Reunion- Part 6

Story by JinTheBunny on SoFurry

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#7 of Reunion

Part six is finally here! I feel like it's a bit short, but I got what I needed out of it, enjoy :3


Part 6

"What is there to talk about?" Kurt asked, his ears laying back, "I LOVE you, I've only EVER loved you, and I just want us to be together."

"Kurt," Brett's voice was soft and soothing to the tiger, "I know that, and I know I want to be with you too... but I'm not sure I'm ready..."

"Please," Kurt felt like he was going to be sick, he wanted to cry over the thought of Brett not wanting him, "I promise, I won't push you, just give me a chance..."

"Okay." Brett said placing a hand on the tiger's shoulder and scooting closer to him on the bed, "You've earned it... Will you just lie here with me for a while?"

"Of course..." Kurt laid on his back in the bed, the human placed his head on the large feline's chest to listen to his new lover's heartbeat, drifting to sleep on the big tiger.

"I won't hurt you ever again, I promise." Kurt whispered to his sleeping mate. "And I'll do my best to make sure nobody else can either."


It was finally the day for Brett to return to school, a full week had passed since the incident, and his doctor finally gave him the ok. Much to his surprise as he walked in the door it was practically a celebration, a lot of people welcoming him back. The cheerleaders even spoke to him, but the thing that surprised him most, Kurt had actually come out to the team, and told them Brett was his mate.

"You... really told everyone?" Brett asked the big tiger.

"Of course I did!" Kurt said proudly, "What? You think I was gonna keep you a secret?" The human's silence was his answer. "Brett, no, I told you, I love you, I want people to know you're mine," Kurt's voice was serious now "I want them to know how lucky I am." Brett blushed as the tiger spoke.

"I'm the lucky one... you got the raw end of the deal..."

Kurt pulled the human into an embrace. "Never say that! I'm the one who has to prove himself, you're perfect!" The sincerity in the tiger's voice made the human blush even more.

"Uhm Kurt... I need to get to class?" Brett said, reluctant to leave the tiger's side.

"Oh... Ok, I'll walk you there." The tiger said as he took the human's hand and headed towards the art classroom.

"You don't have to, I mean it's on the third floor, you can just head to your class, I don't want you to end up late." Kurt handed Brett a small piece of paper. "What's this?"

"Just read it..."

"You got a pass to help me to and from all my classes?"

"Yep, I mean it's technically supposed to be a privilege for injured football team members who need help, they get the captain to help them, but I asked coach to pull a few strings so I could help you!" Brett couldn't believe his tiger had gone to such trouble for him, and as the two came to the art classroom and Kurt helped him to his seat the two were reluctant to part, "At least I get to check him out as he walks away" Brett though, surprising himself a bit.

"Welcome back!" his perky bunny friend cheered.

"Thanks Vi!" Brett was excited to be back in class honestly.

"Good morning class!" A perky female Aardvark said at the front desk. "I have a surprise for you all today, so don't bother getting your projects out!" The entire class was confused at this point. "We not only have a student coming back to class today, welcome back by the way Brett, we're all glad you've made a speedy recovery." The entire class applauded making the human sink in his chair. "But we also have a new student joining us today! Dillon, you can come in now dear!" A small fox, standing around 5 foot 8, best described as "emo" walked in he was a pretty normal fox, his big bushy tail swishing nervously behind him. His strangest feature was his fur color, unlike a normal fox with red and white fur, his fur was blue and black. "Everyone this is Dillon, he's just transfered in over the weekend, please make him feel welcome," everyone applauded again making the small fox even more embarrassed, "You can have a seat next to Brett, the human over there." Dillon walked over to sit in the empty seat next to Brett. "But today we're having a free day class! Just talk and have fun!" The teacher opened a drawer on her desk and retrieved several bags of chips and some bottles of off brand soda, "And remember, this is our secret! the school board would have my head for this!" the class laughed as the small party began.

"Hi!" Vi spoke to the new fox. "I'm Vi, and this is Brett, it's kinda cool actually, he's just came back today too!" Vi was always over-analyzing coincidences

"O-oh, hi.. I-I'm Dillon..." The fox said quietly looking down at his feet "You've been u-unwell?" he asked, obviously just trying to continue the conversation.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess," Brett said vaquely.

"Yeah, this jerk kidnapped him and tried to kill him!" Vi proclaimed.

"God Vi, you're gonna scare him," Brett retorted.

