Border Street

Story by Find12 on SoFurry

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#2 of By 12, for others

Who would have fun getting called in to work on his day off? Darius sure doesn't--and his supervisor couldn't have picked a worse time to call him than while he was in heat. Eventually, he'll HAVE to find release--and when he does, he doesn't care who sees.

This was a request for Darius Koopa, my first request in a good long time!

Darius belongs to Darius Koopa

Lukos and all other characters belong toNotLukos

Border Street for Darius Koopa by Lukos

The steady, throbbing beat pounded dully somewhere inside the building. Nearly-naked dancers gyrated and spun around tall, metal poles that reached the dark, high ceiling, which only received momentary splashes of color from flashing lights. The dance floor below was packed with furs, jumping, dancing, drinking, grinding.

But that wasn't where the party was.

The party was about a hundred yards behind the building, outside, under the stars and in the pale light of the full moon. Border Street was only a couple hundred feet away, and there were other small venues to his left and right, but that wasn't stopping the goings on back there. The muscular reptile could feel the hungry, eager dance of his tongue with that of the Rottweiler in his arms. He could feel the dog's soft, sleek fur and firm muscles. He ran his paw down his back, feeling every contour as it moved downward to squeeze his muscular butt. He could feel the throbbing heat of pulsing, dripping canine cock pressed against his own, grinding, rubbing, tingling pleasantly, knots pressed eagerly together.

He gasped softly as he felt a pair of fingers slip between his own plump cheeks, beneath his reptilian tail. A paw squeezed and massaged the firm mounds, making him shiver in the cool night air, making his cock throb and drip against the other one. The digits passed teasingly around his tight pucker. He chuckled softly, gently breaking the kiss as he felt them slide lower, toward where his taint should be.

"Mmm, so that's what you want, huh?" he growled. "You're going to have to work it pretty hard, you know. Think you can handle that?"

The Rottweiler didn't say anything. He just grinned as his fingers finally found what they were looking for. They slipped gently between the lips of his dripping cunt, spreading them and probing around inside. He gasped and shivered again at the warm tingles that spread through his body as the fingers gently rubbed against his clit, and as another pair of fingers found his neglected pucker and began to rub in circles around it.

The Rottweiler didn't speak. He didn't say a single word, but somehow, in his mischievous grin, the dragon knew exactly what the dog was going to do. He smirked, his legs spreading just slightly to give those fingers more room to explore his not-so-private areas. Suddenly, he heard the back door to the building open. Some fur, faceless in the night, walked out with his buddies. The dragon couldn't tell whether or not they noticed what was going on. Part of him hoped they did.

His cock throbbed harder. The fingers disappeared from his nether regions, and one of them pointed down at the ground. The Rottweiler said nothing. Darius knew what to do anyway.

He lay on his back in the soft, damp grass, his thick, strong legs spread wide. His large, purple dick pulsed and dripped excitedly above his stomach, a pair of his own fingers reaching downward to toy with his wet pussy as he displayed everything for the horny canine, who leaned down over him.

"Don't be gentle," smirked the reptile.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he felt the warmth and thickness of the Rottweiler's cock spreading his pussy open, stretching him, starting to slide inward, where precum quickly began to--


Darius woke with a startled shout, grabbing his cell phone from the dresser and hastily sliding his finger across the bottom of its shiny screen.

"H-hello?" he grumbled sleepily.

"Darius! Where are you?" came an angry, familiar voice. "You were supposed to be here an hour ago!"

Darius removed the phone from his ear long enough to check the screen with his unfocused eyes, before replacing it and saying, "Stefan, it's my day off. I'm sleeping. Or trying to."

"Your day off?! Bull! My paper says you're supposed to come in today! Look, you have half an hour to get down here, or we're going to have some words, you hear me? Jason called in sick and we're short on models!"

"Stefan, I--"

"Get. Down here!" Click. Darius sighed with exasperation, chucking the phone somewhere onto his bed. Stefan sure could be a douche. He didn't care what his supervisor's paper said; the schedule he had received specifically said he was off today. He had checked it a third time before he went to bed. So much for sleeping in.

He lifted his head and looked downward. His groin felt warm, and his cock was throbbing and hard, dripping precum eagerly down its own shaft. He sighed softly, reaching down below it with a finger and brushing it against the slit between his thighs. Wet as a whale in rain.

"Nnh..." Darius shivered as he began to firmly, slowly stroke his throbbing cock, sliding two fingers into his cunt. His hips began to rise and fall as he slowly humped into his own right paw. That dream had been amazing. He could barely remember anything except the Rottweiler, a coworker of his named Drexley, or Drex for short. Drex was a sexy beast. A few minutes more and Darius would have cum in his sleep.

He froze as he suddenly realized what his supervisor had told him. He had half an hour to get to work. Groaning loudly, he released his genitals and flopped his head backward into his soft pillows, his tongue flicking absentmindedly at the precum that spattered onto his face as his cock sprung back toward him. Not only could he not sleep in, but he wouldn't be able to finish his playtime. He had about ten minutes to shower, grab a quick bite, and get some clothes on. He hated being late, and the fifteen minute drive to work would push him over his half hour time limit if he stayed to paw.

This just had to happen while Darius was in heat, while his hormones were raging with sexual energy and it was so easy to get him horny. With a sigh, he rolled out of bed. Cock swaying heavily in front of him, he walked to the bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror.

