First Times

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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Another of my surviving 20+ year old pieces, featuring a tigress lacking in knowledge about the ways of sex and love getting some instruction on things from her vixen friend.

First Times


Charles E. Terrell Jr. AKA Nightmask

Shadows flickered on the library's shelves as the fireplace burned low, the only constant source of light the single lamp placed next to the reading chair. Seated in the steady glow, calmly reading a book of Japanese poetry, was one whose very existence would be denied by the world at large: an anthropomorphic fox of uncommon beauty.

Even in the pale light of the lamp her fur was a brilliant crimson, with a streak of pastel blue running down from her muzzle to disappear under the collar of her floral print nightgown. Draped carelessly about her shoulders, her more darkly shaded headfur reached down to her waist, and was kept away from her chest by the fullness of her breasts. Her tail descended through an opening in the chair, allowing for comfortable seating as its pastel blue tip flicked up and down.

As she reached for a brownie she paused, her exceptional hearing picking up the faint sounds of footsteps approaching. With a moment's study she marked her place and put her book aside, curious as to why Elizabeth was up so late.

"Uhm, Mirriam, can I talk with you?" Motioning the tigress to take one of the nearby chairs, the vixen found herself growing concerned by her friend's unusually tense demeanor, particularly when she drew the chair closer and Mirriam found Elizabeth's scent strongly tinged with confusion.

"What's wrong, Elizabeth?" she asked, attention focused completely on her friend.

"I-, I'm not really sure, " she began, her throaty voice uncharacteristically soft. "Something's seems wrong inside me; these feelings keep running through me, and I feel an urge to do something but I don't know what it is. Last week, when Chris was helping me clean up, it was so strong I almost lost control of myself! What's wrong with me?!" Elizabeth's head came to rest in her hands as normally strong-willed femme found herself struggling to hold herself together.

"It's okay, Elizabeth; there's nothing wrong with you, " Mirriam quickly replied, resting a comforting hand on the tigress's white-and-black striped shoulder. "What you're feeling is perfectly natural."

"It is?" A look of relief washed over the confused feline's face at Mirriam's words.

"Yes, it is, " Mirriam repeated. "I've experienced it myself. When we were created our designers left certain instincts within us, most related to survival; but along with those instincts came those related to seeking a mate. Just like I did shortly before we met Chris, you've matured enough that these instincts are starting to kick in."

"But what do they want me to do?" she asked, her education both before and after escaping completely lacking in regard to sexuality.

"They want you to find a mate and start producing children, " she replied matter-of-factly. "Do you remember that human couple we came across shortly after we escape? They were engaged in one of several ways of mating."

"That was mating?" Elizabeth's expression became one of shock and disgust. "But it was so strange looking, and she seemed to be in pain."

"Quite the opposite, actually; with the possible exception of the first time it's very enjoyable." A smile tugged at the corners of Mirriam's muzzle as she thought about her own time with Chris just a few nights before. "Once you learn how to control these urges and how to satisfy them you'll be fine."

"Have you....mated....before?" Embarrassment tinged Elizabeth's voice and scent as she asked what she intuitively sensed was a very personal question.

"Yes, Elizabeth, I have." Taking her friend's real hand in hers Mirriam's smile became more apparent as she continued in a conspiratorial whisper, "with Chris. So I know just how pleasurable it can be, and I know that you can cope with what's happening to you."

Elizabeth sat without moving, only her tail and ears twitching slightly as she tried to assimilate Mirriam's words. Several long minutes passed before she spoke again. "Mirriam, please help me. Show me how to cope with these feelings and urges."

"You know I'd do anything for you or Theresa, " Mirriam said as she stood, urging Elizabeth to join her, "the library isn't the best place to start in, so let's go back to your room, okay?"


The two walked quietly through the house, not wanting to disturb Chris or Theresa, even though all the rooms were soundproofed, and Elizabeth's was farthest from the rest. Closing the door quietly behind them and locking it, Mirriam motioned for Elizabeth to sit down on the huge bed before joining her.

