More than a Companion II

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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A continuation of

And I would like to thank Dasher Cheetah for suggesting a continuation in the first place. I had no intentions of doing so when I wrote the first one(although I personally like the first one better, this one wasn't as fun to write). As always, fave, comment, or vote if you want.... Please let the format be ok.

The story is mostly about Bianca's parents approving of who she has chosen to stay with...

I breathed out a satisfied sigh smoothing the front of my shirt. I never had a bulging stomach, but it definitely seemed that way for the moment. The full satisfaction one would feel after a meal would do something of that nature. Although I would trade it away in a heartbeat for the feelings I experience being around the love of my life, and she was sitting right beside me. There was nothing but fur under my arm wrapped around her lower back to where my hand rested on its shapely hip. Underneath my arm was the spot where all nine of her vulpine tails originated. Four of them were wrapped around my waist as I sat beside her on the couch, and the other five either danced in the air occasionally or laid over a cushion. The low coffee table in front of us contained two empty plates as the tv in the distance transitioned into a boring background commercial. Yawning, I stretched my arms in the air feeling that it was time to start off the night.

"Tired hon?" she turned her head asking me with that knowing look. I nodded cutting the tv off and stood up taking hold of the two plates.

"Just let me take care of these first, then we can get ready for bed," I said retreating to the kitchen. She was standing up when I came back for the two empty glasses, conveniently in the way. "Cups please?" I asked as a few tails wrapped around my waist and arms. She giggled and lifted me up with her fluffy appendages.

"I have plenty of time tomorrow to clean them." Bianca said walking towards the hallway. How could anyone complain against a great comfy ride? I never had to take anything off to feel that wonderful fur coat of hers. The vixen's tails would always loop through a sleeve or thread through the bottom of my shirt, or pants for that matter if I bothered to wear them. She carried me into the bedroom before the constrictions unfurled setting me down. "Do you have hygiene to do for the night?" "Yes," I replied running a hand over a silky orange tail.

"I'll keep the bed warm for you then," she said slowly pulling the tails away. I didn't take very long with the typical brushing, flossing, and whatnot. Missing any time with her was the last thing on my mind. She already had the covers drawn back for me when I came out of the bathroom, innocently exposing her vulpine body waist up. I walked over and slid in beside Bianca able to detect movement underneath from her nine tails. Most of them rested somewhere under the covers nearby flicking their tips or were curled around my legs as I settled beside her. A little bit of moonlight filtered through the curtain so that I could see her blue eyes twinkling in the dark. A mesmerizing color that had my stare locked in. "Something on your mind?" She asked quietly as if a loud voice would keep me awake longer.

"Just you," I replied petting her from pointy ear to shoulder, my hand gliding over her luscious fur. Bianca murred contently closing her blue eyes as I continued the simple pet. Others would've seen her as just an alien or demonic animal on two legs, but I was graced to have run into the beautiful vixen by pure accident. A single furry tail began making its way up my arm like a serpent. The satiny feeling brushed and rubbed against my skin sensuously until stopping at my shoulder. Grabbing the tail tip, I rolled over facing away from her. That was our usual position for whenever I had work the next day to prevent any late night activities. It flicked in my hand before I let it go to wrap securely over my chest. A few others started moving around into the beginning of their weaving pattern that would hold me throughout the night. She scooted up pressing her furry front to my back as her last tail loosely wrapped around my neck. "Cozy?" She asked hugging me with her whole body.

"Mhm, very." That warmth her unique fur created was perfect as I laid there wrapped up snugly. I probably wouldn't have been able to tell the difference if we somehow ended out in the cold or still remained in bed. It was that perfect. We bade each other pleasant dreams before falling asleep in our little paradise.

Blinking, I opened my eyes to a very dark bedroom. It was common to wake up fully rested earlier than expected when Bianca held me so warmly throughout the night. I could feel each tail wrapped around me tightly, yet gently. They were a strange mystery to me as it was.

'How does she know when I don't need to use the bathroom?' I tugged at her restraining appendages. They loosened enough for me to adjust my arm before constricting comfortably around me, only serving to fascinate me more. I felt an arm covered in the same luxurious fur wrap around my chest as Bianca's fuzzy chin nuzzled against my shoulder. Her body snuggled up close to mine before giving a satisfied sigh. I couldn't help but smile and reach up a little grabbing her soft hands. Intertwining our fingers, I was able to feel her little claws on the end of each digit. They could be deadly for all I knew. Kitsunes could do a number of things that were well beyond my comprehension. But I was able to comprehend that she loved me, and the closeness described it perfectly. Too bad my weekend could not start just yet. Glancing over at the clock, the red numbers read out 6:52. 'Work today,' I thought with a yawn. I chose to switch my work days up toTuesday through Thursday instead of the broken up week that made my old schedule a little too hectic, and today was a Thursday. "I still have to work today," I whispered to Bianca. She responded by extending her claw like nails to poke my skin in disagreement.

"Just five more minutes," she protested sleepily continuing to hold me close. A tail decided to move and wrap around my eyes to stop me from looking at the clock. I remained relaxed and held her hands, stroking a thumb over her satiny fur. A few minutes didn't make that much of a difference anyway, and the air was always a less welcoming cold when she did let me go. A few minutes of extended coziness passed and her tails loosened enough for me to move about. Out of habit I cracked a few joints to ease my stiffness before I opened my eyes fully awake. Instead of immediately getting out of bed, I had a different plan in mind with a detour. Rolling over, I caught her yawning as I scooted closer so that our bodies touched. Her ears perked up surprised but didn't make an effort to stop me.

