The Harpy's Clutch

Story by Kockitttre on SoFurry

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#1 of The Beastmaster of Kanbalar

My second story on SoFurry which also happens to be my second series. This one is far less plot centered, though the plot will still be there. Each story is basically going to focus on a different creature or anthro in some way, like Kassia the harpy in this one. This will let me mess around with a bunch of different creatures in a continuous setting. I thought it'd be fun and I'm a big fan of monster girls and games like Monster Girl Quest, so I figured this would be a great excuse to write smut involving a whole bunch of 'em while throwing in feral creatures and anthros for good measure. Looking forward to building up this series over time, so let's see how it turns out.

The first chapter, as I've already mentioned (and as the title gives away), features a harpy. Dunno why I chose a harpy first, but it's what I felt like writing. Hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to comment and rate if you've a moment to spare. Thanks!

Vhale walked the darkened streets, his gaze upward. Though the day was clear and sunny, the sun's radiant warmth was blocked by the suspended metal and stone plates of the Highcity above. It was for mostly that reason that he despised the Warrens, though there were more than enough reasons to hate the shitting hole of Kanbalar. Unfortunately, his duties often brought him down here, so he more familiar than he liked with the bloody place. Sighing, Vhale turned his attention back down the street, his lupine tail swaying behind him, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his worn coat. The coat's black and gold marked him as a servant of the Empress and the stylized circle of fangs marked him as a beastmaster. As far as most were concerned it was an unspoken warning.

Along the street guardsmen looked on with open boredom, though the dirty, disheveled inhabitants of the Warrens regarded him with a mixture of hatred and fear as he passed. Amusingly, the humans of both the Warrens and the Highcity, their fates so very different, still both looked down at him with the same exact flavor of disgust and arrogance. The human-like laccri like himself, or beastmen as they were often called, all shunned him, and of course the animal-like riyasa outright did their best to avoid him.

But that was his world. He was well used to it by now.

In between, both friend and fiend to all, the authoritative bridge between human and beast, an enforcer of the Empresses' Feral Laws for human, laccri, and riyasa alike.

It was a large part of the reason why his kind were so disliked. It didn't matter that he hated his work as much as everyone else did. One could not refuse the Empress however, nor did half--ass work in her service. Not if you wanted to live long, anyway. Though of course, working as an honest beastmaster didn't make for much longer of a lifespan, either... The Empress was less than a beloved sovereign.

Walking the line in every sense, he thought to himself, grinning.

Oh well. He took his pleasures and happiness whenever and wherever he could and tried not to think too hard about how everyone hated him. Whining about his life wouldn't change anything, after all, and things could be worse for a non-human like him. He'd seen proof of that personally.

The poorly lit street wove through a jumble of shacks, stained buildings, and alleyways all lacking any degree of organization. Children played in filth and a mixture of human and non-humans moved through the shadows. Some appeared to be working; others were milling about. None of them looked too happy, though that wasn't particularly surprising. The Warrens was where you ended up if you pissed off someone important or if you simply had no where else to go. Well, and where you went if you wanted to keep out of the Empresses' direct sight, he supposed. It was the dank space beneath the carpet where forgettables were swept.

A few more turns through the shadowed maze of the Warrens and he reached his destination, a tall series of buildings known as stacks. He walked up to the entrance of one, noting its faded number and ignoring the cluster of people trying to inconspicuously leave the area, mumbling words of warding. Vhale entered, his coattails sweeping, his tail waving out behind him, and made his way to the home on the first level which tended to be the stack's owner. A few knocks, and the door opened to reveal a plump human who was growing bald.

He grunted at Vhale. "About time one of you fellows fucking got here."

Vhale bit back a retort, bowing instead. "How may I be of service to you this glorious morning?" he asked as politely as he could manage.

"A bitch named Kassia." The man stepped out and and gestured for Vhale to follow him up the stairs. "She's been skimping on payments."

Vhale frowned. "That's hardly a reason to call on a beastmaster. You should have let the Guard handle it."

"Well," the human said, burping and scratching his chin. "It's not exactly that simple. We had an agreement, see, and she ain't keeping her end. Figured since she's laccri it'd be easier to call in one of you to set things straight with the Law."

"What was the agreement?" Vhale reluctantly asked as they rose to the highest home in the stack. This was already proving to be an annoying case, and he could feel a headache coming on.