"Before we begin I want you to feel free to ask any questions you have, no matter how silly they may seem to you; the more you know the better you can cope."

"Does that include questions about you and Chris?" she asked before she could stop herself.

"Yes, you can ask questions about me and Chris, but there are some things between us that are private, and I can't answer them without breaking the trust we have in each other."

"Oh, okay." Pausing a moment to finish forming her thought she asked, "What's it like, mating?"

"It's one of the most enjoyable things you could ever hope to do, " Mirriam promptly answered, a dreamy expression on her face as the vixen thought back to her last mating. "There's no way I can explain to you the thrill that goes through me when he touches me, or the joy I feel when he mounts me. The only way you'll know what it's like is when you experience it for yourself."

"Can we start now?" The sight of Elizabeth's continuing submissiveness worried Mirriam; she was normally much more forceful.

"We already have; your question was the beginning." Reaching for the sash of her nightgown she began to untie it, even as she told Elizabeth, "now though we need to get undressed so that I can show you how to pleasure yourself, because how can you be comfortable letting another please you if you can't please yourself?"

Elizabeth stripped off what was left of the body armor she wore when out, tossing the pieces over to join the rest, then slowly unzipped the gray jumpsuit she wore underneath, slipping it off and pitching it on top of her armor, while Mirriam, already out of her nightgown, arranged several of the large pillows on the bed to support her as she leaned back against them, digitigrade legs stretched out before her.

"Now what?" Elizabeth asked as she stretched out her six foot-four inch frame next to Mirriam, starting to feel more comfortable with what was happening.

"Now I demonstrate some ways to pleasure yourself, " she told her lifelong friend. "First thing you need to do is get comfortable, otherwise it's much more difficult to enjoy yourself."

"Next, you need to determine just what parts of you are most enjoyable to touch. Like this." Closing her eyes, Mirriam reached up to touch the top of her head, fingertips following the curves of her ears, continuing down her head to brush along the curve of her neck. As she worked her way down to her breasts she said in a voice barely above a whisper, "your breasts are one of the key areas when it comes to feeling pleasure. You can see that my nipples are beginning to swell and harden, a sign of arousal, although they can respond to cold as well."

"Is that why your scent has changed?" Elizabeth asked, fascinated by her friend's display and feeling those strange sensations growing in her as well, triggered by the friend's changing scent.

"Yes, " she answered with difficulty as she worked her hands down her belly. "It'll grow stronger as I become more aroused." Dropping her hands to her sides Mirriam struggled to take slow, deep breaths, trying to calm herself. "Which is why I need to stop for a moment; a person tends to loose control when fully aroused, and I need to keep my mind clear for you. Plus, you smell like your reacting to my scent."

"I am?" Looking down at herself Elizabeth was surprised to see that her nipples had become larger, and even more fully extended than her friend turned teacher's nipples. Touching one she felt a tingle rush from it through her, a pleasure she had never experienced before. Cupping one breast with her real hand she started stroking it with her fingers while she caressed her nipple with her thumb. As the sensation grew in intensity she realized her scent had changed as well, matching in some ways the change she had detected in Mirriam.

"Yes, that's the way, " came Mirriam's encouraging voice as she took notice of Elizabeth's efforts. "Take it slow, though, no need to rush." Reaching over she began scratching the tigress's head affectionately, to which Elizabeth responded with sporadic purrs and hooded eyes. "Nice, isn't it?"

"Verrry," she purred. "It's much easierrr knowing that these feelings arrre naturral." Releasing her own breast she reached for Mirriam's, wanting to share some of her newfound pleasure with her, but stopped shy of touching her. "May I?"

"Sure, just remember that I'm not quite as durable as you are."

"I'll be carrreful, " she promised before bringing her hand down to cup one of her friend's ample, yet not quite as large as her own, breasts. Mirriam chirred softly at her friend's touch, and rested her other hand on Elizabeth's, encouraging her to fondle it. "Your fur feels much softer than mine, Mirriam, " she commented, "and your breast is more pliable, too. It feels nice."