"Good morning," I said wrapping my arms around her back before giving her a kiss on the end of her muzzle. She smiled kissing back lightly. Her fuzzy vulpine lips were thin but supple and warm just like the rest of her body. Tail tips began curling around me again, sensually brushing me.

"What about 'I still have to work today'?" She asked hugging back while murring contently.

"Just a warm up stretch I suppose." I said leaning back a little to touch noses with her. The damp black spot was cool as it breathed softly on me, sending a tiny chill through me. Bianca kept up the play and hooked a leg over mine while her tails combed over my skin. She kissed me softly barely grazing her lips over mine. I gladly reciprocated the sweet gesture and smoothed her cheek fur.

"I love you." She said breaking the kiss off.

"I love you too." I replied as the kitsune nuzzled her head underneath my chin still holding into me. Stroking her smooth furred back, I cherished the cute moment while I could. Time began nagging at me once again as I eased out of her lovely embrace. Sitting up, her tails tightened leaving me immobile.

"We're not done warming up," Bianca said confidently kneeling behind me.

"But-oh!" I groaned as she began massaging my shoulders with her adroit hands. My shoulders were a weakness that she knew all too well of, and I couldn't exactly stop her. Relaxing, I melted into her ministrations as she happily continued even though my muscles weren't tight or troubled by anything. Limp in her grasp, her tails lowered me onto the bed comfortably and unraveled seeing that I wouldn't go anywhere. The vixen crawled over before straddling my rear without missing a beat as she switched to work along my back nearly lulling me asleep again. I know Bianca didn't use magic in front of me, but it really felt like someone was if she wasn't. She could've easily been a masseuse as long as her customers didn't mind her not being a human. Time did not exist as she carefully went over each muscle precisely with care. Occasionally I moaned a word of praise to her when she hit a sweet spot, but all too soon though she had to stop.

"There. Now you're all good to go." Bianca said sliding off me.

"Mmm," I rolled over forgetting where I was only to fall off the bed. "Ow." I landed with a thud seeing Bianca peering down at me.

"Are you alright?" She asked as I stood back up.

"Yeah. At least I'm awake now." I said rubbing my arms from the cooler air. She flicked a tail over my nose making me smile so I wouldn't focus too much on the cold. Gathering clothes for the day, I went into the bathroom for a good warm shower. I reentered the bedroom later finding Bianca asleep with her tails strewn all over the bed. A few of them still flicking their white tips. I admired her from my spot, enjoying the sacred look that the early morning glow produced. Bianca may not be a human, but her fox like form, fur, and tails weren't anything to dislike. In fact they made the exotic lady even more beautiful from my point of view. "I thought staring was rude for your culture as well," a voice said above from my gaze. Beautiful blue eyes smiled brightly back at my brown ones.

"It's hard not to when I love you so much." The vixen splayed her ears briefly in a vulpine version of a blush. I kept my happy grin going into the hallway until I spotted the clock. I blinked looking at it once more noticing that it appeared subtly different. "Seven forty!" I hurried around putting the computer tower into my car and grabbed the paper after making a quick breakfast. The little detour proved to take more time than I had intended and running late wasn't something I was accustomed to. The ruckus I made running about alerted Bianca, who normally stayed in bed longer, to my little trifle.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you late." Bianca had a few tails wrapped around my waist as she followed me to the door.

"It's ok I should be able to make it on time still." I said calming her down.

"Then you better not be late coming home today," she said more playfully nipping my ear. I made a startled 'eep' noise only to have another tail loop around my neck. The vixen giggled at my reaction as we paused in front of the door. I was turned around as a pair of orange furred arms were added around my neck in a hug. Bianca's cool nose pressed against mine, her two beautiful blue eyes twinkled under the lighting. I returned the loving gaze and we both smiled. "I'll be waiting for you," she said as I felt the short fur on her lips brush against my lips.

"And I will be thinking about you every minute away from home," I said giving her a quick kiss as she temporarily released me from my bonds. With her in mind, I walked out the front door and over to my car. The air was warmer this week than the last giving me a little hope that I could lose my jacket sooner than later. Bianca stayed on the porch and waved as I pulled out of the driveway. I waved back before going up the road to town.

I turned off the heater in my car as I slowed to the driveway. 'Good thing spring isn't far off,' I thought seeing the naked trees beginnings to bud. Parking the car, I was glad to see my passenger seat empty of any towers or electronics. Working extra hard lately made my weekends more focused around Bianca without the need to tinker around with a computer. And before she found me I didn't do anything productive in my spare time as it was. I hurried up the porch steps before carefully opening the front door in case Bianca decided to pounce on me. You'd think someone as light as her couldn't knock you down, but being knocked flat on your back will change your mind. A quick wave of relief washed over me that she wasn't on all fours ready to attack as I stepped inside, but usually she was around to welcome me home. I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack wondering where the kitsune could be. "Bianca?" I called out only to feel claws suddenly grip my shoulders as a dark orange tail wrapped around my waist.

"Boo!" She said before giggling and giving me a hug.

"It's good to see you too, but for a second I thought you weren't going to greet me at all."

"You came home a few minutes early, and I would never miss a chance to welcome you back home."

"I just expected you to pounce on me again is all."

"You don't have to worry about that unless you come home late again," she said with a hint of playfulness letting me go. "No weekend overhaul?" Bianca asked seeing my empty hands.

