Growing Contact (Commission for Dcrest13)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

Well, I did it. I wrote my first Commission, and finally got it done. Big thanks to dcrest13 who decided to throw money at me!

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Commission for Dcrest13

By CimmaronSpirit

**WARNING: Contains muscle and cock growth, hyperphallics, excessive semen, alien body takeovers, transformation, narcissism, mind changes and all this happens to an otter. I'm not sure which one of those is the weirdest thing! Enjoy! **

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"What do you mean, you lost it?" a gruff, exasperated voice barked out.

From behind a large desk, decorated with military figurines and stacks of important looking documents stood a large German shepherd in a colonel's uniform, with a chest full of ribbons that detailed his entire military career for anyone who would take the time to look. His eyes showed signs of age, but one could barely tell with the deadly stare he was giving the small green chameleon in a white lab to do his best to keep his composure in front of the officer, but failing miserably.

"I have no idea! The Subject was in its container one moment, and the next it was gone!" the lizard squeaked back. "I was not aware that it could go through the glass like it did. But it should still be here in the base!"

The German shepherd growled, before pulling out a walkie talkie and barking into it. "Attention all personal; Code Red; Emergency Lockdown Procedures! On the double!"

Immediately, red warning lights turned on, and sirens began wiling through the small military installation, which from the outside looked like a rather ordinary warehouse, designed so to hide what was truly happening inside. Guards in combat gear and fully loaded and drawn weapons began running down the halls to their posts. The scientists and technicians who worked there were herded into several rooms to keep them safe, as they had trained many times before. Many were wondering why the entire facility was on lockdown, but no one dared speak up about it. There was some reason for it, they knew, but most of them wouldn't have been told what it was that was happening, as it was of a higher security clearance than they have.

"Remember, you are looking for a source of heat, about the mass of a football," the colonel barked through his walkie-talkie to the soldiers as the search dragged on.

"It could become anything! A computer, a rug, a picture, a sheet of paper, a pebble!" the chameleon added on. "And when you find it... make sure it's alive."

The lockdown was in effect for hours, a specially trained team of soldiers combing every inch of the base. However, after the first pass through the building, it became clear that their target was gone.

"This is a disaster. A crisis! Who knows what that thing will do!" the German Shepherd angrily growled to the reptilian scientist after a second and a third search turned up nothing.

The chameleon sighed. "I don't know. We were only beginning to find out its true potential, and possibly it's programming, but we had much work left to fully uncover its secrets."

The colonel continued growling. "We will have to start searching the community, but it will have to be done quietly. We can't afford to unleash panic right now."

The scientist could only nod as he nervously gripped onto his lab coat.

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It really didn't have a name, or at least it didn't have one that could be pronounced by the beings of this habitable planet, so for now it really only recognized itself as "Subject." It was the name which the scientist had been using to refer to it. From what could be discerned from studying Subject, it was extraterrestrial in nature though it was unknown how exactly it was found, or, more likely, that was classified beyond the scientist's security clearance.

Subject was a living robot to put it simply; it was capable of some rational thought, replicating itself into any object, and momentary stealth, all in the form of a goo like substance that could expand and contract as needed. However, the unknowingly brutal techniques of the scientists to study it had damaged its thought process to the point where Subject could only think of a few goals: escaping it's captors, finding a suitable host, and reproduction being the top of the list.

It had escaped the base rather easily: it simply made itself invisible when the lizard had turned its back, and when the scientist opened the container to look for it, it slipped out. For the next two hours it did what it could to avoid detection, and managed to make its way out of the base. Now Subject looked like a large rock on the side of the street, recovering from the first part of its adventure. It would need all its energy for the second and most important stage.

It was about midafternoon when Subject finally awoke from its hibernation. For the first time since it got out of the military base, it sensed an earthling. It began to scan the surrounding areas until it found a moving figure, and began to focus on it alone.

