A South Pacific Fantasy: Friendly Contests

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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Another South Seas adventure with Rick the lion, his best naval buddy Karl, the hyena, and this time with a special tiger friend named Garu, who is introduced in the first South Seas story. :D My first M/M/M story, gang, I hope it pleases you. A delightful commission from hyenafur, who continues to be around just when I need him. hugs Karl belongs to hyenafur, and Garu and Rick are a lion and a nice black tiger I came up with to enjoy the ride. ^^ Perhaps I'll revisit Garu, because he's rather sweet and sexy, as you'll soon read. ^^

Rick Mason yawned widely and opened his eyes to look blearily at the bamboo walls around him. It was the first time the lion could remember, at least in the past year, being awoken by the rays of the sun, and not the blaring of a worn, pitiful recording of Reveille through the speakers of his quarters below-decks. He struggled through a fog of mental cobwebs and tried in vain to move, finding his legs weighed down considerably inside the roomy hammock. He cast a sleepy eye down the length of his body and saw a large black tiger curled up there, his four limbs tucked in, laying a sleepy head full of thick, long and black hair across both Rick's legs.


Intense yellow eyes opened to look up at him and the tiger grinned. "Oh yes, still me, I did not go anywhere." He lifted his head from Rick's legs, moving up his body a bit to settle his face up close to his bare groin. A large tongue poked out and started to brush over the lion's sex, swelling it into a hard shaft against his thighs and causing the lion to blush. "Mm, you were very good last night."

Rick struggled to remember. He had had a few pleasant drinks with the tiger on the beach, and he had suggested a swim in the moonlight. And little else. "This is going to sound like really bad form, Garu, but...what did we do?"

Instead of a terse or chagrined reply he expected, the tiger laughed heartily, getting to his knees. "You really do not remember. It seems you were not quite ready for a Tahitian Treat after all..."

"What's that?"

Garu stretched and yawned, then straddled his legs. "The drink you insisted on trying, though I tried to stop you from doing so. I think you were just so eager to fit in with the island folk. It is adorable, yah?" He reached down and with very gentle paws started to massage Rick's chest, tracing his large pectorals and down to his washboard stomach. "Mm, I must say. You men who come from the ships always look so good." His paws worked farther down, grasping the lion's still-aroused and glistening sex and giving it a few gentle tugs. "Do you remember any part of our swim together?"

Rick chuckled, "I really don't remember anything..." He started to breathe more heavily as the tiger continued to pull. "Tell me..."

Garu grinned and shuffled his body forward until he was sitting on the lion's groin, tucking his own thick, black member against his stomach. "You wanted to hear more about my diving, and we had...well, a little contest of sorts." He started to laugh, his yellow eyes shining. "We went for a swim together, and dove down to the bottom several feet. And..." he swallowed, looking sheepish, "We started to play. Nothing serious at first, but before we knew what had happened, you were trying to hold your breath longer than I and you nearly passed out. I had to fight to get you back to the surface so you could breathe." He started to laugh, "You...kissed me and thanked me."

Rick smiled. "So I guess I owe you my life..."

The tiger hesitated atop of him, his paws still massaging his full member, then replied coolly, "Well, I think you more than made up for it last night..." He bent down at the waist and pressed his mouth to the lion's, kissing him deeply for a moment. "And...I believe you have some change due to you, Mr. Lion." He leaned forward more until his chest was up against his mouth and from behind, his large footpaws grasped around his member from either side, rolling the hard flesh across his soles.

Rick gasped in instant pleasure as the tiger's feet massaged and stroked and pulled at his member, and nibbled hungrily at his chest. "Oh...oh I like that..."

Garu smiled, closing his eyes. "I know you do. We started doing this in the waves once we lost our suits...and...you really don't remember nothing!" He paused, his feet clamped about his swollen testicles a moment before he sank back down, until he was even with his face and looking into his bright blue eyes. "I think I need to tell you everything, while it is all still fresh in my mind, yah?"

Rick shook his head. "You really don't have to...I mean, it sounds like it was a pretty good time..."

"Shush, it's no bother..." The tiger grinned and got up from off of him, curling his legs up and reaching down to massage the lion's hard length again. "We had a nice talk. We talked about the island, how much you were enjoying the people, and your friend had met with Princess Leilani. You seemed a little shy at first, but you were quite charming." His paw sloped over the head of his shaft and squeezed, forcing a soft whine from the lion and an ooze of pre to spill out over his palm.

