The Witch's House: Chapter 2

Story by Atmik on SoFurry

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#2 of The Witch's House

The quartet are in the house, naked and angry. They are getting ever closer to the room of the witch, hopefully in a state fit to fight her antics.

A short series of mine, where this is is the second chapter. This part of the story contains sex, transformation, mind-control, minor "violence", sub-ordinance and sexual domination.

Any sort of feedback is welcome, be it a vote, comment or a favorite! Positive or negative: it will all help, and is greatly appreciated!

Have an enjoyable read!

Chapter 2

Unfortunate as it was, the wide range of meat dissipated in rapt manner from the table, leaving the gang fighting each other to get the last bits. Ambrose's skin tingled as he happily toothed the bloody beef he had got his hands on. Undercooked? Fuck that. Is the best I've had. He wiped his face with the provided water and towel, feeling bloated but ready to eat more where no more was to be find. Feeling like a rabid dog who hadn't eaten in days; that thought quickly disappearing from his mind, "You still sayin' we shouldn't have eaten it Vertos?"

"I have to admit that it was fantastic, but I still have my doubts. I used to hate, puked at the very thought of, eating red meat - but just the smell enticed me to eat a single bite, after that I couldn't help myself and I still long for more. It tastes great and it shouldn't." His shoulders lowered heavily in a sigh, "Something's not right here and..."

Vertos boring tone lost Ambrose's attention, which was quickly turned to the other two.

"... airy?"

"Wha' you mean I go' hairy? I always was. You're the one who's hairier."

"Fuck off. There were more than one reason they called me Scaredy dog in the aca..."

"They did?"

"...demy. Because I run like one, and 'cause of my pelt of fur. No need to tease me 'bout it."

Valens laughed at that, "When I served, they used to-"

Ambrose was sure neither of them had the same pelt as he when he woke up in the other room, but as their stories grew thicker, new memories entered his mind. Making him doubt himself: It must have been a trick of the light, he reasoned, because he knew magic wasn't real. The tingling feeling from before had yet to stop, Ambrose started scratching the fur covering his body, hoping he didn't have fleas again.

"Vertos. There are two doors, perhaps you should choose this time?"

He shook his head.

"Last time I had to choose between two doors, we ended up naked."

This time he nodded.

"So. Get. Your. Furry ass. Off the chair. And pick a door then!"

"They lead to the same place, it doesn't matter which one we pick. While you were busy admiring the adoring roof painting above, I checked them out. Besides, they are right next to each other ... on the same wall. You pick which door to take, there is no strange smell. Open the door, slightly, look in, they lead to the same room."

"... to the same room?" Ambrose asked, confused.

"To the same room."

"Why would the witch do that?"

"Why would she strip you naked?"

"She wants me, like ev'ry bitch."

"And if she wants you, is it not safe to say that whatever door we pick, we will still get to her?"

Ambrose snorted at Vertos' so-called logic. "Then why give us a choice a' the start? Bad smell, nice smell. Different rooms. Why would the fucker give us a choice then, or now?"

"To lull us into a sense of comfort-"

"Well tha' has worked so far. Only time nothin' bad happened was when we couldn't choose."

"Fuck, enough with you two theorising, pick a door so we can get out of here sooner." Callidus must have stood there listening to them. "Or I'll go."

"You go?" Valens stuttered over the words, his eyes wide.

"You go." Ambrose looked at Callidus, grinning, "What's the worst tha' could be in there? A spider wantin' to eat you for dinne'?"

"Is the same room Vertos says, so go."

Callidus went for the right door, and peered in. He must have decided it was safe as he walked inside and looked around himself, smiling. Ambrose pushed on in, seeing another barren room, except for a podium and vase in the middle. "Three doors?" Ambrose looked at Vertos whose mouth was agape. "We certainly got choices now, don't we?"

Ambrose walked around the vase, looking at it, it was done in the Ancient Kinnalian style. There were three black dogs on the orange background, their penises erect, staring at each other. The emotion in their faces was unclear to him, but Ambrose assumed it must've been lust. What else could the orange detailing mean? He had no time to ponder the idea as Valens suddenly pushed the vase down to the ground, shattering it into a thousand pieces. "Wha' a' you doing?!" He shrieked, shocked. A spider crawled out below the pieces of the vase, as the same pleasant aroma from before spread across the room, released from a hole where the vase had stood.

He blacked out.

