
Story by Doctor Otter on SoFurry

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this was something I had in my hard drive and figured I could share with you on So Furry. Allow me to get the background behind the story. Cheshire, the vampire of the story, is a character I play at a Vampire the Masquerade Live Action Role Play known as Atlanta Interactive Theater. He is of clan Malkavian (obviously my favorite). When I first created Cheshire, I had noticed many played a cartoonish Malkavian, or barely played off the mental derangements. I wanted to create a Malkavian that would send shivers up and down people's spines. Esentually I created an Anti-Joker (that is the infamous Joker from the Batman movies and comics.) He keeps a loose hold of his humanity by using his abilities to kill those who would do harm to innocents. This is a representation of where I would like to go with the character in the LARP. Enjoy


Darkness had fallen over the small suburban town of Smyrna. The world was ripe with war, drugs, gangs, and a general mal-aligned population. Within one of the suburban houses was the home of the single mother Charlene Mann. It was a simple house she lived in, split level house, white picket fence, green emerald lawn. It was only a simple mask to the true depravity of the world could attempt to cover up. The silence of the night was interrupted by loud knock on her door. It was her man of the hour, Tyler, garbed in his finest black tuxedo, his light brown hair neatly parted. He wasn't exactly rich, but was well off. He promised to take Charlene out to dinner tonight, but it was obvious he had another plan for this night.

The red door opened to reveal the lovely dressed Charlene dressed in the finest black dress she owned. She wasn't exactly struggling herself from the look of her jewelry. She Tyler a smile and opened the door wider.

"Tyler, you're early!" she exclaimed as he strolled in.

"Always." he said in his normal suave way that made Charlene swoon everytime he used it.

"Well I still have to get ready, I'll be about 20 minutes."

"In that case, I'll check on Rex for you."

She simply smiled, "Rex should be asleep but if you could check up on him that would be great!"

Tyler smiled and made his way up the stairs towards Rex's room. Rex was an unfathered child, aging only 10 years old. It was an obvious sign of the times that marriage was dead, and sex ran rampant through the suburbs. Tyler smirked to himself, almost licking his own chops as a predator would stalking prey. The smile, the suit, the good looks. It was all simply a ruse to get to his real target.

In the darkness he slowly slipped the door open to see that lithe child's body lying in the bed. He slowly snuck into the room. The boogy man came for his prey tonight, but the real monster was a child molester, in the form of mom's boyfriend. He pressed his body harshly against the child, causing him to wake up.

"Hello, Rex..." Tyler whispered with a devious smile crossed over his lips.

Rex knew what he was there for, and he obviously didn't want it.

"No, please. It hurts when you do it."

"Shut the fuck up and take it like the little bitch you are Rex. Make a sound and I'll fucking kill you. Understand?"

Suddenly, from the darkness behind the door came a voice that mockingly replied "Make a sound, and I'll fucking kill you... Understand... Terrence?!"

Tyler's eyes blue eyes opened wide as they shot to where the voice came from. Now before him was rather tall figure draped within the shadow. It had to have been 6'8 inches, perhaps a full 7 feet thanks to the top hat the figure had on. The moonlight gleamed on what looked like a pair of emerald green glasses, almost looking like the eyes of a cat. As Tyler tried to make a move to assault the figure, He finds to be too slow as the figure now held a huge Chrome .45 caliber Colt Python revolver that gleamed with the moonlight that gave his eyes the same creepy effect.

"Don't Move Terrence! We don't need Rex to be covered in your sickened blood. It may infect him with your Psychosis." the figure cackled calmly.

"Who the fuck are you?" Tyler said, "And how do you know who I am?"

"Terrence, Terrence, Terrence..." The figure tsked. "I've been following you for a while, but now the predator becomes prey, much like the Seal becomes food for the Killer Whale..."

"Who are you?!"

The figure kneeled down to reveal his face, now showing in the moonlight. Below the brim of the man's purple top hat, sat a pair of circular green lensed glasses which gave his eyes the creepy look of a cat's. But what was more disturbing was the man's smile. Along the corners of his lips, were scars that looked like they had been purposely placed upon his face to give himself a wider, creepier smile. He was covered from head to toe in purple with his trousers and trenchcoat, but his vest was also an emerald green.

"You've a lot of Gall to ask your killer who he is... but the child should not be here to watch..." he said.

Without further hesitation, he furiously kicks Tyler in his side. The force of the blow was great enough to send him flying through the window of the second floor room. Before Tyler knew it, he landed on the front lawn with a sickening thud and a crunch. Tyler knew at that point running was impossible. He was sure he had broken at least 3 ribs. He looked up to try and get up only to see the same man from inside the room instantaneously appear before him, gun still drawn and pointed at his head.