"Listen..." he whispered...


Rick watched as his friend Karl wandered alone down the beach, and then turned to Garu. "I should probably go make sure he's okay. He's got to be pretty lonely here, especially since I'm not talking to him. We're very close."

The black tiger standing beside him smiled and shook his head slowly. "You need not worry about your friend. I believe the princess has had her eye on him for quite a while now. See?" He pointed to the sea otter in a white bikini padding across the sand and making her way down to the shoreline. "There she is now. She thinks no one notices her if she dispenses with her royal clothes, but sadly for her, we always know her. She does not fool anyone."

Rick chuckled at that. "Someone should really tell her." The sea otter had finally reached the hyena in the distance and he could see the two speaking amiably. "I guess you're right, Karl's gonna be just fine."

Garu smiled and took hold of his paw. "So, you were telling me about your home. Um...Indy...Inda..."

"Indiana. Newton, to be more precise. Yeah, but it's nothing like your home. The land is flat, sure, but we don't get palm trees, or coconuts, or even any water around us. Mostly just empty, fresh farmlands for tilling for miles, as far as the eyes can see."

"We have farmlands too," the tiger smiled and pointed back towards the village. "Seated just outside the town, there are large fields we use to grow all kinds of vegetables. As you can imagine, we get a lot of sunshine. But not much rain. That we have to rely on the ocean for." He continued massaging his paw gently and Rick felt his digits tingling from the contact. A thick arousal was beginning in his board shorts, and no matter how he tried to cover, he could feel it pushing against the fabric, growing insistent.

"S-so..." Rick squirmed and turned to look towards the water, hiding his erection. "The locals say you're a diver, right?"

Garu smiled and hugged behind him gently, nodding. Rick could feel an intense warmth spread through him, and along the back of his thighs, he could feel the shorter feline's arousal pressed to his fur through the short sarong he wore. "Yes, I am one of the best divers, well, apart from the sea otters here. No one can stay down as long or as deep as those creatures. They are practically fish."

Rick snickered. "Well, I did some diving training when I first signed up for the Navy. And I used to play with my siblings in the pool and we'd have contests to see who could hold their breath the longest." The lion turned from the water to face the tiger, grinning widely. "I'll bet I could outlast you..."

Garu's eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight. "Oh, you really think so, hmm? What is it they say about lions? Proud and arrogant beasts to a point?" A foot dug at the sand, his toe-claws burrowing briefly underneath before scattering grains away. As Rick flustered and his whiskers twitched, the tiger quickly settled his paw on the lion's shoulder, forcing a smile. "I did not mean to say it would not be fun to find out..."

Rick's smile reappeared and he nodded, bending his head forward to nuzzle at Garu's ears. "Well, come on then. I've been wanting to try the water out since we got here." He pulled away and found his footing on the thicker sand, heading down to the pounding surf.

Garu laughed and caught up to him, reaching for his paw to guide. "The water is the same everywhere, lion." His sarong started to flutter in the breeze, showing powerful thighs, and he paused to adjust it again more tightly around his hips before wading into the waves and taking the lead. "Come, I will take you to my favorite place to dive..."

Rick watched as the tiger plodded through a few of the small waves, fighting the current momentarily, before angling his body and doing a dive into the calmer, dark water beyond the frothy caps. Stealing himself, the lion pushed off the sand beneath him and struck out into a breast-stroke, following a trail of bubbles in front of him until Garu's head popped back up close in front of him. His smile was practically shining.

"Well, are you prepared to lose, lion?" He splashed at Rick with a back swipe of his tail as the lion shielded his face, getting his breath.

"Oh, trash-talk will do you no good, tiger..." He snickered then took a few deep breaths as the tiger turned and dove down, Rick following him.

The water was so warm. Rick felt the pressure change as they stroked deeper, kicking powerful, toned legs together side by side as they neared the sandy bottom, bathed in a light blue and white shade of what little moonlight was still able to penetrate. The tiger knelt on the bottom and grinned, pointing to a few large rocks not far away, and swam towards them, wrapping his legs around one of them and staying still, holding his breath comfortably. Rick nodded and swam after him, floating over to a smaller rock and getting his arms around the buried stone to anchor himself, than glanced back at his companion. A few bubbles slipped from his mouth as his lungs struggled against the deep water, and the lion quickly pinched his nostrils together to compensate.