"The bitch was supposed to pay rent with her eggs, but now she's refusing to. Probably already fucking sold 'em off!"

"Bitches don't lay eggs," Vhale replied with a small smile.

"What?" the human said, looking confused. A moment passed and anger creased his face. "No, not a fucking literal bitch!"

"So, to be clear. She's not a bitch?" he replied innocently.

The human glared at him. "She's a harpy."

"Why didn't you just say that at the start? Less confusing that way." He ignored the man's annoyed look as he moved up the stairs past him. "And you have this agreement in writing?"

"Of course," the man said, handing him a filthy sheet of thinlin paper.

Vhale glanced it over and let out a sigh. "There's no imperial seal and harpies don't have hands so I find it incredibly hard to believe that she wrote or signed this."

The man paled a little, and Vhale could barely contain his annoyance. He'd seen stupid in every shape, size, and color, but somehow it was always the humans who seemed to lead idiocy's cause.

"Dunno," the human said after a moment. "Probably had someone else write it up for her."

"Making it invalid," he said, tearing the paper into tiny strips to the man's horror. "But that's quite a bit of coin we're talking about, so if she really did promise something I'll make sure she follows through."

The man brightened visibly, but also seemed nervous. He wrung his hands and said, "She's going to fib, you know. Bitch will give you the water and sap, sure as the sun rises." He lowered his voice a little. "I'll tell you what, Beastmaster. You go in there, bewitch Kassia and write up a chit saying she owes me those eggs, and, well, I'll make sure you get a hefty share of the coin every month. The problem gets solved real quick, you have a nice easy day, and everyone is better off, yeah?"

He paused, considering the offer. It would be easy enough to do using his position and the likelihood of him being caught was virtually non-existent, though it wasn't nearly as easy to 'bewitch' someone as people seemed to think, especially if his victim wasn't riyasa. He wanted to get a measure of the harpy first however, so he shook his head and said, "I'll think on it."

The man grunted, unsatisfied with his response, and worked his bulk back down the stairs, wiping at the sweat running down his jowls.

He figured he already had a good idea of what was happening here, so there wasn't any need to delay. Vhale turned and pounded on the door.

There was no response, so he thudded on the door again. "I'm Beastmaster Vhale, here on the authority of the Empress. You should probably open the door before I get pissed."

A moment passed, then the door creaked open and bright blue eyes peered out at him. He could hear heavy breathing from the other side. "Yes?" the harpy whispered.

"Why don't you save us both some time and just let me in?" he said, tail flicking and arms crossing.

The harpy hesitated, eyes downcast. "I don't suppose you could come back a little later, Beastmaster?"


The harpy sighed, then opened the door using a handle made specifically for her kind. He moved past her and looked around while she shut the door behind him. Her home was little more than a tiny room with a bed, but it was cluttered with all kinds of interesting decorations, furniture, and objects, a lot of which he wouldn't expect the typical Warren inhabitant to own. A window looked over the despairing visage of the undercity, sky blotted out by stone and metal, but he supposed for a harpy it was better than nothing.

A spicy scent tickled his sharp senses, drawing his attention to a small but elaborate egg basket that was half filled with blue speckled eggs. He turned to Kassia and raised an eyebrow.

She blushed fiercely, refusing to look him in the eyes. "I'm in the middle of laying, Beastmaster. That's why I wanted you to come later."

"Well, I don't mind," he said cheerfully. He moved over to her bed and lounged down, letting out a long sigh.

She moved towards the egg basket and stood beside it "This is about Geon, isn't it?"

"If that's the stack owner's name, then yes."

She made a face. "I didn't promise him anything, Beastmaster!"

He said nothing, instead looking her over. Her upper half was shaped like a human, a pretty head with long hair that was hued midnight blue. She wore a simple harpy's shift dress that curved over her little handful-sized breasts. Instead of arms she had neatly folded wings, a deep pattern of blue and black to match her hair. Below her waist she had the figure of a bird, complete with matching feathers and the bony feet of a tropical bird. A southern harpy; pretty, healthy, and capable of laying her monthly clutch.

"What are you doing down here in the Warrens?" he asked.

Kassia froze, then began stuttering, but he waved away her excuses with a hand.

