Erotic Log - Miy & Damien, part 1

Story by miys_lusts on SoFurry

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A log of erotic rp: m/f, cum, hyper, growth and more....see tags.

An erotic rp log of Damien and Miy - Part 1.

*Miyia was one of the 'comfort' mares in the stables, and the long legged anthro equine was built for the job. Wide inviting hips, flawless ivory skin, plush thighs, and more than generous tits the mare was a popular source of relief among the larger studs that intimidated smaller females. Her daily life was typically spent in the nude, the activities a sort of sexual frenzy that yielded wild results. The culture within the tables was highly liberal in the sense that anything went and no one asked questions or talked about it after the fact: what happens in the stables stays in the stables.Today was like any other day for Miy - wake up, eat, groom, and then wait for her dose of daily distractions. The curvy mare had opted to sprawl out in the commons area on a pile of hay. She'd lounged about in the nude, laying belly down as her eyes lifted to watch an overhead tv. Some days the males were lining up for fun, other days she had relative peace and quiet.*Damien Snyder had heard of the stables for days on end, more and more of his associates opting to tell him of the pleasure that would wait for him there. He indeed saw no reason not to indulge himself above the average, to go and visit a place that seemed to be tailor made indeed for a man with a libido such as himself. After a few quick questions at the front desk, he was told to go find a particular mare, one who would be more than happy to help him relieve the stress that had been building in his loins. The massively tall husky made his way to the common areas, a t-shirt and baggy jeans covering his muscled frame. He stared around the room, drawing in the scent of fresh hay before nothing the female laying there, sprawled and nude. She was a beauty beyond all things, and very lovely in her own lewd ways. " So I'm gonna take a guess and say you're Miyia right?" He asked softly, his hands resting next to the buttons on his jeans.*Miyia peered over at the new arrival, her tail twitching with some thought as he addressed her. "I am going to guess that you are new here, but yessss I'm Miy. It's a .....soon to be pleasure? Or...not?" She never knew the intent of the various males that came to her - most wanted to fuck, others sometimes wanted something so mundane as a cuddle. All the same her eyes swept over his hulking frame, and then danced south along his body to his groin and the hand that lingered on the buttons of his jeans. "I suppose it will soon be a pleasure, no?"*Damien Snyder grinned softly as she spoke to him, his eyes dancing over her rather

curvaceous frame. " Well let's just say the pleasure comes afterwards. For now, let's just stick to the business..." He stated, a rather pragmatic tone in his voice. The tall husky figure strode towards the equine female, as she watched his hands resting on his jeans. " I'm not going to bother with prices, so let's just get to the point. My girl's been giving me a rather hard time lately, seems I've got a bit of growing problem going on about myself. Wanted you to take a look and see if you can't give me a hand..." He spoke in a quiet tone, though the confidence that he carried about him, never left his voice or posture.*Miyia parted her lips, her brow furrowing a moment. Normally canines were never ones to rival a proper equine stud, which meant that she typically dismissed such males. All the same, this cocksure manner of his and the predatory presence made certain that she bit her tongue and was going to give him at least a chance to beg his case. Slowly she pushed herself up onto her arms, the mares rather large breasts growing ever the more visible under her as she did so. When laying on her belly, she preferred to lay in the hay piles if only to accommodate her generous chest size. "That's a shame for her, and sounds like fun for me..." her ears perked, and eyes continued to appraise him in a manner that was far from innocent.*Damien Snyder something had rather recently sparked a fire in the beasts loins, though he could never say what exactly. His body had grown exponentially, or at least below his waist it had. Now here he was, staring at those more than ample breasts, while she stared him down like a piece of meat. Not that he minded of course, it was a lusty gaze that gave rise to him. Without a ceremonious display, his trousers crumpled to the ground, and between his legs rested just shy of four foot worth of knotted dog meat. It throbbed visibly with precum leaking in thick globs from the tip, his musky scent heavy in the air. " So you think you can help a fellow out?"*Miyia actually had a very real and honest jaw drop moment. Where the fuck had he hidden that beast?! Down a pant leg?! It took the simple combination of the visual ques and the rich scent of a male ready to wreck her cunt to trigger Miy like a lightswitch. He could see her suck in a needy breath of air as she began to slowly cat crawl off the hay toward him. The drooling cum, coupled with the sheer size he offered was....more than appetizing. What words were there to say, that action could not better define? Before him she came to a stop, and in sitting upright she let the monstrous cock slide between her fat tits. As her head rose, her tongue reached out, tracing a long wet line along the hanging shaft. He wasn't even truly hard yet, and already he dwarfed most studs. Her lips lingered at the knot, eyes upward.

