The Journey Goes On... (Illustrated)

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#1 of Sci-Fi Universe

Yooohoooo hello boys/gals... Yeah, I'm being a bit too enthusiastic with this. Anyhow, as I write this introduction I still haven't finished my other story. So I'm writing these two in parallel, or something. I'll probably be done with the other one sooner.

This one is also for the SCI-FI summer contest. I'm doing a couple entries just for fun. This one is not related AT ALL with the other one so its pretty much just another story. I err... Anyway, on with it.

By reading this you agree you're doing so voluntarily and are not offended by any of the topics in here (check the tags if you're not sure) and that you're of legal age to do so. This story is copyrighted, and may not be distributed without my prior consent. (Just ask me on a PM, it would be a very rare thing for me to say no)

IMPORTANT: This is a contest piece, so if you find anything off or that doesn't make sense or even a typo, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible. THANKS!!

Illustrations by the amazingly talented crimsonkarma . If you like it, please go to her page and fave her submission as well. She deserves it ;)


The little boy's bare feet echoed in the large, empty hallways of the massive ship. It was well past curfew, and he was definitely not supposed to be out of his juvenile quarters. But he had to be there. He needed to be there for her... And yet she was nowhere to be found. The kitten, barely twelve, let out a soft cute mewl in his loneliness. He was afraid they had finally found her. He wrapped his tail around his body and nibbled on the tip nervously. He was standing by one of the old engine bays, a little shadow that could've been easily confused with part of the machinery except for those who knew what they were looking for.

Young Lucas was dwarfed by the gargantuan Ion engine on the old generation ship. They hadn't used them in... What, two generations? They were out of fuel. But they didn't need it. The ship pulled what power it needed from bio-generators, massive tanks that grew a particularly special species of algae which thrived on dim artificial lighting, and then used the heat they generated to power the ship. It also pulled what little power it could from pressure pads on every main area of the ship, drawing precious electricity from every step that its passengers took. This was important, since by now they were so far from the sun they couldn't use solar panels. They had a backup nuclear reactor for emergencies, which was designed to keep the life support working for about a couple centuries, but that was about it. This massive ship, built at the height of terrestrial civilization, was one of the three generation ships or ARKS that had been built once the planet's overpopulation reached no-return levels. The first one, called the Leviathan, succumbed during its journey to a catastrophic fire that somehow managed to deplete the oxygen in the ship before they could control it. It was now a husk, massive and desolate, traveling on a preset route to Alpha Centauri.

The second one was the one Lucas was in. They had called it Behemoth. It was on course for star system ANX-8039 or, as the crew had gotten to call it, Ithaca. And just like the Ancient Greek Epic, they would need a lot of time to reach it. One thousand years, to be exact. That's why they were called generation ships. After decades of useless attempts at cryogenics and hyper-sleep, scientists around the world threw the towel and began to think of a way to make a ship so massive and self sustainable that it could be home to many generations, in the hopes that one day, the great great great great grandsons of the crew would reach their destination.

The appropriate size was determined as thirty two hundred miles, three hundred and sixty-nine and a half feet. Why the half foot, no one knew, but they were the scientists so they all believed them. Ships this massive could only be built outside earth's orbit. The whole world joined efforts during a century in order to build what they called the Trinity of Arks. Three massive ships, each in a different direction. They were powered by massive ion engines, that could burn an approximate of five years. Calculations were made, and a course and launch window established so that they could burn and coast the rest of the way, coming close enough to their planet targets for their own gravity to capture them and brake them. The timing was perfect, and when the launch window came all three vessels, Leviathan, Behemoth, and Atlas were ready. One hundred thousand young furs of all species were brought on board each ship. There was no lottery, no tickets to be bought. They were all preselected for maximum variety, maximum fecundity and maximum desirable genes. There was no sickness, no congenital mutations, no rich and poor. Once shuttled on board they all received the same quarters. All were assigned jobs, either as farmers for the crops that would feed them on their way, educators, workers, scientists... There was a bit of everything except for lawyers and executives. No one received a salary. They all did the same amount of work and received the same amount of rations. There was plenty for everyone, everyone was to be comfortable and happy.

No religion was accepted on board. No class distinction would be allowed. No racism, no sexism, no poverty. Education was mandatory and enforced equally on all children. It was a utopia, three utopias actually. They would colonize and establish new homes. Inside their massive hulls, a compendium of all the knowledge of earth, a seed bank of all known surviving species, a gene bank with frozen sperm and eggs of every single animal that had roamed the earth... If one could put the perfect earth in a little bottle, that bottle would be thirty-two hundred miles, three hundred and sixty-nine and a half feet long.

Then it all went wrong.

Lucas looked around. She should've been there by now. He had been looking forward to this day for a month. He wore traditional ARK clothing, monochromatic replicas of a shirt and some pants. All males and females were supposed to use the same clothes in an effort to prevent class distinction. It worked, but it made finding someone in a crowd a nightmare. But luckily for Lucas they were a dark brown, made out of a recyclable 3D printed polymer that made up a lot of things on the ship, which made him almost invisible in the shadows. Then, on one of the light filled doorways that went into the massive space, a silhouette appeared. It seemed to look around, and then gazed towards Lucas. He wanted to scream to draw its attention, he was all but sure it was her... But there was no way of being certain. If it turned out to be someone else Lucas was doomed. Then, the silhouette disappeared. Lucas felt his heart sink, he had been sure that that was her... But no, now that he looked back the silhouette looked way too tall. It had been an adult, probably doing some rounds. Had he screamed, or waved, he would've been in huge, HUGE trouble. He sighed softly, amazed at how well the empty air carried such a soft sound. He waited patiently for her. He had seen her a couple days ago, they had talked idly in their supervised recess from school... And she had said that she had drawn a butterfly on her notebook. That had been the signal, their rendezvous was still on. He replied by saying he couldn't wait to see it later, by which he replied secretly that he too was ready.