His strong, plump yellow pectorals shone with wet spatters of precum, especially over the colorful tattoo on his left one, and his well-cut abs dripped with the generous supply that his cock had pumped out while he had been sleeping. His thick, green biceps and shoulders flexed as he rubbed a paw between his horns and through his short red hair. As he looked down, he noticed that his dick was still dripping precum, and it was starting to collect in the bottom of the sink. Man, he was so horny. He turned around so his back faced the mirror, turning his head to look at his rump. He had a nice bubble butt, two round, ripe melons that showed a deep green from his hips to about halfway across each perfectly round cheek, and yellow from there to deep between them and between his thighs. He playfully flexed and bounced his cheeks, the right one, then the left one, then the right again, reaching back to give one a smart slap that echoed off the bathroom walls, appreciating the way it jiggled against the stinging strike. His cock throbbed, and a wave of pleasure rushed through him as he once again gave his the purple monster a firm squeeze that sent another squirt of precum onto one of the walls. His thighs were wet from the juices dripping from his pussy.

He was so horny. Stupid heat.

But self-control was the key. He had to get to work, or he would be late. "Can't have that on my day off," he rumbled sarcastically to himself, rolling his eyes as he reluctantly stepped into the shower.

Despite rushing as quickly as he could, Darius still arrived at work five minutes late. Stefan, a fiery Dachsund and Darius' supervisor, was pacing agitatedly in front of the back door. Darius rolled hs eyes, reluctantly climbing out of his car and jogging up to the entrance.

"Darius!" The slim, lanky dog jumped to a start as he saw the big, green-and-yellow reptile. Darius knew he was upset, because his German accent was a little more pronounced than usual. "You are late! Ve only have one model out zere! Ve'll talk about zis later. Get changed and get out zere vith Drexley! Our customers have questions! Go, go!"

Darius allowed the smaller male to push him into the building and toward the fitting rooms. Inside one booth was a paper bag with his outfit inside it. Normally, Darius would keep his outfit in his locker, but since he was allegedly "late," Stefan must have put it there for him. He sighed. When he decided to become a live model for the WetPaw swimwear store, he knew neither that he'd be working under the most annoying supervisor in the world, nor that his days off would become days of hurrying... and work. At least his body had calmed down. His cock had retreated back into hiding during his cold shower, and his cunt had stopped dripping. Now he could focus on interacting with the customers and modeling whatever trunks Stefan had picked for him.

He pulled off the grey sweatpants and tight, black muscle shirt he had hurriedly thrown on after his shower. He was naked underneath; swim trunks required no underwear, and he got to keep what he modeled anyway.

Hurrying to get dressed before Stefan became any further agitated, he reached into the bag until he felt fabric under his paw. He grabbed it and pulled it out--and froze.

A small, purple speedo, embellished on the front and back with WetPaw's logo, hung from his fingers. From the looks of it, it was a size too small.

"What the... will this even fit me?"

He put his footpaws through the leg holes and pulled upward. The material stretched easily around his strong thighs. It tightly hugged the curves of his big, round rump, and seemed to have a little trouble containing it; they rode up between his cheeks, hugging each one and flashing a little bit of the yellow that led between them. It was a good thing his balls were internal; he wasn't sure how much more stretching the tiny garment could take.

Despite indeed being too small, once he put his tail in the appropriate hole, the speedos felt comfortable. He was used to modeling normal trunks, or even squarecuts, but WetPaw had never carried speedos before now. He could see why Stefan would need models out front to answer questions.

Darius approached Drex at the entrance to WetPaw. The Rottweiler was waving at the customers he had just been talking to, a pair of women interested in purchasing a pair of speedos to prank their boyfriends. He had to quickly push his erotic dream far from his mind.

"Enjoying your day off, hermano?" quipped the Rottweiler.

Darius chuckled and exchanged a one-armed bro-hug with his friend. Drex always switched into a quasi-Hispanic accent for a moment when greeting him, even though Darius was pretty sure he was from Wisconsin.

"Not so far," Darius sighed. He inhaled deeply, leaning back against the building next to Drex. The beach was not far away, its warm sands resting just at the bottom of the long hill that was Border Street, and he could smell a hint of the seabreeze in the air as he kicked his footpaws at the sidewalk. "Stefan woke me up and made me come here."

"Yeah, he's been a dick to me too," chuckled Drex. "I mean I get it, he's shorthanded on the day we finally start carrying speedos, but come on."

Darius barely heard him. The more he tried not to think about the dream, the more he thought about it. It had been so vivid. He remembered how the buff Rottweiler's sleek fur felt beneath his paws, how warm and wet his cock was, how good his fingers had felt pressing into his--

"Darius?" Drex was waving a paw in front of his face. Darius started and looked over at him.

"S-sorry, what?"

"Stefan's callin' me in for a break. Looks like you're on your own until Derek gets here. Sorry, man. Told you he was a dick."

Darius sighed. "Yeah, it's okay. You deserve it anyway. You've been out here alone since opening. I can handle it. See you in an hour."

Drex grinned and gave him a fistbump, heading to the back to change and find some place to enjoy an early lunch, missing the hungry look Darius gave to his swaying rump as he walked.

It wasn't quite noon yet, and the streets were rather empty. Even so, standing in front of WetPaw by himself in a speedo did feel a little strange. He had worn them before, but then he was actually on the beach, not on a sidewalk on a street full of merchants. Someone could be watching him, and the speedo barely contained him. What if he happened to turn around and someone saw his butt trying continuously to bust through the tough lycra? What if he got hard again?