Using the scientists measurements that it had picked up, Subject determined that the earthling was only five feet tall, which made it much shorter than average. It was covered in a short, thick brown fur with only a short amount on his head, and had a long, thick tail that was almost as long as itself. Pearched on his short muzzle full of sharp teeth was a pair of glasses, which Subject knew was to help those Earthlings with vision problems. Its arms and legs were shorter than what was considered proportionate with other Earthlings, and his hands and paws looked like they had flesh between the individual digits for some reason lost to the alien mind, and sharp claws at the tips. After a brief moment of thought and going through the vast data stores he possessed, a name came to Subject to describe the creature it was looking at, that being "Otter."

Otter was clearly not very strong as the creature did not have the indications of large muscles in its arms, legs and upper body. After stumbling on a crack in the sidewalk, Subject also thought it may not be the most agile creature, and not very perceptive of its surroundings. Otter's size, strength, awkwardness and lack of perception together equaled, from what Subject had observed in the lab, that it was not the most attractive of possible earthlings, and most likely in the lower quadrants.

While a rather unassuming and diminutive specimen that otherwise should have been ignored, two features stood out and made Subject decide it was the perfect specimen for its purpose's A quick scan of Otter's brain activity picked up huge fluctuations, making it clear that he was intelligent and a logical earthling. The second factor, and this time much easier to detect, was that it was a "Male" of the species, and a younger, more virile one at that. Due to the "Male" capability to using its sexual instrument to spread its reproductive fluids in a shooting motion, Subject had decided early on that it would be more suitable than a "Female," where this would be more difficult, and made reproduction more time consuming.

The issue of species was irrelevant to being a host, while strength and agility could be fixed by Subject. However a hosts gender and intelligence could not be changed easily, especially without more energy and strength, which Subject didn't have.

Subject determined that Otter would be a suitable host, all in less than a fraction of a second. It immediately began to shift from its hidden rock form into invisibility and moved onto the sidewalk, in front of the otter. If all went right, he should be able to be picked up by Otter and taken to its dwelling where the Hosting process could fully take place, away from where other earthlings could see what happened. Phase two was now well underway.

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Jano shuffled along the sidewalk, and barely noticed that he had stepped on a rather warm part of the sidewalk before continuing on. The trek from the closest bus stop that went to his college and his home was long, and the non-athletic otter was too tired to care much about what was happening around him.

Jano opened his mouth wide and yawned loudly. "God, am I tired," he muttered. It had only been a couple weeks since classes started for college, and after breezing through his last year of high school, the otter was suddenly in over his head in his freshman year and found himself struggling to stay on top of his school work. Without a part time job or a social life, Jano was more able to maintain a high academic standard, but the classes and long traveling still drained him every day.

After another ten minutes of walking, the otter at last reached his home, a small white three bedroom, one bathroom house on the edge of the industrial district. Jano fumbled for his keys, and finally managed to find the right one, and unlocked the door.

When he finally got inside, he noticed a note on the wall, signed by his father. Jano glanced at it, picked up the keywords "gone," "three," "days," "work," and sighed. Having a father who was a trucker was taxing, especially after Jano's mom left the family for a younger man five years ago.

"Thanks dad," the otter muttered, padding through the kitchen. He opened the fridge to find some left over sushi from the night before, which was quickly eaten.

The young otter continued to his room at the back of his house, and after shutting the door, flopped into his office chair, which barely squeaked at the diminutive figure landing in it. He turned on his computer, and turned around, pulling out his books. While he may be tired, he wasn't going to rest until he got most of it done.

He glanced over at the wall as notebook after notebook came out, at the posters of the big burly muscle builders and wrestlers he had admired from a young age posed and strutted. Jano sighed, knowing from both experience and trying, that he would never get to look like that. An otter's body was designed to be think and lanky, and the few that managed to put on any muscle whatsoever were usually 'roid users or hybrids of some kind. Jano didn't have either, so he was stuck as a pip squeak.

Jano looked to the poster of one particularly muscled wolf, roaring out as he flexed over a defeated opponent. If only...

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Subject took the moment that Otter looked away to slip off its foot and slip up onto the desk near the computer, which was very primitive to the alien. However, after seeing the scientist using them, it figured out those Earthlings used the "mouse" for interaction with the computer. It quickly absorbed itself into the mouse, and prepared for the completion of its integration with its chosen host.