But here he was, and she wasn't there. He worried, he knew the consequences for what he was doing would be even worse for her than for him... He shivered as he thought of the prospect of never seeing her again, which would be the case if she were to get caught... If he was caught here by himself he'd be in only mild trouble for being out after curfew, but he'd be out with a slap on the wrist. But if she got caught...

Something was wrong. His fur stood on edge, his adrenalin pumped, ready to make him flee... He felt a slight current of air on his back, warm, like... Someone breathing. He was about to turn around when a paw covered his mouth and he was dragged into the darkness.

The Leviathan was the first one to leave, its departure window around two days before the next one. The whole world looked on their televisions as the massive ship ignited its three gargantuan engines and took off. About a hundred furs down on earth went blind forever as they forgot to look away or use the specially distributed glasses. The engines on the ship glowed like a second sun in the sky, and inch by inch at first, the massive ship accelerated. The other two ships waited behind. The ships didn't have windows since most of their journey they would have nothing but a literal abyss of blackness to see through them, but they had special cameras that allowed all furs inside to watch the event. They all cheered loudly for the first minute or so. By the third hour the ship had barely moved, and most furs had lost interest.

The Leviathan was still easily visible when the Behemoth fired its own engines. Everyone on board was thrown off their feet, and the ship creaked and grunted under immense stress as it fought its own inertia and began its interplanetary journey. Again they all cheered. The earth was barely visible when it was time for Atlas to begin. All crammed in their quarters as they watched the cameras pick up the final launch. They were unable to see the ship due to the distance, but they were all perfectly able to catch the explosion. The ion engines had detonated due to a coolant leak. A collective gasp was heard on the whole ship as Atlas broke in half, and then earth's gravity did the rest. The biggest half fell on the pacific, causing tsunamis that devastated coasts at supersonic speeds. The other half fell on dry land with the force of a million atom bombs. By the time the earth was too small to see it was no longer the green and blue planet they had left behind. Just a barren world with an ash cover.

With their morale devastated beyond belief, the Leviathan's crew and the Behemoth's crew understood they shared the responsibility of continuing with life as they knew it. It was a massive responsibility, one that most were not prepared to handle. During the first year a decent margin of the population was suffering from depression, and there were reported cases of suicides. Then, one day, the crew on the Behemoth stopped receiving transmissions from the Leviathan. They had no idea as to what had happened, and after the first three years they all assumed they were dead. They were alone, and suddenly the space around them, the dark and unwelcoming void, became much bigger than it had seemed.

The journey went on, and as all wounds this one healed in time, leaving but a scar. The depression faded, and the ship experienced a boom. It was the second generation, the first ever to be born outside planet earth. They knew nothing of its blue oceans or its green lush forests. To them, earth was something for the history books.

Then, just when everything seemed to be perfect, catastrophe struck. A disease rampaged through the ship, killing three-fourths of the population in less than a month. By then, the average IQ for the ship's inhabitants had risen in fifteen points. Kids as young as fifteen were mastering calculus and quantum physics. The ship's scientists were no exception, and it took them little to calculate that they still had enough diversity to be a biologically stable community. But that diversity was hanging by a thread, and to survive they would need a birth rate higher than what the population could provide. And so, they had to resort to a different method for reproduction. This was implemented just in time so that the fourth generation would be bred using this system...

Lucas squirmed and tried to scream as he was dragged into the darkness. He found himself going into a small room, and the paw that wasn't holding his mouth closed the door quickly. Then, as soon as it was closed, it let him go. He turned around just to see a frenzy of blue fur diving for his face. The next second he was being kissed, passionately. He knew the contours of that tongue, the taste of that kiss... And his body relaxed as he kissed back with an equal strength. It took about a minute to split the two young bodies up, both needing fresh air. He pulled back and saw those cute green eyes peering at him.

"Lucky!!!" She screamed as a greeting. He put his paw on her mouth alarmed.

"Shhhh they'll hear us!" He whispered intensely. She mumbled something against his paw, and he let her go.

"Not here, this room used to be acoustically independent. They used to have some sensitive machinery in here when the engines ran..." she said, pointing at the sign on the door that called for ear protection beyond that point, and then pulled him in for another kiss. She was wild, it felt like she wanted to kiss him forever and ever with that intensity. He didn't hold back, his own body purring into the kiss as he was dragged to the back of the room. She had brought a couple of snacks, a sleeping bag, and some water in a backpack... Apparently she had been here longer than him.

"How long...?" He began to ask as soon as he got a breather, panting. She took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Fifteen minutes... I saw you standing there, I wanted to talk to you, but I would've startled you... And there was a guard..." She said.

"Yeah, I saw him. Thought it was you" the young male said.

"I'm just glad you didn't... Come here, Brother..." She said and pulled him in for a kiss once more.

A female of any of the species present in the ARK would go into estrus, or heat, every month. If they succeeded in reproduction they went on to produce one or maybe two offspring after nine long months, months in which she needed special care, couldn't work and stayed in her quarters. And then there was the chance of it not being a successful pregnancy. This was simply not an efficient system, the scientists decided.

They decided that they would use a new system called in-vitro pregnancies. The female would go into estrus and not be allowed to mate, and at the peak of her ovulation the ovum would be removed. Males would become mandatory sperm donors as soon as they reached reproductive age. To ensure maximum efficiency, not only would they be forbidden to mate or masturbate, but they would go through a very special donor procedure. Every week, on a specific day and time for each male, they would go to the donor center. There, they would be exposed to real female pheromones through an air duct that connected to the place where they performed the removal procedure of the ova. They would then go to a wall where there were literally butts sticking out. Designed to feel exactly like the real thing, the males were allowed to choose. Once picked, they would actively engage in coitus with the fake females, under the strict supervision of a nurse to make sure they did it right and didn't cheat by pawing off first, and at the point of orgasm they dumped their seminal fluid deep inside them. They did this three times within an hour, always subject to the smell of girls in heat on the upper floor. After that, a nurse would collect all of the seminal fluid from the masturbating device and store it in digitally labeled containers that had the entire genome of the donor in their system. The devices were then sterilized and cleaned, and ready for the next donor.