Garu smiled brightly, showing his teeth, and reached over to pat at Rick's swollen cheeks, earning a burbly snort from the lion, who pushed his paw away. The tiger grinned and pushed off the rock, but instead of swimming back up, he drifted over until he was in front of the lion. He closed his eyes and let one paw wander down his sleek form, pawing over an enormous bulge between his legs, then opened his eyes to look at Rick, smiling blissfully.

The lion stared at the tiger's crotch, and a few more bubbles pushed out from his lips as he felt his lungs starting to protest the extended dive. Garu brought both paws down between his legs and fondled the full and heavy girth hidden beneath the cotton sarong, his long hair dancing about his face and bare chest. A few seconds more, and the tiger tugged at the sarong, unwrapping it from around his form and letting the flowered cloth float away into the dark water. He then smiled and kicked forward, coming up to Rick and sinking down next to him, his black paw immediately going to the lion's board shorts and stroking the full bulge trying to push free from its confines.

Rick let out a shuddery gulp, losing more air, and held still, closing his eyes and enjoying Garu's gentle touch. His own paw moved beside him, and grasped around the tiger's bobbing hardness, tugging at it fiercely, starting to give his companion a quick pawing. Garu opened his mouth, almost sighing, and allowed the lion to continue, even as his own paw reached in to the lion's shorts fully, tugging at his swimsuit until it was wrenched free of his hips, and a thick lion-cock burst out into the cool water.

The tiger mmmed at him, blowing bubbles from around his whiskers and nostrils, and then wrapped his strong digits around his length, pumping it slowly up and down in his paw. Rick had never felt anything quite like it. Garu would hesitate as his fist neared the tip of his spire, and then squeeze and massage it firmly, before going back down to grip around his shaft again and pull. In his pleasure, the lion never realized his vision was clouding or that the grip he'd had on Garu's own arousal had loosened - and then he let go entirely.

Rick's eyes closed and a few hard bursts of air left his lungs as the lion started to slump his head against the tiger's shoulder, passing out. Garu gave him a few more hard, quick tugs, and Rick jerked, a few ribbons of milky cum petering and then rushing out of his sex in several short clouds. Then the tiger was hugging under his arms, pulling the water-filled lion off the bottom, and swimming back up to the surface.

The lion let out several hard coughs as he came to in the cool night air, his head floating on the surface, and stare wild-eyed at Garu in front of him, treading water. "What...what happened...what...?"


Garu chuckled and pressed against him, giving him a nose-rub as he felt the lion's cum over his paw, staining the sheets again. He continued to massage him through his orgasm, letting strand after strand shoot up and then fountain around his digits. "You fainted. You were so intent on besting me, you forgot to breathe for far too long. Luckily I got you back up in time, or the sea god would have taken you by now..." He was so aroused, and Rick could feel the tiger's sex pressed against his hip as they snuggled together side by side on the bed in the afterglow.

Rick came down from his pleasant high, his eyes lidded in ecstasy, and moaned. "I don't remember any of this. I feel terrible, I really do. And..." He wet his lips before looking at Garu steadily. "I came. You...got me to cum underwater...I've never done that before..."

Garu smiled and let go of his spent sex, smearing some of the fresh discharge around the plump shaft. "Well, there is a first time for everything. Unfortunately, you were so tired and spent from our undersea encounter that you nearly collapsed on the beach. I had to send for help to get you back to the hut here. You never woke up. Until now."

Rick looked at Garu with a pained expression. "I'm sorry. You must think I'm awful..."

"Well, my friend," the black tiger got back to his knees again and straddled the lion's feet. His hard shaft bobbled between his legs like an eager, lustful plaything. "You are awake now..."

Rick smiled faintly and leaned forward on his knees. "So I am..." His large paws came around Garu's throbbing shaft, feeling it jump at his touch, swollen and filled with the aching need of release. "Mm...you're so amazing, tiger," he whispered, and leaned his head close to begin kissing, soft lip-smacks at first, turning into long, wet and deep tongue-kisses. His paws continued to massage and tug at him, bobbing his fist back and forth, pushing his thumb across the swollen crown and smearing the gathering pre across the warm flesh like butter. "And hard...and ready..."