"I-it's ok... I'm sorry someone hurt you, you s-seem nice..." The fox gave a small smile.

"Thanks, hey why don't you have lunch with us today, as a welcome party?" the human asked

"O-ok that sounds great" the shy fox was so excited to have already made new friends.

"Look at you Brett, a few weeks ago you woulda been just as shy as Dillon!" Vi laughed.


The rest of the day went by normally, Dillon had two classes with Vi, and his other two with Brett. When the lunch period came he and Brett met up with Vi to walk in together. "It'll be great Dillon, you get to meet our boyfriends!" Vi said Cheerily, grabbing mostly chocolate pudding.

"Not to mention Calo, and Jackson!" Brett added grabbing some steamed veggies.

"That's a-alot of p-people..." Dillon said shyly.

"Don't worry, they're all really nice" Brett said patting the fox on the back. Brett finished getting his lunch and went to sit down to wait for his mate. He was not disappointed when Kurt walked up a few seconds later.

"Hey hun, I thought you'd wait for me to come get you from class?" Kurt said sweetly.

"No it's ok, Vi helped me." The human responded

"Ok, well we've got someone else sitting with us today ok? New guy from the team, Mark's replacement." The tiger said

"Oh really? cool, we've got someone new with us too!"

"Great! I'm sorta worried this table is gonna be too small for us all soon!" the tiger laughed.

Everyone came in and sat down except Dillon, Kurt's new friend was also not there yet. Finally Dillon made his way to the the table. "Dillon, let me introduce you to everyone, you've met Vi and me, this handsome tiger is my mate Kurt, the Lion next to him is Jackson, and the coyote is Calo." Dillon nodded at everyone, too shy to speak, when he spotted the dragon his ears dropped. "And that big guy is Vi's mate Clay, don't let his size fool you, he's a sweetheart," the dragon waved to the small fox as he sat down next to the human currently snuggled into his big tiger. "We're just waiting on one last person, somebody new."

"Oh there he is! OVER HERE!" Kurt yelled prompting his new friend to walk over a jacket hood covering his face, causing an interesting reaction from the small fox

"Darren! you're here! I was worried I wouldn't see you today!" Dillon yelled

"You know him?" Kurt asked.

"Of course he knows me!" Darren lowered the hood on his jacket revealing a vulpine face. "He's my brother!" The fox looked nearly identical to Dillon, though much larger and more athletic and his fur was red as opposed to blue.

"We're twins!" Proclaimed the shy blue fox as his brother took a seat next to him.

"Isn't that just the coolest! So you two have any lucky ladies back at your old school?" Vi asked

"Well I did," Said Darren "This little guy didn't date much, he's gay, we're from a really small town, so I'm hoping he finds someone here, from the look of things though, I'd say he'll be fine." Darren smiled at the sight of Kurt and Brett, hoping his brother would find as happy a relationship.

"So... you're gay?" Calo asked the small fox.

"Y-yeah, I am" the blue fox replied.

"C-cool... uhm... well... maybe you'd like to hang out sometime?" Calo asked, the whole table went quiet.

"Calo dude... you're gay?" Jackson asked bluntly.

"No, I'm Bi. I mean seriously, you think I woulda been friends with a jerk like Mark if I hadn't just wanted his dick?" Calo retorted.

"Wow... Really, look the last thing Dillon needs is to be used for sex." Darren said protectively.

"No no, I promise that's not what I want!" Calo had his ears back sadly. "I just think he's cute! And I wanna get to know him!"

"O-ok... I'll go out with you!" said the small blue fox.

"Awesome! I'll pick you up on Saturday then!"

"I just have to ask, is your fur naturally blue?" asked Vi.

"Yeah! isn't it cool? how about you, is purple your natural color?" asked Dillon

"Yep! 100% natural!"

The group finished lunch glad to have made new friends, the rest of the day went by uneventfully, as with all high schools the classes were all either incredibly boring, or barely tolerable. Before the teens knew it the week was over, which meant Saturday was right around the corner. Calo and Dillon were excited for their date, and had agreed to make it a double when Darren started dating a cheerleader, a sweet Fennec girl. But before that could happen, Friday night was the night Brett finally got his stitches out, Clay had agreed to let Kurt take him to have it done.


"Are you excited hun?" Kurt asked while he was driving.

"Kind of... But I'm worried, what if something goes wrong..."