Scientists would then randomly match egg and sperm, and after screening for birth defects they would allow the zygote to form. This zygote was implanted on an artificial uterus made of high tech bio-materials. This meant that instead of having one kid every nine months each female and male contributed to nine children every nine months. These children never met their father or mother. They would be cared after by the adults, and there would be no birth linking. No brothers, no sisters, no twins, no cousins... All family ties would disappear. It was harsh, yes, but the only way to ensure the survival of the ARK.

The downside was that while males often got relieved of their sexual tension in a rather nice way after giving their semen, girls were often neglected. And to top it off, they had found that orgasms diminished the next ovum's strength and therefore the whole process would slow down. Girls were therefore locked down during their estrus. Like with males, they didn't allow them to masturbate. The way they enforced this was by means of heartbeat monitors in their rooms. There were too many to monitor with cameras, but a monitor constantly checked to make sure their heart rate never spiked in a pattern that indicated sexual pleasure. If it did, an alarm would sound, and the offender would spend the rest of her estrus (or in the males case, the week) with a straight jacket. This was a good deterrence method, and quickly both males and females resigned to their fates in the ship that now showed less of a dream and more of an Orwellian nightmare. This brings us to the present day, and to the story behind this couple.

Lucas, or if you asked his twin sister, Lucky, was part of the third generation. Along with Amy, his sister, he was part of the last generation to have a mother and a father. They were barely nine when the new system began, and didn't pay attention to grown up stuff. But then, on a fateful night a couple months ago, the unthinkable happened. What had started off as an innocent doctor game got the two cubs too carried away and, before they knew it, he was thrusting his penis inside his sister's vagina. She bled and cried, and that's as far as the game went. But a bond had been created, one that wasn't broken easily. Since then, the two had been inseparable, but the taboo topic about Amy's bleeding-thing-between-her-legs was never again discussed. Not until both kittens hit puberty a week after that.

"Sis... I missed you" the young boy said once she took a break from kissing him.

"Did ya, Lucky? I missed you more..." She said. They hadn't seen each-other as much as they had wanted, with them moving from their shared kitten room to separate juvenile quarters... The only time they were allowed to be together was during school recess, in which all young furs were under strict supervision. Hence the code talking.

By the time Lucas was going to reply her lips were over his again. He had felt her need when she had grabbed him so harshly, when he had been kissed for the first time like that... And the smell, one that was already familiar to the boy, told him she was on her heat. She had managed to trick the locking mechanism on the door that held her captive during that sensitive time, making its cybernetic brain think it was closed when in reality it was open. The guard making the rounds had not noticed the door open a tiny little bit, and as soon as the lights went out she had escaped, with no alarms being triggered.

He muffled something into her kiss, but she was having none of that. She went down on top of the sleeping bag and dragged him down as well, spreading her legs eagerly so his hips would be right where they needed to be...

"Hah... Amy, wait..." He said. He had no protest about what they were planning on doing, but it seemed she was going way, waaaay too fast. She panted and looked at him. The need in her eyes couldn't be expressed with words.

"Brother, please... I need this, I have to... Now..." She said in whimpers. He looked at her face, there was no way that he could ever say no to that cute face. He simply smiled and nodded, and before he could even give her the playful wink he had planned, she was kissing him again and using her paws to move his hips into a steady dry-humping. She groaned and panted in delight, her body demanding so much she already seemed tired. She clawed at his clothing, trying to get it off him. He helped, mainly so she wouldn't tear them in her desperate mood. In no time she was purring as both their naked chests got together, and she finally felt her brother's fur on her own. She basked in the moment, and in no time her paws were working to undo his pants.

It had been a month since little Lucky had taken away his sister's virginity, and the two seemed more united than ever. They kissed often, and since they were young cubs no one cared. It was cute, plain and simple. They knew they had to fend off for themselves, with mom and dad falling victims to the disease when they were eight, and they did everything as a single entity. Wherever Amy was, her "Lucky charm" was less than five feet away. But that had to change when young Lucas got his first wet dream.

Only Amy knew at first, with him naturally telling her the morning after. He had even dreamt of her when it happened. The sensors in the laundry picked up the stains like they were supposed to, and the next morning they came for him. They told Amy to stay but she refused and refused, and even tried to bite one of the adults that were taking away her Lucky. But naturally she ended up alone in her room, crying as the only person she loved in the whole world (which was for all purposes the ship) was ripped away from her. He was taken to another quarter, which would be his home until he was 15, old enough to be assigned a job based on his attributes. Lucas cried as well, but not as hard as Amy. Maybe because he was a boy, maybe because he knew she was all right anyway... That night he dreamt of her again, and he stained the sheets accidentally in his sleep... But when he turned around, there was no fluffy body to cuddle with this time.

Amy almost burst into tears of joy once she was reunited with her brother at school the next day. She kissed him hard, like she hadn't seen him for years... But this time the adults stopped them. Apparently they were not allowed to do that anymore. Amy was torn in anger and confusion. These pesky adults were depriving her of every single source of joy she had. First they took her brother away, and now they couldn't kiss? What was wrong with that? The young ones didn't understand, but they braved through it like the educated young kittens they were. They understood that they had to keep it secret, and whenever they could they met up to share a cuddle, a kiss... And they developed their own codes. With a combined IQ that went over 250 points, they had no trouble eluding those pesky adults and finding ways to be together. But two weeks later, something changed. This time, it was Amy's turn.

It began as an itch. A tiny little itch down there in her special place she simply couldn't scratch. They came for her too, and moved her into a juvenile residence, which was quite close to Lucas. But when she tried to go out to say hi, she found the door locked. Her only link to the outside was a prerecorded voice telling her it would be over in four days, and that under no circumstance should she rub her special place for more than a few seconds. She obeyed at first, but it got worse. The itch was now a burn, deep and powerful. She could smell herself, and she could feel her nether lips swollen and sensitive... And by the second night she couldn't stand it. Like most girls on their first heat, she locked herself in the bathroom and began to furiously rub herself. They caught her within minutes. She threw a tantrum, but to no avail. She had a straightjacket put on her and she had to endure what would be the most horrible two days of her life. It burned, she knew she needed to do something about it but besides rubbing her legs, she was impotent. And in her desperation she remembered... She remembered her Lucky, and the way he had put his willy inside her... And it was at that moment she understood just what she wanted most in her life. She desired, no, she needed her brother inside her.