"Madness of the blood, twisted and sadistic." he cackled aloud. "I serve you to the darkest depths of damnation and hell that no innocent shall ever experience. I offer you to your lord and master Asmodeus, dark god of lust so that you may forever serve him as his own personal playmate!"

"The Fuck are you talking about?!" he screamed.

"Damnation is your reward devil man... And I... your salvation!"

Without further hesitation, the man pulls the trigger and plugs a round directly into the man's head. The large Caliber of the weapon caused his head to literally explode over the ground. the loud gunshot rang through the neighborhood and awoken many many of the neighbors. The man slowly began looking up from the window he had jumped from and saw Rex leaning over the window, both in amazement and fear. The man slowly pulled up his empty hand, wrapping his white gloved hand into a fist with only his index finger extended and placed it against his lips to shush the young child and as sudden as he had appeared, vanished from the boys Vision.

The front door suddenly opened to reveal Charlene coming out to investigate the gunshot. She screamed in utter horror to find tyler's headless body on the front lawn.

It took the police 45 minutes to respond the the call and they shut down the entire street to investigate. Along with them was Lieutenant Alice Killian, a young blonde haired woman garbed in a simple conservative lady's business outfit and wearing a trenchcoat. She always hated Halloween, it always seemed to inspire criminal activity. She sighed as she looked over the dead body as she awaited from her coworkers interviewing Charlene.

"What a fuckin' mess..." she said to herself.

"Lt. Killian?" a voice spoke up from behind her.

It was officer Oscar Knowles, the young rookie african american cop fresh out of the academy, wearing his normal blues that most of the other officers were seen wearing.

"What'd ya get Knowles?"

"Victim's name is Tyler Grant, lives in Atlanta, was coming here to take Charlene out on a date... Strange thing is, we ran his tag and his ID, No Tyler Grant in the Georgia Systems. We can only hope fingerprints from our smartphone apps bring something."

Suddenly, Alice's phone began ringing from inside her pocket. She pulled the phone out and looked a the caller id.

"Speak of the devil, it's HQ..." she mentioned before answering. "Killian... You sure? No doubts? What's the percentile of wrong id? I see. Send me the file and I'll confirm the ID."

"What is it Lieutenant?"

"We are about to find out..."

Without further hesitation she walked over to the grieving woman and held up her phone for her to see the picture of the recently slain man. Charlene sniffled as she stared at that handsome face without hesitation. Rex, who was in the woman's lap, looked to the picture and quickly turned his face away from it.

"Is this the man who came to pick you up tonight?" Alice asked without emotion.

"Yes... that's him! but who..."

"Ma'am. I regrettably have to inform you, this man's real name isn't Tyler."

"What?!" Charlene sobbed through her tears.

"This man is known as Terrence Morgan, we just ID'ed him a moment ago. He's a serial child molester, rapist, and serial killer. You didn't know it, but you were in grave danger..." Alice replied sternly.

"N... No... it can't be..." she said "Who... how?"

"Good Riddance!" yelled the child.

Alice stared at Rex for a second, finally fitting the pieces together. "Did this man hurt you?"

Rex softly nodded and shivered in his mother's arms, "Yes... but that clown saved me..."


"Yes... a really tall man with a really big smile. He snuck into the room and killed the monster."

Alice sighed a bit, knowing full well whom the child now was talking about. "Ma'am, may I please see your purse?"

"Y... yes you may. But why?" she asked.

"Just a hunch."

As Charlene handed Alice the big black purse she owned, Alice slipped on some latex gloves before she dug into the bag. It didn't take long before she stopped, feeling a very familiar object inside the bag. She pulled out a plain white card that was lodged deep into the purse. On one side of the card was a representation of the Cheshire Cat, from Alice in Wonderland. Upon the cat's head was a recreation of the Mad Hatter's top hat. Alice knew immediately who the culprit was.

"Cheshire..." she whispered under her breath. She turned to Knowles and held up the card, "I need an evidence bag for this."

"Who's Cheshire?" Charlene asked.

"Trust me," Alice replied. "You do not wanna know..."

Sheer Dominance

The bright sun beat down on the dark leather armor of the young Otter. He held a pair of daggers at either hip as he trudged through the woods, making his way towards the closest town. It was warm, but in that leather armor, it made it almost...

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Top of the ninth inning with no outs in the middle of July, to be precise the last game before the All-Star break. The sweltering Georgia heat belted the entire stadium relentlessly. I eagerly awaited for the call to my bullpen. My Name is Dale...

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Chapter 8 - Unbridled Emotions and Sudden Death.

Back in Kaiden, Rose stood nude before a full sized mirror in the back room of the church which wasn't exactly decorated elaborately. There was only a simple queen sized bed in the far end of the room with a headboard in which she hung her belt that...

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