Hypnosis on Mt. Silver

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This was a commission from FA: DrakeHavok done in stream style. I wrote this over the stream I journaled over the course of two hours. I hope you enjoyed it if you watched it, and if you didn't watch, here's the story of a human in Johto encountering an Animor resident (how I explain furries in the pokemon word) and hypnosis and foot fetish fun.

Hypnosis on Mt. Silver

Barry groaned as he pulled himself over another of the rocky hills that littered the slopes of Mt. Silver. His arms and legs ached, but he forced himself to keep going. With the sight of the Pokemon Center sign in the distance, he knew that he could make it by nightfall. He would have to, considering where he was. Johto was a difficult enough place to sleep safely - or at least unmolested - but this was Mt. Silver, and that was a whole different animal. Without companions, he wasn't sure that he would be able to make it through the night, particularly when Blue and X were already tired.

The trainer sighed under his breath as he got to his feet again. Putting his hand over his eyes, he squinted through the fading sunlight to get a better look at the sign. It was difficult to make out, but he could still see the building against the side of the mountain. He was going the right direction.

However, it was further away than he'd thought it was, and not by a little bit, either. Barry shook his head in frustration.

"And here I was thinking I would get a decent rest before sunset."

Still, he didn't have time to waste complaining. He started walking again, keeping an eye out as he walked through the tall grass. Despite having several Repels on him, he doubted that he'd be able to get through without something getting through. The Pokemon on the slopes so far had been enormously strong, and he had been forced to fight more often than he meant to. Even the strongest Repels had only done so much, and the higher level ones that ignored it had been the strongest he'd seen since fighting the Elite Four.

At least the scenery was something to enjoy, he thought. He looked up the side of the mountain. The region wasn't misnamed, that was for sure. The rocks shone in the fading sunlight, and while he was pretty sure that it wasn't silver in the area, there was enough metallic stuff in the rocks for it to look like it. Lines of light ran down the sides of the mountain only interrupted by rocks and -

He blinked. Something had just run across the light, not long enough for him to see what it was but enough to break the light for a second. The trainer reached down for his belt, his fingers closing around one of the shrunken Pokeballs at his belt. Was it a Pokemon, he wondered? Or was it some other trainer?

There it was again. It wasn't hiding, he realized, it was just running down the mountain as fast as it could. There were enough rocks to block his sight of it whenever it moved from one spot to another, and -

And it was heading right towards him, he realized as it darted out from another rock.

"Ooooh F-"

The black silhouette crashed into him, sending him rolling backwards. The world spun around him, and he barely caught sight of the black shape rolling next to him. It must have lost its footing as well when it collided with him and went flying.

They rolled and rolled through the grass, the long blades doing nothing to slow them down. If anything, they only seemed to speed them up, keeping them off of the ground and reducing their friction somehow. The cliff that he'd just climbed up came speeding into view, and Barry braced himself as they went over the edge.



They hit the ground one after the other, the black thing hitting first and giving Barry a bit of a cushion as he landed on top of it. Not much of one, though; this thing was as hard as a rock, or very nearly so. It was smooth, too, like the side of a reptile. He shook his head a few times, rolling to the side to not put his weight on the other...thing...more than he had to.

As he caught his breath, he watched as the black thing stood up. Black scales ran from head to toe over the other guy, and he was a little surprised to see how strange things like shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt looked on something that was so obviously not human. Must have been one of the new people from the Animor region, he supposed; they'd been arriving by wing, ship and train for the last few months, either searching for Pokemon or looking for a new place to live. They were all blendings of human and animal, and according to them, it was due to various experiments done on Pokemon in their area in the past.

This one looked like one of the dragon types, considering all his scales, the horns on the back of his head, and the wings on his back. As the dragon looked down at him, Barry was surprised to see that he lacked some of the vibrant colors that he'd heard they had. No green, no bright blues, nothing but an empty white looked down at him.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Barry blinked, shaking his head free of the strange swimming sensation he'd felt after looking at the dragon. He pulled himself to his feet, rubbing the side of his head.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. What was that about?"

