the room.

"Good question!" Conner said, still pacing. Jeremiah hoped that because he was walking around, he wouldn't notice how he held his breath until his answer.

"Yeah I think so. I think I would try it. I don't know how I'd like it, but I would try it." He said at last. Conner had always been big on new adventures, sexual and otherwise. "I can't say anymore that I don't think I would like it. I don't know anymore. I might like it a lot."

"Would you..." Jeremiah hesitated, "let a guy blow you?"

This made Conner stop. He turned and looked at Jeremiah. Now it was Jeremiah's turn to feel nervous, sweat dripped down his brow and onto his muzzle as he waited for Conner's answer.

"Why do you ask?" Conner said, as he started to giggle for no reason. Conner was feeling pretty inebriated too. Jeremiah didn't know if the question was funny to him, or if he was just still nervous.

Fuck. Stupid, stupid fool. Why did he have to ask that? Maybe he was mocking him? Maybe he was laughing at the idea of them being together?

"I'm just asking. Would you try it?" Jeremiah said, with more confidence in his voice than he felt. If Conner could go on adventures and be daring, he could too. He could dare to ask the questions he wanted to.

"Yeah. I would."

The two of them sat there in silence. Conner standing in his living room, his feathers ruffled with sweat, as he looked at the dog on his couch. The bulge in Jeremiah's jeans was obvious to the both of them now, there was no hiding that.

Jeremiah's head felt like he was floating. This is a dream. Just a few hours ago, he thought he was coming over to Conner's place to play some video games and get wasted. Now his whole world changed. Their whole future changed. And it all came down to a burning question that he wanted ask. He needed to ask. Could he? Could he ask it? What would happen?

Finally Conner spoke. "You want to tell me something?"

Damn. He knew. No doubt about it. There is no turning back at this point. Was this why Conner told him the story? Had he known this would happen? No reason not to ask now. If he didn't face it, the question would hang there awkwardly every time they saw each other from then on. It might cost him their friendship, but it might cost him that either way. There's nothing else to lose.

"Would you like a blow job?" Jeremiah asked, quietly, looking up into Conner's eyes.

"What did you say?" Conner said, busting out into a huge laughing fit. It took a moment to calm down, and he took a seat back in the kitchen. Was he laughing with nervousness or at how stupid Jeremiah was being?

"No, nothing. Never mind. I didn't say anything." Jeremiah quickly felt ashamed. This wasn't the right moment for something that forward. He's never that forward with anybody. Maybe he was too intoxicated to make a rational decision. Stupid fool.

"No, really. Say it again." Conner calmed down and stopped laughing. He looked intently at Jeremiah. "Tell me what you said again, I want to make sure I heard you."

He should have lied. Made up something else. Was this why Conner wanted him to get fucked up before talking? No, that couldn't be it. It was a horrible thing that blurted out of his mouth. Just a random, horny thought that slipped out. There was no way he could say that to his face again. But somehow, he was able to.

"Would you like me, to give you a blow job." A smile widen on Jeremiah's face. He couldn't help it. He wanted to say those words to Conner for years. Even in his wildest dreams, which had often involved Conner in them, he never thought he would actually get to say those words to his face. He was terrified of Conner's reaction. This could be the end of their friendship. But he was smiling. For once, it was Jeremiah who was cocky and had confidence.

"Wow..." Conner said, slumping back in the chair. Was he surprised? Jeremiah started to doubt himself again. Maybe this came as a shock to Conner. Was he going to tell him to get out? How is he going to leave? He couldn't drive in this state. Would he need to call a taxi?

Thoughts raced through Jeremiah's head, and suddenly Conner silenced them all by replying "Yeah. I would. I would like you to. If you want to. I mean, do you want to?"

"Yeah." Jeremiah replied as he stood up from the couch. "I do." Was this really happening?

"Where?" Conner asked looking around the room.

"Uhm..." Jeremiah looked around, and gestured to the spot he was just sitting at.

"On the couch?" Conner asked, and Jeremiah nodded, unable to speak. They two men looked at each other face-to-face as Conner walked past him to the couch, and wordlessly pulled down his shorts exposing his blue boxers.