"Oh, cut it out. This Geon is too stupid to be Consortium and with the coin you'd make selling your eggs you'd be able to do well enough up in the Highcity, or at the very least easily pay for a dump like this and still have plenty to spare." He shook his head. "You also don't seem fool enough to promise your entire clutch to someone like him." Unfertilized harpy eggs were valuable for countless reasons, so he rarely saw harpies down in the Warrens. They were simply lucky enough to have bodies that naturally produced a sellable product. It was true that many of them worked for or promised their clutch to a single individual, often merchants or trade houses, because it was less of a hassle for them, but the stack's owner was neither.

Kassia fidgeted, refusing to meet his gaze.

Vhale sighed, letting it go. He didn't particularly favor non-humans, but this was a clear cut case and it irked him that the situation had even progressed far enough for him to have been called. Called he was though, and he'd have to make a verdict. Neither side would do much for his reputation, least of all judging in favor of Kassia even though she seemed in the right and he liked her better anyway.

Vhale flicked his tail thoughtfully, one ear drooping. Of course, there was always another way out, and it'd be easy enough in this case especially since he was fairly sure the whole mess had been overheard and gossiped about already. So long as he seemed impartial and appeared to only be interested in getting a little something for himself, he'd stay in that little haven between Empress, Blackarrow Consortium, and the city's people.

Kassia cocked her head at him. "Beastmaster?"

"Your friend Geon offered me a nice bribe," he said, idly scratching at an ear. "Now, I can write you up a legal chit and take your little problem away to the gaol, but only for the right price."

The harp frowned at him.

Sorry, he thought to himself. Can't afford to make friends in my business.

The harpy gave a small laugh. "If it comes down to coin I'll be in the same situation as dealing with Geon. I need the coin from my eggs, Beastmaster," she said thoughtfully, shaking her head. The harpy was silent for a while before letting out a tired sigh. "If it's to get rid of Geon, then it's fine..." She nodded to herself and looked up at Vhale. "So, um... Well, would you accept me as payment instead?"

"Oh?" he said. "What exactly do you mean?"

She blushed fiercely. "You know what I mean..."

"Maybe, but I want to be clear about it."

She seemed unhappy about having to voice her offer, wings unfurling as she shifted nervously. "Would letting you have your way with me be payment enough?"

He made a show of looking her over, but Vhale had already made up his mind. He probably would have taken whatever she had offered if he had felt it was good enough to seem an even trade, and it wouldn't be the first time he had been offered such a bribe. It was a bit of a win for everyone, he'd always thought, though especially for him.

"Yes, that'll do just fine," he said at last, and a look of obvious relief came over Kassia's face. "Let's get it over with, then. I have a busy day ahead of me."

"N-now?" she sputtered, eyes widening. "I told you I was in the middle of laying, Beastmaster! If you could just wait maybe an hour I--"

"I'm not going to wait," he said, tail waving, and shrugged. "But I won't force you either."

She hesitated for a moment, then nodded, walking over to where he sat on her bed. She looked down at him uncertainly, seeming anxious.

He laughed and waved his hand. "You can relax. I won't bite. Just come over here and start sucking my cock."

Vhale undid and let down his trousers enough to reveal his sheath, the tip of his red wolf cock poking out. Kassia looked down at it for a moment, chest still heaving, then lowered herself and leaned forward. Her warm lips touched his cock for a moment, sending a pleasant tingle through him. She teased his tip with her tongue, her heavy breathing washing warm air over his crotch.

"That's good," he whispered, encouraging her. "Keep going."

The harpy began lapping at his sheath, occasionally shifting down to tease and lift his balls with her tongue. The red meat of cock quickly began to emerge thanks to her efforts, and when it was long enough she moved up his cock with tiny licks to treat it properly. Stronger, wet tongue strokes coaxed his cock to harden and grow even further.

Vhale played with Kassia's hair as she worked on his cock, his other hand resting on the back of her head. She wasn't terribly skilled, but her energetic eagerness to please him--probably fearing he'd rescind his offer if he wasn't satisfied--more than made up for it.

"Is it good?" she asked between breaths, her large, beautiful eyes looking up at him.

He nodded, pushing down on her head and guiding his cock with his hand. "It feels wonderful Kassia, but it'd feel better if you put my cock in your mouth, I think."

She didn't resist, instead opening her mouth wide to receive him. He tensed as warmth and wetness surrounded the tip of his cock, then pushed down harder on her head, sinking more of his meat inside her. She accepted him into her mouth without protest, struggling to take as much as his growing length as possible.

