Blades of Averaen I

Story by Tyr Do`shan on SoFurry

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The sounds of battle were still loud in the burning town. Human warriors had come to sack this town for a crime committed against their kind. Little did they know that they had walked into the maw of war by doing so.

Feralmon looked left then right as he quickly darted down the crowded streets. His steam powered armor enhanced his already unnaturally quick movements, and his two handed flail rested on his shoulder. The streets were clustered with blasted stone and burning wood from the initial attack the humans had brought down upon the small town of Helix. Feralmon made a quick and swift leap over a burning pile of crates that were once stocked neatly by the bazaar. "Damn these bastard pink skins." The sounds of a melee quickly caught his fur tuff ears. With another swift flip he moved into the town square and found a squad of Knights Exemplar fighting off a group of human Spell Swords.

"Prepare to die you bastards!!" Feralmon darted into the combat with his flail raised high above his head. The first strike smashed the head of a human warrior into a soft blood pulp, the spell breaking flail easily breaking through the thick steel that protected his cranium. Feralmon spun around on his heel and speared the end of his flail's shaft through a human that stood behind him. The exemplar quickly took advantage of the chaos and quickly began whittling away at their adversaries. One exemplar's sword gutted a human and spilled his entrails on the sandy ground. Another managed to take the shield arm of the captain spell sword. Feralmon, seeing that this combat was won, quickly jumped off into another street leaving the rest of his warriors to finish the fight.

Feralmon still hunted for his prey; the Human leader who brought the battle to this usually quiet town. He knew that the human would be nearby his honor guard which would near the end of the town. His senses quickly alerted him to an arcane anamoly to his left flank and before he could react a blast of raw magical energy rocked his body and shot him off of his feet. He groaned softly and looked up to where the shot had come from and saw his target. "Stryker.." The armor clad human walked up slowly and cautiously knowing well that Feralmon's protective energy field had absorbed the blast. "So we meet at last Feralmon.. it is quite the displeasure." Feralmon quickly jumped up onto his feet and held his flail in his hands. "Shut your trap you soft skinned devil." Stryker laughed quietly and brought his sword and pistol into an intricate combat position. "You certainly do the rumors justice High Exemplar, now lets stop chatting and get to the dance." Stryker darted towards Feralmon and brought his sword down to lop of the Digimon's head, but instead his sword cut into thin air. "What the..? where did he..?" A great pain cut through Stryker's ribs as Feralmon reappeared at his side and smashed his knee into Stryker's gut. Another swift movement from Feralmon and the mighty flail crushed Stryker's back. Stryker cried out as his back broke and his kidneys ruptured. His knees buckled under the pain and he fell onto his face. Feralmon sneered and brough the back of his flail's shaft into the back of Stryker's neck, shattering the frail spinal cord that just a moment ago was serving Stryker.

Feralmon looked around the town one last time. Everything seemed to have quieted down and the sky was showing signs of the coming dusk. After one last poke at Stryker's body Feralmon moved into the streets to gather his warriors and prepare aid for the homeless and wounded.

Renamon sighed in boredom as she rolled around on her bed. She had been waiting for her mate to come back from the post battle relief efforts that had been occuring continuously for weeks now. She knew that he had not perished in combat because he was a very good warrior. Hell he was almost as good as she was on a bad day.. Renamon looked at the clock and sighed again. It was ten-thirty at night and she had expected her ebony lover back at eight. Slowly she rose from her large velvet pillow and walked around her room organizing various knick knacks and the books she had been reading.

She walked out of her bedroom and looked about the house. It was a nice house; very spacious and well furnished. Feralmon had gone to great lengths to insure the the two of them had a good home and plenty to to do. Renamon laughed as she saw Kaihaku napping on the couch. "Hey you.. Feralmon probably wont be back until tomorrow. Why don't you go home and rest." Kaihaku stirred and waved his hand at her as if to show her off "I'll go soon, I just needed some rest. Thanks for having me over." Slowly the grey fox got to his feet and grabbed his gear. "I'll be in town for about a week. Please tell Feralmon that I came by." Kaihaku walked to the door and Renamon saw him out.

The hours ticked by and finally a soft creak came from the door. The lights were out so Renamon couldn't see too well as her eyes had not yet adjusted to the pitch black of the living room. She held her breath for a moment or two and he felt a familiar hand on her arm. "Hello there beautiful." Feralmon whispered to his lovely mate. Renamon breathed out loudly and murred. "You're alive and well then Feralmon..." Feralmon smiled in the darkness and picked up Renamon while softly stroking her rear end. Renamon blushed as she felt Feralmon's hand lightly petting her ass.. almost taunting her to slap him. A kiss met her lips before she became too flustered and her little bit of anger soon vanished in the passion of Feralmon's embrace. Feralmon made his way up the stairs with Renamon in his arms.

