Diapered World

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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An otter lives in a boring world that he hated, then the world that he hated suddenly became one full of... diapers?

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^.^

Bruce yawned as he grabbed the box of cereal from the top shelf, "It's going to be a loongggg day..." He muttered tiredly as he prepared to go to work, the otter's weekend was up and now it was time to go back to wearing an ugly suit and tie. "Damn cubicle job..." He muttered irritably as he slipped the tie around his neck before checking his watch, "An hour until work, why does the week have to come so soon?"

Before his cubicle job, Bruce had actually be a very free spirit. He had planned on becoming a musician and a composer, but his father smashed that dream when he had hired his son to work in his accounting firm. The otter had been shoved through college in a few years against his will, biting and scratching the whole way until he was in his father's office crunching numbers.

Glaring at himself in the mirror, Bruce spat at his reflection. "Sell out... couldn't even stand up to your father, I hate wearing professional clothing!" It was a ritual that he had adopted since his first week of work, Bruce had become one of the best in his firm but he hated his job passionately. There was absolutely no freedom for him to do anything; he glanced at a picture of a girl on his counter. "Stacy..." He muttered sadly, the Giraffe had left him when he had given up his free personality for the life of an accountant. She had told him to his face that he was a sellout, and that was the worst pain of all.

"Sometimes I wish the world would change..." Bruce muttered in irritation, his tail twitching in anger and his whiskers quivering. But as always, he knew that he couldn't just change his world by magic. The otter sighed and tightened his tie, "Off to work again."

Humming to himself, the otter walked out of his front door and locked it shut behind him. In his hand a briefcase that he had spent many nights throwing at a wall hoping that it would shatter, but sadly no such luck. Bruce turned and started down the hallway and nearly ran right into a man, "Oh, I'm sorry si... wh... what are you wearing?"

Having nearly run into a bunny, Bruce noticed that the man was wearing nothing but a diaper. Funny enough he was giving Bruce the same odd looks as Bruce was giving him, "I'm wearing my diaper... what are you wearing Bruce?"

"How do you know my name?" Bruce questioned the bunny, he had never seen the bunny before in his life. The only people he acknowledged in the apartments were his neighbors, and that was to bitch about noise.

The bunny chuckled, "Are you trying to pretend that the Christmas party didn't happen?" He winked as he groped Bruce making the otter feel extremely uncomfortable, "I know that being a sub to a bunny can be a bit odd, but believe me. Nobody makes fun of you after how stuffed you got your diaper... speaking of which, why aren't you wearing your diaper?"

It was too weird; Bruce pivoted one hundred and eighty degrees before sprinting away. Not only did a stranger know his name, but the stranger apparently thinks that he is gay. "That guy is weird..." He muttered, more than a little creeped out.

Slipping out of the building, Bruce looked to his left to look at the stall with the woman that he always greeted in the morning but found instead a ram who looked as if he'd let himself eat a few too many Twinkies. The ram noticed him and grinned, "Bruce!" The otter froze as he realized that the ram knew him by name, "Hey Bruce! It's me, Steve! Why don't you come on over cutie?"

The last remark set Bruce on edge, something was really wrong. Why did so many people know him? Had he gotten drunk the previous night and now he's suffering a alcohol induced dream... "S... sorry! You have the wrong otter!" He shouted at the ram before turning once more and running right into the chest of a kangaroo who seemed to be wearing a very large used diaper, Bruce could tell that it had been used by sheer smell. "Urch..."

The Kangaroo looked down at him and smiled, "Well, g'day mate. What're you doing on the ground?" Bruce muttered something but his words were muffled by the ground, the kangaroo helped him up and tilted his head. "What was that mate?"

Bruce felt dizzy as he answered, "Y... you knocked me to the ground..."

The Kangaroo gasped, "Oh! Did I? I'm sorry, sometimes I get so happy that I just kinda run over people..."

Bruce pushed himself away from the kangaroo and looked around him to see that a lot of people around him were wearing diapers, "T... s... something is wrong here... and I don't want to find out why this is happening." And for the third time, he ran.


Nearing his workplace, Bruce slowed down puffing as he finally stopped running. All down the streets, there were men wearing diapers. Not only that, but there were no women. The world had changed majorly in just a day, yesterday the city would've been bustling with men and women mingling in the streets. But now it appeared that the populace had been changed drastically to male only.

Bruce glanced at the door to his workplace, "Well... let's see the damage in here." The otter pushed over the door tugging at his shirt collar as he walked in, his eyes first found a new secretary at the front desk. It appeared to be a bear who appeared to be kissing a rhino that remarkably resembled Bruce's cubical buddy Jeff, "Shit, it looks like everyone here has been affected too." Bruce muttered as he ran past the front desk to find that instead of cubicles in the work place, there were rows of what appeared to be diaper making assembly lines.

"Son!" Bruce froze before turning to see his father dressed in a diaper with a massive erection throbbing against the material, his father slowed to a stop as he looked Bruce over. "Son, what are you wearing?"

"I should be asking you the same! And another thing, what happened to the cubicles?!" Bruce's father looked perplexed.