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Jano turned back to his computer which was now fully booted up and took hold of the mouse, which felt warm for some reason. He picked it up and turned it in his hands as he looked at it, but didn't notice anything off about it. The otter shrugged, and began to carry on when he noticed that the mouse wasn't clicking or sliding across the desk like usual.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Jano wondered, as he picked up the mouse again. This time, focusing harder through his glasses, he noticed there was a shine to the plastic mouse that he never noticed before. He tried to pick at it, to look at what exactly was on his mouse.

The shiny film on the mouse suddenly faded away, and Jano gasped as he felt a tingle run up his right paw, and quickly rush through his whole body, as if something was oozing through his skin and into his body.

The otter dropped the mouse and pushed himself back from his desk, a look of shock on the young mustelid's face. Jano's body began shaking as the tingling increased in tempo and fully occupied his entire body.

Infiltration complete, something in Jano's mind said out loud, almost robotically. Beginning Host Occupation and Conversion Process. A little bing went off, making Jano wince. Discovery of Perfect Earthling Body to convert to. Please stand by.

"What?" Jano cried out in surprise. "What the hell is going on?"

Detecting Host Confusion. Preparing Information Transfer.

A second later images and memories that Jano had never seen before flooded his mind. The thing that was in him now was from a different planet, a mixture of an alien and a robot and designed to survey other worlds. The programing the scout had was to survey a planet, which in the alien's language was unpronounceable, but the alien had since learned the inhabitents had called Earth. Then there were the memories that now filled the otter's head: the dark, cold emptiness of space, crashing into a field, surveying the surroundings, observing the society and culture of the Earthlings. Then it was captured by the military force of the planet despite the massively advanced technology the scout had. Next it was in a room of people in white lab coats, the pain as they experimented on it, calling it Subject.

Then more recent memories filled the otter's mind: escaping, hiding from the military men. Then finding a suitable host... Otter. Jano.

"What are you doing to me?" Jano said, more calm than before now that he knew what was inside him. It was odd though, and he couldn't get over the fact that there was something that somehow managed to travel millions of light years was now residing in his body.

Further Clarification sought the alien voice in Jano's head intoned. "Otter" is to be made suitable for reproduction purposes. Please prepare for Body Modification Procedures.

Before the otter could say anything, a deep tingle rushed through his body, warmer this time and seemingly focused on his groin. The otter moaned and shivered, looking down as he could feel his jeans tent outwards as his manhood grew hard from the sudden stimulation. Jano had seen his cock trying to push out many a time before, but as the heat began to pulse through his body to the beating of his heart, he swore that the bulge he was familiar with was... bigger?

Jano stood up, making his office chair roll across the floor and collide with the wall. He reached a paw down and he could feel his cock pushing against the fabric. He gave an exploratory squeeze which made him moan, to suddenly realize that it wasn't even hard.

"What the hell?" Jano gasped, rushing to undo his jeans. Every time his webbed paws stroked over his crotch when he was trying to pull them off he shuddered, little electric sparks racing through his body. He kept a transfixed gaze on his crotch, so that even when his normally short hair suddenly grew so long as to cover over his eyes, only a momentary brush was all Jano would to allow himself full, unrestricted access to the bulge down there. No thought went into why his hair was suddenly long enough to obstruct his vision.

When at last the denim pants fell to the floor and pooled around his legs, he stood in shock and awe as his underwear continued to push out further and further. He could feel every brush of cotton against his privates, which made the fattening cock finally start to stiffen. His underwear pushed out further and further until the semi-rigid cock flung itself out of the tight prison, slapping heavily on the otter's shirt covered torso. It was already as thick and long as a plastic bottle, and with every beat of Jano's heart, it surged up another inch in length.

Jano reached a paw to feel it, to see if it was true. Did his cock go from being an average six inches to this monster? When his paw finally did touch the hot flesh, Jano cried out and fell to his knees as the shock of sheer desire rushed through him. The growing pole jerked upward again, reaching past Jano's navel, and despite its new, hefty weight, pulled itself upward. Pre began to ooze out of the tip; a thick, viscous fluid that shimmered in the late afternoon light that filled the otter's room.