"Brother, help me..." She begged. Lucas nodded and undid his pants with the expertise that many runs to the bathroom had generated. He laid naked, his erect kittenhood prodding against her covered sex... She groaned impatiently.

"Lucky... Don't be a tease, please..." She said. He wasn't being a tease, he too was just dying to do it... But she was in this frantic rhythm that only heat could give a girl.

"Amy, I'm not..." he said. This was no good, trying to reason with her. He began to undo her pants, but she grabbed that hand and almost forcefully dove it under her waistband and against her sex. He cupped the girl's nether folds and gasped at the utter heat that she was giving off. This was... No wonder her state of mind. She had him rub her, and it was as if he had pressed a cold ice cube against her swollen folds. The touch of another being down there, of her twin brother... Soothed her burning better than anything. But the itch was still there, deep inside her, deeper than what they could reach with anything other than the proud little red cock her brother had.

She let go of his hand, and he finished taking off her pants. As he pulled his hand out to take the garments off, he noticed that his paw was simply covered in clear juices, sticky and hot... The sex Ed at school never said it would be this severe. He got his hands out of the way and laid his hips on hers like they had been before, but this time, there were no clothes stopping their genitals from basking in each other's warmth and touch. The gasp Amy gave once his penis pressed sideways against her swollen cunny echoed through the small soundproofed room. He too gave off a moan, and exhaled a warm breeze on his sister's neck.

With her paws on his bottom, she began to try and get him to hump her. She was sweating already, lost in the lust of their forbidden desires. He began to grind his member length-wise against her lips, his little barbs catching onto her flesh and tugging at it in a way that was so good, it became unbearable to the little girl.

"L-Lucky... No more... Please, I've been needing this for a month..." She said, pushing his hips back so she could grasp at his feline member and point its tip towards her privates, aiming for her deepest and most intimate place.

"Mate with me, brother..."

Amy was forced to remain with the straightjacket for the rest of her heat, even after they removed her ovum. It was a simple procedure, done with local anesthesia. She was awake as she felt an uncomfortable prodding and pinching, but in ten minutes it was over. They took her ovum away in a little vial, and she looked with big childish eyes as she became a mother almost against her will... By now all had been explained. The sexual education they received was comprehensive and unbiased, and some educators even asked the young ones for forgiveness as they explained it was for the survival of them all. She harbored no grudge, held no anger... In her mind they weren't the problem. They had their goals, and she had hers, and it was a mere coincidence that they were contradictory.

Lucas underwent the same education as her, and by the time she was bleeding through her first menses she was allowed to reunite with him. They talked and talked, both now finding so much meaning in what they had done a month ago... And both angry at themselves that they hadn't used that month to enjoy their little privacy. Amy told her all about her suffering and Lucas was only able to console her through a brief kiss when no one looked. She talked and talked, and finally got to the point in which she looked at him and asked a sincere question from the heart. She asked him if he would please mate her during her next heat. He didn't hesitate in nodding. Even though they had some slightly private moments in which they kissed passionately away from prying eyes, a sexual encounter was something on a different level. It wasn't something they'd get away with regularly... And so they had decided to do it only once a month, when Amy needed it the most.

The plans were set in motion, the location picked, the secret codes written... And according to her hormonal calendar, she would go into her heat on a Friday. They'd lock her up that day, and keep her locked until Sunday morning, when they would remove her ovum. It seemed to work perfectly since Lucky had to donate his sperm on Sunday night as well... And so they decided to do it on a Saturday, as close as possible to the peak of her heat. On Thursday they met on school recess for the last time, and exchanged their final agreement in their code. He hadn't seen her since, not until she had dragged him into the shadowy room.

Seeing his sister in such distress, he simply couldn't hold it anymore. With a long, shuddered moan, he slid inside her welcoming sex. His smooth and still developing penis parted her inner folds like nothing could ever do, and the girl let out a scream of pleasure so big, he thought he'd hurt her again. Yet the look on her face was quite blissful and... There was just something about her. What it was, he had no idea, but he liked seeing her like that.

"A-ah! L-Lucky...!" She whimpered with little mewls in between.

"Did it hurt again? I didn't feel anything rip this time..." He voiced.

"N-no, k-keep going. It feels... Wonderful, please..." She begged. Lucas knew exactly what a good fuck felt like, he got to have sex with a very realistic device every week. But Amy didn't know. Her only attempt at masturbation was halted that day they caught her, and she had never tried it again in fear... But now her brother, her Lucky charm, was in her. And it felt like he had penetrated her with a flamethrower. His cock felt so warm inside her, and it gave her such need, such lust... And yet it soothed on its contact.

"Okay, let me just..." He said, and began to thrust his hips. A month of weekly extenuating sperm donations meant his muscles were in prime condition to deliver those deep fast blows she craved. His barbs dug into her flesh as he pulled, only to spread and soothe on its way inside. His tip bumped slightly on her cervix as she grabbed onto her brother tightly, not letting him go.

"Nya...! Lucky!" She went in utter pleasure, raw and carnal. Every thrust soothed the desire left by the last while building up her expectations for the next one. Every time she thought her pleasure couldn't rise, it was multiplied by a specific thrust, or the feel of her brother's warm breath on her own nose as he drove his energies into that incestuous union.

"Amy, I'm not sure I'll hold..." Lucas said. He hadn't had an orgasm in a week.

"Just go ahead brother, those meanies have been making you save it... Give it all to me, cum with me... Cum in me..." She said in breathless pants. She finished her declaration with a lick over his lips and nose, like they did when they were little cubs.