Darius gasped at a sudden sensation from below. The slit that hid his manhood was starting to separate. He quickly pushed those thoughts away from his head. He knew he was an exhibitionist. He enjoyed being watched and ogled--it was part of why this live modeling gig had appealed to him. Even though he had resolved to stop thinking about being out here in nothing but a speedo, the thought that someone could be watching him, the realization that if he got hard right now it would be extremely easy for someone to notice, was only making his cock grow faster.

Stupid heat. This would be a long shift.


The lion shouldered the bag containing his video equipment and closed the rear door of his SUV. His friends could carry the extra microphones whenever they showed up. He had been waiting in his car for over half an hour now, intermittently wasting gas on air conditioning when the bright sunlight streaming through his windows made it too hot. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and reread the text Morin had sent:

"Sorry Lukos. Still waiting for Zeke to get his lazy otter butt ready. Be there ASAP. He said he'll buy you lunch afterward for making you wait."

He sighed and shoved the phone back into his pocket. It was a nice day out, and he had hoped to spend some of it by the shoreline. The longer he had to wait, the less time he'd probably have to enjoy the beach with his friends.

His blue-padded paw still in his pocket, camera bag on his shoulder, Lukos paused to look in one of his side mirrors. His summer coat had come in nicely. Where under a month ago his fur had been pure white, it now shone a lovely, light tan. His blue double-stripes stood out against it, starting on either side of his muzzle, running down his neck and disappearing into his grey T-shirt. His short, messy mane shone silver in the sunlight, the light blue tips of each naturally-spiky group of strands highlighted in its golden rays. Satisfied with his appearance, he straightened up, clicked the remote in his pocket twice so his car locked its doors, then honked as he liked it to, and strolled off down narrow, sloping Border Street toward the beach. If he was going to have to wait for the guys to show up, he might as well look around, maybe shoot some B-roll or grab some frozen yogurt in the meantime.

The sun was high and warm, but the sea breeze ruffling Lukos' short fur was contrastingly cool and pleasant. He could faintly hear the water lapping at the shore above the sound of passing cars as he walked in the slowly retreating shadows of short, modern-looking buildings, each one a merchant; the lion passed a nice, casual sit-down restaurant, a shop that sold designer clothes for summertime, another that sold elegant, portable beach furniture and various hand-made wind chimes. Further down the hill were the fast food joints, the surf shops, the T-shirt stores, and a small venue near the shoreline itself where beachfront concerts were sometimes held.

What was catching Lukos' attention, however, was none of these. His eyes were on a swimsuit shop across the narrow two-lane street. "WetPaw," he read aloud from the shiny silver sign that hung boldly above wide-open French doors lined with various bathing suits. In front of the shop, chatting with a passing group of guys, was a big, buff dragon.

Between two short horns that curved upward, his hair was short, messy, and fiery orange, running down his face in neat, thin sideburns to point downward under his chin in a short goatee. His skin was mostly a bright green; he was a splash of color against the bland, white backdrop of the building behind him. His bare chest was yellow. Lukos squinted at the colorful tattoo on his bulging left pectoral, but he couldn't make out what it was. His legs were bare too, thick and strong and muscular. Indeed, all he was wearing was a purple speedo that looked to be quite small on him.

"Good grief," Lukos thought to himself. "Might as well put the poor guy on the street in a thong."

As the guys left, the dragon happened to spot the lion walking along with his camera bag and gave him a smile and a nod. Lukos nodded back, casually waving a paw as he walked one shop further to the frozen yogurt shop.

"I hope they have cake batter," he said to himself.

As he left the frozen yogurt shop a few minutes later, enjoying his creamy treat, his ears perked toward some noise down by the shoreline. It sounded like a sound check for one of those beachfront concerts. That would explain the relative lack of people at this part of Border Street. Lukos strolled toward the sounds for a few minutes while he ate his yogurt. By the time his cup was empty, he had decided he really wasn't interested in the concert. His interest was more in the absence of his friends.

"Have you left yet?" he texted to Morin with a sigh as he crossed the street and began walking up the other way. Beachfront concerts were better enjoyed with friends, and his were taking forever to get there. At least it was a nice day.

Leisurely climbing Border Street's gentle slope, Lukos suddenly realized that he was on the same side of the street as the green dragon. Even in a speedo, standing around outside a swimwear store probably sucked, especially with a concert starting just down the road. Maybe he'd buy him some frozen yogurt to enjoy too.

As he got closer to the dragon, however, he noticed something was wrong. The big guy seemed uncomfortable. With sound check running from the concert, Border Street had become quite deserted, and in the absence of a steady stream of shoppers, his seemingly friendly smile from before had been replaced by something like a grimace. The lion's bright blue eyes happened to shift downward, and that was when he noticed why.

The speedo was already too small for the dragon, but Lukos had to hand it to WetPaw for finding speedos to sell that were made of such strong stuff. The dragon had a rock-hard erection. He could almost see it throbbing as it stuck lewdly out in front of him, stretching the thin lycra to limits he was surprised lycra could reach. He had to chuckle softly at the sight of WetPaw's logo deformed by the stretching fabric.

Many people would be alarmed, or complain to the manager, or call the police, but Lukos felt for the guy. It wasn't his fault he had to stand out here almost naked modeling speedos. By the look on his face, he wasn't trying to be a pervert or anything. He happened to get a genuine erection while on the job--unfortunately, while that job required him to wear a speedo.