"Can I... should I?" the otter asked himself as his mind tried to wrap around his bodies sudden changes and the feelings that were now rushing through him, as his short muzzle leaned forward, and his tongue darted out to his cock that was now in reach and tasted the dripping preseed. The flavor, something that was sweeter than the salty, bitter seed that he had tried once before, was a nectar to Jano now, and the greedy young man latched his mouth over his cock, suckling the divine liquid into his mouth. Something in the back of his mind registered that his lips were covering more of the massive manstick in his mouth, but the thought that his lips had grown obscenely massive was again quickly banished. He fell backwards, but the pain from landing on the floor was replaced with a mind altering need for the delicious syrup that only his body could provide.

The Alien parasite now kicked Jano's body into overdrive. The heat spread through Jano's whole body, making the otter shudder and moan around his huge organ now in his mouth. The muscles that Jano always dreamed of began to grow, tearing and healing themselves at a rapid rate that would have taken an ordinary person weeks, if not months, of constant working out to achieve. His height also began inching upwards, soon making him tower over his college classmates, especially the jocks that prided themselves on their body and their physical prowess.

His arms grew bigger, with his biceps and triceps fighting for space on his arm, before giving up and instead pushing outwards as his forearms had already done until they looked more like boulders had replaced his upper arms. His webbed paws grew larger, each finger thickening out until the hand sausages were nearly too thick to curl into a fist.

"Fuck yeah!" Jano murmured around his cock as his arms grew bigger out of the side of his eyes. His manhood was no longer dripping pre, but shooting it out to be swallowed by the insatiable otter. The massive otter paws grabbed hold of his massive cock, the fingers unable to touch each other around the shaft that would make stallions ashamed.

His shoulders weren't too far behind, with his delts and traps growing every larger to accommodate and uphold the weight of his massively larger limbs. Jano's pecs, seeking to match his arms, ballooned out larger than Jano's head and taking on the density of hard rock. Down his back, thick muscles quickly built up, his lats and oblique muscles growing bulkier and making the perfect V shape that every body builder strived for, but that only Jano possessed.

Jano's stomach bulged out, but not with fat, but with six perfectly chiseled abs that were packed so tight that they might as well have been bricks in a wall. The little bit of pre that escaped the otter's muzzle ran down through the canyons of his pecs and abs, pooling back around near where it started.

The otter's legs bulged out, his quads and hams and calves becoming more like trees than anything of flesh and bone in their size, dwarfing even the largest body builder. His tail, long neglected, also grew longer and thicker, and as the otter's pleasure increased the tail grew longer and thrashed around, pulverizing anything and everything on the floor in its path. Below Jano's tail, his ass, formerly unremarkable, now hardened and grew into a perfect bubble butt, one that any guy would drool to have either on him or to fondle and worship. His foot paws were the last to catch up, growing larger and thicker to hold the massive weight of the otter that now owned them.

Jano at last had to pull himself away from his cock, taking a deep breath. During the entire time the rest of his body got larger, his manhood was maintaining something close to proportion. But now the even longer pole sprung forward and surged higher until it was about the height the otter was before the alien thing started changing him. His testicles and ballsac ballooned out to a insanely ridiculous size; they were so large that even his new massive legs had to be pushed outward to accommodate the gurgling, sloshing bulk now hanging under this cock. The output of his genitalia increased from about a garden hose to something more like a fire hose as if a dam somewhere behind his cock burst. The clear pre began to come out with such force that it could have been mistaken for a climax, but Jano knew, deep inside, that when that finally happened, it would be many, many, many times bigger.

"God... give it... to me!" the massive otter gasped in a deep rumble, squeezing and stroking his cock as fast and as hard as he could. Jano could feel his massive balls shift and shudder, and the tingling feeling of his seed race up through his massive shaft until his cock jerked, and it began with a deep roar of masculine power and lust.

Shot after massive shot flew from the tip of the massive otter cock each one bigger than the one before. Jano's face, chest, stomach, floor, walls, ceiling and everything in between was covered by the massive load of spunk, turning it all a lewd white, creamy color. Jano's eyes rolled back as his first orgasm as a hyperphallic, super muscled beast overwhelmed his body. He never wanted it to end... he just wanted to lay there, cumming and cumming, over and over again...