"Sorry, I was running."

"Yeah, I noticed. You ran right into me."

"I said I was sorry."

"Yeah, I heard that. Why were you running?"

"Mostly for exercise. I didn't think the slope was that steep, though; once I got going, I just couldn't stop."

Looking back up at the slopes, he supposed he could understand that. After all, this was one of the bigger mountains in the Johto region; if there had been snow on it, it could have been a super elite ski resort instead of a playground for high level Pokemon.

That reminded him. Reaching down to his belt, he pulled one of his Pokeballs free. A slight tap at the center was enough to make it grow, and he held it up.

"Hey, want to battle?"

"What, after we just fell off a cliff?"

"It's kinda what trainers do, isn't it?"

"Not in my experience."

"How in the hell have you not been challenged to battle by every trainer you've seen?"

"Simple. I'm not a trainer."


Blushing, he put the Pokeball back at his waist. He felt pretty sheepish after that, shaking his head a few times and rubbing the back of his head with one hand. The dragon didn't seem so bothered, though, and offered his hand with a smile.

"I'm Draconicon."

"I'm Barry."

The two of them shook hands. The dragon's smile was surprisingly infectious, and it wasn't long before Barry was smiling back.

"So, uh, are you one of those dragon types that can fly people around?"

"I'm afraid I never really learned that HM." They laughed at the rather bad joke. "In all seriousness, though, I'm not really that strong. I'm good enough to fly myself around, but even then that's kind of a limited ability."

"Well, there goes flying back up there. Geez, took me almost half an hour to climb this last time."

The dragon turned to look at the cliff. It was relatively high, and very steep. Unlike the slopes, it actually ran straight up towards the plateau and field above, and though it had handholds and footholds, it would be hard to climb for any real distance. Shaking his head, Draconicon turned back to him.

"Sorry, again."

"Eh, it's just something to climb. I guess I'll have to deal with arriving after moonrise instead of just after sundown."

"At the Pokemon Center?"


"Well, why don't you just camp out here?"

Barry raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, I know it's a little dangerous, but that's only if you're by yourself. If you have a friend around, then they can keep watch while you sleep, and vice versa."

"So you're a friend now?"

"Well, I can't fly you up, so I'd say that this is the next best thing I can offer."

"I guess that's fair enough. Let's set up camp."

It didn't take long for Barry to get his gear out of his pack. Thankfully nothing had been damaged in the fall other than his pride, and even that was soothed as the dragon helped him put stuff back together. Soon they had a small pit dug out of the ground and a fire burning in it, and with the fold-out cooking spit that he kept in his pack, they had a little bit of water boiling, and some packaged soup thrown in it.

As it cooked, Barry turned his attention back to the dragon. He cocked his head to the side as he looked him over, measuring him with a glance. If he wasn't a trainer...


"I was wondering. If you're not a trainer, how do you travel all over the place without getting mobbed by Pokemon. It's pretty dangerous out here, and, well...how do you keep yourself safe?"

"Eh, it's not that hard. I can deal with the Pokemon that actually bother me."

"How in the hell do you do that?"

"Simple. Hypnosis."

The trainer arched an eyebrow at that. Leaning back against his backpack, he crossed his arms and gestured for the dragon to explain. Draconicon shrugged, leaning back on his hands with his sandals pointed towards the fire.

"I'm not kidding, Barry. I just have this way of hypnotizing them. Kind of the reason I don't battle, for that matter; nine times out of ten, it just wouldn't be fair to the other trainer when I take control of their Pokemon away from them."


"Hey, I'm just giving you an answer. Didn't say it'd be easy to believe."