No young boy would be able to last more than five minutes in that condition, and Lucas proved no exception. He could feel her fingers tense and dig painfully into his butt, her voice fading into a slight groan that somehow morphed into a moan of feral pleasure, and her sex clamped down on him in an effort to milk him dry just as he gave one last big thrust inside her.

"A-Amy...! I-I'm feeling....!" He began, his little furry orbs tight against his groin, his barbs flared and anchored to her flesh, his eyes closed as his face contorted into a strained look.

"LUCKY!!!!!!!!!" Was the cry that echoed around the room as the twins climaxed instantaneously. For Lucas the feel was something not unusual but much, much more powerful than anything he'd had before. It was as if somebody had shattered one of the ship's bio generators inside his groin and all the liquid was rushing to leave. He was tense all over like a stick as his muscles contracted rhythmically, causing his penis to spurt long and plentiful strings of fertile, pent-up cum deep inside Amy's even more fertile womb. The splashes breached her cervix and rapidly filled her womb, going so far as to fill up her Fallopian tubes as well. Any empty space inside the girl was filled with the white, creamy, life giving seed of her twin brother.

For Amy, however, it was quite different altogether. Ever since she had watched media recordings of fireworks back on earth she had been marveled by their sheer beauty and majesty, and wondered what it would feel like to be there, to watch them personally. Now, she was all but sure she knew. Her whole body tensed around her loving brother, cunny unconsciously clenching and massaging in an effort to get every single drop. Her mind exploded in a multitude of colors and sounds, and suddenly the universe seemed tiny. She took a deep breath as her lungs burned, and inhaled a barrage of scents that just prolonged her ecstasy. Their combined sweat, the smell of her heat, his own musk... She heard the little whimpers he gave and felt full, oh so full inside... It was as if he had sprayed her insides with a fire extinguisher and soothed everything, and she was left with this blissful, full feeling...


This experience lasted for about twenty seconds for Lucas, and around thirty-five for Amy. By the time her fingers stopped digging into his skin and she relaxed and began to breathe consistently, he was already limp and purring against her chest. She only heard him purr when they kissed, and she allowed herself the luxury of adding her own purring into the mix. Both kittens just laid there, exhausted and purring blissfully into each other's naked body, basking in the post-coital afterglow of their clandestine sharing of passion.

Ithaca was still... What, 800 years away? It didn't mind, really. Not for anyone on board. None would live to see it. A lovely planet, in the green zone for temperature and with confirmed liquid H2O on its surface. Nothing lived on it, not at the moment of course. It was perfect, a blank slate from which they could restart... Anyways earth had never been theirs to begin with. But this was perfect, a brand new planet... And a population eager and ready to make it home. This time they would do it right... Hopefully. But this didn't concern Lucas and Amy, they'd be long dead before they got there. Their great great great grand kids would though.

The massive ship would orbit around the planet, using a technique called aerobraking. Since they had no way of stopping the massive ship now without engines, the course had been planned so that they would enter the atmosphere just below the air limit. The friction would hopefully be enough to leave them in a stable-ish orbit. But aiming at a target like that was extremely complicated. Both ship and planet had to get to the exact spot with a margin of only twenty miles of error. And they had to be at the same exact moment... In 800 years from then. To keep on top of that, the scientists constantly monitored and redid all the calculations. If a mistake was detected, a special set of compressed CO2 exhausts was used. Half a second in a particular direction at that point in the trip moved the ship's final destination about a hundred thousand miles at its end, and with these minute little corrections they ensured that their rendezvous with their new home would be flawless. Once established on a steady orbit around the planet, scans and surveys would be used to determine an appropriate place for a colony. Then, the ship would break up in special little compartments capable of safely going down and serve as temporary installations against the hostile atmosphere. But that was many many generations in the future. For those alive at the time, the ship would be their crib, home and deathbed.

It was Amy who stopped purring first. Lucas followed a couple seconds later. Little Amy poked her cold little nose against his own, giving him soft little submissive licks. Every movement she did made his cum slosh inside her, reminding her what they had just done...

"Lucky..." She began, he stopped it with a kiss, one different from before. This one was innocent and youthful, full of love and affection for his long term cuddle-buddy and sister.

"Was it... Worth it?" He asked with a smile.

"Every second... It was ten, no, a hundred times better than anything I could imagine..." She said, giving little shivers.

"Hah... It was definitely amazing... I love you Amy..." He said, nuzzling her neck in that specific, teasing way that only brothers could, eliciting giggles out of the little girl.

"Nyaaaahahaha stop it you big meanie!" She called out to him. But she didn't want him to stop, not ever. She pulled her paws back away from her brother's butt to playfully defend herself when she noticed little red spots on her fingers. It was blood, she had pierced his skin slightly as she came. Her ears went down and she whimpered as she looked at him, showing him. But he didn't say a thing. He just... Shrugged. That big smile that she loved was still etched on his face, the only thing that she could hold constant in her life...

"Luckyyyyy" she whimpered out in a burst of affection as she hugged him hard, keeping her claws in check this time.

"Amy..." She heard him say under his breath, like her name was a naughty secret to be shared between the two of them.

"I-I'm c-cold..." She said after a while. This section received very little life support since it was supposed to be deserted during the night.

"Me too... C-come on, lets get inside this cozy little thing..." He said with a soft giggle as he noticed he had in some way made a dirty joke.

"Lucky...! You tease..." She said with a playful push to the muzzle, like she did when he was a meanie at her.

"Didn't mean it... But it's fun. We should, errr... Split up before we try to get inside the sleeping bag" he noticed. She looked at him and frowned, not happy with the idea of parting with this sense of fullness... But nodded. He began to pull out, barbs trying to keep him in and scratching her cunny in all the right places. She couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He asked as he saw her in such a weird state.

"It's just... It's so weird... Its like having a very bad, very extenuating disease every month... Yip!" She said as she felt his cock finally slide out. She could feel perfectly how his cum, under the pressure from her recovering walls, dripped out steadily from her sex. And she felt... Empty. Like someone took away a bit of her heart...