"Suck down on it and bob your head," he commanded, his own breathing starting to grow heavy.

Kassia complied and Vhale helped her, pushing down on her head as she suckled his cock, making loud and wet noises. She didn't look at him, which was a bit of a shame, but he found her concentration cute enough that he decided not to say anything.

Kassia's head bobbed up and down, her lips tight around his now fully plump and hard cock as she sucked, her mouth warm and tight. He didn't go easy on her, forcing more and more of his cock into her mouth each time she bobbed down, and although she braced each time she didn't offer a complaint.

"Mmph...mmm...omph..." Kassia made naughty slurping noises as he sped her up. She sucked in air around his wet prick whenever he let her raise, tickling his tip, and the sudden chill made a delightful contrast with the wet warmth of her mouth whenever he forced her back down.

He let out a pleased growl, his tail whisking back and forth, ears flat against his head, and forced her off his cock, sticky strands of precum and her mouth's wetness connecting them. The harpy tilted her head and looked up curiously, a glint of worry in her eyes, but he smiled down at her and rubbed his wet cock against her cheek.

"Take a deep breath," he warned her.

She frowned up at him. "What do--"

He didn't let her finish, instead pinching her nose and forcing his thick meat down her throat, burying her head in his lap and feeling her lips push against his slightly inflated knot. Kassia immediately began to choke and tried to pull back, but he easily held her down, enjoying the sensation her struggles and throat made around his twitching cock.

"Omphster!" she cried out in alarm.

He ignored her plea, holding her down with his hand and fighting back against her efforts to remove her head from his crotch. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes, and let out a long satisfied sigh as she began shuffling her head back and forth. A moment longer of her delightful throat squeezing and rubbing his dick, then he let her go. Vhale almost came then and there as his cock slide out of her mouth, but he controlled his breathing and calmed himself.

Kassia rose from his lap coughing and sucking air, wet strands on her lip and chin, wings unfurling in agitation. He placed a hand on the back of her head and grabbed a tuft of her, guiding her back down. She looked down at his cock in alarm, but he didn't force her down just yet.

"I warned you," he said with a small smile. "Go on, take another deep breath."

Kassia looked like she wanted to protest, but seemed to think better of it and nodded. "Yes, Beastmaster."

He grinned, finding her obedience arousing.

With another surge of pressure he lowered her head. This time she opened her mouth and closed her eyes, letting him sink his cock into her. She managed better this time when he felt most of his red length inside her tight, warm mouth and throat, so he began bouncing her head on his cock, holding tight onto her hair.

Kassia allowed her mouth be used as a pussy, offering no resistance and swallowing his cock as best she could. "Mmm...mmph...mmm"

Vhale growled in pleasure, thrusting lustily into her open mouth. "Take all of my cock into your mouth. Swallow it all."

The harpy unfurled her wings, working hard to comply and gobble his cock whenever he thrust down, her swallowing motions sending hot pulses of pleasure through him.

Pleased, he went a little faster and harder, feeling wet oozing from her mouth and oozing over his balls. He felt a thrill building in him again, his cock rock hard and twitching inside Kassia's throat. When he felt they were both at their limit, he let her up, and watched as she coughed and gasped for air while rubbing his slippery cock along her cheek and nose.

He began to lower her again, but this time she resisted.

"Wait, wait!" she cried, burying her head into his thighs beneath his cock and rubbing her face side to side. "Please, wait!"

"What is it?" he asked, frowning.

She paled at his look. "N-no, it's not what what we were doing," she stammered. Her face had reddened considerably and she was rubbing her thighs together. "Egg..."

"Huh?" he said stupidly.

"An egg," she repeated, embarrassed. "I need to lay another one."

Oh. He had forgotten about that, but she had mentioned it several times, so he couldn't fault the harpy.

"Go ahead," he said with a shrug.

She nodded hesitantly, then rose and moved over to her basket, crouching over it. Her face was still burning red, he noted, but he found her embarrassment amusing and attractive.

Kicking off his trousers, he rose and moved over to Kassia, circling around her with interest, tail waving.

"Could you give me a little privacy, Beastmaster?" she murmured.

He grinned down at her. "I want to watch. That's not a problem, is it? You did say I could have my way with you."