"Nope, just tons of time for you and me," I turned around giving a quick peck on her muzzle.

"Good. That's what I like to hear." She walked by with a folded blanket before throwing it into the hall closet. A tail swished enticingly as I followed her into the living room. "Be right back," Bianca took an empty glass back from the table and into the kitchen leaving me alone briefly. I looked around the homely living room, enjoying the quaint feel. There wasn't anything really special about it. A couch, table, rug, and an unused fireplace were the main simple features in a not too large room giving it that snug feel.

"You're always making food when I'm gone," I said noticing the small plate with a stacked half sandwich on it. Bianca shrugged exiting the kitchen.

"Well I have to eat, and there is plenty of spare time waiting for you to come home," she swayed over to me with a few tails reaching out with their mischievous white tips.

"Now you'll just have to share that spare time with me until Tuesday," I said smiling. I barely noticed that gleaming look in her eye before the vixen surprised me. She jumped, tackling me in a hug, giving me a greeting with a face full of neck fur. Bianca held onto my body as I lost my footing holding onto her. The vulpine body didn't weigh too much to carry, but it reminded me of trying to wear a backpack backwards full of textbooks. I stumbled and landed on the couch with her on top of me. I barely had time to catch my breath as she moved on top of me. A pair of warm padded hands cupped my cheeks as her fuzzier lips kissed me. I smiled and kissed back liking the soft prickling they provided. It was amazing that I could get anything else done during my time off with her by my side. Her hands began tugging my shirt up and I lifted my arms allowing the fabric to be tossed to the floor.

"Mmm, much better," Bianca murred feeling over my bare skin. She then rolled over staying on top of me as if I were the couch, happily making herself comfortable. Bianca nuzzled her furry head between the space of my chin and neck, vulpine ears poking up on either side of my face. Her fur was soft against my skin that always created that warm welcomed feeling. I grinned and stroked her cheek fur as we laid back enjoying our closeness as a quiet purring noise rose in her throat. It was cute, like a mini fluffy motorboat. I rubbed over her neck and chin able to directly touch the vibrating murr her throat produced. The fur around there was especially soft much like the downy fluff farther south. I let my hand go lower ruffling the vixen's fur below her collar bone. She mumbled something before making a purring noise as I traveled a little lower still, feeling a much softer fatty flesh. Bianca protruded her chest forward as I traced over the half globe before cupping the bottom.

"You never wear clothes while I'm around," I quietly spoke continuing to smooth over the mound of soft velveteen white fur.

"Well you don't seem to mind Patrick, but I'll wear something around the house if you want me to," she half murred out wrapping a tail around my neck like a scarf.

"No... Just something I noticed," I said bringing in my other hand to help convince her in forgetting the matter. The vixen's breathing deepened as she relaxed laying on top of me. I softly rubbed over the hardening tit with a finger or two while cupping her other breast, gently massaging it from underneath. Bianca murred as a few tails wrapped around my arms acting like furry sleeves, but they didn't impede my actions in any way. Her head leaned back onto my shoulder, the ends of her cheek fur brushed my face along with a few whiskers.

"Mmm, that feels nice," she whispered to me, knowing that I was enjoying it as much as her. Her warm breath caressed my face as she said so. The vixen's muzzle increasingly leaned over as I continued my attention to her lovey white furred chest. Pretty soon I felt and saw her muzzle resting against my face and my nose. Bianca moaned cutely as I toyed with her nipples using my thumbs. Her rear ground into my lap causing my pants to feel extra tight as we both continued. I felt her tails suddenly part my arms away keeping them to the side.

"I thought you were having fun." I asked.

"Oh, but we are going to have much more," Bianca said with a sultry voice before rolling off and laying sideways next to me, still keeping the fuzzy orange scarf around me. Bianca gave me a quick kiss before rubbing her hands together and reaching for the hem of my pants. Hips lifted up dutifully as she pulled them and my final undergarment down to my shins where they were kicked off. My member was left painfully hard as she stared with coveting eyes. "You're very excited," Bianca stated.

"I wonder why." I said sarcastically earning a chuckle from her. One furry hand came forward and delicately wrapped around me sending a cold shiver up my spine despite how warm she was. I moaned as her paw slowly worked over my aching member in a gentle up and down motion. I felt a twinge of disappointment when she stopped after giving the tip a kiss. I blinked looking back up at her confused until I felt that silky fur return as her waist slid onto my legs. My member was ramrod stiff against her soft white downy fur while the heated lips of her sex remained so close. "Are you teasing me?" I asked as most of her tails danced around us.

"No," she looked away wiggling her hips causing the downy fur to brush against my sensitive underside. A tail laid over my chest tapping as if to distract me until I held it still with an arm. I only hugged the lonely fluff and the rest had decided to hug back. They shot out before coiling securely around my legs, arms, and back while Bianca rose to all fours. Digitigrade paws lined up beside my ankles as the kitsune's wet sex positioned above my painfully lonely erection. She rubbed her nose against mine making goosebumps form for a second. My heart quickened as she dropped her hips quickly taking me to the hilt. Her silk covered passage snugly cradled me with our hips joined together. "It's always great when there's a part of you inside of me," she said before laying the rest of her vulpine body on top of me. Her walls rippled along my length making me moan wiggling beneath her.

"You're just so warm Bianca," I said trailing my hands down her sides to the vixen's hips. She gyrated quickly making me muffle a moan in her shoulder fur.