The shock of it dumbfounded Jeremiah. He just stared down at Conner's underwear, and the clear outline of the Owl's cock through the cloth. Conner was into this. Conner was as turned on as he was. Was this really what he had wanted all along? Conner frowned as he stood there watching Jeremiah stare at him.

"You... Maybe you should turn off the light." Conner said. Jeremiah obeyed turning around and walking to the light switch. He flicked it off and turned back around to see Conner sitting on the couch. His shirt was half lifted off his body, and his boxers were pull down and resting at his feet. For the first time, Jeremiah saw Conner's cock. It was already erect, longer than he thought it would be too. At least six and a half inches long, and glistened in the dim moonlight of the apartment. Conner finished taking off his shirt and discarded it to one side. As their eyes adjusted he saw Conner looking at him with an expression he had never seen before. Conner was one of the most confident people Jeremiah knew, and now he just looked... vulnerable. It aroused him even further, seeing Conner in such a weak state, unsure of himself for once.

Jeremiah got on his knees. He didn't need to say another word. He half expected to wake up from this dream right then and there, but as his muzzle got closer he could smell that indeed he was awake. His friend's shaft swelled with blood and anticipation as his nose pressed next to it.

Jeremiah kept his focus entirely on Conner's body. His hands slowly slid up the sides of his legs, grabbing his body as he pushed his muzzle closer. Conner gasped as Jeremiah's hot breath hit his exposed member. Jeremiah hesitated, and pulled off his own shirt over his head and threw it away behind him. He then reached out and tucked his hand in-between Conner and the couch, cupping his ass. Slowly he gave a soft lick to the head of Conner's shaft. I had a slightly salty taste, with a bit of that Irish soap that he knew Conner used. Had he just washed himself right before Jeremiah got there? Did he clean himself because he thought this was a possibility?

Conner let out a loud yelp and moan as Jeremiah's muzzle slowly slid down his shaft taking in the head as his tongue lolled over him. His nostrils squirting out hot air tingling Conner's body. Jeremiah lifted his head back and looked up at Conner. Neither of them said a word as Jeremiah's tongue slowly pressed against the base of his shaft until it reached the tip and Jeremiah slowly slid his friend inside his muzzle. He gave a gentle suckle, tasting the salty pre-cum that was leaking out the tip. It didn't matter what Conner was thinking now, Jeremiah knew his body wanted Jeremiah's mouth, and he gave it to him.

Jeremiah reached up with his other hand and grabbed on to Conner's chest as he started to bob his head up and down. It had been a while since he had given a blow job, and he had only ever had sex with one other man before. But this wasn't just any man. This wasn't like his fantasies as he watched porn. This was Conner. It tasted like Conner. His body reeked of a new pheromone, something he had never smelled on him before. Arousal. Not just his own, but Conner's arousal.

The way Conner moaned drove Jeremiah into a frenzy. Jeremiah continued to move his hands up and down his chest, squeezing tighter on Conner's ass, and pressing his muzzle all the way down into Conner's body and back up again. Sometimes he step back and licked Conner's legs, thighs, and balls. Not giving him a moment to react before diving back down onto his shaft.

Neither of them had any idea how much time had passed. For Jeremiah he thought it could've been hours. His entire world went away. He had no other thoughts but for Conner's pleasure, and how could he give it to him. His own erection started to hurt as it pressed into his jeans, but he ignored it. He kept thinking to himself, this must be a dream. I'm going to wake up later. There's no way Conner could actually be into him. All those years of masturbating to the thought of what he would look like naked, and here he was naked before him. Jeremiah's eyes opened and closed, not sure whether he wanted to watch Conner's reactions or just focus on the pleasures of his own body as the warm shaft twitched in his mouth. He knew Conner was getting close to cumming, and he wanted him to cum in his mouth so bad.

Then Conner stopped him. His hand went down and rested on Jeremiah's shoulder.

"Wait." He said, barely able to get the word out.

Jeremiah stopped, but moved his hand to Conner shaft and gripped it. He looked up into Conner's eyes, and then down his body. His feathers drenched in sweat, they seemed wetter than he had ever seen Conner before, even after they've gone swimming. Conner's cock seemed larger than ever in Jeremiah's hand. Jeremiah's own fur rubbed up against Conner's leg from his exposed chest.