"*Giggle* It feels pretty nice to me, too." Releasing Elizabeth's head the lovely vixen cupped the tigress's unexplored breast and began stroking it as she had her own, tweaking the nipple on occasion. "Even if your fur isn't as soft as my own it still feels great, and your firm breasts mean that someone can make love to you without worrying about hurting you." Mirriam's expression became sadder when she finished speaking.

"What's the matter, Mirriam?" Elizabeth asked, concerned." Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you haven't done anything wrong, " she quickly reassured her friend, while encouraging her to continue playing with her breast. "I was just - remembering. Back when I was new to this like you I hurt Chris. He still has a scar where I bit him. That's part of the reason why I'm here now; I don't want you to have something hanging over you like that."

"But I could never hurt him!" she protested. "He's the only human I've ever felt I could trust. I can't stand even the thought of hurting him."

"That's why I'm telling you this, now." Mirriam's voice was softer as she pulled Elizabeth's hand free and held it in hers. "You and I are easily a hundred times stronger than him; even Theresa's stronger than him. I'm the only one who can help you with this without risking serious injury if you lose control like I did."

"The scar on his shoulder was because of you?" At Mirriam's confirming nod Elizabeth squeezed her hand in sympathy. "Is it really that easy to lose control?"

"Yes, it is. The animal part of us doesn't recognize human frailty, it's designed for mating with partners of the same species, but there are no males of our species around. That's why you need to learn control; so that you won't hurt your partner, and it won't dampen the pleasure in any way."

"Do you think that Chris would be willing to be, well, you know, my partner? Once I know how to control myself?"

"I think he'd consider it an honor, being with you, " Mirriam said, before revealing, "he and I have talked about alot, and I know he cares a great deal about you and Theresa. I also know that in his eyes being someone's first is a big honor with him. We talked for days before I convinced him that I wanted him to be my first, and he was as loving and attentive as anyone could ever be."

"Does the idea of sharing him bother you?"

"If it were somebody other than you or Theresa, probably, but you and I've gone through too much together for me to be jealous of you."

"I'm glad, I'd never want to do anything to hurt you." Giving her friend's hand another squeeze she asked, "so, are able to continue yet?"

"I think so, " she replied, releasing her friend's hand before sliding down the ramp of cushions and spreading her legs wide and exposing her fur-covered mound.

"This is the main seat of pleasure for a female, whether she's mating or pleasuring herself, "Mirriam explained, slightly self-conscious about displaying herself like this but her love for her friend quickly overrode it. With both hands she began parting the concealing tuft of fur until the juncture of her folds became visible.

"Your scent become much stronger, Mirriam, why is that?" Elizabeth asked with childlike innocence.

"Because even the sensation of parting the fur covering it can be pleasant enough to excite you, " the once again excited vixen explained. Looking her friend over she said, "since you don't have a tuft like I do it just makes it easier to pleasure you."

"It does?" Elizabeth couldn't help asking while looking down at her own naked slit. "Why is that?"

"Because of what's concealed right here, " she said, pointing to the top of her slit, "a small button of flesh called the clitoris. Hidden within its own cover of flesh it is the most sensitive spot on your body, capable of bringing incredible pleasure, and incredible agony if over stimulated. Always be gentle with it."

"I will, " the tigress promised. "But how do you do it then?"

"Like this." Taking several deep breaths to steady herself Mirriam started running a finger up and down her slit, slowly extending the claw until the outer labia parted, revealing the inner labia and her hooded clit. Retracting the claw she held the labia apart with one hand while pointing out her clit with the other.

Brushing her clit lightly with her fingertip Mirriam gasped lightly at the contact as a sharp wave of pleasure ran through her. Turned on more than she thought by her lesson she worked several fingers on the hand that had been holding her outer labia apart past her inner labia and moved them in and out of her now soaking wet pussy, while continuing to stimulate her now engorged clit.