Feralmon set his neon yellow lover on their large bed and went about the room lighting well placed candles. When the room had the ambiance he deemed necessary for the moment he shed what little clothing he was wearing and crawled up bed towards Renamon growling seductively. Feralmon's body was very similar in build to Renamon's body, the few differences incredibly hard to notice other than his ebony black fur. Feralmon crawled on top of Renamon and buried his head in her fur ruff.. her scent quickly driving him to desire her body. Feralmon nuzzled his head into Renamon's chest and enjoyed the plumpness of her well endowed torso. Feralmon sighed happily and continued caressing Renamon's breasts with his head for a few moments. The sounds of Renamon's murring in content driving Feralmon's desires to peak. He loved it when Renamon was happy and murring.. it was an incredible turn on for him. His left hand slowly moved down Renamon's body lingering on her belly for only a moment before lightly teasing her between her legs. Feralmon lightly caressed Renamon's inner thighs for a few minutes before his hand moved up towards her wanting twat. With great care he rimmed his mate's clit and labia making sure to just barely be outside of her incredible pleasure areas. Renamon gasped and whined at Feralmon, the teasing taking it's toll on her mind and body. She brough her hands up to Feralmon's head and began to pet him like a kitten. Feralmon murred happily and brought his body fully on top of his lover's and with one slow motion he imbedded his hard length inside of her nether depths.

Renamon moaned out as she felt Feralmon's cock enter her body and slowly she arched her back and then completely relaxed.. trusting Feralmon completely. Feralmon kept his head in Renamon's fur ruff and nibbled on her neck as he slowly began thrusting into her soft, tight, fleshy depths. "I love you so much Renamon.. I really do." Renamon blushed yet again as Feralmon's loving words poured forth from his heart. She casually opened her legs a bit more; the heat inside her cunt was copiously rising and becoming slightly uncomfortable, though the pleasure of Feralmon's shaft gently rocking her was far greater. Feralmon continued thrusting gently.. he took great care not to fall to primal lust and keep the environment loving. Renamon's inner depths slowly began to secret it's fragrant nectar making Feralmon's penetration into her a dozen times easier. Feralmon moaned out in lust as he felt his mate's depths become wet and inviting, the nectars acting as a stimulant to the nerves in his fleshy limb. Feralmon growled and began pumping himself in and out of Renamon and a hightened rate for awhile, but after a loud squeek from his mate he managed to calm himself and slow his thrusts to a trickle.

Feralmon continued his gentle thrusting into Renamon for quite some time. Renamon occasionally shuddered and tensed up as her body went through ecstasy in her lover's arms. Feralmon resumed nuzzling into Renamon's bust and eventually found a nipple. Feralmon chuckled slightly and licked at the beautiful digimon's perky nipple.. tasting it fully and tickling it with the tip of his tongue. Eventually he encased the warm perked up nipple with his mouth and suckled on it like a baby. He drank from her nipple gladly, the warm, creamy fluids filling his belly and making him sleepy.

Renamon felt her peak was close at hand so she wrapped her arms around her lover's back and clenched her lower muscles in and effort to further slow Feralmon's thrusting. Feralmon moaned out loudly as Renamon's depths clenched around him.. "ahhh... Renamon... mmmmmm.." Feralmon murred loudly as he made his last few thrusts into his sacred lover's wet nether region. Feralmon's seed sprayed out into Renamon.. the hot sticky fluids pleasing Renamon and driving her into climax. Her fluids flowed freely from her crotch soaking the velvet sheets and drentching her and Feralmon's pelvic fur.

Renamon panted for a few moments.. caught up in the passion and pleasure. When she finally settled down Feralmon was fast asleep with his head on her chest and his body acting as a blanket for her. She closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Night on the town (2)

The night had passed slowly for Karuch.. too bloody slowly. On and on the machine had pumped it's nectar into Karuch's body via his own stiff masculinity. The pleasure had become so completely unbearable at one point that all he could do was thrash...

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Night on the town

The sound of pleasant conversation came from all corners of the cozy tavern. Various weres, draconians, herps, and humans were all sitting down at the small tables chatting pleasantly of the days that were ahead. It was the weekend before the Yule...

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