"You said this is...growing?!" Every part of her wanted to see what limits could be pushed.*Damien Snyder smiled softly realizing her attention had been garnered. Either she was not feeling herself, or she really had something for men packing only the biggest. The husky had dwarfed most of his species before this little growth spurt, now he had almost surpassed most equine men in only a few days. He was packing on nearly eight inches worth of length a day, not to mention his libido was growing in ways he had never considered. " Yeah. It started about four days ago. I was only packing about seventeen then..." He muttered, his breath catching in his throat when her soft, plush breasts wrapped around him. Her broad tongue caressed his engorged reddened skin all the way up to his knot, him thanking whoever had graced equines with such broad and warm tongues.*Miyia reaches up to her breasts with both hands, cupping them as best she could. Her breasts were each easily several handfuls, and so their manipulation took some measure of skill. Slowly she'd work the cock between her breasts and there she'd begin to gently fluff and squeeze her breasts if only to tease him. With her lap directly under the drooling cockhead, the globs of pre fell onto her lap - starting to paint the mare with his cum. Though she couldn't see them due to her rather oral fixation, she did wonder about his balls. "MMhmmph, you got... the baby makers.... to match?" Her word were broken up by the rather long and slow passage of her tongue along the knot. "I...also"*Damien Snyder groaned softly as he tongue passed over his knot, each and every time it forced long slow groans from his muzzle. The massive veined beast was a sight to behold, though the one part of his body that would be sure to stop hearts would be those massive batter holders. " You've got no idea..." He said, pulling up on his shaft to pull it from between her breasts, and drop his vein covered meat right atop her head. This left his drool head spitting down her backside, letting both sides of her body be covered. This also gave her a view of two melon sized orbs, stretched between the thin fabric of his scrotum. " That's why I wore the baggy jeans..." He muttered softly, though even as he spoke it seemed even his massive baby factories grew, both practically begging for release under her skilled touch. " And no protection is fine. Can't have you getting away with nothing to show for meeting me, can I?"*Miyia snorted with displeasure as the drooling cock was pulled free from her affection. Then again, she rather savored the chance to be effectively covered and filled to the brim with cum. With better access and a proper view of his swollen balls, she shot him a grin and

then pushed herself up to muzzle her tits against them. Using her breasts she'd gently caress and fondle the orbs, watching with rapt fascination as they seem to swell in size. Somewhere in the back of her mind her old mantra was chanted: bigger is better. Between her thighs, the mares greedy cock hungry hole was drooling shamelessly - a puddle beginning to form on the floor under the two of them. Ever part of her savored these moments - the time spent lost in lust. So what if he had a girlfriend? If the bitch couldn't please him, Miy would just have to be the one to drain his balls dry: over and over. "Looks like you got into fertility drugs...we use them around make standard males into breeding gotta be careful. Those things can all but make you a slave to your sex drive." There was a smirk to her voice that spoke of first hand knowledge.*Damien Snyder didn't make the slightest move to push her away from his swollen aching orbs, his knees shivered a bit as she pressed those enormous pillows up to the massive sac. She knew what she was doing, that much was easy to ascertain from his current situation. That was exactly what he needed in this moment. Not some sniveling pup who cowered at the sight of his endowment, no he needed someone who welcomed him with open arms, legs, and mouth. The equine figure seemed to have all of the above under control. The puddle between her legs soon bordered his own leg and he smiled softly, " I don't remember touching anything. Not to say something hadn't been slipped into my drink..." He mused aloud. " But I was a slave to my sex drive before anyways." He noted softly, reaching a hand down to caress the back of her head. " So how's about taking a dozen gallons off my body, then we'll see if we can't deal with that leaking problem you've got downstairs..." He cooed, gently teasing the mare's hair.*Miyia turned her head up, tongue reaching out to collect the monstrous shaft that now rested above her. Slowly she'd rise, once more making certain to let his girth settle between her tits until ultimately her plush lips found the drooling head of his cock. Her hand slipped away from her tits, as to begin to gently stroke him into proper hardness - she really wanted to see how thick and long he was when ready to rut. With her mouth posed at the head of his cock she wouldn't give him the immediate satisfaction of just sucking him off right there, no she fully intended to tease him. The constant presence of his leaking pre splashed onto her muzzle, and then dripped down onto the top of her tits. Slowly her tongue would circle the wide head of his cock, circling ever upward to the leaking cumhole. Then without warning she'd press her tongue to his cumhole, gently plugging it up. She'd then quickly pull her tongue away if only to replace her tongue with her mouth, capturing the resulting gush of pre