The lion turned around slowly on the bed, until his back was to Garu, and his firm, round asscheeks pressed up against the tiger's member, pushing it first upwards against his stomach and then allowing it to tuck between Rick's thighs, stroking the flesh along groin-fur. The tiger trembled with growing need, and clamped his paws around Rick's stomach, moaning softly and rocking with him, enjoying the way his shaft nestled into the soft fur, tickling the crown. "Oh yes, my friend," the tiger growled against his shoulder. "Very ready..."

Rick leaned forward on the bed, until he was on all-fours, and his tail twitched before moving away from his cheeks, revealing a tight pucker. Garu grasped his member and positioned the thick tip against flesh before guiding just the first inch or so inside. He heard the lion gasp his pleasure, and then pushed more, slowly embedding his member deep into the lion's ass, the firm flesh rubbing hotly over the lion's prostate, exciting the button and causing the tight walls of flesh inside to clamp. "Almost..." He could feel his balls starting to mash against the lion's cheeks and pushed just a bit more, until his hardness was solid inside, tight, buried in warm, sweat-coated flesh.

Rick held him fast, enjoying the warmth inside of him, and kept squeezing his anal walls around the intrusion, wiggling his hips slowly back and forth, tail lashing. "Feels good, tiger?" he managed between hot, ragged breaths, and stepped up the pace of his squeezes, reaching between his own legs and massaging his hardness. "Ohh, you got me all hard again, naughty cat..."

Garu chuckled and started to move against the lion, slapping his cheeks against the other's groin and sliding his member slowly back and forth. "Wait...until I finish...and I will show you how naughty...I can be..." He growled loudly and grabbed around Rick's stomach more firmly, starting to pound his flesh into the lion's tight hole rapidly.

"Mmm...Oooh, you...you show me, tiger..." Rick lowered his head down onto the bed, panting into the sheets as he continued stroking himself off. "Show me...show...Ohh..."

Garu held tightly around the lion's hips and thrust harder and faster. He could feel the need growing now, a desire to empty himself. His balls were on fire, throbbing with pent-up aching he could no longer control. With one more loud roar, he suddenly slammed his body full force against Rick's, earning a loud whimper of mock protest before his climax jerked and spattered deep into the lion's ass. He pulled back quickly as more cum escaped and started pawing his creaming flesh quickly, spraying more and more squirts of seed across Rick's back and ass.

Rick flexed his back muscles as he felt the patter of cum along his fur and moaned his appreciation as the tiger lurched forward and hugged tightly against his back, smearing his discharge between them. "Oh...tiger that...was so hot...oh, I'm close..."

Garu smiled, still breathing heavily, and reached around Rick's body to trap the flaring tip in his paw. "There now...give me all you can, lion..." he whimpered against his ear and held tightly to his crown, nearly burning hot to the touch. "That's it...like that...yes..." He started to purr loudly, licking over Rick's ears amid whispers of eager enthusiasm.

Rick leaned his head back and grabbed Garu's head under an arm, pulling his mouth to his to kiss hungrily. Just then, the first hard shot of his own cum flew from the tip, trapped in Garu's paw, and he let out several loud moans and gasps as he emptied his full load of cum against the tiger's padded palm, coating his digits with his cream, until it was dripping from his claws and onto the sheets. Then Garu braced himself as Rick lost his balance on the hammock and the two big cats crumpled in a heap onto the floor, laughing and hugging tightly.

They heard a slight click suddenly at the room door, and it opened, revealing a disheveled Karl Kratt, looking droopy-eyed and disoriented. He waved a quick hello, which was more of a dismissive swipe, before he stumbled into the small bathroom and slammed the door behind him. Rick and Garu looked at each other, before the lion got up unsteadily to his feet and stepped past the spent tiger to the bathroom.

"Karl...?" He heard the sink water run and then knocked gently. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I think so..." Karl came back out, his face newly-washed, and blinked several times at Rick. "What time is it...?"

The lion grinned. "Were you out all night?" His eyes suddenly widened. "Whoa, were you with the princess all this time?!"