She shifted uncomfortably, her face somehow managing to redden even further. "O-of course, Beastmaster. You can watch if you want..."


Vhale watched her legs spread, lifting her short little dress shift above her waist. The retreating cloth revealed a tiny wet slit cutting through down feathers nestled between her muscular legs. The feathers around it and further down her thighs glistened wetly. It was a surprisingly arousing sight that set his cock twitching. Kassia noticed, and she hid her face beneath a wing. Vhale found that arousing too, and wondered if he had underestimated just how intensely intimate a moment egg laying was for harpies.

He paused and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Actually, this was a pretty rare opportunity. Harpies were hardly common in Kanbalar and issues with them rarer still. From what he knew most kept the day of their monthly laying an intimate secret, but he knew Kassia's now, and was in fact watching her lay, something they supposedly didn't even let their lovers do. But why stop there? This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fuck it, she'll hate me later either way and I'm too much of a kinky asshole to care.

"I'll lay quickly, Beastmaster, then you may have me as you wish," Kassia said, her voice labored, her face still partially hidden by a raised wing.

He licked his lips, the thought in his head arousing him more than it probably should. "Well, why wait?" he said with a predatory edge to his tone.

The harpy froze. "W-what?" she asked hesitatingly, as if unsure of what she had heard.

He moved behind her and grabbed at her waist, bringing his painfully hard cock forward. He raised her butt, watching her tail feathers flap in panic, and pressed the tip of his cock against her incredibly tiny opening. He wondered for a moment if he'd even fit, but decided that if she could lay fist-sized eggs then she could take him.

"BEASTMASTER!" she screamed, loud enough that Vhale winced. "I-I'm laying right now! Please! Just wait a moment and I'll do anything you want, I promise!"

He ignored her, sliding the tip of his wolf cock into her tiny pink opening, forcing it to spread and accept him, forcing sticky wetness to ooze around his cock.

"D-don't!" she grunted, shifting her butt in protest, but accidentally shoving him inside herself in the process. He let out a loud growl of pleasure as more of his cock was suddenly swallowed by her tight, hot hole, and she let out a little shriek. "Ungh! Beastmaster, stop! Don't put it inside!"

A third of his cock was already in, so he decided it was pointless to back down now. Holding her waist firmly and spreading his legs, he thrust in hard and strong, sinking the rest of his bulging cock down to the edge of his partially inflated knot with a naughty, wet sound.

He almost came right then, but managed to calm himself with clenched muscles and a powerful dose of will. The harpy's pussy closed tight around his meat, wet, hot, muscular, and seemed to work to push him out. Like an egg, he thought with amusement. Of course, his cock wasn't going anywhere, but the resulting sensation was nothing short of amazing.

Kassia's tail feathers fluttered against his fur and he felt her tensed muscles easing. Her breathing was even deeper and more labored, and she spread her legs wider and leaned back into him.

"Big..." she murmured, voice sounding distant and wings unfurling. "Ungh... I feel stuffed... Beastmaster, please, I can't lay my eggs like this..."

"Keep quiet and don't move and I'll be done soon, all right?" he told her.

She tensed a little, turning to look up at him in surprise. "You're not going to actually mate me like this, are you?"

He actually laughed. "I figured that's what putting my cock in you meant."

That cute expression of embarrassment returned. "I meant... I don't know, this is just... too naughty. It's wrong..."

He shrugged, moving back and thrusting into her. She yelped, but he ignored her and began slowly building up into a steady rhythm. Her pussy continued to push at him, oozing a ridiculous amount of sticky wetness that he assumed had been intended for an egg. It poured out of her hole in noisy squirts as he slammed his meat into her, the creamy fluid flowing down her thighs and his balls, nice and warm. Dizzy with pleasure, he growled and thrust harder and harder still until he was pounding himself hard against her butt, his half inflated knot popping in and out nosily and scooping out waves of sticky wetness.

"Not so hard!" Kassia had leaned forward to accommodate him, her legs spread wide and bracing her, breath coming out in ragged streaks, but he noticed that she moaned whenever he thrust into her and shivered at the intensity with which he mated her despite her complaints.

"I guess you like naughty too," he gasped, grinning.

Kassia opened her eyes in surprise, embarrassed again, but he shoved his cock hard into her and reached over, pulling her upright. His hands snaked inside her shift, brushing across soft feathers and moving up to warm skin before cupping her breasts. He sharply pinched her nipples, drawing a squeal of delight from her. He grinned, tugging on her nipples relentlessly.