"It's fun warming you up." She exclaimed rubbing her body over mine. I shuddered feeling her chest being slid up and down my own, her hardened nipples contrasting sharply from her fur. I thrusted up and rocked our bodies causing her to moan above me. Her muzzle broke into a goofy smile as I continued unabated. However, her increasingly tight walls squeezed threatening to send me over early. I snaked my hand down to our joined hips and began rubbing over the top of her mound where her delicate love button hid. The vixen trembled at the powerful stimulation as I continued rocking into her with a steady rhythm. "Oh right there!" She yipped bucking down reflexively onto me. I gladly conceded going faster as Bianca squirmed holding me with her tails. The point of no return was approaching too quickly for me. I pulled on the back of her neck feeling my member twitch once. She made an animalistic shriek as I erupted within her. The vixen's walls clenched down before a rush of feminine juices combined with the seed I was spilling into her. My hips ceased moving as her insides pulled the last drops they could from me. We were reduced to panting heavily on each other.

"Almost forgot about your neck." I said making her open those blue eyes at me.

"Aww, you cheated." She half giggled and moaned at once resting her head next to mine as the afterglow floated around.

"I didn't want to finish before you." I kissed her cheek. She mumbled something incoherent and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck. The rough pads of her paws rested on too of my feet as we remained in the couch basking in the wariness of one another. "Good start to the weekend?" I asked before she swiped a tongue across my lips.

"Mhm," she began kissing me once more with her fuzzy lips until my stomach growled. "Oh I forgot you haven't eaten!" Bianca tried to get up only for me to hold her on top of me.

"Don't worry, we can get up... in a while." I said making a grin return to her muzzle as she laid back down on me.

"Ow!" I groaned as a shoebox fell on my head. "Stupid junk." I tossed the empty container aside only to give a sigh. My closet was a jungle compared to any cluttered mess that could've existed in the house, and I just so happened left an important manual stuffed inside. It would help a ton at work even though my weekend was supposed to be as far away from work as possible. While I searched, the sexy kitsune was in the kitchen probably inventing a new tasty cuisine of hers to try out. Which would be a nice reward for my mountaineering effort. Standing up to crack my back, I couldn't help but chuckle seeing the top shelf was crammed to a breaking point. My closet after all was the only place Bianca wouldn't go through for anything, and I certainly couldn't blame her for not wanting to. I decided to take a breather and avoid falling objects in another room. Walking to the doorway, a ding dong noise was crisply heard from the front door. I paused wondering if I was hearing things. Peeking down the hall, I stared at the door wondering who could possibly be on my front porch. The kitchen was tucked farther back into the house and Bianca would have plenty of time to hide if someone did decide to barge in. Walking down the hall, I made up my mind.

'We live in the end of nowhere, everything should be fine.' I opened the door only to find no one there but the field across the road to greet me. I scratched my head knowing that the door bell rang a few moments ago, but I gave an inward sigh of relief that no one was there. A small bell sound tinkled below catching my attention down towards the deck floor. There standing on all fours in front of me looking up was a marble colored fox with a tiny bell around its neck. I was more than surprised at the strange encounter until I noticed the fox had two mostly white tails instead of the usual one. Without warning the two tailed vulpine bolted between my legs into my house. "Hey get back here!" I yelled as it scampered off down the hallway. The first thing I thought of was Bianca as it headed into the kitchen. "Bianca did you see-" I halted seeing the new fox transforming in front of her as she gave a shocked look.

"Leopold why in the world are you here?! And how did you find me?" Bianca said shocked to see the fox finish transforming into his normal kitsune form. It was a tad amusing to me seeing that he was shorter than her.

"Your parents sent me to find you," he said as a foreign looking robe appeared over his furred body. "Not keeping contact had them worried since you vanished a couple of months ago."

"Well you can go back and tell them that I'm doing just fine."

"You know how the family law works," the smaller two tailed kitsune stated receiving a nervous look from Bianca. "Your parents need to give consent to this little runaway union you created."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, but that doesn't explain how you found me here."

"Oh, I intercepted a letter you sent to one of your friends." Bianca gave him a death glare.

"Intercepting letters?!" She yelled surprising me and Leopold as his two tails fluffed out. I had never heard her yell before and it had chills running up my spine.

"Whoa only one!" He held a hand up with a folded piece of paper. The vixen angrily snatched it away from him with a swift hand. Bianca opened it up and skimmed the contents before slapping the letter down onto the table.

"Such a nosy fox!" She pouted at the invasion of privacy. It was then I decided to intervene seeing how upset she was.

"What's going on?" I asked her softly. A tail came up and wrapped around my wrist as her blue eyes threatened to cry. She hugged me surprisingly only with her arms before collecting herself.

"We technically have to get approval from my parents to be married and live together under kitsune law."

"Wait. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I asked. For once she looked away with embarrassment.

"I... I guess it has to do with you not being a kitsune like me, and I didn't want to interrupt all the fun we had." The tail around my wrist loosened before sadly falling to the floor. "I'd love for you to meet them, but I'm nervous about whether they will approve or not."

"There's no harm in seeing them if you've been out of touch for a couple of months." I told her stroking over a soft red orange shoulder.

"Hey I'm still here!" Leopold interrupted crossing his arms causing the bell around his neck to jingle.

"You can go back now and tell my parents that I will visit them tomorrow."

"But they requested me to send you back immediately!"

"Tomorrow!" Bianca repeated with a growl making him take a step back.