that shot out - swallowing what she could. Of course then, she had a new idea and she him a slightly devious look. It was clear the both of them rather liked his condition - and so her hands began to gently squeeze as she stroked the monstrous length. Her intention was simple - stop the flow of precum if only to make his balls swell in size faster.*Damien Snyder could have said that the resulting torture would be a good enough to have regretted ever coming here, but the pleasure she left him with would have made him a liar. He had always been a fan of smaller breasts, but soon he saw the error in his own ways, as those massive pillows cradled his girth unquestioningly. Soft velvety lips pressed against the his drooling tip, he could not deny the satisfaction of seeing her face splattered with his preseed. She seemed to have quite the love for his juices, having no hesitations about splashing across his body. All the while she taunted him, playing silly little games with his every growing beast, the monster surging from it's length. It only grew with every touch of her skin, finally settling to five and half feet in it's length, a rather impressive foot around in it's diameter. He groaned though, every second she choked off the steady stream of his precum forced those massive orbs to bloat up. From melons to beach balls in minutes they grew, his muzzle whimpering and whining as he did, his hips thrusting between her pert breasts, begging for release into her waiting muzzle.*Miyia had meddled with many breeding studs over the years, and in the end had many break down into borderline feral cum factories: studs lost in the glory of what made them so desirable. Miy would not relent, the greedy slot between her thighs was drooling to such an extreme that her thighs were coated and long ribbons of girlcum hung from the lips. Without a double he could smell her arousal as easily as she smelled him, and better yet the smell of her cunt offered fertility. The sheer thickness of his shaft meant that even with both her hands she was having a hard time griping it properly - and she her hands shifted to the underside, focusing on choking off the massive cumvein that ran there. There was no way that she could fit him into her mouth and she her tongue and lips did all the work.All of this paused for a moment, the sheer size of his cock was becoming hard to manage. So long as he allowed it, she pulled away, letting a burst of pre soak her as she tried to get him to lay down. So long as he laid out the mare stepped over him - standing alongside the towering beast of flesh. Laid out he'd no doubt find the increasingly heavy weight of his sac relieved - and that the mare could better handle his length. More so, he was treated tot he view of her cunt - ready for a proper fucking. Standing there Miy once more