Elizabeth sat, frozen, fascinated by the incredible display by her friend. The room was thick with Mirriam's musk, and the tigress's nostrils flared as she unconsciously tried to inhale as much as she could. Shifting carefully for a better view she watched as her friend worked her fingers in and out with increasing speed, while her juices flowed freely from her, soaking the bed sheets.

As Mirriam's climax approached her body rippled with the pleasure, and her breath came quickly, in pants, as her chest heaved from the desire to fill her need for more oxygen. With a few final strokes Mirriam climaxed explosively, her tail thumping against the bed as she howled her delight, back arched. The moment seemed to last forever before the tide of joy subsided, leaving the drained vixen lying limply on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Are you alright, Mirriam, " she asked, concerned by her friend's sudden stillness.

"Yes, Elizabeth, I'm okay, " she slowly replied. "Some orgasms take more out of you than others. It's also nice to bask in the afterglow."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, " the tigress replied, chagrined.

"That's okay. You were concerned about me and I appreciate that." Withdrawing her fingers, Mirriam noticed to her surprise just how much fluid she'd produced while she masturbated. "Sorry about your bed sheets, Elizabeth, I didn't think I'd produce that much liquid, " she apologized, embarrassed by her indiscretion.

"The sheets can be washed, " she replied matter-of-factly. "But why did you produce so much of this fluid?"

"It's a lubricant the body manufactures during mating. Without it mating would be painful for us because the vagina is normally too dry to accommodate a male."

"Oh." Various emotions warred on Elizabeth's face before she taking a deep breath and blurting out, "would you do that to me?" with a final, hopeful expression on her face.

"Well, most humans frown on females pleasuring females, but we aren't exactly human and it's none of their business anyway. Just remember that if you lose control you could hurt me."

"I'll remember, " she promised as she hugged her friend tightly, enjoying the sensation of her body against Mirriam. "What should I do first?" she asked after ending the hug.

"First, we get you comfortable." Pushing herself upright, Mirriam slid over and motioned for Elizabeth to take her place. "Just stretch out like I was and let yourself relax. If the wet spot bothers you let me know and I'll cover with something."

"Okay." With a quick roll Elizabeth shifted to where Mirriam had been, adjusting herself so that the wet spot was under her bottom. Spreading her legs like Mirriam had she stretched her arms out beside her and draped her tail down the length of the bed. Closing her eyes she said, "I'm ready."

"I can tell, " Mirriam replied with a snicker as she saw how erect the tigress's nipples were. Carefully straddling her larger friend she reached down and began a gentle massage of her friend's neck and shoulders, smiling slightly at her friend's sigh of pleasure. "Nice to see that the bionic reinforcement of your neck and shoulders doesn't interfere with your enjoying yourself, " she commented as she worked her way down to the tigress's breasts.

"That's because they didn't remove those, " Elizabeth replied with extreme bitterness, involuntarily clenching her artificial right hand.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I didn't mean to remind you about that, " she said contritely. "I was just glad for you that they hadn't done more damage to you." Leaning forward she lightly nuzzled her friend's neck by way of apology.

"I know, " Elizabeth replied softly, nuzzling Mirriam to show she accepted the apology, as well as allow her to enjoy the vixen's sex-laden scent. "At least I survived, unlike the rest of us that they experimented on."

"Hmmm, well, it helped that Theresa did everything instead of the human doctors, "Mirriam added, sighing in delight from the nuzzling. "She did her best to keep everything as intact as she could."

"Yes, I wish I could do more to thank her."

"So do I, " Mirriam agreed as she played with Elizabeth's firm nipples, "but something pretty bad happened to her before we escaped and she won't talk about it with me or Chris."

"Maybe she'll talk with me, " she replied, reaching up and stroking her friend's back, wishing she could enjoy the silky feel of her fur with both hands instead of just the left one.

"Maybe, " Mirriam echoed. "Let's hold off on talking about it now and concentrate on you, though." Kissing the tigress's neck lightly the attentive vixen continued working her hands down her chest, concentrating on any spots that seem most pleasureable and ignoring the faint scars and other reminders of Elizabeth's mutilation.