"Ok ok." He said before vanishing from the kitchen leaving the two of us alone again.

"Sh, please don't yell." I hushed her with a hug.

"Sorry Patrick." She calmed down in my embrace for a moment.

"So how do you know Leopold?"

"I was what you would call a babysitter of his when he was little since our families were close."

"And your parents sent him here because you ran away?" Bianca had mentioned her family before on occasion, but she never made any action for us to visit.

"I stopped writing to them before I found you and it kind of caught up to me."

"So I guess we are leaving for your world tomorrow?"

"I guess so." She gave a sigh sitting down at the table. Her tail gave a tug wanting me to stay with her.

We were finally prepared to leave in the afternoon as I waited for Bianca outside. Both of us were quieter than normal, actually dreading the trip instead of anticipating it. I mean when can you tell someone that you traveled to a different world with a kitsune? The back door shut and I turned to see the lovely vixen exiting the house. If it weren't for the kitsune's footpaws, then I could've imagined that she was a person wearing a mask. Bianca was dressed in a more traditional kitsune outfit that I wasn't sure how to describe except as an elaborate robe similar to the one Leopold had worn. More white with a few tiny flowers on it. She almost looked naked wearing it, but still attractive despite the covering up. I simply wore jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and jacket.

"Let's head out." She said holding my hand. I expected her to take a step, but instead Bianca remained standing on the spot with me.

"Head out where?" I asked.

"Close your eyes," she advised holding my waist securely with all nine of her tails. I trusted her completely and stood still expecting a flashy show to ensue. Slowly, a wind built up that sounded like we were in the middle of a cyclone making me shake next to her. The strong wind was loud as my body felt like it was floating even though Bianca had me by her side. Everything rushed before finally stopping as I suddenly felt myself on the ground again. Feeling dizzy, I nearly fell forward only for her tails to keep me steady. "Careful you might need to wait a minute to feel normal again." She advised keeping me steady. I kept my lunch down from earlier regaining my balance.

"How long did it take us to get here?!" I noticed it looked like springtime all around me. Trees' leaves and bamboo were vibrant greens like the grass beneath our feet.

"It's always spring in this region of the kitsune world. The weather generally varies depending on where you are along with the seasons." I remembered anything probably could've made sense in this world, so I simply nodded as most of her tails receded. She interlocked our fingers as we walked hand in hand. "It isn't too far." I thought she was joking with all the trees around us, but in two minutes I spotted a structure up ahead. "This is where I grew up." She held a hand out to the house in front of us. It looked very... Different. Made out entirely of wood in strange patterns without any visible windows or even a chimney.

"It looks very peaceful," I observed at its placement in the forest.

"Come on, I need to introduce you to my parents." Bianca said already a few steps ahead of me. I hurried up to the house with her.

"Should we knock?" I asked.

"No, just open it." She took a deep breath. I grabbed the indented handle only to find it stuck. "No you slide the doors hon," she demonstrated gripping the indented handle. This place couldn't get any stranger as I stepped into the room. The only fixture was a small pit with a lantern and a low wooden table nearby, each surrounded by four mat cushions. Two figures walked in from another room and paused seeing their visitors.

"Bianca!" They both ran up and gave their daughter a hug as I stepped back to give them room. I had never seen so many tails waving around in the air happily. And I thought having nine tails was a hassle to look after.

"I knew Leopold wouldn't let us down," her father said patting both their backs.

"It's so good to see you home again Bianca," Her mother said happily. Her mother had five tails, and her dad had only three. The mom looked very much like Bianca with the exception of two grey eyes. The dad was grey with the undercoat of white that also tipped his tails. I bit back a smile seeing how funny he looked wearing a pair of human glasses on the end of his muzzle. He adjusted them on the bridge of his muzzle looking back towards me.

"And you must introduce us to your friend here." Her father said turning the attention towards me.

"Yes... Who is he?"

"Mom, dad, this is Patrick." They gave a small bow to me. "Patrick. This is my father Tonichi, and my mother Yua," Bianca said before giving a short bow to them. I did a bow as well.

"Well it is nice to meet you. Both of you are just in time to eat." he motioned over to his side. I looked back at the once empty table only to widen my eyes in surprise. The table now had a large bowl in the center full of some soup made up of noodles, beef, fish, and other little add ons. Four smaller empty bowls were on each side as we went over and took a seat. Bianca wrapped a tail tip around my wrist as always receiving a glance from her parents but they made no mention of it. Everyone then ladled in a large portion for themselves as they chattered about many things that I had never heard of nor could I pronounce. I couldn't have been happier for the family reunion, but I was a nervous to not embarrass myself. I picked up the two wooden sticks showing a questioning look to Bianca.

"They're just chopsticks," Bianca whispered to me picking hers up. I watched how her hand gripped the tricky instrument and did my best to mimic it. There was a tiny surge of confidence as I ate my first successful bite, and I started listening in to their conversation when it remained completely in English.

"At least you were in a friendly house this time, unlike that last one." Yua said.

"That house was of no danger, and besides I wasn't experienced in my fox form then like I am now," she gave an embarrassed look pinning her pointed ears back.

"You nearly got yourself hurt in that place!" Her mother objected with a raised voice.

"How was I supposed to know back then that foxes in the human world only had one tail?!" Bianca crossed her arms.

"Well we are all very glad that you escaped safely." Tonichi said cutting his wife and daughter off from from yelling anymore. I swallowed the noodle in my mouth.