To be honest, it turned the lion on.

Lukos wasn't sure what made him do it. He was in good shape himself, but the green dragon looked as though he could very easily pound him into a speed bump that could potentially discourage drivers from speeding as they coasted down Border Street's slope. Whatever the cause, as he passed the buff dragon, he reached out and grabbed that tent without even stopping. The dragon jumped and gasped sharply. Lukos could see his body go tense and rigid as the blue-padded lion paw gave his cock a firm squeeze and a few strokes through the confining swimwear. He heard him release a low, breathy moan. He could feel how hard and hot his cock was, he could feel it throb strongly beneath his paw. Dang, it was thick. Thick and long, with an upward curve.

"Hang in there, big boy," he said encouragingly, releasing the dragon cock as he continued past. He didn't turn his head to see the dragon's reaction. He shoved his paw into his pocket, curling it into a fist as he did so. His largest pad was wet and sticky with precum.


Darius stared after the lion in shock. He'd had a feeling that there would be some crazy reactions to the sight of him in a speedo with a raging and clearly-visible erection, but that was the last thing he had expected. His cock tingled where the warm paw had grabbed and squeezed it. Oh, that had felt so good, and he needed relief so bad....

But he was on the job. He couldn't leave his post. He reached down into his speedo and pushed his thick cock down between his thighs, squeezing them together. He gasped as the speedo slid out of the way, and the disobedient purple rod poked out into the sunshine through one of the leg holes. He growled. It seemed whatever way he crossed his legs or repositioned himself, his cock was visible. Drex still wouldn't be back for awhile. He had no choice but to ask Stefan for some time to take care of this. Covering his crotch with a paw, he waved the Dachsund over and walked back inside, into one of the fitting rooms.

"Stefan," he said simply. "I need a break. It's important."

"What are you talking about? You cannot take a break until Drex gets back, you know that! Besides, you just got here!"

"I have... a problem," Darius explained. Slowly, he removed his paw, allowing his supervisor to see his throbbing erection, masked only by the stretching swimwear.

Even through his dark fur, Darius could tell that the Dachsund's face had turned beet red. Instantly, a hint of German accent returned to his speech. "Ack! Vhy would you show me zat?! Look, I don't care! Ve need models out zere, and... and... and you're it! It is not my vault you came here like zis! Vhy did you not take care of it before you came?"

Darius shrugged. "All due respect, you woke me and gave me a time limit to get here. And I can't help it. I'm in heat."

"Vhat kind of fool do you take me for?!" The fiery dog cried loudly. "You are male, you do not go into heat! Quit your lame excuses and--o-oh...."

Completely straight-faced, Darius had sat down on the bench, spread his strong thighs, and moved the speedo out of the way, showing his supervisor his purple cunt, dripping wet with need. The dragon almost failed to hide his smile. If Stefan's face hadn't been red before, it certainly was now. He half expected the little guy to pass out in front of him.

"Y-you... you're a herm, yes?" His accent had suddenly disappeared with the apparently sobering news. Darius tried hard not to stare at the bulge that had quite suddenly appeared in his business slacks. "Well... I... I mean, you.... Look, I don't care!" Darius blinked at the sudden outburst. "It's your problem. You go out there and do your job! You can take care of... whatever later!" Still bright-faced, he huffed and quickly retreated back to the salesfloor.

Darius groaned. He'd really have to wait? Would the company really be okay with the world seeing his dick sticking out through their speedos?

With a sigh, he stood up. Hiding his problem from the cashier, he walked back outside to continue to "do his job."

Darius made no further effort to hide his cock. He had tried and already experienced that no matter what he did, his purple monster would not be hidden. It had even been hurting for quite awhile now. Could he stand to wait? After this morning, after not being able to find relief after that almost-wet dream, he felt fit to burst.

The dragon sighed softly. Here he was on what was supposed to be his day off, standing there at work in pure discomfort, fighting a stubborn and strong erection in the midst of his heat, and his douchebag supervisor wouldn't even let him get relief, even though it meant passersby could easily see his predicament and... react.

He wondered if anyone else might react the way that lion did. The cat was actually pretty cute, and the way he had just walked up and grabbed his dick, stroked and squeezed it, and walked away... he was bold. Others could be watching. Others could be watching him right now, seeing how hard he was, seeing how wet he was....

He gasped sharply, arching his back inward and leaning back against the building as a shot of precum suddenly squirted from his tortured member, dripping through the speedo and onto the sun-warmed ground below. He couldn't take it. He couldn't wait until Drex was back. He had to do this now.

He craned his neck, looking up and down Border Street. Some businesses had closed temporarily, taking advantage of the crowds at the concert to rearrange their items and attract customers once the concert was over. No cars were passing by; it was easier to get to the concert from Beachline Boulevard further down the hill than Border Street. He seemed to be alone. Casually, he walked away from WetPaw's windows, toward the small space between Wetpaw and the music shop next door. He stood in the gap between the buildings, taking only a couple steps forward so he was off the main sidewalk. He didn't know what stopped him from just going all the way inside the narrow alley. No one would see him there.

Maybe that was the problem.

He grabbed the thick erection near its sensitive head. It throbbed painfully, as if to berate him for taking so long. A shudder ran through his spine as he began to stroke it, much like that cute lion had. He wondered what his name was, why he had those cool-looking stripes on his face, why his mane was silver instead of auburn like most other lions. What did he look like without his shirt? Would he remove it if asked? ... Was his dick blue like those paws of his? How exotic that would be....

