Two loves, Two hearts Chpt. 1

Story by RJVegeto on SoFurry

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#1 of Two Loves, Two Hearts (Series by Reddeevamp)

This story was written by my Second Life friend Redfire. Other then some grammar, punctuation and capitalization fixes that I got permission to do, this story hasn't been altered. I take no credit for the author's work.

All rights and Credit belong to REDFIRE Vixen - Shinzi (reddeevamp Resident)


I sit here and ponder life's meaning yet again... What a week... My name is Stephanie although I was called another name in the past but that's a story for another day..

I decided to go for a walk this morning and as usual I ended up at my favorite spot down by the river. There was never anything that matched the calm and beauty of this spot and, many a moon I would come to cry or think. Sadly this was one of those crying times.

Men, they seem to be the bane of my existence yet I always seem to want them. Always ending in tears. Brady, sighs, he was a charmer, never a harsh word but a temper in him none the less. He had the heart of gold and that geek shyness that women love, and in all its faults I did love him... I remember the first time we met. Was like old school mates, yet never knew each other.

*Smiles* From that day we became twins... Always together, always helping each other and always this unspoken desire. The first time we got together was magical and nearly ruined me for other men. Soft tender his hands would be as they touched, my skin glowing in its trial... Brady always took my breath away... He loved the body not just sex, just as a woman should be loved.

The first time was at a party. He smiled and came over to me, all confident.. *Giggles* He took my hand and lead me to dance... I was in shock, a dream like state if you will... He was handsome in a non conventional way... We started to dance as time went on. I found myself enjoying it. Then it happened, the dreaded slow song... I was turning to leave when a hand touched mine and instant sparks were felt... Turning back I could see Brady urging me back to him... I went, I mean what could happen in public right? Lots apparently I was to discover.

Dancing close to him, my back against his chest, his warm breath burning into the nape of my neck... Closing my eyes I just drifted with the music. His hands were sliding over my arms and belly perfectly as we danced and I couldn't help but lean into him... My eyes flew open as I realized something hard was against my ass, and boy was it hard. I heard this little snicker as if he knew my surprise... I wanted to move but instead found myself pressing my ass closer as we grinded to the music. This seem to go on for mere minutes but who knew... My head was lost in the intoxicating music and the desire that was being created...

By the end of the night my mind was tired and my body ached, but my body wasn't aching from dancing... No not dancing... "Stephanie you idiot!" I kept saying to myself... "Don't go there, don't!" ...But it was hard not to.... Like a true gentleman, Brady walked me home... We walked in silence, the cool air biting at my skin. "Ooh dam. really?" ..*sighs*.. As my front door seemed to appear to quickly. I swung myself around to say goodbye when I felt his lips on mine... Mmm soft, gentle, delicate and the taste was divine... "No no no!" I said to myself... I went to move away but his strong arms thought otherwise. Wrapped around my waist, pulling me in closer and ooh my there was that hardness in his pants yet again.

Brady did know how to kiss I'll give him that... I was to find out that night just how good he really was... As he followed me into my house, his fingers now teasing my nipples through my top to hard peaks as we stumbled in... My hands were now cupping his face as we kissed, tongues dancing together... My nipples were so hard and sensitive they seemed to hurt as the fabric touched them... My hands move down trembling to loosen my top. Taking it off seemed to be the good thing to do... As our bodies touched again I gasped as his hot skin touched mine.. What...? What...? When did his top come off? I quickly forgot about that as his hands now melted my skin as they kneaded and played with my breasts... I couldn't help but moan at the sensations deep inside me...

Pushing Brady onto the bed I sat on top bending to kiss him as I straddled, my hand between my thighs massaging his pants... I felt the restriction that caused and quickly found the zipper, exposing his manhood in all its glory and boy it was brilliant... Brady slowly and firmly slid his hands to my ass giving the cheeks a good slap... "Ooh God yes..! He loves to slap! Oh thank God...!" I said to myself again, and fuck as if he knew, one hand slapped hard, the print red and the sting sharp... Moaning into his mouth I moved over his shaft and with great ease let it slide in as I lowered onto the thickness.. All the way in until I sat on his groin completely... I started to rock slowly with little movement, letting him feel the sensation as he filled and spread me apart... Damn it was so deep it almost hurt... Rocking my hips back and forth until I felt my own juice start to moisten me... I lifted my ass as I raised along his shaft, letting my pussy clench as I did, stopping just before the head came out, only to pulse there up and down on the head only, in and out with short little movements. I heard him moan in delight as my pussy kept tightening and releasing over his head... His hands now pushed him in as if he couldn't stand it any longer until he was fully inside and deep again... I sat up and felt my G-spot get rub and moaned outwardly... His hands helping me as I rocked again sitting on him, clenching over and over, loving his thick hard cock inside me... Placing my own hands on my breasts, pinching the nipples, I looked down to see him watching me.. My breasts in plain sight... I closed my eyes as I felt another pleasure wave and I sped up my rocks...

I gasped as I felt his finger on my clit.. Holy fuck was a rush as he rolled it around while fucking my pussy... Unable to control myself I started lifting and falling rapidly now with deeper and harder thrusts... Fuck this was good!

Brady moaned when he felt my pussy moisten yet again, my breasts bouncing in front of him... God I loved him deep inside me, and I so wanted to cum all over him, panting and moaning I sped up. I was nearly mad with desire but holy shit... I near fainted as i felt his finger enter my ass... The feeling of absolute pleasure just burned like lava... I couldn't stop now... I was beyond stopping as he fucked my ass and pussy. I could hear myself whisper "Harder. Faster. Ooh yes, deeper please deeper!" With his finger deep in my ass, Brady wriggled it and more and more lust flowed over me...

My nails now clawing into his chest as I rode him from above, my skin and hair moist from sweat, thighs wet from my nectar. He pulled his finger out, only to guide his cock deep into my ass now and I screamed in pleasure! Ooh hell yes...! Ooh yes this is what I wanted! Hands on my hips, making me rise and fall hard as he fucked my ass over and over and fuck it was tight! That thick shaft spreading me ass so wide... So tight around him... "Yes baby fuck me!" I was screaming... I wanted to cum now. His moans and pants now louder, his own needs out of control as I slammed into his groin over and over... God I loved him in my ass! Squeezing my ass cheeks making it tighter, grinning when I noticed its effects on him. My ass being used and fucked hard, feeling that cock sliding and thrusting into me.

"Fuck, fuck!" Ooh God I wanted to cum! "Ooh fuck! Let it go!" he said and fuck did I ever! My pussy squirted my nectar over his body as I came so hard with him in my ass. "Don't stop!" I said "Fuck me...!" yelling his name as I continued to cum... Brady loved it, fucking my ass... As i came, he roared loudly as his own climax was reached. I could feel his cum, hot and deep inside my ass. I kept rocking, milking him for all he was. He was gasping now so sensitive and still deep in my ass. Letting out so slowly as he gasped until I collapsed onto him.

End of Part 1