"So how did you come to naming your daughter Bianca? It doesn't sound very native, but I love it regardless." I spoke up seeing everyone settle down before Yua answered.

"I traveled to your world and studied a few cultures. I heard the name spoken and loved how it sounded, so when I became pregnant I officially named her." The mother spoke with a hint of pride. "And we were so proud to see you born with nine tails! You have the highest potential in utilizing magic."

"Mom you know I don't care for using it often. Only when I have to."

"Well you can change your mind any day you want." She added happily with all the possibilities her daughter had.

"How do you like our food Patrick? I hope we made something palatable for you." Her dad asked.

"It's delicious," I said after swallowing another bite, although it was my last since my stomach couldn't fit anymore.

"You two live together correct?" Yua questioned.

"Yes ma'am we do." I answered for her.

"Oh. I'm assuming Leopold told you why we requested you back home then Bianca." The vixen nodded to her mother as both parents gave each other a look. The two parents set their chopsticks down.

"It's getting late. We are going to bed." Tonichi said before waving a hand over the table making all the leftover food and bowls disappear. My eyes widened seeing everything go away as I hastily stood up.

"Let's go to bed too." Bianca whispered leading me down the short hallway with them. Her parents went into the room on the right, and Bianca led me into the one on the left.

"Pleasant dreams you two," Yua said smiling before sliding her door shut.

"Your mom scares me," I said.

"Don't worry about her." She tugged me in before sliding her door shut. Even the bedroom was traditional with a small bed on the ground and a desk against the corner wall. "This was my bedroom before I left for your world to do a little exploring for myself."

"Did you like fans a lot?" I asked seeing a dozen or so hung on the wall, colored with various designs.

"I collected them as a kid pretending I was a princess if I held one." Bianca let the robe slide off her shoulders revealing her body to me, giving a big sigh in the process. "It's good to be in the fur again," she said giving her body a quick shake to fluff her coat out. I admired the pretty little decorations that her fans made until I heard a voice clear itself down nearby. Raising an eyebrow, I saw that Bianca was sprawled across the bed with a large smile that her muzzle could barely contain. It was surprising that she could be so optimistic when her parents could simply deny the union. She happily opened an eye looking at me as I smiled back at her. "Come on to bed Patrick, no one has an easy tomorrow without a good night's sleep." I felt something tugging at my ankle. Looking down, a fluffy tail was wrapped securely around it tugging lightly. "Come lay down with me," she repeated pointing a finger to me. I walked towards the vixen feeling the tail tug harder so that I was standing by the bedside with her.

"How can you be so relaxed when your parents are deciding whether or not we can even be together?" I asked looking down at her.

"I know it will sound crazy but I trust my parents' judgement, so please just relax with me." Her offer was pretty tempting as a few tails coiled up my legs.

"You sound more confident then before we came here." I pointed out as her appendages lifted me up before gently resting me down onto the bed beside the lovely vixen. She didn't respond verbally, but instead hugged me and quickly began wrapping me up with her nine fluffy tails. They coiled around my body, brushing over with their silky fur to relax me completely. Bianca maneuvered me down a little from one of our usual positions so that my head was nestled underneath hers. The clear view of white fur was welcoming compared to the strange wooden walls of the kitsune house. Bianca's final tails finished holding us together as their movement finally stopped. There wasn't an inch of my body uncovered as her leg hooked over me. Wrapped up in her cocoon of fur, I felt safe at home despite being a different world away. "Goodnight Bianca."

"Goodnight Patrick." She gave a little reassuring squeeze as we drifted to sleep.

My steps were quiet and soft as I walked along the pathway in the forest. I could hear birds chirping nearby along with the sound of water closely hidden by the trees. The path I was on led to who knows where, but relaxation was the only thing on my mind as I smiled. I continued my walk down the path admiring the trees and bamboo all around. Everything was perfect and beautiful. To my disappointment, the path did end at a cliff revealing a giant forest a thousand feet beneath me. Clouds in the distance were puffy, yet set in defined meticulous shapes. An eerie feeling crept over me that something wasn't right. The scenery was too clear and surreal. "Where's the house and Bianca?!" I circled about realizing the room I fell asleep in was nowhere to be seen.

"That's because you're dreaming human." A voice caught my attention making me turn around.

"Yua? What's going on?" I saw the orange vixen standing a couple of yards from me, her tails calmly swirling behind her. It was eerie how similar Bianca looked like her mother.

"I contacted you while dreaming so that Bianca doesn't interfere with the conversation." I looked around at the scenery and decided whether this was real or not, it would be best to talk.

"So what do you wish to discuss?" I asked seeing her gaze sharpen.

"Just about you and my daughter being together." She started out innocently enough. "I mean I hope you've kept her safe during her stay with you."

"We live secluded so no prying eyes are out to see us, but for protection I think Bianca is stronger than me. You probably know how strong her nine tails are."

"If she's stronger than you, Bianca can force you to do whatever she desires." She mused with a flick of her tails whirling around as if to distract me.

"Bianca can be persuasive, but she's never outright forced me to do anything I never wanted." Yua frowned at my response for a brief second.

"She could have been hypnotizing you since you first looked into her pretty blue eyes. You've probably been her little slave without realizing it."

"Hypnotizing? You have to be joking, she doesn't even use magic around me."

"Magic is no joke. You've been happy with her every day of your lives together, and a human like you could never realize it." I didn't like the thought of hypnotism, but Bianca would never have done anything like that to me.