Ooh, and Drex. That sexy Rottweiler. What would it take to get him to reenact that dream with him? To spread his thighs, let that thick canine cock inside his dripping pussy? What might their kids look like?

He smirked at the thought as his cock throbbed once more. He grimaced. No way could he take another throb like that in these speedos. He sighed in relief as he slowly lowered the front of the garment, grabbing his bare, hot, purple flesh as it sprung into the warm sunlight.


Lukos purred as he watched from the top of the frozen yogurt shop. That particular building had stairs at the back to allow maintenance crews to get to its roof-mounted AC units. He was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to be up here, but here he was.

He had crossed the street again after his run-in with the dragon, intending to walk some more while waiting for his friends, but he just couldn't get his mind off of what he had just done. He had grabbed the guy's dick, and though he hadn't seen the expression on his face, he had heard him moan, and he hadn't sensed any anger. Maybe he liked guys. Maybe he was just comfortable being fondled by strangers. Maybe both.

The taste of the dragon's precum was still fresh in his mind. He had licked it from his paw, and it was slick, somewhat salty. He wanted to see more, do more. Maybe he himself could tease the dragon until he blew his load right into those purple speedos.

Unfortunately, the dragon was gone when he walked back down toward the frozen yogurt shop again. Somewhat disappointed, he had turned the corner and climbed up on top of the shop to see if he could get a better view of the concert, or see Morin's car at the top of the slope.

He didn't know why he had ducked down as he saw the dragon exit the store again, cock bobbing lewdly in front of him as he walked. There was no way the poor guy would be able to handle that thing for too much longer. He'd have to break soon. That was when Lukos had remembered his video camera hanging from his shoulder.

Against his better judgement, he set his tripod up carefully, quietly, so as not to make noise for the business running below. He mounted his camera and connected his remote to it, opening the screen so he could clearly watch. Darius had stepped out of view of his supervisor and coworkers. The lion's jaw dropped as he watched Darius stroke himself a few times, then finally release that big cock. "Theeere it is," he sighed softly.

It was purple, much like the speedo. It had cool-looking ridges along the pulsing underside, and an incredible purple knot. Lukos noticed there weren't any balls there. "Internal," he thought.

Standing there by himself, in the gap between the two buildings yet not far enough back to avoid being noticed if someone happened to walk by, the dragon turned around. At least he gave some thought to hiding his dick from all of Border Street... but Lukos' mouth began to water when he saw that round butt. It was like two big, green-and-yellow bowling balls, barely contained by the speedo. Lukos could see the yellow between his thighs, and the arch of his back as finally, he began to give himself the relief he so desperately needed.

This was hot. This was so incredibly hot. Lukos reached down between his legs, feeling just how hard he was himself. He had been hard since grabbing the dragon's dick down in front of the shop. It was starting to hurt. He had no clue how the dragon had managed to deal with it in a speedo.

He saw the dragon's mouth open in what he imagined was a soft moan. He glanced down at the wireless microphone still sitting in his camera bag. Maybe....

Leaving the camera running, the lion connected the wireless receiver to the camera, picked up his bag, and tiptoed to the ladder so as not to alert anyone in the frozen yogurt shop.


Darius spread his legs a little further, his free paw reaching upward to rub over his chest and caress his nipples. They had hardened nicely in the outdoors, and a gentle tweak with his fingers sent a rush of sensation down his spine. The paw squeezed one of his plump pecs, rubbing slowly down his abs as he slowly, firmly stroked himself.

Precum continued dripping profusely onto the paved ground, which was surprisingly clean even between the buildings. A tiny puddle was beginning to form from the drips and squirts of his thick fluids. Between his thighs, his cunt was also dripping wet. The paw slid slowly down his firm abs and over to his side, aroud to his lower back, over one of his bubbly cheeks, to press two fingers against it. A rush of pleasure assaulted him, almost causing his knees to buckle beneath him as his one finger slid slowly inside the slick, wet orifice. The other finger moved forward, rubbing in smooth, gentle circles around and over his clit.

He gasped softly, letting out a high, breathy moan. His nerves were electrified by the long-overdue sensations coursing through every fiber of his body. It wasn't enough. He needed more. His whole body seemed to be demanding an earth-shaking orgasm. He needed something more.

Reluctantly, he slid his speedos back up to their former position. His cock throbbed in protest as he put his paw over it, walking back inside the shop and into the employee lounge. He knew just what he needed.


Lukos panted as he returned to the top of the frozen yogurt shop. He pressed a few buttons on the microphone's wireless receiver and put on his earphones, glad he hadn't been caught placing his microphone within Darius' range. His eyes widened a little as he realized that the dragon was gone. Had he been caught? He found himself feeling slightly nervous. Would he get in trouble?

He was surprised to hear a sigh of relief from his own mouth as, still throbbing hard, Darius walked out of the shop once more. The lion squinted at the screen. He was carrying what looked like a black shirt, but there was something else.... Was that a...?

"Hah, no way!" chuckled the lion. "Where'd he get the cucumber?"

The thought of what the dragon was about to do with the cucumber made his own cock throb in his shorts. Hey, why not? There was no reason the reptile should be the only one to have some fun. He reached downward, unbuckling his shorts and sliding them downward over his hips. He sighed with pleasure as his own cock was freed from its confines. It throbbed warmly as he grasped it in its paw, the ice blue flesh pulsing as he continued to watch the show.