A deep, throaty purr was the feline's only reply as she continued to react to Mirriam's scent and touch. Her body responded to the protracted exposure by a growing arousal that had her tingling all over and sent a surge of blood flowing into her labial folds, puffing them up and increasing the strength of her scent to the point that it was starting to overpower Mirriam's lingering love-scents.

Chuckling softly at her friend's reactions, Mirriam gently kissed her way down to the twin mounds of joy rising up from her chest, playing her tongue over them before indulging in the sudden desire to suckle at first one, then the other, alternating between them with delight. Meanwhile, her hands reached down between Elizabeth's now spread legs to explore the puffed out folds.

Something between a gasp and a moan interrupted the willing tigress's purrs at Mirriam's touch against her labia, the purrs returning doubled in strength as she responded to the inquisitive fingers running over her slit.

As a single finger slipped into her Elizabeth froze, pleasure beyond anything she'd ever felt before rushing through her as her clitoris was brushed. Her hips bucked, bringing another finger inside her and sending another wave of delight flowing through her as she involuntarily responded to her friend's efforts on her behalf.

Working her fingers in and out, Mirriam followed every move by Elizabeth in response to her approaching climax, her fingers soaked by the tigress's juices. Sensing the coming moment the vixen pressed her fingers against the swollen clit while simultaneously stroking the base of her tail.

Elizabeth's roar of ecstasy echoed off of the walls, nearly defeating the soundproofing of the room as her body twisted about in the throws of orgasmic delight. All conscious thought faded away in the torrent of physical pleasure enveloping her for the first time in her life. As she indulged in the moment her claws, both real and artificial, involuntarily popped free, digging deeply into Mirriam's back.

"Elizabeth!" Mirriam cried out as she withdrew her hands, "Retract your claws! Retract them now!" A wave of relief ran through her when Elizabeth retracted her claws; relief that ended quickly when she saw the look of anguish on her friend's face.

"Oh, Mirriam, I'm so sorry!" Tears of shame ran down her face as she realized that she'd hurt one of the few people she cared for. "I didn't mean to!"

"I know, honey, I know, " she whispered soothingly, even as she felt her blood soaking into her fur. "Better it happen now than with someone less able to handle it, " she pointed out, tenderly licking away the tears.

" bad did I hurt you?" Elizabeth asked, afraid of the answer as she smelled the blood released by her claws.

"I ought to be healed in about an hour or two, " she estimated. "You're going to have to help put a temporary bandage on them to stop the bloodflow, though, to make it easier on me."

"Anything!" Elizabeth quickly replied. Gently rolling Mirriam off of her the upset feline quickly stood and helped the injured vixen to her feet and led her into the adjoining bathroom, where she skillfully treated Mirriam's wounds. "I'm really sorry, Mirriam, " she said once again when she was done.

"I forgive you, Elizabeth. Chris had no problems forgiving me after I hurt him, and I did worse to him than you did to me. If getting hurt is what it takes to help you gain control over your sexual side then I don't mind one bit."

"Thank you, " Elizabeth said as softly as she could, carefully hugging her best friend.

"You're welcome, " Mirriam replied, returning the hug. "I think we've done enough for now. Why don't you get cleaned up and when you're done you can come and sleep in my room tonight; it's late and your bed's a mess now."

"I'd like that, " she shyly replied, releasing the lovely fox.

"I'll leave the door set for you, then, " Mirriam answered, standing and giving the tigress a quick nuzzle before picking up and slipping into her robe.

"Be there shortly, " she promised as she waved Mirriam on her way, grateful for all her help and appreciating the offer. After a brisk shower and slipping into her robe she checked to make certain no one else was up before padding down the hall to Mirriam's room and entering. Seeing that she was already asleep Elizabeth hung her robe next to the vixen's before carefully joining her under the covers, taking care not to wake her as she curled up protectively around her and joined her in sleep.

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