"You worry too much, it's just stitches, nothing will go wrong." Kurt replied lovingly. The two arrived at the hospital to meet Dr. Saitou

"Hello Brett, are you ready for me to remove the stitches?" Dr. Saitou asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." Brett replied.

"Alright, let's get started!" Said the he began to remove the stitches. The whole process took around two hours, but once it was done Brett was glad to finally be free of the tiny bit's of medical thread. "There we go, last one, congratulations you have made a full recovery!" The doctor smiled at the teen.

"Good! See I told you there was nothing to worry about!" Kurt said happily.

"So um... am I ok to... ya'know... have sex?" Brett asked awkwardly

"I suppose yes, though nothing too intense," Dr, Saitou said calmly, "As I said, you've made a full recovery, your biggest repercussion would be some slight pain." Kurt was in shock, but he finally understood why Brett had asked to stay with him tonight rather than going back to Clay's. The two left the hospital and drove back to Kurt's, Brett was nervous, he knew he loved Kurt, and he knew he wanted this, but he still wasn't sure he was ready. After all he was still a virgin, what if he wasn't good enough and Kurt didn't want to be with him anymore.

"Here we are." Kurt said pulling into his driveway. "Brett... If you don't want to do this yet we don't have to..." Kurt said patiently to his mate "I mean, after all, I'm a virgin, so I probably wouldn't be very good." Brett was shocked, he never would have guessed his big tiger was still a virgin, but that decided it, he was ready, he wanted his first time to be with Kurt, the only man he ever loved.

"I'm ready."

Kurt gently laid Brett onto his bed, undoing the young humans belt as he kissed him deeply, making the human release a tiny moan. the tiger removed his shirt revealing his toned muscular chest his white fur shifting as he moved. he removed the humans shirt to reveal the opposite, small and slender, but Kurt loved it, to him the human was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, without thinking he licked the center of the humans chest, drawing a small giggle out of his fur-less lover as he removed the humans jeans he smiled, on anyone else it would have killed the mood, but the Mario print on the human's boxers just reminded Kurt of all the reasons he loved him. Finally the two were out of their clothes, the human blushing a bit, but incredibly happy, as you could clearly see if you looked between his legs. Kurt reached over to his bedstand to grab himself a condom and a small bottle of lube he kept in his top drawer. "Are you ready hun?" he asked, whispering into the humans ear.

"P-please, yes, take me." The human had never felt this way before.

"Ok. I love you." Kurt said as he lifted the humans legs and placed them on his striped shoulders, wanting to give his lover the dignity of being face to face. he lubed himself and slowly pushed into the humans opening.

"Kurt! it's so big!" The human cried out making Kurt happy his parent's weren't home.

"Am I hurting you?" Kurt was going slow, making sure Brett was comfortable, not wanting to hurt him.

"N-no, keep going, please!" Kurt took the humans advice and pushed in further, drawing a moan from the human. Kurt got into a rhythm with his thrusts, slowly pushing in and out of the tiny human. "Kurt! I feel close." Kurt wasn't surprised, he knew that they couldn't last long their first time, they were both virgins after all, less than a minute later the two climaxed in unison, and Kurt pulled out and lifted the small human.


"Definitely" the human smiled at his tiger mate, the status finally being official. Kurt carried him to the shower and scrubbed him down, the human blushed at the attention, though he had to admit to himself that he loved it. The two made their way back to Kurt's room and Kurt changed his now messy sheets, only bothering to make his own bed, leaving the guest bed bare.

"C'mon," he said eyeing the human and patting the bed next to himself, the smaller being walked over to his mate's side and laid himself down. "What good is a night like tonight if we can't cuddle after right?" Kurt asked, Brett was surprised at his tiger's soft side as he felt a strong furry arm wrap around him and pull him into Kurt's fuzzy chest. "Was I... good enough?"

"You were perfect" The human replied lovingly, trying not to fall asleep just yet, failing in the process, feeling a comfort he had never felt in his life. For the first time, the human felt truly safe, pulled tight against his mate's chest. Kurt lay awake for an hour after Brett fell asleep, just watching him. Years of abuse and neglect should have made the human hate him, yet here he was, lovingly embracing the tiger.

"No... you're the one who's perfect." Kurt whispered into his sleeping lover's ear. "And you'll never understand how lucky I am to have you." He leaned over and kissed the human on his forehead. "See you in the morning." Kurt gently pulled the human tighter into himself and drifted off to sleep, hoping the next day would be as wonderful as tonight was.