positioned the towering flesh between her tits and now began to raise and lower her body up and down along it. the depth of her cleavage was well lubed from all his pre, hot, and as soft as any cunt. He was too big for a casual tit fuck, but this...this would work.*Damien Snyder couldn't have counted on this gracious treatment even in his most hazy dreams, for he did not expect one who so eagerly fell onto men. There was no doubt she enjoyed her job, causing him to give pause and consider more about the equine figure that easily drove him into the depths of pleasure that he had never even glimpsed at. The mutt discerned that perhaps she loved the control over men, guided around so aimlessly by their own erections. Perhaps she even adored the full stomach she got, that swelling in her body that left no doubt her body was already stewing with children. She would have no doubt here as well, the stench of the husky reeked of virility, the fact that he could probably knock most women up from the smell alone was a plus.He was so lost in his own thoughts, drowning in trying to figure out what made this girl so attractive to him, that when she managed to pull herself away from him, he stumbled back. The resulting rocket of his own preseed enough to paint her body in the liquid, doubly thick as any normal males spunk, and send him splashing to his backside. The scent of her own fertility soaked into his fur and nostrils, reminding him that he would soon be a father to a possible clan of his own pups. That was not to be in his mind for much longer, the swelling in his sac subsided, but only briefly. The massive orbs fired up once more, throbbing away at their slow pace, as he stared up at her, grinding her slick body against his length. Despite the fact she could no longer accommodate him in her oral cavity, he was well pleased with her full body job. It was not something he had ever imagined in his wildest dreams, though his wildest dreams soon turned to that leaking hole, the one constantly bathing his body in her scent. " No way Alicia's gonna miss this..." He muttered softly, laughing at himself.*Miyia leaned forward, smirking. Slowly she'd press the towering erection back, so that it arched up and over his torso. In such a position, Miy was able to climb atop him on all fours - wedging the fat cock between them so that her cunt and tits alike was grinding along the thick length. With every rock of her body over his, he could feel the sloppy drooling slot between her legs drooling all over his girth without any sense of shame. He may have not cared for large tits before, but now they were very much a critical part of the pleasure he was experiencing. Slowly, Miy would shift upward, wedging and grinding the head of his cock between her breasts. Miy very much was a fuck doll - and the common

property of many studs...but she loved the power it gave her. Leading studs around by their cocks was powerful and the grin etched on her precum painted muzzle told him ample of her pleasure. More so, the grinding of her cunt against his cock seemed to be working her up, with the right roll of her hips she was dragging her clit against him...warranting a wanton moan.*Damien Snyder shifted under her body, trying to contain the urges welling up within him. She certainly knew how to whip up a breeding frenzy in any male that decided he'd show her what he was packing. Then again, after having shown the young lapine at the front desk his problem, he should have expected nothing less from her recommendation. Other thoughts aside, he would never have been more grateful than at that exact moment, watching her body slide up and down his length, like some organic pole for a stripper. Her breasts were impossibly soft, though he wasn't sure how she managed to keep them so with as much as she seemed to use them. It gave him reason to love them, they way she smashed them around his head and ground against him for pleasure that elicited his own lusty groan, the mutt nearing his release all ready, just simply trying to find any means to warn her.*Miyia could feel the tension growing in his cock, and was not one to relent. He wanted her to show him a good time, and she wanted him crawling back for more. Miy treated this as a sort of warmup session, a way to get the males ready for the main show - to fire up their breeding drive for the main event. So what if he came? There would be more, and more, and more. She wanted his body on fire with lust, and driven to the limits - desperate to fuck a cunt. the best way to do that - deny them what they want while still tormenting and teasing them. The sheer amount of pre leaking from between her breasts was utterly vulgar, and worked as the perfect slippery lube for the assault on his cockhead. With titfucking, Miy was able to do so much more than a simple cunt could - and she used that to her advantage. The bounce and sway of her breasts was coupled with writhing, squeezes, and more all focused on the engorged head of his cock.*Damien Snyder could not hold himself back anymore. The only way he could ever hoped to have escape her more than devious clutches, was to find himself release from this situation. Her plush and soft breasts coaxed him, back and forth they went, those soft fleshy globes like a tailor made for him, her face planted directly above them, the perfect target for the mess that was soon to come. It started small at first, that tiny bit of throbbing in his loins, one that grew and grew throughout his body. Like a tiny spark fanned into a blaze deep within the woods, he could feel his fires raging. The husky let out a soft moan, his breath catching in

his throat before an earshattering howl blasted through his lips. Those icy blue hues slammed shut and he could feel the first shot of the dozen gallon load erupting from his body, much thicker than yogurt, it blasted through his cockhead. Damien cared not where it went, all he cared about was the pressure that had been building slowly disappated, along with the size of his musky fur covered orbs.*Miyia was expecting his release, all the same there was little that could be done to actually prepare someone for the sheer ammount of cum that was to be dumped. More so, the thickness of his load was startling. The stable space about the couple was quickly painted, left dripping as each gush of cum emptied from his loins. Miy leaned back slightly to avoid being completely sprayed in the face, yet all the same she was quickly left absolutely soaking from the sheet volume and power. Through it all he could hear her groans of excitement - and little cries of delight that more than advertised that this was the sort of game that she loved to play.