Soft purrs and sighs escaped the lion's mouth as he stroked himself to the sight down below. The dragon had returned to his place between the two buildings, starting to stroke his cock before even reaching the spot. The cucumber remained in his paw for the moment as, slowly, he turned his back to the street and pulled the front of his speedo down once again.

Lukos let out a small grunt of dissatisfaction. "Come on," he murred, "get rid of that speedo...."

He knew that if someone were to look up beneath the yogurt shop, he would be in some big trouble, but it was too late to stop now. Besides, he didn't want to. He thought about leaving, just shutting off the camera, packing up. Better safe than sorry, after all. It was so easy to shut that thought down, however. His heart was pounding in his chest as he watched the reptile. He realized in the back of his mind that he didn't want to. He found the dragon incredibly sexy. Maybe after this, after both of them had had their fun, he would introduce himself properly... if the dragon wasn't too mad about being watched.

Then again, the guy was standing outside, in public, barely hidden between the two buildings. Anyone could walk by at any moment and get the surprise of his life--and the dragon could have just gone into the bathroom. Something told him being watched wasn't a problem.

Lukos gasped softly as he continued to watch, recording the action down below. The dragon had spread his thick, strong legs apart, and reached back to grab the waistband of the tiny swimwear. The lion's heart pounded faster as he watched the speedos slide slowly downward, revealing the beautiful bottom it held inch by inch. The garment continued sliding down his thighs. The lion rowled softly.

"Rawr, sexay," he chuckled to himself, watching the muscles in the dragon's thighs ripple as he bent over. "Mmmmm.... I could just lick that thing." With his remote, he zoomed closer, making sure his camera caught the subtle flex and jiggle of those buns as the dragon shifted his stance. This time, however, he didn't straighten up and return to just stroking his cock. The paw with the cucumber reached back between his thighs, the tip of the fruit rubbing gently against his taint.... Wait.... Wait, no, that can't be right....

The cucumber was pushing forward into the dragon's body, spreading a pair of lips and sinking slowly into a hole that Lukos knew from a few classes in school should absolutely not be there.

"He's... he's a herm," realized the lion, his mouth slowly falling agape again as he continued to watch, mezmerized. "He has a pussy...."

His cock throbbed urgently. "Dang, that's sexy...."


Darius groaned in pleasure as he slipped the cucumber slowly inside himself. He blushed at the sound of his own hot, needy moan. No need to carry on like a whore in heat. Well, he may have been in heat, but still. He chuckled to himself, but as he slid the cucumber deeper inside his cunt, he let out another one, breathy, laced with lust and need, his juices dripping down into his own paw.

His other paw continued to squeeze and stroke his cock. The pleasure was becoming very intense. His body shuddered almost uncontrollably as he forced it deeper and deeper, stretching his wet cunt around it.

"Unnh... hnn! Ahh... that feels so good," he sighed. Standing was dangerous. He didn't want to explain to people how he smacked his head into the floor and knocked himself out between WetPaw and the music shop. He got to his knees and leaned over. All thoughts of privacy were gone. If anyone was watching him, they hadn't yet stopped him. Maybe they were enjoying the show. He smiled to himself at the thought of that, his paw pushing his cock downward between his thighs as he bent over, pressing his strong chest flat against the smooth, clean pavement. His tail lifted high, he mooned the sunshine, which felt pleasantly warm against his butt. As he pushed the cucumber deeper inside himself with a few fingertips, his thumb began to play with his tight pucker, which winked out into the street at whoever may have been watching. Part of him hoped that the lion from earlier was hiding somewhere, watching him bend over and screw himself with a cucumber in public. Part of him wished for a nice, thick, blue lion dick to stretch his backdoor just like the cucumber lodged deep in his pussy, and pound him until he couldn't cum anymore.

He moaned aloud at the thought of it.

Slowly, he let go of his cock, allowing it to hang heavily between his thighs. Somewhere behind him, he heard a car or two pass by, perhaps on their way to the concert by the beach. His heart jumped in his chest. Had they seen him? The thought only pushed him further, and he flexed his muscular rump with a soft chuckle. His cock continued to pulse and throb. He rested his own black muscle shirt on the ground beneath it, catching a squirt of precum as he pulled the cucumber from inside his cunt and moved it further back behind him. It was dripping with his juices, and it felt cool and wet pressing against his tight entrance. It slowly pressed forward as his fingers took the place of the cucumber, three of them sliding easily into his cunt, wiggling and stretching and flicking lightly across his clit, causing him to gasp and spasm.

When that cucumber pressed forward, stretching his tight pucker open and sliding into him, he about lost it and came right there. He knew that he was in for the climax of his life. This position was uncomfortable, however. As satisfying as it was to bend over and show his goods to all the world, he would need to accomplish that goal in a different position. Slowly, he turned onto his back, legs spread wide apart, cock dripping in the sunlight and pointed up toward his face, throbbing eagerly. The cucumber pressed deeper, almost all the way inside him. He could feel his hole stretching around it as his fingers continued to stimulate his cunt, the incredible sensations making him moan and pant in bliss.

"Unh... yeah... harder," he grunted. In his mind, the lion would return to see what those lustful sounds were and find him spread there, just like that. He imagined the smirk on his face as, wordlessly, he pulled Darius' paw away from his cunt and unzipped those shorts.