He'd heard of some sorts of mind control before, but only with Psychic type Pokemon. They were strong enough mentally to do pretty much whatever they wanted to most other Pokemon - except for Dark types, though that was because they'd just wipe the floor with the Psychics before they had a chance to do anything - but he'd never heard of anybody, not even one of the Animor people, doing anything of the sort. It seemed almost impossible to believe.

At the same time, it seemed to be the only explanation. Ordinary people simply didn't come to places like Mt. Silver, not without some defense of their own. Draconicon didn't have any of the stun guns that he'd seen some traveling merchants carry, nor did he have any Pokeballs at his belt or have any bulges that could have been Pokeballs.

"Why don't you prove what you can do?"


"If you can hypnotize Pokemon, then hypnotize mine. If you can't, then you..."

"Then I...what?"

"Then you do something for me later."

"And if I can hypnotize them?"

"I'll owe you a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"Your choice. Can you do it or not?"

When the dragon smiled, he wondered if he might have stepped into something that he shouldn't have. After all, hypnosis wasn't something that anyone should mess with, not if they had a bit of sense. It was so crazy, and had so little chance of being real, however, that Barry pushed on. Grabbing his Pokeballs from his waist, he threw them down by the fire.

"Come on out, Blue, X."

The balls snapped open and the familiar white light blazed out of them. They quickly formed two shapes of different heights, soon gaining color and solid shape. One was Blue, his Golduck, and the other was X, a shiny Charizard that he'd gained a long time ago. Both of them were in pretty good health, if a bit tired. There were no scratches or marks along their hides, and the two of them immediately assumed battle positions as they had been trained. When no fight presented itself, they blinked, turning their heads to look back at him.

"Hey guys. Have a nice rest in the balls?"

Blue nodded, and X rolled his eyes.

"Watch it, smartass."

X blew a little puff of flame, but nodded his head as well.

"Anyway, I was hoping you guys could help me out here. Draconicon over there -" He pointed to the dragon. "-says that he can hypnotize Pokemon. Think you can help me prove him wrong, show him that he's just a great big boasting dragon?"

Blue turned his head towards the dragon. Grinning, the Golduck pressed one of its webbed hands to its forehead, pointing to the gem there. It twinkled for a moment out of time with the firelight, the Pokemon showing off its own psychic side.

X was no less confident, turning his bulk towards the black dragon and stomping on the ground. His fiery tail waved behind him, flaring and heating the air as it suddenly blazed higher.

None of this fazed Draconicon. Instead of looking impressed, he just shook his head with a chuckle.

"Well, if you want to play this game, I'll play. We'll see just who gets the last laugh, though."

Rather than pulling out a pocketwatch or a spoon or anything that Barry would have thought to use, the dragon reached down to his sandals. He slid them off with a quick slide of his hands, throwing them to the side of the firepit. At Barry's look of curiosity, Draconicon chuckled.

"I don't use any real tools. All I need are my eyes and my feet."


"Hey, I don't know why it works. I just know that it does."

"Whatever. It's not going to work."

Draconicon chuckled again, walking around the fire to stand by the pair of Pokemon. He reached up, stroking a finger along X's chin, before looking down at Blue. Tapping the gem on the Golduck's head, he seemed to be fascinated with it for a moment before shaking his head.

"Hey, I'm the hypnotist here, not you."


"Your trainer asked you to do this, not me. Blame him if you're bored."

Sitting down between Blue and X, the dragon positioned himself so that his legs were pushed forward, one foot presented to each of the Pokemon before leaning back on his hands. The pair of them seemed curious, but they didn't seem hypnotized yet. If anything, they were bemused, waiting for this whole thing to be over, and to be honest, Barry felt about the same about the whole thing.

Then, somehow, the white in the dragon's eyes started to change. It shifted, a second ring of color appearing in the middle. Red, he thought, and Barry suddenly felt warmer as the red ring expanded through the dragon's eye. It disappeared after a moment, leaving the eye white again.