"I'd do anything willingly to make her happy, if she has been using hypnotism then she probably would've become bored with me after a month or so."

"What about creating a family with her? You do realize that she may not conceive, magic or no magic. You could be denying her a family that she may want."

"I'm sure you know as well as us that raising a kitsune family in my world will be tedious and difficult, but I won't hold her back if she desires having one. And I'll be there every step of the way to help her no matter what."

"Of course you would say that now, but down the road with squealing kits at your legs might change your mind."

"We love each other more than you could give us credit for." I said feeling upset over her constant attacks. "And if you really are in my dream, then why are you constantly badgering me about these things? She didn't respond and felt surprised that I told her how I really felt. Yua gave a little grin and turned walking away. "Hey wait!" I called out running after her. There were a few questions I had in mind for her. She merely glanced back before her tails wrapped around her body. I slid to a halt as she faded away into thin air. "Come back!" I waved my hand around the air where she once was only to stop out of frustration.

"She's done with your dream, and now it's my turn to talk," A deeper voice said back at the edge of the cliff where I once was. Tonichi, the grey furred kitsune, was looking over at me before he gave a short wave and approached me. "Let's walk," he motioned for me to follow him, and I didn't see any reason not to. I walked alongside the three tailed kitsune on the path that led to who knows where. Although it was technically a dream, it was fascinating to walk with someone who wasn't supposed to be real. But I always wondered how digitigrade legs could walk as smoothly as mine. "Patrick it is?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

"Don't think badly of my wife Yua after your discussion, it's not her to act that way." I simply nodded not wanting to upset him. We walked a little ways more before he spoke again. "How did you first meet my daughter?" That was far back for me to recall.

"It was during autumn and I had returned home from buying groceries. When I came back to put the rest inside, a little fox was looking through a bag for something to eat. So I fed her and as the days progressed, she stayed inside with me." Tonichi nodded as I told him the little introduction.

"Did Bianca ever do anything in her fox form to rouse suspicion that she was something more than a little red fox?" I shook my head.

"Bianca did tell me that she used magic to enter my house and room but I haven't seen her use it in person before." The grey kitsune gave a slow nod, not really showing a hint of emotion.

"How long did she stay in her fox form?"

"A few weeks, then she finally built enough trust towards me to change into her kitsune form."

"That must've been a different experience." He mused

"I was terrified! A nude vixen as tall as me walking on two legs had my world turned upside down for a while. But being scared to death was worth going through to get and know her."

"So what happened since then?"

"I'll work most of the day away from home for half the week and when I come home, we spend our time together."

"Isn't it boring though being stuffed in a house most of the day as fun?"

"Yes and no. I mean we certainly make the most of it, but my home is out of sight from any neighbors. The most adventurous thing we've done is run through the field together during a full moon... And then waking up in the field during sunrise." I added at the end embarrassed. "But the weather is warming up I suppose back at home. The only trouble outside is her nervousness around the woods behind my house. Ever since a tree nearly fell on us, we've been avoiding the area."

"It's good to hear that you both survived a tree falling. It could've been caused by bad magic though." We continued our walk leading us through a few turns in the pristine forest as the father kitsune's questions began winding down. "Doesn't she become bored inside while you are away?"

"She still goes outside every now and then, but I have to admit, Bianca is very content with her daily surroundings as long as I come home on time."

"I see. That does sound like her." Tonichi said briefly looking up at the treetops. For once he seemed to smile in my presence since we started talking. The kitsune didn't ask another question as I took a few more steps forward. Looking over, I stopped seeing that he had disappeared from my side.

"Tonichi where-" My voice was cut off almost too literally. A tail wrapped around my neck painfully hoisting me up into the air a few inches as if I were to be hung. The grey fox was visible from my peripherals standing next to me once more. I didn't get to scream as he squeezed my throat momentarily. "Don't get any stupid ideas so listen closely." He said as I nodded fearfully. "Now why in your world or mine should I let you be married to my only daughter who I love and protect dearly?" Tonichi asked sternly. I gasped for air desperately clinging onto the tail.

"B-because we love e-each other!" I choked out barely catching my breath fast enough. He blew a sigh before looking me dead in the eye. I could see where Bianca received her blues eyes from.

"If your love is so great then please tell me what you would do if Bianca was ready to kill you as I am now." I took another gasp of air.

"Well... At least I would die in her embrace," I said before he cut off my breathing entirely. My vision was starting to get hazy as I saw him turn away muttering something. My head began to feel dizzy as tears formed in my eyes. Tonichi suddenly dropped me with a thud before disappearing just like his wife. Gasping for air on the ground, I looked up at the sun seeing its rays heat me. "This feels too real." I suddenly felt the scenery start to dissipate around me as the sunlight grew brighter.

Blinking, I opened my eyes seeing the same wall of white fur that I had fallen asleep with. 'Im breathing,' I told myself hearing the air calmly being exhaled from my nose. A tail brought my attention back to Bianca as it gently tapped along my cheek. The vixen was still asleep despite me stirring awake. Inhaling her scent, I let it mingle inside my nose and smiled. The only to describe it was her, uniquely hers. I tilted my head up to see that the whiskers on one side of her muzzle were cutely standing in the air. Her whole body breathed nice and steady, barely creating a noise at all. She was beautiful sleeping there peacefully and I hoped the lady I loved was having better dreams than I did. I hugged Bianca close in case today was the last time we could be together, no matter how much I didn't want to think about it. A yawn was given above me as she woke up in my arms.