He imagined what his cock looked like. It was probably blue, like his paws, and had those awesome barbs on it that cats tended to have. Wet, dripping wet, just like his own. It would thrust forward viciously with a loud slap, not just once, but again, and again, with him writhing and moaning in ecstacy there.

"Yeah... breed me, lion boy," he gasped through his fantasy as the cucumber began to slide wetly in and out of him. He was close. He was so, so dangerously close. He just needed something, anything, to shove him over the edge....


Lukos had already cum. His paw was sticky with his own feline seed, but he wasn't done. He couldn't be, not with the dragon bending over like that, a cucumber lodged deep in his pussy. Despite its sensitivity and the warm afterglow emanating from his loans, his cock quickly hardened again as the dragon bent over and displayed everything he had. Lukos was beyond turned on. The horny lion rowled softly, trying not to drool. The things he would do to that cunt, and that tight-looking bubble butt, and that amazing purple cock that continued to throb and leak onto the black shirt....

He felt nervous for the dragon as a pair of cars passed by. Peering through the windshield from up above, he could clearly see the distraction of one of the drivers, open-mouthed as he tried to watch where he was driving and still turn his head to gawk at the sight of hot dragon butt and thick purple cock where he least expected it. Darius had to have heard the cars. Was he not worried or embarrassed? His answer came when he saw Darius give his big musclebutt a little wiggle. He couldn't help but chuckle. This dragon. This bold, awesome, incredibly sexy exhibitionist of a hermaphroditic dragon.

As he continued to stroke himself, Lukos knew he wasn't too far from cumming again. He could already feel his balls churning a second load. "Ohh, yeah, show it to me," he sighed, watching the dragon flip over onto his back. "He's all spread out there like that, so hard, not worried about someone catching him.... I've gotta meet him."

He purred loudly as he watched the dragon continue to pleasure himself, the cucumber beginning to piston at a moderate pace in and out of his tight hole. Through the camera, he could see it stretch around the contours of the fruit, see the fluids dripping from his pussy as he fingered it, see the telltale throb of that big purple cock. The dragon was close. The dragon was so close. Those moans, those incredible grunts and whimpers coming through his earphone, those alone could have made the cat pop, but he knew that as soon as Darius finally came, and he saw him, and he heard him, he was done for.

"Yeah... breed me, lion boy...."

Lukos froze. Lion boy? Surely the dragon wasn't thinking about him! Surely it wasn't thoughts of him, Lukos, that were making him make those amazing sounds, bringing him so close to the edge of orgasm!

Then, something happened that made his heart stop. The dragon happened to turn his head toward the frozen yogurt shop. It looked as though he were staring right at the camera. His eyes widened. Had he been caught? Would the dragon be angry? Would he grab his speedo and come up to beat him to a pulp? He didn't know the guy personally, but he sure looked strong enough to do that if he really wanted to....

But then something happened that almost made Lukos cum right then and there. The dragon smiled. It was a handsome, knowing smile, a little "gotcha" smile. Oh yeah, the dragon knew Lukos was there. He knew Lukos was filming him--and he liked it.

Before much longer, the dragon's moans started to get urgent, breathy, needy. They started low, starting to get breathier, louder.

"H-huh... yeah... more... almost there... ohh, yeah, I'm close, I'm gonna cum!"

He figured the dragon wasn't aware that the microphone was there, and all the better. That sound was the hottest thing he'd ever heard, and he didn't want it tainted by acting. Lukos started to moan and gasp as well as that familiar warmth crawled from his loins and his stomach through every fur on his body. He wanted to moan the dragon's name, but he vaguely realized that he didn't know it yet. Instead, he decided, he would just stay silent. It would be better not to draw attention to himself.

The dragon, apparently, did not feel the same way.

The moans escalated, mixing with labored panting and gasping as the dragon's orgasm came over him like a truck. Lukos' equipment captured everything: the mighty throb of the dragon's cock, the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the sharp grunts and obscenities that left his mouth. It caught the sudden jerk of his body as the cucumber took a sudden plunge deep inside him, hitting just the right spot to make him surpess a loud cry and cause his body to tremble. It caught the thick ropes of creamy dragon cum that his cock launched into the air, the fluid arcing gracefully toward the sky before falling to land behind his head. The power and flow of the orgasm was incredible. For ten whole seconds, his cock launched his load wherever it could in a strong, steady stream: in his face, on his thick pecs, on the ground beside him; in the midst of a particular throb, his cock happened to swing sideways and get a good shot onto WetPaw's wall.

The lion watched in awe as the dragon writhed on the ground, trying now to hide his gasps and and uncharacteristic cries of intense pleasure. As his cock erupted, his cunt did too. That was part of what surprised him most. That looked like an incredibly intense orgasm; he couldn't imagine what two at a time must feel like. Powerful squirts of his warm juices splashed onto the sidewalk, running into the walkway and beginning their journey down the slope of Border Street.


Darius lay panting beside the store for a good ten minutes. That crazy orgasm had left him shaking for about a half minute. It was always like that when he was in heat. Cum from both sets of genitals was everywhere. His cunt had ejected its load somewhere into the sidewalk. His cock, having begun its slow retreat back into hiding, had flung warm, white dragon seed every which way. He knew he wouldn't have long to clean up before Drex returned. He had to get up.