"Huh?! No! We...I mean...we talked for a while on the beach and then we, um, s-swam...and that was it." He walked past him and saw Garu still curled up naked on the floor. "Um...hi..."

Garu smiled brightly. "I am Garu. Your lion friend found me and took me home."

Karl grinned back uneasily. "I remember that but..." He wiped his face and then shook his head. "Something's just off, I'm sorry. We had a few drinks after we got out of the water and I might have overdid it, that's all."

"You and the Princess had a good time, I hope?" The tiger got slowly to his feet, unabashed, and sat down on the hammock. "She can be a bit scattered and flighty. But we indulge in her eccentric behavior because of who she is and what she represents to all of Tahiti...and soon to the whole world..." He trailed off as Karl's face became a bit ashen. "Are you alright? You seem pale."

"Nothing. I...just fell asleep on the beach, I think..." The hyena chuckled, shaking himself all over. "But I think I'll forgo Tahitian Treats for a while. Possibly forever."

Rick laughed as he joined the couple and laid an arm around Karl's shoulders. "You too, huh?"

Karl muttered, "Yeah, one drink and I was done...I remember Leilani was laughing and then she was gone. And the next thing I know, I feel the waves almost on top of me, and I'm trying to get out of the sand...and it's...what time is it?"

"9:30," the lion yawned and sat back on the hammock next to Garu, snuggling against him. "If the captain wanted us back on board for anything, we've already missed first call, buddy."

Garu grinned and turned to nuzzle Rick gently. "So that means you can stay for a little while yet."

The lion turned his head to kiss the tiger softly. "I can." His paw stole between Garu's legs, stroking over his member a few times and feeling it harden. "Mm...and I guess so can this..." The two giggled and kissed each other again, and Karl flushed noticeably, realizing he was sporting quite an erection in his shorts now.

"So...uh...should I leave for a while?" The hyena padded towards the hammock, his eyes focused on the lion's paw fondling and rubbing over the tiger's full, black sex.

Rick looked up at his friend, and his eyes lit up. "I was actually going to ask if you wanted to stay. I bet Garu would love to see how well you suck cock. You do it so well with me..." Now his own member was coming to attention.

Karl licked his lips before coming closer and kneeling by the hammock, tugging off his shorts and allowing his hardness to bobble free. "I do...yeah..." He reached out and brushed his own smaller paw across Garu's length, poking the flaring tip. "Want to see?"

The tiger looked ecstatic as he nodded eagerly and eased back into the hammock on his back, his member jutting out proudly against his stomach like a heavy weight. Rick grinned and lay down next to the tiger, giving him a few soft kisses as Karl got to his knees beside them, gripping around the tiger's shaft and pulling it towards his mouth.

With his eyes focused on the tiger's, Karl opened his mouth but instead of bringing Garu's sex forward and into it, he instead raked his sharp teeth over the tip a few times, drawing saliva across the flesh. He waited until the tip was glistening from his attentions, before pressing his lips firmly against the tiny hole, wiggling his tongue over the ridge of his glans and kissing.

Garu practically jerked against the lion and moaned softly, still kissing him. "Oh...my...gods..." he whispered, panting already.

"Mmm, told you he was good..." Rick brought a leg up until it was nestled against Karl's asscheeks, stroking him helpfully. "Karl's great at making things last..."

Karl chuckled, and then began licking slowly at Garu's shaft like sweet candy. "Rick barely manages a few minutes...when I can get him in my mouth anyway...there's so much of him..." He swallowed a few tastes of the tiger's ebon shaft and then looked up at him again. "Let's see if you can outlast him..."

Garu smiled toothily. "I already bested your friend in one contest. I am sure I can again..." He watched as the hyena went back to work on his lust, lapping at the swollen tip several times, forcing a few drizzles of pre to leak free. He closed his eyes and, with much difficulty, managed to keep in control of his senses, though his paws badly wanted to grab Karl's head and force himself into his mouth.

Rick reached over to stroke Garu's chest, stopping his word with more deep, warm kisses as Karl situated himself more against the hammock, spreading his legs behind him for leverage. Then he grasped around the tiger's shaft again, giving it a hard squeeze, before pulling it up towards his waiting mouth. With his gaze still intent on the tiger's, Karl parted his lips and slowly lowered his mouth over the tip, engulfing it on all sides before sucking hard, as if trying to pull the pre-cum from him. At times, he moved the tip from one side of his mouth to the other, holding the thick knob against his cheeks.