"This feels great." Conner said, and Jeremiah laughed. Perhaps from the giggles, perhaps and the sheer absurdity and obviousness of the statement.

"You want to cum for me?" Jeremiah asked, speaking for the first time since he started. He slurred the words at first, but then repeated them. "Do you want to cum in my mouth?"

"Yes... Please..." Conner moaned, his hand reached up and grabbed Jeremiah by the ear. Jeremiah needed no further encouragement to slide his muzzle back down onto Conner's shaft still gripping his cock. He started to masturbate him into his mouth, pulling his skin up and down. Conner couldn't stop making noise. This boy was loud, and they both knew he would soon get louder.

Jeremiah pinched harder with his hand, he wanted to make Conner's orgasm extra intense. He could feel every sensation on his tongue as the cock became so firm it was a struggle to even get it down his muzzle.

Then, as suddenly and surprising as this situation came to be, Conner gave one last moan as his cock started to squirt down Jeremiah's throat. Jeremiah tried to swallow all of it, but he coughed a bit, and some dribbled out of his mouth and down Conner's shaft. Jeremiah continued to masturbate him, only slowing slightly as his juice continued to ooze out.

When he thought it was over, Jeremiah's head pulled back and he licked his lips. He sat down on the floor in the middle of the living room and watched Conner breath. It was the only thing Conner was doing. His hands were to his side, his eyes were closed, and his chest was thumping. The two friends just sat there, Jeremiah watching Conner, wondering how he'll react. Finally Conner opened his eyes again and looked at Jeremiah. The two friends smiled at each other.

"You have cum all over your hand." Conner said gesturing to Jeremiah's right paw.

Jeremiah looked at his hand. "So I do" he said, raising his paw to his lips and gliding his tongue along his fur, scooping up the gooey leftovers. Jeremiah noticed Conner's shaft twitch with arousal as he did that. He liked putting on a show for Conner, so he licked his hand again, even though he got it all the first time.

"I take it... You liked that?" Jeremiah asked, knowing the answer.

"Yeah... I really did..." Conner said after taking a deep breath.

"How did you know I had a crush on you?" Jeremiah asked, the question burning in is mind now that all his thoughts flooded back him. "How'd you know I wanted to blow you like that for years?"

"I... wait, you what?" Conner said surprised. "I didn't. You what?"

Shit, Jeremiah thought. Guess he didn't know.

"I like you." Jeremiah said. "As a friend, but... maybe more?"

Conner thought for a moment as he watched the pup on the floor. He couldn't help but put his hand his cock as he watched Jeremiah sit up and crawl back to him. When he got closer he petted Jeremiah's fur.

"I like you too." Conner said. "I mean, as a friend. But... maybe more too."

Conner slid off the couch and onto the floor, so that he was at eye level with Jeremiah. Slowly the two men wrapped their arms around each other, and leaned in for deep, wet, kiss.

Conner's hands slid up and down Jeremiah's back feeling the fur in-between his talons. Jeremiah's hands wrapped behind Conner's head as their tongues intertwined. Jeremiah's soft muzzle wrapped around Conner's firm beak.

In-between breaths, Conner said with a sigh "You're such a good kisser, too."

Jeremiah sighed back "Am I as good of kisser as your buddy in San Diego?"

This did not have the effect Jeremiah wanted, as Conner stopped kissing him and looked deep into his eyes.

"I never made out with the guy in San Diego." He admitted.

"You didn't?" Jeremiah asked, shocked at the revelation.

"No, I didn't. I'm sorry. We just talked, like I said. We got taking about sexuality, and he did convince me that I should explore myself, sexually. That's all true." Conner said. "I didn't mean to lie to you. He asked me if I ever found another guy attractive, and... I kind of told him all about you. I've always thought you were good looking, just that there was no way you were into me. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, or make you think I assumed all gay/bi guys were into their straight friends... He told me what to say to you when I got back, and that I should-"

Jeremiah cut him off, pushing forward and pinning Conner down onto the floor.

Conner went silent, and the two of them looked into each other's eyes for just a moment before Jeremiah pressed his muzzle back in for a passionate kiss.

Stupid fool.