"Is it really that bad?" He asked concerned, his penis yielding to the cold air and receding into his sheath. He managed to open the sleeping bag, and both cubs cuddled up in the inside of it, snuggling warmly against each other as they spooned, naked.

"Yeah... But now I know my brother has the cure... The immediate, wonderful cure that has the only side effect of leaving me all warm and fuzzy..." She said lovingly as she purred against their combined warmth.

"And leaving us both in dire need of a bath..." He joked. She gave him a petite harmless jab with her elbow and shuffled a bit.

"Heeeey, I was trying to be romantic...." She said, pretending to be hurt but with that tone that said it was all okay.

"You shouldn't" he said. She froze and turned to face him, their naked bellies rubbing together as they looked into each other's eyes.

"What? Why?" She asked. She knew her Lucky had a deeper meaning, no boy was kinder or warm hearted as him... He couldn't mean it.

"One is romantic to generate feelings of love in one's special someone. You don't need to, I simply can't love you more than I do right now..." He said. His voice was deep, it was seductive, it was... The most beautiful thing in the world. Amy couldn't help but shed a tiny tear at his words and just pressed her body hard against his.

"You stupid, seductive, handsome twin brother... What have you done with me..." She said with a chuckle and a sniffle.

"It's not my fault you know... I'm... Simply not complete without you" he said, head buried in her chest. She had small, still developing breasts but those weren't the focus of his attention. He was simply listening to her heartbeat.

"Hah... You are... I don't know what I'd do without you..." She said, drying up her silly childish tears.

"I'm just... I'm glad I have you, Amy..." He whispered huskily into her ear.

"I'm glad I..." She said and stopped. She seemed to think of something and gave a tiny giggle. "I'm glad I got Lucky" she said with a cute playful tone. He laughed and kissed her little pun making lips like there was no tomorrow.

The two young twins snacked on the contents of Amy's backpack, drinking the much needed water and having some other assorted delights. He sometimes drove a paw down her belly, making a beeline for her sex, and just when poor Amy was tensing up and ready to receive his soothing touch he stopped at her navel and tickled her mercilessly. She laughed and flapped her arms around so he would stop, the meanie... And five minutes later she would fall for it again much to the young boy's delight.

"Argh! Lucky! You're so bad!" She chastised him playfully. He'd feign innocence, drop his ears back and look all sorry before she softened and let her guard down, and then again he went. Less than fifteen minutes after splitting up he was again prodding her lower belly with his little barbed cock, much to her enjoyment.

"Looks like you're... Ready for more. If you want to, that is" she said lovingly. She might've been twelve and all, but she was not one for dragging her brother around.

"I'd like to, but... But I'm supposed to donate tomorrow morning! It's three times, don't you think they'll notice I'm not... Producing as much?" He asked her. She shook her head.

"Just tell them you had a stressful week, that's all..." She said. She then folded her kitty ears and looked all innocent for him.

"Pleaaaaase? Do it for me? I want to feel what it's like, doing it while..." She began, and blushed embarrassed.

"While you're not a sex maniac trying to rape your twin brother? Sure, why not" he teased. She bared her teeth playfully at him, he was seriously too teasy... And she would never have him any other way.

"Okay then sis... I have an idea. Uh... Turn around like we were before..." He said softly.

"You're not planning on giving me a crash course in anal sex, are you?" The young girl asked, showing just how much the twelve year olds knew about sex. It was understandable, sexual education was a very important subject for juveniles like them, and they had two weeks of simply sex Ed after they hit puberty. And we're not just talking about the birds and the bees, they were taught things like sexual and social etiquette and how to deal with fetishes or unusual desires. Because, as everyone knew, the in-vitro pregnancy was to be a temporary measure, and once it ended no one wanted a bunch of sexually uneducated furs not knowing what to do.

"weeeeell, not unless you ask me to... I never choose the butthole when I donate, except well... Maaaaaybe once..." He joked.

"Maybe another day brother... Now I know that whatever you do, it's gonna have to last me for a month so it better be damn good..." She teased.

"Okay okay, don't put so much pressure on me..." He said with a blush. As she turned around and gave him her backside he spooned her. His cock was indeed pressing against her butthole and Amy had a rather comical expression on her face.

"Uh... Wrong hole bro..." She said in case he didn't notice. He blushed, mumbled an apology, and lowered his tip until it was on the right hole. She wasn't as feverishly hot as before, but she was quite hot and warming up again, slowly.

"You sure about this Lucky? The angle feels completely impossible... If you want we can just go out and- Hyaaaaaa...!" She went as he found a way to drive his cock inside her. Her legs squeezed together and her cunny became extremely tight for him to thrust in.

"You okay?" He asked her, stopping for a moment.

"Y-yeah, I wasn't expecting... Just... Gimme a sec... Hua..." She went. For reasons unknown the twelve year old kitten had just had a tiny orgasm. Maybe it was the angle, which made his cock stretch out her insides in ways not thought possible... Or it could be the feel of his cum going under pressure inside her as he drove in... Maybe it was just the kinky fact of being penetrated by her twin brother.

"Hah... Okies, I think... Go easy at first..." She said. He replied by dragging back to the tip and pushing back in. The barbs didn't get as much grip on this position but once he pushed in, his cock seemed... Massive. And it was pressing against something indirectly, something that she assumed would be the G-spot or simply 'that spot'.

"Oh it feels so different like this... Are you enjoying it?" He asked once he had established a slow and steady rhythm.

"Y-yaaaah.... It's nice... It's like you're... Pushing into different places... Cuddle me brother..." She begged. He complied, pressing his chest straight against her back and using only his hips. In no time hers were meeting his thrusts halfway in eager humps, and one of his paws had found grip in one of her sensitive breasts.

"Amy, I..." He began. There was not urgency in his voice so she knew he wasn't gonna cum just yet... But she didn't want him to talk.

"Shhhhh... Just mate me, Lucky... You can say all you want later, now just... Let instinct take over" she said in a shuddering moan, like her words were melting in the cold dry atmosphere of the ship.