Another red ring appeared, this time followed by a blue one. They flashed by in the blink of an eye, but again that warmth slipped through his mind, followed by a strange desire to take a deep breath. Not through his mouth, though, but through his nose. Not seeing any reason why not, Barry did just that, sniffing the air just as Blue and X did the same thing.

Underneath the scent of grass and fire, he smelled something. It was mild, nothing too strong, but there was a definite scent of foot musk under there. Draconicon's feet, he supposed, but it didn't have the same scent that another human's shoes or feet might have had. It was just a simple musk, a raspy sort of scent of his scales combined with the undertones of a bit of sweat and testosterone. If it had been stronger, or if it was shoved in his face, he thought it would have bothered him, but as it was it just was...there. Nicely there, though.

The rings appeared again, red, blue, and pink. They flashed quickly, and once more he felt a burst of heat through his body as he sniffed the air. The scent and the heat made his jeans feel tight, a strange feeling he only got when he was getting turned on. He ignored it though, leaning forward. The rings were fascinating, and he felt like they had some secret behind them.

Absently he realized that Blue and X were at his sides now rather than in front of him, and that all three of them were bending over. He wasn't quite sure why. All he knew was that the next burst of colors - red, blue, pink, and violet this time - had them closer than ever, their nostrils flared wide as they were almost constantly sniffing the air now. His mind registered that the smell of musk and feet were getting stronger by the second, but he didn't realize how close they were to Draconicon's feet until he felt scales against his face.

Blinking, he looked down. Both Blue and X had their noses pressed firmly against Draconicon's scaly feet, their nostrils lodged under his toes and breathing deeply. Barry barely realized that he had gotten that close as well, his face nestled between the dragon's arches and his face slightly damp at the touch.

Before he could pull back, the colors flickered again. He panted softly, his eyes glazing over as his pants felt tighter than ever. They seemed to hug his crotch far too much, making it almost hurt to wear them. His hands reached back clumsily, slowly undoing the button and pulling down the zipper to ease the pressure.

He'd barely done anything before his bulge did the rest of the work for him. The bulge pushed the zipper the rest of the way down, and his cock slipped out. His own aroused scent hit the air, but it was nothing compared to the scent that filled his nose from the feet in front of him.

Another burst of rings kept him from jolting in surprise as a webbed hand grabbed hold of his cock. Blue, he slowly realized, the Golduck actually slowly jerking him off as he continued to sniff along the scales in his face. Figuring that he should return the favor somehow, he reached to his right, his hand fumbling around until it found the hot, leaking Charizard shaft on that side.

They kept stroking each other as they were bombarded with rings from the dragon's eyes and the scent of his feet. For a time, he was still curious about the rings and what they were doing, but slowly that curiosity faded away, replaced only with the musky smell in his nose and the feeling of that warm hand against his cock. All the thought he had was to pleasure himself, his Pokemon...and eventually, the dragon.

The thought seemed to be universal, because they moved together from the black scaled feet to the dragon's shorts. Clumsy, sleep-befuddled fingers tugged at the button and the zipper, the Pokemon and their trainer working to get it done and having a great deal of trouble, especially as the rings kept bombarding them from his eyes.

Finally Barry managed to get them undone, pulling them down enough to let the dragon's cock out. It was a massive bit of flesh, almost equalling X's size at a stunning twelve inches. Even in his hypnotized state, Barry doubted that he would be able to take anything like that, and was grateful when Draconicon turned his attention more towards X instead.

"Bend over, oh mighty fire dragon."

X bowed his head, turning around and going down onto all fours. Even with his eyes turned from the dragon, however, it was clear that the big fire dragon wasn't going to snap out of his hypnosis, particularly when Draconicon shifted his position to bring his foot around. He slid the Charizard's shaft between his toes, slowly stroking him and encouraging his arousal.

He turned his attention back to Blue and Barry. It barely needed saying, but he still nodded towards his cock, smiling at them.

"Get me nice and wet for your friend, and keep tending to each other as well."