"S-stop..." she breathed. "Ungh... egg..."

Vhale ignored her, lost in the pleasure her squeezing pussy was giving him and having zero intention of stopping until he was satisfied. He played with her wonderful pert breasts, kneading them and squeezing them tightly in his hands while he gave her slow, powerful thrusts. After a moment however he felt a strange, smooth pressure against his cock, and Kassia began squirming and sounding as if she were straining. It took him a moment to realize that it was her egg pressing down on his cock. He stopped, red wolf meat throbbing sweetly all the way inside her.

"Egg," she breathed again, licking her lips. "Let me lay it, please..."

For what it was worth he considered it, but her face wasn't twisted pain. It was lined with a hefty mix embarrassment and pleasure. And honestly? The silken egg felt great against the tip of his cock and the pressure between her pushing it down and his cock forcing itself back up was driving him mad with pleasure.

"I'm going to finish mating you," he said, a grin coming on his face. "This feels too freaking amazing to stop."

She didn't say anything for a moment, instead squirming in his grasp. "It... it feels weird."

"But you like it, don't you?"

Again the harpy side nothing, blushing and unfurling her wings in agitation.

His grinned widened and he returned to nosily rutting her. She closed her eyes and began making little high pitched noises, struggling against him, but moaning whenever his twitching, wet cock shoved her egg back deeper inside her. It was an intoxicating rhythm: her pussy diligently tried to force both his cock and the egg out of her tiny pink passage, but his cock fought back with every thrust. Whenever he pulled away, the egg gained ground, but his thrust rubbed the tip of his cock against the smooth egg, sending a shiver of intense pleasure through him, and shoved the egg back up inside her, drawing a very succulent gasp and moan from Kassia.

"Cum... please..." Kassia begged with a groan. She ground her butt against him, tail feathers fluttering, and let out a hot breath. "This is driving me crazy..."

Vhale couldn't agree more. It was so uniquely wonderful that it almost hurt and he had to use every inch of self control to keep himself from cumming. Even so, it wasn't long before he just couldn't take it any longer. He thrust one final time, aching a powerful need, forcing his knot into her sticky pink depths. He let out a loud, long growl and came, his twitching cock exploding inside the harpy.

Kassia cried out, tail feathers fluttering again, and struggled to move away from him. "Eeek! Beastmaster, d-don't knot me!" she screamed, the words coming so fast he almost didn't understand them.

Of course, it was a little too late for that, so he held her tight against him, hot breath escaping from his maw while he enjoyed his orgasm, his hands squeezing hard on her plump breasts. His knot quickly inflated to its full length, rivaling one of her eggs likely. Her pussy squeezed down on it without hesitation, the egg inside her rubbing and tumbling on his dick as he spurted sticky cum into her.

"Beastmaster, no!" Kassia moaned, breath heavy with lust. She tried to move away from him with all her might, tail feathers and wings fluttering, but his knot was already set inside tightening little pussy and it was easy enough to hold her against him. "Oh! You're filling me with too much! Stop... ungh... I can't take that much! It feels sooo... ungh! Eeek!"

She let out a loud moan and a deep shiver ran through her body while he pumped hos creamy, sticky cum into her. Her struggles gradually grew weaker before finally stopping completely. Motionless, she whimpered and moaned, thighs vainly trying to spread wider as if it would ease her filled pussy. It was hard to care in that intense moment though, so he held her tight against his crotch and forced her to hold every inch of his throbbing cock and knot inside of her, forced her to take every last sticky stream of his vigorous orgasm.

Vhale's vision swam and he felt dizzy as his orgasm eventually subsided. He felt his knot harden inside Kassia, his cock as rigid as before. Letting out a satisfied puff of air, he finally let the harpy go. She immediately leaned forward and ground her feathery butt against Vhale, wings flapping.

"Ahh... I told you not to, Beastmaster..." she breathed, her voice sounding distant and her chest heaving. She took a deep breath then let it out very slowly. "Ahhh... mmmph..." Another shiver ran through her, then she glanced down between her thighs, lifting one leg. A bit of his bulging red knot showed from the wet, sticky mess of her down feathers. "Jeeze, Beastmaster. Do you always cum this much?"