He seemed to understand and began to squeeze her slightly hurting but sensitive breast. She moaned, shamelessly, letting anyone inside the empty soundproofed room know just how much she loved being taken by her brother... His thrusts now had some sort of drive, he was faster and deeper, and there was this one shift in body position that had him thrusting right against her special spot.

"Uwaaaah...! L-Lucky, that's the spot, r-r-right theeeeere...." She said, again her words melting down. She was in a spiral of pleasure that seemed to have no end, her fur spiking, her cunny spasming, and, and...

"Amy, I'm gonna cum..." He said between grunts. His thrusts were erratic, now without any rhythm... She knew he was in the final dash. It had been only six minutes but it was understandable for the boy... And luckily she was primed too.

"Fill me again brother, make me yours!" She said loudly, clenching her teeth.

She was about to experience a really nice and powerful orgasm when something happened. Out of pure instinct her brother bit the scruff of her neck like she was a feral cat he was breeding dominantly... And his paw was no longer at her breast. It was going down her belly, her navel... She tensed. She was like a massive rocket ready to depart and his paw was headed right for the launch button. In the split second before he touched her clit, time seemed to stop. Amy felt an unusual awareness of her surroundings. She could feel the throbs of his brother's heart, transmitted through his pulsating member that had begun to spurt even more of his thick and creamy life-giving seed. She felt his warm exhale into the bitten scruff of her neck, the slight moisture from his drool on her fur... She felt the barbs flare and dig into her cunny, making sure this male went nowhere until his seed was safely inside her... And then she felt his finger barely brushing her clit.

Her orgasm was massive, to say the least. Subject to pleasures no girl her age should be, a massive rush of endorphins flooded her veins. Her heart skipped a couple beats, her breathing stopped for a second... And then she herself exploded. Chest heaved forward, head arched back into his love bite as she bared her teeth and then screamed. She screamed hard, not caring about anything at all. Her feral display of ultimate pleasure echoed through the small room as she simply let out that high pitched sound that told anyone that heard it that she was getting mated, bred... The sound morphed into a meow somehow, yet did not diminish in its strength. Her claws popped out but this time she used the sleeping bag, which ended with a couple nasty tears. Her legs shook and failed, her body trembled and went limp, and in her head something deep clicked on. Her feral meow finally died down, and her lungs made her pant for air as she eased into the choppy waters of post-orgasmic relaxation. She was shivering like she was freezing, and had grabbed the boy's arm so hard she had left him a slight bruise. But slowly she came out of it, relaxing every muscle in her body as she groaned and then whined softly. Her panting brother let go of her neck, and looked at her concerned.

"Amy...? What... The hell?" He asked.

"Oh Lucky.... Oh if you could just feel that... I don't know what you were doing but... It felt... Amazing..." She said between pants and gasps.

"You almost burst my ears... Was I really that good?" He asked, not able to suppress his masculine pride.

"S-sorry brother..." She said. As he asked that she gave a mean grin and grabbed his paw. She pulled it down and then placed it in contact with her cunny.

"You tell me" she said confidently. Her sex was, literally, soaked. And not in his cum. At first young Lucas thought she'd peed herself but... The consistency was sticky and it smelled strong...

"Oh gosh, Amy... How did you even...?" He began to ask. Neither noticed that his cock was still slightly spurting seed inside her.

"It's easy, having an orgasm like that..." She said in a pride filled voice. "Just leave it to the best boy in the world and he'll do the rest" she said. This girl was in love and had no problem letting him know that.

"Amy I... Love you more than anything on this ship. Please, never forget me..." He said. It was completely silly, she would never ever forget him of course! But it was damn cute.

"I'll never go anywhere... You know why?" She asked, turning her head so their noses were brushing faintly.

"Why?" He asked, out of breath, as his cock finally stopped squirting... But it was no longer the focus of attention.

She giggled like only a girl in love can, and looked into those beautiful green eyes.

"Because I'm a Lucky girl" she said. He just looked at her.

"Now you're just being silly" he said with a smile right before the girl smacked her lips on top of his.

"Speculum" the otter asked. Her young age was no measure of her intelligence, being 27 and a medical prodigy. She was handed the instrument and an anesthetized Amy felt an odd cold in her girl parts.

"Alright, getting ready to insert ovum harvester... The hell?" She asked. All turned to her in the procedure room. Amy paled.

The girl had left begrudgingly after about four hours of incestuous mating and sibling cuddling. Lucas had gotten home safe, without much problem. Amy, after disposing of the shredded sleeping bag and other evidence in the old incinerator there was on the back of the room, went home. She avoided guards and patrols easily, and she was back into her room in no time. Once safe in the privacy of her room, she had gotten a vaginal shower and went to clean herself. She almost triggered the heartbeat sensor as she inserted the small plastic thingy, mainly because it reminded her just what had been up there an hour ago. She used the shower, given to all girls in heat so they could put some water and at least mitigate the effects, to clean off most of the cum inside her. She giggled to herself naughtily as she saw just how much semen her brother had dumped into her sex. Once satisfied she was clean for the next day's ovum harvesting she went to bed with the biggest, most naughty grin a girl her age had ever had.

But apparently she didn't cover up perfectly.

"There are scratch marks all over her vaginal canal. She was mated, less than a day ago... By another feline" she said. Everyone looked at little Amy, who blushed like never before and wished she could just disappear.

"Young one, did someone force you to do this?" The female otter between her legs asked. She shook her head carefully.

"Impossible, she was locked up during her estrus! Look!" A male said, a bit older than the otter, as he began to pull some data from a terminal. "See? Her door was closed the entire day..." He said. He was evidently angry.

"Well, apparently somebody has bested your infallible system, Dr. Soto" the otter said. There were chuckles. The older male looked displeased.

"Well, we will launch an investigation into the matter. Will you harvest the damn thing already?" He asked, his long skunk tail swishing about.