Barry nodded as he leaned forward, resting his head against Draconicon's thigh. Blue slid up a bit further, leaning on one arm to give him the elevation needed to get to the tip of the dragon's cock, while Barry dealt with the lower half. The Golduck swallowed the head of the thick cock into his mouth, while the human worked his way around the base of the shaft, tending to it with slow, deliberate licks. It wasn't just to make sure that it was nice and wet, but also to savor the flavor, a heady combination of thick pre and a surprisingly tasty saltiness.

He was surprised at how much he enjoyed this. Of course, he'd had...experience with another before, but he'd never really enjoyed this sort of worshiping licking. It had been more foreplay than anything, and he'd been happy to move on. Now, though, he almost wished that the shaft was going to go down his mouth rather than up X's backside. He shuddered, grinning to himself as he imagined it.

It helped that Blue continued to stroke him, and Barry returned the favor. The Golduck's cock was slick and thin, not quite so thick as a human shaft, but definitely longer. He couldn't see it with the big dragon cock in his face, but he could guess it was a good seven inches long, perhaps an inch thick. It dripped a lot, though, and soon soaked his hand with pre. Was this something that all water types did, he wondered? Or was Blue this pent up? He might have to find that out sometime, he thought to himself.

For the moment, he just kept licking the base of the dragon's cock, slicking it up. He moaned against the flesh, pressing his lips to it and kissing it, soaking it as best he could. Occasionally Blue slid a little too far down and they bumped into each other, but by and large they were succeeding in getting Draconicon ready.

Soon he pulled back, his cock slick and wet looking in the firelight. The dragon walked behind the bent over Charizard, his cock rubbing between cream colored ass cheeks. Black fingers spread them, revealing the twitching hole between.

"Just don't smack me with your tail, okay? I'm not fireproof."

X nodded his head. The dragon smiled, raising the tip of his cock so that it pressed against the bigger dragon's hole. Barry watched as it pressed against the larger pucker, watched his Pokemon's hole spread around it until Draconicon's cock slid inside. It went in surprisingly easy, and in seconds Draconicon was fucking the fire dragon hard.

It was a quick fuck, but no less intense for it. The black dragon was like a shadow on X's back, pinning the bigger dragon down through sheer attitude. His hands held the Charizard by the hips, and he pulled himself back and forth in a blur, ramming himself into the other dragon's ass. It was like watching a porno movie, Barry thought, except that he couldn't think of a single studio that would make something like this. Not one that was legal, at any rate.

He felt a tongue on his cock before it was swallowed into a hot mouth, and he slowly looked down to see Blue sucking on him. He moaned at the sensation, his eyes rolling back in his head at the pleasurable blowjob.

X roared in pleasure, cumming on the ground a few minutes later, and the sound almost brought Barry out of his little trance. However, Blue chose that moment to shove his cock all the way to the back of his throat, and the pleasure pulled him right back in.

Another roar filled the air a bit later, and when Barry was able to look up again, he saw Draconicon standing at his side. His cock was still hard and it dripped with both cum and spit. He smiled up at the dragon, almost giggling at the serious face he saw.

"I see you have another Pokeball at your waist."

"Huh? Oh, oh yeah. I do. You wanna see him?"

"I think I would."

"Sure, sure. Lemme get him out."

Clumsily reaching for the Pokeball, Barry threw it onto the ground before leaning his head back and enjoying the blowjob again.

The dragon shook his head at the human. This was always the downside of his hypnosis; everybody always acted like they were high out of their minds, and it made it rather difficult to talk coherently with them. Admittedly talking wasn't what he usually did, but it was one of those things that kept him going back to regular sex.

He watched the flashing light with interest as the Pokeball opened. Barry had two interesting Pokemon already out, and he'd really enjoyed the Charizard's hot ass around his cock. He wondered just what else the human had. Another Water, Fire, or Flying type seemed unlikely, all things considered. It might be a Psychic, which would present a small problem, but he didn't think -

Well, this isn't what I expected.