He grinned and ran his hands along her hips, toying with her tail feathers and setting them fluttering. "I always try to aim for my very best in all I do."

Kassia shook her head and gave a short laugh. "Well, that was seriously naughty, Beastmaster. I wouldn't even have thought of doing something like this."

"You seemed to love it, little birdie."

Again Kassia blushed, but she was smiling when she turned away. "Maybe I'm a little bit more of a dirtier girl than I thought." She let out a satisfied sigh. "It was weird at first, but I was so turned on, and then the way you used me..." She shuddered and licked her lips. After a moment she unfurled her wings and looked down between her legs. "I still need to lay that egg though..."

Well, if she can force eggs out of there... Vhale reached around and down between her legs, rubbing her pussy. She watched him curiously, but then let out a small gasp of pressure when he forced her pussy lips open. He pulled back, slowly easing his knot out of her, though the way her swaying butt rubbed against him and her cries of pleasure were already arousing him again. After a bit more coaxing he managed to pull his knot out with a wet plop, his still rigid cock hanging between her thighs. Kassia let out a surprised gasp and immediately crouched.

"Ungh!" she breathed.

He watched as a blue speckled egg poked out of her pussy a moment later, covered in his cum and letting more of his sticky fluid ooze out around it. Aroused even more, he crouched too and continued teasing her pussy lips, spreading them open and helping the egg out. Kassia refused to look at him while she lay, but she didn't protest, and even moaned heavily when his fingers dug into her sticky slit and forced her further open. After a moment the egg dropped into the basket and the harpy let out a long, satisfied sigh, visibly relaxing. But he hungered for her again, so he grabbed her, ignoring her puzzled expression she wore, and dragged her over to the bed. He pushed her down onto it, bending her over the edge.

Kassia fidgeted on the bed, her beautiful little slit twitching and still oozing their personal mixture. "Beastmaster...?"

He didn't give any warning when he grabbed his cock in one hand and sank it deep inside her tightening pussy. She gave out a loud yelp, but raised her butt into him and spread her thighs apart. This was a more feral need than before, so he simply slammed himself against her bottom with lust fueled fury, enjoying the noisy tightness and wetness of her pussy until he felt himself peaking again. He came more weakly this time, but he still growled in satisfaction and gave her a few hot streams of cum, then pulled out with a wet plop. Satisfied to the core, Vhale sat on the bed, breathing hard.

Kassia slumped down on the bed, breathing hard, her pussy oozing his cum beneath twitching tail feathers. After a few minutes she sat up beside him, idly watching her pussy emptying itself of creamy cum.

"I'll write you that chit," he said to her. He'd also have to drag Geon into custody and arrange for new ownership of the stack, but he felt that Kassia had earned the effort on his part. Vhale grinned and flicked his tail. "Your bribe was definitely better."

"Huh?" she replied vacantly, looking up, then perked up as she recognition lit her eyes. "Oh! Yes, thank you very much, Beastmaster!" Kassia looked up at him for a moment, head tilted, then rose up. To his surprise she crawled onto his lap, straddling his cock.

"Do you mind...?" she asked quietly. "Having a something inside me between eggs eases my instincts and helps keep my pussy from tightening too much, but down here I didn't dare give anyone the wrong impression... and since you're already here..."

He raised an eyebrow in amusement. "I definitely don't mind."

Kassia eagerly adjusted herself so that his cock slid back inside her hot, tight hole. She let out a pleased sigh, and nestled close against him. There was a moment of quiet hesitation, and fidgeted on his lap, squeezing his cock pleasantly. "Um, Beastmaster..." She paused, then leaned in close so that she could whisper in his ear. "I know beastmasters don't like associating themselves with anyone outside their order..."

He nodded. It went a long way towards that ever important goal of staying alive.

"But you know my clutch day now." Kassia blushed. "If you ever feel like stopping by and using me again... I probably wouldn't have any choice but to let you, and if anyone asks I'll leave them with the impression that it was part of our original agreement."

She hid her face in the crook of his neck, and he grinned, tail curling around them as he toyed with her hair.

It was definitely a promising start to the day.

Into Academia

Ashlyn's voice flowed smooth, staying in perfect unison with the other initiates around him. Not that it was very difficult; the High Songstress guiding them was only just beginning the trial. Still, Ashlyn sang through even this warm-up as if his life...

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