Waking up, Ambrose saw the others sitting in a corner, discussing something. A pulsing pain came from his neck - two small bumps were there, and he felt the pain increase as he pushed on them. He looked around himself, the blood of a squashed bug splattered on the floor. "Wha' happened?"

Vertos analysis was short and descriptive,"We passed out. Spider bit us."

"Wha' kind of spider was it?"

"Never saw it."

All of a sudden, he felt horny, his cock growing rapidly into an erect state.

"But, I think I know its effect." Vertos stood up, showing his cock protruding proudly from his furred sheath. A sheath? Ambrose licked his lips, shaking the thought from his mind. Course he has a sheath. I'm an idiot. Callidus and Valens both stared at the two standing men, their eyes filled with the same lust as was in Vertos' eyes.

"All the more reason to find tha' bitch then. Rip her apart like a whore under the fornices." Valens jumped in. Jumping onto his feet stretching out his arm to help Callidus up in one motion, his cock bouncing up and down as a result.

Transfixed at Valens' crotch, Ambrose replied: "Fuck that bitch - find her and rip her apart. Sounds good to me." He pondered asking them for privacy, to let some steam off, but then he frowned upon the devilish idea, the sin it would be. "Three doors. We need to pick one. Last time I-"

"had to choose, we ended up naked." Callidus finished the sentence, "And, eh, when I picked we ended up..." He paused, eyes darting from crotch to crotch, scared to look for more than a second, "We ended up like this. So it ain't going to be me taking the blame."

"Valens, you interested?" The guardian startled, closed his mouth and fixed on Ambrose.

"In what? You?"

"In picking a door, fuckwit." Vertos voice was strained, "Who knows what lurks behind the next corner, what her plan is? We might not have changed at all as the rumors said, but we are nude and eager to fuck. She isn't even using real magic. Smoke and mirrors is all it is," he smirked, "all we need are some mirrors of our own."

"Fuck, I seem to be out of silver nitrate. Got some to spare, Valens?"

"Silver ni-what?" Valens looked at Callidus, not understanding.

Ambrose ignored the two. "A plan. A way to trick her?"

"Exactly Ambrose. A way to trick her."

Ambrose was eager to continue, feeling the pressure rise within him. Vertos' cock was larger than his, and had his black fur not covered his face, the others would have seen him blush. Always the smallest. Always the omega. He recalled his friends forcing him down on his knees, forcing him to worship their wonderful bodies, forcing him to enjoy every minute of it. He shook his head, "And how you propose we do that?"

A half-crooked smile appeared on Vertos' face, "By playing her game."

"Lead th' way." Ambrose grinned, "lead th' way."

The room lacked the light of the other rooms, dim darkness laying over it. The ground was soft to walk on - it must have been another carpet. Ambrose was not quite sure. He grabbed his cock, pulled it a few times forth and back, aware no one would see it in the dark, the meat was sensitive after hiding in its sheath for so long. He imagined himself on his knees, on all fours ta-

"Fucking hell - what do we do Ambrose?" It was Callidus' manner of speech, but not his voice. He sounded authoritative, demanding, dominant. Someone from whom Ambrose would rather hide in the ditch than meet on the forest path.

He groaned inaudibly at the interruption, "We go on," he said, "eh, unless you have a better idea." He was unsure. Not wanting to take too much of the command, afraid it might get him into trouble. Ambrose had never been much of a leader. Always seekings other's guidance, their advice.

The room must have become lighter, because he saw all clearly now. Callidus and Vertos looked healthy as ever, their stature strong and their muscles defined through their thick brown fur. He heard a clang, not a carpet then, and turned around to see Valens standing by his dagger laying on the floor, looking as exahausted as Ambrose felt himself. He (or was it Callidus who argued?) remembered arguing with the King, asking him why he sent someone as weak as Valens to protect them. Valens was a pretty sight - but nothing more. He took Valens' body in, seeing his mirror image. A lean, but weak build. They had both gone against the odds, Valens joining the royal army; himself travelling the most dangerous areas of the world. Both surviving.

Vertos stepped up to Ambrose, and pushed him to the ground. He rubbed his back and looked up at Vertos towering over him. He shivered, "Wha' was tha' for?"

"I am tired of you. We split up here. Because someone needs to protect you, bitch, Callidus will go with you through that door," he pointed at one of the two doors in the room, "I will take Valens with me through the other."