The voice in his head confirmed the presence of a psychic, but the purple and white colorings on the Pokemon made his eyes go wide. Only one Pokemon looked like that, and he had thought it long disappeared.

Mewtwo crossed his arms. He looked down at the human and then at the other Pokemon that were in a trance. The legendary psychic shook his head before turning back to the dragon.

I have to say, I didn't think that he'd be running into someone that would do this.

"In my defense, he did say to prove I could hypnotize him."

I don't think he expected you to do this.

"And I already know I have no chance of hypnotizing you. Uh...any chance that you're here not by your choice and you're going to be happy that I did this to Barry and his Pokemon?"

Laughing, Mewtwo shook his head, and Draconicon winced. It was a little too much to hope for, but he supposed that he kind of brought this one on himself. He looked at the lusty Pokemon and their trainer, and shook his head.

"Alright, fine. What's the punishment gonna be?"

Who said that I was going to punish you?

"Seemed a good assumption. So -"

I'm just going to make sure that you join in the fun...properly.


Purple light shot from Mewtwo's fingers to the dragon's head. Unlike the rings and the musk, the psychic power of the legendary Pokemon was something that worked damn near instantly, and Draconicon had a moment of resistance before he grinned absently.

That's better. Now, why don't you get to work making sure that everyone leaves here with a smile...

A glowing hand guided the dragon to his knees, and he grinned as the Golduck was moved behind him, the human placed in front of him. He felt a slick cock pressed up against his backside, while a pair of surprisingly musky human feet were placed in front of his face. His already hard cock throbbed at the sight, and he leaned his face against them, nuzzling against them.

He barely felt it when his ass was filled, the slim Golduck cock sliding in almost immediately. The watery Psychic type did have energy, though, as he started humping the dragon's ass almost immediately. He shuddered at the feeling, groaning against the feet on his face as he was filled quick and hard.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Mewtwo had turned the Charizard around, turning the fire dragon to point towards his own crotch. Draconicon only barely saw a curved shaft sticking out from between Mewtwo's legs before it was swallowed, forced down the large dragon's long neck.

Purple psychic light flared around their eyes, he noticed at the back of his mind as he bounced his hips back and forth along Golduck's cock, filling himself and matching the thrusts from behind. His toes curled as it pressed into the right spots, and he grinned happily as he was used. His tongue slipped out, dragging along the sweaty human toes, licking them clean with a big smile on his face.

Yes, that's it. Just be a good little friend for Barry and his Pokemon. Give a little, and you'll get a lot more.

Draconicon grunted in response, sucking on one of Barry's toes as the Golduck suddenly slammed in hard. He moaned, muffling it against the human's foot as he felt his ass fill with cum, and shuddered as it almost pushed him over the edge to a new orgasm. He panted, almost at the point of cumming.

No sooner than Golduck had orgasmed, however, than the human was moved around. Using his telekinesis, Mewtwo moved the human behind the dragon. Warm fingers pressed against the dragon's ass cheeks, and he groaned as he realized what was going to happen. At least he would be well lubed, he thought.

As the human pushed forward, another pair of feet were shoved in his face. The two toes made it clear just who they belonged to, and he slid his nose between them, sniffing at the space between as pleasure ran through his body.

That's it, dragon. Just go on and sniff my feet...sniff and lick my feet until Barry makes you cum.

It didn't take long. The human's cock wasn't as long as his Pokemon's, but it was sure as hell thicker, and that was a good feeling to the dragon. He shuddered as he held still, letting the trainer use his ass as he pleased, and he followed the order to play with Mewtwo's feet. The toes were soft against his face, and the musk was pleasantly mind-numbing, leaving him panting.

