2 - Billy's bad night?

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#2 of Billy

Things start to get complicated. Written 2000.

One night, just after a late dinner, the doctor had to go out for a patient. His wife began taking care of the dishes and I lay down on the floor to do my exercises. I stuck my feet under the cabinets, bent my knees and started with slow crunches. I moved to full sit-ups, pulling myself up slowly to stretch my back.

Then, I caught a glimpse of her fluffy, little tail lifting her short skirt and stopped, laying on the floor; just watching. It wasn't the first time I'd seen her bare. She was in a habit of wearing her skirt over her tail instead of under, like it was made to be worn. The doctor only scolded her for it when there were visitors and I had been there long enough that I was part of the family.

I watched her move around the kitchen, putting away the dishes as she cleaned them. I'm sure she noticed me looking, because she lifted her tail higher and kept it facing me as she moved around the kitchen. I couldn't help my reaction, but didn't even notice it at first.

She moved her hips back and forth as she cleaned the last pot, slowly leaning over the sink. I was mesmerized and breathing heavily, watching her hips sway. She picked up a towel from the counter; then dropped it on the floor. She kept her knees straight and bent over to pick it up, pausing to smile at me and flick her tail before standing up again; not a word between us.

I'm sure I was red through my fur. She was very attractive and knew it. I had watched her as she worked many times before. She seemed to enjoy having an audience and there was no shame to it. Tonight felt different; I was nervous and excited. I felt hot and chills ran through my body. I had no reason to expect anything different than any other night.

She finished drying the pot and tossed the towel on the counter. She turned and walked directly towards me. Smiling down at me, she stepped one long, slender leg over me, facing the cabinet. She bent slowly over and pushed my knees apart, so she could open the cabinet to put the pot away. I stared at her fluffy bunny tail and round hips. Her strong thighs framed her sex which was wet and open. I felt a little ashamed for looking lustfully at the wife of such a generous rabbit that had saved my life and kept me for so long as I healed. I turned my eyes down her long, slender legs as she closed the cabinet and looked at me. I saw what she had been looking at; my firm erection pointing straight up at her. She smiled and slowly bent her knees, flicking her tail as she aimed for my erection. I watched in stunned silence as she slowly sat on me, sliding her wet sex over my eager erection. She moaned contentedly as I wrestled with my thoughts. I had wanted this; my body had wanted this, but I knew it was not the right thing to do. I didn't want to hurt the doctor after he had done so much for me.

All thoughts stopped as she began to move and my body took over. I moaned and put my paws on her hips as she slid up and down on my erection. It felt better than I had imagined, better than any before. Her sex was tight and wet around my erection. I could think of nothing else. I grunted and thrust with her as the ecstasy drove higher. I focused on her tail bouncing on my belly and tried to hold back my climax, but it was no use. I let out a squeal as my orgasm hit and I began to cum. She moaned and turned her ears back, pushing down on me as her sex squeezed tight around my throbbing erection.

She seemed quite pleased and gave my balls a gentle squeeze. She flicked her tail and looked back at me with a satisfied smile. I lifted a paw and gently stroked her tail, but she got up and went back to her cleaning as if nothing had happened. I lay there, stunned, until I heard the front door shut and I jumped. I sat up and grabbed my knees, trying to hide the evidence of our activities as the doctor walked in. He smiled to me as he walked past. He walked up behind his wife and put his paw on her back. She turned her head and they kissed tenderly. I looked down, ashamed of myself and wished I could disappear. Then, the doctor turned to me, "Doing your exercises?"

"Just finished," I tried to sound calm.

"Good. Good." He ruffled his wife's tail and walked back to the front room, "It has been a long day. I think I'll take a shower and go to bed early tonight. Coming, my sweet?"

His wife smiled and bounced after him as he headed for the stairs. She clung to him and giggled as they went up.

I sat on the floor, hugging my knees and feeling absolutely terrible.

Then I heard them upstairs. They were all over each other, as usual. Perhaps she wouldn't tell him. I still felt awful for doing it.

I heard her moaning and got up from the floor. I walked to my room: the pantry, generously converted with a cot. I sat down on my bed and tried to relax.

The moaning got quiet. They were done, at least with the first time. There was rarely just one, especially when they started in the bathroom, but for all they tried, she never got pregnant. They brought truth to the human phrase: doing it like rabbits. Their record in the month since I'd been there was ten in one night, at least that I heard, and that started in the front room. I should have gone to bed early more often.

Tonight, she had one up on him.

I wondered why she had done that. I had never asked for it and I thought she was happy with her mate.

I heard the water come on.

She seemed happy to help him with his medical practice and he was very appreciative. They both seemed driven to help others. The only problem they seemed to have in their marriage was not having the children they wanted. They had tried all sorts of foods and medicines and probably more that I never knew. Still, they came up empty.

Then it occurred to me. What if she was so desperate to have children that she didn't mind if they weren't her husband's? But mine? That would probably be obvious. Did he know she was going to do that? Did they plan it?

They could have asked; I would have enjoyed it a lot more and not felt this bad afterwards.

Maybe he didn't know and she was just hoping that the kids would look more like her.

This was a mess and I was stuck in the middle of it.

I needed to get out of here before anything was born, but I didn't want to offend them and the doctor would insist I stay until he said I was ready. I just needed to prove to him that I was ready.

Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe she wouldn't get pregnant from me.

I decided to work on showing him I was ready and not worry about his wife. Things would be okay.

After a while the water turned off. They weren't done, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy listening. My mind was busy with what had just happened.

I eventually slept and dreamed. My mind replayed the event over and over. I saw that fluffy bunny tail bouncing on my belly. As the night wore on, it turned into a nightmare. First, her husband came in. Next time I saw his face in her tail. Then, it was him riding me as he scolded me. I awoke in a panic.

I wasn't sure I could face him in the morning. I wanted to leave, but that wasn't going to happen this morning.

I didn't have anything of my own and didn't want to steal from these nice rabbits. I got up and checked the clock in the kitchen, just after 4 in the morning. I wouldn't have much time before she came down to make breakfast and get things ready for the day.

I got some paper and a pencil and sat down at the table, but I just couldn't think of how to say it. I started writing:

Thank you very much for everything you have done for me. You saved my life. You not only healed my body, but my spirit, as well. I wish I could find some way to repay your great kindness, but I feel so helpless.

I froze and covered what I had written as I felt gentle paws sliding up my back to my shoulders. The doe leaned over my shoulder and nuzzled my cheek. Her smell filled my nose and I bit my lip trying to ignore it. I tried to sound happy to see her, "Good morning."

She slid her paws down my sides and around my hips to brush them over the erection I was fighting, then slowly slid away and walked to the kitchen. I put my head on the table and really felt helpless. I couldn't leave now. I would have to wait until tonight, at least.

I folded up the note I was working on and wished I had a pocket to hide it in. I got up and went to the kitchen to help, but she shooed me back out. I sat back down at the table and she brought over the razor and shaving cream. I wanted to tell her to skip it today, but I knew there was no way I could convince her to go against doctor's orders.

She took care of a few more things in the kitchen; then came back to me. Fortunately, the doc came down as she was getting ready.

"Hold on, sweet," the doc said as he came down the stairs. "From what I saw last night, I think we might be able to let it grow back."

I turned around quickly, afraid that he had seen what we had done. I looked up at the doe and saw the surprised look on her face and realized she was thinking the same thing.

The doc just smiled, "It looks like it has healed just fine. Turn around so I can get a better look this morning. Would you bring over the goose neck, my sweet?"

The doe carried over a flexible lamp and pointed it at my back and the doc examined my scars, pressing gently around them. "Have you had any trouble with your back lately?"

"Not for about a week now."

"Well, I think you'll be just fine. We can let your quills grow back, if you'd like."

"I'm not really sure anymore. They can be a real problem sometimes, but I can't shave my back very easily by myself."

I turned around and the doe stroked my shoulder.

"I can't stay here forever, either. You have both been very generous in taking care of me and I have nothing to give in return. I don't want to continue to burden you."

"Oh, you haven't been a burden. We've enjoyed having your company."

"Even so, I want to be able to give something back."

"You can," the doctor smiled. "By staying here, you can help us care for people. While you're here, you can learn new things and get yourself better prepared to face the world. I just wouldn't feel right sending you back to live on the street."

"It has been fine for me so far."

"But you can do so much more. There's someone I would like you to talk to. He has been a professor at the University for years and also head of the Morph Recorded Genealogy program. There are many benefits for being registered that you have been missing."

"Like what?"

"Well, schooling can be free or close enough that it is affordable. There are some jobs that are exclusively for morphs that pay extremely well; not to mention other jobs that utilize abilities that humans just don't have."

"I've done a few of those. Not very good work and didn't pay as well as you say."

"Ah, but if you were registered, you could get the good jobs that do pay well. Then there's the medical care, housing and other benefits."

"Alright, I'll talk to him."

The doe leaned on my shoulder and spoke softly, "Does that mean you'll stay?"

"Yeah. I'll stay for a while longer."

She squeed and hugged me tight.

The doctor hid a laugh behind clearing his throat, "Well, I think the next thing we need to do for you is get you some clothes."

"I'm fine without them."

"Not always," he looked down at my lap and I followed his gaze; then blushed and covered my growing erection. The doc fluffed his wife's tail and she jumped; then scampered off to the kitchen.

"Well, I'd need something that wouldn't get torn up by my quills."

"We could go for expensive and get a material that would survive without stunting their growth."

"Yeah, an ingrown quill really hurts."

The doctor chuckled, "Or we could go for a design that leaves your back open."

"I'll take the cheaper option."

The doe came back from the kitchen holding up an apron, "I think I can make something for him."

The doc looked at it and smiled, "Yes, with some adjustment that could work out just fine."

"This hasn't been much of a problem before."

"Then you met my bunny."

The doe giggled and shook her tail as she headed back to the kitchen.

I bit my lip and blushed; then leaned closer to the doc and whispered, "Uh, that's one of the reasons I was thinking I should leave."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I know what kind of reaction she has on others and so does she. She has a very affectionate personality and I don't want to stifle that. So, we agreed long ago that she is free to act as she feels and I won't interfere, as long as she still loves me at the end of the day," he leaned closer, "And I know she does."

I swallowed nervously and looked at the doe bouncing around the kitchen, "Yeah, she does."

He rubbed my shoulder, "She cares about you, too. Just accept her affection as it is and don't try to take more than she is willing to give."

I nodded and wondered how much affection he knew about.