"Fuck that shit!" Callidus exclaimed, "You said we'd play the game, and it has worked. Never felt any better, and we have passed through three rooms with fuck-all changing. Why stop now? And-" he whispered the last to Vertos' ears only.

"Fine." he growled. "You are coming with me, Ambrose." He stretched out his hand.

Ambrose grabbed it, being pulled up to his feet, "I- I am? Do I have a choice?"

"No. Now, go. We will meet up with them soon, I'm sure."

He pulled the heavy door open, scared witless. It was light again, the walls painted in gruesome pink. His padded paws felt smooth against the wooden surface, as if they had been barely used. He looked for the image of the three dogs, knowing it should be somewhere. "Where a' the three dogs Vertos?"

"I do not know. I do not care."

The door slammed shut behind him, making Ambrose jump. "Why did you change your mind? Why take me, what did Callidus say?"

"He did not want you with him. He is not your friend, bitch. We are all here because we want to be here, for the glory of conquering the witch. You are worth nothing to him, Valens or me. Get that through your head," he sighed. "I took you to teach you that. The only reason your worthless ass is still alive is because you suck up to everyone and everything, and you don't even realize it."

Ambrose was dumbfounded as the words hit him. It was true, he wouldn't have survived in the Mountains of Three without his friends there - taking credit for it all himself. He used everyone all the time for everything. Even now, when they got out of here, he would get credit for things he had not done and for things he had not accomplished.

He sniffed in the air, "Wha's tha' smell?"

"It is coming from that door," Vertos walked towards it. "We are going in."

"Food! More food!" Ambrose had never felt happier. "But... there is only one chair?"

"Which is mine." Vertos stepped past him and seated himself on it.

The food wasn't laid out this time, instead being mushed into two small bowls with names on them. The one next to the chair, on the floor, had his name on it. He stared at it. There were no utensils. No way to eat it but by getting his paws all dirty. He looked up at the munching sound coming from the muscled man above him, who was diving his head into the bowl. He followed the example, with some difficulty.

The food was not as good as what he had eaten earlier that day, but he loved it still. Despite feeling degraded, humiliated for eating from the bowl on the floor, it felt right to him. It was his place. Over the course of the meal, it got easier and easier for him to eat from the bowl, as if he just learned how to eat with his muzzle.

Vertos kicked his bowl under the table, and Ambrose looked up at him, wondering why. He crawled under the tablecloth to grab it, when he looked up. Under the table were two... dogs. Vertos was sitting on a chair, a throne of some sort. Faced away from the "image" was another dog, on his knees, with his maw placed over what Ambrose assumed to be Vertos' cock, seeming to pleasure it. The color of the fur was golden blond, just like his own. He shot out of under the table, hitting Vertos' chair and making him fall over with a vam.

"Ouch, what the fuck was that for?!" Vertos exclaimed, "You act like you saw a ghost!"

Ambrose looked away in shame. "I, uh, it's nothin'. I'm sorry - are you hurt?" Vertos grabbed a hold of his muzzle, forcing Ambrose to face him, staring into his eyes for a couple of seconds.

He bared his teeth, "My back is hurt. I need to rest, and the fucking chair is splintered." I didn't mean it. Ambrose looked away.

"I can look if one of the rooms has furniture?"

"Do it!"

Opening the first door, he looked in, shaking his head. A rank stink came from the room, and his sensitive nose wrinkled at it. He closed the door and went to the second door. Same thing. The third, and last, door he opened carefully, peeking in. The room was ornate, and in the middle there was a golden throne - taking a second look, he noticed the room was a small copy of the King's throne room. And that the throne was the same as in the picture. Fuck.

"Well? Any luck?" The question broke him out of his trance.

Ambrose stared into the room. "Yeah. There's a... chair in here."

Vertos pushed past Ambrose, hurrying inside. His maw set agape as he saw the throne room. He smiled. "A room fit for me." He seated himself on the throne, spreading his legs, his cock proudly displayed in the center of the room.

Ambrose took a look at the man, dog, in front of him. If he had a tail, it would have wagged. His cock pulsed, looking at Vertos sitting there. It had been a long time since that day with his friends, since he had gone down on his knees last. He licked his lips, longing lustfully for his friends, to the savory taste of their cocks in his mouth, the feeling of humiliation and to get off. To finally have release.