"Harvest it? There's no ovum here. There is a ninety nine percent chance that this girl here was impregnated. And if she has, there's no chance we will be able to grow an in-vitro fetus out of it" she said. She very slowly removed the speculum. Amy was pale but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"So? What is one embryo worth when we could get eight instead of it? Just perform the procedure and we'll harvest her new ovum next month" the male doctor said. The orderlies looked like they were watching a tennis match, their attention jumping from here to there and then back to whoever was talking. Amy's head was spinning.

"And what if she goes into a pseudo pregnancy? What then? Her hormonal processes are probably started, we could end up with no baby at all. Even put her in danger!" The female otter said.

"It isn't important, we can't make an exception out of this girl without risking the whole plan; the fecundity plan MUST CARRY ON!" The male doctor said, slamming his fist on a desk. Amy was crying now from the sheer terror of what could happen to her and the violence of the situation.

"IT ALREADY DID!" The female otter said, rising from her seat and dropping the lubed speculum on the floor. "It's been three years. We have 38 thousand new babies in the nurseries. We are past the quota, we are good!" She said. The male, furious, threw a beaker to the floor, shattering it.

"NO! THIS PLAN WILL GO ON!" He said. He was obviously in a psychotic attack.

"Sedate him!" Was the cry. Amy couldn't turn her head enough to see. They subdued him, and took him away. The female otter returned and looked at Amy with a sincere smile.

"Sorry for that, Hun... Dr. Soto was one of the original creators of the plan... And guess he liked the power too much" she said, wiping a bit of her own blood from a cut on her brow.

"What's going to happen to me?" She asked, concerned.

"We'll monitor you. Make sure you have a good pregnancy. You will deliver the baby... Hopefully" She said, cleaning up the mess. Amy was still crying, but not entirely out of fear right now.

"Oh now now, don't cry... Listen, I know it might not seem like a good idea but if you could tell me how you got... Well, pregnant... I might be able to help you more..." She said. Amy looked at her, ready eyes full of hope, and was met with a friendly smile once more.

"It all started two months ago..."

Later that night, a naked Lucas was brought up to the donor room. He quickly chose his favorite, a bottom that looked similar to Amy's. With the vigor that only young boys had, he began to mate with the elaborate device as a nurse scribbled notes. He came once, mildly, and was allowed twenty minutes of rest and water. Then again. The second one barely trickled cum into the transparent reservoir. The nurse looked at him.

"Something wrong young man?" She asked. He panted in exhaustion.

"Y-yeah just... I've been under a lot of stress lately..." He said, hoping hard that she would buy it.

"I see. We all are. The news were just shocking..." She began.

"News?" He asked, concerned, as he looked at the equine's face.

"Why of course! The whole ship is buzzing about it. Apparently the quota for the reproductive effort was reached... You won't be coming to your appointments from now on, almost no one will..." She said, pensive and even melancholic.

"Oh right! That, yeah, I've been hearing that..." He lied.

"But you're probably concerned about the new work reform, are you?" She asked.

"Completely, yes, it's just hard to believe..." Lucas said, bluffing and hoping she wouldn't notice that he was just pretending to know.

"Well, if the working age were reduced to thirteen on account of all the newborns we have on the ship, and I was twelve, I'd be flipping out with stress... So don't worry about your third one, its not like we need it. I'm just doing this so all the young boys who have waited for a week to get some relief don't get blue-balled" she said, handing him a candy. He popped the candy into his mouth and looked at her in a thankful smile.

"ffaanffs" he said, mouth full.

"No problem young one... You better go home and think about who you want to be your housemate, since you'll be moving out of juvenile as soon as you become thirteen..." She said. He took his time to swallow the candy.

"Do we get to live with someone else?" He asked, his fur standing on edge. Could it be?

"Of course. A special someone. Generally it's the opposite sex but if you want another boy, it's totally fine. But you'll have to donate sperm every once in a while for the gene pool, so I think we'll hang on to these butts" she said, affectionately giving one of the butt-like devices a slap.

"And it can be, anyone? Like, what if you don't have a special someone?" He asked, getting his clothes on.

"If you don't find someone then you can just move in with a friend... Or family. I understand you were born naturally?" She said. He nodded.

"I did... Yeah. So, guess I won't be seeing you again" he said. She nodded.

"Unless your special someone is a boy. But by the grin on your face you already know who you're picking" she said, giving him some more candy for the trip home. He noticed he had been grinning and blushed. After saying goodbye he ate the candy, savoring the treat while he looked up at the fake sky they had designed for the spaceship. This was beyond good, this was... He chuckled and swallowed the candy before taking off for his soon to be his former residence. He then spotted a familiar pair of ears, being escorted home by an adult. He froze, she had been caught! And yet as soon as the girl noticed him she ran towards her brother like she hadn't seen him in years.

"Lucky!!!" She said in ecstasy. He hugged her back and then pointed at the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Amy's gynecologist. So you're Lucky, the famous troublemaker?" She asked with a smile.

"I uh... Wha... Huh?" The young boy said confused. Amy nudged him and smiled.

"It's okay kids, you're not in any trouble... Not from me anyway. I'm only here to supervise Amy during the next nine months" she said, before blushing and looking away. Perhaps Amy didn't want him to know just yet...?

"Nine months... Oh, you mean the time until we leave juvenile and get our own place?" He asked. The otter let out a sigh of relief, she hadn't blown the secret.

"Yeah, that's exactly it brother... Come on. I'm craving food, and lots of it" Amy said with a giggle.

"Yeah, I could eat this whole ship right now... lets go to the upper food district!" He said with a beaming smile.

"Sure! Bye Dr!" She said cutely, waving at the otter.

"Bye kids, take care..." She told them and then sighed softly. She couldn't help but feel touched by the twins' story...

"I have so much to tell you, brother" Amy said, wrapping her fingers around his own. He sighed softly, he had grown addicted to holding hands with her.

"Oh, me too... But food comes first. Can I get a hint though?" He asked in sheer feline curiosity.

"Hmmm..." She began. "Lets just say you rubbed off some of your luck on me" she said. The boy looked at her confused. She squealed lovingly and pulled him in for a quick, clandestine kiss.

"You'll see" was all she said.