"Son, are you alright? There have never been any cubicles here..." Bruce stuttered for words until a walkie talkie on his father's side buzzed. The older otter quickly answered, "Yes? Uhuh... are you sure? Alright, I'll send him up." His father then lowered the walkie talkie and looked back at Bruce, "Bruce, the boss wants to see you."

Bruce was confused, "Dad, you're the boss. Remember, you made this corporation!"

His dad just laughed through, "Alright, now I know there's something wrong. Son, I've never owned this company. Though with how I run this shop I guess I do kinda own the place..." Some workers nearby laughed and grumbled their assent as they made diapers. Bruce motioned towards the elevators behind him, "Now go get going Bruce."

The otter started to argue but found that a pair of rhinos behind him shoving him into the elevator.


After a few minutes of going up, the elevator stopped at the top and Bruce stumbled out of the tight room. In front of him was what appeared to be a hall lined with walls covered in diapers, used diapers by the smell of them. Bruce was coming close to gagging, "This is so wrong..." He muttered in disgust as he walked down the hall towards a large pair of doors.

Bruce reached the doors and pushed them open to reveal the kangaroo from earlier, "Oh, hello mate. I've been waiting for you to come, took you a while. Didn't it Bruce?"

The Otter was confused, "W... what? What are you doing here, and what has happened to my father's company?! And more so, what in the fuck is going on with the world?!"

The kangaroo chuckled, "Well before I explain, I think I should introduce myself. I'm Johnny Diapers. I have recreated this world perfectly as of twelve of last night."

Bruce cocked his head, "Twelve of last night? Recreated it perfectly, what do you mean?!" Johnny motioned for him to quiet down.

"No need for shouting cutie... now you see, I've always had an obsession with men all of my life. They're the perfect thing for me to love in this world, I've always known that. And more so, I've known that I've loved diapers through my whole life. Their feel, their smell, their crinkles..." He took that moment to grope himself before continuing on, "Now sadly, not everyone in this world feels that way. So I decided, why not make them feel this way. So with some help from some very special audio transmissions that I've been playing over radio for a few months and the help of a laser, I was able to make my dream a reality."

The kangaroo swung his tail happily, "The laser turned all women non-existent, no more ugly women..." Johnny spoke as he hopped from out behind the desk, "And then when all women were gone. I activated the radio programing, the programming instantaneously turned all men into diaper loving gay men. A haven beyond havens..."

Bruce swished his tail aggressively, "Then why didn't this affect me? What makes me special?"

Johnny sighed as he hopped, "Well, apparently some people have been found to be immune to the audio waves so... we had to find a way to fix up those loose ends." He then snapped his fingers letting in Bruce's dad who had a big smile on his face. Johnny smiled as he pulled out a pair of diapers, "These diapers which automatically break through the person's mind and changes them into one of us quite easily."

Bruce grew worried, "P... please don't..." But as he backed away from Johnny, his father grabbed his arms tightly. "Dad, no! Think about what you're doing!"

His dad smiled happily, "Don't worry son, you'll be fixed in just a second."

Johnny quickly pulled off all of Bruce's clothes using his ridiculous strength revealing Bruce's flaccid dick and he fingered the otter's tool, "This won't be that limp soon, now will it?" He then tugged up Bruce's legs, albeit with a bit of kicking from the otter, and pushed the diaper on before strapping on the blue tabs tight. Johnny grinned at the struggling otter, "Now Bruce... submit."

At those words Bruce felt as if a sledgehammer smashed into his head, his dick suddenly felt like it was going to explode with urine and cum immediately but he was able to fight it. "N... no..."

His father wasn't helping as he whispered words into his ears, "Son, its fine. You'll be all better soon, you'll be free and no more hard life for you."

Johnny spoke again, "Submit to the diaper!"

Bruce blanched as he felt his mind get pounded again, his eyes locked onto Johnny's diaper and he found himself thinking about the huge cock behind the padding. Urges to pee and shit appeared again, but he was able to smother them once more. "I... won't... be... beaten..."

The otter's diaper was tented already, he just needed to lose that last bit of his past. Johnny leaned in and whispered seductively as he groped Bruce's crotch, "Submit to me."

That was the last straw for Bruce; he felt all heterosexuality flow out of him as he came into his new diaper. He felt gushes come out of him until he felt his diapers start to sag from his cum, pleasure wracked his body as he looked at Johnny who grinned. "How do you feel Bruce?"

Bruce started to piss into his diapers as he answered, "I feel great." The diaper clung to his wet ass as he embraced his new life, no longer did he want to wear clothes. Now he would wear diapers, and love men instead of women. His life had changed for the better in his opinion. As Bruce realized this, his eyes rolled back and he slumped into his father's strong arms happily.


Bruce awoke and yawned as he scratched his crotch; a moment later he turned over in bed and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. "Time to get up hun."

Johnny yawned and rubbed his eyes as he got up, "Yeah..." He winked at the otter, "Did you use your diaper much last night?"

Bruce giggled as he patted a soggy looking diaper, "You tell me..." Johnny couldn't help himself as he straddled his boyfriend's crotch and they started to grind.

Just one week earlier the whole world had been normal and wearing normal clothes and having women along with men, now the world was full of a diapered group of gay men who couldn't think of anything else but sex.