Garu jerked again and buried his head against Rick's mane, now hissing in his breath in several pants. "Ohh...R-Rick...you...you were right, he's...amazing..."

Karl seemed to smile around the mouthful of flesh then popped the member free from his lips with a loud pluck, going back to effortlessly brushing his tongue across the shaft, bathing it in even more saliva. He then repeated the insertion, but this time a few inches more, until he could get a paw around the bottom half of the shaft, and still bob his head slowly against the top. As Garu continued to moan and squirm, the hyena stepped up his pace, fisting the flesh held tightly in his grip, while working the rest of the tiger's shaft further down his throat with every hard swallow.

"No...I...I can't...I..." Garu was dangerously on the edge now, teetering, fearing he would explode a ton of cum into the hyena's mouth at any second. He tried in vain to hold back, reaching for one of Rick's paws and squeezing it tightly. He could feel Karl's paw working him over quickly, the hot, steady friction causing his swollen balls to ache. And when Rick reached over to kiss him hungrily again, digging his claws into the tiger's chest, all control left him, and he came wildly into the hyena's mouth. For several seconds, his member jerked and throbbed inside Karl's mouth as he emptied his full load, gushing out of control, and every muscle in his body tensed up before giving limp along with his spent member. For a moment, he lost his breath and was unable to see nothing but red and black stars swirling in his vision. Finally he came to again, shaking all over.

Karl gave his sex once more tight squeeze before releasing his length from his paw and mouth, looking up at the tiger again with his cheeks full of cum before gulping it all down in two loud swallows. He got carefully from off knees on the floor and leaned forward on the hammock, giving Garu a deep kiss, sharing the last of the taste of his spunk. "Well...I think Rick won this time..." he grinned, before sitting down on the edge of the hammock and curling his legs up. "So...he should get a prize, I guess..."

Rick glanced back and forth at the two of them, then purred loudly, nodding, watching as the tiger and hyena together sunk down to his groin, taking turns licking and kissing his excited shaft eagerly. Garu mimicked Karl's tongue licks and playful wiggles across one side, while Karl spread wet kisses across the other side, until the lion's sex was coated with their combined tastes. With Rick on his back, it was easy to straddle the big cat's legs and feet. Garu knelt behind the hyena and took a hold of his member, stuffing it inside his fist and jerking on it, while the hyena wrapped both of his paws around the lion's length and started to jerk him off slowly.

In the end, Rick could barely last more than a minute. Already well lubricated with his companion's saliva, his member went in a pumping explosion of cum soon after, spattering his seed across Karl's digits until it pooled around his groin fur. Garu watched his friend cumming and stepped up his own pace on Karl's shaft, finally getting the hyena off as well. Long ropey strands of hyena-cum shot out and hit the lion's chest and stomach, and Karl grabbed around Garu's head to keep his balance as he spent himself.

Soon all three were lying on the large hammock in various positions, panting wildly, their bodies drenched with sweat and release. "Who...won...that time?" Garu asked between deep breaths, and the three looked at each other, laughing.

"Karl..." Rick spoke up, "You never told us...what happened between you and the princess anyway? And don't tell me you two just went for a swim..."

Karl giggled and shook his head. "Alright...I'll tell you guys exactly what happened. But for God's sake, don't tell anyone..."

So the hyena told them the whole story, about meeting Princess Leilani after the party, the brief swim, and the deep, passionate and sensual lovemaking in the surf. While he told them, he noticed they were both getting aroused and stroking one another's shafts slowly.

"I knew something had happened but...wow..." Rick gasped, dabbing pre from his swollen member's tip.

"I am not surprised. One thing about the Princess. She is very headstrong about what she wants." Garu said quietly and then grinned. "Our secret. I promise. They would have your head otherwise. And ours as well for simply knowing. We will say, she just wanted to show you all Tahiti has to offer..."

"Well, you sure did that too..." Rick laughed and nuzzled the tiger gently, starting to purr again.

"Well, then..." Garu ran his tongue over his lips and started to pull Karl and the lion both closer. "Perhaps it is time to show you both again..."