A Game of Queens and Thrones

Alara flicked her feline tail nervously as her friend opened the window. "This is definitely a bad idea." The manor was dark and quiet. Outside oil streetlamps burned in the night beneath a canopy of stars and the sibling moons Doumon and Ghal. The...

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The Harpy's Clutch

Vhale walked the darkened streets, his gaze upward. Though the day was clear and sunny, the sun's radiant warmth was blocked by the suspended metal and stone plates of the Highcity above. It was for mostly that reason that he despised the Warrens,...

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Into Academia

Ashlyn's voice flowed smooth, staying in perfect unison with the other initiates around him. Not that it was very difficult; the High Songstress guiding them was only just beginning the trial. Still, Ashlyn sang through even this warm-up as if his life...

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