As he pushed himself to his footpaws, lightheaded and dazed with his loins still tingling pleasantly in afterglow, he could hear the concert going on. It had started, and Border Street was as empty as ever--but not as empty as he had originally thought. He smirked to himself as he picked up his shirt and began wiping the cum from his chest. The lion had been watching after all, and he even recorded him. How fun.

In fact, he could see the feline now, sauntering across the street toward him. He looked confident enough, but Darius could see the nerves behind his smile. He chuckled and shook his head. "Enjoy the show?" he called to the cat.

The lion didn't answer until he was right in front of him. "You bet I did," he said. "I was worried you'd catch me... weren't you at all worried about that? I mean, out here in public, doing those things?"

"Not as much as you'd think," Darius readily replied in his deep voice, his slight Hispanic accent audible through it, as he used his shirt to wipe cum from his hair. A light smirk came over his face. "Stuff like that gets me off. How about you? You get off too?"

Darius noticed a light blush on the cat's face. "Twice," he said.

"Man. Glad you liked what you saw! Though I guess, technically, I came twice too. Hey, what's your name?"

"Lukos." The lion held out a blue-padded paw. After what the two of them had just shared, shaking paws seemed a little silly. After all, some of Darius' dick was still hanging out of its slit. Nevertheless, he took the paw and gave it a firm shake.

"Darius. Hey, I get off work at five tonight. Why don't you stick around? You can come to my place, we can watch what you got."

Lukos chuckled. "Yeah? I've got some friends coming to meet me here, but... I think I can get away." He smiled again. Why did cats always have to be cute?

"Good," Darius grinned. "See ya then."

Lukos nodded and leaned forward for a second. His rough tongue flicked out of his mouth. Darius was surprised that it was pink. In one swipe, it lapped up a dollop of cum that he had missed, right from under the tattoo on his pec. Lukos chuckled and swallowed. "See ya." Without another word, the feline walked away, shouldering his equipment and for the second time, leaving the dragon staring speechless after him.

Lunchtime found Darius not eating his lunch, but standing in the office of his boss--not his supervisor, Stefan, but the owner of the store he was currently standing in. He was a tiger, rather well-muscled himself, but without Darius' kind of bulk. He did not look happy.

"Imagine my surprise," he was in the middle of saying, "when I get a call on my cell phone saying one of my employees was exposing himself in public!"

Stefan choked on his sandwich. "You vhat?!" he cried. "In public?! How could you do somezing like zat?!"

Darius sighed. So someone else had seen him after all. "Look," he explained. "You called me all of a sudden this morning when I wasn't supposed to come in, gave me a time limit to get here. I didn't have a chance to take care of it at home. I already showed you I'm a herm, I'm in heat. You've got me out there wearin' a speedo, I'm all hard and everyone can see my junk anyway. What do you want me to do? You wouldn't let me come in and take care of it in private, and no way was I going to stand there with a hard on in a speedo all day. I had to do something!" He shrugged.

To his amazement, the tiger turned to Stefan. "Get me his schedule."

"Right away," answered the Dachsund, his voice back to normal. "I have nothing to hide."

Within a minute, the Dachsund had gone to the front desk and returned with a sheet of paper listing all the employees and the times at which they were supposed to clock in.

"Right there, see?" He showed it to Darius, then to the tiger, pointing at Darius' name. "Darius Koopa, 10 AM to 5 PM, Live Model."

The tiger took the paper from his subordinate, looking it over thoughtfully. "Well, there it is," he sighed. "I don't know what to say."

There was a moment of silence. Darius sighed. He could have sworn his schedule said he was supposed to be off today. In fact, no, he knew his schedule said he was supposed to be off today.

"Koopa," said the tiger suddenly. "Tell me something."

"Yes sir," responded Darius respectfully.

"Were you here on time yesterday?"

"Yesterday? Uh... yes, sir."

"Good. Then you're fine. This is yesterday's schedule."

Darius looked at Stefan's face. The look on it was priceless. He resisted the urge to immediately start saying "I told you so."

"And did he really come to you, tell you the problem, and ask to solve it in private?"

"I... he... I mean...." Stefan stumbled over his words. He knew he was sunk. "Y... Yes sir," he finally said. "He... he did."

"And did you really deny him that opportunity?"

Stefan hung his head. This time, he said nothing. The tiger smiled at Darius. "You're free to go."

"Thank you, sir," said Darius. As he turned to leave, he paused, suddenly noticing something.

"Hey, uh, Stefan? Is that... is that cucumber in your sandwich?"

"V-vhat?" asked the Dachsund. He glanced down at his forgotten lunch, sitting in his former chair. "Yes... vhy?"

Darius smiled. "It's nothing." With that, he turned and walked from the room to join Drex and continue his shift, feeling much, much better than he had that morning.

Meer dan Vrienden (More than Friends)

Meer dan Vrienden (More than Friends) by 12 as Lukos Even outside, the warm night air thrummed with the heavy bass beat of house music. It was exactly the kind of chest-pounding, energetic rhythm that makes anyone in earshot jump along, sprinkled...

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normal. six

six by Lukos Tik woke on the morning of his birthday feeling excited. He stared up at the ceiling from the smooth comfort of his expensive silk sheets, his drowsy mind quickly becoming alight with thoughts about the day to come. He wasn't excited...

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The Caligo (part two)

The Caligo (part 2) by 12 as Lukos The Caligo's teeth snapped shut around Ice's body, but several feet away, Ice was on one knee, panting as he tried to regain some of his strength. Kemper stood next to him, hiding him from the Caligo. The ice around...

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