Although it felt like hours, in reality had only been several long minutes, the flow finally subsided until soon he was only leaking pre again from his still hard cock. The otter panted heavily, drinking in the cum all around his muzzle and the supper masculine scent that now filled his entire room.

Host Occupation and Conversion Process Complete the alien voice in his mind chimed out through the fog of sex and lust that filled Jano's mind. Host is to be warned of many side effects, including narcissistic tendencies, permanent sexual stimulation, constant sexual fluid discharge, and...

"Those aren't side effects," the otter moaned, shuddering as his deep voice turned him on again. "Those are the best parts!"

The alien voice continued to yammer on, about how things were different, and how everything worked in his body now, but Jano didn't care anymore. He had to see his new body, to revel in his new body. He pushed himself up off the cum soaked floor, and with his massive spurting cock leading the way, the otter found his way to the single bathroom in the house. When Jano got his bulk inside, which was tricky due to the rather small size, his vision was instantly met with the sight of a muscle bound otter with a massive prick that was constantly leaking seed over everything. He grinned, and struck a few poses and caressed every inch of his body that he could reach, each flex and grope making his cock spurt a larger load over the bathroom tiles.

"Damn! I'm sexy!" Jano grinned, flexing some more as he continued to admire his new body. This body was for a sex god, not some college student. This body was to be shown off, to be admired and praised! Porn, sex shows, every body building completion... it was all open to him now. Jano was going to do it all.

The front doorbell rang, snapping the otter from his self-loving streak. He grumbled as he wiggled himself out of the bathroom to see who it was.

From the front window he could several men, in business suits, sunglasses and briefcases standing near the door. Jano grinned as he made his way to the door. Agents and casters were already looking for him! This was going to be great!

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This couldn't have been any worse, the black suited, brown furred horse sighed. Government agents normally looking out for aliens or something that would threaten the world, and they had to be dragged in to this mess the army got itself into. If that alien had just been given to them, like they army should have, it wouldn't have escaped. Of course, if the alien did get in their hands, it would then get into his hands, and the horse already had a place for it to go

Fortunately panic had been avoided, thanks to the miracle of mind-erasing technology. No one knows they exist, and no one knows that they are looking for aliens. Good enough, right?

Well, this was the last house in this neighborhood. If it wasn't here, then the alien must have escaped, and the search for it then would be really difficult. All well, anything and everything that needed to be done would be done to get it.

A deep rumble from inside the house echoed out, which made the other black suited fox wince a bit, but the horse stood still. It was just a trucker and his son who lived here, how bad could it be?

The door flung itself open, and the horse's mouth dropped open at the sight. A massive otter stood in the doorway, close to seven feet tall, with so much muscle that it was amazing that he could walk. But the things that really stood out was the insanely long hair that cascaded from the otter's head, the incredulously puffy lips, and the five foot long cock that was oozing seed at a copious rate.

"Yay! My new agents are here already!" the otter squealed, his cock suddenly spooging all over both of them.

The two government agents were shocked at the sudden outburst, but as the horse opened his mouth, the pungent, musky semen slipped into his mouth and was involuntarily swallowed. The horse shuddered as a heat quickly began to rush through his body.

Beginning Host Occupation and Conversion Process a robotical, otherworldly voice suddenly echoed through the horse's head, making the horse's eyes widen.

"Oh shit, this isn't going to be good."

A Sticky Situation (Halloween Story)

**Submission for Short Stories and Tall Tales Halloween Contest (FA)** **By CimmaronSpirit** **\*\*WARNING: Contains: zombies, living latex creatures, absorption, oral/anal/cock vore, spooge, macro/muscle/cock growth, hyper, destruction, and rampage....

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Camping Trip

By CimmaronSpirit **\*\*WARNING: Contains Transformation, gay sex, anal, muscle gut, muscle and cock growth, a deer and a bear. Plus drama. And a crisis, climax, resolution: an actual PLOT for once. What have I become, putting an actual story in porn?...

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Making Assumptions (Request for PaulShep on FA)

By CimmaronSpirit For PaulShep \*\*WARNING: Nudity and donkey transformation. That's it. This is the shortest warning I've ever written!\*\* The sun began to set in the west as the lonely car continued down the dusty road. The glare of the sun made...

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