In scant minutes he was cumming, squirting his load onto the grass below. He shuddered as his body tensed up at the same time, but it wasn't quite enough to put the human over the edge. Draconicon slumped over, his cheek against the earth as the human kept pumping his hips back and forth, repeatedly slamming his cock as deep into the dragon's ass as it would go.

Good dragon.

Barry woke up with a groan, pressing his hand to his head. His entire body felt sore, and the only warm part of his body were his feet, for some odd reason. He slowly sat up, and quickly saw the reason for it.

Blue, X, Draconicon, himself, and even Mewtwo - who he really didn't remember releasing from his Pokeball - were all naked and their cocks were hard. They were asleep with their feet pointed at the dying fire, and he could see each one of them were slick...and inviting, he thought before he shook the thought out of his head.

As he rolled to his side, he felt something oozing out of his ass. He stopped right there, sitting down flat again as he realized it was cum running out of his hole. He'd been fucked and filled a LOT last night, apparently, and not from just one person.

Draconicon was the next person to wake up, and as he yawned and stretched, he seemed to go through the same realizations as Barry had. Oddly, though, the dragon didn't seem that bothered by it.

"So...do you remember what happened?"

"Eh, only up until Mewtwo came out. After that it gets pretty blurry. I do remember Charizard fucking you up the ass while Mewtwo kept his feet in your face, though."

"Oh Goooooooooood."

Barry slapped his hand against his forehead as he tried to think of how that had all happened, and more importantly, just how much had happened. He could remember flashes of it, bits and pieces. He remembered topping the dragon after Blue had used that scaly ass. He remembered having his cock sucked by both Draconicon and X at the same time. And he remembered -

"Oh geez, tell me that I didn't actually beg you all to give me a group footjob."

"I vaguely remember that one."

The already building blush erupted into full flame at that point, and Barry whimpered. How was he going to show his face now?

If you ask me, it's about time you actually had a bit of fun.

He whipped his head around to Mewtwo, who had floated into the air while still laying on his side. A look down at the Pokemon's two toed feet revealed some cum stains that he hadn't seen at first, and his blush only got worse as he realized his cock was stiffening at he sight.

Mewtwo chuckled, floating over and 'sitting' in mid-air, his feet dangling down and tapping against the human's cock. Barry tried and failed to hide his reaction, his cock throbbing at the touches and begging for more.

See, look at that. You wanted it then, and you want it now. That seriously isn't a bad thing, you know? It just means that you have the same needs as everyone else.

"But with Pokemon -"

You seriously think that we don't have the same kinks and needs? You are a blind man, aren't you?


I will hypnotize another orgy out of you if you need to really learn the point.

"...I'm not sure that my ass could take that."

Then do you admit that it was fun?


And will you do it again?


Good. Mewtwo turned to the dragon. Stay with him until he gets to the top of the cliff?

The dragon nodded.

Great. Now, since we don't have anything better to do until it's a bit lighter out, let's have a bit more fun.

The trainer had no chance as Mewtwo's feet wrapped around his cock, the pairs of toes perfect for sliding a shaft between them and stroking a cock. He moaned out loud, already starting to leak against those toes. His face was bright red with an embarrassed blush, and it didn't help when Draconicon walked over, shoving his erection in his face.

"Hey, if it's going to be fun time, let's have fun."

Groaning, Barry opened his mouth and allowed the dragon's cock in. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could make out X and Blue waking up and helping each other out as well, the two of them in a rough 69 with X stretching his neck out to reach Blue's crotch. The two of them growled and moaned louder than he was, and he was half worried that some wild Pokemon would be taking it as an invitation to join the fun.

Stop worrying, Barry. Just relax, and enjoy the fun.

He grumbled, but tried to do that. He knew that if he didn't Mewtwo would just hypnotize him again. Sucking on the dragon's cock and feeling himself getting close to the edge already, Barry surrendered to the 'fun'. He came hard over Mewtwo's toes, and despite himself, he managed a slight twitch of a smile.

At least he could always have some fun, even when camping alone.

The End

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