"What are you looking at? Come here. Take a closer look, bitch. I know you want it, the way you have looked at me all since we were stripped naked. Wouldn't surprise me if you stripped us naked and hid the clothes, the way you looked at us when we woke up. Looking at our large cocks, sizing us up. The way you have been licking your lips since the spiders in the vase, the glances you have taken. Acted big and tough, you did. Acting like a straight guy - 'ev'ry bitch' wants you? You? Do not be ridiculous. Look at yourself, your small body, your small cock. Would a bitch even feel it in her? The way you cower as soon as I open my mouth, like you are doing now. Salivating at us taking control, begging for it. Come here, like the bitch you are, and kneel. Make your mother proud."

Speechless, he did as he was bid, kneeling in front of Vertos. Looking down from his face, to his hard pectorals, to his hard abs, and to his hard cock. He licked his lips again.

"Go on. Kiss it."

His fingers dug into Ambrose's neck, and he dragged him forward to the tip of his cock, the teeth pressing onto the cock. He started licking the cock, making it pulse against his tongue, the feeling once again reminding him of his past. They had been smaller, the cocks of young adults. Vertos dog-cock was full-grown, he licked the knot, hoping to get a taste of pre.

"Fuck yeah, go on like that, lap it like you lapped the water from the bowl, like your mom would lick your dad..."

He continued, lapping in fervor, taking in the musky scent of the cock. "Mmm." He licked along the shaft, massaging the balls, up to the tip of the cock, tickling it with his tongue. He felt hands pushing him down on the cock, forcing him to take it all in one go. His eyes wide open, he gagged at the sudden intrusion in his maw. He quickly pursed his lips to cover his teeth, not wanting to hurt the man in front of him, murring, vibrating the cock in his mouth. A moan was heard from above, and he wrapped his tongue around the shaft, slowly removing it, doing it again, and removing it.

"Fuck bitch, continue. Just like that."

"Hmmmhm." was all he could reply, the hard length filling his mouth. Pre-cum started dripping against his throat, the taste making Ambrose's cock drip as well, a wet spot forming on the ornate mat. He looked up at Vertos, seeing him look up at the roof, eyes closed. Ambrose started wagging his tail, happy to pleasure a stronger man. He moved a hand down to his cock, stroking himself, moaning around the other cock, closing his eyes and losing himself in pleasure.

"Whore, start bobbing. Up-down up-down, you should know how it goes."

Following his advice, he moved his head up dragging his tongue along the long cock, salivating at the taste. Down, centimeter by centimeter filling his mouth. Up-down, up-down. It brought back memories from when he snuck off from the others, the day after they had themselves on him, with a friend. They had been staring at eachother all day, the guy had pinched him when the others did not look. And when darkness fell, they moved into the forest. He got a silver coin out of that, the first of many.

"The King was smart to send you along. Let you, ahh right - did I tell you to stop? - take care of our needs. Knows a good whore when he sees one, I imagine. Fuuck, continue sucking. Wonder if he has used you, too. Told us not to use your ass though, very specific about that. Still a virgin, eh? Bet you can't wait to be knotted, tied to me like the dog you are... your ass must be on fire."

Vertos was right. Ambrose longed to have that sweet cock in his ass, possessing him; wanted to be claimed by the man above him. He was a special commodity in the king's stables, to be bid on. Anthropomorphs were not common in Kinnalia. This is why he was sent to the house with the others. It would raise his price, the King had told him. Someone would bid for his anal virginity, and how he longed for that. To have a nice cock in his ass, pleasuring him. He knew he couldn't do it with Vertos.

He continued to suckle on the cock, feeling it twitch in his mouth. Knowing the que that Vertos is close to cumming.

"Must be fun, to be in the family business. Not knowing who your father is... having never met him. What could you do but continue in your mother's path?"

His cock pulsed, over and over again, pre-cum flowing down Ambrose's throat. Vertos' hands grabbed a hold of the back of his head, his head being pushed down so the entire cock was in his mouth. And then Vertos bucked his hips, cum spouting forth in spurts, overfilling his mouth. He swallowed it as it came, and kept coming.

And then, a door opened. He moved this face away from the cock, his own still aching in need of release, the last spurt of cum covering his muzzle. In the door stood... Callidus, whom looked wrecked. Eyes wide at seeing Ambrose there, his cock twitching.

"Hey Callidus!" Ambrose wagged his tail at the sight, standing up. "How a' you doin'?"