"Usually I'm the one clinging onto you, not the other way around," she rubbed my back as I breathed a happy sigh in her grip. Her tails loosened their hold but I didn't want to get up yet.

"Do you think your parents have made a decision yet?" To my surprise she shrugged.

"They can take as long as they want. Even a few days is possible." I was stunned in disbelief.

"I don't think I can take another night."

"Why? You slept sound like any other night."

"Your parents were in a dream of mine and talked to me."

"Oh. That would be typical for them to question you without me to steer you one way or the other."

"So they really were in my dream?"

"Most likely yes." She said returning to rub my back to comfort me. We eventually had to get up though as the sunlight lit up her room. "Want to walk around outside before we eat breakfast?" Bianca asked putting her robe back on.

"Yeah that sounds good. Do you know what will be prepared?"

"I guess rice, milk, honey, bread, and maybe a little bit of fish if we're lucky." She said hopefully. That actually didn't sound too bad considering Bianca tried to cook a squid once and then force feed it to me. Her tails did make an odd pair of hand cuffs that day.

"I think wearing my clothes from yesterday might smell," I was worried I might look like a slob in front of her neat parents.

"I have an extra robe in the closet," Bianca walked over sliding what I thought to be a piece of wall earlier. Inside the small space, she found a robe like outfit for me to wear and tossed it over. I put it on liking the comfortable material and she slid open a new door leading outside. We walked nearby the side of the house holding hands, with a tail around my wrist and hips. The scenery was similar to my dream and just as beautiful. Her parents had a few small gardens in the surrounding area with a pond near each.

"Your parents must've works hard to make this place so serene."

"Yeah. Mostly because I played around outside ruining everything." She chuckled. Our stroll did help ease my nerves. We came back into the living room to find her parents sitting by the low table that was now full of food.

"We wondered where you two went. Come over and join us." Yua said as we promptly sat down with them. "The men's kimono looks nice on you Patrick."

"Thank you," I replied as she began to eat. I was happy to see that breakfast was exactly as Bianca predicted. Bianca still kept a tail around my wrist as we ate a mostly quiet meal. The mood only thickened when the food and table disappeared when everyone finished. Her father gave a big sigh before looking at Bianca, then me.

"Patrick... We're sorry for giving you a lot of trouble during the night, but it's only for our families well being." Tonichi started off surprising me.

"It's common for a kitsune family to test the betrothed to ensure he will remain loyal and fair. Although-"

"We might have overdone it since you weren't a kitsune." He chimed in with a shy grin. "But we couldn't be happier at who Bianca chose."

"We will be sure to give you our blessings at the family shrine later if you two decide on leaving soon." Yua said making an impossibly huge smile form on Bianca's lips. Suddenly I found myself tackled on the wooden floor being hugged as if I came home from work later than expected.

"What are you doing?" I waved an arm in the air for help only to have it restrained by a tail.

"It means I can stay with you!" She cheered before squeezing me tighter with her arms.

"A-are you sure?" I looked up to see an amused expression on her parents' faces before my vision was blotted out with fuzzy orange. Bites or kisses were given along my face and neck as Bianca was ecstatic with joy.

"She's correct," I heard one of her parents say. A pair of hands lifted the two of us up and Bianca's tails wove around so I could see again.

"Welcome to the family," Tonichi said as he and Yua gave a bow.

"Thank you." I smiled gratefully in return since I was momentarily wrapped up.

"Sorry again for when I choked you, but your news was too good to hear. Even for a dream." Tonichi said giving another small bow.

"Dad you choked Patrick!" She exclaimed astonished and continued to hold me close looking over my neck.

"It was only in his dream sweetheart, and I had no intention of harming him physically." He rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"But still," Bianca gave me a kiss as if to comfort where his grey tail once was.

"If you have any requests, please let us know. You certainly deserve that much for putting up with us." Yua said. I thought it over and did come up with something.

"Actually there is one thing." I told them. "Next time we come over, can we please dream separately?" I asked receiving a laugh from everyone.

The evening was sunny and warm as I walked up the front porch steps wearing a long sleeve shirt. Work wasn't unpleasant, but it certainly could've been more productive as I set the computer tower next to the front door. Fishing out the home key, I unlocked the front door before putting it back into my pocket. Looking up into my home, all I could see was a flash of orange and white before being knocked to the ground.

"Gotcha!" Bianca said hugging me tightly with everything at her disposal.

"You're in a good mood," I said in between the kisses she gave. She only paused a moment to give me a lustful smile. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle looking down at my brown ones. Bianca stood up and dragged me inside without a vocal answer. Her tails set me up against the wall before the front door was shut. "You must be in a really good mood." I watched as she unbuttoned my pants before yanking them down past my knees. My shirt was pulled off as well leaving me naked except for my socks. Although naked wasn't quite the word to use with her tails swirling and curling around me.

"You were twelve minutes late, and I'm just happy to see that my loving husband made it home safely." She explained what I thought to be a little excuse just to have some fun.

"Did you leave the tower outside?" I said as she licked her black lined lips seductively.

"Don't worry about that, it's the weekend now," Bianca pressed herself against me bringing the soft furry sensation with her that caressed my skin so wonderfully.

"Alright we can worry about it tomorrow," I cupped her furry cheeks kissing her. She reciprocated as we kept up the romantic moment until one of us decided to turn the heat up so to speak. I can't remember who made the first move, but wrapped up so delicately in all that satiny fur we were already starting to sweat.